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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompozitinių medinių-betoninių sijų tarpsluoksnio įžambinės medsraigtinės jungties elgsena / Behaviour of timber-concrete composite beam interconnection with inclined screws

Kavaliauskas, Saulius 17 March 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama kompozitinės medinės-betoninės jungties su įžambiai šlyties plokštumai orientuotais medsraigčiais elgsena – laikomoji galia ir deformacinės savybės. Pagrindiniai tyrimų objektai yra įžambiai medienos pluoštui orientuotų medsraigčių laikomoji galia, slinkties deformacijų moduliai ir mechaninės jungtį sudarančių elementų savybės, veikiančios jungties elgseną. Nuo medsraigčio ašies posvyrio kampo, deformacinių po medsraigčiu glemžiamos ir ištraukiamos medienos ir lenkiamo medsraigčio savybių priklauso ir jungties irties pobūdis, laikomoji galia ir slinkties deformacijų moduliai, o nuo pastarųjų – kompozitinio elemento stiprumas ir standumas. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas yra sukurti skaičiavimo modelį tokių jungčių laikomajai galiai nuspėti, kuo tiksliau atsižvelgiant į medžiagų ir elementų mechanines savybes; pateikti supaprastintą skaičiuojamąjį modelį, skirtą bet kokiu kampu medienos pluošto atžvilgiu įsriegtų medsraigčių laikomajai galiai nuspėti. Darbe sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: tinkamo pamatinio jungties laikomąją galią vertinančio skaičiuojamojo modelio parinkimas, jo pritaikymas įžambiai medienos pluoštui orientuotiems medsraigčiams; trumpalaikis ir ilgalaikis eksperimentinis įžambinės medsraigtinės jungties laikomosios galios tyrimas ir vertinimas; kitų autorių eksperimentinių rezultatų vertinimas sukurtajam jungties laikomąją galią vertinančiam modeliui pagrįsti. / The dissertation investigates the behaviour of timber-concrete connections with inclined screws – the load carrying capacity and deformability. The essen¬tial objects of investigation are the load carrying capacity of inclined screws; the modules of connection slip deformation, and the mechanical properties of mate¬rials and ware of which the connection is made. The load-carrying capacity of the connection depends on the properties of the material of connected member and the connectors, on which depends the strength and stiffness of the composite member. The main aim of dissertation is to create the connection load carrying capacity predicting model, based on the more realistic behaviour of the material of connected members; to prepare the simplified approach for load-carrying capacity predicting model for composite timber-concrete connections within at any angle in respect to timber grain in¬clined crews. The paper approaches a few major tasks such as the choice of suitable load-carrying capacity predicting base model; preparing it to composite timber-con¬crete connections with inclined screws; the experimental investigation of con¬nection with inclined screws under long- and short term loading; the experi¬mental investigation of properties of connected materials and type of used con¬nectors; the evaluation of created predictive model based on results also of other researchers experimental investigations.

Estudo do dano por umidade de misturas densas com ligantes asfálticos convencional e modificado com polímero SBS / Study of moisture damage of conventional and polymer modified asphalt mixtures

Andre Anitelli 12 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi contribuir para o entendimento sobre a suscetibilidade ao dano por umidade de misturas asfálticas densas à luz dos ensaios da ASTM D 4867 e AASHTO T 283. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um programa experimental completo que considerou a variação, em dois níveis, dos seguintes fatores: tipo de asfalto (CAP 50/70 e CAP 50/70+SBS), presença de aditivo (sem e com cal) e modo de preparo (envelhecimentos em curto e em longo prazos). O programa experimental resultou em 8 tipos de misturas asfálticas (condições experimentais) que foram caracterizadas em suas propriedades originais e após um condicionamento térmico composto de uma fase de congelamento (-18º C por 16 horas) e uma fase de descongelamento (60º C por 24 horas). A partir das análises dos resultados foi possível constatar que (i) nenhuma mistura testada foi considerada suscetível ao dano por umidade, mas a relação de resistência à tração das misturas com CAP 50/70 de ambos os métodos se encontraram no limiar dos valores limites; (ii) as misturas com asfalto modificado, em geral, apresentaram maiores valores de módulo de resiliência e resistência à tração e foram mais resistentes à ação da água; (iii) a adição de cal não promoveu mudanças notáveis nas propriedades originais, no entanto contribuiu para a manutenção ou para o aumento da resistência ao dano por umidade; (iv) os envelhecimentos em curto e longo prazos dos métodos da ASTM e da AASHTO não provocaram mudanças importantes nas propriedades originais e após o condicionamento as misturas testadas exibiram tendências de comportamentos similares. / This research presents a contribution to understanding hot mix asphalt (HMA) moisture damage susceptibility according to ASTM D 4867 and AASHTO T 283 tests. A full factorial experiment design was carried out considering the factor variations, on two levels: asphalt type (CAP 50/70 and CAP 50/70+SBS), additive presence (with or without hydrated lime) and mixture procedure (short and long term aging). The experimental program resulted in 8 types of asphalt mixes (experimental conditions) which were characterized by the original properties and after a thermal conditioning wich consisted of a freezing phase (-18 °C for 16 hours) and a thawing phase (60 °C for 24 hours). Findings indicate that (i) no one mix was considered susceptible to moisture damage, however the ITR (indirect tensile ratio) of the CAP 50/70 mixes resulted ITR near to protocol admissible values; (ii) in general, CAP 50/70+SBS mixes presented higher resilient modulus, indirect tensile strength and indirect tensile ratio values, (iii) the addition of hydrated lime did not show remarkable changes in original properties, nevertheless it contributed for maintaining or increasing the moisture damage resistance; (iv) short and long term aging procedures (ASTM and AASHTO) did not cause important changes in original properties and after conditioning the mixes showed similar behavior tendencies.

Asymétries en perception et traitement de bas niveau : traces auditives, mémoire a court terme et représentations mentales / Asymmetries in perception and low-level processing : auditory traces, short-term memory and mental representations

Karypidis, Charalampos 15 January 2010 (has links)
L’effet d’ordre de la présentation des stimuli a un impact sur leur discriminabilité. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le phénomène d’asymétrie et comment celui-ci réagit avec divers facteurs cognitifs localisés dans différentes étapes du traitement. Nous nous focalisons sur le rôle de la périphéricité acoustique, de la dégradation auditive et des représentations mentales permanentes. Des données sur la perception visuelle complètent la partie principale de notre travail. Nous envisageons aussi la variabilité inter- et intra-sujet dans la perception et et dans la production des voyelles. Nos données révèlent que les effets d’ordre sont un mécanisme complexe qui ne peut pas être réduit à un seul facteur déclencheur. / It has been knonw for 150 years that the order of presentation of stimuli has an impact on their discriminability. In this thesis, we have examined the phenomenon of asymmetries in vowel perception ad how it interacts with various cognitive factors located at different steps of the stimulus decoding. We have focused on the role of acoustic peripherality, of auditory decay and of permanent mental representations. Data from visual perception complements the main body of our work. Inter-subject variability in vowel perception and production is also deal with. Our data shows that order effects are a complex mechanism which cannot be reduced to a single trigger factor.

Quantitative Easing and its impact on wealth inequality / Quantitative Easing and its Impact on Wealth Inequality

Lazar, Stefan-Alexandru January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show how the unconventional monetary policy rounds of Quantitative Easing introduced in the United States between 2008 and 2014 have led to an increase in wealth inequality. The need for the thesis arises due to the uncharted nature of QE and because of more and more information is surfacing to light which points to this connection. By analysing the distribution of these funds and adding it to the then base distribution of money supply, this study was able to determine a significant 10 % increase in the Gini Index. Furthermore it highlights how a large portion of wealth was transferred from the middle class over to the top 5 % income households. Starting from a set of assumptions the calculation is performed by extrapolating the data required and by isolating the system from any external variables. The result is a theoretical model meant to describe the mechanism that links Quantitative Easing to wealth inequality. Moreover a detailed comparison is provided with the effect of a conventional monetary policy such as Open-Market Operations. Finally solutions to this issue are being discussed from economical, political and fiscal standpoints.

Kapitalstruktur i den svenska modebranschen : En kvantitativ studie om finansiering inom små och medelstora företag

Hasan, Hagar, Abushiere, Roaa January 2022 (has links)
Kapitalstruktur avser förhållandet mellan eget kapital och skulder i form av kortfristiga- och långfristiga skulder inom ett företag. Studien har analyserat huruvida det existerar ett samband mellan ett företags kapitalstruktur och följande oberoende variabler; lönsamhet, tillgångsstruktur och tillväxt. Ålder och storlek har därutöver använts som kontrollvariabler. Dessutom har användningen av kortfristiga- och långfristiga skulder analyserats hos studiens urval som består av 89 små- och medelstora företag (SME) verksamma inom den svenska modebranschen under tidsperioden 2016–2019. Tidigare studier har analyserat dessa samband med ett stort urval som omfattar flera olika branscher och industrier medan modebranschen samt andra delbranscher lämnats relativt outforskat.  Utifrån en multipel regressionsanalys har resultatet visat ett positivt samband med statistisk signifikans mellan kortfristiga skulder och storlek. Likaså har resultatet uppvisat en negativ statistisk signifikans mellan kortfristiga skulder och ålder, respektive lönsamhet. Resultatet påvisar inget samband mellan kortfristiga skulder och tillväxt respektive tillgångsstruktur. Studien överlag fann inget samband mellan långfristiga skulder och samtliga oberoende- och kontrollvariabler. Utöver detta har resultatet analyserats och diskuterats utifrån Pecking order teorin och tidigare forskning. Sammanfattningsvis illustrerar studien ett varierat resultat som både bestred och var i enlighet med ställda hypoteser. / Capital structure refers to the relationship between equity and debt in the form of short-term debt (STD) and long-term debt (LTD) within a company. The study analyzed whether there is a relationship between a company's capital structure and the following independent variables; profitability, asset structure and growth. In addition, age and size have been used as control variables. Furthermore, the use of STD and LTD has been analyzed by the sample, which consists of 89 small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) that have operated in the Swedish fashion industry during the period 2016-2019. Previous studies have analyzed these relationships with a large sample that includes several different industries, but the fashion industry and other sub industries are still relatively unexplored areas.  Based on a multiple regression analysis, the results have shown a positive relationship with statistical significance between STD and size. The result has also shown a negative statistical significance between STD and age as well as profitability. However, there was no relationship between STD and growth as well as asset structure. The study overall found no relationship between LTD and all independent- and control variables. The results were analyzed based on Pecking order theory and previous research. The study showed a varied result that both disputed and was in line with the hypotheses.

Leva här och nu : Ungas privata pensionssparande fritt från psykologiska fallgropar / Live here and now : Young people's private pension savings free from psychological pitfalls

Andersson, Malin, Di Luca, Valentina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: De yngre generationerna, individer födda efter år 1990, står inför stora utmaningar och riskerar att erhålla sämre pensioner än dagens pensionärer, vilket ställer höga krav på att inkludera ett privat pensionssparande. Trots att det privata pensionssparandet i dagsläget är mer aktuellt än någonsin är det fortfarande ovanligt förekommande bland de yngre generationerna. Att individen kringgår ett aktivt beslutsfattande gällande sin pensionssituation innebär att agerandet avviker från den rationella teorin och livscykelhypotesen. För att komma närmare verkligheten och göra de underliggande resonemangen mer beteendemässigt realistiska bör teorin anpassas efter praktiken och större hänsyn tas till beteendepsykologiska bias.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att skapa en ökad förståelse för de yngre generationernas inställning till och agerande för deras privata pensionssparande med utgångspunkt i en analys av de beteendepsykologiska biasen kort- och långsiktigt fokus, självdisciplin, övermod och social interaktion.  Metod: För att säkerställa att studiens insamlade empiri kunde uppfylla studiens syfte med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen genomfördes åtta kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer från de yngre generationerna. Under djupintervjuerna med respondenterna uppmanades de att reflektera över sin upplevda verklighet för att på så sätt möjliggöra ett sammanförande av teori och praktik och därmed göra förståelsen för pensionssparbeslut mer verklighetsförankrad.  Slutsats: Den goda inställningen och den därmed uppkomna sparviljan bland respondenterna återspeglas inte i ett gynnsamt agerande då ingen av de tillfrågade i denna studie ännu har inkluderat ett sparande specifikt till den privata pensionen. Det kan konstateras att de faller offer för beteendepsykologiska fallgropar. Studien påvisar att lusten av att leva här och nu i kombination med att det kortsiktiga tänket är mycket starkare än det långsiktiga, motarbetar ett pensionssparande. För vissa är detta en konsekvens av deras självupplevda bristande självdisciplin och för andra är det en influens av övermod som motarbetar. Vad gäller social interaktion ger respondenterna tecken på att den både kan anses vara främjande eller motarbetande beroende på förmedlarens framställning och egna agerande. / Background: The younger generations, individuals born after 1990, face major challenges and risk receiving worse pensions than today's pensioners, which places high demands on including private pension savings. Even though private pension savings are currently more relevant than ever, it is still uncommon among the younger generations. The fact that the individual circumvents active decision- making regarding their pension situation means that the action deviates from the rational theory and life cycle hypothesis. In order to get closer to reality and make the underlying reasoning more behaviorally realistic, the theory should be adapted to practice, and greater consideration must be given to behavioral psychological bias.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create an increased understanding of the younger generations' attitudes and actions regarding their private pension savings based on an analysis of the behavioral psychological bias of short- and long-term focus, self-control, overconfidence, and social interaction.  Method: To ensure that the empirical data collected by the study could fulfill the purpose of the study with the support of the theoretical frame of reference, eight qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals from the younger generations. During the in-depth interviews with the respondents, they were asked to reflect on their perceived reality in order to enable a merge of theory and practice and thus make the understanding of pension savings decisions more reality based.  Conclusion: The good attitudes and the willingness to save among the respondents is not reflected in a favorable action as none of the respondents in this study have yet included any savings specific for the private pension. It can be stated that they fall in these behavioral psychological pitfalls. The study shows that the desire to live here and now in combination with the fact that short-term thinking is much stronger than long-term thinking counteracts pension savings. For some it is a consequence of their self-perceived lack of self-control and for others it is an influence of overconfidence that counteracts. Regarding social interaction, the respondents give signs that it can be considered both promoting or counteracting depending on the mediator's framing and own actions.

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