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Anonymiserade databaser : Kan sui generis-skyddet av anonymiserade personuppgifter öka användningen av data i unionen? / Anonymised databases : Can the sui generis protection of anonymised personal data increase the use of data in the Union?Thelin, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Data har beskrivits som en av hörnstenarna i dagens ekonomi och Europeiska unionen har i flera decennier antagit rättsakter som syftat till att skapa en informationsmarknad i unionen. Men flera problem har tornat upp på den inre marknaden. Bland annat har data tenderat att inte användas i tillräckligt hög grad och det har varit svårt för datainnehavare att tillgängliggöra sin data samtidigt som de måste respektera unionens regler om dataskydd. I centrum finns därför två motstående intressen av värdeskapande användning av data och skydd av personuppgifter. Det här examensarbetet undersöker om användningen av databasdirektivets sui generis-skydd och användningen av dataskyddsförordningens reglering om anonymisering kan vara en lämplig lösning på unionens problem. Den första halvan av examensarbetet undersöker dataskyddsförordningens centrala definitioner om vad som är en personuppgift och hur den kan anonymiseras för att undvika förordningens tillämpningsområde. Den andra halvan av examensarbetet behandlar hur man kan skydda de avidentifierade personuppgifterna efter anonymiseringen med en tillämpning av databasdirektivets sui generis-skydd. Examensarbetets huvudslutsats är att det inte framstår som lämpligt att i nuläget förlita sig på anonymisering som ett rättsligt verktyg för att tillgängliggöra data för vidareanvändning i unionen. Delslutsatserna om anonymisering är för det första att identifieringsrekvisitet i personuppgiftsdefinitionen är relativt och inte absolut i dataskyddsförordningen. För det andra att det är tveksamt om Europeiska dataskyddsstyrelsens krav på att man inte ska kunna dra en slutsats om någon efter anonymisering täcks av rekvisiten i förordningen, och om det därför inte finns berättigade förväntningar att följa deras riktlinjer i den delen. Delslutsatserna om databasdirektivet är för det första att anonymiserade personuppgifter kan skyddas av sui generis och för det andra att en databasproducent kan använda sig av reglerna om normalt bruk och oberättigat kränker legitima intressen för att skydda anonymiseringen när databasen med anonymiserade personuppgifter har tillgängliggjorts.
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Le référencement : contribution à l'étude de la nature juridique d'un contrat majeur de la grande distribution / Listing agreement : contribution to the study of the legal nature of a major contract for mass distributionVallas, Philippe 23 September 2014 (has links)
Le référencement est la technique contractuelle d'approvisionnement majeure de "la grande distribution". Apparue dans les années 70, elle partage son nom avec une pratique du "e-commerce" avec laquelle elle n'a, pourtant, aucun rapport. C’est un mode de regroupement de la puissance d'achat, reconnu par un arrêt du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Strasbourg du 29 septembre 1983 comme une relation tripartite, dans laquelle la structure de regroupement (référenceur) en vertu d'un "contrat d'affiliation" ou "de groupement" négocie des conditions de ventes, dans un "contrat de référencement" avec les fournisseurs, dont ses membres (distributeurs) pourront directement se prévaloir pour conclure des contrats "d'achat/vente". Ces différentes phases sont liées, ce qui en fait un "contrat complexe" et "sui generis". Elle se révèle polymorphe, ce qui a donné lieu à de multiples hypothèses fonctionnelles : contrat unilatéral, mandat, contrat de commission, courtage, stipulation pour autrui, et ses effets peuvent impacter l'ordre public économique. A l’étude, règles contractuelles et règles de concurrences interagissent entre elles au détriment d'une nécessaire sécurité juridique, d'où la recherche d'éléments sur lesquels bâtir un régime stable. On les trouve dans la "globalisation des avantages", formant la cause du référencement, et la "commission de gestion", qui forme celle de l’intervention du référenceur. La confrontation de leurs conditions de validité aux hypothèses émises se révélant peu satisfaisante, nécessite de s'orienter vers une approche sociétaire du problème, seule à même de répondre, valablement, à la question de la nature du référencement et de son régime juridique. / Listing agreement is the major contractual supply technique used by mass retailing. It appeared in the 1970s, and shares its name with an e-commerce practice, with which it has no connection. It is a way to consolidate purchasing power, recognised by the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Strasbourg on 29th September 1983 as a tripartite relationship, in which the consolidating structure (index specialist) negotiates the terms and conditions with the suppliers in a indexing contract, using a registration contract or syndicate contract, which its members (distributors) can directly rely on to conclude purchase or sale contracts. These different phases are linked, which makes a “complex contract” and “sui generis”. This technique shows itself to be multipurpose, which gives rise to numerous functional situations such as unilateral contracts; agents; agency fees; brokerages; stipulations for a third party; and it can also have an impact on the public economic order. Through studies one realises that contractual and competition rules interact with each other to the detriment of a necessary judicial structure, thus leading to the research of elements on which a stable regime can be created. One can find these elements in the globalisation of advantages, which is the reason for indexing, and in agency fees, which is the reason for the index specialist’s involvement. The confrontation of conditions of validity with the various situations is unsatisfactory, which makes it necessary to turn towards an institutional approach, the only way to adequately respond to the question of indexing’s nature and legal regime.
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Duomenų bazių teisinė apsauga Prancūzijoje ir Lietuvoje / La protection juridique de bases de données en France et en LituaniePetrauskaitė, Jurgita 17 March 2006 (has links)
Base de données est un recueil d’œuvres, de données ou d’autres éléments indépendants, disposés de manière systématique ou méthodique et individuellement accessibles par des moyens électroniques ou d’une autre manière. La protection organisée par la directive, par le Code de la propriété intellectuelle français et par la Loi des droits d’auteurs et des droits voisins lituanienne est double.
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La protection des bases de données par le droit d'auteur : approche comparative entre le droit français et le droit sénégalais / The legal protection of databases by intellectual property : comparative approach Senegalese law and French lawNdiaye, Elhadji Oumar 20 December 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte mondial marqué par l’essor d’une société de l’information, des savoirs partagés et de l’économie numérique, cette étude propose une évaluation de la protection des bases de données par le droit d’auteur, en privilégiant une approche comparative entre le droit français et le droit sénégalais. En mettant en exergue les éléments de convergence mais aussi de divergence qui ressortent de la confrontation des deux législations, cette analyse part de l’identification des forces et des faiblesses du droit d’auteur, en vue de proposer des orientations pour une amélioration du cadre juridique de la protection des bases de données. Le droit d’auteur étant le mécanisme de protection unanimement consacré pour les bases de données, il y a lieu, loin de s’en départir, d’identifier les meilleures options juridiques qui pourraient concourir à son renforcement. Dans cette optique, la prise en compte d’un équilibre parfait entre les divers intérêts en présence constitue un impératif pour le développement de la société de l’information. / In a global context marked by the rise of an information society, shared knowledge and digital economy, this study proposes an assessment of the protection of databases by Copyright (french meaning), privileging a comparative approach between French and Senegalese law. By highlighting the elements of convergence but also of divergence that emerge from the confrontation between the two legislations, this analysis starts from the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of copyright, to propose orientations aimed at improving the legal framework for the protection of databases. Copyright being the unanimously consecrated protection mechanism for databases, it is necessary, far from divesting it, to identify the best legal options that could contribute to its reinforcement. In this respect, it is imperative to take into account a perfect balance between the various interests for the development of the information society.
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Hur östasiatiska läror framställs i svenska läroböcker för gymnasiet : ur en religionskritisk teoribildning / How East Asian teachings are presented in Swedish textbooks for upper secondary school : through critical religion theoryMonroy, Eric January 2021 (has links)
This study seeks to explore how Swedish textbooks in religion for upper secondary school presents East Asian teachings. The main focus will be on Confucianism, Daoism and Shinto. The aim is to explore how textbook authors relate to the Western concept of reli-gion when they describe the three East Asian teachings. Where do the authors choose to put the most emphasis when the coverage of the textbooks is limited? The study is done by qualitative text analysis as method. The theoretical perspective used is primarily critical religion theory. Five textbooks of religion for upper secondary school were studied and show in the results the different themes found in the texts regarding East Asian teachings. The analysis shows that Confucianism, Daoism and Shinto are presented in the textbooks as something different compared to the world religions. Occasionally the three teachings are portrayed as obsolete. By using a critical religion theory, it seems that the textbook authors were occasionally trying to fit in the teachings as sui generis religion. The authors seem to be aware that religious practice can be different in East Asia than it is generally done in the west. This study should be of help to Swedish religion studies teachers when educating in the subject. It is easy to fall into the trap of explaining foreign teachings through sui generis religion. By being critical before deciding to make use of Swedish textbooks in religion we can avoid reproducing unfair notations of East Asian teachings.
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Val angående fartygsförlagd utbildning : En studie om hur sjöbefälsstudenter upplever valen av praktikplatser och hur de har påverkat deras utbildning / Choise regarding ship-based training : A study on how maritime officer students experience the choice of their ship-based internship and how they have influenced their educationBilevicius, Marius January 2021 (has links)
Sjökaptensstudenterna på Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar genomgår praktik under sammanlagt 12 månader i form av fartygsförlagd utbildning indelad i tre olika perioder under deras fyraåriga utbildning. Praktiken ger studenterna möjligheten att lära sig yrket på ett praktisk sätt och inte bara från läroboken. Praktikfartyg tas fram med hjälp av institutet SUI (Sjöfartens utbildnings institut) och ger tillgång till en olika mängd av fartygstyper. Sjökaptensstudenterna får möjligheten att välja sina praktikplatser genom att önska sig ett fartyg som de vill utföra sin praktik på, detta ger däremot ingen garanti på att de kommer få just det fartyg de önskat då det finns många studenter och få fartyg. Studenterna får ett samtal av SUI när det är dags för dem att välja fartyg, detta sker slumpmässigt och utgår från de studenter som klargjort flest kurser. Processen för många anses vara stressig då de inte får mycket tid på sig att välja. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer sjökaptensstudenterna upplever väger in vid deras val av praktikplater för att öka chansen till en bra praktik, samt hur studenterna känner angående allt i efterhand. För att ta reda på detta genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie där sex sjöbefälsstudenter på sitt sista studieår deltog. Resultatet på studien visar att det fanns många olika faktorer som vägde in i valen, som även bidrog till en överlag bra praktik med inslag av några negativa faktorer, som fokuseras på SUIs valprocess. / The shipping students at the Kalmar Maritime College are undergoing a total training course of 12 months in the form of vessel-proposed training divided into three different periods during their four-year education. The practice gives the students an opportunity to learn the profession in a practical way and not just from the textbook. Practical vessels are developed using the Institute of the SUI (Institute of Maritime Training) and provide access to a variety of types of vessels. The lake captain students are given the opportunity to choose their internship by wishing for a ship on which they want to carry out their practice, but this does not guarantee that they will receive the ship they wanted when there are many students and few ships. Students get a call from the SUI when it’s time for them to choose their ships, this is done at random and based on students that have clarified the most courses. The process for many people is considered stressful because they don’t have much time to choose. This study aims to examine the factors experienced by sea captain students in their choice of places and make a good practice, as well as how students know about everything afterwards. To find out, a qualitative interview study was conducted involving six sea command students who were in their senior year. The results of the study showed that there were many different factors that weighed in their choices as what contributed to a good practice that felt most positive but also some negative things, focused on the SUI electoral process.
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Die reg op uitbreiding van deeltitelskemas as boedelbate / Hendrik Gerard HattinghHattingh, Hendrik Gerard January 2013 (has links)
Sectional ownership has introduced several new concepts of property that differ
significantly from prevailing as well as common-law concepts of property. The
right of extension with regards to sectional titles is one such concept. The right
entails a subtraction from the dominium of sectional owners and is widely
regarded as a limited real right. It is submitted that the right cannot be
categorised into any common-law category. The right is a statutory limited real
right sui generis that has its own characteristics with regards to the way it is
established, transferred, alienated, burdened or lapses. The right should also be
recognised as constitutional property. The study concludes with an investigation
into selected aspects relating to the right as an estate asset and points to
problems relating to the valuation of the right for purposes of estate, capital gains
and donation tax. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Legal mechanisms for the European Union to participate in the decision-making of multilateral fora in the field of maritime affairsHong, Wei-Sheng January 2014 (has links)
The European Union (EU) increasingly participates in various arrangements at the international level in order to further the objectives of the Union. Yet, such participation poses challenges in terms of ensuring that the EU has an effective voice, whilst also ensuring certainty and clarity for other participants. This thesis focuses on the EU’s participation in the decision-making processes of multilateral fora in the field of maritime affairs in order to examine how these challenges can be met. The thesis explores the legal mechanisms in both EU law and international law that accommodate the ability of the EU to participate in international arrangements. It will consider whether these mechanisms ensure clarity and certainty to the key actors involved and whether consistency exists between the internal and external mechanisms. Through collecting, examining, and analysing historical and contemporary materials relating to the shaping and operating of the internal and external legal mechanisms, this thesis aims to explain and analyse how the legal mechanisms are established and how they can be adapted to meet the challenges facing the EU, its Member States, third States, and international institutions in a clearer and more consistent manner. The research diagnoses several key factors that have contributed to the possible ambiguity, uncertainty, and inconsistency of these mechanisms, including the evolving nature of shared competence and a heavy reliance on the Court of Justice in ascertaining and safeguarding the contours of the EU legal order and its interface with the international legal order. It then examines how the internal legal mechanisms have been projected externally, by using selected case studies of the participation of the EU in the International Maritime Organisation, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, and Regional Fisheries Management Organisations. This thesis illustrates that although various mechanisms have been adopted internally and externally to tackle the challenges facing the EU’s participation, several sets of asymmetries can be found across different legal mechanisms. The thesis evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of these mechanisms and it further suggests that adopting the mixed-participation mode for the EU and its Member States to participate in the multilateral fora may be preferable, or indeed necessary, even in areas where the EU enjoys an exclusive competence.
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A study of the five-character poems evolved to regulated verse from Southern Qi Liang Chen to the Sui DynastyChing, Sze-ling 21 August 2011 (has links)
Five-character poetry is an important poems form in Chinese Literature, which have five-character-four-sentences, six-sentences, eight-sentences, ten-sentences,twelve-sentences or even longer. Although the regulated verse form got into matured in Tang Dynasty,but it was brewing in the Southern Qi Liang.Start from Southern Song Dynasty,five-character poetry was gradually appeared into a large number,especially of the five-character-eight-sentences poetry.However, among the academia only focus on researching poetry rhythm and the antithesis,did not put efford into research the structure of five-character poem.This thesis focuses on this phenomenon,based on the number of five-character poems and the poems structure,try to research the process of five-character poems evolve into regulated verse.
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A study of early Buddhist scriptural calligraphy: based on Buddhist manuscripts found in Dunhuang andTurfan (3-5 century)Tsui, Chung-hui., 崔中慧. January 2010 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Buddhist Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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