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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hagiografia e processo de canonização : a construção do tempo da santidade de Tomás de Aquino (1274-1323)

Teixeira, Igor Salomão January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour sujet principal la canonisation de Thomas d‟Aquin intervenue de 1319 à 1323. A partir des deux enquêtes que comprend le procès de canonisation et du premier texte hagiographique relatif à ce théologien, à savoir, la Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino, écrite par Guillaume de Tocco, lui aussi dominicain, au cours de la canonisation, nous soutenons que le pape Jean XXII fut le principal intéressé par la reconnaissance officielle de la sainteté de Thomas d‟Aquin. En effet, le procès inquisitorial présente des caractéristiques spécifiques, comparé aux procès instruits à la même époque. Nous aboutissons à cette conclusion au moyen de l‟application du concept de temps de sainteté. Il s‟agit d‟un tableau de temporalité comprenant le moment de la mort, celui de l‟ouverture du procès et enfin de la décision de canonisation. Dans le cas de Thomas d‟Aquin, le « temps de sainteté » dura 49 ans. Considérant les procès de saints issus d‟ordres religieux, depuis la canonisation de François d‟Assise jusqu‟au pontificat de Jean XII, l‟enquête relative au théologien dominicain révèle quelques indices qui dépassent les champs de la sainteté et de la croyance aux miracles. Dès lors, à partir de l‟idée de la sainteté comme étant une construction sociale, nous promouvons aussi l‟emploi de ce type de documentation dans les études d‟histoire sociale. Dans les trois chapitres de notre étude, les principes méthodologiques de l‟histoire comparée et de l‟histoire intellectuelle structurent la proposition que s‟inscrit aussi dans le champ des études d‟anthropologie scolastique. / Esta tese tem como tema principal a canonização de Tomás de Aquino ocorrida entre 1319-1323. A partir dos dois inquéritos que compõem o processo de canonização e da primeira hagiografia sobre o teólogo, a saber, a Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino, escrita pelo também dominicano Guilherme de Tocco no contexto da canonização defendemos que o principal interessado no reconhecimento oficial da santidade de Tomás era o papa João XXII. Para isso foi realizado um processo inquisitorial com características específicias em relação aos processos realizados no mesmo período. Chegamos a essa conclusão a partir da instrumentalização operada pelo conceito de tempo da santidade. Trata-se da consideração do período que compreende o momento da morte, da abertura do processo e a decisão para a canonização de modo retroativo, ou seja, a data inicial para o conceito é a data da canonização. No caso de Tomás de Aquino, o tempo da santidade durou 49 anos. Considerando os processos de santos de ordens religiosas a partir da canonização de Francisco de Assis ao pontificado de João XXII, o inquérito sobre o teólogo dominicano revela alguns indícios que extrapolam o âmbito da santidade e da crença em milagres. Sendo assim, a partir da idéia da santidade como uma construção social também defendemos o uso daquele tipo de documentação para estudos de história social. Nos três capítulos de nosso estudo os princípios metodológicos da história comparada e da história intelectual estruturam a proposta que também se insere no campo dos estudos de antropologia escolástica. / This thesis has as principal subject the canonisation of Thomas of Aquino which occured from 1319 to 1323. Taking into account the two inquiries which comprises the trial of canonisation and the first hagiographic text of the life of the theologian, the Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino written during the canonisation by William of Tocco, himself also a Dominican, we affirm that the pope John XXII was the person with the most interest in the official recognition of the sanctity of Thomas of Aquino. Indeed, the inquisitorial process presents certain specific characteristics in comparison with other processes instructed during the same period. We arrive to this conclusion by applying the concept oftime of sanctity, which is a timetable comprising the moment of death, the one of opening of the process, and finally the decision of canonisation. In the case of Thomas of Aquino, the “time of sanctity” lasted 49 years. Considering the processes of saints originated from religious orders, from the canonisation of Francis of Assisi on to the pontificate of John XII, the inquiry regarding the Dominican theologian shows some aspects which exceed the fields of sanctity and belief in miracles. From then on, considering the idea of sanctity as a social construction, we also promote the use of such documentation in the study of social history. In the three chapters of our study, the methodological principles of compared history and of intellectual history structure this proposition which also finds its place in the field of studies on scholastic anthropology. / La presente tesis tiene por objeto el estudio de la canonización de Santo Tomás de Aquino que tuvo lugar entre los años 1319-1323. Partiendo de las dos investigaciones que componen el proceso de canonización y de la primera hagiografía sobre el teólogo, a saber, la Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino, escrita por el también dominicano Guilherme de Tocco en el contexto de la canonización, defendemos que el principal interesado en el reconocimiento oficial de la santidad de Tomás fue el papa Juan XXII. Para ello se llevó a cabo un proceso inquisitorial de singulares características en relación a otros procesos realizados en el mismo periodo. Conclusión a la cual llegamos mediante la instrumentalización del concepto de tiempo de santidad, lapso temporal que comprende el momento de la muerte, la apertura del procedimiento y la decisión de la canonización. En el caso de Tomás de Aquino, ese tiempo de santidad fue de 49 años. Considerando los procesos de santificación en las órdenes religiosas a partir de la canonización de Francisco de Asís hasta el pontificado de Juan XXII, la investigación del teólogo dominicano revela algunos indicios que sobrepasan el ámbito de la santidad y de la creencia en milagros. En consecuencia, a partir de la idea de santidad como construcción social defendemos además el uso de este tipo de documentación para los estudios de historia social. En tres capítulos sustentados en los principios metodológicos de la historia comparada y la historia intelectual, estructuramos una propuesta que también se inserta en el campo de estudios de la antropología escolástica.

Hagiografia e processo de canonização : a construção do tempo da santidade de Tomás de Aquino (1274-1323)

Teixeira, Igor Salomão January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour sujet principal la canonisation de Thomas d‟Aquin intervenue de 1319 à 1323. A partir des deux enquêtes que comprend le procès de canonisation et du premier texte hagiographique relatif à ce théologien, à savoir, la Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino, écrite par Guillaume de Tocco, lui aussi dominicain, au cours de la canonisation, nous soutenons que le pape Jean XXII fut le principal intéressé par la reconnaissance officielle de la sainteté de Thomas d‟Aquin. En effet, le procès inquisitorial présente des caractéristiques spécifiques, comparé aux procès instruits à la même époque. Nous aboutissons à cette conclusion au moyen de l‟application du concept de temps de sainteté. Il s‟agit d‟un tableau de temporalité comprenant le moment de la mort, celui de l‟ouverture du procès et enfin de la décision de canonisation. Dans le cas de Thomas d‟Aquin, le « temps de sainteté » dura 49 ans. Considérant les procès de saints issus d‟ordres religieux, depuis la canonisation de François d‟Assise jusqu‟au pontificat de Jean XII, l‟enquête relative au théologien dominicain révèle quelques indices qui dépassent les champs de la sainteté et de la croyance aux miracles. Dès lors, à partir de l‟idée de la sainteté comme étant une construction sociale, nous promouvons aussi l‟emploi de ce type de documentation dans les études d‟histoire sociale. Dans les trois chapitres de notre étude, les principes méthodologiques de l‟histoire comparée et de l‟histoire intellectuelle structurent la proposition que s‟inscrit aussi dans le champ des études d‟anthropologie scolastique. / Esta tese tem como tema principal a canonização de Tomás de Aquino ocorrida entre 1319-1323. A partir dos dois inquéritos que compõem o processo de canonização e da primeira hagiografia sobre o teólogo, a saber, a Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino, escrita pelo também dominicano Guilherme de Tocco no contexto da canonização defendemos que o principal interessado no reconhecimento oficial da santidade de Tomás era o papa João XXII. Para isso foi realizado um processo inquisitorial com características específicias em relação aos processos realizados no mesmo período. Chegamos a essa conclusão a partir da instrumentalização operada pelo conceito de tempo da santidade. Trata-se da consideração do período que compreende o momento da morte, da abertura do processo e a decisão para a canonização de modo retroativo, ou seja, a data inicial para o conceito é a data da canonização. No caso de Tomás de Aquino, o tempo da santidade durou 49 anos. Considerando os processos de santos de ordens religiosas a partir da canonização de Francisco de Assis ao pontificado de João XXII, o inquérito sobre o teólogo dominicano revela alguns indícios que extrapolam o âmbito da santidade e da crença em milagres. Sendo assim, a partir da idéia da santidade como uma construção social também defendemos o uso daquele tipo de documentação para estudos de história social. Nos três capítulos de nosso estudo os princípios metodológicos da história comparada e da história intelectual estruturam a proposta que também se insere no campo dos estudos de antropologia escolástica. / This thesis has as principal subject the canonisation of Thomas of Aquino which occured from 1319 to 1323. Taking into account the two inquiries which comprises the trial of canonisation and the first hagiographic text of the life of the theologian, the Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino written during the canonisation by William of Tocco, himself also a Dominican, we affirm that the pope John XXII was the person with the most interest in the official recognition of the sanctity of Thomas of Aquino. Indeed, the inquisitorial process presents certain specific characteristics in comparison with other processes instructed during the same period. We arrive to this conclusion by applying the concept oftime of sanctity, which is a timetable comprising the moment of death, the one of opening of the process, and finally the decision of canonisation. In the case of Thomas of Aquino, the “time of sanctity” lasted 49 years. Considering the processes of saints originated from religious orders, from the canonisation of Francis of Assisi on to the pontificate of John XII, the inquiry regarding the Dominican theologian shows some aspects which exceed the fields of sanctity and belief in miracles. From then on, considering the idea of sanctity as a social construction, we also promote the use of such documentation in the study of social history. In the three chapters of our study, the methodological principles of compared history and of intellectual history structure this proposition which also finds its place in the field of studies on scholastic anthropology. / La presente tesis tiene por objeto el estudio de la canonización de Santo Tomás de Aquino que tuvo lugar entre los años 1319-1323. Partiendo de las dos investigaciones que componen el proceso de canonización y de la primera hagiografía sobre el teólogo, a saber, la Ystoria sancti Thome Aquino, escrita por el también dominicano Guilherme de Tocco en el contexto de la canonización, defendemos que el principal interesado en el reconocimiento oficial de la santidad de Tomás fue el papa Juan XXII. Para ello se llevó a cabo un proceso inquisitorial de singulares características en relación a otros procesos realizados en el mismo periodo. Conclusión a la cual llegamos mediante la instrumentalización del concepto de tiempo de santidad, lapso temporal que comprende el momento de la muerte, la apertura del procedimiento y la decisión de la canonización. En el caso de Tomás de Aquino, ese tiempo de santidad fue de 49 años. Considerando los procesos de santificación en las órdenes religiosas a partir de la canonización de Francisco de Asís hasta el pontificado de Juan XXII, la investigación del teólogo dominicano revela algunos indicios que sobrepasan el ámbito de la santidad y de la creencia en milagros. En consecuencia, a partir de la idea de santidad como construcción social defendemos además el uso de este tipo de documentación para los estudios de historia social. En tres capítulos sustentados en los principios metodológicos de la historia comparada y la historia intelectual, estructuramos una propuesta que también se inserta en el campo de estudios de la antropología escolástica.

The harmonisation of good faith and ubuntu in the South African common law of contract

Du Plessis, Hanri Magdalena 12 February 2018 (has links)
The legal historical development of fairness in the South African common law of contract is investigated in the context of the political, social and economic developments of the last four centuries. It emerges that the common law of contract is still dominated by the ideologies of individualism and economic liberalism which were imported from English law during the nineteenth century. Together with the theories of legal positivism and formalism which are closely related to parliamentary sovereignty and the classical rule of law, these ideals were transposed into the common law of contract through the classical model of contract law which emphasises freedom and sanctity of contract and promotes legal certainty. This approach resulted in the negation of the court’s equitable discretion and the limitation of good faith which sustain the social and economic inequalities that were created under colonialism and exacerbated under apartheid rule. In stark contrast, the modern human rights culture grounded in human dignity and aimed at the promotion of substantive equality led to the introduction of modern contract theory in other parts of the world. The introduction of the Constitution as grounded in human dignity and aimed at the achievement of substantive equality has resulted in a sophisticated jurisprudence on human dignity that reflects a harmonisation between its Western conception as based on Kantian dignity and ubuntu which provides an African understanding thereof. In this respect, ubuntu plays an important role in infusing the common law of contract with African values and in promoting substantive equality between contracting parties in line with modern contract theory. It is submitted that this approach to human dignity should result in the development of good faith into a substantive rule of the common law of contract which can be used to set aside an unfair contract term or the unfair enforcement thereof. / Private Law / LL. D.

“She said she was called Theodore” : -        A modality analysis of five transcendental saints in the 1260’s Legenda Aurea and 1430’s Gilte Legende

Atterving, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores modalities in two hagiographical collections from the late Middle Ages; the Legenda Aurea and the Gilte Legende by drawing inspiration from post-colonial hybridity theories.. It conducts a close textual analysis by studying the use of pronouns in five saints’ legends where female saints transcend traditional gender identities and become men, and focuses on how they transcend, live as men, and die. The study concludes that the use of pronouns is fluid in the Latin Legenda Aurea, while the Middle English Gilte Legende has more female pronouns and additions to the texts where the female identity of the saints is emphasised. This is interpreted as a sign of the feminisation of religious language in Europe during the late Middle Ages, and viewed parallel with the increase of holy women at that time. By doing this, it underlines the importance of new words and concepts when describing and understanding medieval views on gender.

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