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An analysis of a data grid approach for spatial data infrastructuresCoetzee, Serena Martha 27 September 2009 (has links)
The concept of grid computing has permeated all areas of distributed computing, changing the way in which distributed systems are designed, developed and implemented. At the same time ‘geobrowsers’, such as Google Earth, NASA World Wind and Virtual Earth, along with in-vehicle navigation, handheld GPS devices and maps on mobile phones, have made interactive maps and geographic information an everyday experience. Behind these maps lies a wealth of spatial data that is collated from a vast number of different sources. A spatial data infrastructure (SDI) aims to make spatial data from multiple sources available to as wide an audience as possible. Current research indicates that, due to a number of reasons, data sharing in these SDIs is still not common. This dissertation presents an analysis of the data grid approach for SDIs. Starting off, two imaginary scenarios spell out for the first time how data grids can be applied to enable the sharing of address data in an SDI. The work in this dissertation spans two disciplines: Computer Science (CS) and Geographic Information Science (GISc). A study of related work reveals that the data grid approach in SDIs is both a novel application for data grids (CS), as well as a novel technology in SDI environments (GISc), and this dissertation advances mutual understanding between the two disciplines. The novel evaluation framework for national address databases in an SDI is used to evaluate existing information federation models against the data grid approach. This evaluation, as well as an analysis of address data in an SDI, confirms that there are similarities between the data grid approach and the requirement for consolidated address data in an SDI. The evaluation further shows that where a large number of organizations are involved, such as for a national address database, and where there is a lack of a single organization tasked with the management of a national address database, the data grid is an attractive alternative to other models. The Compartimos (Spanish for ‘we share’) reference model was developed to identify the components with their capabilities and relationships that are required to grid-enable address data sharing in an SDI. The definition of an address in the broader sense (i.e. not only for postal delivery), the notion of an address as a reference and the definition of an addressing system and its comparison to a spatial reference system contribute towards the understanding of what an address is. A novel address data model shows that it is possible to design a data model for sharing and exchange of address data, despite diverse addressing systems and without impacting on, or interfering with, local laws for address allocation. The analysis in this dissertation confirms the need for standardization of domain specific geographic information, such as address data, and their associated services in order to integrate data from distributed heterogeneous sources. In conclusion, results are presented and recommendations for future work, drawn from the experience on the work in this dissertation, are made. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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Counterspaces : On power in slum upgrading from a Thirdspace perspective. A case study from Kambi Moto.Erik, Rosshagen January 2007 (has links)
The study takes its point of departure in the urgent problem of slums that follow on the rapid urbanisation worldwide. Focusing on the small informal settlement of Kambi Moto in Nairobi, Kenya, the study tries to answer the question of how power can be worked out in slum upgrading – a way to change the physical environment of a slum without demolishing and rebuilding the whole settlement. The theoretical tool to answer this question is taken from Edward Soja’s reading of Henry Lefebvre in the concept Thirdspace – an extended and politicised way to look at space, where space is not only seen as a stage for historical and social processes, but as something that is shaping our thoughts and actions; a social space that includes and goes beyond the material Firstspace and the mental Secondspace. From a spatialized reading of history today’s situation – where 60 % of the population of Nairobi live in informal settlements – is traced back to the ideological structuring of space in the colonial cityplans. The informal settlements are established as a Thirdspace: both a negative outcome of the dominating Secondspace of the colonial administration and as a counterspace, where traditional ways of life could live on and where revolutionary movements could grow. The study then focus on how the two scales to view the city, the macro and the micro, are resolved in the Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI), a global network of local federations that organizes slum dwellers. The network empowers the individual slum dweller in making him/her an actor in a peer to peer exchange, and also creates a social space for political struggle. This is manifested in Muungano wa Wanavijiji, a citywide movement for a collective struggle for spatial rights, empowering the slum dwellers in taking charge of the social production of human spatiality. In a case study of a slum upgrading effort in Kambi Moto the shifting of power from the government, international organisations and professionals to the lived Thirdspace of the habitants, as well as the internal power relations within the community, are looked at in a concrete situation.
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Implementierung eines Feature Portrayal ServiceDomeyer, Martin 30 August 2010 (has links)
Fundamentale Voraussetzung für alle professionellen Kartendienste ist die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle der grafischen Präsentation. Aus diesem Grund besteht ein starker Bedarf an der visuellen Darstellung von Geodaten. Diese transformiert rohe Informationen in wichtige und entscheidungstragende Werkzeuge. Der Feature Portrayal Service (FPS) hat die Aufgabe, diese Anforderungen umzusetzen und damit wesentlich zur kartographischen Interoperabilität in Geodateninfrastrukturen beizutragen.
Der Dienst entstammt dem internationalen Standard SLD 1.1.0 (Styled Layer Descriptor). Es handelt sich um einen Darstellungsdienst, der die interoperable Nutzung von Vektor-Daten, also von so genannten Features, ermöglicht. Dieser spezielle Web Map Service hat die Aufgabe, Geodaten von beliebigen Web Feature Services sowie rohe GML-Daten in einer gewünschten grafischen Ausprägung zu präsentieren. Dabei ist der jeweilige Nutzer in der Lage, eigene Darstellungen zu definieren und auf einen beliebigen Datenbestand anzuwenden.
Datenquellen, Darstellungsvorschriften und der Feature Portrayal Service selbst sind insofern unabhängig voneinander, dass diese drei Komponenten auf verschiedenen und voneinander unabhängigen Servern liegen können. Diese Art der Implementierung bezeichnet man als Component WMS.
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Selling the Second Cold War: Antinuclear Cultural Activism and Reagan Era Foreign PolicyKnoblauch, William M. 18 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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後冷戰時期美國飛彈防禦政策之研究杜和庭, Tu, Ho-ting Unknown Date (has links)
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Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative and transatlantic relations, 1983-86Andreoni, Edoardo January 2017 (has links)
My doctoral project investigates the impact of Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative on transatlantic relations during the period 1983-86. The dissertation focuses on the three main European powers, namely Britain, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany, and examines their reaction to SDI both individually and comparatively. The study exploits SDI’s position at the intersection of nuclear strategy, political ideology, Cold War diplomacy, and industrial politics to offer a multifaceted, multi-national, and primary source-based analysis of US-European relations during the Reagan Presidency. The picture of the transatlantic relationship which emerges from the dissertation is a complex and nuanced one. On the one hand, the analysis argues that relations across the Atlantic during the Reagan era cannot be reduced to a scenario of accelerating ‘drift’ between the United States and Western Europe. Instead, on SDI as well as on other matters, moments of acute friction alternated with a constantly renewed search for dialogue, cooperation, and compromise on the part of the Europeans and also, if to a lesser degree, of the Americans. On the other hand, the ‘exceptionalist’ ideology and worldview underpinning SDI, the prevailing indifference in Washington to its implications for NATO, and most importantly the persistent anti-nuclear rhetoric and ambitions associated with the initiative revealed a distinct lack of sensitivity to European interest by the Reagan administration. As the dissertation shows, the anti-nuclear drive inherent in SDI, which both reflected and reinforced Reagan’s deep-seated interest in nuclear abolition, constituted the most disruptive aspect of the initiative from the viewpoint of European leaders. In these respects, the SDI controversy epitomises the unilateral tendencies and increasingly divergent priorities from those of the European allies which characterised much of the Reagan administration’s foreign policy – making the 1980s a decade of recurrent tensions in transatlantic relations.
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Erstellung eines WMS zur Blattschnittübersicht aus CSW Metadaten / Creation of a WMS for map sheet index of CSW metadataKnappe, Madeleine, Wunderlich, André 04 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit sollte die technische Machbarkeit der Verwendung digitaler Metadaten in Geodateninfrastrukturen aufzeigen und wenn möglich prototypisch umsetzen. Dabei sollten die Metadaten über Topographische Karten, welche in dem Metainformationssystem GeoMIS.Sachsen und über einen entsprechenden Katalogdienst (CSW) verfügbar sind, in einem Geoportal visualisiert werden.
Im Ergebnis wurde ein Workflow entwickelt und umgesetzt, welcher die Metadaten automatisch abruft, die Metadaten entsprechend transformiert und abschließend die Metadaten über einen Kartendienst (WMS) für beliebige Geoportale bereitstellt. Dadurch ist es möglich die Aktualität von bereits vorhanden Kartendiensten bzw. deren Daten abzufragen.
Durch die zyklische Ausführung des Prozesses auf dem Server stehen dem Nutzer jederzeit aktuelle Blattschnittübersichten zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus steht ebenfalls ein Kartendienst für Vektordaten bereit über den die Geometriedaten und zusätzliche Sachinformationen direkt abgerufen werden können. Außerdem wird ein direkter Verweis (Link) auf den entsprechenden Metadatensatz im GeoMIS.Sachsen angegeben.
Weiterhin wurde eine Transformation entwickelt, welche die im XML vorliegenden Metadaten in eine SVG überführt. Diese interaktive Blattschnittübersicht kann direkt auf Webseiten eingebunden werden. Außerdem kann aus dem SVG Format wiederum automatisiert ein PDF Dokument erstellt werden.
Die Arbeit konnte nachweisen, dass zukünftig eine doppelte und getrennte Datenführung von Metadaten und Blattschnittübersichten nicht notwendig ist. Die Verwendung der IT Standardtechnologie XSLT zur Transformation von XML Daten hat sich bewährt und ermöglicht auch die Unterstützung weiterer Formate wie z.B. XHTML, KML (google) oder XCPF. Der erarbeitete Ansatz ist auch für andere Geodaten wie z.B. Luftbilder, historische Karten oder Bebauungspläne anwendbar. Durch die Visualisierung der textbasierten Metadaten war außerdem eine Qualitätssicherung der Metadaten möglich. / The work shows the technical feasibility of digital metadata within Spatial Data Infrastructures. The visualization of digital geo-metadata in geoportals was prototypical implemented. The use case was a map sheet index of topographical maps who is prepared automatically. Geo-metadata are described in the metadata information system GeoMIS.Sachsen and provided by a catalogue service (CSW).
As a result a workflow was developed and implemented which calls the metadata automatically, transforms the metadata into GML and finally prepares the metadata through a web map service in geoportals. Thereby it is possible to analyze the actuality of the topographical maps through map sheet index.
Because of the cyclical update of the data the map patterns are always up to date. There is also a map service for vector data (WFS) implemented which enables a user to directly retrieve additional factual information. Furthermore a direct URL to the metadataset in the GeoMIS.Sachsen is stated.
Besides the GML transformation another one was developed, which converts the metadata in XML format into scalable vector graphics (SVG). This interactive map sheet index could be integrated directly on websites. It is also possible to create a PDF document automatically out of the SVG with appropriate software tools.
By using the XSLT standard additional formats could also be served. For example a transformation of the XML source data into KML (Google), XHTML or XCPF is possible.
This work demonstrates that there is no need for a separation of metadata and map sheet index any more. The usage of XSLT was profitable and supports a lot of formats. The workflow is also usable for other geo data like air photography, historical maps or development plans. In addition it is possible to use the workflow to visualize other metadata like resolution or prices of each map. Because of the visualization of the text based metadata a quality check of the data is possible.
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Troubles Envahissants du Développement Sans Déficience Intellectuelle : Facteurs Prédictifs de la reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles / Pervasive Developpmental Disorder without Intellectual Disabilities : Predictiv Factors of facial emotional expression recognitionBrisot-Dubois, Judith 06 December 2011 (has links)
La reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionelles dans les Troubles Envahissants du Développement (TED) est atypique, contribuant à des difficultés socio-adaptatives y compris dans les TED sans déficience intellectuelle (TED-SDI). Hypothèse : il existe des facteurs de risque ou de protection dans les capacités de reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles des TED-SDI. Objectifs : 1) caractériser les capacités de 32 enfants et adolescents de 8 à 14 ans avec TED-SDI ; 2) identifier des facteurs de risque ou de protection, comparer nos observations à un groupe contrôle de 37 sujets typiques. Notre étude est transversale, descriptive et analytique. Le critère de jugement principal utilisé est le nombre d'erreurs au DANVA2F, qui évalue les capacités de reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles de base. Résultats : un nombre significatif d'erreurs plus élevé est observé dans le groupe TED-SDI comparativement à la population normée et à la population contrôle. L'intensité des troubles socio-communicatifs actuels mesurés par l'ADOS constitue un facteur de risque (ORa=2,08 ; IC 95%= [1,02/4,22] ; p=0,006). D'autre part, une faible intensité des comportements stéréotypés et des schémas répétitifs inférieurs mesurée à l'aire 3 de l'ADI apparaît être un facteur de protection (DANVA AF : ORa=0,078 ; IC 95%= [0,007/0,883] ; p=0,02. DANVA CF : ORa : 0,05 ; IC 95%= [0,005/0,44] ; p=0,0004). Conclusion : nos résultats vont dans le sens d'un trouble de la capacité à reconnaitre les expressions faciales dans les TED-SDI et permettent d'identifier des facteurs de risque cliniques de plus grandes vulnérabilités. Perspectives : utiliser un échantillon plus large et développer sur le plan clinique des interventions précoces et multimodales. / Facial emotionanl expression recognition in Pervasive Developpemental Disorders (PDD) are atypic and contribute to social skills difficulties for children and adolescents with PDD, including without intellectual disabilities. Hypothesis: predictiv factors exist in facial emotional expression recognition in PDD. Objectives: 1) characterize the abilities of facial emotional expressions recognition of 32 children and adolescents; 2) identify risk or protective factors in the development of these abilities. Compare our results with a control group of 37 typical peers. Our study is cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical. The primary point was the number of errors in the Danva 2F, which is a validated and standardized assessment tool (basic emotional expression). Results: show that our clinical group made significantly more errors in the recognition of facial emotional expressions than what is observed in population and standardized in our control population. Risk factors of the number of errors made in the Danva are highlighted: the intensity of socio-communicative disorders present as measured by the ADOS (ORa=2,08 ; IC 95%= [1,02/4,22] ; p=0,006). Protective factors are identified, linked to a low of stereotyped and repetitive patterns score below the threshold of the area 3 of the ADI (DANVA AF: ORa=0,078 ; IC 95%= [0,007/0,883] ; p=0,02. DANVA CF: ORa: 0,05 ; IC 95%= [0,005/0,44] ; p=0,0004). Conclusion: results allow us to observe a disorder of the ability to recognize facial expressions in our clinical group and the presence of risk factors and protective factors related to it. Perspectives: use a larger sample to study clinical parameters more related to emotional processing, our clinical work emphasizes the importance of early intervention multimodal, to improve the capacity of emotional processing.
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Anthropogenic activities including urbanization, rapid industrialization, deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are broadly agreed on as primary causes for ongoing climate change. Scientists agree that climate change over the next century will continue to impact water resources with serious implications including storm surge flooding and a sea level rise projected for North America. To date, the majority of climate change studies conducted across the globe have been for large-sized watersheds; more attention is required to assess the impact of climate change on smaller watersheds, which can help to better frame sustainable water management strategies.
In the first of three studies described in this dissertation, trends in annual precipitation and air-temperature across the Commonwealth of Kentucky were evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test considering meteorological time series data from 84 weather stations. Results indicated that while annual precipitation and mean annual temperature have been stable for most of Kentucky over the period 1950-2010, there is evidence of increases (averages of 4.1 mm/year increase in annual precipitation and 0.01 °C/year in mean annual temperature) along the borders of the Kentucky. Considered in its totality, available information indicates that climate change will occur – indeed, it is occurring – and while much of the state might not clearly indicate it at present, Kentucky will almost certainly not be exempt from its effects. Spatial analysis of the trend results indicated that eastern part of the state, which is characterized by relatively high elevations, has been experiencing decreasing trends in precipitation.
In the second study, trends and variability of seven extreme precipitation indices (total precipitation on wet days, PRCPTOT; maximum length of dry and wet periods, CDD and CWD, respectively; number of days with precipitation depth ≥20 mm, R20mm; maximum five-day precipitation depth, RX5day; simple daily precipitation intensity, SDII; and standardized precipitation index, SPI were analyzed for the Kentucky River Basin for both baseline period of 1986-2015 and the late-century time frame of 2070-2099. For the baseline period, the majority of the indices demonstrated increasing trends; however, statistically significant trends were found for only ~11% of station-index combinations of the 16 weather stations considered. Projected magnitudes for PRCPTOT, CDD, CWD, RX5day and SPI, indices associated with the macroweather regime, demonstrated general consistency with trends previously identified and indicated modest increases in PRCPTOT and CWD, slight decreases in CDD, mixed results for RX5day, and increased non-drought years in the late century relative to the baseline period. The study’s findings indicate that future conditions might be characterized by more rainy days but fewer large rainfall events; this might lead to a scenario of increased average annual rainfall but, at the same time, increased water scarcity during times of maximum demand.
In the third and final study, the potential impact of climate change on hydrologic processes and droughts over the Kentucky River basin was studied using the watershed model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The SWAT model was successfully calibrated and validated and then forced with forecasted precipitation and temperature outputs from a suite of CMIP5 global climate model (GCMs) corresponding to two different representative concentration pathways (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) for two time periods: 2036-2065 and 2070-2099, referred to as mid-century and late-century, respectively. Climate projections indicate that there will be modest increases in average annual precipitation and temperature in the future compared to the baseline (1976-2005) period. Monthly variations of water yield and surface runoff demonstrated an increasing trend in spring and autumn, while winter months are projected as having decreasing trends. In general, maximum drought length is expected to increase, while drought intensity might decrease under future climatic conditions. Hydrological droughts (reflective of water availability), however, are predicted to be less intense but more persistent than meteorological droughts (which are more reflective of only meteorological variables). Results of this study could be helpful for preparing any climate change adaptation plan to ensure sustainable water resources in the Kentucky River Basin.
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Erstellung eines WMS zur Blattschnittübersicht aus CSW MetadatenKnappe, Madeleine, Wunderlich, André 27 October 2009 (has links)
Die Arbeit sollte die technische Machbarkeit der Verwendung digitaler Metadaten in Geodateninfrastrukturen aufzeigen und wenn möglich prototypisch umsetzen. Dabei sollten die Metadaten über Topographische Karten, welche in dem Metainformationssystem GeoMIS.Sachsen und über einen entsprechenden Katalogdienst (CSW) verfügbar sind, in einem Geoportal visualisiert werden.
Im Ergebnis wurde ein Workflow entwickelt und umgesetzt, welcher die Metadaten automatisch abruft, die Metadaten entsprechend transformiert und abschließend die Metadaten über einen Kartendienst (WMS) für beliebige Geoportale bereitstellt. Dadurch ist es möglich die Aktualität von bereits vorhanden Kartendiensten bzw. deren Daten abzufragen.
Durch die zyklische Ausführung des Prozesses auf dem Server stehen dem Nutzer jederzeit aktuelle Blattschnittübersichten zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus steht ebenfalls ein Kartendienst für Vektordaten bereit über den die Geometriedaten und zusätzliche Sachinformationen direkt abgerufen werden können. Außerdem wird ein direkter Verweis (Link) auf den entsprechenden Metadatensatz im GeoMIS.Sachsen angegeben.
Weiterhin wurde eine Transformation entwickelt, welche die im XML vorliegenden Metadaten in eine SVG überführt. Diese interaktive Blattschnittübersicht kann direkt auf Webseiten eingebunden werden. Außerdem kann aus dem SVG Format wiederum automatisiert ein PDF Dokument erstellt werden.
Die Arbeit konnte nachweisen, dass zukünftig eine doppelte und getrennte Datenführung von Metadaten und Blattschnittübersichten nicht notwendig ist. Die Verwendung der IT Standardtechnologie XSLT zur Transformation von XML Daten hat sich bewährt und ermöglicht auch die Unterstützung weiterer Formate wie z.B. XHTML, KML (google) oder XCPF. Der erarbeitete Ansatz ist auch für andere Geodaten wie z.B. Luftbilder, historische Karten oder Bebauungspläne anwendbar. Durch die Visualisierung der textbasierten Metadaten war außerdem eine Qualitätssicherung der Metadaten möglich.:1 Ziel des Projektes
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Geoportale
2.2 Geodienste
2.2.1 OGC WMS
2.2.2 MapServer
2.3 Metadaten
2.4 XSL Transformation
3 Entwurfsentscheidung
4 Implementierung
4.1 Verwendete Programme
4.2 Datenabfrage
4.3 Transformation
4.4 Aufsetzen eines WMS
4.4.1 Installation MapServer
4.4.2 Mapfile
4.4.3 HTML Template
4.4 Aktualisierung der Daten
5 Ergebnis und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
6 Aufwand und Nutzen
6.1. Einarbeitung
6.2. Produktion
6. 3. Nutzen
7 Ausblick
7.1 Klassifizierung
7.2 Direkte Verlinkung zum GeoMIS.Sachsen
7.3 Anwendung auf weitere Daten
7.4 Bereitstellung als WFS
7.5 Direkte Anbindung der Datenbank des GeoMIS und ggf. on-the-fly Visualisierung
7.6 Bereitstellung der Daten als Download
7.7 Verknüpfung der Produktionsdaten mit dem GeoMIS
8 Quellenverzeichnis
8.1 Literaturquellen
8.2 Internetquellen
A Übersicht der einzelnen Blattschnitte
B Empfohlene Verzeichnisstruktur
C Übersicht Transformationen
D Übersicht MAP File
E Übersicht HTML Templates
F Installation des Map Server und Einrichtung des Web Map Service
G Aufruf des Web Map Service
I WFS / The work shows the technical feasibility of digital metadata within Spatial Data Infrastructures. The visualization of digital geo-metadata in geoportals was prototypical implemented. The use case was a map sheet index of topographical maps who is prepared automatically. Geo-metadata are described in the metadata information system GeoMIS.Sachsen and provided by a catalogue service (CSW).
As a result a workflow was developed and implemented which calls the metadata automatically, transforms the metadata into GML and finally prepares the metadata through a web map service in geoportals. Thereby it is possible to analyze the actuality of the topographical maps through map sheet index.
Because of the cyclical update of the data the map patterns are always up to date. There is also a map service for vector data (WFS) implemented which enables a user to directly retrieve additional factual information. Furthermore a direct URL to the metadataset in the GeoMIS.Sachsen is stated.
Besides the GML transformation another one was developed, which converts the metadata in XML format into scalable vector graphics (SVG). This interactive map sheet index could be integrated directly on websites. It is also possible to create a PDF document automatically out of the SVG with appropriate software tools.
By using the XSLT standard additional formats could also be served. For example a transformation of the XML source data into KML (Google), XHTML or XCPF is possible.
This work demonstrates that there is no need for a separation of metadata and map sheet index any more. The usage of XSLT was profitable and supports a lot of formats. The workflow is also usable for other geo data like air photography, historical maps or development plans. In addition it is possible to use the workflow to visualize other metadata like resolution or prices of each map. Because of the visualization of the text based metadata a quality check of the data is possible.:1 Ziel des Projektes
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Geoportale
2.2 Geodienste
2.2.1 OGC WMS
2.2.2 MapServer
2.3 Metadaten
2.4 XSL Transformation
3 Entwurfsentscheidung
4 Implementierung
4.1 Verwendete Programme
4.2 Datenabfrage
4.3 Transformation
4.4 Aufsetzen eines WMS
4.4.1 Installation MapServer
4.4.2 Mapfile
4.4.3 HTML Template
4.4 Aktualisierung der Daten
5 Ergebnis und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
6 Aufwand und Nutzen
6.1. Einarbeitung
6.2. Produktion
6. 3. Nutzen
7 Ausblick
7.1 Klassifizierung
7.2 Direkte Verlinkung zum GeoMIS.Sachsen
7.3 Anwendung auf weitere Daten
7.4 Bereitstellung als WFS
7.5 Direkte Anbindung der Datenbank des GeoMIS und ggf. on-the-fly Visualisierung
7.6 Bereitstellung der Daten als Download
7.7 Verknüpfung der Produktionsdaten mit dem GeoMIS
8 Quellenverzeichnis
8.1 Literaturquellen
8.2 Internetquellen
A Übersicht der einzelnen Blattschnitte
B Empfohlene Verzeichnisstruktur
C Übersicht Transformationen
D Übersicht MAP File
E Übersicht HTML Templates
F Installation des Map Server und Einrichtung des Web Map Service
G Aufruf des Web Map Service
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