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銀行業知識管理系統建置之研究-以某銀行為例 / Establishment of banking knowledge management- Acase study of a bank吳憲明 Unknown Date (has links)
知識是一個非常廣泛、複雜、抽象、甚至模糊的概念,但卻是知識經濟時代最為重要的要素。透過一種持續性、有系統及適時的將知識給予所需要的成員,以幫助成員採取正確的行動,增進組織績效的流程,稱為知識管理(Knowledge Management)。
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Freshwater cyanoprokaryota blooms in the Swan Coastal Plain wetlands: ecology, taxonomy and toxicologyKemp, Annabeth S. January 2009 (has links)
Relatively little published information on cyanoprokaryote (blue-green algal) blooms in the freshwater wetlands in Western Australia is available. There has been little research on the urban lakes and rivers, examining the relationship between environmental conditions and toxin-producing blooms. In this project the ecology, morphology and toxicity of cyanoprokaryota blooms in 27 metropolitan lakes and sumplands, as well as three major rivers, from 2000 to 2003, on the Swan Coastal Plain (SCP) in the southwest of Western Australia were investigated. / A total of 24 species were identified and described, of which nine species had not been previously documented in the area. This included the potentially toxic species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Aphanizomenon ovalisporum and Anabaena bergii var. limnetica. An illustrated guide to the common bloom-forming species was generated using conventional taxonomic criteria. / Microcystis flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa were the dominant bloom-forming cyanoprokaryotes, widespread in their distribution. Anabaena circinalis, A. bergii var. limnetica and Anabaenopsis elenkinii were the common filamentous species. Anabaena circinalis was common to certain freshwater sites, while A. bergii var. limnetica and A. elenkinii occurred in salinity ranging from fresh (< 1ppt) to hyposaline (3-10 ppt). Sites with similar species assemblages were identified using two-way indicator species analysis and clustering analysis. From this, a distinct distribution pattern emerged, which was defined by the main genera observed in the lakes – Microcystis, Anabaena, Aphanizomenon and Anabaenopsis. / The spatial and temporal distribution of the common bloom-forming cyanoprokaryote species was examined in conjunction with spring-summer physico-chemical data using principal component analysis. It was found that pH, water temperature and electrical conductivity/salinity accounted for variations among the lakes, with electrical conductivity the variable explaining the greatest variation. Lakes located on the coast, or further inland at the base of the Darling Scarp, were more hyposaline to saline, and the remaining lakes were fresh. Although the SCP lakes form consanguineous groups based on geochemistry and hydrology, no similarities among them were found in terms of water quality. / The relationship between nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations (total and dissolved inorganic) and cyanoprokaryote community structure (N-fixing versus non-N-fixing species) was investigated in five selected lakes; Yangebup Lake, Bibra Lake, Blue Gum Lake, Tomato Lake and Emu Lake. The lakes ranged from mesotrophic to eutrophic and supported spring-summer blooms containing multiple species. Overall an inverse relationship between cyanoprokaryote abundance and total ambient nutrient concentrations at the time of the blooms was evident. No transition in dominance in the community was observed in Yangebup Lake, Emu Lake and Bibra Lake, as they were dominated by non-heterocytic species (M. aeruginosa and M. flos-aquae) throughout spring and summer. For Yangebup Lake and Bibra Lake, the abundance of non-heterocytic species decreased concomitantly with decreasing dissolved inorganic N. In contrast, heterocytic species (A. circinalis) dominated the spring community in Tomato Lake, and summer community in Blue Gum Lake, when N and P concentrations were at their highest. / The presence of microcystins in Microcystis dominated blooms was examined using high performance chromatography. A total of 32 natural bloom samples, representing 13 lakes, were analysed for microcystin variants; -LR, -RR and -YR. Twenty-eight samples proved to be toxic with the highest total microcystin concentration from 1645 to 8428.6 µg L[superscript]-1, the lowest concentrations were less than 10 µg L[superscript]-1 with some below the detection limit. Microcystis aeruginosa and M. flos-aquae were associated with these microcystin-containing blooms, although M. flos-aquae appear to be less toxic. The presence of Nodularia spumigena in the Lake Yangebup was associated with high concentrations of nodularin (1664 µg L[superscript]-1). / Employing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for microcystins and the brine shrimp (Artemia) bioassays allowed a greater number of lake samples to be analysed and provided a rapid assessment of toxicity. The three methods for cyanotoxin detection verified Yangebup Lake, Herdsman Lake, Hyde Park, Jackadder Lake and Emu Lake as highly toxic sites. Low toxicity was demonstrated in samples from Lake Goollelal, Lake Joondalup, Lake Claremont, Blue Gum Lake and North Lake. These results provided the first evidence of cyanotoxin producing blooms in urban lakes of the SCP. / A comparative study on cyanoprokaryota blooms in Swan River estuary, upper Canning River and upper Serpentine River found that these sites, although hyposaline to saline, contained species that were common in the freshwater lakes. Sampling the river systems showed M. aeruginosa, M. flos-aquae, A. circinalis, A. elenkinii and Planktothrix planctonica to be cosmopolitan in distribution, present in SCP wetlands of varied salinity. Similarities between the upper Canning River and lakes in environmental conditions and species assemblage were demonstrated using multivariate analyses. / Toxin analysis of bloom samples from the Swan River and upper Canning River revealed microcystin concentrations were less than that of the surrounding lakes (1.05-124.16 µg L[superscript]-1). Similarly, nodularin concentrations were higher in Yangebup Lake than the upper Serpentine River. However, the dominance of Anabaena in Canning River samples, and the highly toxic result from the Artemia bioassay suggests microcystin is not the predominant cyanotoxin in this wetland. / This study has produced an overview of the distribution and morphology of cyanotoxin-producing cyanoprokaryotes in the SCP wetlands. The data presented provide the basis for further cyanoprokaryote research in Western Australia, in particular the molecular characterisation of bloom-forming toxic species. Read more
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Caractérisation quantitative de la variation métabolique cérébrale : application à la comparaison de PET-SCANS. / Quantitative evaluation of brain metabolic variations : Application to PET-scans comparison.Roche, Basile 07 November 2016 (has links)
La Tomographie par Émission de Positons (TEP) est une méthode d'imagerie médicale nucléaire permettant de mesurer l'activité métabolique d'un organe par la dégradation d'un radio-traceur injecté. Cette méthode d'imagerie peut être utilisée pour l'observation de l'activité métabolique cérébrale à l'aide d'un radio-traceur adéquat, tel que le 18F-Fluorodésoxyglucose. Dans le cadre d'une étude clinique, des patients cérébro-lésés ayant des troubles de la conscience ont eu une chirurgie d'implantation d'électrodes de Stimulation Cérébrale Profonde (SCP). Afin d'effectuer un suivi des patients avant et après la procédure de SCP, et parce qu'elle est compatible avec la présence d'électrode, l'imagerie TEP est utilisée. Nous nous posons la question suivante, comment caractériser les variations entre deux imageries TEP afin de mesurer précisément l'éffet d'un traitement ? Par construction les valeurs obtenues en imagerie TEP dépendent de nombreux facteurs. Si le poids du patient ainsi que la quantité injectée de radio-traceur marqué sont classiquement normalisés en utilisant la méthode des 'Standard Uptake Value' (SUV), la glycémie, entre autre ne l'est pas. Pour cette raison, calculer les variations d'activités entre deux imageries TEP est un problème délicat. Nous proposons une fonction pour calculer les cartes de variation métabolique de deux acquisitions TEP basée sur une approche voxel du ratio des imageries TEP. Nous l'appliquons à l'étude des patients stimulés (SCP) avec troubles de la conscience. Plus spéciffiquement, nous nous intéressons à la comparaison des imageries TEP intra-patient (avant versus après SCP), mais aussi à la comparaison interpatient (patient versus référence). Dans le processus de création des cartes intra-patient, les imageries TEP sont recalées rigidement avec une acquisition pondérée T1 d'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM) structurelle. Du fait de déformations majeures liées aux lésions cérébrales, un masque cérébral précis est créé manuellement par un expert clinique. Dans le processus de création des cartes inter-patient, les imageries TEP des patients sont recalées de manière élastique à une imagerie de référence, un atlas (groupe témoin), que nous construisons. Dans ce cas, un masque semi-automatique de l'intérieur de la boîte crânienne est réalisé. Les résultats peuvent être affinés par l'application supplémentaire d'un masque manuel déformé. Un des points clefs de la méthode est de calculer une normalisation spécifique à chaque imagerie, les rendant comparables, afin de calculer une caractérisation quantitative des variations métaboliques cérébrales. Les cartes de variation métabolique cérébrale obtenues sont ensuite comparées aux évaluations et effets cliniques observés afin de juger de leur pertinence. / Positron Emission Tomography is a nuclear medicine imaging method, allowing measure of an organe metabolic activity through degradation of an injected radio-tracer. This methode can be used, with the appropriate radio-tracer, such as 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose, for observation of cerebral metabolic activity. Through a clinical study, brain damaged patients with counciousness disorders had an implantation surgery of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) electrodes. To be able to do the follow up of the patient before and after the DBS procedure, and because it's compatible with electrodes, PET imaging is used. We ask ourself the following question, how to characterize variations between two PET images, to precisely mesure the impact of a treatment ? By construction, PET imaging obtained values depend of numerous factors. If patient weight and injected radio-tracer are classicaly normalized, using the `Standard Uptake Value' (SUV) method, glycemia for exemple is not. For this reason, compute activity variations between two PET images is a delicate problem. We propose a specific function to allow computation of metabolic variation maps for two PET acquisitions, based on a voxel approach of the PET imaging ratio. We apply it to the study of stimulated patients (DBS) with counciousness disorders. More specifically, we are interested in intra-patient PET imaging comparison (before versus after DBS), but also in inter-patient comparison (patient versus reference). During the intra-patient maps creation process, PET patient images are rigidly registered with a T1 weighted structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisition. Due to major deformation caused by cerebral injuries, a precise brain mask is created by a clinical expert. During the inter-patient maps creation process, PET patient imaging are non-rigidly registered to a reference imaging, an Atlas we build. In this case, a semi automatic mask of the inside skull is computed. Results can be further improved by the supplementary application of a deformed manual mask. One of the method key elements, is to estimate a specific normalization for each imaging, making them comparable, in order to calculate quantitative charaterisation of cerebral metabolic variations. Cerebral metabolic variation maps obtained are then compared to observed clinical assesments and effects to judge their relevance. Read more
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No description available.
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台灣唱片產業之研究:主流與非主流之比較分析曾裕恒 Unknown Date (has links)
Simon Frith認為:「音樂已經變成一種商品,想要賺錢得不斷適應新的科技,這兩樣事情形塑了通俗音樂產業的面貌。」,此話明確指出,唱片工業除了得面對科技的進步,音樂的本質也相當重要。但台灣主流唱片公司一昧卸責怪罪mp3所造成的衝擊,卻忽略除了科技以外的問題。因此唯有透過完整性的產業分析,將國內主流與獨立音樂分別比較探討,才能真正的釐清國內唱片工業問題之所在。
時至今日,跨國唱片公司以裁員、縮編因應市場的轉變,許多本土中小型的主流唱片公司應運而生紛紛轉向大陸市場,獨立音樂透過網路社群的集結,蓄積龐大的力量,正逐漸解構跨國唱片公司所建構的市場規則。台灣唱片工業將會再起,網路霈然莫之能禦的力量,將使台灣富有生命力的「新音樂」推向市場。 / The Taiwan popular music industry reached the high peak in 1997 without precedent history that the total output value was NT dollar twelve billion. But from 1998, the Taiwan popular music industry had a quick and decisive turn of events for the worse. Until 2007 the total output value was about NT dollar two billion that is almost the one sixth of ten years ago. Many people in this industry have blamed the digital music for the sluggish market. But, by contrast, there are more and more people joining the three most famous indie-music festivals, especially Formoz Festival 2007. Although It raised the ticket price to two times, the total entrance people reached one hundred-twenty thousand. Even though there is no direct evidence that the most of customers listening pop music turn to indie music, in fact, the indie music that highlights “honest” and “innovative” gradually attract many customers.
Simon Frith said: “pop music as we know it now has been shaped by the problems of making music a commodity and the challenges of adapting money-making practices to changing technologies.” This paragraph indicates that technology is very important to music industry. Besides, the innate character of music is also more important. Therefore, I think that if we want to understand what the problems with, we must take the macroscopic method to analysis this industry.
However, the international recording companies have been in droves to lay off employees in order to the sluggish market coming. There are many small or medium major recording companies being formed and turning to China market. And then, many indie music companies use internet to cluster together for store up strength to deconstruct the rule that the international recording companies formulated. The application of internet will improve the “new music” to the market, and the Taiwan popular music industries will revival. Read more
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從產業組織觀點探討台灣社群網站經營績效之影響因素 / The key factors of Taiwan social networking sites in SCP model畢中鵬, Bee, Patrick Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果發現,(1) 社群網站的經營模式多為建立一個網路平台,以網站的功能吸引使用者加入並增加黏著度,並以高流量吸引廣告收入,故社群網站一般不會對使用者收費。(2) 社群網站產業沒有傳統上所謂的供應商,與同業間也非傳統的競爭關係。因為使用者可同時使用多個社群網站,社群網站間的使用者也很有可能重複,所以社群網站間並非零和的競爭關係。現今多為互相串連合作,使更多使用者加入與增加停留時間,擴大產業的影響力。(3) 社群網站產業呈現大者通吃的現象,同一類型的社群網站只有前一兩家能夠生存。(4) 社群網站產業的進入門檻低,但新進入者必須有足夠的差異性與創新性才能成功。而現存的社群網站也必須不斷創新服務、提供新功能,才能保有領先地位不被淘汰。(5) 社群網站未來將持續著重於建立使用者之間的人際網路,讓彼此的訊息往來更加簡便迅速。
關鍵字:社群網站、SCP產業分析模型、Web2.0、產業五力分析、產業生命週期、關鍵成功因素 / In the Web2.0 era, the growth rate of social networking industry is so fast. The social networking sites are so potential businesses from the investments of major portals, blogs and social networking sites. Almost the thesis are studied the users’ behaviors and motivation’s factors. It’s so lack to study about the industry’s environment, the strategies, conducts, performances of social networking site business. So, this thesis wants to analysis the social networking industry by SCP model. And it wants to analysis the relationship of industry structure, conducts, and performances, and to study the industry status by five competitive force model and industry life cycle theory. It wants to summarize the status of social networking industry, the key successful factors, and the suggestions for future new entrants.
This thesis is studied by qualitative research and quantitative research. The qualitative research is that I had a discussion with the senior managers of four famous social networking sites. It discussed the status of the industry and the key successful factors. And the quantitative research is by collecting questionnaire, analysis of community motivation and behavior of website users and their social networking site for the function of the four sites.
This study summarized that (1) social networking business model is to build up a networking platform’s functions to attract users to this site, to increased degree of adhesion to earn more high advertising revenue. It can’t charge any fees from users. (2) There is no supplier that like as the tradition business. And the competition is not like as the traditional business due to users can simultaneously access multiple social networking sites. Each user has some different social networking site’s accounts. (3) Just one or two largest sites can survive in similar business model. (4) The entry barrier is so low, but the new entrants must have a sufficient difference and innovation to succeed. (5) the future of social networking sites will continue to focus on interpersonal networks between users, to let social information more easily and quickly.
Keywords: social networking sites, SCP industry analysis model, Web2.0, five competitive forces analysis, industry life cycle, the key successful factors Read more
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台灣產物保險公司併購、市場結構與經營績效 / Merger and Acquisition, Market Structure and Performance in Property-Liability Insurance: Evidence from Taiwan Market胡育寧, Hu , Yu Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣產物保險業在併購活動後市場結構之變化與產物保險公司經營之績效。本研究以赫芬德指數(Herfindahl Index)來衡量市場集中度之變化,以核保利潤(Underwriting Profit)作為經營績效指標,並採用Mason(1939)、Bain(1956)與Scherer(1970)等人提出的結構行為績效假說(Structure-conduct-performance Hypothesis)以及Rhoades(1985)提出的相對市場力量假說(Relative Market Power Hypothesis)進行市場結構與經營績效間關聯性的分析,研究期間為2000年至2006年。結構行為績效假說提出廠商的獲利主要取決於市場結構,市場集中度與廠商獲利之間存在正向關係;另一方面,相對市場力量假說主張廠商獲利與市場集中度無關,與市場佔有率呈現正向關係。
研究發現:(1)產物保險市場集中度呈現上升趨勢,市場集中度從2000年的0.0800上升至2006年的0.0913,其中保證保險、火災保險、汽車保險、工程保險、責任保險與貨物運輸保險之集中度呈現上升趨勢,而傷害保險、其他財產保險、漁船保險、船體保險與航空保險之集中度呈現下降趨勢;(2)實證結果支持結構行為績效假說,市場集中度與產物保險公司核保利潤呈現顯著正向關係,其p值為0.004。產物保險業經歷併購活動後造成市場集中度上升,併購活動對於經營績效的改善應有正面助益。 / This thesis analyzes concentration effects of merger and acquisition measured by Herfindahl index in Taiwan property-liability insurance industry. The relationships between market structure and underwriting performance are also analyzed for the time period 2000 to 2006 by testing two hypotheses: structure-conduct-performance (SCP) hypothesis which developed by Mason (1939), Bain (1956), and Scherer (1970) and relative market power (RMP) hypothesis which proposed by Rhoades (1985). The SCP hypothesis proposed that concentration is positively related to performance while the RMP hypothesis asserts that market share is positively related to performance.
Implications of study results are: (1) Concentration level experiences increase from 0.0800 in 2000 to 0.0913 in 2006. Bonding & credit, fire, automobile, engineering, liability and marine cargo insurances trends to increase in concentration over the time period, whereas accident, fishing vessel, others, marine hull and aviation insurances trends to decrease; (2) The SCP hypothesis is supported. Concentration level is positively related to underwriting performance with p-value of 0.004. Higher concentration level and positive concentration-performance relationship infer that merger and acquisition activities would have positive effects upon firm performance. Read more
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Rôle du noyau subthalamique et de ses afférences hyperdirectes provenant du cortex préfrontal dans le codage et la recherche de récompense chez le rat / Role of the subthalamic nucleus and its prefrontal afferences of the hyperdirect pathway in reward processes and coding in ratsTiran-Cappello, Alix 02 October 2018 (has links)
La stimulation cérébrale profonde (SCP) est actuellement un traitement efficace pour la maladie de parkinson. Cette approche est maintenant fortement envisagée pour le traitement des addictions. Elle consiste à délivrer des impulsions électriques au sein d’une structure cérébrale : le noyau subthalamique. Nous avons montré dans le noyau subthalamique l’existence de signatures associée à la transition vers l’addiction et la prise compulsive de drogue, ainsi que le potentiel thérapeutique de la SCP pour réduire la consommation pathologique et compulsive de cocaïne chez des rats. Nous avons également montré le contrôle spécifique du noyau subthalamique sur la motivation pour la nourriture sucrée et les drogues d’abus. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse devrait permettre une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de la SCP, de son potentiel thérapeutique pour les addictions et de ses éventuels effets secondaires. / Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is currently one form of effective treatment for Parkinson’s disease. This approach is currently considered for the treatment of addiction. It consists in the delivery of small electric impulses inside a brain structure: the subthalamic nucleus. We have shown in the subthalamic nucleus the existence of signature associated with the transition to addiction and compulsive drug abuse, as well as the therapeutic potential of DBS to reduce pathological intake and compulsive cocaine abuse in rats. We also established the specific control exerted by the subthalamic nucleus on the motivation for sweet food and drug of abuse. Overall this thesis could allow a better understanding of the mechanisms of DBS, its therapeutic potential in addiction and possible side effects. Read more
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大陸電視對台灣液晶電視產業影響分析 / The Impactions of Mainland China TV on the Taiwan LCD TV Industry李志鎬 Unknown Date (has links)
就長期而言,要培養具國際視野和最新技術的國際頂尖學者,也要針對產業和新技術的政策擬定針對性市場技術開發策略,以利後續產業國際化和國際品牌的配合與銜接。 / This research applies Industrial and Scenario Analyses to figure out the factors that are affected from the history and current states to generate the future developments of Taiwan’s LCD TV industry. It also acts as a reference to companies who concern about the developments of this industry. Besides, after the Scenario Analysis of Taiwan’s LCD TV industry, this research will take the company, CHIMEI Nexgen, as an example to analyze its possible responding strategies to this industry.
The research starts with the analysis of 「Structure-Conduct-Performance, SCP」 and the related financial information. Moreover, it uses five forces as the factors of Scenario Analysis. Afterwards, it corresponds with the industrial analysis to use the result and competitive advantage, related industrial strategies and White Space Strategy. According to the results of scenario analysis, what CHIMEI Nexgen should do is to uplift its competitiveness in Taiwan’s LCD TV industry through vertical and horizontal integrations of the value chain.
As a long run, it is important to develop international top scholars with the global vision and state-of–art technologies for Taiwan’s LCD TV industry. Moreover, for industrial and high-technology policies, Taiwan’s LCD TV industry should map out the expending technical developing strategies that focus on international market in order to correspond to its follow-up products and international brand. Read more
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Εξέλιξη πρωτοκόλλου SCP-ECG για μεταφορά βιοσημάτων πολλαπλών τύπων σε ιατρικά πληροφοριακά συστήματα : υλοποίηση πιλοτικού τηλεϊατρικού συστήματοςΜανδέλλος, Γεώργιος 01 September 2009 (has links)
Το αντικείμενο της διατριβής αυτής είναι η εισαγωγή ενός νέου πρωτοκόλλου (e-SCP-ECG+) με στόχο την μεταφορά και διαχείριση πολλαπλών τύπων πληροφορίας που προέρχονται από ιατρικές συσκευές συλλογής ζωτικών σημάτων, δεδομένα που αφορούν τις αλλεργίες από τις οποίες υποφέρει ο ασθενής, στοιχεία γεωτοποθεσίας, καθώς επίσης και δημογραφικών στοιχείων, από τους ασθενείς σε υπολογιστικούς σταθμούς επεξεργασίας, διαχείρισης και αποθήκευσής της. Ορίζεται επίσης η αρχιτεκτονική ενός Συστήματος Τηλεπαρακολούθησης Υγείας Ασθενούς (ΣΤΥΑ), το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί το πρωτόκολλο e-SCP-ECG+ για τη μεταφορά, τη διαχείριση και την αρχειοθέτηση της συλλεγόμενης πληροφορίας. Η αρχιτεκτονική περιλαμβάνει, επίσης, τη δημιουργία ενός Δικτύου από ΣΤΥΑ, με στόχο την δικτυακή αναζήτηση πληροφορίας σχετικής με τον ασθενή, εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι τη δυνατότητα του ελέγχου της πορείας της υγείας ενός ασθενούς. Το ΣΤΥΑ πέρα από την λειτουργία του σε εργαστηριακό επίπεδο, δοκιμάστηκε πιλοτικά σε πραγματικές συνθήκες. / This dissertation introduces a new protocol named e-SCP-ECG+, which permits the transport and management of multiple information types collected from patients (vital signs, citizen demographic data, other information relative with the treated incident, allergy data, geolocation data, etc.), through a communication network to a Health Reception Center. The dissertation also defines the architecture of a Health Tele-monitoring System (HTS) aiming to protocol’s application and evaluation. The pilot HTS, uses the protocol e-SCP-ECG+, in order to transmit, manage and archive the collected information. The creation of an HTS’s Network is also included in this architecture. This network supports health continuity and gives doctor the ability to search information relative to the patient between different networked HTSs. The pilot HTS, has been tested both on laboratory conditions and in real-world operation. Read more
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