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Nyttan av LCC-analyser vid planering av underhållsarbete i SL:s spårtunnlarSkoglund, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att belysa hur LCC-analyser i dag används vid planeringen av underhållsarbeten i tunnelbanans bergtunnlar. SL är ett aktiebolag som ägs av Stockholms Läns Landsting och ansvarar för den landburna kollektivtrafiken i Stockholms län, vilken inbegriper tunnelbanan. Stockholms tunnelbana invigdes 1950 och har sedan dess byggts ut i etapper. Drygt hälften av sträckningen går i tunnlar. Ett ständigt pågående underhållsarbete av tunnlarna krävs för att säkerställa en god funktion. Ibland är även större underhållsåtgärder nödvändiga, vilka, genom exempelvis avstängning med ersättningstrafik, till större utsträckning påverkar omgivningen. Hur underhållet organiseras och planeras är av stor ekonomisk betydelse och hänger även direkt ihop med anläggningens standard. LCC-analyser resulterar i ett mått på en investerings sammanlagda ekonomiska konsekvenser under dess livstid, inkluderas gör med andra ord bland annat investerings-, drift-, och underhållskostnader. Då detta mått fås för flera alternativ kan en jämförelse av dessa göras och bilda ett beslutsunderlag där det totalekonomiskt mest lönsamma kan väljas, istället för att basera beslutet på enbart den initiala investeringskostnaden. Givetvis måste även andra randvillkor och krav beaktas. Två fallstudier har gjorts för att belysa hur LCC i dagsläget används av SL vid olika typer av underhållsarbeten. I det första fallet har LCC använts för att ta fram beslutsunderlag och i det andra inte alls. Utgångspunkten för examensarbetet har varit att det överlag kan finnas mycket att vinna på att använda LCC inte bara vid nybyggnation utan även vid underhållsarbeten. I dagsläget används LCC-analyser inte konsekvent vid planeringen av underhålls- och reparationsarbeten av SL:s berganläggningar. Inga krav om detta ställs utifrån och SL har inga egna riktlinjer beträffande LCC. Detta kan vara en av orsakerna till att LCC-analyser inte utförs i större utsträckning. Andra kan vara bristande kunskap om metodiken, tidsbrist och delat budgetansvar mellan avdelningar. För att konsekvent införa LCC-analyser vid bergprojektering skulle krav om detta behöva ställas externt eller internt genom en LCC-policy eller reglerande dokument. För att sedan genomföra detta på ett sätt så att alla inblandade förstår nyttan vore information/utbildning av metodiken nödvändigt. Viktigt är att definiera vilka projekt som ska omfattas och när i projektgången LCC ska användas. Förslagsvis kan LCC användas vid behovsanalys och krav om LCC-analyser/LCC-beräkningar kan ställas i förfrågningsunderlag / This thesis aims to highlight how LCC analyses currently are used in the planning of maintenance work in the rock tunnels of the Stockholm Metro. SL is a company owned by Stockholm County Council and is responsible for land-based public transport in Stockholm County, which includes the metro. The Stockholm Metro opened in 1950 and has since been expanded in stages. More than half of the route goes through tunnels. Maintenance of the tunnels is necessary to ensure a good function. Sometimes bigger maintenance actions are required, which at times also affects the surrounding world. How the maintenance is planned and organized is of great economic importance and is also directly connected with the facility's standard. LCC analyses results in a measure of an investment's total economic impact over its lifetime, including investment, operation, and maintenance costs. As this measure is obtained for a number of options, a comparison of these can be made and form a basis for decisions in which the total economically most profitable solution can be selected, instead of basing the decision solely on the initial investment cost. Two case studies have been done to elucidate how LCC is used by SL at different types of maintenance work today. In the first case, an LCC analysis has been used to create a basis for decision making, and in the other case LCC has not been considered at all. The starting point for this thesis has been that there may be much to gain by using LCC analyses not only for new constructions but also in the planning of maintenance work. Today LCC analysis is not consistently used in the planning of maintenance and repair work of SL's rock tunnels. There are no demands on this externally and SL has no own guidelines regarding LCC. This could be one of the reasons that LCC analyses are not practiced in a greater extent. Others may be lack of knowledge of methodology, lack of time and shared financial responsibility between departments. In order to consistently introduce LCC analyses for rock maintenance work it would have to be required externally or internally by an LCC policy or through regulatory documents. The new procedures would have to be implemented in a way so that everyone involved understands the benefits, thus information / education of the methodology would be necessary. It is important to define which projects should be covered by, and in which stages of the projects LCC should be used. As a suggestion LCC analysis could be used to define needs and requirements of LCC-analyses can be set in tender documents.
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Modellgestützte Dokumentation und Integration von Managementsystemen / Model-based Documentation and Integration of Management SystemsRößler, Richard 05 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Sinne einer nachhaltigen und ganzheitlichen Firmenentwicklung lässt sich in der Unternehmenslandschaft ein Trend in Richtung einer kontinuierlichen Erweiterung des unternehmerischen Zielsystems beobachten. Neben etablierten Aspekten, wie dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Arbeitssicherheit, erlangen weitere Themen, wie beispielsweise das betriebliche Umwelt- und Energiemanagement, zunehmend an Bedeutung.
Um die Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte nachzuweisen, steht Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zur Zertifizierung nach funktionsspezifischen Managementsystemnormen offen. Die Einführung und Dokumentation entsprechender Managementsysteme erweist sich jedoch als ein zeitintensiver Prozess, dessen Schwierigkeit vor allem in der unternehmensspezifischen Interpretation der allgemein formulierten Normanforderungen liegt. Strebt ein Unternehmen die Zertifizierung nach mehreren Managementsystemnormen an, so eröffnet sich die Möglichkeit zur Integration der Managementsysteme. Allerdings sind auch die Aufgaben der Integration durch verschiedene Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, die den Bedarf nach einer systematischen Unterstützung verdeutlichen.
Im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik haben sich konzeptuelle Modelle als Instrument zur zielorientierten und verständlichen Beschreibung komplexer Informationssysteme etabliert. Entsprechende Modelle können die Durchdringung und Kommunikation komplexer Sachverhalte durch eine zweckmäßige Abstraktion und Strukturierung vereinfachen und eine Überführung in Anwendungssoftware vorbereiten.
Für die vorliegende Dissertation leitet sich unter Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte folgende zentrale Forschungsfrage ab: Wie kann die konzeptuelle Modellierung bei den Aufgaben der Dokumentation und Integration standardisierter Managementsysteme unterstützen?
Der Forschungsmethode des Design Science Research folgend, präsentiert die vorliegende Arbeit funktionsspezifische und funktionsunspezifische Artefakte, die bei der Dokumentation standardisierter Managementsysteme und deren Integration modellbasiert unterstützen. Die Anwendbarkeit der Artefakte wird anhand eines realen Anwendungsfalls demonstriert.
Die Ausführungen der vorliegenden Arbeit basieren auf einer Analyse der Anforderungen nach ISO 9001 für Qualitätsmanagementsysteme, ISO 14001 für Umweltmanagementsysteme, ISO 50001 für Energiemanagementsysteme, OHSAS 18001 für Arbeitsschutz- und Arbeitssicherheitsmanagementsysteme sowie des durch die Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung veröffentlichten Annex SL.
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Modification du risque d'une maladie multi-hôtes suite à l'introduction d'une espèce réservoir : cas de la maladie de Lyme et du tamia de Sibérie en Ile-de-France / Modification of a multi-host disease risk through the introduction of a reservoir species : the case of Lyme disease and of the Siberian chipmunk in French suburban forestsMarsot, Maud 09 December 2011 (has links)
La variation de la diversité des communautés d’hôtes réservoirs peut modifier le risque de maladies impliquant ces espèces. En particulier, l’introduction d’une espèce potentiellement réservoir est susceptible d’augmenter le risque de maladie, en agissant comme un réservoir supplémentaire et/ou en amplifiant la circulation des agents pathogènes chez les réservoirs autochtones. L’objectif du travail de thèse est de quantifier la contribution, d’une espèce introduite, le tamia de Sibérie (Tamias sibiricus barberi), au risque d’une maladie multi-hôtes, la borréliose de Lyme, due à des bactéries appartenant au complexe d’espèces Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato et transmises par des tiques, principalement Ixodes ricinus en Europe. Dans un premier temps, nous avons testé si le tamia est un réservoir compétent pour la maladie de Lyme en milieu naturel, c'est-à-dire s’il est capable de transmettre B. burgdorferi sl aux tiques I. ricinus et de maintenir l’infection. Le tamia est fortement infesté par les tiques et infecté par les bactéries et il peut transmettre B. burgdorferi sl aux tiques. Nos résultats ne montrent pas clairement que le tamia peut maintenir l’infection. Une des deux composantes du risque de la maladie de Lyme pour l’homme est le risque acarologique, c'est-à-dire la densité de nymphes infectées en quête d’hôtes. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons calculé la contribution du tamia au risque acarologique et l’avons comparé à celles du campagnol roussâtre (Myodes glareolus) et du mulot sylvestre (Apodemus sylvaticus), réservoirs avérés de B. burgdorferi sl. Puis, nous avons étudié la variation temporelle de la contribution du tamia et testé si sa présence influençait la contribution des réservoirs rongeurs natifs. Pour calculer la contribution au risque, nous avons utilisé deux approches, l’une basée sur des captures des rongeurs, et l’autre sur l’identification des espèces hôtes sur lesquelles se sont gorgées les tiques. Le tamia produit plus de nymphes infectées à l’affût que le campagnol et le mulot. La contribution du tamia varie entre années suivant la densité de tamias et intra-années suivant la disponibilité en tiques. Sa plus forte infestation par I. ricinus et infection par B. burgdorferi sl, que les rongeurs natifs, peuvent être expliquées par sa plus forte exposition aux tiques. En conclusion, le tamia semble un réservoir compétent pour B. burgdorferi sl, avec une forte contribution au risque acarologique et une amplification possible de la circulation des pathogènes dans les communautés natives. Sa présence peut augmenter le risque pour la borréliose de Lyme chez l’homme en augmentant la prévalence d’infection des nymphes, mais pas les densités de nymphes à l’affût. / The variation of the composition of host communities can modify the risk of diseases involving these species. In particular, the introduction of a potentially reservoir species may increase the disease risk, by acting as an additional reservoir or by amplifying the circulation of pathogens in the native reservoirs. We quantified the contribution of an introduced species, the Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus barberi), to the risk of a multi-host vector-borne disease, Lyme borreliosis (LB), due to bacteria that belong to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex and transmitted by bites of hard ticks, especially by Ixodes ricinus ticks in Europe. First, we verified if the Siberian chipmunk is a competent reservoir host for LB in the field, by testing if chipmunks can transmit B. burgdorferi sl to I. ricinus ticks and maintain the infection. Chipmunks were highly infested by ticks and infected by B. burgdorferi sl, and they are able to transmit the bacteria to ticks. Our results did not show clear maintenance patterns. Second, one of the parameter of LB risk for human is the acarologic risk, which is the density of infected questing nymphs. We evaluated the contribution of chipmunks to this risk and compared it with the one of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), two known reservoir rodents. Moreover, we studied the variation of the contribution. We used two approaches, the one based on captures of rodents and the other one on host-blood meal analysis of questing nymphs. Chipmunks produced more infected nymphs than voles and mice. The contribution of chipmunks varies between years according to chipmunk density and during the year according to tick availability. The higher infestation by I. ricinus and infection by B. burgdorferi sl of chipmunks in comparison to native reservoir rodents, could be due to its higher exposition to ticks. As Siberian chipmunk seems to be a competent reservoir host for LB with strong contribution, they can “spillback” infection to native communities and increase the risk for LB to humans by increasing infection prevalence in nymphs, but not nymph density.
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Effet conjoint du canal Internet et du SI bancaire sur la performance des agences bancaires tunisiennes / The Joint Effect of Internet Channel and IS Performance on Tunisian Bank BranchesGuebsi, Mouna 18 March 2014 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche a consisté à examiner : comment l’E—Banking affecte la performance des agences commerciales ? Et quel rôle joue le SI bancaire, notamment le SI des processus commerciaux, par rapport à l’E-Banking ? Nous nous positionnons dans le courant de recherche de l’t-Évaluation en nous basant sur la théorie de ressources, l’appr0che processuelle et le modèle ISSM. 161 responsables d’agences, œuvrant dans dix banques tunisiennes, ont évalué les actifs, les valeurs (d’usage et d’échange) de leur Sl ainsi que les fonctionnalités de l’E Banking. Des outils de mesure ont été élaborés et validés : fonctionnalités E-banking, qualité des actifs SI (information, services et système informatique), valeurs du SI(usage : GRC et Marketing ventes ; échange avec : les clients, les fournisseurs et les partenaires). Notre approche processuelle en cinq étapes assure une bonne explication de nos construits latents : actifs SI, valeurs d’usage, valeurs d’échange, contribution du SI à la performance individuelle et organisationnelle).Notre modèle structurel explique 17% de la performance des agences avec un GoF de 46%.Les liens entre les fonctionnalités E—Banking et le SI bancaire soulèvent plusieurs dilemmes auxquels des recherches futures devraient pouvoir répondre. / Our research consists in examining: How does the E-Banking affects the performance of commercial agencies? And what role does the banking SI, including the SI business processes with respect to the E—Banking? We position ourselves in the field of research assessment based on the theory of resources, process- based approach and the ISSM model. 161 heads of agencies, working in ten Tunisian banks have valued the assets, values (usage and exchange) of their IT as well as the functionality of the E-banking. Measurement tools have been developed and validated: E—banking functionality, asset quality IS (information services and computer system), the values of IS (usage: GRC and Marketing & sales; exchange with: customers, suppliers and partners). Our five-step process approach provides a good explanation of our latent constructs: active IS usage values, exchange values, IS contribution to individual and organizational performance).Our structural model explains 17% of the performance of the agencies with GoF 46%. The links between the E-Banking features and bank IS raises several dilemmas for which future research should be able to respond.
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Characterization of auxin-ethylene interactions during the tomato fruit development : role of Sl-IAA17 gene / Caractérisation des interactions auxine-éthylène pendant le développement du fruit de tomate : rôle du gène Sl-IAA17Su, Liyan 10 October 2014 (has links)
Les interactions entre l’auxine et l’éthylène sont complexes et contrôlent divers processus de développement des plantes tels que l’élongation racinaire ou la différentiation des racines secondaires. Mais, il existe peu d’études montrant le rôle des interactions entre ces deux hormones au cours du développement et de la maturation des fruits. Le changement de couleur des fruits chez la tomate est une caractéristique de la maturation qui est associée à la fois à la dégradation des chlorophylles et à l’accumulation des caroténoïdes. Dans ce travail, l’application exogène d’auxine et d’éthylène a montré l’impact de ces deux hormones sur la maturation de la tomate et en particulier sur le changement de couleur des fruits. Nous avons montré que l’acide indol-acétique (IAA) retarde la transition du vert à l’orange/rouge, alors que l’éthylène, apporté sous la forme d’acide 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylique (ACC), son précurseur, accélère la coloration des fruits. Par contre, l’inhibition de l’auxine par le PCIB, un antagoniste de l’auxine, provoque les mêmes effets que l’éthylène. L’analyse des caroténoïdes montre que l’ACC comme le PCIB augmente la teneur en lycopène et diminue la teneur en carotène alors que l’IAA provoque l’effet inverse. L’étude de l’accumulation des ARNs messagers de plusieurs gènes clés de la voie de biosynthèse des caroténoïdes a montré que le gène β-lcy codant pour la lycopène cyclase joue un rôle clé dans le contrôle de la biosynthèse et de l’accumulation des pigments et que son expression est fortement dépendante de l’équilibre auxine-éthylène. D’autre part, nos résultats ont montré que le gène rin joue un rôle important dans le contrôle de l’expression des gènes clés de la voie de biosynthèse des caroténoïdes. Pour avoir une meilleure vision des gènes différentiellement exprimés par l’auxine et l’éthylène au cours de la maturation, l’analyse du transcriptome des fruits traités par de l’ACC et de l’IAA a été réalisée par RNA-Seq au laboratoire. Parmi les facteurs de transcriptions étudiés, le gène Sl-IAA17, un membre de la famille des AUX/IAA, est fortement affecté par l’auxine et l’éthylène. La caractérisation fonctionnelle du gène Sl-IAA17 pendant le développement du fruit a été réalisée en créant des lignées transgéniques sous exprimant ce gène en mettant en œuvre la stratégie des ARNs interférents. Ces lignées présentent un phénotype caractéristique produisant des fruits de plus gros calibre que celui des fruits sauvages. Les analyses histologiques des tissus des fruits ont montré que ce phénotype est associé à un péricarpe plus épais. En microscopie, nous avons constaté que l’augmentation de l’épaisseur du péricarpe dans les lignées transgéniques n’était pas due à un plus grand nombre de cellules mais à l’augmentation de la taille des cellules. Enfin, nous avons observé que l’expansion des cellules dans les fruits transgéniques est étroitement couplée avec des niveaux de ploïdie plus élevés que dans les fruits sauvages, ce qui suggère une stimulation du processus endoréduplication. Ces résultats démontrent très clairement l’existence d’une étroite relation entre la signalisation de l’auxine, le contrôle de la taille du volume cellulaire et le processus d’endoréduplication. En conclusion, les résultats présentés fournissent des connaissances nouvelles sur les interactions entre l’auxine et l’éthylène au cours du développement du fruit et en particulier au cours de la transition fruit immature - fruit mature. De plus, ils apportent des éléments nouveaux sur la connaissance du rôle de la voie de signalisation de l’auxine dans le contrôle du développement des fruits charnus et en particulier sur la fonction de certains membres des AUX/IAA sur la détermination du volume et du poids des fruits. / The interaction between auxin and ethylene are complex and control various processes of plant development, such as root elongation or differentiation of secondary roots. But there are few studies showing the role of interactions between these two hormones during development and maturation of the fruit. The color change in the tomato fruit is a feature of the maturation that is associated with the degradation of the chlorophyll and carotenoid accumulation. In this work, the application of exogenous auxin and ethylene showed the impact of these two hormones in the tomato ripening and in particular the change of fruit color. We have shown that indole-acetic acid (IAA) delays the transition from green to orange / red, while ethylene, supplied as 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid form (ACC), its precursor, accelerated this transition. However the auxin inhibition by p-chlorophenoxy isobutyic acid (PCIB), an auxin antagonist, caused the same effects similar to ethylene. The carotenoid analysis showed that the ACC and PCIB increase the lycopene content and reduced the carotene content while IAA causes the opposite effect. The study of the accumulation of mRNAs for several key genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway has shown that the gene β-lcy encoding lycopene cyclase plays a key role in the control of biosynthesis and accumulation of pigments and that its expression is highly dependent on the auxin-ethylene balance. In addition, our results showed that the rin gene plays an important role in controlling the expression of the key carotenoid biosynthetic pathway genes. To get a better view of differentially expressed genes by auxin and ethylene during ripening, transcriptome analysis of fruits treated with ACC and IAA was performed by a preliminary RNA-Seq approach. Among the transcription factors studied in the laboratory, the gene Sl-IAA17, a member of the family of Aux/IAA was affected by auxin and ethylene. Functional characterization of Sl-IAA17 gene during fruit development was performed by creating transgenic lines under-expressing this gene by RNAi. These lines display a phenotype producing bigger fruit than wild type. Histological analysis of the tissues showed that fruit phenotype is associated with a thicker pericarp. By microscopy, we observed that increasing the thickness of the pericarp in the transgenic lines was not due to a greater number of cells but to the increase in cell size. Finally, we observed that cell expansion in transgenic fruit is tightly coupled with higher ploidy levels than wild fruits, suggesting a stimulation of the endoreduplication process. These results clearly demonstrate the existence of a close relationship between the auxin signal, the control cell size, fruit volume and the endoreduplication process. In conclusion, the results provide new insights into the interactions between auxin and ethylene during fruit development and in particular during the transition immature fruit, mature fruit. In addition, they provide new information on the understanding of the role of the signaling pathway of auxin in controlling the development of fleshy fruits and in particular on the basis of certain members of the AUX/IAA on regulating volume and fruit weight.
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Development of prediction schemes for real-time bus arrival information.Loutos, Gerasimos January 2013 (has links)
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are increasingly used in public transport systems in order to provide real-time information (RTI) to passengers and operators. In particular, the RTI related to the prediction of remaining time until the arrival of the next vehicle is the most commonly provisioned information and the main focus of research. A number of predictions methods have been proposed without clear evidence of their real-world applicability, mainly because of their highly computational complexity. Moreover new sources of information, which could be used in RTI generators, become available but they have not been utilized yet. This thesis formulates a widely used real-world RTI generation meth-od, which is based on the scheduled travel time. Then, the potential contribution of real-time public transport data to RTI generation is investigated. Furthermore, a method that considers both the recent downstream running time information as well as anticipated headways and their impact on downstream dwell times is proposed. The generated predictions have to be compared against empirical bus arrival data in order to analyse the performance of the different schemes. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) data of the trunk bus network in Stockholm, were used for the evaluation of the proposed prediction schemes. The results illustrate the successful introduction of a robust methodology for bus arrival predictions, which outperforms the currently applied RTI generator. This methodology by integrating real-time public transport data is expected to reduce significantly passengers waiting time. In addition, the second proposed method provides a milestone for the incorporation of the dwell time component in the computation process of RTI.
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Translation and cultural adaptation with reference to Tshivenda and English : a case study of the medical fieldMashamba, Mabula January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2011 / The aim of this study was to investigate the problems encountered by translators when translating medical terms from English into Tshivenda. It has been revealed in this study that the major problem that the translators are confronted with is lack of terminology in the specialized field such as Health. This problem is caused by the fact that different languages entail a variety of culture. The study revealed that most translators and lexicographers resort to transliteration and borrowing when confronted with zero-equivalence. They regard transliteration and borrowing as the quickest possible strategies. The study discovered that transliteration should not be opted as an alternative strategy to deal with zero-equivalence as users will be led to a state of confusion. The study revealed that communicative translation is regarded as the most fruitful method of translation as it conveys the exact message of the original in a best possible manner. Both the source and the target users get the same message.
Translation, Culture, Source Language (SL), Target Language (TL), Translation equivalence and Zero-equivalence.
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Kollektivtrafikens idé : ägandeförändringar i Stockholms samtrafikhistoria / The Idea of Public Transport : changes of ownership in the history of public transport of StockholmMajuri, Humlan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about the idea of public transport and the discussions stirred in the media during changes in ownership. More specifically it is a study of the historical situation of Stockholm, Sweden, where the periods chosen are the 1910s, 1960s and 1990s.During the 1910s Stockholm’s first and largest tram company was taken over by thecity, and a period of public ownership began, which in the 1960s changed form whenthe county council took over the city’s principal authority and formed the politicallyadministered company SL (Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, Greater Stockholm LocalTransit Company). Between these periods the word kollektivtrafik (public transport)was established in the Swedish language. This study describes and compares the ideasconcerning the phenomenon of public transport. The aim of the study is to analyse the ideas, values and ideals concerning public transport in the media, defined as newspapers. The questions asked are: What doespublic transport involve as phenomenon and concept? For whom is the publictransport, and who is the owner? Which depictions of the passenger are presentedand what is their position in the traffic and the city? The conclusions drawn are that while the aims of the traffic-companies are mostly the same regarding the passengers and the economic priorities, the methods and technologies for realising these changes over time. The almost non-existingsurveillance in the 1910s tramcar, the emerging radio communication in the 1960sunderground railway of Stockholm and the establishing of video monitoring in the 1990s is one of the processes that suggest the changed situation of the passenger. Another line of development is the political question of ownership, which in theperiod of the study is ended by a deregulation of Stockholm’s public transport. The changes in ownership runs parallel to the evolution of the concept kollektivtrafik andthe question of who is to use and who is to own the public transport — but offer no final explanation to these maers.
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Studium exprese cílových mRNA při pospiviroidní patogenezi v systému "leaf factory" / Expression of target mRNAs during Popsipviroid pathogenesis in the "leaf factory" systemSELINGER, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work was to identify potential mRNA targets of PTGS triggered by viroid-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs) in PSTVd-infected tomato plants (S. lycopersicum L.). We selected 47 possible gene targets using data provided by Prof. Dr. Steger (Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany) - the list of 1633 possible target mRNAs from tomato based on vsRNA:mRNA duplex prediction. The vsRNA sequences were obtained by Illumina sequencing of small RNA libraries from healthy and PSTVd-infected tomato plants. By qRT-PCR analysis we identified 6 genes with significantly altered levels of mRNA in PSTVd-infected tomato plants: CUL1 (protein ubiquitination), ERF4 (transcription factor of abiotic stress signalling pathway), H/ACA1 (rRNA pseudouridylation), NPH3 (transcription factor of fototropic signalling pathway), Sl-MYB (transcription factor regulating leaf development) and TCP3 (transcription factor regulating leaf development). The binary vector pLV07 with inserted expression cassette containing coding sequence of Sl-MYB was prepared for experiments in ?leaf factory? system in N. benthamiana plants. Expression analyses in ?leaf factory? system after 1,5 DPI using qRT-PCR and RNA blots revealed strong inhibition of expression of Sl-MYB in leaf sectors infiltrated with severe PSTVd AS1 strain, while mild PSTVd QFA strain showed minimal change in expression comparing to control sectors. Moreover, the overexpression of Sl-MYB in leaf sectors resulted in development of necroses after 2,5-3 DPI, in presence of silencing suppressor p19 after 2 DPI. The development of necroses was largely inhibited in PSTVd AS1-infiltrated leaf sectors in comparison with PSTVd QFA- and control-infiltrated sectors.
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Påverkan på EKG-registrering vid ändrat kroppsläge och elektrodplaceringHleihel, Almaza January 2020 (has links)
Elektrokardiografi, EKG är den mest använda kardiovaskulära undersökningen för studering av hjärtats funktion, patologi i hjärtats retledningssystem och rytm. För att registrera och undersöka hjärtats elektriska aktivitet, används de standardiserade 12-avledningssystemet (12-SL) med distal placering av extremitetsavledningarna på underarmar och underben. På grund av muskelstörningar som kan förekomma under bland annat ett arbetsprov, är 12-SL inte alltid optimalt. Därför har andra modifierade system för elektrodplacering av extremitetselektroderna som Mason- Likar och Lund-avledningssystemet, ersatt med en omplacering proximalt på överarmar och höftkam. Tidigare studier har visat en förändring i EKG-registreringen som kan leda till falska patologier eller missvisande av det befintliga patologierna. Studier har även visat en förändring i EKG-registreringar som kan uppkomma vid olika kroppspositioner. Syftet med denna studie var därför att studera den potentiella skillnaden som uppstår mellan 12-SL och en proximal omplacering enligt Lund-systemet med en kroppspositionsändring. Studien inkluderade 31 deltagare remitterade till ett ordinärt arbetsprov, där en registrering skedde vid distal- och proximal koppling samt med patienten i sittande läge. Utifrån erhållna EKG-registreringar jämfördes R-vågsamplituden, QRS-durationen samt PQ tiden. Studien visade en statistisk signifikant skillnad i alla extremitetsavledningar vid en förflyttning av elektroderna för R-vågamplituden samt för avledning V5 och –aVL vid ändring av kroppsposition. Ingen signifikant förändring kunde observeras för PQ-tiden och QRS-durationen. / Electrocardiography, ECG is the most used cardiovascular method to study cardiac function, pathology of the heart's retinal system and rhythm. To record and investigate the electrical activity of the heart, the standard 12-lead system (12-SL) with distal placement of the limb leads on the forearms and lower legs are commonly used. Due to muscular artifact that can occur in connection with exercise ECGs, 12-SL is not always optimal for use. Therefore, other systems such as Mason-Likar and the Lund-system have replaced with a proximal repositioning of the limb electrodes. Previous studies have shown a change in ECG registration that can lead to false pathology and alarms when modifying the standardized 12-lead system. Previous studies have also shown a possible change in ECG-registrations that can occur with a different body positions. The purpose of this research was to study the potential change that arises between 12-SL and a proximal relocation according to the Lund system with a difference in a body position. The study included 31 participants referred to the regular work test, where a registration was made at distal and proximal connection as well as with the patient in a sitting position. Based on the obtained ECG, the R- wave amplitudes, QRS- durations and PQ- intervals was measured and compared. Results showed a statistically significant difference in all limb leads at and displacements of the electrodes for the R-wave amplitude as well as for the V5 and -aVL with a different body position. No significant change was observers for the PQ- time and QRS- duration.
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