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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Liderança em enfermagem no sexto turno - finais de semana e feriados - em um hospital universitário

Borba, Daniela dos Santos Marona January 2011 (has links)
Estudo qualitativo, do tipo exploratório descritivo, com o objetivo geral de analisar o processo de liderança em enfermagem no sexto turno de trabalho - turno fixo diurno de 12 horas, realizado em finais de semana e feriados, em um hospital de ensino de Porto Alegre, RS. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em: caracterizar o perfil de enfermeiros contratados e/ou remanejados para atuar em finais de semana e feriados; discutir acerca das implicações do trabalho nesse turno para o processo de liderança; e, por fim, elencar estratégias para o desenvolvimento da liderança, na equipe de enfermagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu em duas etapas. A primeira consistiu em análise documental, com base em consulta a queries de dados do sistema de informações gerenciais (IG) do campo investigado que viabilizaram traçar o perfil de enfermeiros contratados e/ou remanejados para o turno de finais de semana e feriados, no período entre janeiro de 2004 e janeiro de 2011. Os dados, analisados segundo estatística descritiva, com emprego do software SPSS 18.0, apontaram predomínio do sexo feminino (92,5%), idade média de 36 anos e tempo médio de permanência de 15,53 meses, no turno investigado. Outra etapa da pesquisa consistiu em grupos focais, realizado em setembro e outubro de 2009, com 9 enfermeiros, durante 4 encontros de duas horas, cujas informações foram submetidas à análise temática e agrupadas em 3 categorias: significado do processo de liderança, implicações do turno de trabalho no exercício da liderança e estratégias para a construção da liderança na equipe de trabalho. Os resultados dos debates apontaram que o significado do processo de liderança para os enfermeiros centra-se em certos atributos e práticas exercidas no cotidiano do trabalho, com ênfase a: credibilidade, confiança, coerência de idéias, discurso compatível com ações, lealdade e comprometimento. Além disso, foram mencionados o bom relacionamento com a equipe, a experiência profissional, e também o conhecimento sobre o trabalho e a cultura organizacional, representando os pilares que sustentam o desenvolvimento da liderança, no grupo. Nas discussões acerca de quais habilidades são necessárias, predominou o entendimento de que pendulam entre a perspectiva transacional e a transformacional, porém, com a ressalva de que ambas são importantes para o gerenciamento do trabalho. Quanto às implicações do turno de trabalho, os enfermeiros apontaram que a falta de contato diário provoca lacunas na comunicação, bem como, interfere na relação interpessoal do grupo, condições que dificultam o exercício de liderança. As estratégias elencadas nas discussões para o desenvolvimento da liderança concentraram-se nas reuniões de equipe como espaço dialógico que, por sua vez, alicerça a construção de propósitos coletivos. Outro realce conferido a estes espaços é que possibilitam o compartilhamento de idéias, estimulam o comprometimento, fortalecem a confiança entre os membros da equipe, e reforçam a idéia de pertencimento ao grupo de trabalho. Houve referência à fragilidade da dimensão relacional na equipe, apontando a comunicação como elo para a consolidação de vínculos construtivos no grupo. Nessa perspectiva, os processos interativos e a ambiência favorável tornam-se importantes condições para estimular práticas de liderança, considerando a necessária integração entre os membros da equipe para a consolidação do cuidado como resultado do trabalho da enfermagem. / Qualitative study of an exploratory and descriptive nature, with the overall objective of analyzing the process of nursing leadership sixth shift. The study was held on weekends and holidays, in a teaching hospital in Porto Alegre, RS. The specific objectives were: to characterize the profile of nurses employed and / or relocated to work on weekends and holidays, to discuss the effects of work during this shift on the leadership process, and, finally, to set strategies for the development of leadership within the nursing staff. Data collection occurred in two stages. One of the stages consisted of document analysis based on general information system data (GIs) queries of the field being researched. These enabled the profiling of nurses employed and / or relocated to the weekends and holidays shifts between January 2004 and January 2011. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the use of SPSS 18.0, and it showed a predominance of females (92.5%), with a mean age of 36 and mean duration of 15.53 months, in the shift in question. Another stage of the research consisted of focus groups with nine nurses, which included four meetings that lasted two hours. The data was subjected to thematic analysis and grouped into three categories: the meaning of the leadership process, implications of the shift in leadership, and strategies for leadership in building the team. The results of the discussions indicated that the significance of leadership for nurses focuses on certain attributes and practices in daily work, with emphasis on: credibility, confidence and coherence of ideas, actions compatible with the message, loyalty, and commitment. Other attributes and practices mentioned were: a good relationship with the team, work experience, and also knowledge about work and organizational culture, which represent the pillars that support the development of leadership in the group. In discussions about what skills are needed, the view prevailed that going back and forth between transactional and transformational perspectives is important, though both are vital to work management. As for the implications of the work shift, the nurses pointed out that lack of daily contact causes gaps in communication, as well as interferes with the interpersonal relationships of the group. These conditions hinder the exercise of leadership. The strategies listed in the discussions for the development of leadership focused on team meetings as a dialogic space that, in turn, underpins the construction of collective purposes. Another highlight is given to those spaces that enable the sharing of ideas, stimulate involvement, strengthen trust among team members, and reinforce the idea of belonging to the working group. There was reference to the fragility of the relational dimensions in the team, with communication pointed to as a way to create constructive ties in the group. From this perspective, the interactive processes and a favorable environment are important conditions to stimulate leadership practices; considering the necessary integration between team members for the consolidation of care as a result of the nursing profession. / Estudio cualitativo de forma exploratoria y descriptiva, con el objetivo general de analizar el proceso de liderazgo de la enfermería en el trabajo en un turno fijo diurno de 12 horas, que tuvo lugar los fines de semana y días festivos, en un hospital de enseñanza en Porto Alegre, RS. Los objetivos específicos fueron: caracterizar el perfil de las enfermeras empleadas y / o reubicadas para trabajar en fines de semana y días festivos; discutir sobre las implicaciones de este trabajo para activar el proceso de liderazgo, y, por último, establecer estrategias para el desarrollo del liderazgo, en el personal de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados entre en dos etapas. Un primer paso fue el análisis de documentos sobre la base de consultas al sistema de información de datos de gestión (IG) del campo investigado que permitió establecer los perfiles de los enfermeros empleados y / o reubicados en el turno de los fines de semana y días festivos, en el periodo entre enero de 2004 y enero de 2011. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando una estadística descriptiva con el uso del software SPSS 18.0, y mostraron un predominio del sexo femenino (92,5%), edad media 36 años y la duración media de 15,53 meses en el turno investigado. Otra etapa de la investigación consistió en grupos focales con nueve enfermeras, durante cuatro reuniones de dos horas, cuyas informaciones fueron sometidas al análisis temático y se agruparon en tres categorías: significado del proceso de liderazgo, implicaciones del turno en el liderazgo y estrategias para la construcción del liderazgo en el equipo de trabajo. Los resultados de los debates indican que la importancia del liderazgo para el personal de enfermería se centra en ciertos atributos y prácticas en el trabajo diario, haciendo hincapié en: la credibilidad, la confianza y la coherencia de las ideas, el lenguaje compatible con las acciones, la lealtad y el compromisso. Por otra parte, los encuestados también mencionaron la buena relación con el equipo de trabajo, la experiencia en el trabajo y también el conocimiento sobre el trabajo y la cultura organizacional, que representan los pilares que apoyan el desarrollo de liderazgo en el grupo. En las discusiones sobre qué habilidades son necesarias, prevaleció la opinión que oscilan entre las perspectivas transaccional y transformacional, sin embargo, con la salvedad de que ambos son importantes para la gestión de la obra. En cuanto a las implicaciones de la jornada de trabajo, las enfermeras señalaron que la falta de contacto diario crea lagunas en la comunicación, así como que interfiere en las relaciones interpersonales del grupo, condiciones que impiden el ejercicio del liderazgo. Las estrategias que figuran en las discusiones para el desarrollo de liderazgo, se centraron en las reuniones del equipo como un espacio de diálogo que, a su vez, sustenta la construcción de propósitos colectivos. Otro punto de destaque dado a aquellos espacios es que permiten el intercambio de ideas, estimulan el compromiso y la participación, fortalecen la confianza entre los miembros del equipo y refuerzan la idea de pertenencia al grupo de trabajo. Se hizo referencia a la fragilidad de la dimensión relacional en el equipo, apuntando a la comunicación como enlace que permite a la consolidación de lazos constructivos en el grupo. Desde esta perspectiva, los procesos interactivos y el ambiente favorable se convierten en importantes condiciones para estimular las prácticas de liderazgo considerando necesaria la integración entre los miembros del equipo para la consolidación del cuidado como resultado del trabajo de la enfermería.

Liderança em enfermagem no sexto turno - finais de semana e feriados - em um hospital universitário

Borba, Daniela dos Santos Marona January 2011 (has links)
Estudo qualitativo, do tipo exploratório descritivo, com o objetivo geral de analisar o processo de liderança em enfermagem no sexto turno de trabalho - turno fixo diurno de 12 horas, realizado em finais de semana e feriados, em um hospital de ensino de Porto Alegre, RS. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em: caracterizar o perfil de enfermeiros contratados e/ou remanejados para atuar em finais de semana e feriados; discutir acerca das implicações do trabalho nesse turno para o processo de liderança; e, por fim, elencar estratégias para o desenvolvimento da liderança, na equipe de enfermagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu em duas etapas. A primeira consistiu em análise documental, com base em consulta a queries de dados do sistema de informações gerenciais (IG) do campo investigado que viabilizaram traçar o perfil de enfermeiros contratados e/ou remanejados para o turno de finais de semana e feriados, no período entre janeiro de 2004 e janeiro de 2011. Os dados, analisados segundo estatística descritiva, com emprego do software SPSS 18.0, apontaram predomínio do sexo feminino (92,5%), idade média de 36 anos e tempo médio de permanência de 15,53 meses, no turno investigado. Outra etapa da pesquisa consistiu em grupos focais, realizado em setembro e outubro de 2009, com 9 enfermeiros, durante 4 encontros de duas horas, cujas informações foram submetidas à análise temática e agrupadas em 3 categorias: significado do processo de liderança, implicações do turno de trabalho no exercício da liderança e estratégias para a construção da liderança na equipe de trabalho. Os resultados dos debates apontaram que o significado do processo de liderança para os enfermeiros centra-se em certos atributos e práticas exercidas no cotidiano do trabalho, com ênfase a: credibilidade, confiança, coerência de idéias, discurso compatível com ações, lealdade e comprometimento. Além disso, foram mencionados o bom relacionamento com a equipe, a experiência profissional, e também o conhecimento sobre o trabalho e a cultura organizacional, representando os pilares que sustentam o desenvolvimento da liderança, no grupo. Nas discussões acerca de quais habilidades são necessárias, predominou o entendimento de que pendulam entre a perspectiva transacional e a transformacional, porém, com a ressalva de que ambas são importantes para o gerenciamento do trabalho. Quanto às implicações do turno de trabalho, os enfermeiros apontaram que a falta de contato diário provoca lacunas na comunicação, bem como, interfere na relação interpessoal do grupo, condições que dificultam o exercício de liderança. As estratégias elencadas nas discussões para o desenvolvimento da liderança concentraram-se nas reuniões de equipe como espaço dialógico que, por sua vez, alicerça a construção de propósitos coletivos. Outro realce conferido a estes espaços é que possibilitam o compartilhamento de idéias, estimulam o comprometimento, fortalecem a confiança entre os membros da equipe, e reforçam a idéia de pertencimento ao grupo de trabalho. Houve referência à fragilidade da dimensão relacional na equipe, apontando a comunicação como elo para a consolidação de vínculos construtivos no grupo. Nessa perspectiva, os processos interativos e a ambiência favorável tornam-se importantes condições para estimular práticas de liderança, considerando a necessária integração entre os membros da equipe para a consolidação do cuidado como resultado do trabalho da enfermagem. / Qualitative study of an exploratory and descriptive nature, with the overall objective of analyzing the process of nursing leadership sixth shift. The study was held on weekends and holidays, in a teaching hospital in Porto Alegre, RS. The specific objectives were: to characterize the profile of nurses employed and / or relocated to work on weekends and holidays, to discuss the effects of work during this shift on the leadership process, and, finally, to set strategies for the development of leadership within the nursing staff. Data collection occurred in two stages. One of the stages consisted of document analysis based on general information system data (GIs) queries of the field being researched. These enabled the profiling of nurses employed and / or relocated to the weekends and holidays shifts between January 2004 and January 2011. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the use of SPSS 18.0, and it showed a predominance of females (92.5%), with a mean age of 36 and mean duration of 15.53 months, in the shift in question. Another stage of the research consisted of focus groups with nine nurses, which included four meetings that lasted two hours. The data was subjected to thematic analysis and grouped into three categories: the meaning of the leadership process, implications of the shift in leadership, and strategies for leadership in building the team. The results of the discussions indicated that the significance of leadership for nurses focuses on certain attributes and practices in daily work, with emphasis on: credibility, confidence and coherence of ideas, actions compatible with the message, loyalty, and commitment. Other attributes and practices mentioned were: a good relationship with the team, work experience, and also knowledge about work and organizational culture, which represent the pillars that support the development of leadership in the group. In discussions about what skills are needed, the view prevailed that going back and forth between transactional and transformational perspectives is important, though both are vital to work management. As for the implications of the work shift, the nurses pointed out that lack of daily contact causes gaps in communication, as well as interferes with the interpersonal relationships of the group. These conditions hinder the exercise of leadership. The strategies listed in the discussions for the development of leadership focused on team meetings as a dialogic space that, in turn, underpins the construction of collective purposes. Another highlight is given to those spaces that enable the sharing of ideas, stimulate involvement, strengthen trust among team members, and reinforce the idea of belonging to the working group. There was reference to the fragility of the relational dimensions in the team, with communication pointed to as a way to create constructive ties in the group. From this perspective, the interactive processes and a favorable environment are important conditions to stimulate leadership practices; considering the necessary integration between team members for the consolidation of care as a result of the nursing profession. / Estudio cualitativo de forma exploratoria y descriptiva, con el objetivo general de analizar el proceso de liderazgo de la enfermería en el trabajo en un turno fijo diurno de 12 horas, que tuvo lugar los fines de semana y días festivos, en un hospital de enseñanza en Porto Alegre, RS. Los objetivos específicos fueron: caracterizar el perfil de las enfermeras empleadas y / o reubicadas para trabajar en fines de semana y días festivos; discutir sobre las implicaciones de este trabajo para activar el proceso de liderazgo, y, por último, establecer estrategias para el desarrollo del liderazgo, en el personal de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados entre en dos etapas. Un primer paso fue el análisis de documentos sobre la base de consultas al sistema de información de datos de gestión (IG) del campo investigado que permitió establecer los perfiles de los enfermeros empleados y / o reubicados en el turno de los fines de semana y días festivos, en el periodo entre enero de 2004 y enero de 2011. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando una estadística descriptiva con el uso del software SPSS 18.0, y mostraron un predominio del sexo femenino (92,5%), edad media 36 años y la duración media de 15,53 meses en el turno investigado. Otra etapa de la investigación consistió en grupos focales con nueve enfermeras, durante cuatro reuniones de dos horas, cuyas informaciones fueron sometidas al análisis temático y se agruparon en tres categorías: significado del proceso de liderazgo, implicaciones del turno en el liderazgo y estrategias para la construcción del liderazgo en el equipo de trabajo. Los resultados de los debates indican que la importancia del liderazgo para el personal de enfermería se centra en ciertos atributos y prácticas en el trabajo diario, haciendo hincapié en: la credibilidad, la confianza y la coherencia de las ideas, el lenguaje compatible con las acciones, la lealtad y el compromisso. Por otra parte, los encuestados también mencionaron la buena relación con el equipo de trabajo, la experiencia en el trabajo y también el conocimiento sobre el trabajo y la cultura organizacional, que representan los pilares que apoyan el desarrollo de liderazgo en el grupo. En las discusiones sobre qué habilidades son necesarias, prevaleció la opinión que oscilan entre las perspectivas transaccional y transformacional, sin embargo, con la salvedad de que ambos son importantes para la gestión de la obra. En cuanto a las implicaciones de la jornada de trabajo, las enfermeras señalaron que la falta de contacto diario crea lagunas en la comunicación, así como que interfiere en las relaciones interpersonales del grupo, condiciones que impiden el ejercicio del liderazgo. Las estrategias que figuran en las discusiones para el desarrollo de liderazgo, se centraron en las reuniones del equipo como un espacio de diálogo que, a su vez, sustenta la construcción de propósitos colectivos. Otro punto de destaque dado a aquellos espacios es que permiten el intercambio de ideas, estimulan el compromiso y la participación, fortalecen la confianza entre los miembros del equipo y refuerzan la idea de pertenencia al grupo de trabajo. Se hizo referencia a la fragilidad de la dimensión relacional en el equipo, apuntando a la comunicación como enlace que permite a la consolidación de lazos constructivos en el grupo. Desde esta perspectiva, los procesos interactivos y el ambiente favorable se convierten en importantes condiciones para estimular las prácticas de liderazgo considerando necesaria la integración entre los miembros del equipo para la consolidación del cuidado como resultado del trabajo de la enfermería.

Adverse effects of shift work at a biscuits manufacturer

Mhlongo, Philisiwe Kenlly January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Technology: Environmental Health, Durban University of Technology, 2017. / Shift work is a necessity for many organizations. Reasons for shift work are mainly to ensure continuous and optimized operations. Many studies on shift workers have concluded that it can lead to adverse physiological, social and psychological health effects. This study examines challenges associated with working shifts at a biscuits manufacturing factory. Results should be able to assist the employer in implementing effective interventions directed at limiting the negative effects of shift work on employees. This is a convergent parallel design multi method stud among 152 shift workers in a biscuits manufacturer located in Durban, KwaZulu Natal. An abbreviated and modified form of the validated SSI questionnaire was used (Barton et al. 1995). The questionnaire contained a battery of items designed to examine the relationship of health and personal adjustment to shift work. Owing to the exploratory nature of the study, a focus group methodology was also used and this allowed for in-depth qualitative research which catered for a more comprehensive understanding of the current shift work issues. A retrospective review of injury records of employees who sustained occupational injuries between 2012 and 2013 was also conducted. The sample comprised of 85 (56%) males and 63 (42%) females. Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between shift work and the likelihood of sleep disturbance, poor health outcomes and limited time for social and domestic activities, adjusting for age, sex, partner working, years working night shift, marital status, job class and years employed. Odds ratio (OR) for reported sleep disturbance was slightly higher among women (OR=1.65; 95% CI = 0.25; 10.84; p < 0.05) compared to males, but this was not statistically significant. Longer shift work experience (i.e.11-20 years) was significantly associated with better health status (OR=0.18; 95%CI = 0.06; 0.46; p < 0.05). Shift work experience (11 to 20 years) was also found to be significantly associated with limited time for both social (OR = 0.10; 95%CI = 0.03; 0.30) and domestic activities (OR= 0.25; 95% CI = 0.11; 0.57; p < 0.05) (Table 4). Age had no effect on social and domestic activities, but those 40 years and above were more likely to have limited time for social and domestic activities (OR = 3.06; 95%CI =0.60; 15.60 and OR= 2.5; 95%CI=0.47; 13.06). Those with more shift work experience seemed to have more time for social and domestic activities compared to those with less than 10 years experience. Findings from the FGD’s revealed that most participants (91%) did not get sufficient sleep time after night shift; this was mainly because of the chores they had to do after getting home form night shift and disturbances from the household and neighbours. The average time spent sleeping by majority of participants after night shift was 5 hours. Swollen feet, gastric, sleep disorders, indigestion and headaches were some common complaints experienced by shift workers in this study. About 27% of participants reported to have been injured at work before. These incidents were reported to be related to drowsiness and fatigue. The company’s incident records showed a total of 160 injuires between 2012 and 2013, of which 38 occurred during night shift. In 2012, the company recorded 65 injuries which included 51 first aid (FA) injuries, 6 minor injuries (MI) and 8 lost time (LT) injuries, as categorized by the company. 2013 had the highest number of incidents, with 95 total injuries, averaging to 7.9 injuries annually. There were 84 first aid incidents recorded for year 2013, 9 minor injuries and only 2 lost time injuries. Twenty three percent (15, n=65) incidents occurred during night shift in year 2012, of which 11% (7, n=65) were females. The number of night shift incidents slightly increased to 24% (23, n=95) in 2013 and females accounted for 9.40%. The records showed that majority of injuries happened between 17h00 and 21h00 at night. Results of this study provides evidence that shift work impacts negatively on the lives of the employees and can lead to adverse health outcomes such as poor dietary intake, headaches and swollen feet to mention but a few. / M

Die invloed van skofwerk op ouer-kindverhoudinge

Lötter, Martinus Johannes 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel watter invloed skofwerk op ouerkindverhoudinge het. 'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die invloed van skofwerk op mense en gesinsfunksies te bepaal. Vraelyste ten opsigte van die ouer-kindverhouding en gesinskommunikasie is geïdentifiseer en aangepas. Uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is geen beduidende verskil gevind in die globale verhouding tussen ouers en kinders by gesinne waar ouers skofte werk en gesinne waar ouers nie skofte werk nie. 'n Beduidende verski1 in die kenverhouding tussen ouers en kinders bet voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat ouer adolessente 'n swakker gesags- en vertrouensverhouding met bulle ouers het as jonger adolessente in gesinne waar die ouers skofte werk. Opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek. Riglyne vir die verbetering van die ken-, vertrouens- en gesagsverhouding tussen ouers en kinders is aan ouers en onderwysers gestel. Laastens is voorstelle vir verdere navorsing gemaak. An investigation was wtdertaken to detennine the intluence of shift work on parent~ child relationships. A literature study was done to detennine the influence of shift work on people and family functions. Questionnaires dealing with the parent-child relationship and family communication were identified and adapted. According to the results of the empirical investigation no significant differences were found in general parent-child relationships between families where parents work shifts and families where parents do not work shifts. A significant difference was found in the relationship of knowing between shift working parents and childnm. lt was foWld that older adolescents have a weaker relationship of authority and trust in families where parents work shifts. The educational implications of the findings are discussed. Guidelines for a better relationship of knowing, authority and trust between parent and child are given to parents and teachers. Lastly, suggestions for further research are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Guidance and Couselling)

Comissárias de vôo: um olhar sobre a relação entre os tempos do trabalho e da vida familiar / Flight attendants: a look at the relationship between the times of work and family life

Mello, Diana Corrêa Bandeira de January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / Esta dissertação teve como objetivo conhecer o trabalho das comissárias de voo numa perspectiva social no que diz respeito à interface entre a família e o trabalho com ênfase nas relações de gênero e na organização temporal do trabalho. Nosso interesse foi estudar uma atividade exercida em turnos irregulares (dias e horários de trabalho variáveis) e como a partir dessa realidade essas mulheres gerenciam as imbricações entre as dimensões família e trabalho. Para empreender esse estudo fizemos uma pesquisa com um grupo de sete comissárias que são mães, que foram reinseridas no mercado após a falência da empresa em que atuavam. O percurso metodológico se baseou na descrição das escalas de voo, ressaltando a distribuição dos tempos de trabalho e não trabalho e na análise das entrevistas. Estas foram desenvolvidas com o objetivo de apreender a fala dessas trabalhadoras, ganhando caráter de conversação, buscando obter informações sobre as condições de vida, de trabalho e das implicações da atividade sobre a vida social e familiar, dentro de uma abordagem qualitativa, para melhor compreender a vivência das comissárias nesse universo. Utilizamos, para guiar nossa conversação, algumas categorias operacionais como, (ir)regularidade temporal (onde se inscreve a imprevisibilidade), trabalho em turnos irregulares e interferência mútua dos domínios trabalho/casa, como itens centrais para investigação do nosso objeto de estudo. As entrevistas foram realizadas em duas etapas. Na segunda etapa, utilizamos essas categorias buscando focar na descrição das escalas de voo na medida em que esse elemento se revelou como central na primeira fase do estudo. Os resultados apontam uma forte influência do momento de transição para uma nova empresa que implicou a adaptação a uma nova organização de trabalho que acentuou alguns conflitos na interface família-trabalho. Aspectos gratificantes do trabalho também foram ressaltados, desmistificando um possível caráter de vitimização da situação vivida por essas mulheres no que tange aos efeitos do trabalho sobre as relações familiares. Considerando os resultados obtidos na pesquisa e a escassez de informações sobre as relações saúde-trabalho neste grupo, ressaltamos a necessidade de um aprofundamento das análises aqui realizadas. / purpose of this dissertation was to gain insight of the social aspects in a stewardess‟ job, especially in regards to gender relationships and temporal organization of job-related tasks. We were particularly interested in evaluating how female flight attendants were able to conciliate their irregular work schedule (with varying date and time schedules) and work-related functions with their family responsibilities. To perform the study, we interviewed a group of seven stewardesses, who were mothers, and had lost their jobs when their company first filled for bankruptcy but were reinstated into their positions at a later date. The process of data analysis focused on evaluating available flight schedule information; especially, the distribution between time spent airborne and time spent off work, and any relevant information provided by the study subjects during the interviews. The work attempted to capture the employees‟ thoughts and concerns through conversations with the study subjects, gathering information on living and working conditions, and the qualitative implications of their work activities on their social and family life to understand. The overall intent was to get an understanding of the stewardesses‟ life as affected by their work environment. In our conversations, operational categories discussed included the irregular work schedules, and the interdependency between work and private life as a major focus of this investigation. The interviews took place in two phases. In the second phase, the interviews were mostly focused on describing the flight schedules as that turned out to be a central issue based on data collected in the first phase of the study. The results showed new organizational directives upon company restructuring as a major issue causing work-home conflicts. The rewarding aspects of the work were also noted, demystifying potential effects of work victimization on their personal lives. Altogether, the data collected herein, in addition to the scarce availability of data in the literature on work-health relationship for this particular study group warrants further evaluation.

特殊工作時間之制度規範與法理再建構-以我國與日本法制比較為中心 / Reconstruction of the special legal system and the theory for working time - Centering on the comparison between Taiwan and Japan

王漢威, Wang, Han Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國勞動基準法歷經多次修法,然而台灣的長工時現象卻持續引發許多社會問題,勞工的過勞事件仍舊層出不窮,因此有必要檢討現行的勞動基準法工時制度是否對勞工的保障仍有不周。 在經濟全球化的浪潮下,勞動基準法逐步導入各種彈性化的工作時間制度。而在先進各國中日本在地緣關係與社經文化上與我國較為接近,對於我國勞動法制有深刻的影響,且其勞動法規中設有許多彈性的工作時間制度並作有大量的研究檢討報告,應可作為我國之借鏡。因此本文欲探究日本與我國各種工時制度與長時間勞動間的關聯,分析其原由,檢視我國現有規範及行政措施的成效,並提出改善建議,作為未來工時制度設計上的參考。 就結論而言,本文認為我國勞動基準法應導入移動工時制度,同時第84條之1的適用範圍與法律效果應予調整。最後,尚應根據過勞的認定基準,設定工作時間的絕對上限,以防堵極端情形發生,保障勞工所應有的權益。 / Labor Standards Act has revised several times in recent years. However, the phenomenon of long working hours in Taiwan is causing lots of social issues, and tragedies of Karoshi never end. Hence, it is necessary to review the legal regulations of working hours. As the influence of Economic globalization, special working time systems such as variable working hours system, de facto working hours system are introduced into Labor Standards Act. Across developed countries, Japan has similar geopolitical position and culture to Taiwan. Furthermore, Japan is not only influencing Taiwan on Labor Law, but also has made a lot of researches on special working time systems. Therefore, the author examined the legal regulations of working hours and effects between Labor Standards Laws of Taiwan and Japan for the purpose of improving the rights of labors. In conclusion, it is necessary to introdece flexible working hours system into Labor Standards Laws of Taiwan and adjust the range and effect of article 84-1. In addition, absolute limit of working hours based on the guideline of Karoshi should be set to avoid extreme cases of long working hours.

Invloed van skofwerk op ouer-kindverhoudinge

Lotter, Martinus Johannes 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel watter invloed skofwerk op ouerkindverhoudinge het. 'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die invloed van skofwerk op mense en gesinsfunksies te bepaal. Vraelyste ten opsigte van die ouer-kindverhouding en gesinskommunikasie is geïdentifiseer en aangepas. Uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is geen beduidende verskil gevind in die globale verhouding tussen ouers en kinders by gesinne waar ouers skofte werk en gesinne waar ouers nie skofte werk nie. 'n Beduidende verski1 in die kenverhouding tussen ouers en kinders bet voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat ouer adolessente 'n swakker gesags- en vertrouensverhouding met bulle ouers het as jonger adolessente in gesinne waar die ouers skofte werk. Opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek. Riglyne vir die verbetering van die ken-, vertrouens- en gesagsverhouding tussen ouers en kinders is aan ouers en onderwysers gestel. Laastens is voorstelle vir verdere navorsing gemaak. An investigation was wtdertaken to detennine the intluence of shift work on parent~ child relationships. A literature study was done to detennine the influence of shift work on people and family functions. Questionnaires dealing with the parent-child relationship and family communication were identified and adapted. According to the results of the empirical investigation no significant differences were found in general parent-child relationships between families where parents work shifts and families where parents do not work shifts. A significant difference was found in the relationship of knowing between shift working parents and childnm. lt was foWld that older adolescents have a weaker relationship of authority and trust in families where parents work shifts. The educational implications of the findings are discussed. Guidelines for a better relationship of knowing, authority and trust between parent and child are given to parents and teachers. Lastly, suggestions for further research are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Guidance and Couselling)

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