Spelling suggestions: "subject:"safeguard"" "subject:"afeguard""
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The resettlement policy paradox: Prospects for reconciling rights, risks and sustainability for people displaced by development / 再定住支援政策のパラドックス-開発による強制移住民の権利回復とリスク軽減および持続可能性の調和的実現への展望-PRICE, Susanna 24 November 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 乙第13381号 / 論地環博第14号 / 新制||地環||39(附属図書館) / (主査)准教授 SINGER JANE, 教授 宇佐美 誠, 講師 BAARS ROGER CLOUD / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Postavení Senátu PČR po 20 letech / Position and role of the Czech Senate twenty years after its creationRameš, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the problematic position of the upper house of the czech Parliament. In this thesis author is operating as with primary literature (i.e. laws and historic constitutional documents) in analysis historical moments of the czech parliamentarism, so with direct observation of the members of the Senate (in 11th term). Author was focusing himself on direct observations of the senate committees and plenary session of the Senate. With great help of the Senate's staff and senator Jaromír Jermář, all the members of the Senate was addressed with author's request to participate in research. Results of this research are basic cornerstone in order to answer the questions in the introduction about the sense and the role of the upper house of the czech Parliament. First chapter represents an introduction, where are the most important sources, metodology, questions entitled and this problematic is basically explained. Second chapter is aiming on the theoretical concept of the bicameral parliaments. Third chapter is profoundly analysing the historical experience of the Czech state with the second chambre parliament. Fourth chapter is, finally, analysing the representational, constitutional and legislative-controlling functions of the Senate toward the executive. Fifth chapter is...
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GATS內建議題之研究─以緊急防衛、政府採購、補貼談判為中心陳仁傑, Chen, Jen-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
世界貿易組織協定之整體架構,其內容涵蓋了關稅暨貿易總協定、修正1947年關稅暨貿易總協定的瞭解書,以及規範貨品貿易、服務貿易,與智慧財產權的多邊貿易協定等。世界貿易組織協定中的附件1B,即是為規範服務貿易所訂之服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,以下簡稱GATS)。由於服務貿易相關議題的起步與發展相形較晚,因此各國就世界貿易組織協定達成協議時,GATS中許多議題仍不成熟也缺乏共識,難以有具體之處理與規範。但是為了能在日後繼續處理這些未完成的議題,因此,乃在GATS條文中分別規定相關文字,要求會員在WTO成立生效後應繼續這些議題的討論與處理。
最後,本文在前述各章的評估與分析的基礎之上,在第五章分別就此三項議題提出本文之建議,期望能提供相關研究人員以及有關當局作為參考。 / This thesis focuses on the three ongoing issues of the GATS built–in agenda - the negotiations on emergency safeguard measures, government procurement, and subsidies. These three issues were too complicated to be dealt with properly in the Uruguay Round, so the issues left were regulated in Articles X, XIII and XV of GATS, which mandates members to resolve the issues in the future.
Because each country’s developments and considerations are widely different from one another, developed and developing countries did not achieve consensus on these issues. This thesis attempts to introduce and analyze the different discussions and opinions on these three issues.
Besides the introductory Chapter, the thesis consists of another four parts. Chapter 2 first introduces and clarifies controversial issues on emergency safeguard measures, and then analyzes the three main proposals about ESM (emergency safeguard mechanism) and estimates the most recent status of the issue.
Chapter 3 deals with government procurement under the GATS. After reviewing the history of the negotiation, attention is paid to the proposal from the European Community (hereafter “the EC”). Because the proposal involved with a fierce debate over market access, the EC proposal on a framework for rules for government procurement of services could not be accepted by most developing countries. Therefore, the issue has made little progress in the past years. Chapter 3 concludes with some commentaries on the issue.
Chapter 4 turns attention to subsidies in services. Article XV of GATS mandates members to enter into negotiations with a view to develop multilateral disciplines which would avoid the distortive effects that subsidies in services may have on trade in services. The negotiation on subsidies in services, however, involves many important issues, such as the necessity to regulate subsidies in services, the definition of subsidies in services, elements of rules, etc. Although members made efforts to address these questions, nothing concrete has been achieved. The last chapter consists of conclusions and recommendations.
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Difficultés des entreprises et droits des salariés / The difficulties of companies and the rights of workersRipert, Jennifer 09 May 2012 (has links)
La confrontation des difficultés de l’entreprise aux droits des salariés conduit à s’interroger sur la coexistence et l’articulation de disciplines à vocations différentes. Face aux difficultés économiques de l’entreprise, les conflits d’intérêts peuvent atteindre leur paroxysme. Il revient alors au droit d’utiliser des critères objectifs, acceptés par l’ensemble des parties prenantes, afin de dégager des solutions permettant le maintien de l’activité et de l’emploi.L’analyse de la prise en compte des droits des salariés lorsque l’entreprise rencontre des difficultés économiques, faite sous le prisme de la stakeholder’s theory, aboutit à l’insatisfaction. Entre justice sociale et efficacité économique une recherche d’équilibre s’impose. Pourtant, aussi bien la loi que les apports jurisprudentiels n’y contribuent guère. Des pans entiers du droit du travail et du droit des entreprises en difficulté s’ignorent. L’absence de normes communes entre les matières stérilise la recherche de solutions de compromis. Par suite, aussi bien dans le cadre de la prévention des difficultés de l’entreprise, qu’au titre du traitement judiciaire de celles-ci, ou encore au niveau de la reprise de l’entreprise en difficulté, le conflit aboutit à un équilibre précaire et insatisfaisant. Les droits des salariés sont pris en compte de manière irrégulière, saccadée, et parfois, injustifiée. / Confronting the difficulties of companies with the rights of workers entails discussing the co-existence and the articulation of subject areas whose purposes are different. When a firm encounters economic difficulties, conflicts of interest can become paroxystic. Thus it is the Law which will be resorted to so as to provide objective criteria acceptable by all stakeholders in order to shape solutions which will ensure the preservation of both the activity and jobs. Assessing workers’ rights at a time when a company encounters economic difficulties through the prism of the stakeholders’ theory regularly leads to dissatisfaction. It is essential to balance social justice with economic efficiency. Yet neither the law nor any contributions of the court really help to do so. Large segments of labour law and of bankruptcy law are incompatible. The lack of common standards between both subject matters makes finding compromise solutions impossible. Thus the conflict leads to a precarious and unsatisfactory equilibrium, whether it be in matters of prevention of difficulties for a firm, of their judiciary treatment or of the takeover of the company in difficulty. Workers’ rights are taken into account in a fashion which can be irregular, erratic and at times unjustified.
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Le rôle de la cessation des paiements dans la prévention et le traitement des difficultés des entreprises / Cessation of payments in the interprises fighting for survivalOssouma-Efame, Everick 20 June 2015 (has links)
La cessation des paiements, c’est sans aucun doute l’une des notions clés du droit des procédures collectives. Pour s’en rendre compte, il suffit de vérifier le contentieux qui en la matière est très abondant. Légalement définie au sein du premier alinéa de l’article L. 631-1 du Code de commerce comme l’impossibilité pou un débiteur de faire face à son passif exigible avec son actif disponible, cette définition, a été, à l’origine, l’œuvre d’une décision de la Cour de cassation rendue le 14 février 1978. Sous l’empire des dispositions antérieures à la loi de sauvegarde des entreprises, la cessation des paiements est un « curseur » qui sert de ligne de démarcation entre les procédures amiables et les procédures judiciaires. Un tel système a été dénoncé car il manquait cruellement de souplesse et d’efficacité dans la lutte contre les défaillances des entreprises. La loi du 26 juillet 2005, dans l’optique d’anticiper le traitement des difficultés des entreprises a mis un terme au système de « la cessation-curseur » en instituant la procédure amiable de conciliation et la procédure collective de sauvegarde. Toutefois, lorsque les « digues » que constituent les outils de l’anticipation n’ont pas pu enrayer le risque de cessation des paiements, le chef d’entreprise qui se retrouve dans une telle situation doit, dans un délai de quarante-cinq jours, demander l’ouverture d’une procédure de redressement ou de liquidation judiciaire. Lorsqu’il ouvre l’une ou l’autre de ces deux procédures, le tribunal saisi doit fixer une date de cessation des paiements. Cette date sera décisive pour la détermination de la période suspecte. De plus, l’ouverture des procédures collectives aura une incidence sur l’entreprise, elle joue sa survie, sur les créanciers dont le recouvrement de la créance est menacé, sur les fournisseurs qui craignent pour leurs relations contractuelles avec le débiteur, sur les garants qui craignent d’être appelés et sur la personne du débiteur elle-même. Sa gestion antérieure de l’entreprise sera scrutée et s’il en résulte des fautes en relation plus ou moins directe avec la cessation des paiements, il encourt des sanctions ou des actions en responsabilité. / Cessation of payments is certainly one of the key concepts in the law on collective insolvency proceedings. This can be seen by checking the litigation, which is very abundant in this matter. Legally defined in the first paragraph of Article L. 631-1 of the Commercial Code as the inability of a debtor to meet its accrued liabilities with its quick assets, this definition originated in a decision of the Court of Cassation issued on February 14, 1978. Under the provisions prior to the insolvency act, cessation of payments is a "cursor" which serves as a line of demarcation between amicable proceedings and judicial proceedings. Such a system has been criticized for being sorely lacking in flexibility and effectiveness in preventing business failures. The law of July 26, 2005, with the objective of anticipating treatment of company difficulties, put an end to the "cessation-cursor" by instituting the amicable conciliation proceeding and the collective insolvency proceeding. However, when the "barriers" formed by the anticipation tools have not been able to halt the risk of cessation of payments, the company director in such a situation must, within a period of forty-five days, request the initiation of a receivership or court-supervised liquidation proceeding. When either of these proceedings is initiated, the court must fix a date of cessation of payments. This date will be final for the determination of the suspect period. Moreover, the initiation of collective insolvency proceedings will have an effect on the enterprise fighting for survival, on the creditors whose ability to collect their debt is threatened, on the suppliers worried about their contractual relations with the debtor, on the guarantors who fear being called upon and on the debtor itself. Prior management of the enterprise will be probed and if faults more or less closely connected to the cessation of payments are revealed, sanctions or tort actions may result.
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Le sort de la relation de travail dans les entreprises en difficulté / The fate of the employment relationship in companies in difficultyJottreau, Clément 13 June 2015 (has links)
L’ouverture d’une procédure collective est l’occasion d’un conflit entre protection de l’emploi et survie de l’entreprise. Assurer la pérennité de cette dernière ne peut souvent être réalisé qu’au prix d’une réduction de l’effectif. Ce constat alimente ce qui peut, de prime abord, apparaître quelque peu paradoxale : alors que l’un des objectifs du droit des entreprises en difficulté est d’assurer le maintien de l’emploi, certaines de ses dispositions tendent à accélérer le prononcé de licenciements pour motif économique. Si cette intrusion du droit des entreprises en difficulté, dans un domaine que d’aucuns considèrent comme réservé au droit du travail, peut donner lieu à controverses, elle a une explication : l’inadaptation du second aux contraintes auxquelles est soumise l’entreprise confrontée à une situation de crise susceptible d’emporter l’entité qu’elle frappe et, avec elle, tous les emplois dont elle est porteuse. Trouver les voies d’une conciliation, d’exigences jugées parfois contradictoires, s’impose : assurer la sauvegarde de l’entreprise est le meilleur moyen de préserver les emplois qui y sont attachés. / The opening of insolvency proceedings is the occasion of a conflict between employment protection and survival of the company. Ensuring the sustainability of the latter often needs to be achieved at the cost of workforce reduction. This finding raises an issue which may, prima facie, appear somewhat paradoxical: while one of the objectives of the companies in difficulty is to ensure employment preservation, certain provisions tend to accelerate the delivery of redundancies. If the intrusion of insolvency law in an area that some consider restricted to labor law, may give rise to controversy, it has an explanation: the unsuitability of the second’s constraints the company faces in a crisis situation could lead to the entity’s shut down, and consequently, all the jobs that it carries. Finding ways of conciliation, sometimes considered contradictory, is necessary: ensuring the company’s safeguard is the best way to preserve the jobs attached to it.
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不對稱組織間交易關係之統治 / Governance in asymmetric buyer-seller relationships康敏平, Kang, Min-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
第三、本研究整合交易成本理論和權力依賴理論,並根據個案研究和量表發展結果,推論關係專屬投資程度、事後保護策略、依賴程度三者之間的關係。問卷調查研究證實,代工廠商對品牌客戶的無形 資產投資會增加代工廠商的依賴程度。但如果代工廠商投資之後,採取資源獲取策略。藉由品牌客戶的背書,提升知名度或市場地位,則關係專屬投資與代工廠商依賴程度之間的關係就會減弱。另外,關係專屬投資也會提高客戶對代工廠商的依賴程度。投資實體資產和無形資產的代工廠商,會藉由擴大服務範疇,與客戶共同決策與行動,來提高客戶依賴程度。 / In original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-supplier relationships, OEM suppliers commonly make investments that are specialized to the requirements of a particular buyer. Taiwanese OEM suppliers are small-medium firms with limited resources and low in market visibility. They are initially in a weak bargaining position, so they have no ability to vertical integrate or demand any kind of ex ante safeguards at all. Knowing that clients may have opportunistic behaviors, suppliers in Taiwan still make relation-specific investments for them without their commitments. How do these suppliers governance the asymmetric interorganizational relationships to avoid falling into the trap predicted by the transaction cost theory?
This study takes the view of a supplier, the small party in asymmetric OEM-supplier relationship, who adopts ex post strategies to create inter-organizational dependency with OEMs. According to transaction cost theory and power dependency theory, we argue that OEM suppliers are more likely to make relation-specific investments first and follow by ex post strategies. We model the ex post strategies adopted by OEM suppliers to protect specific investments in asymmetric OEM-supplier relationships by using leveraging strategy (resource acquisition, customer scope) and bonding strategy (vertical scope, joint action). Leveraging strategies will lower the level of suppliers’ dependence on OEMs while bonding strategy will increase the level of OEMs’ dependence on suppliers.
We conducted three studies to explore the issues: (1) exploratory case research; (2) scale development of the construct of relation-specific investment; (3) survey research. First, we found that investment decision of small party is beyond the scope of a single transaction. After making relation-specific investments, OEM suppliers redeploy their resources and work closely with their buyers to maintain exiting and future transactions. They also acquire strategic resources from OEMs and apply them to a broader customer base.
Second, the concept of relation-specific investment is a multidimensional construct with three sub-dimensions as tangible investment, intangible investment, and asset specificity. Relation-specific investments create an inherent dilemma because they have the potential both to promote and reduce transaction cost for investing parties.
Third, we integrated two theories to explore the relationships between relation-specific investment, ex post strategies, and dependency. According to survey results of 146 OEM suppliers in Taiwan, we confirmed the positive relationship between suppliers’ intangible asset investment and their dependency on OEMs. However, if suppliers leverage their clients’ reputations and reposition themselves as first-tier suppliers, they can lower the level of suppliers’ dependency due to their relation-specific investments. On the other hand, the more relation-specific investments suppliers make, the morel likely suppliers would adopt bonding strategy by expanding vertical scope in supply chain and by actively involving in joint decision making. We found that relation-specific investment itself and suppliers’ bonding strategy will increase the OEMs’ dependency on suppliers.
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INSEGNAMENTO SOCIALE DELLA CHIESA E RIFLESSIONE PEDAGOGICA. LE NOZIONI DI SVILUPPO UMANO INTEGRALE E CUSTODIA DEL CREATO / Social teaching of the Church and pedagogical reflection The notions of integral human development and protection of creationCALABRIA, CATERINA 14 February 2013 (has links)
La ricerca concerne l’attualità del dibattito sulle tematiche educativo-ambientali in connessione con la rilevanza delle sollecitazioni euristiche provenienti dall'insegnamento sociale in riferimento alla pastorale e alla teologia della creazione.
L'obiettivo generale è mostrare la pertinenza del concetto di sviluppo umano integrale con la riflessione pedagogica, sondare le condizioni di dialogo tra pedagogia dell’ambiente e dottrina sociale della Chiesa, individua prospettive teoretiche e approfondisce alcuni emblematici studi di caso.
La disamina interpella i valori della progettazione educativa sostenibile in relazione a categorie quali solidarietà, sussidiarietà, sobrietà e fraternità. / The research pertains to current debate on the educational-environmental themes in connection with the relevance of the heuristic solicitude, coming from social teaching in reference to pastoral and theology of creation.
The general purpose is to show the pertinence to integral human development with pedagogical thinking, to explore the conditions for dialogue between environmental pedagogy and the social doctrine of the church, identifies theoretical perspectives and analysis some case study.
The examination interpellates the values of educational planning sustainable in relation to categories such as solidarity, subsidiarity, sobriety and fraternity.
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La transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel par le biais de la formation : étude comparative du mode de formation professionnelle des artisans de la céramique en Chine et en France / Transmission of intangible cultural heritage through professional training : a comparative study on the mode of vocational training of ceramic craftsmen in China and FranceDu, Yixiong 19 June 2017 (has links)
De nos jours, la transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel reste une problématique internationale qui touche à la fois la question de conservation de notre passé et la question actuelle du développement de l’économie créative. Cependant, cette transmission se réalise à travers de différents biais éducatifs, qui pourraient être formels ou non formels, qui pourraient viser à former les professionnels ou les amateurs. Cette présente thèse a choisi le patrimoine artisanal et sa transmission comme le sujet de recherche, avec une attention particulière portée sur les formations formelles et non formelles, qui sont considérées comme les dispositifs de transmission professionnelle du patrimoine artisanal, le chercheur s’est approché vers un terrain spécifique, celui de l’artisanat de la céramique et a mené une étude comparative sur les formations formelles et non formelles, organisées dans les deux sociétés contrastées dont celle de la Chine et celle de la France, qui transmettent cet artisanat. En analysant les discours de 28 céramistes dont 14 céramistes indépendants (7 Chinois et 7 Français) et 14 céramistes salariés (7 Chinois et 7 Français), cette thèse vise à faire comprendre quels sont actuellement les modes (formels et non formels) de formation professionnelle en artisanat de la céramique, les plus respectivement favorisés par les céramistes praticiens en Chine et en France. Des perspectives sont dégagées sur les similarités et les écarts dans les comportements et les routines des activités de transfert, d’appropriation des savoirs et des savoir-faire concernés et de création à partir des savoirs et des savoir-faire transmis de chacun des modes de formation, employés dans ces deux contextes sociaux dissemblables que sont ceux de la Chine et de la France. / Today, the transmission of intangible cultural heritage remains an international issue that touches not only the preservation of the past but also the practical question of the development of creative economy. However, this transmission can be realized via various educational channels, whether it is formal or non-formal, which could aim to train professionals or amateurs. This thesis decided to choose the artisanal heritage and its transmission as the research subject, with a particular focus on formal and non-formal formations, which are considered as devices for the professional transmission of the artisanal heritage. The author advanced the topic towards a specific field, that of the craft of ceramics and carried out a comparative study on formal and non-formal formations, organized under the context of two contrasting societies, that of China and France, which transmit this craft. By analyzing the talks of 28 ceramists, including 14 independent ceramists (7 Chinese and 7 French) and 14 ceramists-employees (7 Chinese and 7 French), this thesis aims to offer a clear understanding on what are the prevailing modes (formal and non-formal) of vocational training in the craft of ceramics, that favored mostly by the ceramic practitioners in China and France. Observations and perspectives have been made on the similarities and differences in terms of practices and routines of transfer, acquisition, and creation of knowledge and the know-how of each of the training mode, adopted under the different social contexts of China and France, which are marked by sharp contrasts.
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Analýza trhu v odvětví služeb na příkladě malého podniku / The market analysis in services industry in a small company exampleČÍŽKOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis analyses the ability of competiton of a company in the service branch, in the sector of the installation electronic safeguard alarm. One of partial aims of thesis was an analyse of the historical development till the present, and an analyse of the inner and outer environment and preferences for selection theirs future suppliers. For this have been used methods of SWOT analysis and a questionnaire. The main aim was disclose and take advantage of opportunities, eliminate weak intents and limit distress.. One of the results of the thesis is choice of an acceptable agency for seeking new employees, implementation of a system for customers relationship management and institution of first step for management quality.
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