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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

面臨颱洪災害下家戶風險溝通與調適行為之研究 / A Study of Flood Disaster Risk Communication and Adaptive Behavior for Household

陳郁筠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著氣候變遷與溫室效應影響日益明顯,台灣近年發生極端強降雨颱風的次數越來越頻繁,更造成流域地區嚴重災情,而從莫拉克風災經驗可體會到家戶風險溝通的重要性,也意識到我國實務與學術上相關研究的缺乏,故本研究探討家戶風險溝通機制中各項重要因素與調適行為間的關係,以及找出影響家戶調適行為決策之關鍵因素,進而提出家戶風險溝通策略之改善建議,以促進家戶採取調適行為。 本研究經由文獻回顧建立家戶調適行為之風險溝通概念架構,依循此架構研擬問卷,以高屏溪流域地區家戶為研究對象進行問卷調查,透過結構方程模式(SEM)驗證風險溝通架構,了解風險溝通機制各項因素與影響調適行為各因素之關係,後以面對災害回應之強烈將調適行為積極程度分為「消極或低度積極」、「中度積極」與「高度積極」,運用多項式羅吉斯迴歸模型建立家戶應變措施決策模型與調適措施決策模型,找出影響家戶調適行為決策之關鍵因素。 研究結果顯示,調適行為受到內在認知的影響,而內在認知同時受風險溝通機制與外在環境之影響,就風險溝通機制而言,親友鄰居、村里長與地方政府等社區網絡為重要管道。影響調適行為之關鍵因素以災害認知為主,其次為調適行為認知,居住村里次之,其中災害認知與調適行為認知越高,越有可能採取較積極之調適行為,此外,由於自然社會環境、風險溝通特性與社會經濟背景等因素交互影響下,各村里在調適行為決策上也有所差異。最後依據實證結果,與水患自主防災社區風險溝通現況,提出改善家戶風險溝通之策略建議,期望增進風險溝通機制的完備與促進家戶採取調適行為,以減緩極端氣候造成的衝擊。 / Along with the intensification of global climate change and greenhouse effect, typhoons with extreme rainfall strike Taiwan more and more frequently, which cause severe disasters in watershed area. From the experience of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, we realized the importance of risk communication with households and also the lack of related academic research. As a result, this study aims to discuss important factors in risk communication mechanism and their relationships with adaptive behaviors. It also find out key factors influencing decision-making of adaptive behaviors. Based on literature review, this study build a conceptual framework of risk communication process to describe how to trigger adaptive behaviors and encourage adaptive behaviors with risk communication. This study send out questionnaires to the households in Kaoping River Watershed and use structural equation modeling(SEM) to verify the conceptual framework. Then according to attitude of positive degree, adaptive behaviors are classified into“passive or low”,“medium” and “high” levels. By multinomial logistic regression, an empirical analysis was performed to analyze the key factors influencing decision-making of adaptive behaviors. The results show that adaptive behaviors are affected by internal cognition and at the same time internal cognition are affected by risk communication mechanism and external environment. As for risk communication mechanism, family, friends, neighbors and local governments are crucial communication channel. Key factors influencing decision-making of adaptive behaviors are cognition of disaster and adaptive behavior. People with higher cognition of disaster and adaptive behavior would more likely to take positive adaptive behaviors. Besides, community they lived in is also a key factor. Because the interaction of environments, risk communication patterns and socioeconomic attributes, people from different communities would take different adaptive behaviors. Based on empirical results, this study propose suggestions of risk communication strategies in order to better the risk communication mechanism and encourage households to take adaptive behaviors.


周鴻志 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦和網際網路的快速發展,此兩者的結合,提供了許多的資訊商機。其中一項便是遠距教學的興起。遠距教學由最早的函授逐漸轉為以目前流行的Web-based資訊系統為教學平台。而為了讓遠距教學的推廣更加有效,本研究試圖瞭解學習者的心態,提出一個能夠有效解釋和預測學習者行為的模式,以提供相關研究人員參考。 本研究參考歷經實證的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model),以此為基礎,發展出研究架構。並回顧相關網站品質的文獻,建構出屬於遠距教學的網站品質,並以此為外部變數,來推測影響使用者的行為。研究結果發現,本研究所使用的網站品質中,四個構面,以教材品質影響行為意圖的效用最大,其次是其次為服務互動,以及介面設計,最後是功能性。

數學焦慮與自我概念對動機與成就中介效果之探討:以PISA 2003香港資料為例 / The Mediating Effects of Mathematics Anxiety and Self-concept on the Motiviaion and Achievement: The Hong Kong Case of PISA 2003

韓珮華, Han, Pei Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,大型資料庫的建制與分析逐漸成為一種教育研究趨勢,本研究即以PISA 2003資料庫為例,目的是建立影響數學成就的結構方程式模型。在評閱相關文獻後,研究者採用內在動機、工具性動機、數學焦慮、自我概念與數學成就等變項,探討之間的影響關係模型。此外,為使本研究所建立的模型具有模型穩定之證據,因此,將有效樣本隨機分割為建模樣本與驗證樣本,進行最終模型的交叉驗證。 據此,本研究首先使用描述性統計以瞭解香港學生的整體表現傾向,其次,透過探索性因素分析確立研究問卷的信效度,最後,以結構方程式模型建立模型並交叉驗證。資料蒐集對象為香港十五歲之在學學生,有效樣本達4,389位。 依據統計分析結果顯示,內在動機與工具性動機對數學成就沒有直接影響效果,但是內在動機與工具性動機透過數學焦慮及自我概念對數學成就產生間接影響,本研究歸納出七點結論茲分述如下: 1.工具性動機較內在動機更為強烈 2.數學焦慮在動機與數學成就間扮演中介變項之性質 3.自我概念在動機與數學成就間扮演中介角色 4.自我概念在數學焦慮與數學成就間扮演中介角色 5.在內在動機、工具性動機與數學焦慮中,工具性動機扮演負向壓抑變項角色 6.在內在動機、工具性動機與自我概念中,工具性動機扮演負向壓抑變項角色 最後,根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供教學實務上及未來研究參考。 / Recently, establishing and analyzing databases becomes a trend in the field of education research. This study took PISA 2003 database as an example to create a psychometric model of factors that influence mathematics achievement. Based on the literature review, the researcher decided to put influential factors, including intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, mathematics anxiety, self-concept, and mathematics achievement into the model. Afterwards, through cross-validation the present study had verified the model stability. In the aspect of statistic analysis, the descriptive static shows HK students’ general learning tendency. Moreover, the exploratory factor analysis confirmed the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. Lastly, the structural equation modeling(SEM) was used to set structural model. The valid samples were 4,389 15-year-old students. According to the results, intrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation had no direct effect on mathematics achievement and had indirect effect through mathematics anxiety and self-concept. The results were summarized as follows: 1.Students had more instrumental motivation than intrinsic one. 2.Mathematics anxiety was a mediator variable between motivations and mathematics achievement. 3.Self-concept was a mediator variable between intrinsic motivations and mathematics achievement. 4.Self-concept was a mediator variable between mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement. 5.Instrumental motivation was a negative suppressor variable among intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, and mathematics anxiety. 6.Instrumental motivation was a negative suppressor variable among intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, and self-concept. Finally, according to the findings, implications and suggestions for teaching of mathematics and future research were discussed.

大學生生活壓力、解釋風格與情緒幸福感之關係研究 / The relationships among life stress, explanatory style, and emotional well-being of college students.

楊晴如, Yang, Ching Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在急速變遷與多元渾沌的現今,如何轉化複雜且遽增的壓力以提升個體本身的幸福感實屬一重要的議題。本研究主要目的在建立生活壓力、解釋風格與情緒幸福感的結構方程式模型,藉以探討之間的影響關係,進而瞭解解釋風格在這關係中所扮演的中介效果。 本研究以兩組各644位政治大學的大學生為研究對象,採問卷調查法施以生活壓力量表、解釋風格量表及情緒幸福感量表,使用的資料分析方法包括:t考驗、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、及結構方程式模型。本研究以第一組樣本探究不同性別與不同年級在研究變項上的差異,接著,經建構與修正模式後提出最終的關係模式,最後,以第二組樣本驗證最終模式的穩定性。主要結果茲分述如下: 一、在背景變項方面: (一)不同性別與不同年級大學生在「生活壓力」與「解釋風格」上有顯著差 異。 (二)不同性別與不同年級大學生在「情緒幸福感」上未有顯著差異。 二、在結構模式方面: (一)課業壓力、人際壓力對解釋風格有直接正向效果。 (二)課業壓力、人際壓力對情緒幸福感有直接負向效果。 (三)解釋風格對情緒幸福感有直接負向效果。 (四)人際壓力能直接影響情緒幸福感,也能透過解釋風格間接影響情緒幸福感。 (五)解釋風格在課業壓力與情緒幸福感間扮演完全中介變項的角色。 (六)最終模式的交叉驗證具有模式穩定性。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供諮商輔導實務及未來研究參考。 / With the rapid change and the multicultural context of the modern society, how to deal with the complicated and hastily increased stress and to promote people’s well-being is an important issue. The main purpose of this study is to construct the structural equation modeling (SEM) of stress, explanatory style, and emotional well-being. By this way, the researcher can explore the relationship among the three variables, and know the mediator variable of explanatory style. The participants were two groups of students at National Chengchi University, and each group included 644 college students. The data was collected by questionnaires, including the stress scale, the explanatory style scale, and the emotional well-being scale. Moreover, the data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, and SEM. The study, firstly, used the first group to explore the differences of gender and grade, and constructed the final structural model after setting and modifying model. Finally, the researcher used the second group to verify the stability of the model. The main results were summarized as follows: About the background variables: 1.Students with different gender and grade were significantly different in the scores of stress and explanatory style. 2.Students with different gender and grade were not significantly different in the scores of emotional well-being. About the structural model: 1.Academic stress and relationship stress had positive influence on explanatory style directly. 2.Academic stress and relationship stress had negative influence on emotional well-being directly. 3.Explanatory style had negative influence on emotional well-being directly. 4.Relationship stress had influence on emotional well-being directly, and it also affected emotional well-being through explanatory style. 5.Explanatory style was a mediator variable between academic stress and emotional well-being. 6.Through the cross-validation, the final structural model was of model stability. Finally, based on the findings of the study, the researcher made some practical strategies for counselor and some suggestions for further studies.

Tobacco policy influence on denormalisation of smoking

Brown, Abraham K. January 2009 (has links)
The social norms concept provides a fresh basis for thinking about how public health policies and campaigns impact health behaviour. Social norms offer much promise to the field of public health, nonetheless, the potential role of norms in changing health behaviour have not been fully embraced. This thesis demonstrates that one of the mechanisms by which national level policies (e.g. tobacco control) can promote health behaviour change, such as an increase in quit intentions, is by making smoking less normative and an undesirable behaviour. This study is vital as it provides a broad conceptualization of tobacco denormalisation and shows how its reasoning is able to influence normative beliefs and smoking behaviour. A review of literature was carried out to establish the generic origins of denormalisation as well as demonstrate that this approach (i.e. social norms) has been widely adopted in schools and college settings to influence health behaviour. As a broader perspective of this thinking was imperative to address public health issues at a societal level, tobacco control was employed to investigate how individual polices influence behaviour and normative beliefs. The research methodology used was pluralistic in nature, given that the majority of past tobacco control policy studies employed either quantitative or qualitative methods. Thus adopting both methods a richer amount of data would be obtained in order to generate an improved understanding of how public policy affects norms and smoking behaviour. To empirically examine the relationship between public policy, social norms and smoking behaviour a broad conceptualization was developed to investigate the normative pathways between national level tobacco policy effects on youth and adults’ smoking behaviour. Quantitative results from the longitudinal study, the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Scotland/UK survey, indicate that a comprehensive smoke-free law that covers, without exception, an entire nation (i.e. Scotland) has increased adult smokers’ perceived social unacceptability of smoking, to some extent higher in Scotland than rest of the UK which, in turn, is associated with quit intentions at follow-up, in both countries. The examination of data from the UK Youth Tobacco Policy Study (YTPS) also demonstrated that the influence of tobacco marketing awareness on adolescents’ smoking intentions is mediated by perceived norms. Prior to the enactment of the UK Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act (TAPA), higher levels of awareness of tobacco advertising and promotion were independently associated with higher levels of perceived sibling approval which, in turn, were positively related to smoking intentions. Independent paths from perceived smoking prevalence and benefits fully mediated the effects of advertising and promotion awareness on intentions, during and after the enactment of the TAPA. Results from the qualitative study generally supported the quantitative findings and provided new insights into how adolescents’ normative beliefs and smoking behaviour are influenced by tobacco control policies. The qualitative group discussion suggests that smoke-free legislation and anti-smoking ads influence perceptions of prevalence, acceptability and smoking behaviour. A number of theoretical implications were presented, including the belief that social norms campaigns and interventions must be focal and salient in individuals’ consciousness so as to effect the desired behaviour change. A theoretical framework of the various normative mechanisms should consequently be integrated into tobacco control policies and norm-based interventions to work in a synergistic manner to influence health-related behaviour. Practical implications of this conceptualization include the view that, instead of public health interventions focusing on conventional approaches (for example, scare tactics), an appropriate strategy would be to incorporate specific information that corrects normative misperceptions and ambiguities among referent populations at individual and societal levels, with consequential normative and health behaviour change. It is recommended that future research employing tobacco industry perceptions and possibly a descriptive norm as additional normative mediators, aside from unacceptability, would be of value to examine whether smoke-free legislation influences quitting partly via changing favourable tobacco industry perceptions, social acceptability of smoking and perceived prevalence of smoking. To sum up, the findings demonstrate that societal level policy measures such as smoke-free legislation and the TAPA are critical elements of a comprehensive tobacco control program that can significantly influence adult smokers’ quit intentions and reduce adolescents’ smoking intentions respectively, by signifying smoking to be less normative and to be socially unacceptable.

Direct and Indirect Effects of Parenting Style with Child Temperament, Parent-Child Relationship, and Family Functioning on Child Social Competence in the Chinese Culture: Testing the Latent Models

Xu, Changkuan 05 1900 (has links)
Interactional and contextual models have been conceptually proposed in understanding parental influences on children. Yet, empirical model testing has been limited. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of parenting style on child social competence using structural equation modeling in a sample of 544 Chinese families with 6-9 years old children, mainly singleton, residing in Nanjing, China. Five latent models were tested: (a) the direct model between parenting style and child social competence, (b) child temperament as a moderator, (c) parent-child relationship as a mediator, (d) the interaction model between parenting style and family functioning, and (e) bidirectional models of parenting style concurrently with parent-child relationship, and family functioning predicting child social competence. Findings showed: (a) The direct relationship between parenting style and child social competence was significant in both parents with authoritative parenting style on the positive direction, whereas authoritarian and permissive parenting styles on the negative direction; (b) child temperament did not moderate parenting style on child social competence; (c) father-child relationship mediated paternal parenting style on child social competence, whereas maternal parenting style did not; (d) family functioning neither moderated nor mediated the relationship between parenting style and child social competence for both parents; and (e) The four-factor prediction models on child social competence turned out to be unidirectional. For the mothers, the best model was from family functioning to mother-child relationship, to maternal parenting style, and finally to child social competence. Maternal parenting style was the significant proximal factor. For the fathers, it was from family functioning to paternal parenting style, to father-child relationship, and then to child social competence. Father-child relationship had the direct impact, whereas the influence of paternal parenting style was distal through father-child relationship. Findings from this study suggest that the Chinese parents should use more authoritative and less authoritarian and permissive parenting, and develop good parent-child relationships in the daily interactions with their children. Future studies need to use larger and better data to validate these models, or to extend the findings with other important child variables to explore the child's active agency.

Self-efficacy, Academic Engagement, and Student-teacher Relationships for Ninth-grade African American Male Students’ Algebra I Achievement: a Structural Equation Model

Onsongo, Evans N. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was to discern the effects of three latent constructs – self-efficacy, academic engagement, and student-teacher relationships on Algebra I achievement among ninth-grade African American male students. A nationally representative sample from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS09) was used in the study. Study participants were 697 African American males enrolled in ninth grade in the fall of 2009 across the United States. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analytical procedures were performed to test the hypothesized relationships of Bandura’s social cognitive theory (SCT) theoretical assumptions. The results indicate that the three latent variables directly or indirectly were related to Algebra I achievement among ninth grade African American male students. Moreover, the results revealed that self-efficacy and student-teacher relationships constructs had direct significant impact on Algebra I academic performance; nonetheless, the relationships were not strong. These two latent variables had small effect sizes of 5% and 1%, respectively. Combined, self-efficacy, academic engagement, and student-teacher relationships explained only 8% of the variance in the Algebra I achievement among African American males across the United States (R2=.08). The magnitude effect of these factors on Algebra I achievement was minimal. Overall, these findings suggest that the self-efficacy and student-teacher relationships latent variables had a negligible effect as predictors of Algebra I academic success among ninth grade African American male students. A summary of the results are presented and future research is recommended.

Modélisation de facteurs associés à une perception d'insuffisance lactée

Galipeau, Roseline 06 1900 (has links)
Peu de femmes atteignent la recommandation internationale d’un allaitement exclusif d’une durée minimale de 6 mois malgré ses nombreux bienfaits pour l’enfant et pour la mère. Une raison fréquemment mentionnée pour la cessation précoce de l’allaitement ou l’introduction de préparations commerciales pour nourrissons est l’insuffisance de lait. L’origine de cette perception maternelle demeure toujours inexpliquée bien que sa prévalence dans les écrits soit bien documentée. L’insuffisance lactée relève-t-elle de pratiques d’allaitement qui contreviennent au processus physiologique de la lactation ou relève-t-elle d’un manque de confiance maternelle dans sa capacité d’allaiter? Une meilleure compréhension des déterminants de la perception d’insuffisance lactée (PIL) s’avère primordiale, un manque d’interventions infirmières permettant de prévenir, dépister et soutenir les femmes allaitant percevant une insuffisance lactée ayant été identifié. Cette étude visait à déterminer l’apport explicatif de variables biologiques et psychosociales de 252 femmes primipares allaitant sur une PIL. Une modélisation de facteurs associés à la PIL a été développée à l’aide de l’approche synthèse théorique comportant les variables suivantes: les événements entourant la naissance, les capacités infantiles et maternelles, la supplémentation, le sentiment maternel d’efficacité en allaitement, la PIL et les pratiques d’allaitement. Afin de mieux comprendre comment se développe et évolue la PIL, un devis prédictif confirmatif longitudinal a été privilégié de la naissance à la 6e semaine postnatale. Au T1, soit le premier 24 heures suivant la naissance, les participantes ont complété un questionnaire concernant leur intention d’initier et de maintenir un allaitement exclusif pour une durée de 6 mois. Au T2, soit la 3e journée postpartum, les femmes complétaient un 2e questionnaire regroupant les différentes mesures utilisées pour l’étude des variables de la modélisation PIL, incluant le prélèvement d’un échantillon de lait maternel. À la 2e semaine, soit le T3, les femmes complétaient un questionnaire similaire à celui du T2, lequel était envoyé par la poste. Finalement, au T4, soit à la 6e semaine, une entrevue téléphonique semi-dirigée concernant les pratiques d’allaitement a été réalisée. La vérification des hypothèses s’est faite principalement à l’aide de tests de corrélations de Pearson, d’analyses de régressions et d’équations structurelles. Les résultats indiquent une influence simultanée des capacités infantiles et du sentiment maternel d’efficacité en allaitement sur la PIL au T2 et au T3; le sentiment maternel d’efficacité en allaitement exerçant de surcroit un effet médiateur entre les capacités infantiles et la perception d’insuffisance lactée au T2 et au T3. Au T2, la fréquence des tétées est associée à une diminution du taux de Na+ du lait maternel, marqueur biologique de l’établissement de la lactogenèse II. Des interventions ciblant le développement d’un sentiment maternel élevé d’efficacité en allaitement devraient être privilégiées. / Few mothers achieved the international recommendation of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding even though it’s numerous benefits both for mother and baby. Perceived insufficient milk (PIM) is a frequent reason reported by mother for stopping breastfeeding or introducing commercial milk products, especially in the first 6 weeks. Although consensus about its prevalence exists in the literature, the origin of this perception is still unexplained. Does PIM result from breastfeeding mismanagement which interferes with lactation physiologic processes or does it results from a lack of maternal confidence? This critical gap in the knowledge of determinants of PIM limits nursing intervention development. The aim of this study is to determine the relative contribution of biological and psychological variables on PIM among a group mother’s 1st time breastfeeding. To allow a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of PIM, a predictive confirmative longitudinal design was implemented from birth to 6th week postnatal. PIM model was developed through theory synthesis and include the following key variables: birth events, infant capacities, maternal capacities, supplementation, breastfeeding self-efficacy, perceived insufficient milk and breastfeeding practices. This study’s sample consisted of 252 breastfeeding 1st time mothers that were contacted at 4 points in time. At T1, the first 24 hours following birth, the participants completed a questionnaire related to their intention to initiate and maintain 6 months exclusive breastfeeding. At T2 of the study, on the 3rd day postpartum, the women completed a 2nd questionnaire regrouping the different measures used for the PIM model key variables and hand-expressed breast milk sample. On the 2nd week, T3, the women completed a questionnaire comparable to the one at T2, which was sent by mail. Lastly, the 4th study time, at the 6th week, a semi-directed telephone interview was done regarding their breastfeeding practices. Statistical analyses included Pearson correlations, ascendant logistic regressions and SEM. The results suggest a simultaneous influence of infant capacities and breastfeeding self-efficacy on PIM on T2 and T3; breastfeeding self-efficacy exerting a mediating effect in between infant capacities and PIM at both T2 and T3. At T2, breastfeeding frequency was associated with a fall in Na+ breastmilk, indicating establishment of lactogenesis II. Interventions towards increasing breastfeeding self-efficacy should be developed.

La compétence en emploi peut-elle prédire la santé psychologique des enseignants?

Stamate, Alina Nusa 12 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la santé psychologique au travail, les besoins fondamentaux et la compétence en emploi. En plus de valider un questionnaire de compétences en emploi (QCE), cette thèse propose que les compétences en emploi puissent prédire la santé psychologique au travail par la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Le premier article a pour objectif de présenter la conception et la validation de l’instrument de mesure des compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Une première étape dans notre étude a permis l’identification de trois solutions factorielles possibles : structure à un seul facteur, structure à deux facteurs et structure à un facteur de deuxième ordre. Les matrices des corrélations des énoncés étaient fiables, se prêtaient bien à l’analyse factorielle exploratoire et présentaient de bonnes cohérences internes. La deuxième étape de notre étude a été de type confirmatif. Chacune des trois solutions factorielles proposées a été analysée, ce qui a permis l’identification du modèle le mieux ajusté compte tenu des seuils empiriques des indices retenus pour l’analyse par équations structurelles. L’étude réalisée sur un échantillon d’enseignants québécois démontre que nous pouvons conclure aux bonnes qualités psychométriques de l’instrument analysé. Les limites et les apports de cette étude seront aussi présentés. Le deuxième article examine les liens entre les compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement, la santé psychologique au travail et la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation). Un modèle de médiation est testé par des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles. Dans ce modèle, on considère que la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation sociale) agisse comme médiateur dans la relation entre les compétences en emploi et la santé psychologique au travail. Une relation de médiation partielle (Baron & Kenny, 1986) a été trouvée dans notre échantillon, en utilisant l’analyse de rééchantillonnage par « bootstrap », dans le cadre de la modélisation par équations structurelles. Les limites de la recherche, ainsi que des suggestions de recherches futures seront proposées. / This following thesis bears on relationship between psychological health, the basic needs and work competence. In addition to validating a questionnaire for work competencies (QCE), this thesis composed of two articles, proposes that the work competencies can predict psychological health in the workplace by meeting the basic needs, in the field of teaching. The first article aims to present the design and validation of the measurement instrument of work competencies in teaching. A first step in our study allowed the identification of three possible solutions factor: a single factor structure, two-factor structure and factor structure of the second order. The correlation matrix of the statements was reliable, lend them well to exploratory factor analysis and showed good internal consistency. The second step of our study was confirmatory type. All three possible solutions factor were analyzed, which allowed the identification of the best-fitting model given the empirical evidence threshold selected for the structural equation analysis. The study conducted on a sample of teachers in Quebec shows that we can conclude with good psychometric properties of the instrument analyzed. The limitations and contributions of this study are also presented. The second article examines the relation between work competencies, psychological health at work and the satisfaction of the basic needs (autonomy competence and affiliation). A mediation model is tested by analysis of structural equation modeling. In this model it is assumed that the satisfaction of the basic needs act as mediator in the relationship between work competencies and psychological health at work. A relationship of partial mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986) was found in our sample, using the analysis of resampling by bootstrap in the context of structural equation modeling. The limitations of the research and suggestions for future research are proposed.

Utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche en éducation Validation d’un questionnaire et proposition d’un modèle

Ramdé, Jean 08 1900 (has links)
La recherche sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche (CIR) est en pleine expansion. Plusieurs études ont montré que l’utilisation des CIR contribue à améliorer la réussite scolaire des élèves. Toutefois, il semble que les enseignants les utilisent très peu. Pour améliorer cette utilisation, il est nécessaire de développer un modèle explicatif de l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Ce modèle permet de rendre compte des mécanismes menant à l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche en milieu de pratique. Il permet également de mettre en évidence les facteurs les plus influents et l’agencement de ces différents facteurs dans le but de favoriser une meilleure utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Ce dernier aspect constitue l’objectif principal de cette thèse pour le domaine spécifique de l’éducation. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche (QUC) est validé et un modèle est proposé. Le premier article de la thèse examine la fiabilité, la validité et la structure factorielle du QUC avec un échantillon francophone et anglophone d’un milieu défavorisé. Le QUC, composé de 43 items, mesure six dimensions, soit : l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, le contexte organisationnel, la stratégie de soutien, l’opinion des utilisateurs et leur expertise ainsi que la fréquence d’accès aux sources des connaissances issues de la recherche. Au total, 2270 enseignants ont complété le questionnaire. Les résultats des différentes analyses montrent que le QUC doit être réduit à 20 items regroupés en cinq facteurs : l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, l’opinion des utilisateurs, la stratégie de soutien, l’expertise des utilisateurs et les facteurs organisationnels. Le second article de cette thèse examine quel modèle permet de mieux expliquer l’utilisation des CIR. Pour ce faire, deux modèles sont testés avec le même échantillon que dans le premier article, soit un modèle de liens directs et un modèle avec médiation. Pour le premier modèle, un lien direct entre l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche et les facteurs qui favorisent cette utilisation est postulé : l’expertise, l’opinion, la stratégie de soutien et le facteur organisationnel auront des liens directs avec l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Le second modèle (modèle avec médiation) se base quant à lui sur les théories de l’action raisonnée et du comportement planifié et postule que le lien entre les facteurs et l’utilisation n’est pas direct; certains facteurs ont des effets directs et d’autres des effets indirects. Concrètement, ce second modèle postule que l’expertise et l’opinion agissent comme médiateurs entre, d’une part, les deux variables indépendantes (le facteur organisationnel et la stratégie de soutien), et, d’autre part, la variable dépendante (l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche). Les résultats des analyses montrent que le modèle avec médiation permet de mieux comprendre l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Cette étude a permis de valider un questionnaire sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche et aboutit à la proposition d’un modèle qui permet d’expliquer l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche spécialement conçu pour le domaine de l’éducation. Elle fournit des outils (un questionnaire validé et un modèle) qui permettent de mieux cerner le paradigme de l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, ce qui pourrait favoriser une plus grande utilisation des CIR par les intervenants scolaires. En effet, les résultats de cette recherche peuvent guider les décideurs dans l’implantation des programmes menant à l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche qui s’adressent aux enseignants. Ces résultats indiquent sur quels facteurs agir en premier lieu afin d’améliorer l’utilisation des CIR chez les enseignants du secondaire dans les milieux défavorisés. Le présent modèle pourrait être utilisé dans d’autres milieux scolaires (par exemple les milieux non défavorisés ou les milieux scolaires primaires) après validation. / Research on knowledge transfer is growing rapidly. Numerous studies have shown that the use of research-based Knowledge (RBK) contributes to student academic success. However, it seems that teachers make little use of RBK. To improve RBI use, a model for explaining knowledge use needs to be developed. This model shows the mechanisms of knowledge transfer in the practice setting. It also helps to highlight the most influential factors and the arrangement of these different factors in order to promote a better use of RBK. This is the primary objective of the present thesis, specifically with regard to the field of education. To do so, a questionnaire on the use of research-based knowledge (QURBK) is validated and a model proposed. The first article in this thesis examines the reliability, validity and factor structure of the QURBI with a sample of French and English teachers in the disadvantaged sections of the population. The QURBK, which comprises 43 items, measures six dimensions: knowledge use, organizational factors, support strategies, user opinions, user expertise and frequency of access to knowledge sources. In all, 2270 teachers completed the questionnaire. The results of the various analyses indicate that the QURBK should be reduced to 20 items, grouped into five factors: knowledge use, user opinions, support strategies, user expertise and organizational factors. The second article in this thesis explores what model best explains RBK use. Two models are tested using the same sample considered in the first article. In the case of the first model, a direct link is postulated between knowledge use and factors that promote use: expertise, opinions, support strategies and organizational factors are thus directly linked to knowledge use. The second model, which is based on the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour, postulates that the link between factors and use is not direct; certain factors have direct effects and others have indirect effects. Specifically, the model, named mediation model, suggests that expertise and opinion serve as mediators between the two independent variables (organizational factors, support strategies) on the one hand, and the dependent variable (knowledge use) on the other. Following analysis, it appears that the mediation model is helpful to better understanding of the use of research-based knowledge. This study was used to validate a questionnaire on the use of research-based Knowledge and allows the proposal of a model explaining RBK use, designed specifically for the field of education. As well, it provides tools (a validated questionnaire and a model) that could contribute to the greater use of research-based knowledge. As a matter of fact, the results of this research could be helpful to the decision makers in setting up knowledge transfer programs, which lead to better use of RBK, made for teachers. These results indicate on which factor one should act first in order to improve the use of RBI by secondary schools teachers in the disadvantaged sections of the population. After its validation, the present model could be used in other schools (for example in non-disadvantaged or in primary schools).

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