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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental politics in a highland Sardinian community

Heatherington, Tracey January 1993 (has links)
The movement to protect wilderness resources can conflict with local intentions for land use and development, particularly in economically marginal areas. In rural Italy, on the island of Sardinia, the plan to create a Gennargentu National Park has incited active opposition on the part of the communities affected. In the town of Baunei, responses to environmental legislation are motivated by the desire to maintain communal control over common lands. Political action, both formal and informal, is organised by local understandings about the impact of certain laws and institutions on the town economy, principally by the restriction of residents' usi civici (traditional rights of usufruct). This thesis considers the role and meaning of the usi civici in Baunei, and the implications of this for environmental politics in Sardinia.

Environmental politics in a highland Sardinian community

Heatherington, Tracey January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

À la recherche de l’île oubliée : la Sardaigne des voyageurs / Searching for the Forgotten Island : Sardinia Seen through the Eyes of the Travelers

Faure, Elisabeth 11 July 2017 (has links)
Peut-on encore aujourd’hui s’engager dans un travail de recherche qui se donne pour objet la littérature du voyage en Italie ? Scruté par des exégètes passionnés qui en revisitent inlassablement les dynamiques touffues, mis en lumière dans ses élans et ses césures, le Grand Tour semble désormais s’offrir au chercheur comme un terrain d’investigation singulièrement orphelin de zones d’ombres.Or l’attention fervente dédiée à la péninsule est loin d’être uniforme, pas plus que ne l’a été son arpentage. Elle tend à se focaliser sur les pulsations significatives de certains épicentres sensibles, rejetant du même coup dans une périphérie quelquefois imprécise certains excursus mineurs affranchis des itinéraires codifiés appelés à drainer le flux des élites européennes.La présente étude se donne pour objet l’une de ces « marges » du voyage : l’île de Sardaigne, terre de confins ancrée au cœur de l’espace méditerranéen, encore inconnue alors que s’achève ailleurs le recensement du monde. À la fois jalon cardinal sur les principales routes méditerranéennes et Ultima Thulé condamnée à une longue relégation, le territoire insulaire affiche durablement la virginité d’antipodes indécis avant de devenir l’ultime étape d’un « Petit Tour » retardataire sous l’impulsion d’un bataillon clairsemé de découvreurs alternatifs.Afin de retracer l’aventure du voyage en Sardaigne, il convient d’explorer dans un premier temps le jeu de représentations complexe dont se nourrit l’image de l’île, marquée par une énigmatique ambivalence. Il s’agit ensuite de comprendre les mécanismes qui président à un lent dévoilement : longtemps cantonnée au statut d’étape fortuite, la Sardaigne va également devenir promesse d’explorations pionnières. Après avoir dressé le profil des acteurs du voyage, enquêté sur les motivations qui les animent, on les suivra dans leur itinérance, de la découverte de l’espace à la bouleversante confrontation avec une altérité aussi dérangeante que fascinante. On s’attache ainsi à mettre en lumière la richesse des visions inspirées par le microcosme insulaire, creuset de mythologies contrastées et berceau d‘imaginaires, ainsi que la vigueur des stratégies déployées par les voyageurs pour légitimer leur entreprise au regard de la référence écrasante constituée par la tradition du Grand Tour. Délaissé par ces écrivains qui vont ailleurs s’accaparer le récit de voyage, le périple sarde se confirme sans doute comme un excursus mineur. Toutefois le corpus qui en retrace les expériences singulières ne pouvait se soustraire aux dynamiques appelées à déterminer les enjeux et les ambitions de la littérature viatique au cours du XIXe siècle. Le cheminement de l’écriture fait donc l’objet d’une réflexion spécifique visant à capturer au fil des pages l’aspiration timide à une littérarité possible.Le corpus exploré, encore largement inédit, couvre un « grand siècle » (1792-1909) et se focalise sur les voyageurs de l’aire francophone, sans s’interdire les apports précieux que constituent les témoignages d’autres visiteurs européens et certains textes choisis (édités ou issus de fonds d’archives) empruntés à une chronologie élargie. / Italy occupies a very peculiar place in the history of travel. Considered a cradle of the Western world, the country was seen by travelers as the essential destination of the European Tour, where members of the classically trained elite, exposed to the finest achievements of art and architecture, yearned to reclaim the legacy of ancient civilizations.By the end of the 18th century, the Italian Grand Tour had stretched as far as Calabria and Sicily, inspiring countless travel accounts. But most travelers deliberately forgot to embark on the ultimate journey : remote, supposedly wild and dangerous, the little-explored island of Sardinia remained an enigma.This study explores the relatively small corpus of texts dedicated to Sardinia, focusing on French travel writing (although a wider range of sources is used in the study) and covering what may be called a “long nineteenth century” (from 1792 to 1909).

Use-Wear Experiments With Sardinian Obsidian: Determining Its Function In The Neolithic

Setzer, Teddi J 08 April 2004 (has links)
This study focuses on identifying the function of obsidian tools from the Late Neolithic archaeological site of Contraguda on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. The information obtained from use-wear analysis can provide information about changes in subsistence patterns, craft specialization, social differentiation and technology. This research began by collecting geological samples of obsidian from two of the most exploited sources in the Monte Arci volcanic complex of Sardinia. Subsequently, an experimental set of tools was made from these samples, and they were used to work various raw materials that were presumably available in Sardinia during the Neolithic. Wear patterns were studied on the experimental set utilizing macroscopic and low-power microscopy techniques and were compared to the wear on artifacts excavated from the site of Contraguda. The data obtained from this study were used to identify the function of this site, and complement and refine prior interpretations of human activity in this region. Conducting this study in Sardinian obsidian use wear by utilizing the same geological sources that people during the Neolithic were exploiting provides exceptional data and a perspective that may not be otherwise obtained. Finally, general information may be gleaned from the experimental and analytical techniques used in this research by others. Macroscopic and low-power microscopy techniques are expedient, inexpensive, and easily used in the field; however, minimal research has been done using low-power techniques relative to high-power or higher-tech methods. This research also addresses the benefits, limits, and feasibility of low-power approaches on their own, as well as in conjunction with other lithic analysis methods.

Reconnaissance des techniques de débitage de l'obsidienne : regard sur la Sardaigne / Recognizing obsidian knapping techniques : a view from Sardinia

Carboni, Antonietta 21 December 2017 (has links)
En Méditerranée occidentale, l’obsidienne a été dès le début du Néolithique une matière première recherchée en raison de sa grande aptitude à la taille. Originaire d’îles de la zone tyrrhénienne (Sardaigne, Pantelleria, Lipari et Palmarola) elle a circulé dans cette région et elle est considérée comme un important marqueur culturel de diverses formes de communication et d'échanges entre les différentes communautés de la Préhistoire récente. En ce qui concerne la Sardaigne, nous disposons aujourd'hui d'une cartographie des dépôts primaires et secondaires de quatre types d’obsidienne du Monte Arci et il est donc possible de mieux comprendre les systèmes d'approvisionnement de cette matière première dans l'Île et dans le secteur nord-tyrrhénien de la Méditerranée occidentale, zone de diffusion majeure de l'obsidienne sarde. En raison de ses propriétés physiques, l'obsidienne est une roche très apte à la taille et qui enregistre de manière optimale les stigmates de taille. L’objectif de la thèse a consisté essentiellement en l’'analyse d'un référentiel expérimental en obsidienne réalisé par différents tailleurs avec différentes techniques (percussion directe, indirecte et pression). Cette étude a permis de reconnaitre les caractères morphométriques et les stigmates techniques, essentiels pour la discrimination des techniques de débitage, surtout quand elles donnent de pièces ambigües, compatibles avec plusieurs techniques. Elle a aussi permis de comprendre les différences avec le débitage sur silex, à partir de données connues dans la littérature. Sur cette base nous avons fait un premier essai de diagnose technique sur une série en obsidienne (sarde) d'un site du Néolithique sarde ayant livré un mobilier très abondant, avec plusieurs chaînes opératoires et techniques mises en œuvre. / In the western Mediterranean, obsidian is a demanded raw-material since the earliest phases of the Neolithic due to its good knappability. Its main sources are located in the tyrrhenian islands (Sardinia, Pantelleria, Lipari, and Palmarola); obsidian goods have been circulating in the region and they are considered a significant cultural marker of different forms of exchange and interaction networks between prehistoric groups. For what concerns Sardinia, nowadays four different types of both primary and secondary obsidian deposits from Monte Arci are known. It is therefore possible to better understand the exploitation system of this raw-material in Sardinia and in the north-tyrrhenian sector of the western Mediterranean, which roughly corresponds to its main area of diffusion. Due to its physical characteristics, obsidian is extremely suitable for knapping and it bears a detailed record of the knapping stigmata. b The heart of this thesis consists of the analysis of an obsidian reference collection made by different knappers with different techniques(direct, indirect percussion, and pressure). As result, it has been possible to identify the morphometric characters and the technical stigmata associated with each one of the considered techniques. This represents an essential information in order to recognize the different techniques of obsidian débitage used in Prehistory, especially because resulting blanks are often characterize by ambiguous traits, compatible with different techniques. In addition, this study has allowed to understand the differences between obsidian and chert knapping, thanks to the integration of the data available from literature. On these basis, a first technological analysis of an archaeological obsidian collection from Sardinia has been carried out, choosing a Neolithic site (Coddu is Abionis, Terralba, Or) characterized by an abundant assemblage and a diversity of chaînes opératoires and techniques.

Foreign Influences and Consequences on the Nuragic Culture of Sardinia

Choltco, Margaret E. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Although it is accepted that Phoenician colonization occurred on Sardinia by the 9th century B.C., it is possible that contact between Sardinia‟s indigenous population and the Levantine region occurred in the Late Bronze Age (LBA). Eastern LBA goods found on the island are copper oxhide ingots and Aegean pottery. Previously, it has been suggested that Mycenaeans were responsible for bringing the eastern goods to Sardinia, but the presence of Aegean pottery shards does not confirm the presence of Mycenaean tradesmen. Also, scholars of LBA trade have explained the paucity of evidence for a Mycenaean merchant fleet. Interpretations of two LBA shipwrecks, Cape Gelidonya and Uluburun, indicate that eastern Mediterranean merchants of Cypriot or Syro-Canaanite origin, transported large quantities of oxhide ingots from the Levant towards the west. It remains possible that similar itinerant merchants conducted ventures bringing eastern goods to Sardinia while exploring the western Mediterranean. Trade in eastern goods may have stimulated the advancement that occurred in Nuragic culture in the LBA, resulting in the emergence of an elite social stratum in the Nuragic society. Archaeological evidence, such as elitist burials and increasingly complex architecture, supports the idea of cultural change due to internal competition. This „peer-polity‟ effect may have been incited because of limited accessibility to the exotic eastern goods and the „ownership‟ to the rights of this exchange.

Investigations on sedimentology and early diagenesis in shallow-water warm-temperate to tropical miocene carbonates : a case study from Northern Sardinia, Italy

Marcano Romero, Gabriela Helena January 2008 (has links)
This study investigated the warm-temperate to tropical shallow-water Miocene carbonates of the Perfugas basin (Anglona area), northern Sardinia, Italy (Central Mediterranean). The aim of this study was to identify and document the existence and significance of early diagenesis in this carbonate system, especially the diagenetic history, which reflects the diagenetic potential in terms of skeletal mineralogy. The motivation behind the present study was to investigate the role that early cementation has over facies stabilization linked to differences in biotic associations in shallow-water settings. Principal to this was to unravel the amount, kind and distribution of early cements in this type of carbonates, in order to complement previous studies, and hence acquire a more global perspective on non-tropical carbonate settings. The shallow-buried Sedini Limestone Unit was investigated for variations on early diagenetic features, as well as for the type of biotic association, and oxygen and carbon stable isotope stratigraphy. Results showed, that particularly at the Perfugas basin (< 15 km2), which evolves in time from a ramp into a steep-flanked platform, shallow-water facies are characterized by a “transitional” type of biotic association. The biotic assemblages change gradually over time from a heterozoan-rich into a photozoan-rich depositional system. This transition implies a change in the depositional environmental control factors such as temperature. It is considered that sedimentation took place under warm-temperate waters, which shifted to more warmer or tropical waters through time. Moreover, it was noticed that along with these changes, marine early syn-depositional cements (high-Mg calcite), with particular fabrics (e.g. fibrous), gradually contributed to the early lithification of rocks, favoring a steepening of the platform relief. The major controls for the shift of the depositional geometry was triggered by the change of the type of biotic associations (carbonate factory), related with the shift towards warmer conditions, and the development of early marine cementation. The identification of the amount and distribution of different cement phases, porosities and early diagenetic features, within facies and stratigraphy, showed that diagenesis is differential along depth, and within the depositional setting. High-Mg calcite cements (micrite, fibrous and syntaxial inclusion-rich) are early syn-depositional, facies-related (shallow-water), predominant at the platform phase, and marine in origin. Low-Mg calcite cements (bladed, syntaxial inclusionpoor and blocky) are early to late post-depositional, non-facies related (shallow- to deep-water) and shallow-burial marine in origin. However, a particular difference exists when looking at the amount and distribution of low-Mg calcite bladed cements. They become richer in shallow-water facies at the platform phase, suggesting that the enrichment of bladed cementation is linked to the appearance of metastable grains (e.g. aragonite). In both depositional profiles, the development of secondary porosity is the product of fabric-selective dissolution of grains (aragonite, high-Mg calcite) and/or cements (syntaxial inclusion-rich). However, stratigraphy and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon), indicate that the molds found at shallower facies located beneath, and close to stratigraphic boundaries, have been produced by the infiltration of meteoric-derived water, which caused recrystallization without calcite cementation. Away from these stratigraphic locations, shallow- and deep-water facies show molds, and recrystallization, as well as low-Mg calcite cementation, interpreted as occurring during burial of these sediments by marine waters. The main cement source is suggested to be aragonite. Our results indicate that the Sedini Limestone Unit was transformed in three different diagenetic environments (marine, meteoric and shallow-burial marine); however, the degree of transformation in each diagenetic environment differs in the heterozoan-dominated ramp from the photozoan-dominated platform. It is suggested that the sediments from the ramp follow a diagenetic pathway similar to their heterozoan counterparts (i.e. lack of marine cementation, and loss of primary porosity by compaction), and the sediments from the platform follow a diagenetic pathway similar to their photozoan counterparts (i.e. marine cementation occluding primary porosity). However, in this carbonate setting, cements are Mg-calcite, no meteoric cementation was produced, and secondary porosity at shallow-water facies of the platform phase is mostly open and preserved. Despite the temporal and transitional change in biotic associations, ramp and platform facies (shallow- to deep-water facies) showed an oxygen isotope record overprinted by diagenesis. Oxygen primary marine signatures were not found. It is believed that burial diagenesis (recrystallization and low-Mg calcite cementation) was the main reason. This was unexpected at the ramp, since heterozoan-rich carbonates can hold isotope values close to primary marine signals due to their low-Mg calcite original composition. Ramp and platform facies (shallow- to deep-water facies) showed a carbon isotope record that was less affected by diagenesis. However, only at deep-water facies, did the carbon record show positive values comparable with carbon primary marine signals. The positive carbon values were noticed with major frequency at the platform deep-water facies. Moreover, these values usually showed a covariant trend with the oxygen isotope record; even that the latter did not hold positive values. The main conclusion of this work is that carbonates, deposited under warm-temperate to tropical conditions, have a unique facies, diagenesis and chemostratigraphic expression, which is different from their cool-water heterozoan or warm-water photozoan counterparts, reflecting the “transitional” nature of biotic association. / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den warmen bis tropischen miozänen Flachwasserkarbonaten des Perfugas Beckens (Region Anglona) im nördlichen Sardinien, Italien. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Existenz und Signifikanz der frühen Diagenese in diesem Karbonatsystem zu identifizieren und zu dokumentieren. Die Geschichte der Verfestigung reflektiert dabei das diagenetische Potential, welches von der Mineralogie der Grundgerüste ehemaliger Lebewesen abhängig ist. Die Motivation bestand darin, die frühe Zementation der Karbonate zu beschreiben, da sie eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Faziesstabilisierung spielt wenn diese durch unterschiedliche biotische Verbindungen im Flachwasser aufgebaut wurde. Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt bei der Trennung von Menge, Art und Verteilung der frühen Zemente in Karbonaten. Frühere Arbeiten wurden ergänzt und zusammen gefasst, um eine globale Übersicht bezüglich nicht tropischer karbonatischer Milieus zu erlangen. Die flach abgelagerte Einheit der Sedini Karbonate wurde unter multiplen Gesichtspunkten z.B. früher diagenetischer Strukturen, biotischer Gesellschaften sowie durch Messungen stabiler Isotope an Sauerstoff und Kohlenstoff untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Perfugas Becken (< 15 km2), welches sich von einer Rampe zu einem, von steilen Flanken begrenzten, Plateau entwickelte und sich durch eine Flachwasserfazies auszeichnet, die auf eine “Übergangsart” der biotischen Gemeinschaft hinweist. Diese Gemeinschaft veränderte sich allmählich von einem heterozoischen zu einem photozoischen Ablagerungssystem. Diese Verschiebung impliziert einen Wechsel der Faktoren, wie der Temperatur, die das Ablagerungsmilieu beeinflussen. Es wird angenommen, dass die Sedimentation in warmen Gewässern stattfand, welche sich bis hin zu tropischen Temperaturen kontinuiertlich erwärmten. Es ist bekannt, dass sich parallel zu diesen marinen Veränderungen frühe Mg- reiche kalzitische Zemente bildeten, die ein ausgeprägtes z.T. faseriges Gefüge zeigen. Diese unterstützen die frühe Verfestigung der Kalke und ermöglichen eine Versteilung des Reliefs der Plattform. Die hauptsächlichen Faktoren, die eine Verschiebung der Ablagerungsumgebung hervorriefen, wurden durch die Veränderung der biotischen Gesellschaft und durch die Entwicklung früher Zemente aufgezeichnet, die wiederum mit der Erwärmung des Habitats zusammenhängen. Die Identifizierung der Menge und Verteilung der verschiedenen Zementphasen, der Porosität und der frühen diagenetischen Elemente in Fazies und Stratigraphie zeigen, dass die Verfestigung mit zunehmender Tiefe und innerhalb des Ablagerungsareals variiert. Mg- reiche kalzitische Zemente (mikritisch, faserig, syntaxial einschlussreich) wurden im frühen, marinen Stadium während der Ablagerung gebildet. Mg- arme kalzitische Zemente (blättrig, syntaxial einschlussarm, blockig) entstanden nach der Ablagerung im flachen bis tiefen marinen Wasser z.T. unter überlagernden Einheiten. Ein offensichtlicher Unterschied existiert bei Menge und Verteilung von Mg-armen, blättrigen Zementen. Sie werden in der Flachwasserfazies innerhalb der Plattformphase häufiger, was mit dem Auftreten metastabiler aragonitischer Körner zusammen fällt. In beiden Ablagerungsprofilen ist die Entwicklung der Sekundärporosität das Produkt einer gefügeabhängigen Auflösung der Körner (aragonit, Mg-reiche Kalzite) und/oder der Zemente (syntaxial einschlussreich). Stratigraphie und stabile Isotope (Sauerstoff, Kohlenstoff) zeigen jedoch, dass sich Abdrücke in der Flachwasserfazies finden lassen, die sich zwischen und in der Nähe der stratigraphischen Grenze befinden. Die Abdrücke entstanden durch Infiltration von meteorischen Wässern, was zu Rekristallisation ohne kalzitische Verfestigung führte. Fernab dieser stratigraphischen Lokalitäten, zeigen Flach- und Tiefwasserfazien Abdrücke, Rekristallisationen und Mg-arme kalzitische Zemente die offensichtlich durch Überlagerung dieser Sedimente in marinen Gewässern entstanden sind. Als Hauptzementkomponent wird Aragonit angenommen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Sedini Kalksteineinheit in drei verschiedene diagenetische Umgebungen umstrukturiert wurde (marin, meteorisch, flach überlagert). Der Grad der Umwandlung in den einzelnen diagenetischen Umgebungen unterscheidet sich von der heterozoisch dominierten Rampe zur photozoisch dominierten Plattform. Es wird angenommen, dass die Sedimente der Rampe einem diagenitischen Pfad folgen, der ähnlich des heterozoischen Gegenstücks verläuft (z.B. Fehlen der marinen Zementation, Verlust primärer Porosität durch Kompaktion). Die Plattformsedimente folgen einer diagenetischen Abfole ähnlich ihrer photozoischen Pendants (z.B. marine Zementation welche die primäre Porosität). In diesem Karbonatumfeld sind die Zemente Mg-reich und nicht meteorische verfestigt. Eine sekundäre Porosität der Flachwasserfazien in der Plattformphase ist offen und gut erhalten. Trotz der temporären und vorübergehenden Wechsel in den biotischen Vergesellschaftungen, in den Flachwasserfazien von Rampe und Plattform wie in den Tiefwasserfazien der Rampen, sind Signale in den Sauerstoffisotopen erkennbar, wenn diese auch durch von der Diagenese überdeckt. In diesen Fazien wurden keine primären, marinen Sauerstoffisotopien gefunden. Es wird angenomen, dass die erfolgte überdeckt Diagenese (rekristallisation, Mg-arme kalzitische Zementation) der Hauptgrund dieser fehlenden Isotopensignale darstellen. Dies war an der Rampe unerwartet, da heterozoen-reiche Karbonate primäre, marine Isotopenwerte speichern können, welches aufgrund ihrer Mg-armen Zusammensetzung ermöglicht wird. Das Kohlenstoffisotopensignal der unterscheidlichen Fazien von Rampe und Plattform, zeigten sich weniger von der Diagenese betroffen. Nur in den Tiefwasserfazien zeigte das Kohlenstoffsignal positive Werte, vergleichbar mit primären, marinen Signalen. Die positiven Kohlenstoffwerte wurden an den Plattformtiefenwasserfazien mit größter Häufighkeit registriert. Diese Werte zeigten in der Regel einen kovarianten Trend mit dem Sauerstoffisotopensignal, sogar wenn letzterer keine positiven Werte enthielt. Die Schlussfolgerung aus dieser Arbeit ist, dass Karbonate welche unter warmen bis tropischen Verhältnissen abgelagert wurden, eine einmalige Faziesgenese und chemische Stratigraphie aufweisen. Diese ist unterschiedlich zu ihren heterozoischen Kaltwasser oder ihren photozoischen Gegenstücken aus wärmeren Wässern. Dies wiederum reflektiert gut das “transitionale” Wesen einer biotischen Gesellschaft.

Foreign Influences and Consequences on the Nuragic Culture of Sardinia

Choltco, Margaret E. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Although it is accepted that Phoenician colonization occurred on Sardinia by the 9th century B.C., it is possible that contact between Sardinia‟s indigenous population and the Levantine region occurred in the Late Bronze Age (LBA). Eastern LBA goods found on the island are copper oxhide ingots and Aegean pottery. Previously, it has been suggested that Mycenaeans were responsible for bringing the eastern goods to Sardinia, but the presence of Aegean pottery shards does not confirm the presence of Mycenaean tradesmen. Also, scholars of LBA trade have explained the paucity of evidence for a Mycenaean merchant fleet. Interpretations of two LBA shipwrecks, Cape Gelidonya and Uluburun, indicate that eastern Mediterranean merchants of Cypriot or Syro-Canaanite origin, transported large quantities of oxhide ingots from the Levant towards the west. It remains possible that similar itinerant merchants conducted ventures bringing eastern goods to Sardinia while exploring the western Mediterranean. Trade in eastern goods may have stimulated the advancement that occurred in Nuragic culture in the LBA, resulting in the emergence of an elite social stratum in the Nuragic society. Archaeological evidence, such as elitist burials and increasingly complex architecture, supports the idea of cultural change due to internal competition. This „peer-polity‟ effect may have been incited because of limited accessibility to the exotic eastern goods and the „ownership‟ to the rights of this exchange.

L'écriture de l'île dans l'oeuvre de Marie Susini et de Maria Giacobbe / Marie Susini and Maria Giacobbe revisiting their native island in their fiction

Dambacher, Martine Tania 02 June 2012 (has links)
Deux écrivaines méridionales, insulaires et de même génération, Marie Susini et Maria Giacobbe, ont écrit à l’étranger au sujet de leur île : la Corse et la Sardaigne. Chaque auteure s’est réapproprié, par sa plume et son imaginaire exacerbé par l’éloignement, l’Ithaque natale qu’elle a quittée. L’étude des conditions de la genèse de l’écriture, ainsi que l’analyse des formes et des thématiques des écrits liées au fait de “revisiter” constamment l’île, constituent les enjeux principaux de cette recherche. Si le comparatisme poussera plus loin ses investigations, par des confrontations avec les critères de Margherita Marras et des comparaisons avec des textes d’autres auteurs insulaires et non insulaires, le questionnement concernant le parcours identitaire des écrivaines toutefois demeure. Qu’est-ce qu’un écrivain insulaire ? Qu’est-ce que l’écriture de l’île ? / Marie Susini and Maria Giacobbe, two female writers who were born in two islands of the Mediterranean - Corsica and Sardinia - and belonged to the same generation, have written about their native islands while they were abroad. Through her imagination exacerbated by the distance, each of them has recaptured her native Ithaca. The main object of this research is to study the genesis of their writing, the analysis of forms and themes connected to their constant interior “revisitation”. A comparative approach will further examine the text through the critical standards of Margherita Marras, and comparisons with the texts of other authors, whether they are insular or not. What is basically at stake is the question of identity: what is an insular writer? What does writing about an island consist in?

La valorisation du patrimoine culturel immatériel en Sardaigne : les jeux traditionnels entre loisir, identité et développement local / The promotion of intangible cultural heritage in Sardinia : traditional games between enjoyment, identity and local development

Euvrard, Élisabeth 17 November 2016 (has links)
L’axe d’étude de ce travail porte sur la valorisation du patrimoine culturel immatériel et les espoirs de développement économique et touristique qu’elle suscite en Sardaigne à partir de l’exemple des jeux traditionnels. Dans différentes régions du globe, leur transformation actuelle en ressource de développement local et/ou leur instrumentalisation au service de l’identité relèvent d’un courant général de patrimonialisation accéléré par la Convention UNESCO de 2003. L’étude des activités ludiques pratiquées en Sardaigne analyse les jeux en eux-mêmes mais davantage encore la multiplicité des acteurs et des projets, les dynamiques qui les traversent et les raisons qui les soutiennent – : divertir, soutenir l’identité, développer. Les jeux apparaissent alors comme des révélateurs d’appartenances, des terrains de contestations, des indicateurs des mutations sociales et culturelles en cours. Cette thèse renseigne ainsi sur le positionnement d’une région périphérique fortement frappée par la crise économique face à la patrimonialisation des biens culturels, dans une perspective résolument glocale. / The present study focuses on the promotion of intangible cultural heritage and the prospect of resulting economic and touristic development generated in Sardinia, based on the example of traditional games. In various parts of the world, its current transformation in local development resources and / or instrumentalisation in favour of identity fall under a general trend of heritagisation, accelerated by the UNESCO Convention in 2003.The study of games played in Sardinia analyses the games themselves but even more so the multiplicity of the players and projects, dynamics that involve them and motives that support them: enjoyment, consolidation of identity, development. Games are thus detectors of origin, of land disputes, indicators of undergoing social and cultural change.The thesis examines the positioning of a peripheral region heavily affected by the economic crisis through its cultural heritage, in a resolutely glocal perspective.

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