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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PABLO MARTINS MUSA 16 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] Inchaço de memória e um problema que ocorre quando a memória consumida por um programa excede a expectativa do programador. Em muitos casos, o inchaço de memória prejudica o desempenho ou, até mesmo, interrompe a execução de aplicações. Detectar e consertar inchaços de memória é uma tarefa difícil para programadores e, portanto, eles costumam usar ferramentas para identificar e consertar problemas desta natureza. Nas últimas duas décadas, muitos trabalhos e ferramentas foram desenvolvidos com o intuito de ajudar programadores a abordar problemas de inchaço de memória, entre eles perfiladores de memória. Apesar de perfiladores de memória terem sido muito estudados nos últimos anos, existe uma lacuna em relação a linguagens de script. Nessa dissertação, nós estudamos perfiladores de memória para linguagens de script. Primeiro, nos propomos uma classificação que divide as ferramentas em manual e automática baseada em como elas são usadas pelos programadores. Em seguida, após estudar ferramentas disponíveis em três linguagens de script diferentes, nós experimentamos algumas das técnicas estudadas ao construir dois perfiladores de memória automáticos para ajudar programadores Lua a resolver inchaços de memória. Finalmente, nós avaliamos ambas as ferramentas com relação a facilidade de integração ao programa, a utilidade dos relatórios para o entendimento de programas desconhecidos e para a localização de inchaços de memória e ao custo de desempenho que elas geram. / [en] Memory bloat is a software problem that happens when the memory consumption of a program exceeds the programmer s expectations. In many cases, memory bloat hurts performance or even crashes applications. Detecting and fixing memory bloat problems is a difficult task for programmers and, thus, they usually need tools to identify and fix these problems. The past two decades produced an extensive research and many tools to help programmers tackle memory bloat, including memory profilers. Although memory profilers have been largely studied in the last years, there is a gap regarding scripting languages. In this thesis, we study memory profilers in scripting languages. First, we propose a classification in which we divide memory profilers in manual and automatic, based on how the programmer uses the memory profiler. Then, after reviewing memory profilers available in three different scripting languages, we experiment some of the studied techniques by implementing two automatic memory profilers to help Lua programmers deal with memory bloat. Finally, we evaluate our tools regarding how easy it is to incorporate them to a program, how useful their reports are to understand an unknown program and track memory bloats, and how much overhead they impose.

Kevin Mitnick : contre-iconographie d'un superhacker

Coutu, Jean-Sébastien January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Автоматизация формирования облака точек на основе данных, полученных методом фотограмметрии с помощью программного обеспечения Metashape : магистерская диссертация / Automation of point cloud formation based on data obtained by photogrammetry using Metashape software

Клещева, М. С., Kleshcheva, M. S. January 2023 (has links)
В работе представлены результаты съемки элементов интерьера на объекте культурного наследия. Показана обработка результата сканирования. Получены облака точек и ортофотопланы. Написан скрипт для автоматизации работы в программном обеспечении Metashape. / The paper presents the results of shooting interior elements at a cultural heritage site. The processing of the scan result is shown. Point clouds and orthophotoplanes were obtained. A script has been written to automate work in the Metashape software.

Реализация комплексного подхода к проектированию инженерных систем с применением BIM-технологий на примере компании «ТВИК» : магистерская диссертация / Implementation of an integrated approach to the design of engineering systems using BIM-technologies on the example of the TVIK company

Чикмарев, Е. С., Chikmarev, E. S. January 2023 (has links)
В работе рассмотрено влияние внедрения инструментов автоматизации в процесс проектирования инженерных систем. Произведена оценка эффективности от интеграции расчетов в процесс создания информационной модели систем отопления, теплоснабжения, вентиляции. Рассмотрено использование скриптов как вспомогательных инструментов для адаптации работы плагинов автоматизации. Приведены возможные сценарии и перспектива развития по разработке и дальнейшему использованию других инструментов Dynamo. / The paper considers the impact of the introduction of automation tools in the process of designing engineering systems. An assessment of the effectiveness of integrating calculations into the process of creating an information model of heating, heat supply, and ventilation systems was made. The use of scripts as auxiliary tools for adapting the work of automation plugins is considered. Possible scenarios and development prospects for the development and further use of other Dynamo tools are given.

An apprenticeship in mask making: situated cognition, situated learning, and tool acquisition in the context of Chinese Dixi mask making

Chu, Rita CM 22 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

A Linguistic Study on the Four Editions of Bǎijiā xìng 百家姓 in hP’ags-pa Script

Wang, Sicheng 11 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The hP’ags-pa script was created in the late 13th century (the early Yuan dynasty) which was intended to transliterate all the languages of the Mongol empire such as Tibetan, Uyghur and Chinese into a single writing system. Among all the Chinese hP’ags-pa materials, the primer Bǎijiā xìng 百家姓 [Surnames of the Hundred Families] (BJX) offered us extensive hP’ags-pa syllables and their corresponding Chinese characters. The BJX in hP’ags-pa script has four editions that are currently known to scholars. A careful comparison and examination of the four editions of the BJX text reveals three main types of errors in hP’ags-pa syllables: (1) The misuse of similar-looking letters; (2) Pure clerical errors; and (3) Errors in the transliteration of variant pronunciations. The variant transliterations in the C edition provide some clues to sound changes, including (1) The devoicing of voiced stops and fricatives and (2) The loss of the bilabial nasal coda [m]. Aside from the variant transliterations, the majority of errors are purely graphic and reflect a lack of knowledge about the writing system. An examination of the use of the hP’ags-pa script in the BJX text suggests several potential reasons for the failure of the script to come into common use. These include: (1) A misconception of the nature of the hP’ags-pa writing system; (2) An ineffective learning approach; (3) The discrepancy of phonological categories and phonetic values; and (4) The non-adaptability to the Chinese language.

Киносказки на российском экране XXI века: драматургический аспект успеха : магистерская диссертация / Film fairy tales on the Russian screen of the 21st century: the dramaturgical aspect of success

Батанин, А. Н., Batanin, A. N. January 2024 (has links)
The author turns to the genre of the domestic film fairy tale, since it is the genre that becomes the leader of Russian box office in the 20s of the 21st century, which actualizes the study of this modern phenomenon. The author proceeds from the thesis that despite all the colorfulness, tricks and computer graphics of the film spectacle, the bright images of the heroes and the thorny path they have passed to victory, to the triumph of good and justice leave a special emotional impact on the mass viewer. The focus of the study is the dramaturgy of the modern domestic film fairy tale on the examples of the films "The Last Knight" (2017), "The Little Humpbacked Horse" (2021) and "By the Pike's Command" (2023), as a basic component of the film's success. Using the method of determining similar elements of the dramatic film structure of the stated fairy tales and relying on the works of V. Propp, as well as the universal structure of plot construction of the film by Blake Snyder, the author attempts to identify the most effective dramatic techniques for creating a modern version of the Russian film fairy tale. The results of the dissertation work are tested in creating the author's synopsis of the film adaptation of the folk tale "The Frog Princess". / Автор обращается к жанру отечественной киносказки, поскольку именно он становится лидером российского проката в 20-х годах 21 века, что актуализирует изучение этого современного феномена. Автор исходит из тезиса, что несмотря на всю красочность, трюки и компьютерную графику кинозрелища, особое эмоциональное воздействие на массового зрителя оставляют яркие образы героев и пройденный ими тернистый путь к победе, к торжеству добра и справедливости. В фокусе внимания исследования – драматургия современной отечественной киносказки на примерах фильмов «Последний богатырь» (2017), «Конек-Горбунок» (2021) и «По щучьему велению» (2023), как базовый компонент успеха фильма. Используя метод определения схожих элементов драматургической киноструктуры заявленных сказок и опираясь на работы В. Проппа, а также универсальную структуру построения сюжетов фильма Блейка Снайдера, автор предпринимает попытку выделить наиболее эффективные драматургические приемы создания современной версии российской киносказки. Полученные результаты диссертационной работы апробируются при создании авторского синопсиса экранизации народной сказки «Царевна-лягушка».

Arabic text recognition of printed manuscripts : efficient recognition of off-line printed Arabic text using Hidden Markov Models, Bigram Statistical Language Model, and post-processing

Al-Muhtaseb, Husni Abdulghani January 2010 (has links)
Arabic text recognition was not researched as thoroughly as other natural languages. The need for automatic Arabic text recognition is clear. In addition to the traditional applications like postal address reading, check verification in banks, and office automation, there is a large interest in searching scanned documents that are available on the internet and for searching handwritten manuscripts. Other possible applications are building digital libraries, recognizing text on digitized maps, recognizing vehicle license plates, using it as first phase in text readers for visually impaired people and understanding filled forms. This research work aims to contribute to the current research in the field of optical character recognition (OCR) of printed Arabic text by developing novel techniques and schemes to advance the performance of the state of the art Arabic OCR systems. Statistical and analytical analysis for Arabic Text was carried out to estimate the probabilities of occurrences of Arabic character for use with Hidden Markov models (HMM) and other techniques. Since there is no publicly available dataset for printed Arabic text for recognition purposes it was decided to create one. In addition, a minimal Arabic script is proposed. The proposed script contains all basic shapes of Arabic letters. The script provides efficient representation for Arabic text in terms of effort and time. Based on the success of using HMM for speech and text recognition, the use of HMM for the automatic recognition of Arabic text was investigated. The HMM technique adapts to noise and font variations and does not require word or character segmentation of Arabic line images. In the feature extraction phase, experiments were conducted with a number of different features to investigate their suitability for HMM. Finally, a novel set of features, which resulted in high recognition rates for different fonts, was selected. The developed techniques do not need word or character segmentation before the classification phase as segmentation is a byproduct of recognition. This seems to be the most advantageous feature of using HMM for Arabic text as segmentation tends to produce errors which are usually propagated to the classification phase. Eight different Arabic fonts were used in the classification phase. The recognition rates were in the range from 98% to 99.9% depending on the used fonts. As far as we know, these are new results in their context. Moreover, the proposed technique could be used for other languages. A proof-of-concept experiment was conducted on English characters with a recognition rate of 98.9% using the same HMM setup. The same techniques where conducted on Bangla characters with a recognition rate above 95%. Moreover, the recognition of printed Arabic text with multi-fonts was also conducted using the same technique. Fonts were categorized into different groups. New high recognition results were achieved. To enhance the recognition rate further, a post-processing module was developed to correct the OCR output through character level post-processing and word level post-processing. The use of this module increased the accuracy of the recognition rate by more than 1%.


河永三, HE, YUN-SAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文討論的重點,在於如下三點:(1)簡略地概述隸辨一書的體裁與內容,以期 作為研究漢代石刻文字及歷代石刻文字的基礎;(2)歸納整理隸辨所見漢代隸書形 形體變化,加以分析;(3)究明其字體變化的原因。本文共約十三萬字,分六章十 二節討論如下: 第一章:緒論。分為二節,敘述筆者的研究目的及方法,以及隸辨之概說。 第二章:共分為三節。論述隸辨體制的分析,即敘述隸辨之編排及釋字條例,再申述 顧南原訂正前人之 例。 第三章:共分為二節。論述隸辨所引用之典藉及碑目。 第四章:共分為三節。論述隸辨所見隸書形體之演變,歸納為繁化、簡化、更易之三 類。 第五章:共分為二節。論述究明於第四章所歸納整理出來的隸辨所見形體演變現象的 原因。 第六章:結論。


吳長能, Wu, Chang Neng Unknown Date (has links)
發生在1987~1996期間的台語文學論爭,是台語文學運動追求文學語言的表現,也就是台灣受外來政權統治,本土語言文化要求獨立自主的表現。日治時期,有過鄉土文學及台灣話文論爭、但因皇民化運動壓制而受挫。接著,國民黨在台灣推行華語的「國語政策」,壓制各族群語言,各族群語言瀕臨滅亡的危機。由於台灣社會民主化,促使台語文學運動再度興起。台語文學論爭就在這種時空背景下產生。 台語文學論爭有二個很重要的核心議題。一就是中國本位與台灣本位價值觀點的衝突。二就是以台語做為文學語言的訴求。因為這二個議題的辯論,而引發台語文字化、母語教育、語言政策等相關議題的發展。因為台語文學論爭,打破獨尊華語的權威,其他族群的語言文化運動也受到鼓舞。台語文學論爭不但追求自己的生存空間,也激起客家族群及原住民族追求本身語言文化的主體性。雖然台灣本土認同興起,但面到英語國際化的壓力,如何取得均衡,也是一個嚴肅的議題。 本論文在探討台語文學論爭除了追溯到歷史淵源,也涉及相關發展,及延伸到對未來發展的意義。在理論應用上也藉由高低文字的理論來詮釋台語文學運動,包括台語文學定位問題、台語文學論爭及相關發展的議題。另外本論文將戰後曾被殖民過的國家,他們的語言發展,跟台語文學運動做一個比較。我們希望這一本論文,能夠做為未來台灣語言發展的參考。 / The Taigi literature debates between 1987 and 1996 were the result of the Taigi literature movement’s efforts to pursue the status of literary language for Taigi. They were also the result of native languages and cultures in Taiwan attempting to attain subjectivity under foreign domination. The Taiwanese homeland literature and language debates occurred in the Japanese colonial period; however, they were hindered by the oppression of the Japanization movement. The suppression of native languages continued under the KMT regime, which implemented Mandarin as the state-mandated language under the ‘National Language Policy’. As a result, many ethnic languages in Taiwan suffer from serious language attrition. Owing to the democratization of Taiwanese society, the Taigi literature movement arose again and this led to the re-occurrence of the Taigi literature debates. There are two important core issues in the Taigi literature debates. One is the value conflict between Chinese viewpoints and Taiwanese viewpoints. The other is the appeal of Taigi as a literary language. As a result of debates arising about these two issues, related developments like debates over Taigi script standardization, vernacular education and language policy also arose. The fact that the Taigi literature debates challenged the authority of the ‘Mandarin Only’ policy also stimulated the language and culture movements of other ethnic groups in Taiwan. The Taigi literature debates not only pursued a living space for Taigi, but also encouraged Hakka and aboriginal ethnic groups to pursue the subjectivity of their own language and culture. Although Taiwan local consciousness arose, it encountered competition from the English language through globalization. Thus the question of how to obtain balanced development between localization and globalization has become a major issue for native languages in Taiwan. This thesis explores not only the historical origins of the Taigi literature debates but also development related to the debates as well as their influence on the future development of Taigi literature. This thesis applies the theory of diglossia and digrphia in explicating the Taigi literature movement, including the orientation of Taigi literature, Taigi literature debates and related developments. In addition, this thesis also refers to the language development of a number of former colonies and compares their experiences with Taiwan. We hope that this research can contribute to the development of Taiwanese language in the future.

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