Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scarf"" "subject:"carf""
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Grey Scarf : An artistic research into identity and scarves.Tjio, Mi January 2015 (has links)
This is a report that tells the journey of the master project Grey Square. It is a project that is rooted in cultural, national and racial identity in relation to symbolism and stereotypes, through the investigation of the scarf as an object often associated with a variety of these identities. The scarf is observed through the understandings of semiotics, material culture and visual culture, and the report gives you an account of the art project’s different processes and methods in reaching its final visual design. By examining the scarf the intention is to become aware of your gaze and participation in creating meanings, symbols and stereotypes.
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Caractérisation et modélisation des joints de colles sous sollicitations bi-axiales statiques / Characterization and modeling of adhesive bonded joints under quasi-static loadingsDestouesse Villa, Jaime 16 November 2018 (has links)
Le collage structural se présente comme une alternative intéressante aux méthodes classiques d'assemblages par ajout d’éléments mécaniques pour alléger les structures aéronautiques. Cependant, l'utilisation de cette méthode soulève de nombreuses questions en termes de conception, caractérisation ou modélisation. Ce travail, à fort caractère expérimental, visent deux grands objectifs : (i) sélectionner les moyens d'instrumentation les plus adaptés pour la caractérisation du comportement jusqu'à rupture des assemblages collés et (ii) prédire le comportement des assemblages collés à partir d'une caractérisation et d'une modélisation complète sous chargements quasi-statiques bi-axiaux, en utilisant un type d’essai simple et industrialisable. Dans un premier temps, pour atteindre ces objectifs, un nouvel essai appelé Scarf modifié a été proposé, afin de caractériser le comportement mécanique du joint de colle, en minimisant les effets de bord par la présence de becs. La deuxième partie de la thèse porte sur le développement d'une stratégie de caractérisation simplifiée du comportement de joint de colle, sous certaines hypothèses (états de contraintes/déformations, continuité du champ de contraintes). Cette stratégie a permis d'obtenir le comportement intrinsèque de l’adhésif sous la forme de courbes contraintes/déformations. La dernière partie abordée dans ces travaux, s'intéresse quant à elle à l'identification et la sélection des moyens de métrologie les plus appropriés, pour accompagner la caractérisation expérimentale. / Today, structural bonding presents an interesting alternative to conventional methods of assembly, in order to reduce the weight within aeronautical structures. However, the use of this method raises many questions in terms of design, characterization or modeling. This work presents a robust experimental work, aiming two main objectives: (i) select the most suitable instrumentation for the characterization of the behavior of bonded joints up to failure and (ii) predict the behavior of bonded joints from complete characterization and modeling under quasi-static bi-axial loading, using a simple test, directly integrated to industry. In a first stage, to achieve this goal, modified Scarf test has been proposed to characterize the mechanical behavior of adhesive joints. This type of specimen allows applying multiaxial loadings without having high-stress concentrations near the edges. The second part of the thesis deals with the development of a strategy for simplifying the characterization of a bonded joint using some hypotheses (stress/strain states). This strategy allows obtaining the intrinsic behavior of the adhesive in the form of the stress/strain curves. The last part of this work deals with the identification and selection of the most appropriate instrumentation systems in the experimental characterization.
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Robust repair methods of primary structures in compositeRamström, Marcus, Gungner, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
A request of material change when performing repairs on composite parts of SAABs JAS 39 Gripen has lead to the initiation of this project. The aim is to create a quicker and more robust repair method. The requested method of repair is to use a direct-cured repair patch made of CFRP fabric instead of CFRP tape and to mount the patch with a scarf joint, see Figure 1.1. The fabric patch should then provide a robust quasi-isotropic repair, where the operator not is dependent of complete design data such as ply-directions etc. Today tape repairs are made on tape laminate and fabric repairs made on fabric laminate. The new method is to repair tape laminate with a fabric patch. This project will evaluate the possibility of implementing this method. The work started with a literature study to find out how repairs in composite parts of the airframe are being performed today. SAABs in-house analytical tools were then used to try to predict the results and examine some of the details in the questions at issue. Finite element models were then constructed to simulate a previous physical test program conducted to validate a repair method using a step joint and a direct-cured repair patch. If the FE models could show similar results as the physical tests the results from the FE models then can be assumed to be credible. The results of this project indicate that the change from fabric to tape in the repair patch can be done without disturbing the load path of a quasi isotropic composite laminate. Fabric repairs in orthotropic composite plates results in a knock-down of about 40%. The use of a scarf joint instead of a step joint should also work well as the repair patches show similar strains in the centre of the patches. The difference between step joint and scarf joint is the strain near the edge of the patch. It increases with scarf joint and it may lead to an earlier fibre failure in the repair patch. Results from the analysis of the bonded joint indicate that a scarf joint yields in a lower and more evenly distributed shear stress than the step joint. This indicates that the bonded joint in the step joint will reach failure earlier then the scarf joint.
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Stress Analysis on Adhesive Bonded Joint of Composite Tube due to TorsionWang, Wei-Te 07 September 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is aimed to predict that what kind of adhesive bonded joint of composite tube the can obtain more efficient structure. APC-2 sixteen-layer laminates of AS-4/PEEK were used as adherends, including cross-ply [0/90]4S and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45]2S laminates. And we use two different kinds of adhesive bonded joints, including stepped lap joint and scarf lap joint. On the aspect of numerical analysis, we employ finite element method incorporate with the software of ANSYS 5.5.1 to obtain the distribution of stress on adhesive bonded joint.
In this thesis, there are two kinds of geometrical shape on stepped lap joint. The bonded layer height h that is vertical to the axis of the composite tube is 2mm and 5mm. There are also two kinds of the geometrical shape on scarf lap joint. The angle £\ between the bonded layer and the axis of the composite tube is 30¢Xand 45¢X.The boundary condition on one side of the composite tube is assumed to be fixed. The other side of the composite tube is due to torsion. According to the numerical result, the stepped lap joint with h=5mm and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] occurs minimum von Mises stress, and we predict this kind of joint can sustain the maximum external load and obtain better efficiency. In this thesis, the geometrical shape, size and the direction of laminates of the joint will effect the distribution of stress.
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Effects of ply-specific laser treatment on mechanical strength of composite scarf jointsYousef, Jassem A. Al 06 1900 (has links)
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is widely used in the industrial world due to its high strength-to-weight ratio. Aerospace manufacturers incorporate CFRP into the main structure of their flight vehicles. The extensive use of CFRP sparks the interest in efficient methods for manufacturing and repair. One of the most used repair methods is the bonded joint method, which includes different types of joints, e.g. scarf joint, step joint and single-lap joint. Scarf joint is generally selected for repair method due to its derived outcome. To improve strength of the bonded joint, the mating adherend surfaces are usually treated before being bonded. This treatment aims to enhance the mechanical interlocking and absorption properties between adhesive and adherend. Manual or electrical sanding is a standard method currently used in the industry. Recently, laser treatment is of high interest due to its potential for an automated process and consistent results. Laser treatment is usually preformed uniformly across the CFRP, regardless of the stacking sequence. This process may introduce local enhancement in some ply orientations, but also damage in other plies. This work investigates the effect of local (ply-specific) treatment on the scarf joint strength of CFRP. Effects of laser fluence (energy density) on treated ply were evaluated using surface characterization methods, viz. optical microscopy, profilometry and sessile drop technique. Finally, tensile test was performed on CFRP scarf joint. Results show that ply-specific laser treatment improves the tensile strength of CFRP scarf joint. The treatment offers localized enhancement to the surface properties and bonding strength, which results in overall tensile strength improvement.
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Konsten att hålla svåra samtal : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers upplevelse / The art of holding difficult conversations : A qualitative study on the experiences of middle managersSöderberg, Hanna, Malmqvist, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Svåra samtal förekommer på samtliga arbetsplatser, dock resulterar de oftast i misslyckanden (Bradley & Campbell, 2016). Därför krävs det av ledare att anamma vissa strategier för att nå ett tillfredsställande resultat. Studiens fokus är att från ett ledarskapsperspektiv öka förståelsen om hur mellanchefer hanterar svåra samtal på sina arbetsplatser och hur de hanterar möjliga risker av svåra samtal både för sig själva och organisationen. Således utgår studien från tre frågeställningar där den första berör mellanchefernas användning av empati för svåra samtal och den andra om vilka strategier mellancheferna använder för svåra samtal. Vidare handlar den tredje frågeställningen om att undersöka vilka risker mellancheferna upplever kan uppkomma av svåra samtal både för sig själva och organisationen. Studiensempiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt att den bygger på en hermeneutisk forskningsansats. Empirin har vidare analyserats med hjälp av SCARFmodellen som handlar om den neurologiska påverkan hos anställda baserat på vilka strategierledare använder sig av under svåra samtal. Resultatet visar att mellanchefernas upplevelse av svåra samtal är både positivt och negativt, för både dem och för organisationen. Exempelvis upplever mellancheferna en känsla av obehag inför svåra samtal men att det i efterhand ofta resulterar i en förbättring, både på ett personligt och organisatoriskt plan. Resultatet visar även de strategier mellancheferna tenderar att använda sig av under svåra samtal samt hur de använder sig av empati för att öka sin kommunikationsförmåga under svåra samtal. Till exempel visar studien att mellancheferna använder den empatiska kompetensen för att bättre förstå sina medarbetares situation. Vidare använder mellancheferna sig av olika strategier, som exempelvis att visa att de förstår situationen genom att agera på det medarbetarna berättar. / Difficult conversations occur at all workplaces, although they tend to result in failure (Bradley & Campbell, 2016). Therefore it is required that leaders embrace certain strategies in order to reach a satisfying result. The aim of the study is to, through a leadership perspective, increase the understanding regarding how middle managers handle difficult conversations both for themselves as well as the organization. Thus, the study utilizes three questions whereas the first one refers to the middle managers adaptation of empathy during difficult conversations and the second refers to what strategies the middle managers adapt during difficult situations. Furthermore, the aim of the third question is to examine what risks middle managers believe can occur from difficult conversations both for themselves as well as the organization. The empiric was gathered through semi-structured interviews and is based on a hermeneutic research approach. The empiric has been further analyzed by dint of the SCARF model about how the employees neurologic influence is affected by the strategies used by the middle managers. The result shows that the experience of handling difficult conversations affects the middle managers both positively and negatively, for both themselves and the organization. For example, the middle managers experience a sense of discomfort before difficult conversations but in the end it results in improvement, both on a personal level and an organizational level. In addition, the result shows how those strategies the middle managers tend to adapt during difficult conversations as well as how they use empathy in order to increase their communication skills. For example, the study shows how the middle managers use their empathic competency as a way of increasing their understanding of the employees situation. Furthermore, the middle managers use different strategies, for example they show understanding of the employees situation by reacting to what they say.
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Controverses autour de la notion de liberté : la France et "l'affaire du foulard". Sociologie de philosophies politiques ordinaires / Controversy around the notion of freedom : France and "the affair of the scarf". Sociology of common philosophyJabiera, Abdalla 04 July 2011 (has links)
À la fin des années 1980, trois adolescentes d’origine musulmane ont été exclues de leur collège parce qu’elles refusaient d’enlever leur voile en classe. Ce « fait divers » aurait pu passer inaperçu s’il n’avait pas été étalé de manière spectaculaire sur la scène médiatique. Les raisons invoquées pour justifier cet engouement tiennent en un mot : faire respecter le principe de laïcité au sein de l’école républicaine. Mais très vite, le débat a pris d’autres proportions avec l’intervention d’une grande partie d’intellectuels et l’on apprend soudainement que, derrière le foulard, se cache la soumission de la femme, si ce n’est une volonté affichée de « communautarisme », voire d’« intégrisme religieux ». La nation serait alors en danger et l’on comprend que la question du foulard rebondisse en 1994, avec cette fois-ci une détermination de la part des militants laïcs de mettre en échec le droit en vigueur, formulé par le Conseil d’État en des termes limpides : le port d’un signe religieux par les élèves ne saurait, en lui-même, constituer un motif d’exclusion, sauf cas avéré de « port ostentatoire et revendicatif ». Reste que dans un mouvement d’éternel retour, le problème du foulard resurgit brutalement en 2003, se politise et s’achève par la promulgation en mars 2004 d’une loi interdisant le port du voile dans les établissements publics.Sur le fond, cette évolution a mis en exergue un aspect essentiel : la crainte des « immigrés » et d’un islam devenu trop visible. Elle a également permis d’opposer la laïcité à la liberté religieuse. Notre travail consiste justement à comprendre comment on en est arrivé à rendre antinomiques deux principes fondamentaux sur lesquels repose, entre autres, la notion de démocratie en République française. Cette interrogation est d’autant plus légitime que la polémique autour du foulard avait explicitement ignoré le point de vue des femmes voilées, passant ainsi à côté des différentes significations que ce bout d’étoffe pouvait contenir. De fait, si l’objectif de notre recherche est de passer au crible la position de ceux qui ont oeuvré à l’interdiction du foulard dans l’espace scolaire, il s’agit aussi de donner la parole à ces femmes qui n’ont pas eu droit de cité. Dans cette optique, notre souci premier est de connaître comment elles vivent leur voilement. Quel sens donnent-elles au port du voile ? Quel regard jettent-elles sur un débat qui semble mettre en cause leur liberté d’expression confessionnelle ? Ces questions sont à la base de notre problématique. / At the end of the 80s, three girls of Moslem origin were excluded from their middle school because they refused to remove their veil in class. This «news item» would have been able to pass unnoticed, had not it been spread in a spectacular way over the media scene. The reasons called to justify this craze like are the will to make respect the principle of secularism within the republican school. But, very fast, the debate took other proportions with the intervention of many intellectuals who thought that behind the scarf hides the submission of the woman, if it is not a will posted by «communitarism» even of « religious fundamentalism ».Then, the nation would be in danger and we can understand that the question of the scarf bounces in 1994, with this time a determination on behalf of laic activists to put in check the current law, formulated by the Council of State in crystal clear terms: the bearing of a religious sign by the pupils does not constitute in itself a motive for exclusion, except in cases of «ostentatious and claiming bearing» . But in a movement of eternal return, the bearing of the scarf reappears brutally in 2003, politicizes, and ends with the promulgation in March, 2004 of a law forbidding the wearing of the veil in public institutions. In fact, this evolution highlighted an essential aspect: the fear of the «immigrants» and the Islam become too visible. It also allowed to set secularism against the freedom of religion. Our work consists in understanding how we managed to make paradoxical these two fundamental principles on which the notion of democracy in French Republic, among others, rests. This interrogation is all the more justifiable since the debate around the scarf had explicitly ignored the point of view of the veiled women, so passing next to the various meanings which this end of fabric could contain. Actually, if the objective of our research is to examine closely the position of those who intervened for the ban on the scarf in the school space, it is also a question of giving the floor to these women who have not been established. So, our first questions are: how do they live their buckle ? What sense do they give to the wearing of the veil ? What glance do they throw on a debate which seems to question their confessional freedom of expression ? These questions are on the base of our research
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Férmions em uma parede de Bloch / Fermions on a Bloch WallAquino Curi, Elvis Johel 10 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-05-23T17:06:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-01-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / This dissertation presents the study of the scattering and bound states for fermion fields coupled to two scalar real fields in (1 + 1) dimensions. This scalar field background is usually called Bloch wall and it comes up as a topological solution to nonlinear partial differential equations. This type of wall is widely used and is also well-known not only in the theoretical framework but also in the experimental context (PÁTEK; TOMÁŠ; BOHÁČEK, 1990). The way to introduze an interaction between the fermion field and the scalar field is through a suitable Yukawa coupling, that is, the interaction field is given by ηΨ(ϕ+χ)Ψ. In this work, we first find the fermionic field equations by applying Hamilton’s principle. Then, in order to find the static solutions of the scalar field equations, we follow the ideas developed by (BOGOMOLNY, 1976; RAJARAMAN, 1979; BAZEIA et al., 2002). For this reason, we review some mathematical methods and basic concepts in order to understand how the Bloch wall arises from the classical field solutions. Regarding the fermion field equations, since we are working in (1 + 1) dimensions, we resort by mapping our problem intot a Schrödinger-like equation in a Scarf II potential (hyperbolic Scarf potential); hence, we are able to find analytic solutions by using the mathematical machinery of hypergeometric functions. After that, we are in position to write both the bound and scattering states. Also, we find massless fermion zero state E = 0, which will depend on the Yukawa coupling constant. / Nesta dissertação apresentamos o estudo dos estados de espalhamento e estados ligados para campos de férmions acoplados a dois campos escalares reais em (1 + 1) dimensões. Este campo background é normalmente chamado parede de Bloch e ela surge como uma solução topológica de equações diferenciais parciais não-lineares. Este tipo de parede é amplamente utilizada e é também bem conhecida, não só no marco teórico, mas também no contexto experimental (PÁTEK; TOMÁŠ; BOHÁČEK, 1990). Uma forma possível de introduzir a interação entre os campos fermiônicos e os campos escalares é através de um acoplamento de Yukawa, isto é, a interação é dada pelo termo ηΨ(ϕ + χ)Ψ. Neste trabalho, primeiramente procuramos as equações de movimento do campo fermiônico aplicando o princípio da Hamilton. Logo, para encontrar as soluções estáticas das equações de campos escalares seguimos, as ideias desenvolvidas por (BOGOMOLNY, 1976; RAJARAMAN, 1979; BAZEIA et al., 2002). Por esta razão, revisamos alguns métodos e conceitos matemáticos básicos para entender como a parede Bloch surge a partir das soluções de campos clássicos. Em relação à equação de campo de férmions, como o espaço é (1+1) dimensões, o procedimento é mapear o problema em uma equação tipo Schrödinger com um potencial do tipo Scarf II (Scarf hiperbólico), assim somos capazes de encontrar soluções analíticas utilizando a maquinaria matemática das funções hipergeométricas. Depois disso, estamos em posição de escrever tanto os estados ligados quanto os estados de espalhamento. Além disso, para férmions não massivos encontramos o estado de modo zero (E = 0), o qual dependerá do sinal da constante do acoplamento de Yukawa.
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Impact of social threats and their effect on organizational change process efficiencyEngström Eriksson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The human brain is sensitive to threat. Loss in Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness – SCARF – is considered threatening. Threat creates a stress response and stress impairs cognitive functions as problem-solving, decision-making, learning and emotional control. The purpose was to identify differences between well-functioning and non-well-functioning change processes and their relation to SCARF. A total of 55 change processes were investigated. The result indicated a correlation between stress, productivity and quality. The result also showed that 20 out of 25 measured items had a significant mean value difference between “good” and “bad” processes. A multiple regressions analysis indicated that a high degree of Certainty predicts a high degree of Change Process Efficiency with 50 % of the variance possible to explain by the variance in Certainty. More research on SCARF factors and how to measure those in change processes is needed. The area is important since it can create more efficient change processes.
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Distansarbete och styrning under coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie om organisationers styrning under oförutsägbara omständigheterSundström, Simon, Vestervall, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Coronapandemin och den drastiska omställningen till distansarbete har varit källor till oro för många organisationer. Ett vanligt fenomen är att chefer tenderar att söka sig till hårdare styrning under oförutsägbarhet, vilket kan få konsekvenser på anställdas inre motivation och arbetsinsats. Med utgångspunkt i SCARF-modellen och Self-determination theory, ämnar studien undersöka om oförutsägbarheten innebär en hårdare styrning och vad den får för konsekvenser på anställdas inre motivation och arbetsinsats. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket genomfördes 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer med både chefer och anställda i fyra olika företag, verksamma i olika branscher. Resultatet indikerar på att kravet på uppföljning och rapportering ökar i de företag vars tillvaro varit mer oförutsägbar och förblir oförändrat i de företag vars tillvaro varit mer förutsägbar. Styrningens förväntade negativa inverkan på anställdas inre motivation och arbetsinsats kan inte bekräftas. Resultatet indikerar istället på positiva effekter som förbättrad känsla av produktivitet, ökad tydlighet och struktur.
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