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Sickness Absence with Musculoskeletal Diagnoses : An Eleven-Year Follow-Up of Young PersonsBorg, Karin January 2003 (has links)
Background: In Sweden, as well as in most Western countries, sickness absence is a major public health problem that has increased in recent years. This is a complex phenomenon related not only to ill health factors, but also to other factors on the levels of the individual, the family, the workplace, and the society. Most studies of sickness absence are cross sectional, which makes it difficult to investigate aetiological factors. A longitudinal study design is preferable, because sick-leave spells can have a long duration and are often due to chronic or recurrent disorders. Objectives: The aim of the present research was to conduct a pilot study to gain further information about factors associated with sickness absence and disability pension, perceptions of contacts with rehabilitation professionals, and self-rated health over time among younger persons initially on sick leave with low-back, neck, or shoulder diagnoses. Material and methods: An eleven-year prospective cohort study of all individuals who, in 1985, were aged 25–34 years, lived in the municipality of Linköping, Sweden, and had a sick-leave spell ≥ 28 days with low-back, neck, or shoulder diagnoses (n = 213, 61% women). The following information was obtained from registers: number of sick-leave days and spells in 1982–1984; diagnosis and demographical data in 1985 (age, sex, occupation, citizenship, marital status, and income); data on each sick-leave period (date, full/part time), disability pension (date, diagnoses, temporary/permanent, full/part time); emigration (date), and death (date, cause) from 1985 to 1 September 1996. In 1996, a questionnaire was sent to members of the cohort (response rate 73%). Different measures were used to analyse sickness absence and disability pension over the eleven-year period, possible risk factors for disability pension were tested by Cox regression, and possible factors predicting future low levels of sickness absence were tested by logistic regression. Based on the questionnaire perceptions of encounters with rehabilitation professionals were analysed with factor analyses and linear regression, and the so called health-line (a method to collect data on self-rated health over time) was tested, and the results were compared with data on sickness absence and disability ension. Results: The members of the cohort turned out to be a high-risk group for disability pension. After 11 years, 26% of the women and 14% of the men had been granted such benefits, mainly due to musculoskeletal diagnoses, but also with psychiatric diagnoses for half of the men and 17% of the women. Full-time pension was granted more often to men than to women. The women had higher levels of sickness absence. An extended Cox regression model proved suitable for prediction of disability pension. Taking citizenship and long-term sickness absence into consideration, the women had a 1.9 times higher risk of being granted disability pension than the men. Predictors for future low levels of sickness absence were a history of low sickness absence, having a white-collar job, and being married. These associations were not discerned when a pathogenic approach was used, which implies that factors other than the opposite risk factor for disability pension are associated with future low sickness absence. Three dimensions of the individuals’ contacts with professionals were identified: supportive treatment, distant treatment, and empowering treatment. Women perceived both social insurance officers and health care professionals as more supportive than the men did. Contact with social insurance officers was experienced as more supportive and empowering by persons on disability pension than by those not receiving such benefits. Data collected using the health-line (i.e., self-rated health from 1985 to 1995) was correlated with data on annual mean number of sick-leave days and days on disability pension. No tendency to recall bias was noted. Conclusions: Additional research is needed to elucidate the situation of women on sick leave with low-back, neck, and shoulder diagnoses. Further testing and practical application of statistical and epidemiological models for analysing sickness absence and disability pension data should be carried out to ascertain the validity and usefulness of such models. / On the day of the public defence the status of the article I was: Submitted; article III was: Accepted; article IV was: Submitted and article V was: In press.
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Promoting return to work : lay experiences after sickness absence with musculoskeletal diagnosesÖstlund, Gunnel January 2002 (has links)
Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders constitute the greatest cause of sickness absence from work. Despite research and efforts at rehabilitation, sickness absence due to these disorders has not decreased, but has instead increased, particularly in women. Clients’ perceptions of care and rehabilitation, i.e. knowledge generated from a lay perspective, is a neglected area of research. This thesis deals with lay experiences of rehabilitation following sickness absence due to back, neck or shoulder problems, termed musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Aim: The overall aim was to examine hindering and promoting processes in rehabilitation after sickness absence due to MSD from a lay perspective. Specific aims were to study how lay persons experience rehabilitation agents and rehabilitation activities (paper I), how they describe themselves and their experience in relation to work (paper II), the significance of the private arena regarding return to work (paper III), and how clients who have experienced sickness absence due to MSD perceive contact with rehabilitation agents (paper IV). Method: The study population in the four papers is part of a cohort of persons living in the same municipality and who in 1985 were aged 25-34 years and were sick-listed due to back, neck or shoulder diagnoses for 28 days or more, n=213. During 1995, 148 persons in the cohort responded to a questionnaire, and in 1997-1998, 20 of these persons were interviewed concerning their experiences with rehabilitation. In papers I, II and III the qualitative method of Grounded Theory was used with a focus on creating an empirically-based theory concerning the area under study. Data collection was strategic and analysis of the tape-recorded interviews was done on a continual basis. How previously sick-listed persons experienced contact with professional rehabilitation agents in t he health care sector and social insurance office was investigated in paper IV. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the data in this study. Results: The interview study shed light on lay persons’ experiences with medical, social and work-related measures in rehabilitation, their perceptions of rehabilitation actors and family members in relation to rehabilitation, and their self-presentations. The descriptions of lay persons concerned three arenas, the health care arena, the occupational arena, and the private arena. Dilemmas and difficulties in these arenas were described, such as handling the duty to work, experiencing domestic strain, and the experience of lacking socioemotional support from significant persons during the rehabilitation process. In paper I some ideal types of rehabilitation agents emerged from the interviewees’ descriptions concerning the health care arena, and we called these the routine bureaucrat, the empathic administrator, the distant technician, and the professional mentor. The latter agent was requested and was described as a person who could provide socioemotional support, who had professional competence, and who could function as a unifying link during the rehabilitation process. The results from paper II showed that in their self-presentations, the interviewees expressed having a duty to work and that there were differences in how they handled this sense of duty. The selfpresentations contained descriptions of work as a part of personal identity and could be summarised in the following ideal types: the work manic, the workhorse, the workaholic and the relaxed worker. The latter used a strategy that can be considered to promote rehabilitation in that the individual himself/herself had control over his/her work and worked in accordance with his/her own needs rather than those of others. Paper III focused on the private arena. Different patterns were found in the experiences of men and women. Women related that their responsibility for the home and domestic work seldom left any time for themselves, including any time for rehabilitation. Men more often reported having time for themselves that could be used for leisure activities and rehabilitation. Some of the women said that they lacked socioemotional support from their partner and that they had a great deal of responsibility for housework, which seemed to be a hindrance in returning to work after sickness absence. Furthermore, these women, like most of the men, had little education, which could make finding other work alternatives more difficult. Based on the interviews, a hypothesis was developed regarding domestic strain that is related to the distribution of domestic work, the distribution of responsibility for the home, and the quality of the marital relationship. Paper IV dealt with clients’ perceptions of contact with rehabilitation agents in health care and the social insurance office. Three latent dimensions were found in the respondents’ ratings of these contacts: supportive treatment, distant treatment, and empowering treatment. Sex, disability pension status, mental health and diagnostic group were significantly related to how these dimensionswere rated. Women perceived the treatment from both types of rehabilitation agents as more supportive than men. Contact with the social insurance offices were rated higher by persons with disability pensions than by those who had returned to work. Men rated their contact with rehabilitation agents at social insurance offices high on the dimension of distant treatment. Respondents with mental health problems rated the contact as distant for both types of rehabilitation agents, but contact with health care was also scored low on the supportive dimension. Finally, respondents with neck/shoulder diagnoses rated contact with rehabilitation agents in health care as more empowering than was done by persons with back diagnoses. Conclusions: From a lay perspective rehabilitation following sickness absence due to MSD occured in three arenas, the health care arena, the occupational arena and the private arena, where the quality of relationships both with rehabilitation agents, persons at work and in one’s private life was described as important regarding the rehabilitation process. This thesis also showed that both sex and health were important factors regarding how lay persons’ perceived contacts with rehabilitation agents during the rehabilitation process following sickness absence due to MSD.
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Towards Understanding of Determinants of Physicians’ Sick-listing Practice and their Interrelations : A Population-based Epidemiological StudyArrelöv, Britt January 2003 (has links)
Physicians are supposed to act as sick-listing experts and they possess a role as gate-keepers to the social insurance system. Earlier studies have demonstrated variation between physicians and physician categories regarding sick-listing practice. In addition to the patient's disease and its severity, a number of other factors may be expected to influence sick-listing practice. Most earlier studies have focused on the patient's disease and his or her work place as cause for sickness absence. The aims of this study were to analyse variation of sick-listing practice between physician categories and the influence of physician characteristics on sick-listing practice, the influence of structure, organisation and remuneration of health care on physician sick-listing practice, the influence of local structural factors in the community, and the influence of a legislative change on physician sick-listing practice. The study was conducted as a cross-sectional epidemiological study of 57563 doctors’ certificates for sickness absence, received by 28 local social insurance offices in eight Swedish counties, during four months in 1995 and two months in 1996. Patient age, sex, and diagnostic group, issuing physician category, presence of a hospital in the municipality, municipality population size and county were all significantly and independently correlated to number of net days of sick-listing. Physician characteristics, such as age, sex and degree of specialisation were all associated with number of net days of sick-listing. Physicians working in general practice issued significantly shorter periods of sick-listing than the other physician categories. Reimbursement of general practice and participation in financial co-operation with social insurance were significantly correlated to length of sickness episode issued by general practitioners. A legislative change performed during the study period was associated with small effects in sick-listing practice. In conclusion, a number of factors other than disease and disease severity and other patient and physician linked factors were found to influence the variation of sick-listing practice. It appears that the closer the influencing factor was to the place were the decision was taken, i.e., the patient-physician consultation, the higher the impact on the decision appeared to be.
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Swedish Parents of Children with Down Syndrome : A study on the initial information and support, and the subsequent daily lifeHedov, Gerth January 2002 (has links)
In this study 165 Swedish parents of young children with Downs’s syndrome (DS) were investigated regarding their perception of the quality of the first information and support received after the birth of the child. The parents’ opinions were compared with clinical routines at the paediatric clinics regarding these issues. Strong clinical ambitions fell short, however, since 70 % of the parents felt insufficiently informed; 56 % felt unsupported, and the timing of the disclosure varied between 0 hour to >5 days. On the basis of a grounded theory analysis the parents’ written narratives regarding the quality of the first information and support were analysed to better understand the reasons underlying the parental dissatisfaction. Criticisms were raised by the parents concerning: the low communication skills by professionals; the lack of privacy; too much negative information; and an unmet desire to early meet other DS parents. The implications of being DS parents regarding their daily life were examined by measuring parental health, stress, sense of coherence, employment and sick leave rates. Results were compared with those in a randomly selected group of parents of healthy age-matched children. The similarities between the DS and control parents were more pronounced than the differences regarding divorce rates, siblings in the family, time spent on child care, employment and sick leave rates, and their self-perceived health, stress, and sense of coherence. However, self-perceived health of the DS mothers was impaired and stress was increased. A small group of DS parents (5 mothers and 1 father) had an extremely high rate of sick leave and no such group was seen in the control parents. In addition, the DS mothers stayed at home because of the child’s sickness most frequently and the DS fathers stayed at home for this reason more than control mothers. Conclusions: Existing guidelines for optimal first information and support of new parents of children with DS are not always followed in Sweden. Qualitative clinical improvements from the parents’ perspective are proposed. Most DS parents live an ordinary family life in respect to the measured parameters, but the risk for health deterioration, particularly in DS mothers, might need attention.
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Psykosociala faktorer i arbetslivet som påverkar sjukskrivningar, i synnerhet hos kvinnor - En litteraturstudieLorentzon, Bodil, Larsson, Helene, Andersson, Ulla-Britt January 2007 (has links)
Every year many individuals became sick listed, it could be for a long time, or a short time but irrespective there will be effects on the individuals life and on the society. The aim of this study was to describe some relevant psychosocial relationships in the workplace that effect that women become sick listed. The method of the study was a literary study which was based on a number of scientific articles. The result of the study showed that many different factors effects the risk of becoming sick listed. Factors that causes sick leave where many and individual, but lack of social support, bullying, unstructured work environment and the workplaces management, imbalance between demands and control and the women's situation were factors that had a big influence. Women had the greatest number of sick leave, and for a better answer to why it is mostly women who are sick listed more research is needed. The answer we found was that it was not about the sex, it was more about where you work or in which profession you are. To reduce the number of sick listed, big achievements are needed from the individual, the employer and the society. More research on how to reduce the number of people on sick leave is also needed.
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Nietzsche as the Student of SocratesMoi, Shawn Osmund 27 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines Nietzsche’s relationship to Socrates through his positive philosophy of education, arguing that the latter is crucial to resolving the apparent contradictions of the former. While there is a good deal of literature dealing with Nietzsche’s criticisms of the educational system of his day, there is relatively little on his own account of what education should be. I point out that the Greek conception of agon (roughly “contest” in English), is central to Nietzsche’s understanding of education, and informs his ideal of the student-mentor relationship. This is the model on which, I contend, Nietzsche’s relation to Socrates needs to be interpreted. Such an interpretation helps to make sense of, and reconcile, the divergent pictures of Socrates Nietzsche presents in his texts, which are sometimes admiring and imitative, sometimes hostile and contemptuous, and have led to conflicting interpretations within the scholarship on this subject. My analysis aims to shed new light on both the figure of Nietzsche’s Socrates, and Nietzsche’s philosophy of education, by relating these to one another.
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Synthesis of Fused Heterocyclic Diamidines for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis and Fluorescence Studies of Selected DiamidinesBrown Barber, Jennifer Crystal 20 April 2010 (has links)
A class of linear diamidines was synthesized for the evaluation as a treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis. These fused heterocyclic compounds are thiazole[5,4-d]thiazoles and are of interest because the parent compound, 2,5-Bis(4-amidinophenyl)-thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole HCl salt, which is also called DB 1929, has exhibited a low nanomolar IC50 value against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and has shown selectivity for binding to the human telomere G-quadruplex over that of DNA duplex. A fluoro and a methoxy derivative have been synthesized and are currently undergoing testing for activity and binding affinity. In addition, fluorescence studies of selected diamidines were done to study the effect of structural variation on fluorescence. This data is useful since it can determine what types of moieties are needed to yield a compound that will fluoresce in the higher wavelengths (500 nm and above) of the visible spectrum, which would be advantageous in determining the uptake of the drug in the trypanosome within the endemic areas of Africa with a simple microscope.
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”Jag var för sjuk för att få a-kassa. Och för frisk för att få sjukpenning! ” : En studie om konsekvenser för individer i samband med och efter utförsäkring från sjukförsäkringen.Sik, Laila, Skoglund, Therése January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Regeringens intention med den nya lagen om sjukförsäkring som infördes i juli 2008 och kompletterades i januari 2010, var att gå från en passiv långtidssjukskrivning till ökad rehabilitering och en möjlighet till återgång till arbetsmarknaden samt ett minskat utanförskap. Den mediala debatten i samklang med våra praktikplatser gjorde oss nyfikna på hur förändringen har påverkat livet för den enskilde individen. Vårt syfte är således att undersöka vilka konsekvenserna blir för enskilda individer i samband med och efter beskedet om utförsäkring från sjukförsäkringen. Vi ville utan att ha några förutfattade meningar lyfta fram intervjupersonernas berättelse så vi valde att ha en explorativ ansats, men tog stöd av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på tre teman som vi ville veta mer om. Temana är; ekonomisk situation, upplevelser av relationer med berörda myndigheter och upplevelser av samhällets syn och deras syn på sin självbild. Resultaten är komplexa och visar att de teman vi valt ut påverkar varandra, med det menar vi att det ena inverkar på det andra. De teorier vi valt att använda i analys av materialet är Ekonomi- skam modellen, Kasamteori samt teori om social uteslutning. Vi kan se en väg som leder från ekonomisk uteslutning vidare till social uteslutning för personer som utförsäkrats samt att den ekonomiska stress de utsätt för i kombination med skamgörande erfarenheter ger hög risk för psykisk ohälsa. I vår avslutande diskussion reflekterar vi om lagstiftarens intention med reformerna har haft den avsedda effekten för de utförsäkrade. / Abstract The governments intentions with the new law in sickness benefits that was introduced in July 2008 and was supplemented in January 2010, was to go from a passive long-term sick leave to increased rehabilitation and a possibility to return to the labor market, along with reduced exclusion. The media debate in unison with our trainee jobs made us curious about how this change has affected the individual. Our purpose is accordingly to make researches into the consequences for the individuals in connection with and after expiration of sickness benefits. We wanted without preconceived opinions emphasize the interviewee’s stories so we chose to have an explorative inception. But we took support in a semi- structured interviewguide based on three topics we wanted to know more about. The topics are; economic situation, experiences of the relation with concerned public authorities and experiences of societies view on them and their own view on themselves. The results are complex and show that one factor affects another, which means that one thing, leads to another. The theories we have used are a model for Economics- shame, Kasam and social exclusion theories. We can see a road that leads from economic exclusion to social exclusion for the persons whose period of sickness benefits has expired. And also that the economic stress combined with shameful experiences gives a high risk of psychic illness. In our concluding discussion we reflect about if the government’s intentions with the new laws have had the intended effect for these persons.
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Gene Expression patterns in High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema: A Gene Microway AnalysisKrause, Lauren Kendall 25 March 2008 (has links)
Multiple modulating genes and environmental factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). However, at the present time, there exists an incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms and pathways which underlie constitutional susceptibility. Genome-wide measurements of gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were performed using microarray technology. Comparison of gene expression profiles of HAPE-susceptible and resistant individuals resulted in the identification of several previously undescribed candidate genes. RhoA and Rho-kinase (ROCK), regulators of vascular smooth muscle contraction, were differentially regulated in the HAPE-susceptible cohort, as compared to both HAPE-resistant patients with acute mountain sickness (AMS+) and healthy controls (p=0.0014; p=0.0020). Furthermore, biological pathways involving RhoA and Rho-kinase were strongly upregulated in subjects with HAPE. These findings represent the first description of the RhoA/Rho-kinase signaling pathway in HAPE. Currently, few pharmacologic therapies have been demonstrated to be effective in the prevention and treatment of HAPE. The results of this study provide early evidence that Fasudil, a selective Rho-kinase inhibitor, may represent a novel therapeutic intervention effective in the prevention and/or treatment of high-altitude pulmonary edema.
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Testing for passive transfer of immunity in foals, and an evaluation of the African horse sickness vaccination schedule.Crow, Linnet Jean Isobel. January 2005 (has links)
This thesis comprises an introductory review of the literature, followed by reports of two experiments which are presented in the form of scientific papers. For this reason, there may be some repetition between chapters, particularly in terms of experimental procedure. To avoid unnecessary repetition, a single list of references is given at the end of the thesis. For the sake of completeness , several appendices are attached to Chapters Two and Three which would not ordinarily be included in a scientific paper. The literature review looks at the passive transfer of immunity from the mare to the foal, the consequences of failure of passive transfer of immunity and different methods of testing whether the transfer of passive immunity has occurred. The review concludes with a discussion of vaccination programmes against African horse sickness. Trial One evaluated different tests for determining whether the transfer of passive immunity from mare to foal has occurred in order to determine which of these tests should be used preferentially. A single radial immunodiffusion test was used as the reference standard. A series of samples .was taken from a group of foals and tested using four methods: single radial immunodiffusion , glutaraldehyde coagulation, zinc sulphate turbidity and protein refractometer tests. Trial Two explored African horse sickness vaccination programmes, focusing on when to vaccinate foals for the first time. A series of samples was taken from a group of foals from birth until two months after their second set of African horse sickness vaccinations (one year old). The samples were tested for the presence of African horse sickness antibodies for each of the nine serotypes to determine when maternal immunity fades and to evaluate the effect of each vaccination on the level of immunity. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.
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