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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da estrutura de financiamento à indústria naval no Brasil. / Analysis of the structure of financing to the industry of naval construction in Brazil.

Marcello Muniz da Silva 10 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho discute os microfundamentos do financiamento de projetos orientado à construção naval no Brasil, tendo como base de comparação práticas adotadas em outros países. A experiência brasileira é tratada metodologicamente como um \"estudo de caso\". Este procedimento se justifica em razão da natureza complexa do problema da pesquisa, importância do contexto na tomada de decisão por parte dos agentes envolvidos (armador, estaleiro, órgãos governamentais, órgãos de financiamento, etc.), escassez de informações estatísticas e escassez de estudos direcionados ao tema. A modelagem proposta abrange dois enfoques complementares. O primeiro toma como base um conjunto de indicadores econômico-financeiros de empresas de armação nacionais e estrangeiras. O objetivo é comparar a estrutura de capital das empresas de navegação nacionais e estrangeiras. Os resultados são confrontados com opiniões de agentes ligados ao setor a fim de verificar se as dificuldades no financiamento possuem relação com as causas explicitadas. Estes foram obtidos a partir de um extenso banco de dados elaborado durante a pesquisa e são analisados á luz de princípios que regem a concessão de financiamentos, incluindo critérios seguidos pelo BNDES no repasse de recursos do Fundo da Marinha Mercante (FMM). As informações geradas são confrontadas com opiniões de diretores financeiros de empresas de armação nacionais, obtidas por meio de entrevistas realizadas ao longo do desenvolvimento do projeto. Essa investigação é complementada pelo posicionamento de especialistas vinculados às associações classistas que atuam ao setor. O intuito é apontar e discutir a percepção destes atores sobre os obstáculos do financiamento local. O segundo enfoque, ainda baseado nas informações contidas no banco de dados e nas entrevistas realizadas no âmbito da pesquisa, estabelece um modelo, baseado na teoria financeira, destinado a avaliar o nível de atratividade do financiamento setorial. A determinação do modelo tem como ponto de partida a estimação da taxa de retorno setorial por meio da aplicação de técnicas econométricas de cointegração sobre dados de ações de 44 empresas de transporte marítimo e índices de mercado obtidos juntos ao New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). O modelo proposto e executado por meio de simulação computacional é também alimentado por parâmetros das estruturas de financiamento de diversos países e estatísticas que captam os respectivos níveis de risco associados à transferência de recursos. Quando executado, o modelo considera e compara uma operação de financiamento feita por uma empresa de transporte local para a construção de uma embarcação em estaleiro nacional a qual submete a proposta a diferentes linhas de financiamento. O procedimento adotado confronta a estrutura de financiamento brasileira com as praticadas no Japão, Coréia do Sul, Alemanha, Noruega, China e EUA. O grau de atratividade do financiamento local é resumido por meio de índices de atratividade gerados pelo modelo. O estudo termina discutindo os resultados da modelagem e apresentando uma síntese de microfundamentos que orientam o financiamento destinado à construção de embarcações. / This dissertation presents the micro foundations of the naval construction project finance in Brazil, as it can be compared to practices of other countries. The Brazilian experience is treated methodologically as a \"study case\". This procedure is justified due not only to the exploratory nature of the research question on a quite complex subject but also to the relevance of the decision making process of major actors involved (shipowner, shipbuilder, regulatory agency, financial agencies, etc.), scarcity of data, information and other previous specific studies. The methodology developed has two complementary perspectives. The first takes as its base a set of economic and financial indicators of Brazilian and foreign merchant marine firms. The indicators were obtained through an extensive data collection undertaken during this research and are analyzed by the same parameters used by the National Economic and Social Development Bank - BNDES in its loan mechanisms to the Marine Merchant Fund - FMM. The information is then submitted to an analysis of financial executives of naval construction firms and leaders of entrepreneur\'s organizations, by means of structured interviews. The objective is to point out and discuss the perception of these important actors on the structural constraints of the Brazilian financial system. The second perspective, based on the data collected and on the interviews realized, establishes a theoretical finance simulation model to measure how attractive are the investments in the naval sector. The model is specified through the estimation of the rate of return in the sector. Cointegration econometric techniques are applied to data of 44 marine transportation firms, utilizing market indicators obtained in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The model is also fed by parameters of several countries\' financial structure as well as statistics that capture the risk level in each case. The model considers and compares one project submitted by a single firm to different financial lines. The adopted procedures are able to compare the Brazilian structure of finance to the practices undertaken in Japan, South Korea, Germany, Norway, China and United States. The degree of attraction of the local financial system is summarized by a system of \"attraction index\" generated by the model. The study ends up with a discussion of the outputs of the model and presents a synthesis of the micro foundations that should subsidy the naval construction industry.

Requisitos para modelo de operação da cabotagem de cargas conteinerizadas no Brasil: a utilização de terminais rápidos. / Requirements for operational model of short sea shipping of containerized cargo in Brazil: the use of fast terminals.

Nayara Amaral Lima de Valois 07 October 2014 (has links)
Este estudo propõe requisitos para a adequação da operação de cabotagem de contêineres nos terminais portuários brasileiros. Esta adequação transforma os terminais convencionais em terminais marítimos denominados aqui como rápidos. O conceito de terminais eficientes utilizado pelo projeto europeu Motorways of the Sea - MoS serviu como referência para o desenvolvimento da proposta. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se na coleta de dados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas a usuários da cabotagem, além de questionário online com especialistas e simulação por eventos discretos da operação de cabotagem. As respostas das entrevistas direcionaram o estudo para fatores de melhorias relacionados a processos de liberação da carga por parte de órgãos de fiscalização, custos portuários e controles alfandegários. A avaliação das respostas do questionário online se fez por meio de uma variação da técnica Delphi com Q-sort que consolidou as respostas em cinco categorias: administrativo/fiscal, custos, hinterlândia, infraestrutura e operacional. O modelo de simulação de eventos discretos verificou os dados operacionais e avaliou as diferenças entre a operação dos terminais convencionais e de terminais compatíveis com o modelo do projeto MoS. Os principais requisitos propostos são: a melhoria no processo de fiscalização com a simplificação nas inspeções e liberações das cargas; a redução de fretes para transporte de carga porta-a-porta; a existência de acessos terrestres (rodoviário/ferroviário) para interconexões entre os modais; a disponibilidade de infraestrutura adequada (equipamentos) para uso nos terminais; e a minimização de tempos operacionais e de entrega porta-a-porta. Uma derivação da técnica Matriz QFD (Quality Function Deployment) foi utilizada para obtenção do sequenciamento dos requisitos propostos. O estudo verificou que a aplicação dos requisitos salienta as oportunidades de melhorias na operação de cabotagem nos terminais brasileiros. Também ficou evidenciado a possibilidade de adequação dos terminais convencionais em terminais rápidos, mediante a aplicação do sequenciamento obtido para os requisitos propostos. / This study proposes requirements for the adequacy of Short Sea Shipping (SSS) operation in Brazilian container port terminals. This adaptation transforms conventional port terminals into maritime terminals called \"fast\". The concept of \"eficient terminals\" of the European project Motorways of the Sea MoS served as reference for the development of this proposal. The methodology was based on data collection through semi-structured interviews with SSS users as well as an online questionnaire with experts and discrete event simulation of SSS terminals. The responses from the interviews directed the study to factors related to processes of cargo release by regulatory agencies, port costs and customs controls. The evaluation of the online questionnaire responses was done by means of a variation of the Delphi technique with Q-sort that consolidated the responses in five aspects: administrative, costs, hinterland, infrastructure and operational. The discrete event simulation model verified operational data and evaluated the differences between the operation of conventional terminals and those compatible with the MoS project model. The main proposed requirements are: the process improvement to reduce inspections and cargo clearances, the freight reduction on cargo door-to-door transportation, the existence of land access (road/rail) for interconnections between modes, the availability of adequate infrastructure (equipment) for terminal use and the decrease of operating times and door-to-door delivery. The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) matrix technique was used to obtain a sequencing order for the proposed requirements. The study found that the requirements application highlights the improvement opportunities in SSS operation in Brazilian terminals. It was also evidenced the possibility of conversion of these conventional terminals on \"fast\" terminals, with the requirements sequencing order application.

Mercadores de braços: riqueza e acumulação na organização da emigração européia para o novo mundo / The migratory movements: analysis of the flow established between two sides of the Atlantic, more specifically Italy and Brazil

Paulo Cesar Gonçalves 27 June 2008 (has links)
O século XIX testemunhou o aumento exponencial dos movimentos migratórios de europeus para as Américas, que se prolongaram até o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial, abrindo caminho para o negócio de recrutamento e transporte de braços. Este trabalho analisa o fluxo estabelecido entre dois lados do Atlântico, mais especificamente Itália e Brasil, discutindo fatores condicionantes, reflexos internos e externos, contradições e particularidades. Na Itália, o foco está direcionado para os interesses conflitantes dos grupos envolvidos: companhias de navegação, agentes e subagentes. Analisa-se a experiência imigratória no Brasil e, em especial, São Paulo, caracterizado pela política de subsídio. Se o financiamento promovido pelo governo paulista era essencial para a criação de um grande fluxo que atendesse a demanda da cafeicultura, por outro lado, constituiu-se em fonte de rendimentos para indivíduos e empresas ligadas à execução dos serviços de recrutamento e transporte. A análise dos balanços financeiros e relatórios dos conselhos administrativos das companhias de navegação italianas evidencia a importância da emigração como fonte consistente para sua saúde financeira. Ainda dentro das engrenagens responsáveis pelo fluxo, o enfoque recai sobre as agências de introdução de imigrantes que celebraram contratos com o governo paulista. Em suma, uma rede de negócios estabelecida nos dois lados do Atlântico, cujos objetivos eram claros: auferir lucros com a emigração. / The XIX century witnessed the exponential increase of the migratory movements of Europeans to Americas, which were extended up to the beggining of the First World War, opening way for the business of recruitment and transport of arms. This work analyses the flow established between two sides of the Atlantic, more specifically Italy and Brazil, discussing restrective factors, internal and external reflexes, contradictions and peculiarities. In Italy, the focus is on the conflicting interests of the involved groups: shipping companies, agents and subagents. The immigratory experience is analised in Brazil, and specially in São Paulo, characterized by the politics of subsidy. If the financing promoted by the government of São Paulo was essential for the creation of a big flow that was attending the demand of the coffee growing, on the other side it was constituted in source of profits for individuals and enterprises connected with the services of recruitment and transport. The analysis from the balances in cash and reports from the administrative councils from the Italian shipping companies makes clear the importance of emigration as a consistent source for her financial health. Still inside the gears responsible for the flow, the approach falls on the agencies of immigrants\' introduction that celebrated contracts with the government of São Paulo. Summing up, a business net established in two sides of the Atlantic, which objectives were clear: to derive profits with the emigration.

Uma trÃgedia em trÃs partes: o motim dos pretos da Laura em 1839 / A tragedy in three parts: the mutiny of the pretos da Laura in 1839.

Jofre TeÃfilo Vieira 30 August 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Em 12 de junho de 1839, alguns dos cativos a bordo do brigue-escuna Laura Segunda, que partiu do MaranhÃo para Pernambuco, realizaram um motim nas costas do litoral do Cearà e assassinaram seis pessoas, o capitÃo, o contramestre, o prÃtico, dois marujos e um passageiro. Depois de desembarcar na praia do Iguape, os escravos foram presos e, dentre eles, nove foram acusados e levados a julgamento em Fortaleza, onde seis foram condenados à pena de morte, um a galÃs perpÃtuas, outro a aÃoites e andar com ferros, e o Ãltimo absolvido. O julgamento ocorreu de forma sumÃria, indicando a necessidade de se punirem rÃpida e exemplarmente os responsÃveis por aquele âhorroroso atentadoâ. A pesquisa pretende analisar o motim e os eventos que envolveram os pretos da Laura. Para isso, se propÃe a examinar a navegaÃÃo de cabotagem realizada entre o Norte e o Nordeste do Brasil, em especial do Parà a Pernambuco, para se entender o mundo do trabalho em que estavam inseridos os marinheiros cativos do Laura Segunda. AlÃm disso, busca-se compreender e relacionar os diversos movimentos realizados durante a dÃcada de 1830, que fomentaram um clima de grande instabilidade polÃtica e social no Brasil e permitiram o aparecimento de alguns atos de rebeldia produzidos pela escravaria. O motim no Laura Segunda foi um deles. As memÃrias do motim e dos eventos que envolveram os pretos da Laura ficaram vivas na capital cearense durante bastante tempo. Desta forma, procura-se compreender quais os seus significados e apropriaÃÃes pela sociedade cearense, em especial o grupo dos cativos. / On the 12th of June, 1839, a number of slaves on board the brig-schooner Laura Segunda, which had earlier left Pernambuco en-route to MaranhÃo, mutinied off the coast of CearÃ, killing six people: the captain; the boatswain; the pilot; two of the sailors and a passenger. After landing on the beach at Iguape, the slaves were captured and nine of them charged and taken to be prosecuted in Fortaleza, where six were sentenced to death, one to life imprisonment with forced-labour, yet another to being whipped and forced to go around in irons, and the last acquitted. The trials were summary in nature, demonstrating the need for a prompt and exemplary punishment of those responsible for the "horrendous attack". The present research aims to examine the mutiny and the various events which surrounded the negro slaves on board the Laura. To this end we propose examining the system of cabotage shipping carried out between the North and Northeast of Brazil, in particular that from Parà to Pernambuco, in an attempt to understand the work environment of the slave-sailors on the Laura Segunda. In addition, we wish to investigate and detail the various movements which occurred during the 1830s and which fostered a climate of political and social instability in Brazil, paving the way for various acts of rebellion by the slaves, of which the mutiny on the Laura Segunda was one. The memory of the mutiny and the events surrounding the negros on board the Laura remained alive in Fortaleza for some considerable time. We plan to arrive at an appreciation of the meaning of these events and how they were appropriated by Cearà society, and in particular by the slaves.

Cooperatismo no setor de transporte intermunicipal de passageiros no município de Bonfim, RR / Cooperativism in intercity transportion sector of passengers in the city of Bonfim, RR

Sílvia Silvestre dos Santos 21 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As sociedades cooperativas podem ser consideradas eficientes instrumentos para o desenvolvimento local, podendo se apresentar como uma ponte entre quem produz seja um produto ou serviço - e o mercado. Representam uma importante aliada do desenvolvimento no panorama brasileiro, e que despontam no cenário econômico de Roraima com um horizonte muito promissor. Assim, o presente trabalho de dissertação, faz uma análise das sociedades cooperativas, desde sua conceituação até o seu desempenho na economia roraimense, mas precisamente seu impacto no desenvolvimento do município de Bonfim, onde a atividade de transporte transfronteiriço de passageiros esta tão presente. Ao final, a dissertação demonstra o potencial benefício da organização dos protagonistas do serviço de transporte intermunicipal de passageiros situada na cidade-gêmea de Bonfim empreendida através de uma empresa cooperativa, com base em leituras e releituras de tabelas, dados e demais elementos pertinentes. Para a argumentação, foram utilizados dados estatísticos oficiais, leituras bibliográficas e informações obtidas por pesquisa de campo, feitas a partir de questionários aplicados aos cooperados e dirigentes da cooperativa objeto deste estudo. Os dados coletados encontram-se disponíveis no escopo do trabalho, concatenados e em forma de quadros. Conclui-se que o movimento cooperativista no setor transporte intermunicipal e transfroteiriço entre Brasil e Guyana se materializa como um relevante instrumento de desenvolvimento regional e fronteiriço e de responsabilidade social no município de Bonfim, RR. Ao final, terminadas todas as análises, fez-se uma conclusão dos aspectos enunciados, com intuito de trazer uma visão sobre o assunto, demonstrando que o movimento cooperativista se configura em importante estratégia de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. / The cooperatives can be considered efficient instruments for local development, which may present as a bridge between those who produce either a product or service - and the market. They represent an important ally of the development in the Brazilian panorama, and that stand in Roraima economic scenario with a very promising future. The present dissertation work, analyzes of cooperative societies, since its conception until its performance in Roraima economy, but precisely its impact on development of the municipality of Bonfim, where the cross-border transport of passengers this activity as this. In the end, the dissertation demonstrates the potential benefit of the organization of the protagonists of intercity transportation service passengers located in the city of Bonfim mate undertaken through a cooperative company, based on reading and rereading tables, data and other relevant elements. For the argument, official statistics were used, book readings and information obtained by field research, made from questionnaires given to cooperative members and leaders of the cooperative object of this study. The collected data are available on the scope of work, concatenated and fit frames. We conclude that the cooperative movement in intercity transportation sector and transfroteiriço between Brazil and Guyana emerges as an important regional and border tool for development and social responsibility in the municipality of Bonfim, RR. In the end, we completed all analyzes, there was a conclusion of these principles, aiming to bring a view on the subject, demonstrating that the cooperative movement is configured in important socio-economic development strategy.

L'application des conventions internationales de droit maritime en droit français / The application of shipping conventions in French law

Monteil, Leslie 16 February 2018 (has links)
Les conventions internationales sont adoptées par des organisations internationales dans le but d’imposer des règles uniformes dans un domaine spécifique. L’intégration du droit international dans l’ordre juridique de chacun des États parties dépend de la méthode choisie par leur propre droit national. En France, les conventions internationales de droit maritime occupent une place particulière qui leur permet d’avoir leurs dispositions directement invocables par les particuliers. Elles jouissent également d’une grande autorité lorsqu’elles sont reprises par les normes de l’Union européenne produisant des effets contraignants à l’égard des États membres. Le statut de la convention internationale au sein de l’ordre juridique français garantit la pleine effectivité des mesures qu’elle contient, sous réserve que leurs dispositions soient pleinement mises en œuvre par les tribunaux. Le juge aura alors un rôle fondamental dans l’application des conventions internationales puisqu’il pourra influencer sur les effets de ces normes internationales et choisir de participer à l’unification du droit. Mais il sera également tributaire de certaines contraintes inhérentes à l’adoption d’un acte de droit international, ce qui limitera les espoirs d’unification des règles de droit applicables en matière maritime. / The main purpose of the international organization when adopting an international convention is to provide uniform rules for specific fields. The incorporation of international regulation into the legal system of States parties depends on the national laws. In France, the monism system leads to the possibility for every claimant to invoke the provisions of the treaties to support their claim. The authority of international maritime convention has increased when the EU regulation implemented them in EU system which implies that States members are obliged to comply with them. The legal status of international convention in the national French legal system guarantees the enforcement of their own provisions, provided that they are duly applied by the national Courts. The judge will have a significant impact in the enforcement of a treaty. His ruling can improve the unification of international law. However, the judge will be subject to some constraints that may threaten the aim of unification of applicable rules in the shipping law.

One Year Avian Survey of John U. Lloyd Beach State Park to Determine Population Density

Abernathy, Lisa 29 April 2011 (has links)
John U. Lloyd Beach State Park is a 125 hectare barrier island on the eastern edge of Broward County, Florida abutting the Intracoastal Waterway and Atlantic Ocean. The park provides recreational facilities for the public as well as housing Nova Southeastern University’s Oceanographic Center, a U.S. Coast Guard Station, U.S. Navy Facility, and park offices. The park is surrounded by growing infrastructure such as the Hollywood-Fort Lauderdale International Airport, Port Everglades, and the Florida Power and Light operational facility. John U. Lloyd Beach State Park was in need of a baseline survey of the avian population to check for future fluctuations. For one year, 2003-2004, lines transects situated throughout the park were traversed on a weekly basis. The program DISTANCE was used to analyze the projected populations. It was found that the bird populations, both as passerines and as a total, were highest during the migration seasons of fall and spring. It was also found that the habitats with the highest percent of land covered with vegetation were not necessarily the most populated. Now that baseline information has been collected it is suggested that this study be repeated every several years to see how avian populations, individual and species, change in accordance with changes in Broward County (i.e. population growth and industrial development).

Factors that affect conflict in a cultural diversified workforce: The case of the shipping company Seascope

Siarapis, Ioannis January 2017 (has links)
Title: Factors that affect conflict in a cultural diversified workforce in the shipping industry: The case of the shipping company Seascope Level: Master thesis in Business Administration Author: Ioannis Siarapis Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama Examiner: Akmal Hyder Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate factors that affect conflict in a workforce characterized by cultural diversification in the shipping industry. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used. The primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten employees who were interviewed both on the yacht and in the on-shore office of the company. In order to generalize the results from the case study, the inductive approach was used. Thematic analysis was also my approach for finding different patterns in the empirical findings Findings: There are different factors that affect conflict either by enhancing it or by eliminating it. These are the differences in cultural values, differences in communication, continues feedback to the employees, establishment of a “family” climate and the general management of cultural diversity. In addition, when the employees in high positions are from the same background with the owners, this reduces the possibility of conflict. Limitations: The research was based on a Greek company with approximately 10 employees working on the yacht. Therefore, the current limitation is the relatively small number of employees comparing to big ship companies. Contribution: The managers of shipping companies should consider these factors and act accordingly for the benefit of the company. There are significant differences in the employees’ behavior when they are coming from a different cultural background. Moreover, there are differences in the way they communicate. Key words:  intercultural communication, yacht, conflict, cultural diversity management, shipping industry.

Le transport maritime d’hydrocarbures. Les compagnies pétrolières françaises entre impératifs économiques et obligation de pavillon (1918-1998) / Maritime transport of hydrocarbons. The French oil companies between economic imperatives and obligation of flag (1918-1998)

Doessant, Benoît 30 November 2016 (has links)
La question du transport maritime est névralgique depuis les débuts de l’industrie du pétrole en 1859 pour une raison essentielle : les lieux de production, de transformation et de consommation sont distincts et souvent séparés par les océans. Il faut donc transporter une grande partie du pétrole brut depuis un nombre limité de pays producteurs vers le reste du monde avec des navires spécialisés – les pétroliers - sur de grandes distances. Cette tendance se renforce tout au long du XXe siècle avec la découverte de grandes réserves de pétrole au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. De manière générale, le développement de la flotte pétrolière mondiale suit de près l’accroissement de la production et de la consommation de pétrole. Le transport maritime d’hydrocarbures représente encore aujourd’hui de très loin la forme de commerce international la plus importante - un tiers - avec plus de deux milliards de tonnes transportées par an, à rapporter aux cent millions de tonnes en 1935 et aux cinq cents millions de tonnes en 1960. La France, tirant les conséquences des difficultés d’approvisionnement en produits pétroliers pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, fixe tout au long du XXe siècle des règles contraignantes aux compagnies pétrolières en imposant l’obligation d’importer les deux-tiers de leurs besoins sous pavillon national. Or, celles-ci sont confrontées au problème structurant de la Marine marchande française : les coûts d’exploitation élevés de la flotte. Cette recherche tente de comprendre les stratégies mises en place par ces compagnies pour acheminer dans les meilleures conditions possibles le pétrole vers la France, malgré l’obligation de pavillon. Au-delà, il s’agit de comprendre pourquoi les compagnies pétrolières ont fini par abandonner leurs armements maritimes malgré le cadre législatif en vigueur. Total se retire en 1993 de l’activité de transport maritime. Aujourd’hui, les navires sous pavillon français appartiennent à des armateurs norvégiens ou belges, mais en aucun cas français. / The question of maritime transport is nerve since the beginning of the oil industry in 1859 for an essential reason: the places of production, processing and consumption are distinct and often separated by oceans. It is necessary therefore to carry much of the crude oil from a limited number of producer countries to the rest of the world with specialized vessels - tankers - over long distances. This trend is reinforced throughout the twentieth century with the discovery of large oil reserves in the Middle East and Africa. In general, the development of the world tanker fleet is following loan increased production and consumption of oil. The shipping of oil is still very far from today's form of international trade the most important - a third - with more than two billion tons carried per year to report to 100 million tons in 1935 and 500 million tons in 1960. France, drawing the consequences supply difficulties of petroleum products during the First World War, fixed throughout the twentieth century binding rules to oil companies by imposing the obligation to import two-thirds of their needs under the national flag. Now they are facing the problem of structuring the French merchant navy: the high operating costs of the fleet. This research seeks to understand the strategies used by these companies to deliver the best possible conditions in the oil to France, despite the obligation of French flag. Beyond this is why oil companies have ended up abandoning their naval armaments despite the legislative framework. Total, oil French company, retired in 1993 from the shipping business. Today, ships under the French flag belonging to Belgian or Norwegian shipowners, but in no case French.

Interdisciplinary study into the effect of a marine renewable energy testing facility on the underwater sound in Falmouth Bay

Garrett, Joanne Katherine January 2015 (has links)
Wave energy has the potential to contribute considerably to the UK's energy mix. The marine environment is already subjected to many anthropogenic pressures. There is a need to develop the industry as sustainably as possible. A key concern is the potential for underwater noise to affect marine life. A wave energy converter (WEC; BOLT Lifesaver, Fred Olsen Ltd.) was deployed at the Falmouth Bay marine renewable energy test site (FaBTest). The underwater sound levels were recorded at this site for a two week baseline period, a five-day installation period and intermittent operational and non-operational activity from March 2012 - November 2013. The recordings were also analysed for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) indicator third octave bands of 63-Hz and 125-Hz for shipping noise. The median and modal sound levels in Falmouth Bay were found to be loudest in the frequency range 100 Hz - 1 kHz and affected by local shipping activity. During installation activity, the sound levels were louder at all frequencies recorded as compared to similar periods with no installation activity, with a mean difference of 6.9 dB Hz-1 in the range 10 Hz to 48 kHz. Long term marine renewable energy construction projects may affect the MSFD indicator bands. There was little overall difference in the average sound levels for the operational and non-operational periods as the median PSD levels were louder by an average of 0.04 dB Hz-1 during the operational activity as compared to the non-operational activity. The results of this study indicate that the effect of a single WEC device on the overall sound levels in Falmouth Bay is relatively low considering the substantial presence of shipping in the area. However, in the immediate vicinity of the device (<200 m), the sound produced was found to be of significance to marine animals. It therefore requires considering in future deployments, particularly at a site with little anthropogenic activity.

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