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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leading Change in Schools: Leadership Practices for a District Supported School-Based Reform Model

Verra, Monica C 10 November 2009 (has links)
The reauthorization of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 strongly encourages the use of a response-to-intervention (RtI) model to reduce the number of students identified as learning disabled, to increase student achievement, and to close learning gaps between subgroups of students. RtI is based on the systematic assessment of students' responses to high-quality research-based instruction and interventions. The implementation of a research-based school-specific intervention model, such as RtI, may result in significant change for schools and districts. The purpose of this study was to describe perceptions of the level of change the implementation of RtI represents in a school district and perceptions of school and district leadership practices used to implement RtI. The literature on organizational change and learning, the role of principals and district leaders in school reform, and the effect of leadership behaviors on the ability to influence change form the theoretical basis for this study. This mixed-methods study is descriptive in nature. Data were gathered through the administration of a leadership-behavior assessment measure and focus-group interviews. The sample included seven elementary schools in a large school district in west-central Florida. The results of this study suggest that the implementation of RtI is perceived as a second-order change by most stakeholders. The findings point to the need for principals and district leaders responsible for implementing RtI to employ leadership practices needed for second-order change, paying particular attention to practices that have been identified in the literature as having a negative association with second-order change. It is recommended that districts consider the use of a collaborative process in order to develop nonnegotiable strategic and specific, measurable goals for the implementation of RtI. In addition, districts and schools responsible for implementing RtI should consider benchmarking their practices against practices identified in this study to identify the strategies needed to scale-up district-wide reform and promote sustainability.

ICF-CY as a Tool in Elementary School : An interview study of teacher experiences and perceptions of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth in their Work in Elementary School

Tulinius, Halla Kristín January 2008 (has links)
<p>AIM OF THE STUDY</p><p>The aim of this study was to explore if ICF-CY can support teachers in elementary schools in their work in promoting children’s health, development and learning. A further aim was to bring forward what teachers experience as benefits and disadvantages in using the classification.</p><p> </p><p>METHOD</p><p>After an introduction to ICF-CY, six elementary school teachers filled in questionnaires based on ICF-CY for 94 children. In conjunction with this, the teachers were interviewed about their experiences and perceptions of the work.</p><p> </p><p>RESULTS</p><p>The results show that through their work with the ICF-CY questionnaires the teachers experienced an active process of reflection and learning. They obtained new perspectives which gave them a more holistic picture of children’s situations than they had before. The teachers found the ICF-CY to be a useful instrument to support work within the school environment towards individualized education, based on the children’s possibilities. They also felt that the importance of cooperation between the persons around each child became clearer by using ICF-CY because no single individual is in possession of all the necessary information about the child’s situation, but by combining different perspectives it is possible to establish a common ground on which education and intervention can be based. At the same time, however, the teachers found the classification somewhat overly comprehensive and in some ways complicated. Therefore they felt that an introduction to the ICF-CY is essential before adopting it.</p><p> </p><p>CONCLUSIONS</p><p>The teachers’ experience of seeing each child’s situation more clearly after conducting a classification by using the ICF-CY questionnaires indicates that ICF-CY should be introduced to parents, teachers and other professionals working with education and intervention for children. The way in which assessment carried out with ICF-CY as an instrument affects the process of education and intervention remains to be examined.</p> / CHILD

ICF-CY as a Tool in Elementary School : An interview study of teacher experiences and perceptions of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth in their Work in Elementary School

Tulinius, Halla Kristín January 2008 (has links)
AIM OF THE STUDY The aim of this study was to explore if ICF-CY can support teachers in elementary schools in their work in promoting children’s health, development and learning. A further aim was to bring forward what teachers experience as benefits and disadvantages in using the classification.   METHOD After an introduction to ICF-CY, six elementary school teachers filled in questionnaires based on ICF-CY for 94 children. In conjunction with this, the teachers were interviewed about their experiences and perceptions of the work.   RESULTS The results show that through their work with the ICF-CY questionnaires the teachers experienced an active process of reflection and learning. They obtained new perspectives which gave them a more holistic picture of children’s situations than they had before. The teachers found the ICF-CY to be a useful instrument to support work within the school environment towards individualized education, based on the children’s possibilities. They also felt that the importance of cooperation between the persons around each child became clearer by using ICF-CY because no single individual is in possession of all the necessary information about the child’s situation, but by combining different perspectives it is possible to establish a common ground on which education and intervention can be based. At the same time, however, the teachers found the classification somewhat overly comprehensive and in some ways complicated. Therefore they felt that an introduction to the ICF-CY is essential before adopting it.   CONCLUSIONS The teachers’ experience of seeing each child’s situation more clearly after conducting a classification by using the ICF-CY questionnaires indicates that ICF-CY should be introduced to parents, teachers and other professionals working with education and intervention for children. The way in which assessment carried out with ICF-CY as an instrument affects the process of education and intervention remains to be examined. / CHILD

Overhead and Behind : a glossary

Strandberg, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Overhead and Behind is an ongoing learning exercise in three parts: Working Conditions, The Refusal of Objects and Disturbing Distribution (forthcoming). Through learning by doing, it unfolds new episodes as an attempt to look at the act of orientating different standpoints. The different parts of Overhead and Behind are examined in series of episodes and an ongoing glossary that expands words connected to the learning exercise. The purpose of Overhead and Behind is (a) to see how structures over-ones-head conceals value systems which conforms working conditions and (b) to practice the method of “being behind”, i.e. to slow-down and counterpose progress. The third aim (c) is to see how these standpoints can be practiced and how this act can insert a new valorization-system.

Les conseillers d’orientation dans l’enseignement secondaire (1959-1993) : un métier « impossible » ? / Guidance counsellors in middleschool (1959-1993) : an « impossible » job ?

Lehner, Paul 04 May 2017 (has links)
Grâce aux apports de la sociologie de l’action publique, des groupes professionnels et de l’institution, on cherche à comprendre dans cette recherche, consacrée à une sociogenèse du métier de conseiller d’orientation de 1959 à 1993, l’échec (relatif) des conseillers d’orientation pour imposer, et, corrélativement, occuper un domaine de compétences stable, reconnu et valorisé, au sein de l’enseignement secondaire, de 1959 à 1993. Convoitant le champ de compétences du cycle d’observation des aptitudes des élèves – apparaissant dans l’Entre-deux-guerres -, les conseillers d’orientation n’intègrent qu’officiellement l’enseignement secondaire en 1959 avec la réforme de l’enseignement Berthoin. Néanmoins, l’examen du processus d’élaboration des politiques scolaires des années 1950 montre que leurs savoirs et pratiques professionnelles, hérités de la psychologie expérimentale, se heurtent aux logiques dominantes structurant les politiques scolaires, à savoir la préservation de l’ordre scolaire, « menacé » par l’explosion scolaire, et la recherche d’une adéquation de l’École avec l’économie. Ces finalités génèrent une redéfinition du métier de conseiller d’orientation dans les années 1960 neutralisant du même coup les dimensions critiques de leur expertise psychologique. Le conseiller d’orientation est alors censé dépister les « inadaptés scolaires » et informer les élèves des débouchés professionnels. Profitant de la critique de l’arbitraire, dénoncé notamment durant Mai-Juin 68, et de l’avènement de l’échec scolaire comme problème public légitime au début des années 1970, les conseillers d’orientation réussissent à préserver l’unité relative de leur métier et à occuper le champ d’intervention professionnelle de l’échec scolaire. Pour les acteurs des politiques scolaires, ils doivent participer à la fabrication du consentement des élèves à leurs destins scolaires et professionnels, mais doivent également assurer l’information professionnelle des jeunes. Le métier de conseiller d’orientation oscille entre ces deux finalités, y compris de 1981 à 1989. Sous le ministère de l’Education nationale de Lionel Jospin, l’idée du nécessaire consentement de l’élève à son devenir scolaire et professionnel est à nouveau au cœur de la politique scolaire. Elle s’inscrit dans le sillage de l’entreprise de modernisation de l’Ecole, nouvelle thématique au milieu des années 1980. C’est dans ce contexte que s’organise la revendication des porte-paroles des conseillers d’orientation d’être reconnu comme psychologue, statut protégé par la loi de mars 1985. Garantissant leur légitimité à intervenir dans le champ d’intervention professionnelle de l’échec scolaire, le statut de psychologue prémunit le groupe professionnel de redéfinitions illimitées de leur métier ou, du moins, en délimite le champ des possibles. / Thanks to the contributions of the sociology of public policy, of professions and of the institution, we try to understand in this research, devoted to a sociogenesis of the profession of guidance counsellor from 1959 to 1993, the (relative) failure of guidance counsellors to impose, and, correlatively, to occupy a stable, recognized and valorised jurisdiction within secondary education from 1959 to 1993.Claiming the tasks areas of the pupils' abilities observation cycle – appearing in the inter-war period -, the guidance counsellors only officially incorporate middle school in 1959 with the Berthoin education reform. Nevertheless, the examination of the school policy-making process of the 1950s shows that their professional knowledge and practices, inherited from experimental psychology, are confronted with the dominant logic of school policies, namely preservation of the school system, “threatened” by the school explosion, and the search for adequacy of the School with the economy. These aims generate a redefinition of the profession of guidance counsellor in the 1960s, neutralizing at the same time the critical dimensions of their psychological expertise. The guidance counsellor is then supposed to detect the "unsuitable pupils" and to inform the pupils of the career opportunities. Taking advantage of the criticism of arbitrariness, denounced in particular during the events of May-June 1968, and the advent of academic failure as a legitimate public problem in the early 1970s, guidance counsellors succeeded in preserving the relative unity of their expertise and in occupying the field of professional intervention of school failure. For policy-makers, they must be involved in making pupils' consent to their academic and professional destiny, but must also ensure the professional information of young people. The profession of guidance counsellor oscillates between these two purposes, from 1981 to 1989. Under the Lionel Jospin's Ministry of Education, the idea of the necessary consent of the pupil to his educational and professional future is once again at the heart of school policy. It is in line with the modernization of the School system, a new theme of the mid-1980s. In this context the claim of spokespersons of counsellors is organized. It aims at the recognition of counsellors as psychologists, a status protected by the law of March 1985. Guaranteeing their legitimacy to intervene in the tasks areas of academic failure, the status of psychologist protects the professional group from unlimited redefinitions of their profession or, at least, delimits the scope of possibilities

Användning av styrsystem i skolan : en kvalitativ studie om styrsystemens påverkan på lärares arbetsbelastning

Berntsson, Amanda, Karlsson, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Användning av styrsystem i skolan - en kvalitativ studie om styrsystemens påverkan på lärares arbetsbelastning Författare: Amanda Berntsson och Jenny Karlsson Handledare: Eva Berggren Nivå: Kandidatuppsats 15 HP, Företagsekonomi, Verksamhetsstyrning, VT 2018 Problembakgrund: År 2035 förväntas det råda en brist på 79 000 lärare i Sverige. Samtidigt är cirka hälften av lärarna alltid eller ofta stressade på jobbet och är tvungna att arbeta på sin fritid då arbetstiden inte räcker till. Denna statistik visar på att det finns ett praktiskt problem varför studien vill undersöka om detta kan kopplas till verksamhetsstyrningen i kommunala gymnasieskolor. Problemdiskussion: Tidigare studier har fokuserat på verksamhetsstyrning kopplat till elevresultat och inte på dess påverkan på lärares arbetsbelastning. En studie utförd inom vården har visat på ett samband mellan läkares utmattning och förekomst av onödiga och oskäliga arbetsuppgifter. Därför är det intressant att undersöka huruvida det finns ett liknande samband inom skolväsendet.  Frågeställning: Vilka styrsystem använder rektorer på kommunala gymnasieskolor och hur påverkar det lärares arbetsbelastning? Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva vilka styrsystem rektorer på kommunala gymnasieskolor använder sig av. Vidare är syftet att identifiera hur de olikastyrsystemen påverkar lärarnas arbetsbelastning. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar styrsystem där vi valt att arbeta enligt Merchant och Van der Stede indelning vilken består av resultatstyrning, aktionsstyrning, personalstyrning och kulturell styrning. Slutligen presenteras negativa konsekvenser av tillämpning av de olika styrsystemen.  Metod: Kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats där intervjuer har genomförts med totalt sex respondenter, varav fyra rektorer och två lärare, som alla är verksamma på två kommunala gymnasieskolor. Empiri: Primärdata för de sex respondenter som intervjuats presenteras var styrsystem för sig och avslutas med negativa konsekvenser av styrning.  Analys: I kapitlet ställs empirin mot den teoretiska referensramen och analyseras var styrsystem för sig.  Slutsats: Studien har lett fram till följande fyra slutsatser- Skolornas användning av styrsystem skiljer sig åt- Större fokus på personalstyrning än resultatstyrning minskar lärares arbetsbelastning- De positiva konsekvenserna av skolans kultur minskar lärares arbetsbelastning- Lärares arbetsbelastning ökar till följd av en bristande kommunikation gällande dokumentationen Nyckelord: Verksamhetsstyrning, styrsystem, styrmedel, arbetsbelastning, skolväsendet / Title: The use of management control systems in school - a qualitative study on the influence of control systems on teachers workload Authors: Amanda Berntsson and Jenny Karlsson Thesis supervisor: Eva Berggren Level: Bachelor thesis 15 HP in Business Economics, Management, VT 2018 Background: By the year of 2035 it will be a lack of 79 000 teachers in Sweden. Simultaneously approximately half of the teachers in Sweden are always or often stressed at work and have to work leisure because the work time is insufficient. These statistics show that there is a practical problem and therefore this study aims to investigate if this problem can be linked to the management control system in municipal upper secondary schools. Problem: Previous studies have focused on management control affect on student results and not on its impact on teachers workload. A study conducted in healthcare has shown a connection between doctors fatigue and the occurrence of unnecessary and unreasonable task assignments. Therefore, it is interesting to analyze if there is a similar connection within the school system. Problem formulation: Which management control systems do the principal use at municipal upper secondary schools and how does it affect the teachers workload? Purpose: The purpose is to describe which management control systems principals at municipal upper secondary schools use. Furthermore, the purpose is to identify how the different control systems affect teachers workload. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework contains management control systems and we chose to apply Merchant and Van der Stede’s division, which consists of result control, action control, personnel control and cultural control. Furthermore, negative consequences of the application of the various control systems are presented. Methodology: The thesis are based on a qualitative method with abductive approach. Interviews has been conducted with six respondents, four principals and two teachers. All of them are active in two municipal upper secondary schools. Empirical findings: Primary data for the six respondents are presented in each of the four management control systems and finally negative consequences of management control systems is presented. Analysis: In this chapter, empirics compared to the theoretical framework are analyzed each control system individually. Conclusion: The study has led to the following four conclusions:- Schools use of control systems is different- More focus on personnel control instead of results control will reduce teachers workload- The positive consequences of a schools culture will reduce teachers workload- Teacher's workload increases as a result of a lack of communication regarding the documentation  Keywords: Management control, management control system, management, workload, school system

Analýza a zavedení systému řízení jakosti v oblasti výchovy a vzdělávání / Analysis And Implementation of a Quality Management System in Education

ŠÍMOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
The analysis of the quality management system and the implementation of the quality management system in the realm of the school system. To propose the methodology of the procedure and practical verification of individual steps of the methodology, including the analysis, if the matter of the quality management is meaningful also in this realm.

Trendy v církevním školství zaměřené na střední školy / Trends in church education focused on upper secondary schools

Pyrochtová, Renata January 2017 (has links)
The number of schools and education organizations founded by churches and religious communities increased a lot since 1990, when the political situation made it possible. The dissertation reveals if its increase has been stable, or if most of the secondary church education schools have arisen in three years period just after the Velvet Revolution. Then it states the main reasons for the church schools' popularity in our country. The dissertation aims to map the numbers of church schools, focusing at the secondary schools and its branch representation and compare their branch categories representation in the education system in Slovakia. Moreover, the Czech and foreign church educational organization are introduced. The dissertation is based on the historical development of church schools and describes its present position in the regional school system. The methodology of quantitative survey - content analysis is focused on the comparison between the Czech and Slovak Republic situation within the categories of secondary school education. To reach a better understanding of the issues, the situation in other EU countries has been outlined briefly.

Wirkung bildungspolitischer Maßnahmen auf das Verhalten der Akteure im Schulsystem

Solondz, Catharina 03 February 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Auswirkungen verschiedener Gestaltungsaspekte des Schulsystems auf das Verhalten der einzelnen Akteure im Bildungsprozess und analysiert, welche Reaktionen durch einzelne bildungspolitische Maßnahmen bei den betroffenen Gruppen hervorgerufen werden können. Des Weiteren wird untersucht, wie eventuell ausgelöste Reaktionen oder Änderungen des Verhaltens den Erfolg einer solchen Maßnahme beeinflussen können. Den Schwerpunkt bildet die Analyse der Entscheidung der Schüler über die von ihnen investierte Anstrengung sowie der Wahl der Bildungsstandards durch die Schulen oder Behörden, da diese Gruppen von Akteuren der Erfolg der Ausbildung maßgeblich beeinflussen.

Elevdelaktighet i skolutveckling ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

Åkesson, Christel, Olsson, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to bring clarity and knowledge as to how two headmasters organise the development of their respective schools as well as how we as special educator can enable the students to take part in this development work. The methodology of this study – and theoretical preconditions are founded in a phenomenological perspective combined with educational organisation theory. The empiric data has been gathered through surveys as well as interviews with students and school administrators. The data is analysed and documented through identified quotes to find meaning and variation in the level of student participation. The result shows the students in the 9 th grade feel they have influence as well as taking part in the development of the schools. Simultaneously, the students inform that the implementation should happen at an early stage for the students to maintain an engaged interest in this. Furthermore, the study shows that the special educator profession at the school that took part in the survey is a strong and an important resource. / Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bringa klarhet och kunskap i hur två rektorer organiserar skolutveckling samt hur vi som specialpedagoger kan möjliggöra att eleverna blir delaktiga i skolans utvecklingsarbete. Studiens metodologiska – och teoretiska utgångspunkter grundar sig i ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv i kombination med pedagogisk organisationsteori. Empirin har samlats in genom enkäter samt intervjuer med elever och skolledare. Materialet har analyserats med utgångspunkt i identifierade citat för att finna meningsbärande enheter som syftet att finna variationer i fenomenet delaktighet. Resultatet visar att de tillfrågade eleverna i årskurs 9 känner att de har elevinflytande och delaktighet över skolutvecklingen. Samtidigt framhåller eleverna att implementeringen av utvecklingsförslagen måste ske i ett tidigt stadium för att eleven ska finna intresse för engagemang. Studien visar även att den specialpedagogiska professionen på de undersökta skolorna är stark och en viktig resurs.

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