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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concept de l'autisme bleulérien dans la logique freudienne de l'aliénation et de la séparation

Gailis, Janis 25 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans son texte princeps " Dementia praecox ou groupe des schizophrénies " Paul Eugène Bleuler note que " l'autisme est à peu près la même chose que ce que Freud appelle autoérotisme ". Pourtant, en examinant en détails les autres définitions de l'autisme proposées par Bleuler, tout comme les travaux sur lesquels il a fondé ses élaborations, ainsi que les divers ouvrages de Sigmund Freud, rédigés pour répondre à Paul Eugène Bleuler, on peut constater, que cette remarque concernant la substitution pure et simple de l'auto-érotisme par l'autisme, en essayant éviter ainsi toute référence à la sexualité, est loin d'être exhaustive. La thèse de Bleuler selon laquelle " nous appelons autisme ce détachement de la réalité combiné à la prédominance relative ou absolue de la vie intérieure " ouvre des perspectives fort intéressantes pour la clinique. Ainsi ce n'est pas le narcissisme primaire, mais plutôt le narcissisme secondaire qui correspond à l'autisme bleulérien. Néanmoins cette réponse ne satisfait ni Sigmund Freud, ni Jacques Lacan qui essayent tous les deux d'affiner la conceptualisation psychanalytique des psychoses. Si Jacques Lacan a bien repris à son compte certains concepts freudiens, issus des tentatives de Freud de retravailler le concept bleulérien de l'autisme selon la théorie de la libido (comme le principe de plaisir / le principe de la réalité, la réalité psychique ou la perte de la réalité dans la névrose et dans la psychose), il les remanie à sa façon, souvent d'une manière subversive. C'est en questionnant et en remettant en cause le concept du narcissisme primaire, issu de la discussion à propos de l'autisme bleulérien, que Jacques Lacan en arrive à l'élaboration du stade du miroir et au cheminement qui lui permet la conceptualisation de l'aliénation / séparation, tout comme au questionnement du rapport du sujet et de l'Autre dans l'autisme. C'est ainsi qu'il indique également la perspective qui peut mener à la conception d'une certaine disposition du réel, de l'imaginaire et du symbolique selon la théorie des nœuds borroméens qui, à notre avis, pourrait correspondre à l'état autistique

Um diálogo entre Freud e Lacan fundamentado no caso "o pequeno Hans"

Bonfim, Leilane Gabriela de Souza 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work has dealt with the clinical Little Hans case - statement by Freud in 1909 - and aims to bring the dialogue between this theoretical and Jacques Lacan, with prints and case analysis. Specifically, the study aims to provide for the issue of child psychoanalysis and addressing the problem of phobia while symptomatic output. Considering the clinic with children as contemporary practice of psychoanalysis, there was a theoretical study, whose methodological dynamics was the literature, using mainly from Freud´s texts and Lacan. Therefore, the work is divided into three sections. The first brings the issue of child psychoanalysis, highlighting as it reaches the place of subject of desire and law, making it therefore possible to be analyzed. In addition, support for the next chapter in this first are brought some positions and functions assumed by the child in the family dynamics. The second chapter develops the dialogue between Freud and Lacan about Hans case, presenting the facts following the case, the chronology, the directions of Freud and Lacan considerations. Are treated some issues such as the relationship between Hans and his mother, the question of the paternal function, as well as the complex of Oedipus and castration in Hans. Finally, the third chapter is the phobia as symptomatic output, serving Hans as the means possible so that it is positioned in the world and enter in the symbolic order. Thus, issues are worked that concern the phobia, such as anxiety, anguish, symptomatic formation and its prospects and the specific clinical case, the focus on substitutive function assumed by the phobic symptom on the limping paternal function. We conclude the work by pointing out some directions for the relationship between the current children´s clinic and the symptom. / Este trabalho tem por tema o caso clínico do pequeno Hans comunicado por Freud em 1909 e almeja trazer o diálogo entre esse teórico e Jacques Lacan, com as impressões e análises do caso. Especificamente, o estudo objetiva dispor sobre a questão da criança para psicanálise e abordar a problemática da fobia enquanto saída sintomática. Considerando a clínica com criança como prática contemporânea à psicanálise, realizou-se um estudo teórico, cuja dinâmica metodológica foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando-se, sobretudo, de textos de Freud e de Lacan. Por conseguinte, o trabalho se encontra estruturado em três capítulos. O primeiro traz a questão da criança para psicanálise, destacando como ela alcança o lugar de sujeito de desejo e de direito, tornando-se, portanto possível de ser analisada. Além disso, por fundamentar o capítulo seguinte, neste primeiro são trazidas algumas posições e funções assumidas pela criança na dinâmica familiar. No segundo capítulo, é desenvolvido o diálogo entre Freud e Lacan acerca do caso Hans, apresentando os fatos que acompanham o caso, a cronologia, os direcionamentos de Freud e as considerações de Lacan. São tratados alguns assuntos como a relação entre Hans e sua mãe, a questão da função paterna, assim como os complexos de Édipo e de castração em Hans. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo traz a fobia como saída sintomática, servindo a Hans como o meio possível para que ele se posicione no mundo e insira-se na ordem simbólica. Assim, são trabalhados temas que tangem à fobia, como a ansiedade, a angústia, a formação sintomática e suas perspectivas e no caso clínico específico, a aposta na função de suplência assumida pelo sintoma fóbico, diante da função paterna claudicante. Concluímos o trabalho apontando alguns direcionamentos para a relação existente entre a clínica infantil atual e o sintoma.

Lasten luova kirjoittaminen psyykkisen tulpan avaajana:tapaustutkimus pohjoissuomalaisen sairaalakoulun ja Päätalo-instituutin 8–13-vuotiaiden lasten kirjoituksista

Suvilehto, P. (Pirjo) 26 August 2008 (has links)
Abstract The empirical material for studying children's creative writing was collected in Taivalkoski, Lapland (a basic education course at Päätalo Institute, ten girls), and Oulu, Northern Finland (a creative writing project in a hospital school, two girls and two boys), in spring 2000. I was the instructor at the courses as well as the researcher. The children were 8–13 years in age. The subject of my study consists of the stories written by the children: what sort of stories they write and how creative writing suits hospital and school environments. I also look into bibliotherapy conducted among children and young people. In my study I describe, analyse and interpret by means of qualitative research the courses in creative writing offered by Päätalo Institute and the hospital school. As case studies, these two are stand-alone studies independent of each other. By qualitative approach in this work I mean that I describe how I build my interpretation as a researcher. The stories written by children provide material externalised from the subconscious as stories and writings which it is possible to interpret from a depth-psychological point of view. Sigmund Freud's understanding of dreams as manifestations of subconscious fears and hopes acquires a new form in the horror stories children write. The child works his or her activated energy charge through manipulating the dream-like and violent elements in stories in a controlled manner: by writing. In bibliotherapy, one studies one's own feelings, thoughts and memories and compares them to the experiences of others. This sort of work on feelings, thoughts and memories seemed to take place especially in the writer projects of the hospital school children: they worked on emotional processes while writing. On the basis of my study, creative writing and bibliotherapy offer a child or a young person a means for working out, at both conscious and subconscious levels, matters relating to the present stage of his or her development and current life condition. While writing, the child deals with his or her relations to friends, parents and the self. He or she treats hobbies and other topics of interest but problems as well. Studies already provide information as to the positive effects of bibliotherapy – reading and writing both have therapeutic effects – but more in-depth research is required. My dissertation shows that groups using bibliotherapy can function in the field of paediatric and adolescent psychiatry in homes for children and adolescents. They can also function in the environment of youth clubs and schools with bibliotherapy as a creative literary art activity to deter problems and foster growth and development. The method I developed, the Fantasy Treasure Chest (Fantasian aarrearkku), is one that can be taken in more general use for both instructing creative writing and collecting research material. / Tiivistelmä Lasten luovan kirjoittamisen tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2000 Taivalkoskella (Päätalo-instituutin sanataiteen perusopetuksen jakso, 10 tyttöä) ja Oulussa (sairaalakoulun luovan kirjoittamisen projekti, 2 tyttöä, 2 poikaa). Toimin itse sekä tutkijana että kurssien ohjaajana. Lapset olivat 8–13-vuotiaita. Tutkimuskohteina olivat lasten kirjoittamat tarinat: millaisia tarinoita he kirjoittavat, ja miten luova kirjoittaminen sopii sairaala- ja koulukontekstiin. Tein myös katsauksen lasten ja nuorten parissa toteutettuun kirjallisuusterapiaan. Tutkimuksessani kuvaan, analysoin ja tulkitsen laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin Päätalo-instituutin ja sairaalakoulun luovan kirjoittamisen kursseja. Nämä ovat tutkimustapauksina itsenäisiä, toisistaan riippumattomia kokonaisuuksia. Laadullinen lähestymistapa työssäni on sitä, että kuvaan, miten tutkijana rakennan tulkintaani. Lasten kirjoittamista tarinoista löytyy tiedostamattoman materiaalia ulkoistuneina tarinoiksi ja kirjoituksiksi, jotka avautuvat syvyyspsykologisesta näkökulmasta tulkittuina. Sigmund Freudin käsitykset unista pelkojen ja toiveiden tiedostamattoman ilmentyminä saavat uudenlaisen muotonsa esimerkiksi lasten kirjoittamissa kauhukertomuksissa. Tarinoiden unenomaisten ja väkivaltaisten elementtien kautta lapsi käsittelee aktivoitunutta energialataustaan hallitussa muodossa: kirjoittamalla. Kirjallisuusterapiassa tutkitaan omia tunteita, ajatuksia ja muistoja, ja näitä verrataan toisten kokemuksiin. Tätä tunteiden, ajatusten ja muistojen käsittelyä näytti tapahtuvan etenkin sairaalakoulun lasten kirjoittajaprojektissa: lapset työstivät kirjoittamisen ohessa psyykkisiä prosessejaan. Tutkimukseni perusteella lasten luova kirjoittaminen ja kirjallisuusterapia tarjoavat lapselle ja nuorelle väylän työstää meneillään olevaan kehitysvaiheeseen ja elämäntilanteeseen liittyviä asioita sekä tietoisella että tiedostamattomalla tasolla. Lapsi käsittelee kirjoittaessaan suhdettaan kavereihin, vanhempiinsa ja itseensä. Hän käsittelee kirjoittamalla harrastuksiaan ja mielenkiinnonkohteitaan mutta myös ongelmiaan. Tutkimukset kertovat kirjallisuusterapian myönteisistä vaikutuksista – lukemisella ja kirjoittamisella on terapeuttinen vaikutus – mutta tarvitaan vielä perusteellisempia tutkimuksia. Väitöskirjani osoittaa, että kirjallisuusterapeuttisia ryhmiä voi toimia lasten- ja nuorisopsykiatriassa ja lasten- ja nuorisokodeissa sekä sanataidetoimintana ennaltaehkäisevänä, kasvua ja kehitystä tukevana ryhmätoimintana kerhoissa ja kouluissa. Kehittelemäni Fantasian aarrearkku -menetelmä on yksi keino käyttöön otettavaksi niin luovan kirjoittamisen ohjaukseen kuin tutkimusmateriaalin keräämiseenkin.

Estetika výkřiku v díle Alberta Camuse / The Esthetics of the Scream in Albert Camus Opus

Černá, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
The main topic of this diploma thesis resides in the comparison of the expressionist painting and the existential literature in connection with the motif of screaming. Despite the temporal and geographical distance of the two artistic movements (we are focused more profoundly in the German and Austrian expressionist painting, while the main literary work of this thesis, the existential novel The Fall comes from the great mind of a French writer, Albert Camus), the research aspires to prove the interconnection of the two movements and their common tendencies, based on the analyses of chosen themes, motifs, technics, and structure. We propose the motif of screaming as the main part of the comparison, as it constitutes an essential axis of the occidental art, as well as the crucial contact point between Expressionism and Existentialism. In spite of the bountifulness of the various interpretations this motif offers, we have chosen only selected ideas and concepts. As far as the formal structure is concerned, the work is divided into three chapters, where the first two are focused on the origins, a brief characterization of the main point of the two esthetics. Furthermore, they describe their related counterparts of the visual arts and literature (the Expressionist literature and Existential painting...

Biographien jüdischer Frauen: Bertha Pappenheim (1859–1936) – Prominente Patientin und Aktivistin

Weismann, Stephanie 29 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Make a man out of a monkey:  Psychosexual development of Sun Wukong

Saied, Besha January 2020 (has links)
西游记是明代吴承恩所攥写的。西游记的主角是孙悟空。孙悟空出生时,具有超自然力量,但是一直很叛逆。因为孙悟空对天堂犯了大错,所以他受到惩罚,他必须帮助玄奘去印度取经回中国。整个旅程中,孙悟空和朝圣者经历八十一场灾难,也让孙悟空变成了一个更好的人。这篇论文应用西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的性心理發展分析为什么孙悟空在朝圣中,行为和性格变的更好。孙悟空在生命的早期阶段发展了固着,通过一直吃达到自我享乐。之后,孙悟空找到了他的阳具,如意金箍棒,孙悟空一直用如意金箍棒试图征服。孙悟空也开始仿效他的父亲形象,玉皇大帝。因为孙悟空违反玉皇大帝的法律,玉皇大帝试图处决孙悟空,但是失败了。所以,孙悟空认为强的人是高于法律的。然而只有佛陀能给孙悟空惩罚,把孙悟空放在五阶山下。孙悟空在五阶山下五百年以后,观音委任孙悟空保护玄奘去印度取经。孙悟空在玄奘身上找到了一位父亲形象,在观音身上找到了一位母亲形象。孙悟空模仿玄奘不使用他的阳具,如意金箍棒试图征服。反而,孙悟空用如意金箍棒做好事,不伤人。 / The Journey to the West is written by Wu Cheng'en,1505-1580 A.D., during the Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644 A.D. The protagonist in The Journey to the West is named Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong is born with supernatural powers and is always up to no good. As punishment for his crimes against the Heaven, Sun Wukong must take a journey to India to help the monk Tripitaka, in order to retrieve Buddhist scriptures back to China. Throughout the journey Sun Wukong and the pilgrims will go through eightyone calamities. The pilgrimage transforms Sun Wukong into becoming a better man. This paper applies Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual development to Sun Wukong to understand his actions and personality and why it changes for the better during The Journey to the West. Sun Wukong develops a fixation to always pleasure himself through eating in the early stages of his life. Later Sun Wukong finds his phallus, the Golden Rod, to conquer, imitating his first father figure, the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor tries to execute Sun Wukong for disobeying his laws, but fails. Therefore, Sun Wukong believes that strong people are above the law. The only one that is strong enough to punish him is Buddha by putting Sun Wukong under the FivePhase Mountain. After five hundred years under the mountain, Sun Wukong is assigned by Guanyin to protect Tripitaka during the pilgrimage. Sun Wukong finds a father figure in Tripitaka and a mother figure in Guanyin. Sun Wukong imitates Tripitaka’s kind nature by not using his phallus, the Golden Rod, to conquer. Instead Sun Wukong uses the Golden Rod to do good merits and not hurt humans.

Dylan Walsh - dance : art, mourning, archive

Walsh, Emmet 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

In Luke More Than Luke: Family Romance and Narcissism in the 'Star Wars' Saga

Profitt, Blue Aslan Philip 10 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Madness as a Way of Life: Space, Politics, and the Uncanny in Fiction and Social Movements

Lutzel, Justine Ann 06 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

"Unlucky Jo": The Complexitites of Jo March's Character Arc in Little Women

Andersson, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women in 1868 and the novel has been loved and praised ever since. Throughout the years, Jo March is the character that has been viewed as the heart of the novel, celebrated both as a tomboy and a feminist icon. In the novel, she is initially portrayed with gender-nonconforming traits, with strong ambitions of becoming a writer, and she longs for independence rather than to conform to the norms of femininity prevalent in the 19th century. However, Jo’s character arc takes a surprising turn when she marries Mr. Bhaer in the end, leaving her extensive declarations of independence behind. This essay argues that there is a question of literary ambiguity in the breakdown of Jo’s character arc, questioning the authenticity in her declared happiness at the end. It furthermore offers a psychological analysis of Jo March’s character arc by using Sigmund Freud’s concept of sublimation to examine Jo’s struggle with anger and internal conflicts, revealing that she redirects her excessive emotions into creative processes of writing and ultimately into marriage. The analysis further examines the discrepancy in the portrayal of Jo at the beginning of the novel and at the end, arguing for the “happy” ending as unconvincing and unresolved. Through close readings of the novel with support from Freud’s concept of sublimation, the essay reveals unresolved tensions withing her character that questions the conventional interpretation of Jo’s journey from tomboy to traditional woman. Never before has the character Jo March been analyzed through a psychoanalytic perspective, making this essay contributing to a more extensive dialogue on the unresolved nature of her story.

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