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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Dysregulation der Apoptose im Pankreaskarzinom und ein darauf basierendes multimodales Therapiekonzept

Werner, Kristin 23 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Weltweit hat das duktale Adenokarzinom des Pankreas (PDAC) unter den Krebserkrankungen die schlechteste Prognose. Aufgrund der unspezifischen Symptome wird die Erkrankung meist erst in einem lokal fortgeschrittenem Stadium diagnostiziert, wenn eine kurative Tumorresektion nicht mehr möglich ist und es bereits zur Metastasierung gekommen ist. Trotz intensiver klinischer Forschung wird mit bisherigen Therapieansätzen wie zum Beispiel Gemcitabin (auch in Kombination mit nab-Paclitaxel) nur eine geringfügige Verbesserung des medianen Überlebens erzielt. Diese Therapieresistenz gegenüber Gemcitabin wurde in in vitro Versuchen mit verschiedenen humanen PDAC-Zelllinien bestätigt. Die zusätzlich behandelte nichttumorigene Pankreasdukt-Zelllinie HDPE-E6E7 zeigte hingegen eine starke Sensitivität gegenüber dem Chemotherapeutikum. Ursächlich beteiligt an der generellen Resistenz dieser Tumore gegenüber Chemo- und Strahlentherapie sind verschiedene Apoptose-Evasionsmechanismen. Diese sind vor allem durch ein Ungleichgewicht pro- und antiapoptotischer Faktoren bedingt (Lowe 2004). Zusätzlich fördern KRAS-Mutationen, die nahezu universell in allen PDACs vorliegen, die Proliferation der Tumorzellen und unterstützen die Apoptose-Dysregulation durch eine verstärkte Expression antiapoptotischer Proteine. Nach umfangreichen Literaturrecherchen (Werner 2011a, Werner 2011b) wurden verschiedenste PDAC-Zelllinien hinsichtlich ihrer Expression von Apoptose-assoziierten Genen analysiert. Untersucht wurden diesbezüglich verschiedene humane PDAC-Zelllinien, aber auch Primärzellkulturen (PaCaDD-Zellen), die in unserem Labor per Outgrowth-Methode aus Patiententumorgewebe etabliert wurden. Ergänzend wurden murine Zelllinien analysiert, die aus einem genetischen PDAC-Mausmodell (KRASG12D; P53R172H; PDX1 CRE) stammen. Normiert bezüglich der Expression der HDPE-E6E7-Zellen wurde eine vielfältige, sehr heterogene Dysregulation von verschiedenen, mit der Apoptose assoziierten Proteinen festgestellt. Per siRNA-basiertem Knockdown wurden verschiedene Kandidatengene hinsichtlich ihrer funktionellen Bedeutung für die Zellproliferation und Apoptose-Induktion näher charakterisiert. In einem dynamischen Prozess wurde eine multimodale Therapie entwickelt, bei der fünf antiapoptotische Zielgene (BCLXL, FLIP, MCL1L, SURVIVIN und XIAP) kombiniert mit KRAS als zentralem Onkogen simultan in ihrer Expression inhibiert wurden. Ziel war es, hierdurch sowohl die extrinsische als auch intrinsische Apoptose zu normalisieren und eine möglicherweise durch Caspase-Inhibitoren blockierte Signaltransduktion zu ermöglichen. Ein zusätzlicher Knockdown von KRAS sollte einer Gegenregulierung dieser Therapie vorbeugen und die gesteigerte Proliferation der Tumorzellen unterbinden. Dieser so genannte SGS6-Therapieansatz zeigte in vitro in allen fünf getesteten humanen sowie in zwei murinen Zelllinien eine starke Apoptose-Induktion und Verminderung der Zellzahl. Durch Zweit-siRNAs wurde die spezifische Wirksamkeit der Knockdowns bestätigt und zelluläre off-target-Effekte wurden ausgeschlossen. Auch in vivo wurde in einem subkutanen Allograftmodell mit dem SGS6-Therapiekonzept eine starke Tumorreduktion erzielt. Die analoge Untersuchung der nichttumorösen Pankreasdukt-Zelllinie HDPE-E6E7 zeigte, dass die SGS6-Therapie deutlich spezifischer für die Krebszellen war verglichen zur Behandlung mit Gemcitabin.

Einfluss der endothelialen Connexine auf die Angiogenese

Gärtner-Grätz, Christiane 17 March 2015 (has links)
Hintergrund: Connexine (Cx) spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei Wachstum und Differenzierung. Die Angiogenese ist an vielen physiologischen und pathologischen Prozessen beteiligt. Jedoch ist noch unklar, ob Connexine einen Einfluss auf die Angiogenese haben. Fragestellung; In dieser Arbeit sollte die Rolle endothelialer Connexine an der Angiogenese untersucht werden. Methoden: Venöse Zellen der menschlichen Nabelschnur (HUVEC) wurden kultiviert bis sie subkonfluent waren. Vor der 3D Kultur im Matrigel wurden die Zellen entweder mit Nicotin, dem Gap Junction Inhibitor Palmitoleinsäure (PA), einem siRNA-Knockdown von entweder Cx37, Cx40 oder Cx43 oder mit Isoprenalin behandelt. Die Zellen wurden dann auf ein in vitro Angiogenese-Assay (3D-Kultur, Matrigel) gegeben und nach 18h wurden unterschiedliche Angiogeneseparameter erhoben, um die Komplexität der Angiogenese zu beurteilen. Änderungen der Expression der Cx mRNA- und Proteinexpression sowie der Kommunikation über Gap Junctions wurden mittels PCR, Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie, Western Blot und Lucifer Yellow Dye Transfer untersucht. Bei Gewebeproben der A. mammaria von Rauchern und Nichtrauchern wurden mittels Immunofluoreszenzmikroskopie die Expression der Cx beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Die Behandlung mit spezifischer siRNA führte zu einer signifikanten Abnahme der Expression des jeweiligen Connexins in den HUVECs. Sowohl der Knockdown als auch die Behandlung mit PA verringerte die Kommunikation über Gap Junctions signifikant und reduzierte die Anzahl der Abzweigungen im Angiogenese-Assay. Der Knockdown des Cx43 und Cx40 sowie die Behandlung mit PA reduzierten ebenfalls die Komplexität des Musters im Matrigel-Assay. Nicotin führte zu einer Reduktion der Cx43- und Cx37-Proteinexpression, wohingegen Cx40 durch transskriptionelle Gegenregulation konstant gehalten wurde, sowie zu einer Abnahme der Länge der Kapillar-ähnlichen-Strukturen, der Anzahl der Abzweigungen und des Musters im Matrigelassay, während die Anzahl der Zellen zunahm. Die mRNA-Expression der Connexine war hingegen erhöht. In Gewebeproben von Rauchern konnte analog eine verminderte Expression von Cx43 und Cx37, aber nicht von Cx40, in der Intima gezeigt werden. Isoprenalin erhöhte die Proteinexpression der endothelialen Connexine und verbesserte sowohl die interzelluläre Kommunikation als auch das Muster im Matrigel-Assay. Ebenso waren die Kapillar-ähnlichen Strukturen im Vergleich zur Kontrolle länger. Schlussfolgerung: Aus den erhobenen Ergebnissen lässt sich der Schluss ziehen, dass Connexine bei der Angiogenese involviert sind, vor allem beim Vorgang der Verzweigung. Dies kann teilweise die Veränderung erklären, die eine Nicotinbehandlung auf die Angiogenese hat.

Untersuchungen zur Expression und Inhibition von Orthopockenvirus-Genen

Reiche, Janine 11 February 2010 (has links)
Nicht nur die mögliche Verwendung von Variolavirus als bioterroristischer Kampfstoff sondern auch das zoonotische Potential pathogener Pockenviren wird als eine erhebliche Gefahr für das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen diskutiert. Zurzeit liegt in der Bevölkerung kein ausreichender Impfschutz vor. Mit Ausnahme der Expositionsprophylaxe steht die Vakzination als einzige Prävention zur Verfügung, von der bekannt ist, dass sie mit erheblichen Impfkomplikationen assoziiert ist. Therapeutische Ansätze sind deshalb von großem Interesse. In dieser Arbeit wurden HEp-2-Zellen mit den Orthopockenviren (OPV) VACV-LE, VACV-MVA-BN, CMLV-CP-19 und Calpoxvirus sowie die Zelllinien 293, A-549, Huh-7 und HSB-2 mit Calpoxvirus infiziert und der Replikationszyklus analysiert. Die Genexpression von Faktoren der Transkription (D7R), der DNA-Replikation (K4L) oder für Strukturproteine (D8L, A56R, A27L) wurde unabhängig vom untersuchten Virus und der Zelllinie gleich reguliert, was auf eine wichtige Rolle während der Virusreplikation hinweist. Ferner wurde ein siRNA-System zur Hemmung der OPV-Gene D7R, K4L, D8L, A56R und A27L etabliert. Die Transkription von D7R, K4L, D8L und A27L wurde in infizierten Zellen effektiv durch spezifisch eingesetzte shRNAs inhibiert und dadurch die Virusreplikation von Calpoxvirus im Vergleich zu den Kontrollzellen 24 und 48 Stunden nach der Infektion gehemmt. Die Inhibition der A27L-Genexpression wurde zusätzlich im Western Blot für Calpoxvirus- und VACV-LE-infizierte 293-Zellen nachgewiesen. A56R wurde weder für die Replikation von Calpoxvirus noch von VACV-LE in der Zellkultur benötigt. Da die Gene D7R, K4L, D8L und A27L essentiell für die Replikation von OPV in der Zellkultur waren, könnten sie potentielle Zielstrukturen für die Entwicklung von antiviralen Substanzen für die Behandlung einer OPV-Infektion darstellen. / Not only the potential use of smallpox in a bioterrorist attack but also the zoonotic potential of other poxviruses infecting animals are discussed to be a public health threat. At present, there is no sufficient protection in the human population provided by vaccination. Prophylactic vaccination was effective but has been associated with serious adverse effects. No proven drug treatment is available. Therefore, therapies and new treatment strategies are greatly needed. In this study HEp-2 cells were infected with the orthopoxviruses (OPV) VACV-LE, VACV-MVA-BN, CMLV-CP-19 and Calpoxvirus. In addition, the cell lines 293, A-549, Huh-7 and HSB-2 were infected with Calpoxvirus alone to determine the OPV replication cycle. Irrespective of the analyzed virus and cell line gene expression was regulated similarly for factors involved in transcription (D7R), DNA replication (K4L) or for structural proteins (D8R, A56R, A27L), indicating an important role in virus replication. Furthermore, a siRNA-system for the inhibition of the OPV genes D7R, K4L, D8L, A56R and A27L was established. It could be shown, that specific shRNAs effectively inhibited transcription of D7R, K4L, D8L and A27L in infected cells and repressed Calpoxvirus replication 24 and 48 hours post infection in comparison to control cells. In addition, the inhibition of A27L gene expression was shown in Western Blot analyses for Calpoxvirus- and VACV-LE-infected 293 cells. A56R is not required for virus replication of Calpoxvirus and VACV-LE in cell culture. Since D7R, K4L, D8L and A27L seem to be essential for OPV replication in cell culture, these OPV genes might serve as potential targets for the development of antiviral substances for the treatment of OPV infections.

Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Interaktion des COP9-Signalosoms mit dem Mikrotubuli-bindenden Protein EB1

Peth, Andreas 08 October 2007 (has links)
Das COP9-Signalosom (CSN) ist ein evolutionär konservierter Proteinkomplex. Er besteht aus acht Untereinheiten und wird als Paralog des Lid-Subkomplexes des 26S Proteasoms angesehen. Das CSN verfügt über diverse enzymatische Aktivitäten, die es zu einem regulatorischen Faktor des Ubiquitin-Proteasom-Systems (UPS) machen. Das UPS ist für den Abbau von einem Großteil der zellulären Proteine notwendig. Für die Proteolyse bestimmter Proteine werden diese mit einer Polyubiquitinkette markiert. Dies geschieht über eine Enzymkaskade von E1, E2s und E3-Ligasen, wobei die E3s die Substratspezifität bestimmen. Die Interaktion von E3s mit dem CSN ist für deren Assemblierung und Aktivität von entscheidender Bedeutung. Des Weiteren bindet das CSN eine Vielzahl von proteasomalen Substraten und scheint deren Abbau direkt zu kontrollieren. In dieser Arbeit konnte eine Interaktion des CSN mit dem Mikrotubuli-bindenden Protein EB1 nachgewiesen werden. EB1 wirkt präferentiell an den (+)-Enden von Mikrotubuli und fördert die Polymerisierung und Stabilität von Mikrotubulifilamenten. EB1 bindet über die Untereinheit CSN5 an das CSN. Die Interaktion von EB1 mit dem CSN findet im Centrosom statt und führt zur Phosphorylierung und Stabilisierung von EB1. Eine verminderte Bindung von EB1 an das CSN oder eine reduzierte Phosphorylierung von EB1 führt zu einem beschleunigten Abbau. Die Funktion der Interaktion zwischen EB1 und dem CSN wurde in CSN-siRNA-Zelllinien untersucht. Dazu wurden die Untereinheiten CSN1, 3 und 5 in HeLa-Zellen permanent herunterreguliert. Die siRNAs gegen CSN1 und 3 (siCSN1, siCSN3) führen zur Reduktion des gesamten CSN Komplexes, der Knockdown von CSN5 (siCSN5) nur zur Verminderung von CSN5. In allen drei Zelllinien ist der Abbau von EB1 beschleunigt, was auf eine verminderte Bindung an, bzw. Phosphorylierung durch das CSN zurückzuführen ist. Dies hat Konsequenzen für die Stabilität von Mikrotubulifilamenten in siCSN1- und siCSN3-Zellen. Diese zeigen eine erhöhte Sensibilität gegenüber Nocodazol, welches die Polymerisierung von Mikrotubuli inhibiert. Des Weiteren konnte ein durch Nocodazol ausgelöster Zellzyklusarrest durch die Überexpression von EB1 oder CSN1 in HeLa-Zellen überwunden werden. / The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is an evolutionary conserved protein complex. It consists out of eight subunits and is a paralogue to the lid subcomplex of the 26S proteasome. The CSN posesses several activities, supporting its function as a regulator of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS). The UPS mediates the degradation of the majority of the cellular proteins. Prior to degradation, a poly-ubiquitin chain is attached to the proteins. This process is catalyzed by a cascade of E1, E2s and E3-ligases. The CSN is a regulator of the E3-ligases, which determine substrate selectivity of the ubiquitination. The CSN also directly binds and thereby controls degradation of several proteasomal substrates. In the present study a direct interaction between the CSN and the microtubule binding protein EB1 is shown, which is mediated by the subunit CSN5. EB1 binds preferentially to the (+)-ends of microtubules and thereby promotes polymerisation rates and enhances the stability of microtubule filaments. The interaction between the CSN and EB1 is localized to the centrosome and results in EB1 phosphorylation and stabilization. A compromised binding of EB1 to the CSN results in an accelerated degradation. For functional studies of the CSN-EB1 interaction in HeLa cells, siRNA mediated knockdowns of CSN subunits were used. The subunits CSN1, CSN3 and CSN5 were knocked down permanently resulting in a faster proteolysis of EB1. This was a result of decreased amounts of CSN complex in cells with downregulated CSN1 and CSN3. The knockdown of CSN5 affects only subunit CSN5 levels causing a compromised binding of EB1 to the CSN complex. An increased sensitivity to the microtubule disrupting agent nocodazole was observed in the CSN1 and CSN3 knockdown cells. A cell cycle arrest induced in HeLa cells by nocodazole treatment was rescued by overexpression of EB1 or CSN1. The data presented in this study suggest a functional relationship of EB1 and the CSN resulting in a stabilization of microtubule filaments.

Nanoparticules lipidiques pH-sensibles basées sur une bascule moléculaire pour la délivrance intracytoplasmique de siRNA

Viricel, Warren 08 1900 (has links)
La délivrance intracytoplasmique de petites molécules hydrophiles et de gènes (ADN, ARN) est un défi majeur pour l’industrie pharmaceutique, puisque ces composés sont incapables de franchir les membranes biologiques par eux-mêmes. L’utilisation de nanovecteurs lipidiques permet de surmonter les étapes d’instabilité sanguine du gène thérapeutique, de pénétration cellulaire et d’échappement endosomal. Nous reportons dans cette thèse l’élaboration de nouveaux vecteurs lipidiques pH-sensibles, basés sur une bascule moléculaire capable de changer de conformation et déstabiliser le nanovecteur après protonation à pH acide, favorisant ainsi l’échappement endosomal du fragile contenu thérapeutique. Ce mécanisme de pH-sensibilité est non reporté dans la littérature jusqu’alors. Dans un premier temps, l’élaboration de lipides bascules pH-sensibles non-cationiques destinés à la délivrance liposomale de principes actifs hydrophiles est reportée. Ce premier travail introduit les lipides bascules, valide l’implication de la bascule moléculaire pH-sensible et apporte une première preuve de concept in vitro de faisabilité. Dans un second temps est introduit l’utilisation de nouveaux lipides bascules cationiques pH-sensibles pour la thérapie génique (délivrance in vitro et in vivo de siRNA), validant encore une fois l’implication de la bascule moléculaire dans l’efficacité de délivrance intracytoplasmique des siRNA. A l’issue de cette thèse sont identifiés deux lipides bascules (2 et CSL3) capables d’être introduits dans des nanoparticules lipidiques pour la délivrance de drogues et de gènes respectivement. De telles formulations permettraient la délivrance intracytoplasmique de composés hydrophiles thérapeutiques (drogues, gènes) pour le traitement du cancer ou pour des applications d’édition génomique. / Intracytoplasmic delivery of small hydrophilic molecules and genes (DNA, RNA) is a major challenge for the pharmaceutical industry, since these compounds are unable to cross biological membranes by themselves. Use of lipid nanocarriers enables overcoming the stages of blood instability of the therapeutic gene, cellular penetration, and endosomal escape. In this thesis, we report the development of new pH-sensitive lipid carriers, based on a molecular switch capable of changing its conformation upon protonation and destabilizing the nanocarrier, thus favoring endosomal escape of the therapeutic content. This pH-sensitivity mechanism has not been reported in the literature to date. Firstly, we report the elaboration of non-cationic pH-sensitive switchable lipids for liposomal delivery of hydrophilic active ingredients. This initial work introduces switchable lipids, validates the involvement of the pH-sensitive molecular switch, and provides early evidence of in vitro concept feasibility. Secondly, we present the use of pH-sensitive cationic switchable lipids for gene therapy (siRNA delivery in vitro and in vivo), again validating the involvement of the molecular switch in the effectiveness of intracytoplasmic delivery of siRNA. The two lead compounds identified during this thesis (2 and CSL3) can be included into lipid nanoparticles for drug and gene delivery, respectively. Such formulations allow intracytoplasmic delivery of therapeutic hydrophilic compounds (drugs, genes) and could be used to treat diseases such as cancer or for genome editing applications.

Délivrance in vivo de siRNA et évaluation de leur effet antivirale contre le virus de la peste des petits ruminants (PPRV) / In vivo delivery of siRNA and evaluation of its antiviral effect against peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV)

Nizamani, Zaheer Ahmed 03 December 2010 (has links)
L'interférence ARN est un processus biologique permettant la dégradation d'un ARN messager par un ARN double brin de courte taille spécifique de cet ARNm. Elle a un potentiel d'application en thérapie antivirale pour peu que les ARN interférents (ARNi) soient délivrés efficacement in vivo. Dans le genre Morbillivirus, on trouve des pathogènes importants en santé publique et vétérinaire tels que le virus de la rougeole et les virus de la peste des petits ruminants (PPR) et de la peste bovine. Il n'existe aucun traitement contre les infections à morbillivirus. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la possibilité d'administrer in vivo un ARNi actif contre le virus PPR in vitro. Une formulation basée sur des liposomes complexés avec des ARNi ou un adénovirus non réplicatif exprimant des ARN courts en tête d'épingle (shARN) ont été testés chez des chèvres dans un modèle d'épreuve infectieuse avec une souche virulente de PPR. Les différences observées n'étaient cependant pas significatives au plan statistique. Pour améliorer la délivrance par vecteur viral, nous avons comparé un autre vecteur de type baculovirus qui s'est avéré plus efficace in vitro que l'adénovirus précédent. Par ailleurs, nous avons testés in vitro également deux peptides capables de pénétrer dans les cellules. L'un d'entre eux, le Perfect 6 (PF6) a presque complètement inhibé l'expression du gène de la nucléoprotéine par le virus PPR. En revanche, l'autre (PF14) a été moins efficace mais a relativement mieux résisté à l'inhibition de son activité par la présence de fortes concentrations de sérum dans le milieu. Dans le but d'évaluer in vivo ces nouveaux systèmes de délivrance en s'affranchissant du modèle chèvre lourd et couteux à mettre en œuvre, nous avons initié une stratégie de mise au point d'un modèle non infectieux de suivi dynamique de l'interférence ARN chez la souris par imagerie in vivo. Dans ce travail, nous montrons qu'il est possible de mesurer et de standardiser l'expression d'un gène rapporteur comprenant une séquence du virus PPRV et ensuite de quantifier le niveau de dérégulation de l'expression induit par un ARNi dirigé contre le virus PPR. Après calibration, ce modèle est désormais pour tester différents systèmes de délivrance de siRNA chez la souris / RNA interference (RNAi) is the process of mRNA degradation that is induced by double-stranded RNA in a sequence-specific manner. RNAi has a potential of developing into an effective and specific antiviral therapy if small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can be efficiently delivered in vivo. Morbillivirus genus includes important pathogens of humans and animals, which include measles virus, peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) and rinderpest virus. No treatment exists for morbillivirus diseases. The aim of this work was the in vivo delivery of siRNA against PPRV infection. The delivery of siRNA by a liposome and short hairpin RNA (shRNA) by means of a replication deficient adenovirus was tested in goats which were later challenged with PPRV. However, significant therapeutic effects were not obtained. To find more efficient vectors, the PPRV inhibition efficiency of recombinant replication deficient adenovirus and a baculovirus expressing shRNA against nucleoprotein of PPRV were compared in vitro. The baculoviral vector was found to be more efficient. Similarly, two cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) were also compared and PepFect6 (PF6) could deliver siRNA NPPRV1 effectively in vitro resulting in an almost complete inhibition of N gene expression by PPRV. Another CPP, the PF14 though with lower transfection efficiency in vitro, was found to be relatively serum resistant compared to PF6. A small animal model for PPRV infection does not exist. Due to economic, ethical, and biosecurity issues involved with use of small ruminants, a strategy based on the use of a non-infectious mouse model and a dynamic follow up of siRNA treatment by live imaging was developed. We show in this work that it is possible to measure and standardize the expression of a bioluminescent reporter gene containing a PPRV sequence and thus, to quantify a down-regulation of such gene by siRNA against PPRV. After some calibration, siRNA delivery can now be tested in this mouse model for comparing various delivery vectors in vivo.

Effects of siRNA-squalene nanoparticles on RET/PTCs junction oncogenes in papillary thyroid carcinoma : from molecular and cellular studies to preclinical investigations / Effets des nanoparticules de siRNA-Squalène sur les oncogènes de jonction RET/PTCs dans le carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde : études moléculaires, cellulaires et investigations précliniques

Ali, Hafiz Muhammad 22 April 2014 (has links)
Le cancer papillaire de la thyroïde (PTC) est celui le plus fréquent de la thyroïde. Il est caractérisé par des réarrangements chromosomique affectant le gène RET, dont les plus fréquemment observés sont RET/PTC1 et RET/PTC3. Les oncogène de jonction sont spécifiques à la tumeur et représentent une cible privilégiée pour une thérapie ciblée par des petits ARN interférents (siRNA). Notre but est d’introduire une nouvelle approche pharmacologique par siRNA pour les PTC. Pour réaliser nos expériences, la lignée cellulaire humaine PTC, BHP10-3 SCmice exprimant l’oncogène RET/PTC1 a été utilisé. En absence de lignée RET/PTC3 commercialisée nous avons établi la lignée cellulaire RP3 (stablement transfecté la lignée NIH/3T3 issue de fibroblastes de souris par un vecteur d’expression RET/PTC3) qui s’est avérée tumorigène chez la souris. Ensuite, des siRNAs dirigés contre la jonction ont été dessinés. Les siRNAs ont été trouvés efficaces et spécifiques contre leurs propres oncogènes de jonction et ne sont pas capables d'inhiber l'expression de séquences alternées. Les siRNAs ont été vectorisés sous forme de nanoparticules (NPs) de squalène (SQ). In vitro, les NPs siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ et NPs siRNA RET/PTC3-SQ sont incapables d’inhiber l’expression de l’oncogène et l’oncoprotéine sauf transfectés par lipofectamine. Pour cela, un peptide, le GALA-Chol a été combiné aux NPs siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ ce qui les a rendu efficace in vitro dans l’inhibition de l’oncogène et de l’oncoprotéine mais inefficace sur la croissance tumorale in vivo probablement par agrégation des NPs siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ GALA-Chol dans la circulation sanguine. En revanche les NPs siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ (0.5mg/kg/souris) et NPs siRNA RET/PTC3-SQ (2.5mg/kg/souris) sont efficaces in vivo, ils inhibent considérablement la croissance tumorale, réduisent l’expression des oncogènes et des oncoprotéines RET/PTCs, induisent la mort cellulaire par clivage de la caspase-3 et de PARP-1 et restaurent partiellement la différenciation (diminution de marqueur Ki67). Ces résultats suggèrent l'utilisation des NPs siRNAs-SQ en tant que traitement pour les patients atteints de PTC exprimant les oncogènes de jonctions RET/PTCs. / Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common of thyroid cancers. PTC is characterized by chromosomal rearrangements affecting chromosome 10 and leading to RET/PTC junction oncogenes. The most frequent ones are RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3. Because the junction oncogenes are present only in the tumour cells, they represent a good target for a specific therapy such as small interfering RNA (siRNA). Our aim is to introduce a new pharmacological approach by siRNA for PTC. To perform the experiments, human BHP10-3 SCmice cell line expressing RET/PTC1 was used. Due to absence of commercially available RET/PTC3 cell line, we established a new RP3 cell line (from NIH/3T3 mouse fibroblasts, transfected stably with the RET/PTC3 expression vector) which was found to become tumorigenic in nude mice. siRNAs were designed within the junction sequences of both RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3. Both siRNAs were found efficient and specific against their own junction oncogenes and were not able to inhibit the expression of alternate sequences. Then, siRNAs were vectorized in the form of nanoparticles (NPs) of squalene (SQ). In vitro, both siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ NPs and siRNA RET/PTC3-SQ NPs were found to be inefficient in gene and protein inhibitions except once transfected with lipofectamine. Therefore, a peptide GALA-Chol was added in siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ NPs which rendered them efficient in vitro in gene and protein inhibitions but found to be inefficient in vivo. The nanoparticles of siRNA RET/PTC1-SQ NPs (0.5 mg/kg/mouse) and siRNA RET/PTC3-SQ NPs (2.5 mg/kg/mouse) were found to drastically reduce the tumor growth and RET/PTCs oncogene and oncoprotein expressions. Moreover, they induced cell death by cleavage of both caspase-3 and PARP-1 and partially restored differentiation (decrease of Ki67 marker). Our findings highly support the use of siRNAs-SQ NPs as a treatment for patients affected by PTC expressing RET/PTCs.

Vectorisation de siRNA dirigés contre l'oncogène de fusion RET/PTC1 impliqué dans le carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde par des nanoparticules de squalène / Vectorization of siRNA targeting RET/PTC1 jonction oncogene by squalene nanoparticles

Raouane, Mouna 10 November 2011 (has links)
Le cancer papillaire de la thyroïde (PTC) représente 70-80% des cas de cancers de la thyroïde. Il est principalement caractérisé par des réarrangements chromosomiques affectant le gène RET. Le réarrangement RET/PTC1, dans lequel RET est réarrangé avec un gène proapoptotique H4, représente 30% des cas sporadiques et jusqu’à 60% des cas survenus après irradiation. Afin d’inhiber l’oncogène de fusion RET/PTC1, nous avons utilisé un siRNA ciblant la zone de jonction RET/PTC1 (siRNA RET/PTC1) au niveau de l’ARN messager des cellules tumorales et montré sa spécificité et son efficacité. Néanmoins, le développement des siRNAs comme molécule d’intérêt thérapeutique se heurte in vivo à des difficultés liées à leur administration. Sous forme libre, ces molécules sont, en effet, très vite dégradées par les nucléases extracellulaires et leur pénétration intracellulaire est limitée. C’est la raison pour laquelle il est nécessaire de les vectoriser. Nous avons choisi de le faire par la méthode de « squalénisation » et avons couplé d’une manière covalente le squalène, un lipide naturel précurseur de la biosynthèse du cholestérol, au siRNA RET/PTC1. Le bioconjugué formé s’autoassemble spontanément en milieu aqueux sous forme de nanoparticules stables de 170 nm de diamètre. L’efficacité et la toxicité des nanoparticules siRNA RET/PTC1-squalène ont été étudiées in vitro dans deux lignées de PTC exprimant RET/PTC1 (BHP10-3 et TPC-1) et l’activité antitumorale a été évaluée in vivo sur des souris athymiques xénogreffées par BHP10-3 puis traitées en i.v. par ces nanoparticules. Les nanoparticules siRNA RET/PTC1-squalène ont montré une bonne efficacité antitumorale. En revanche, aucune activité inhibitrice n’a été retrouvée in vitro. En conclusion, nous avons réussi à vectoriser le siRNA RET/PTC1 par la méthode de squalénisation. Cette étude ouvre des perspectives thérapeutiques pour certains patients atteints de PTC et réfractaires au traitement conventionnel. / The papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common type of thyroid malignancy. This tumour is associated with somatic mutations of the RET proto-oncogene, due to gene rearrangements of the proto-RET. RET/PTC1 rearrangement is the most common genetic alteration identified to date, it is formed by an intra chromosomic rearrangement which leads to the juxtaposition of the RET Tyrosine Kinase domain of the proto-RET with the gene H4. The fusion RET/PTC1 oncogene represents an interesting target for small interfering RNA (siRNA) strategies since it is present only in the tumour cells and not in the surrounding normal cells. However, the biological efficacy of the siRNAs is hampered by their short plasma half-life due to poor stability in biological fluids and low intracellular penetration. In order to protect siRNA from degradation, and to improve their intracellular capture, we applied the concept of “squalenoylation”, ie. The bioconjugation of a drug substance to squalene, for the delivery of siRNA targeted toward the RET/PTC1 fusion oncogene. The acyclic isoprenoid chain of squalene was covalently coupled with RET/PTC1 siRNA at the 3’-terminus of the sense strand via a stable thioether linkage. The linkage of RET/PTC1 siRNA to squalene leads to an amphiphilic molecule that self-organise in water as RET/PTC1 siRNA-SQ nanoassemblies of 170 nm and Zeta potential of -26.4 mV. These RET/PTC1 siRNA-SQ NPs did not showed any cytotoxicity in vitro. Interestingly, in vivo, in a mouse xenografted RET/PTC1 experimental model, RET/PTC1 siRNA-SQ nanoparticles inhibited tumour growth, RET/PTC1 oncogene and oncoprotein expression, after intravenous injections of 2.5 mg/kg cumulative dose. In the last of this work, GALA-cholesterol combination with siRNA-SQ NPs further enhanced nucleic acid internalization, promoted their escape into the cytosol and consequently their gene silencing efficiency in vitro. In conclusion, these results showed that the “squalenoylation” offers a new non cationic plate-form for the siRNA delivery.

Influência do Gene APE1/REF-1 nas Respostas Celulares das Linhagens de Glioblastoma ao Quimioterápico Temozolomida / Influence of APE1/REF-1 Gene on Cellular Responses of Glioblastoma Cells to Chemotherapeutic Temozolomide

Montaldi, Ana Paula de Lima 05 September 2013 (has links)
A proteína APE1 (do inglêsApurinic/Apyrimidinicendonuclease 1/ Redox Factor-1 - APE1/REF-1) é uma enzima multifuncional, cuja expressão encontra-se frequentemente aumentada em gliomas. Além de apresentar atividade no reparo por excisão de base (BER), o gene APE1 também atua como fator de redução, mantendo fatores de transcrição (FTs) em um estado reduzido ativo. A via BER de reparo do DNA tem sido apontada como um possível fator de resistência a terapias baseadas no uso de agentes alquilantes, tais como temozolomida (TMZ). No presente trabalho, utilizou-se a estratégia de inibição da transcrição do gene APE1 pelo método de RNA interferente(siRNA) e tratamento com a droga TMZ nas células de glioblastoma (GBM), T98G (resistente à TMZ) e U87MG (sensível à TMZ), a fim de verificar a influência do silenciamento do gene APE1 sobre as respostas celulares à droga avaliadas por vários ensaios, bem como os efeitos sobre a expressão transcricional dos genes alvos dos FTs regulados por APE1. O silenciamento de APE1 e o tratamento das células T98G com a TMZ foram eficazes no sentido de reduzir a proliferação e a capacidade clonogênica, além de intervir na progressão do ciclo celular com bloqueio na fase S. Tais efeitos foram acompanhados pelo aumento da indução de danos no DNA e da expressão de H2AX fosforilada (H2AX), o que justifica a queda na sobrevivência celular. O mesmo efeito não foi observado nas células U87MG silenciadas para APE1 e tratadas com a TMZ, havendo o predomínio dos efeitos causados pela TMZ, exceto por uma leve indução de danos no DNA e de H2AX. Adicionalmente, nas células T98G silenciadas e tratadas, verificou-se uma moderada indução de apoptose, que foi observada ao longo dos tempos avaliados (1 a 10 dias), com uma leve indução de caspase-3 (5 dias); nessas células, observou-se também a indução (3,8 vezes) de morte celular autofágica (5 dias). Entretanto, nas células U87MG,a indução de apoptose foi baixa e não houve indução de morte por autofagia, sugerindo outros mecanismos de morte envolvidos na eliminação dessas células em resposta ao tratamento com a TMZ. O silenciamento de APE1 causou uma redução acentuada na invasão das células T98G, de forma similar à observada nas células somente tratadas com a TMZ, sendo que a combinação (silenciamento de APE1 e tratamento com a droga) resultou em um efeito aditivo, enquanto que nas células U87MG a combinação foi eficaz no sentido de reduzir a proporção de células invasivas, fato não observado nas condições isoladas. Os genes COX2 e VEGF, alvos dos FT NFB e HIF-1 (regulados por APE1) foram reprimidos nas células T98G enquanto que o gene VEGF foi induzido nas células U87MG, entretanto, tais alterações no padrão de expressão transcricional foram observadas somente em resposta ao tratamento com a TMZ, independentemente do silenciamento de APE1, indicando nenhuma mudança na atividade redox de APE1, possivelmente pela existência de proteínas APE1 remanescentes na célula. Além disso, a expressão proteica de NFBp65(ser563) foi aumentada em ambas as linhagens silenciadas e tratadas com a TMZ, provavelmente devido à inibição da proliferação celular. Em geral, os resultados do presente trabalho demonstraram que a estratégia de inibição do gene APE1 (participante da via BER) mostrou-se potencialmente viável, suportando a contribuição do BER na resistência à TMZ, visto que nas condições testadas, observou-se uma sensibilização das células de GBM, com efeito restrito às células de GBM resistentes (linhagem T98G), sendo pouco eficaz no sentido de sensibilizar as células sensíveis (linhagem U87MG) a esse agente. Assim, há que considerar as características genéticas de cada linhagem de GBM, visto que estas são cruciais para as respostas apresentadas pelas células aos tratamentos empregados. / APE1 (Apurinic/Apyrimidinic endonuclease 1/ Redox Factor-1 - APE1/REF-1) protein is a multifunctional enzyme whose expression is often increased in gliomas. Besides presenting activity in base excision repair (BER), APE1 also acts as a reduction factor, maintaining transcription factors (TFs) in an active reduced state. The BER pathway has been implicated as a possible factor of resistance to therapies based on the use of alkylating agents such as temozolomide (TMZ). In the present study, we have been using a strategy of small interference RNA (siRNA) to down-regulate the APE1 gene under conditions of treatment with TMZ in T98G (resistant to TMZ) and U87MG (sensitive to TMZ), glioblastoma (GBM), in order to determine the effects of APE1 gene silencing on cellular responses to this drug, evaluated by several assays, as well as the effects on the transcriptional expression of target genes of TFs regulated by APE1. APE1 silencing and TMZ treatment was effective to reduce the cell proliferation and clonogenic capacity of T98G cells, in addition to interfering in the cell cycle progression (S-phase arrest). These effects were accompanied by induction of DNA damage and phosphorylation of H2AX (H2AX), which may explain the decrease in cell survival. The same effect was not observed in silenced U87MG and TMZ-treated cells, being observed a predominance of the effects caused by TMZ itself, except for a slight induction of DNA damage and H2AX. Additionally, in silenced T98G and TMZ-treated cells, there was a moderate induction of apoptosis, as observed over time (1 to 10 days), with a slight induction of caspase-3 (on day 5); for those cells, we also observed autophagic induction (3.8 fold) at day 5. However, the induction of apoptosis and autophagy in U87MG cells was very low, suggesting that other mechanisms of cell death might be involved in the elimination of GBM cells under TMZ treatment. APE1 silencing caused a marked reduction on the invasiveness of T98G cells, similarly to that observed in TMZ treated cells, while the combination (APE1 silencing and drug treatment) led to an additive effect. For U87MG, the treatment combination was effective in reducing the proportion of invasive cells, in spite of an absence of any effect produced by each isolated condition tested. Regarding to the expression profile of target genes of TFs regulated by the APE1 redox activity, it was observed that COX2 and VEGF genes, targets of FTs NFB and HIF-1, were down-regulated in T98G while VEGF gene showed induced in U87MG cells; however, such alterations in the transcriptional expression pattern were observed only in response to TMZ treatment, independently of APE1 gene silencing, indicating no change in the APE1 redox activity, possibly due to the presence of APE1 remaining proteins inside cells. In addition, NFBp65(ser563) protein expression was increased in both cell lines (silenced and treated with TMZ), probably due to the reduced cell proliferation rates. In general, the present results show that the strategy of APE1 gene knockdown was potentially viable, supporting the BER contribution of the mechanism of TMZ resistance, since under the conditions tested, there was a sensitization of GBM cells. However, this effect was restricted to the resistant cell line (T98G cells). Thus, it should be considered the genetic characteristics of each GBM cell line, since these are crucial to the cellular responses to the conditions tested in the present work.

Análise da expressão e do silenciamento do receptor tipo 1 do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina em tumores adrenocorticais humanos / Analysis of expression and silencing of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor in human adrenocortical tumors

Ribeiro, Tamaya Castro 12 January 2015 (has links)
Introdução O sistema dos fatores de crescimento semelhantes à insulina (IGF) desempenha importante papel no crescimento e desenvolvimento celular normal. Hiperexpressão do gene IGF1R tem sido demonstrada em diversos tumores, sugerindo que a expressão deste receptor represente um pré-requisito fundamental para transformação celular. Nosso grupo de pesquisa demonstrou o aumento de expressão de IGF1R em tumores adrenocorticais pediátricos. Objetivos: Induzir o silenciamento do gene IGF1R por siRNA na linhagem de tumor adrenocortical humano NCI H295R, bem como avaliar os efeitos in vitro por meio da análise de proliferação celular e apoptose desta linhagem celular. Adicionalmente, avaliar a expressão de IGF-1R e de microRNAs relacionados a sua transcrição em tumores adrenocorticais humanos. Pacientes e métodos: A linhagem celular de carcinoma adrenocortical humano NCI H295R foi cultivada e submetida ao tratamento com 2 siRNAs específicos para IGF-1R. Todos os experimentos foram realizados em quatro grupos: (1) células não tratadas com siRNA, (2) células tratadas com siRNA # 1, (3) células tratadas com siRNA # 2 e (4) células tratadas com o siRNA controle negativo. A expressão gênica e proteica de IGF-1R foram determinadas por meio das técnicas de PCR em tempo real e Western Blot, respectivamente. Os efeitos do silenciamento de IGF-1R in vitro foram avaliados por ensaios de proliferação celular e análise de atividade de caspases. Além disso, 202 pacientes com tumor adrenocortical foram selecionados para o estudo de expressão proteica de IGF-1R por imunohistoquímica. Para avaliação de expressão de microRNAs relacionados à expressão de IGF-1R (miR-100, 375, 145 e 126) por PCR em tempo real foram selecionados 32 pacientes dos 202 disponíveis. Resultados: A expressão de IGF-1R foi significantemente diminuída nas células tratadas com siRNA # 1 e siRNA # 2. Os valores relativos de RNA mensageiro de IGF1R diminuíram aproximadamente 50% e as análises de Western Blot revelaram uma redução de 30% na proteína de IGF-1R. A diminuição de expressão foi acompanhada por uma redução de 40% na taxa de crescimento celular in vitro e um aumento de 45% das taxas de apoptose. A análise de expressão dos microRNAs 100, 375, 145 e 126 demostrou que a expressão de IGF-1R não se correlaciona com a expressão destes RNAs pequenos. Adicionalmente, a análise de expressão proteica de IGF-1R em tumores adrenocorticais humanos revelou que expressão forte (20%) de IGF-1R foi mais comum em carcinomas de adultos. Além disso, a imunolocalização do IGF-1R nos carcinomas (19%) foi mais frequentemente nuclear em relação aos adenomas de adultos. Conclusões: Os dados obtidos reforçam a importância de IGF-1R nas vias tumorigênicas das neoplasias malignas do córtex da glândula suprarrenal. A inibição deste receptor foi capaz de inibir o crescimento tumoral in vitro por meio da redução das taxas de proliferação celular e aumento da apoptose em linhagem celular de carcinoma adrenocortical humano. Além disso, a expressão proteica nuclear de IGF-1R foi mais comum entre os carcinomas, sugerindo representar um marcador biológico desta neoplasia / Introduction: The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system plays a key role in normal cell growth and development. IGF1R overexpression has been demonstrated in several tumors suggesting that its expression is a prerequisite for cell transformation. We demonstrated IGF1R overexpression in pediatric adrenocortical tumors. Objectives: To induce IGF1R silencing by siRNA in a human adrenocortical cell line NCI H295R and evaluate its effects on cell proliferation and apoptosis. Additionally, evaluate the expression of IGF-1R protein and microRNAs related to its transcription in human adrenocortical tumors. Patients and methods: The human adrenocortical tumor cell line NCI H295R was cultured and treated with 2 specific IGF1R siRNA. All experiments were carried out in four groups: (1) untreated NCI H295R cells, (2) NCI H295R cells transfected with specific IGF1R siRNA # 1, (3) NCI H295R cells transfected with specific IGF1R siRNA # 2 and (4) NCI H295R cells transfected with a negative control. IGF-1R gene and protein expression was determined by the techniques of real-time PCR and Western blot, respectively. We assessed the effects of IGF-1R silencing on cell proliferation and apoptosis. Moreover, 202 patients with adrenocortical tumors were selected for the study of IGF-1R protein expression by immunohistochemistry. In the analysis of microRNAs that are related to IGF1R (miR-100, 375, 145 e 126) by real time PCR, 32 out 202 patients were selected. Results: IGF-1R levels were significantly decreased in cells that were treated with IGF-1R siRNA # 1 and siRNA # 2. The relative values of IGF1R mRNA decreased approximately 50% and Western blot analysis revealed a 30% of reduction in IGF-1R protein. Downregulation of this gene was accompanied by a reduction in 40% of cell growth in vitro and an increase in 45% of apoptosis. The analysis of microRNAs demonstrated that IGF1R expression is not correlated with the expression of these small RNAs. Additionally, the analysis of IGF-1R protein expression in human adrenocortical tumors revealed that strong expression (20%) of IGF-1R was more common in adult carcinomas. Moreover, the nuclear IGF-1R was more frequent in carcinomas diagnosed in adults (19%) when compared to adenomas. Conclusions: These data demonstrate the importance of IGF-1R in tumorigenic pathways of malignant neoplasms of the adrenocortical gland. IGF-1R silencing could inhibit tumor growth in vitro by reducing cell proliferation and increasing apoptosis in a cell line of human adrenocortical carcinoma. Furthermore, nuclear IGF-1R expression was more frequent in carcinomas diagnosed in adults, suggesting that IGF-1R may be a biological marker of this neoplasia

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