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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karläggning av olika intressenters erfarenheter och åsikter av delningsekonomi : - En studie om Airbnb´s påverkan på samhällsaktörer- och befolkning i Stockholm

Matatko, Amanda, Piotrowska, Liza January 2019 (has links)
The phenomenon of renting out your own home is a trend that has been spread worldwide. From a spatial behavior, human territory has opened in society by making the power over its geographical area accessible to people which the landlord does not need to have any relation to. A business site, based on the sharing economy, which has gained ground today, is Airbnb. This study aims to map out experiences and opinions of the sharing economy and Airbnb from two perspectives, central social actors and the population. A mix of qualitative and quantitative research is made. The study shows that there are differences in experiences and opinions, which have consequences for the population, such as precarious regulations and income declaration. Our research also shows that there is a change in social behavior through the sharing economy, which at best can become a creative development for the population who want to be part of the sharing economy. / Fenomenet att hyra ut sitt eget hem till andra är en trend som gjort succé världen över. Ur ett rumsligt beteende öppnas människans territorialitet upp i samhället genom att makten över sitt geografiska område tillgängliggörs för personer som uthyraren inte behöver ha någon relation till sedan tidigare. En affärsidé, med utgångspunkt ur delningsekonomi, som fått fäste i dagens samhälle är Airbnb. Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga erfarenheter och åsikter av delningsekonomi och Airbnb utifrån den två perspektiven samhällsaktörer och befolkningen. En blandning av kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning görs. Studien visar att det finns skillnader i erfarenheter och åsikter som har konsekvenser för befolkningen, exempelvis osäkra förordningar och inkomstdeklaration. Vår forskning visar på att det finns en förändring av socialt beteende genom delningsekonomin, som i bästa fall kan bli en kreativ utveckling för befolkningen som vill vara en del av delningsekonomin.

Hur kommunicerar ni för att attrahera användare? : En kvalitativ studie om hur delningsekonomiföretag kommunicerar med användare i sociala medier / How do you communicate to attract users? : A qualitative study on how sharing economy companies communicate with users through social media

Lundgren - Eneheim, Ellinor, Orlander Arvola, Paulin January 2019 (has links)
Delningsekonomiföretag kännetecknas av digitala plattformar vars värde ökar med antalet användare. Tidigare forskning har dock visat på att svårigheter existerar angående vem, samt vilka kanaler marknadskommunikationen ska ske genom för att nya användare ska attraheras. Konsumenter idag spenderar allt mer tid på internet och sociala medier har setts möjliggöra för smidigare interaktioner mellan användare och mellan användare och företag på digitala plattformar. Då forskning däremot saknas om innebörden av sociala medier som kommunikationskanaler inom delningsekonomin samt hur dessa används för att uppfylla företagens mål ses det därför som väsentligt att skapa förståelse för hur dessa agerar i sin kommunikation genom sociala medier, för att nå kunder. / Sharing economy companies are characterized by digital platforms, where value increases with the number of users. Previous research has, however, shown difficulties regarding who, and which channels should be used in marketing communication in order to attract these users. As consumers today are more digital, social media has shown to enable smoother interactions between companies and consumers as well as between consumers. As research is lacking on the relevancy of these channels for communication purposes, within the sharing economy, and how these are used to fulfil company goals, it is therefore considered essential to create an understanding of how existing sharing economy companies communicate to reach users.

Consumer Acceptance, Barriers and Success Factors of Peer-to-Peer Carsharing in Perspective of Connected Car Services and Autonomous Vehicles

Amann, Volker 01 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Until now, car ownership has been a symbol of wealth and personal freedom. The high value of the car in society has been enforced by the powerful automotive industry with their well-funded marketing budgets. Currently, there are one billion cars worldwide, possibly increasing to 2,8 billion by 2050. However, the awareness of the negative consequences of car ownership on the environment, cities, and individuals in terms of reduced personal and financial freedom is increasing. The trend towards collaborative consumption involving activities like sharing and trading is leading to a shift from ownership to the access of goods and services. In this context, carsharing is receiving more and more attention and the number of users for B2C carsharing models is increasing exponentially. The least-developed business model with the biggest opportunities in terms of environmental benefits is peer-to-peer carsharing (P2P carsharing). Providers face daunting problems in reaching critical mass, due to a lack of consumer acceptance. Academic contributions on the topic are rare. The goal of this dissertation is to capture the acceptance factors, barriers and success factors for P2P carsharing. Additionally, the phenomenon is explored within the perspective of disruptive technologies, including the connected car and autonomous vehicles. A comprehensive literature review including collaborative consumption, carsharing, and in particular P2P carsharing, has been conducted. A mixed-method approach has been used. Qualitative interviews with leading academic and industry experts in the field of collaborative consumption and shared mobility, as well as a focus group discussion, have been executed. In the quantitative survey, the identified factors have been integrated into the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM), the theoretical foundation of the work. A representative survey was conducted in Austria with 801 respondents. The results were generated by applying a partial least squares analysis. Results show that the TAM model, including the extensions, appeared to be applicable. In particular, people with an innovative mindset are open to the usage of the business model. The main motivational factors for participating are economic, utility and enjoyment. The personal attachment towards one's own car remains one of the main barriers, next to fear of sharing and loss of convenience. Success factors in increasing acceptance are - among others - trust, value-added services and keyless car exchange. The preferred usage model for autonomous vehicles tends to be ownership. Even though the awareness of P2P carsharing is rather low among the Austrian population, 13,6% state that they would use the service. Sharing one's privately owned autonomous vehicle with others met with even higher levels of approval from the respondents. The extension of the TAM, as well as its application to a new field outside information system (IS) research, can be viewed as the major academic contribution of this work. Practical implications for P2P carsharing providers and the automotive industry include strategic recommendations regarding the current disruptive trends within the automotive industry. In particular, concrete measures have been identified to scale the business model by addressing new customers and reducing the identified barriers by providing extensive knowledge of relevant success factors.

Digitalizace práce ve výuce základů společenských věd na střední škole / The digitization of work in social sciences lessons at high school

Priščáková, Laura January 2018 (has links)
The thesis focuses on professional and didactical points of view on digitalization in high school social science education. The aim of the thesis is to create a series of lessons for high schools (grammar schools) based on research on digitalization, which is supposed to aid students in better orientation at the labour market. At the same time, the didactical part is designed to be used and adapted by teachers interested in the topic. The theoretical part presents the professional background of the prepared lessons including key words, corresponding arguments and the general work basis of the author. Professional topics are transformed into a form didactically appropriate at the chosen level of secondary education (grammar schools). The practical part consists of a series of lessons focusing on changes in the labour market related to digitalization and technology development. Individual lessons are dedicated to online sharing economy platforms such as Uber and Airbnb, which change the concept of work in today's society and determine new working conditions of employees. The professional background of the prepared series of lessons defines the key terms and points to the historical context of work development in individual chapters; furthermore, it focuses on the following topics: the meaning of work...

Cultivating Collaborative Lifestyles in Urban Neighbourhoods

Ratzinger, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Despite the increase of urban populations resulting in people living in close proximity to each other, society continues to operate with a focus on individual desire and hyper-consumption, at the expense of the earth’s ecologies and all that encompasses it. How can we begin to cultivate an alternative consumption model that not only focuses on the conservation of ecologies but also begins to break away from ways in which “habits, routines, social norms and cultural values lock us into unsustainable behaviours”? (Botsman, R., Rogers, R. 2010). Collaboration, through its many forms, be it ‘commons’ or modern-day ‘sharing economy’, continues to be a topic of discussion as a favourable solution to environmental, social and economic issues. This paper and design project explores the everyday practice of collaboration and its potential for activating a network in urban neighbourhoods, specifically in high-density housing. The project explores: how we can share, where we can share, and what we can share, using the sharing of household items as a seed for sustainable development. The resulting project presents methods and guidelines for cultivating collaboration in the form of a multipurpose toolkit. The toolkit “Collaboration is Cultivation” enables individuals to become activists and implement collaborative practices in their own neighbourhood. Through designerly research and a design project I shed light on the potential of the coming-together of neighbors through collaborative lifestyles that can incrementally transform neighborhoods into one’s that are socially and environmentally, sustainable, resilient and thriving.

Traditionella taxibolag vs Nya generationers taxibolag : Analys av taximarknaden i Stockholm

Tzegai, Mathews, Jarwalli, San January 2018 (has links)
Dagens taximarknad har på senare tid fått in nya innovativa aktörer som lyckats pressa ner priserna så pass mycket att de blivit ett globalt hot mot traditionella taxibolag. Dessa nya aktörer innefattar Uber och Heetch som etablerat sig inom Stockholmsregionen. Följande arbete innefattar en kartläggning av den nya moderna taximarknaden i Stockholmsområdet med ett stort fokus på traditionella taxibolag (multi-cab bolag) och moderna innovativa plattformsbaserade taxibolag (non-cab bolag). Huvudfokus är på Taxi Stockholm som är en ledande aktör i Stockholmsområdet samt Uber och Heetch. Vad kan traditionella taxibolag göra för att konkurrera med de nya taxiplattformarna som har ett stort kostnadsledarskap och vad kan plattformsföretagen göra för att lyckas konkurrera på taximarknaden och ta över marknadsandelar? Moderna non-cab bolag behöver satsa stort på att följa lagstiftning och regleringar i den marknaden de bedriver verksamhet och inte konkurrera på sina egna villkor, göra satsningar på bättre arbetsvillkor för anställda och följa miljökrav är också av prioritering. Traditionella taxibolag behöver satsa resurser på innovation för att hänga med i den tekniska utvecklingen av taximarknaden, pressa ner sina priser eller erbjuda kunna bättre tillgänglighet gentemot sina kunder i form av stora taxiflottor och satsningar gentemot företagskunder och statliga uppdrag ses som möjligheter för konkurrenskraft. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka taximarknaden i Stockholm för att ta reda på hur de traditionella taxibolagen ska kunna hantera inflytandet från de nya, moderna och innovativa taxiaktörerna. Studien innefattar intervjuer, datainsamling och observationer hos Taxi Stockholm 15 00 00 AB och användning av sekundära källor för att få in information om de nya aktörerna och deras styrkor och svagheter. Dessutom läggs ett stort fokus på vetenskapliga artiklar och kurslitteratur. Studien är baserad på en fallstudie med inslag av explorativ forskning för att undersöka en case-studie om ett traditionellt taxibolag. Semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes hos VD samt övriga ledningschefer för att kunna kartlägga hur deras bolag ligger till i förhållande mot de konkurrerande innovativa aktörerna samt de traditionella aktörerna. / The taxi market has recently gotten new competition from innovative companies that have managed to reduce the prices of cab transport so much that they are now a serious contender in the global market. Some of these new companies include Uber and Heetch which are now competing in the taxi market of Stockholm, Sweden. This upcoming thesis includes mapping of the new modern taxi market in the Stockholm region with a big focus on traditional cab companies (multi-cap enterprises) and modern innovative platform-based cap companies (non-cab enterprises). The focal point is on Taxi Stockholm 15 00 00 AB which is the leading competitor in Stockholm, with focus on Uber and Heetch as well. What can traditional cab companies do so that they can better compete with new platform-based cab companies which have big cost and pricing advantages and what can they do to become powerful competitors and subsequently gain market shares? Modern non-cab companies need to respect the laws and regulations of the markets that they compete in which differs depending on which country they operate in. They also need to improve the working conditions for their drivers and be more environmentally oriented. This will show that they take responsibility and are high calibre enterprises that take their societal responsibilities and duties seriously. Traditional cab companies and multi-cab companies need to invest resources and R&D into innovation, so that they can follow the technological development and the digitalization of the taxi market. Lowering their prices and cost is also important so that they can utilize better prices towards their customers, otherwise they would need to have many caps available to have big availability. Multi cap companies have good opportunities to utilize companies and big enterprises as their customers and government orders, this will in turn make them more competitive in the new era of Taxi businesses. The purpose of this comprehensive study is to research and compel the taxi market of Stockholm to discover and learn how the traditional multi-cap companies can handle the influence of the new innovative modern taxi companies. The study includes interviews, collection of data and observations of Taxi Stockholm 15 00 00 AB and the utilization of secondary sources to gain information about the new competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. A big part of secondary sources is also from scientific articles and course literature.   The study is based on a case study and some exploratory research methods in order to identify the mission and goal of this study. The interviews were done in a semi structured manner which was done with the CEO and the rest of the department executives, to be able to map their company in alignment with the rest of the competition in Stockholm including new innovative companies (non-cab) and traditional multi-cab companies.

Challenging the status quo - car ownership and the Generation Y: An analysis of the German market

Wesselmann, Jonas 19 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jonas Wesselmann (jonas.wesselmann@me.com) on 2018-07-12T13:29:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thesis Jonas Wesselmann.pdf: 719544 bytes, checksum: 158cdfd17ce57476fb161be98626fbf3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa en (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2018-07-17T20:01:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Thesis Jonas Wesselmann.pdf: 719544 bytes, checksum: 158cdfd17ce57476fb161be98626fbf3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T13:15:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thesis Jonas Wesselmann.pdf: 719544 bytes, checksum: 158cdfd17ce57476fb161be98626fbf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-19 / Purpose – This work aims to identify how people of the Generation Y in Germany see the future of mobility with a special focus on car ownership. Furthermore, determinants influencing car ownership are analyzed and implications for the automotive industry are drawn. Design/Methodology – The research relies on primary data collected through an online survey among 20 – 27 years old people in Germany. In order to draw valid conclusions, the data was analyzed carrying out logistic regressions. Findings – Two main factors that influence the likelihood if people own a car were identified. Living in rural areas and being employed are positively associated with car possession, while no significant relationship between environmental attitude and car ownership could be identified. Research limitations – The older part of the Generation Y, those above 27 years, was not covered by the data, therefore no general conclusions on the behavior of the whole generation and international differences can be drawn. Practical implications – This research can help corporations in the automotive and mobility industries to further understand and differentiate their target segment. People of the Generation Y cannot be seen as one homogenous group but need to be identified as fragmented subgroups with entirely different needs and desires. Originality – To the knowledge of the author, this is the first study that combines the topics of Generation Y and sharing economy with the trends in the automotive industry to identify peoples’ perception of mobility. / Proposta – O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar como a geração Y alemã vê o futuro da mobilidade com especial atenção na compra de automóveis. Além disso, os fatores que influenciam a compra de carro privado são analisados assim como o impacto que causam na indústria automóvel. Metodologia – A pesquisa é baseada em dados primários que foram recolhidos através de um questionário online. A população alvo são alemães entre os 20-27 anos. Com o objetivo de obter conclusões válidas, a data foi analisada através de regressões logísticas. Resultados – Os dois fatores que influenciam a probabilidade de as pessoas comprarem carro privado foram identificadas. Viver em áreas rurais e ter um emprego estão associadas positivamente à posse de carro, no entanto não existe uma relação significativa entre atitude ambiental e ter carro. Limitações de Pesquisa – A parte mais velha da geração Y, ou seja, acima dos 27 não foi usada para a data, o que significa que não é possível tirar conclusões gerais no comportamento completo da geração Y e pode haver diferenças internacionais. Implicações práticas – Esta pesquisa pode ajudar empresas na indústria automóvel e de mobilidade a perceberem melhor e diferenciar o seu segmento objetivo. A população da geração Y não pode ser vista como um grupo homogéneo, tem que ser identificado como um grupo fragmentado com diferentes necessidades e objetivos. Originalidade – Para conhecimento do autor, esta pesquisa é o primeiro estudo que combina tópicos sobre a geração Y e economia da partilha com as tendências da indústria automóvel para identificar a perceção que as pessoas tem sobre mobilidade

Análise da percepção dos gestores de meios de hospedagem do Estado do Rio de Janeiro quanto às plataformas online de aluguel por temporada

Ferreira, Karolina Matias 19 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2016-10-20T18:27:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Karolina Matias Ferreira.pdf: 1958579 bytes, checksum: 7734919c09d0804e0cdb66d556f7d70f (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br), reason: Favor incluir no trabalho a ficha catalográfica (elemento obrigatório), após a folha de rosto. Atenciosamente, Catarina Ribeiro Bibliotecária BEE - Ramal 5992 on 2017-01-27T10:34:07Z (GMT) / Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2017-02-08T17:33:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Karolina Matias Ferreira.pdf: 1958579 bytes, checksum: 7734919c09d0804e0cdb66d556f7d70f (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br), reason: Favor incluir no trabalho a ficha catalográfica (elemento obrigatório), após a folha de rosto. Atenciosamente, Catarina Ribeiro Bibliotecária BEE - Ramal 5992 on 2017-02-15T11:38:43Z (GMT) / Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2017-05-09T19:21:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Karolina Matias Ferreira.pdf: 2057173 bytes, checksum: 9278f51b6021c18c4dba8d03327fbcd5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-15T14:38:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Karolina Matias Ferreira.pdf: 2057173 bytes, checksum: 9278f51b6021c18c4dba8d03327fbcd5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-15T14:38:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Karolina Matias Ferreira.pdf: 2057173 bytes, checksum: 9278f51b6021c18c4dba8d03327fbcd5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-19 / Ao conectarem diretamente viajantes e proprietários de imóveis, as plataformas online de aluguel por temporada vêm ganhando força, nos últimos anos, e, por representarem um tipo de inovação no setor de turismo, podem afetar diretamente os meios de hospedagem tradicionais. O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar como esse tipo de consumo colaborativo afeta a competitividade dos meios de hospedagem localizados em cinco municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com a percepção de seus gestores. A pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, foi realizada por meio de aplicação de questionário eletrônico. Quanto à percepção sobre econômica compartilhada, consumo colaborativo e plataformas online, os resultados indicaram duas situações possíveis: os gestores possuem entendimento limitado sobre esses temas e/ou apenas parte do que é reportado na literatura foi percebido por eles em seus empreendimentos. Em relação as estratégias consideradas mais importantes para manutenção da competitividade nessa nova conjuntura econômica, foram identificadas seis estratégias que revelaram, fundamentalmente, a preocupação dos gestores quanto à viabilidade, à diferenciação de seus negócios e ao alinhamento às tendências tecnológicas / The online home-rental platforms have been gaining strength lately, in the tourism sector, and, by connecting hosts and travelers, represent a kind of innovation that may affect traditional lodging enterprises. The present study aimed to investigate how this type of collaborative consumption affects the competitiveness of lodging facilities located in five cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro, according to the managers’ perception. The research is qualitative and exploratory. In respect to the perception of sharing economy, collaborative consumption and online platforms, the results indicated two possible situations: managers have a limited understanding of these themes and/or only part of what is reported in the literature was perceived by them in their businesses. Regarding the strategies considered most important for competitiveness maintenance in this new economic context, six strategies were identified and they fundamentally revealed the concern of managers on the feasibility, the differentiation of their businesses and on the alignment with technology trends

Digital Service through Sharing Economy to Sustainability : A car sharing case in Suzhou, China

Zhao, Rui, Dia, Uzezi January 2017 (has links)
The rapid increase in car ownership has caused rigorous issues for people living in the major cities in China, which is observe from traffic pressure, the inconvenience of city travelling, and air pollution. While the fast development of digital service platforms based on the Internet provides an alternative approach to touch the problems, leading a researchable phenomenon, online car-sharing service in China. This paper strives to explore the impact of car sharing on millennial sustainability attitudes by using the daily service on apps to ‘drive less, share more’. The paper is conducted using mixed research methods in Suzhou, China. Principally, the researchers interviewed ten car- sharing consumers during shared ride. To ensure the creditability and reliability, the paper collected 326 online survey responses from local car-sharing platforms as comparable data. The results show that most millennials agree car-sharing service makes their traffic modes more convenient, and taking shared ride more compared to self-driving has a significant influence on social and environmental issues in cities. Also, some respondents present willingness or already take actions on giving up car ownerships. However, the result also emphasises the fundamental reasons for millennials to participate in car-sharing service, which is personalised service and reasonable price. The paper closes with three outcomes, sharing economy as ‘Development’, digital service as ‘Innovation’, and sustainability as ‘The future’. They not only enrich the current literature research between Millennials and sharing economy, but also promote further strategies for car-sharing companies with empirical data.

PropTech: Exploring the prerequisites to advance the digital innovation of real estate listings

Betzeki, Christina January 2020 (has links)
With an increasing population and decreasing housing supply, students in large cities get entangled in a societal crisis. Concurrently, the intermediary rental websites are scattered and insufficient. An emerging technology; PropTech is in the nascent phase, aiming to streamline the rental process by assisting target users. Through an exploratory approach, this study thoroughly investigated the sequences which prospective tenants encounter during the rental process. Simultaneously, their challenges and needs got examined. The data collection consisted of a landscape analysis, and semi-structured interviews combined with a focus group. The identified sequences which need to be incorporated into a rental PropTech platform are (1) Finding the listings, (2) Filtering the listings, (3) Contact with landlord, (4) Viewing the property, (5) Closing a deal, (6) Moving in, and (7) Post moving feedback. Throughout such a platform, it is essential to implement functions that support transparency, reliability, privacy, and feedback.

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