Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scandal."" "subject:"candal.""
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The gossip industry : producing and distributing star images, celebrity gossip and entertainment news 1910-2010Petersen, Anne Helen 02 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the industrial history of American-based celebrity gossip over century, beginning with the first Hollywood stars in the 1910s and reaching into “celebrified” culture of the 2010s. Gossip, broadly defined as discourse about a public figure produced and distributed for profit, can operate within the star’s good graces or completely outside of the Hollywood machine; it can be published in “old media” print and broadcast forms or online and on a phone. Regardless of form, tone, and content, gossip remains a crucial component of the ways in which star images are produced and consumed. The dissertation thus asks: how has the relationship between the gossip industry and Hollywood in general changed over the last century? And what implications do those changes have for stars, those who exploit their images, and media industries at large? / Not available / text
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O mensalão impresso: o escândalo político-midiático do governo Lula nas páginas de Folha e Veja / The printed mensalão: the midiatic-political scandal of Lula\'s government on the pages of Folha and VejaEduardo Yoshio Nunomura 17 December 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou analisar a cobertura do jornal Folha de S.Paulo e da revista Veja sobre o escândalo político-midiático do mensalão, no primeiro mandato do governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Ela abrange a relação entre imprensa e política, a partir da perspectiva da teoria social do escândalo político de J.B. Thompson, que mostra não só a importância dos meios de comunicação de massa, como também a sua influência crescente no processo político. Para a análise quantitativa, foram levantadas informações com base nos critérios de seleção (\"valor-notícia\"), agendamento (\"agenda setting\") e enquadramento (\"framing\") do noticiário. Para a qualitativa, adotou-se o método dos \"pacotes interpretativos\" de Gamson e Modigliani. Como forma de referenciar as conclusões, este trabalho aplicou o mesmo tipo de metodologia em um escândalo político-midiático do governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, o caso dos grampo do BNDES e dossiê Cayman, além de um período anterior e outro posterior aos episódios estudados de cada governo. Procuraram-se extrair elementos que indicassem, de forma objetiva, variações no tratamento da imprensa em relação aos dois governantes. O estudo comparado indicou que a partir do mensalão Veja aumentou consideravelmente o teor de conteúdo crítico sobre o presidente petista Lula, enquanto poupou o tucano Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Já Folha elevou sua cobertura crítica ao petista durante a crise política, mas esse comportamento guarda semelhanças com o padrão que adotou com o tucano. / This dissertation aimed to analyze the media coverage of the so-called \"mensalão\" political scandal, during the first government of the president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The research used the reports published by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo and by the weekly magazine Veja, from May to November of 2005. This work deals with the relationship between press and politics using J.B. Thompsons social theory of political scandal, that not only shows the importance of mass media but also its growing influence in the political process. For the quantitative analysis data were gathered based on the criteria of news-value, agenda setting and framing. The method of interpretative packages, developed by Gamson and Modigliani, was adopted for the qualitative analysis. The same methodology was applied to a scandal of the president Fernando Henrique Cardoso government (the BNDES \"bug\" and the Cayman dossier) to validate those conclusions. News that preceded and followed both episodes were also used. The goal was to select objective elements that could indicate different media approaches for the two former presidents. The study showed that Veja magazine enhanced considerably its criticism at Lulas administration, while sparing Cardoso. The newspaper Folha de SP also increased its criticism during the \"mensalão\" crisis, in the same way it did during Cardosos episode.
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”Det här är en domarskandal” : En kvalitativ studie om hur medierna framställer ishockeydomare som aktörer i domarskandaler / "This is a refereeing scandal" : How the media depicts hockey referees as participants in refereeing scandalsHolm, Teodor January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study wa s to investigate how referees are portrayed in the media, as participants in refereeing scandals. A study I conducted through examining how hockey referees are portrayed and represented in match texts from both local and national Swedish sports journalism, written in connection to refereeing scandals. I used the method of critical discourse analysis t o examine the question . Through the method I performed an in - depth analysis of how hockey referees are portrayed and represented in eight match texts , written in con nection to different refereeing scandals, from both local and nat ional Swedish sp orts journ alism. The result of the critical discourse analysis showed that the media depicts referees as scapegoats in refereeing scandals. It also showed that referees are portrayed as the ”b ad guys” and abusers of power. Further, my study showed that t hrough melodramatic journalistic descriptions and critical comments from players and coaches, referees are portrayed as unprofessional practicioners in the media match texts written in connection to different refereeing scandals.
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Le scandale aux XIVe et XVe siècles d'après les chroniques contemporaines en latin et en français / The scandal in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries according to contemporary chronicles in Latin and FrenchDemichelis, Hélène 08 April 2017 (has links)
Les XIVe et XVe siècles sont une époque de bouleversements des valeurs spirituelles et morales accompagnés d’un éveil de l’opinion publique. L’État se construit et autour du roi une société politique se constitue : ce sont les principaux protagonistes des chroniques. L'étude du scandale aux XIVe et XVe siècles d'après les chroniques contemporaines offre un panel d'exemples variés permettant l’analyse de pratiques ou de discours que l’on peut qualifier d’émotionnels. Ces recherches se tournent vers une histoire politique plus attentive aux acteurs qui jouent un rôle important dans l’histoire des pouvoirs. Les textes permettent de retrouver la définition du scandale donnée par les chroniqueurs. Elle sort des cadres officiels pour devenir celle de l'auteur, lui-même se faisant le reflet des sensibilités. C’est un événement qui choque, sort de la norme et provoque du bruit et du tapage. Il heurte la morale et cause l'indignation lorsque les affaires sont mises au grand jour. Les chroniqueurs partagent avec leurs contemporains une peur réelle du scandale et de ses conséquences. Il faut le dénoncer et y mettre fin pour échapper à la colère divine qu'il peut susciter. L'analyse du vocabulaire et de la communication construite autour de cette notion permet de comprendre comment le scandale est perçu et défini par ses acteurs. Le rôle joué par le pouvoir royal dans la gestion de ces affaires montre que celui-ci, à la fin du XVe siècle tend vers une institutionnalisation du scandale. / The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are times of upheavals in spiritual and moral values followed by a wakening of public opinion. The State is arising as well as a political society which represents, along the king, the main actors in chronicles. The study of scandal in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries according to contemporary chronicles offers a range of diversified examples which enable the study of practices or speeches that can be qualified as emotional. These studies are part of a political history more attentive to the actors who seem to play an important role in the history of powers. Texts allow to find the definition of the scandal given by the chroniclers. It goes beyond official frameworks to become that of the author who reflects himself the sensibilities. Scandal appears to be shocking and it represents what oversteps the norm and triggers rumour and fuss. It goes against all conventions and causes indignation when the light is thrown on. Chroniclers share with their contemporaries a real fear of scandal and its consequences so it has to be denounced and ended in order to avoid the divine wrath that can be lead to.The analysis of the vocabulary and the communication built around this notion allow to understand how the scandal is perceived and defined by the actors. The role played by the royal power in the management of its affairs shows that this one, at the end of the fifteenth century, moves towards an institutionalization of the scandal.
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Akademiskandalen- Danius och Engdahl ur en journalists gestaltning : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska mediers gestaltning av Sara Danius och Horace Engdahl i skandalen kring den Svenska Akademien / The Academy scandal- Danius and Engdahl through the framing of a journalist : A quantitative study on the Swedish media framing regarding Sara Danius and Horace Engdahl in the Swedish Academy scandalReijers, Clara, Chehadé, Natalie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning gestaltningen av olika kön skiljer sig åt i svenska mediers rapportering kring kulturella skandaler, beroende på journalistens egna kön. Studiens fokus ligger i att undersöka Sara Danius och Horace Engdahl i krisen kring den Svenska Akademien, för att kunna jämföra svenska mediers rapportering av en kulturskandal, där både en kvinna och en man är inblandad. Det material som undersökts i studien är nyhetsartiklar från de sex största morgon- och kvällstidningarna i Sverige – Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten, Svenska Dagbladet och Sydsvenskan – vilka analyserats genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Det teoretiska ramverk studien utgår från och som kan ge en förståelse för hur media gestaltar en skandal är; gestaltningsteori, medielogik, tonalitet och teorier om genus. Förutom dessa teorier har vi använt oss av relevant tidigare forskning inom skandaljournalistik och genus som indikerar att kvinnor och män gestaltas olika i media, inom politiska skandaler. Det blir därav intressant att undersöka om det även gäller en kulturell skandal samt om journalistens kön kan ha en betydelse för gestaltningen. Journalisters roll i rapporteringen och gestaltningen av skandalen är viktig, eftersom de har ett ansvar att vara objektiva samt att framställa de båda könen på ett likvärdigt sätt. Ur ett samhällsperspektiv blir studien intressant då mottagarna av en skandal påverkas av medias bild av hela händelseförloppet. Det resultat studien kommit fram till är att gestaltningen skiljer sig åt i hur kvinnliga och manliga journalister gestaltar de båda huvudpersonerna i skandalen kring den Svenska Akademien. Kvinnliga journalister fokuserar mer på huvudpersonens personliga egenskaper, utseende och yrkesroll, samt använder sig i större utsträckning av medielogikens berättarteknik personifiering. Kvinnliga journalister använder även i större utsträckning både mer positiv och negativ tonalitet i sina texter om Danius och Engdahl, medan manliga journalister överlag är mer neutrala i sin tonalitet. Resultatet visar även att det generellt läggs ett större fokus på både Danius yrkesroll och utseende än hos Engdahl, samt att journalisten syns mer i texten i de artiklar som främst handlar om Engdahl. Medielogikens berättarteknik personifiering syns även i större utsträckning när Engdahl gestaltas än Danius. När artikeln främst handlar om Danius är tonaliteten mot henne överlag mer positiv, medan när artikeln främst handlar om Engdahl är tonaliteten mot honom överlag mer negativ. Den som artikeln inte främst handlar om framställs med neutral tonalitet. I de fall bilder finns med i artikeln framkommer det att dessa i större utsträckning är gynnsamma för Danius, när artikeln främst handlar om henne. När artikeln främst handlar om Engdahl är eventuella bilder i större utsträckning mer neutrala eller missgynnsamma. Slutsatsen är att kvinnor och män gestaltas olika i skandalen kring den Svenska Akademien och att gestaltningen skiljer sig åt beroende på om journalisten är en kvinna eller man. Däremot är det svårtatt uttala sig om att alla kulturella skandaler skulle få samma utfall, då båda Sara Danius och Horace Engdahl är två särpräglade och unika individer med starka karaktärsdrag. / The purpose of the study is to examine to what extent the framing of different genders differs in Swedish media reporting on cultural scandals, depending on the journalists own gender. The study emphasizes on Sara Danius and Horace Engdahl in the crisis regarding the Swedish Academy, in order to be able to compare Swedish media reporting of a cultural scandal involving both a woman and a man. The empirical data that was examined in the study was news articles from six of the largest morning- and evening newspapers in Sweden – Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenskan – which has been analyzed through a quantitative content analysis. The theoretical framework is based on framing, media logic, tonality and theories of gender, which can give an understanding of how the media portrays a scandal. In addition to these mentioned theories, we have used relevant previous research in scandal journalism and gender which indicates that women and men are portrayed differently in the media, within political scandals. It was therefore interesting to investigate whether this also could be applied on a cultural scandal and if the gender of the journalist could have a bearing on the framing. The journalists role in reporting and depictions of a scandal are significant, they have a responsibility to be objective and to depict the two sexes in an equal manner. From a society perspective, the study becomes interesting as the recipients of a scandal are affected by the media's portrayal of the entire course of events. The study concluded that the framing differs in how female and male journalists portray the two main characters in the scandal regarding the Swedish Academy. Female journalists are more prone to emphasize personal characteristics, appearance and professional role, and make greater use of media logic's personification. Female journalists also used both more positively and negative tonality in their context regarding Danius and Engdahl, while male journalists generally are more neutral in their tonality. The results also show that there is generally a greater focus on Danius professional role and appearance than with Engdahl, and that the journalists are more visible in the context of the articles that are primarily about Engdahl. Media logic's personification is also seen to a greater extent when Engdahl is portrayed than Danius. When the article is mainly about Danius, the tonality towards her is generally more positive, while when the article is mainly about Engdahl, the tonality towards him is generally more negative. Whoever the article is not primarily about is portrayed with a neutral tonality. In cases where images are included in the article, it show that these are favorable to Danius, when the article is mainly about her. When the article is mainly about Engdahl, the images are either neutral or unfavorable. To summarizse, women and men are portrayed differently in the scandal regarding the Swedish Academy and that the framing differs depending on whether the journalist is a woman or a man. However, it is difficult to say that all cultural scandals would have the same outcome, as both Sara Danius and Horace Engdahl are two unique individuals with strong traits.
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NCAA Violations and Institutional Self-Sanctions: Assessing the Impact on Alumni Charitable ContributionsThomas-Seltzer, Ashley 05 1900 (has links)
The growing commercialism within Division I big-time athletics has raised the financial stakes for universities, as successful athletic programs benefit from increased opportunities for financial gain. This has contributed to a pervasive "win culture" that drives institutions to seek competitive advantages, and as a side effect, NCAA rule violations have become incentivized. Programs whose infractions go unnoticed may benefit from the competitive advantage gained, but for programs investigated by the NCAA, the financial penalties incurred may far outweigh the potential revenues from undetected violations. The purpose of this study was to address institutional self-sanctions as an organizational behavior in response to NCAA major infractions and the impact of self-sanctioning on alumni charitable giving. Through the use of neo-institutional and resource dependence theories, this study aimed to further examine the role of institutional self-sanctions as a crisis management strategy in containing financial fallout of athletic scandal. While researchers have addressed scandal and alumni charitable giving in relation to athletics and institutional self-sanctions, respectively, no research exists linking the two bodies of literature. This study employed a two-way fixed effects analysis of 10 years of panel data to address the effect of key variables on alumni charitable giving. Analysis results indicated no significant relationship between institutional self-sanctions and alumni charitable giving. However, alumni charitable giving was mitigated by institutional endowment per FTE, suggesting that larger scale financial structures of an institution serve as the best predictor for alumni charitable giving during athletic scandal.
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Retuš současné žurnalistické fotografie / Retouch of contemporary journalistic photographRaszková, Ivona January 2013 (has links)
In my master thesis I deal with a retouch of contemporary journalistic photography (in the period from 90's to the present). Thus they are digital photographs, which I compare with analogue photography. Retouch of analogue photography was technically more exacting than retouch of digital photography and people couldn't imagine the way of editing photography therefore they trusted to it. I assume that the truth pretension was preserved in the case of journalistic photography. My hypothesis is that the media play upon the truth pretension of the journalistic photography. The photography should have represented the reality. But nowadays we already know that it is not have to be like that. Nevertheless detection of edited photographs evokes a scandal, a shock and a discussion. The media retouch photographs and thereby actually modify the reality. The whole my hypothesis is: The media play upon the truth pretension of the journalistic photography which they edit with use of retouch technique thereby they modify the reality and it evokes a scandal after revealing the edited photography.
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Attitydförändring vid penningtvättsskandal : En kvantitativ studie / Change in attitude in case of a money laundering scandal : A quantitative studyHolmensköld, Malou, Paktinat, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under flera år har några av Sveriges största banker kritiserats under den så kallade “penningtvätts-härvan”. Media har till stor del uppmärksammat skandalen utifrån ett företagsperspektiv men desto mindre ur ett kundperspektiv. Skandalernas relevans och aktualitet öppnar upp för att undersöka på vilket sätt bankkunder reagerar till följd av penningtvättsskandaler. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vilken effekt penningtvättsskandaler har på konsumenters befintliga attityder gentemot banker. Med anledning av de senaste årens uppmärksammade bankskandaler i Sverige görs undersökningen för att avgöra om attitydförändringen vidare har någon påverkan på konsumenters beteende i förhållande till bankerna. Tidsperspektivet gör denna studie relevant för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning konsumenter påverkas av denna typ av skandal vilket ger viktiga insikter för finansföretag. Metod: För att uppfylla vårt informationsbehov bestod vår empiri av kvantitativ data som samlades in genom enkäter. Vi var intresserade av att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan studenters attitydförändringar och beteende gentemot bankerna. Urvalet bestod av studenter som läser någon form av ekonomisk inriktning vid Högskolan i Borås. I enkäterna presenterades ett fiktivt fall där en penningtvättsskandal illustrerades samt information om hur studenterna skulle påverkas av skandalen. I det ena fallet drabbades studenterna ekonomiskt negativt av skandalen medan de inte drabbades i det andra fallet. Vi skickade således ut tvåenkäter, där hälften av urvalet fick den ena enkäten medan den andra hälften fick den andra. Resultat: Många av studenterna har relativt stabila relationer till sina banker innan skandalerna. Efter skandalerna värdesatte studenterna främst det egna intresset vilket medförde att de inte längre var lika lojala gentemot sina banker. Det skedde en tydlig attitydförändring blandstudenterna efter skandalerna oavsett ekonomisk påverkan. Slutsatser: Utifrån undersökningens modifierade modell kan vi dra slutsatserna att studenternas värderingar, egenintresse och lojalitet till banken tillsammans bidrar till en attitydförändring till följd av skandalerna. Det innebär att penningtvättsskandalen i de fiktiva fallen visade sig ha en effekt på studenternas befintliga attityder gentemot deras banker. Denna attitydförändring mynnar vidare ut i ett beteende orsakat av skandalerna. / Background: For several years, some of Sweden's largest banks have been criticized during the so-called “money laundering scandal”. The media has largely drawn attention to the scandal from a business perspective, nevertheless from a customer perspective. The scandal's relevance and timeliness opens up to investigate how bank customers react due to money laundering scandals. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of money laundering scandals on consumers' existing attitudes towards banks, based on the recent banking scandals in Sweden in recent years. This is to determine if the change in attitude further has any effect on consumerbehavior in relation to the banks. The time perspective makes this study relevant to examining the extent to which consumers are affected by this type of scandal, which provides important insights for financial companies. Methodology: To fulfill the purpose of the study, our empirical data consisted of quantitative data collected through surveys. We were interested in investigating whether there was a connection between students' attitude changes and behavior towards the banks. The sample consisted of students who study some form of financial orientation at the University of Borås. The survey presented a fictitious case in which a money laundering scandal was illustrated as well as information on how the students would be affected by the scandal. In one case, the students were financially negatively affected by the scandal while in the other case they were not affected financially. Half of the students received the survey were they were negatively affected and the other half, the one where they weren´t affected. Findings: Many of the students seemed to have relatively stable relationships with their banks before the scandals. Following the scandals the students seemed to value their self-interest which meant that they were no longer as loyal, as before, to their banks. There was a clear change in attitude among the students following the scandals regardless of financial impact. Conclusions: Based on the study’s modified model, we can conclude that the students' values, self-interest and loyalty to the bank contribute to a change in attitude towards the bank as a result of the scandals. This means that in the fictitious cases, the money laundering scandal had an effect on the students' existing attitudes towards their banks. The change in attitude further leads to a behavior caused by the scandals.
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Konsumenters Respons på Etiska Skandaler: En Undersökning av Varumärkesbild och KöpavsiktSurapee, Busara, von Sicard, William January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Konsumenters Respons på Etiska Skandaler: En Undersökning av Varumärkesbild och Köpavsikt. Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Busara Surapee och William von Sicard Handledare: Katarina Arbin Datum: 2024 – januari Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att belysa etiska skandalers påverkan på konsumenternas köpavsikt och varumärkesuppfattningar. Metod: I detta arbete har vi tillämpat en deduktiv metod och genomfört en kvantitativ undersökning. Informationen för studien har samlats in genom enkäter distribuerade via olika sociala plattformar. Sammanlagt inkom 102 enkätsvar, vilka kodades och analyserades med stöd av statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: I studiens resultat framkommer att allvarlighetsgraden inte hade någon signifikant påverkan vare sig på varumärkesbild eller köpavsikt. Däremot visade studien att varumärkesbild har en påtaglig effekt på köpavsikten. Detta ger insikter om betydelsen av varumärkesbild och dess koppling till konsumentens köpbeslut. Examensarbetets bidrag: Den teoretiska bidraget av studien ligger i att fördjupa förståelsen för hur etiska skandaler påverkar konsumenternas köpavsikt och varumärkesuppfattningar. Resultaten visar att endast varumärkesbilden påverkar köpavsikten, vilket kontrasterar med andra studier. På praktisk nivå ger studien insikter för varumärken om sambandet mellan varumärkesbild och konsumentens köpavsikt efter en etisk skandal. Företag kan dra nytta av att fokusera på att förbättra varumärkesbilden för att minimera påverkan på köpavsikten, oavsett allvarlighetsgrad på etiska skandaler. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För vidare forskning föreslås att inkludera fler företag inom klädbranschen för en bredare förståelse av variablernas effekt. En jämförelse över olika branscher och kulturer skulle ge insikter om variablernas allmängiltighet. Dessutom kan framtida studier överväga att utvidga studiens modell med andra variabler för att utforska potentiella förändringar i resultaten. Nyckelord: Etiska skandaler, Konsumentbeteende, Varumärkesbild, Köpavsikt, Allvarlighetsgrad på skandalen. / Abstract Title: Consumer Response to Ethical Scandals: An Examination of Brand Image and Purchase Intention. Level: Bachelor's degree thesis in business administration Author: Busara Surapee and William von Sicard Supervisor: Katarina Arbin Date: 2024 – january Aim: The purpose of this study is to highlight the impact of ethical scandals on consumers' purchase intention and brand perceptions. Method: In this work, we have applied a deductive method and carried out a quantitative investigation. The information for the study has been collected through surveys distributed via various social platforms. A total of 102 survey responses were received, which were coded and analyzed with the support of the statistical program SPSS. Results and conclusions: In the results of the study, it appears that the degree of severity had no significant impact on either brand image or purchase intention. However, the study showed that brand image has a tangible effect on purchase intention. This provides insights into the importance of brand image and its connection to consumer purchase decisions. Contribution of the thesis: The theoretical contribution of the study lies in deepening the understanding of how ethical scandals affect consumers' purchase intention and brand perceptions. The results show that only brand image affects purchase intention, which contrasts with other studies. On a practical level, the study provides insights for brands on the relationship between brand image and consumer purchase intention following an ethical scandal. Companies can benefit from focusing on improving brand image to minimize the impact on purchase intent, regardless of the severity of ethical scandals. Suggestions for future research: For further research, it is suggested to include more companies in the clothing industry for a broader understanding of the effect of the variables. A comparison across different industries and cultures would provide insights into the general validity of the variables. Additionally, future studies may consider expanding the study's model with other variables to explore potential changes in the results. Key words: Ethical scandals, Consumer behavior, Brand image, Purchase intention, Severity of the scandal.
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Scandale et gravité : histoire et fonctionnement du scandale en musique sous la IIIe République française (1902 à 1924)Ruel, Alexis 03 1900 (has links)
Le scandale est un concept qui suscite l’intérêt des chercheurs de plusieurs disciplines comme l’histoire de l’art, la sociologie ou la politique, mais moins ceux du domaine musical savant. Il s’agit d’une chose surprenante étant donné que certains des scandales les plus flamboyants ont pris place sur les scènes musicales. La période qui correspond à la IIIe République en France est remplie de ces œuvres célèbres qui ont suscité réactions violentes et négatives chez une grande partie de l’auditoire. Qu’est-ce qui a déclenché de telles passions? Quels sont les facteurs qui peuvent expliquer le rejet de ces œuvres au moment de leur présentation?
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de présenter ces différents scandales d’envergure et de proposer une schématisation plus claire des actions des différents acteurs du champ sous la forme d’un système simple axé autour de la métaphore conceptuelle de l’opposition entre une force centrifuge, exercée par l’œuvre sur le champ, et une force centripète, exercée par le champ sur l’œuvre. Axée principalement autour de la lutte en constante évolution entre les traditionalistes et les modernes, la recherche réalisée présente sept cas particuliers entre 1902 et 1924 : Pelléas et Mélisande de Claude Debussy (1902), Le Sacre du Printemps d’Igor Stravinski (1913), Salomé de Richard Strauss (1907), les Histoires naturelles de Maurice Ravel (1907), le Pierrot Lunaire et la musique atonale d’Arnold Schoenberg à Paris (1922), Parade d’Érik Satie (1917) et 1finalement Relâche du même compositeur (1924). La question qui sera posée est la suivante : Comment les forces en action, qu’elles soient sociales, politiques, culturelles ou esthétiques, qui entourent la présentation d’une œuvre scandaleuse affectent-t-elles sa réception et son acceptation auprès du public et des acteurs du champ musical? / Scandal is a concept that attracts the interest of researchers in many disciplines, such as art history, sociology and politics, but less so in the field of scholarly music. This is surprising, given that some of the most flamboyant scandals have taken place on the musical stage. The period corresponding to the Third Republic in France is full of these famous works, which provoked violent and negative reactions from large sections of the audience. What triggered such passions? What factors might explain the rejection of these works at the time of their presentation?
The aim of this dissertation is to present these various large-scale scandals and propose a clearer schematization of the actions of the various players in the field in the form of a simple system centered around the conceptual metaphor of the opposition between a centrifugal force, exerted by the work on the field, and a centripetal force, exerted by the field on the work. Focusing mainly on the constantly evolving struggle between traditionalists and moderns, the research carried out presents seven specific cases between 1902 and 1924: Claude Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande (1902), Igor Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps (1913), Richard Strauss's Salomé (1907), Maurice Ravel's Histoires naturelles (1907), Arnold Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire and atonal music in Paris (1922), Érik Satie's Parade (1917) and finally Relâche by the same composer (1924). The question that will be asked is: How do the social, political, cultural and aesthetic forces at work around the presentation of a scandalous work affect its reception and acceptance by the public and those involved in the musical field?
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