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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photoacoustic drug delivery using carbon nanoparticles activated by femtosecond and nanosecond laser pulses

Chakravarty, Prerona 09 January 2009 (has links)
Cellular internalization of large therapeutic agents such as proteins or nucleic acids is a challenging task because of the presence of the plasma membrane. One strategy to facilitate intracellular drug uptake is to induce transient pores in the cell membrane through physical delivery strategies. Physical approaches are attractive as they offer more generic applicability compared with viral or biochemical counterparts. Pulsed laser light can induce the endothermic carbon-steam reaction in carbon-nanoparticle suspensions to produce explosive photoacoustic effects in the surrounding medium. In this study, for the first time, these photoacoustic forces were used to transiently permeabilize the cell membrane to deliver macromolecules into cells. Intracellular delivery using this method was demonstrated in multiple cell types for uptake of small molecules, proteins and DNA. At optimized conditions, uptake was seen in up to 50% of cells with nearly 100% viability and in 90% of cells with ≥90% viability, which compared favorably with other physical methods of drug delivery. Cellular bioeffects were shown to be a consequence of laser-carbon interaction and correlated with properties of the carbon and laser, such as carbon concentration and size, laser pulse duration, wavelength, intensity and exposure time. Similar results were observed using two different lasers, a femtosecond Ti: Sapphire laser and a nanosecond Nd: YAG laser. Uptake was also shown in murine skeletal muscles in vivo with up to 40% efficiency compared to non-irradiated controls. This synergistic use of nanotechnology with advanced laser technology could provide an alternative to viral and chemical-based drug and gene delivery.

Capacitance Spectroscopy of Point Defects in Silicon and Silicon Carbide

Åberg, Denny January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The Functionalization of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC with Nanoparticles towards Biosensing Capabilities

Strandqvist, Carl January 2015 (has links)
Graphene has been shown to be very powerful as a transducer in many biosensor applications due to its high sensitivity. This enables smaller surfaces and therefore less material consumption when producing sensors and concequently cheaper and more portable sensors compared to the commercially available sensors today. The electrical properties of graphene are very sensitive to gas exposure why presence of molecules or small changes in concentration could easily be detected when using graphene as a sensing layer. Graphene is sensitive towards many molecules and in order to detect and possibly identify gas molecules the surface needs to be functionalized. The intention of this project was to use nanoparticles (NPs) to further increase sensitivity and specificity towards selected molecules and also enable biofunctionalization of the NPs, and by that tune the electrical properties of the graphene. This study proposes the use of Fe3O4 and TiO2 NPs to enable sensitive detection of volatile gases and possibly further functionalization of the NPs using biomolecules as a detecting agent in a liquid-phasebiosensor application. The interaction between graphene and NPs have been investigated using several surface charactarization methods and electrical measurements for detection of gaseous molecules and also molecules in a liquid solution. The characterizing methods used are XPS, AFM with surface-potential mapping and Raman spectroscopy with reflectance mapping in order to investigate the NPs interaction with the graphene surface. Sensors where manufactured for gas-phase detection of CO, formaldehyde, benzene and NH3 specifically and display differences in sensitivity and behavior of the Fe3O4 and TiO2 NPs respectively. For liquid measurements the difference in behavior in two buffers was investigated using an in-house flow-cell setup. The surface charecterizing measurements indicated that just a small difference could be found between the two NPs, however a significant change in sensor response could be detected as a function of coverage. The liquid and gas-phase measurements rendered information on differences in sensitivity between the NPs and between analytes where TiO2 showed a higher level of sensitivity towards most of the gases investigated. Both Fe3O4 and TiO2 NP coated graphene showed capability to detect formaldehyde and benzene down to 50 ppb and 5 ppb respectively. The sensitive gas detection could help protecting individuals being exposed to a hazardous level of volatile gases if concentrations increase rapidly or at a long term exposure with lower concentrations, improving saftey and health where these gases are present.

Raman-Spektroskopie an epitaktischem Graphen auf Siliziumkarbid (0001)

Fromm, Felix Jonathan 29 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Charakterisierung von epitaktischem Graphen auf Siliziumkarbid (0001) mittels Raman-Spektroskopie. Nach der Einführung theoretischer sowie experimenteller Grundlagen werden das Wachstum von Graphen auf Siliziumkarbid (SiC) behandelt und die untersuchten Materialsysteme vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Raman-Spektrum von epitaktischem Graphen auf SiC (0001) neben den Phononenmoden des Graphens und des Substrats weitere Signale beinhaltet, welche der intrinsischen Grenzflächenschicht, dem Buffer-Layer, zwischen Graphen und SiC zugeordnet werden können. Das Raman-Spektrum dieser Grenzflächenschicht kann als Abbild der phononischen Zustandsdichte interpretiert werden. Fortführend werden verspannungsinduzierte Änderungen der Phononenenergien der G- und 2D-Linie im Raman-Spektrum von Graphen untersucht. Dabei werden starke Variationen des Verspannungszustands beobachtet, welche mit der Topographie der SiC-Oberfläche korreliert werden können und erlauben, Rückschlüsse auf Wachstumsmechanismen zu ziehen. Die Entwicklung einer neuen Messmethode, bei der das Raman-Spektrum von Graphen durch das SiC-Substrat aufgenommen wird, ermöglicht die detektierte Raman-Intensität um über eine Größenordnung zu erhöhen. Damit wird die Raman-spektroskopische Charakterisierung eines Graphen-Feldeffekttransistors mit top gate ermöglicht und ein umfassendes Bild des Einflusses der Ladungsträgerkonzentration und der Verspannung auf die Positionen der G- und 2D-Raman-Linien von quasifreistehendem Graphen auf SiC erarbeitet.

Preparation and application of cellular and nanoporous carbides

Borchardt, Lars, Hoffmann, Claudia, Oschatz, Martin, Mammitzsch, Lars, Petasch, Uwe, Herrmann, Mathias, Kaskel, Stefan 09 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A tutorial review on cellular as well as nanoporous carbides covering their structure, synthesis and potential applications. Especially new carbide materials with a hierarchical pore structure are in focus. As a central theme silicon carbide based materials are picked out, but also titanium, tungsten and boron carbides, as well as carbide-derived carbons, are part of this review. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Elaboration de nanostructures à une dimension à base de carbure de silicium. / Silicon carbide-based 1D nanostrutures synthesis

Ollivier, Maelig 25 October 2013 (has links)
Le carbure de silicium est pressenti comme un matériau prometteur dans plusieurs domaines de l’électroniquetels que la nano-électronique, l’électronique de puissance ou les capteurs travaillant en milieuxhostiles (hautes températures, milieux corrosifs, milieux biologiques) du fait de ses propriétés physicochimiquessupérieures à celles du silicium, notamment. Cependant, parmi les différentes méthodesd’élaboration par voie descendante ou ascendante permettant de fabriquer des nano-objets à 1D enSiC, aucune n’a pour l’instant permis d’obtenir du SiC d’excellente qualité cristalline.Le travail de cette thèse a porté sur la démonstration de l’élaboration de nanostructures 1D àbase de SiC, à savoir nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC, nanofils de SiC et nanotubes de SiC, par unprocédé original de carburation de nanofils de silicium, eux-mêmes élaborés par gravure plasma. Cettedémonstration a été possible grâce au contrôle de la pression de carburation, ce qui permet la maîtrisede l’exodiffusion des atomes de silicium à travers le carbure de silicium.À pression atmosphérique l’exodiffusion des atomes de silicium est restreinte ce qui permet d’élaborerdes nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC avec une coquille de SiC monocristalline et entièrement recouvrante.En se servant de la biocompatibilité du SiC et du bon contrôle électronique dans le silicium, ilest possible d’envisager l’utilisation de ces nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC pour des bio-nano-capteurs.En diminuant la pression au cours de la carburation, il est possible d’augmenter l’exodiffusion etainsi d’obtenir des nanotubes de SiC cubique de très bonne qualité cristalline avec des parois denses.Ces nanotubes de SiC sont largement modulables en termes de dimensions, et la faisabilité de leurouverture a été démontrée, permettant ainsi l’utilisation du fort rapport surface sur volume de telsnano-objets pour des capteurs électroniques notamment.Un premier pas a été franchi vers les applications des nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC et des nanotubesde SiC, puisque les mesures électriques réalisées sur des nano-transistors à effet de champ utilisant cesdeux types de nano-objets comme canal sont prometteurs. / Due to their superior physical and chemical properties —such as high breakdown field, high thermalconductivity and biocompatibility— compared to other semiconductors, silicon carbide is forseento be a promising materials for power electronics, bio-nano-sensors and nano-electronics in harsh environments.However, among the numerous top-down or bottom-up methods used to synthesise siliconcarbide 1D nano-objects, none has been able yet to produce SiC with a high cristalline quality.The aim of this project is to demonstrate the synthesis of silicon carbide- based 1D nanostructures—e.g. core-shell Si-SiC nanowires, SiC nanowires and SiC nanotubes— through an original processbased on the carburization of plasma-etched silicon nanowires. This demonstration is based on thecontrol of the pressure during the carburization process, which leads to the monitoring of the outdiffusionof silicon atoms through silicon carbide.Thus if the pressure is kept at the atmospheric pressure, the out-diffusion of silicon is limited andSi-SiC core-shell nanowires can be synthesized with a single-crystalline cubic SiC shell. Thanks to thebiocompatibility of the SiC shell and the good electronic transport into the Si core, bio-nano-sensorscan be considered.If the pressure is decreased during the carburization process, the outdiffusion of silicon atomsthrough SiC is enhanced, and leads to SiC nanotubes synthesis. SiC nanotubes sidewalls are dense,with an excellent crystalline quality. These original SiC nanotubes have a high surface to volume ratioand thus can be used for sensors or storage devices.The first step for direct applications has also been demonstrated since first results on electricalperformances of nano-field effect transistors, with these nano-objects as channel, are promising.

Filmes de SiO2 depositados e crescidos termicamente sobre SiC : caracterização físico-química e elétrica / SiO2 films deposited and thermally grown on SiC: Electrical and physicochemical characterization

Pitthan Filho, Eduardo January 2013 (has links)
O carbeto de silício (SiC) é um semicondutor com propriedades adequadas para substituir o silício em dispositivos eletrônicos em aplicações que exijam alta potência, alta freqüência e/ou temperatura. Além disso, um filme de dióxido de silício (SiO2) pode ser crescido termicamente sobre o SiC de maneira análoga a sobre silício, permitindo que a tecnologia já existente para a fabricação de dispositivos utilizando Si possa ser adaptada para o caso do SiC. No entanto, filmes crescidos termicamente sobre SiC apresentam maior densidade de defeitos eletricamente ativos na região interfacial SiO2/SiC que no SiO2/Si. Assim, compreender a origem e os parâmetros que afetam essa degradação elétrica é um importante passo para a tecnologia do SiC. A primeira parte deste trabalho teve como objetivo compreender o efeito de parâmetros de oxidação (pressão de oxigênio e tempo de oxidação) no crescimento térmico de filmes de dióxido de silício sobre substratos de carbeto de silício. As oxidações foram realizadas em ambiente rico em 18O2 e a influência na taxa de crescimento térmico dos filmes de Si18O2 e nas espessuras das regiões interfaciais formadas entre o filme dielétrico e o substrato foram investigadas utilizando análises por reação nuclear. Para correlacionar as modificações nas propriedades investigadas com as propriedades elétricas das amostras, estruturas metal-óxidosemicondutor foram fabricadas e levantamento de curvas corrente-voltagem e capacitânciavoltagem foi realizado. Com isso, pretendeu-se melhor compreender a origem da degradação elétrica gerada pela oxidação térmica no SiC. Observou-se que a taxa de crescimento térmico dos filmes de SiO2 depende de um parâmetro dado pelo produto do tempo de oxidação e da pressão de oxigênio, para as condições testadas. O deslocamento da tensão de banda plana com relação ao valor ideal mostrou-se igualmente dependente desse parâmetro, indicando que uma maior degradação elétrica na região interfacial SiO2/SiC ocorrerá conforme o filme fica mais espesso devido ao aumento dos parâmetros investigados. Não observaram-se modificações nas espessuras da região interfacial SiO2/SiC e na tensão de ruptura dielétrica dos filmes de SiO2 atribuídas aos parâmetros de oxidação testados. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, visando minimizar a degradação elétrica da região interfacial SiO2/SiC gerada pela oxidação térmica do SiC, propôs-se crescer termicamente, em uma condição mínima de oxidação, um filme muito fino e estequiométrico de SiO2, monitorado por espectroscopia de fotoelétrons induzidos por raios X. Para formar filmes mais espessos de SiO2 e poder fabricar estruturas MOS, depositaram-se filmes de SiO2 por sputtering. As espessuras e estequiometria dos filmes depositados foram determinadas por espectrometria de retroespalhamento Rutherford com ou sem canalização. As estruturas MOS em que o filme fino de SiO2 foi crescido termicamente antes da deposição apresentaram menor deslocamento da tensão de banda plana com relação ao valor ideal e maior tensão de ruptura dielétrica do que as amostras em que o filme foi apenas crescido termicamente ou apenas depositado, confirmando a minimização da degradação elétrica da região interfacial SiO2/SiC pela rota proposta. O efeito de um tratamento térmico em ambiente inerte de Ar nas estruturas também foi investigado. Observou-se uma degradação elétrica na região interfacial SiO2/SiC devido a esse tratamento. Análises por reação nuclear indicaram que o filme fino crescido termicamente não permaneceu estável durante o tratamento térmico, perdendo oxigênio para o ambiente gasoso e misturando os isótopos de oxigênio do filme crescido termicamente com o do filme depositado. / Silicon carbide (SiC) is a semiconductor with adequate properties to substitute silicon in electronic devices in applications that requires high power, high frequency, and/or high temperature. Besides, a silicon dioxide (SiO2) film can be thermally grown on SiC in a similar way to that on Si, allowing that technology already used to fabricate devices based on Si to be adapted to the SiC case. However, the oxide films thermally grown on SiC present higher density of electrical defects at the SiO2/SiC interfacial region when compared to the SiO2/Si. Thus, the understanding of the origin and what parameters affect the electrical degradation is an important step to the SiC technology. The first part of this work aimed to understand the effect of oxidation parameters (oxygen pressure and oxidation time) in the thermal growth of silicon dioxide films on silicon carbide substrates. The oxidations were performed in an 18O2 rich ambient and the influence on the growth rate of the Si18O2 films and on the interfacial region thickness formed between the dielectric film and the substrate were investigated using nuclear reaction analyses. To correlate the modifications observed in these properties with modifications in the electrical properties, metal-oxide-semiconductors structures were fabricated and current-voltage and capacitancevoltage curves were obtained. The aim was to understand the origin of the electrical degradation due to the thermal oxidation of silicon carbide. It was observed that the growth rate of the Si18O2 films depends on the parameter given by the product of the oxygen pressure and the oxidation time, under the conditions tested. The flatband voltage shift with respect to the ideal value was also influenced by the same parameter, indicating that a larger electrical degradation in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region will occur as the film becomes thicker due to the increase of the values of the investigated parameters. No modifications were observed in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region thickness and in the dielectric breakdown voltage of the SiO2 films that could be attributed to the oxidation parameters tested. In the second part of this work, in order to minimize electrical degradation due to thermal oxidation of silicon carbide, a stoichiometric SiO2 film with minimal thickness was thermally grown, monitored by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. To obtain thicker films and to fabricate MOS structures, a SiO2 film was deposited by sputtering. The thicknesses and stoichiometries of the deposited films were determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry using or not the channeling geometry. The MOS structures in which a thin film was thermally grown before the deposition presented smaller flatband voltage shift and higher breakdown voltage when compared to SiO2 films only thermally grown or only deposited directly on SiC, confirming that the electrical degradation in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region was minimized using the proposed route. The effect of one thermal treatment in argon in the structures was also investigated. An electrical degradation in the SiO2/4H-SiC interface was observed. Nuclear reaction analyses indicated that the thin film thermally grown was not stable during the annealing, loosing O to the gaseous ambient and mixing O isotopes of the thermally grown film with those of the deposited film.

Efeitos da interação de vapor d’água, de nitrogênio e de hidrogênio com estruturas dielétrico/SiC / Effects of the interaction of water vapor, of nitrogen and of hydrogen with dielectric/SiC structures

Corrêa, Silma Alberton January 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho, foram investigados os efeitos de tratamentos térmicos em vapor d’água, em óxido nítrico e em hidrogênio nas propriedades físico-químicas e elétricas de filmes dielétricos crescidos termicamente e/ou depositadas por sputtering sobre lâminas de carbeto de silício. A caracterização foi realizada antes e após tratamentos térmicos nesses ambientes através de técnicas que utilizam feixes de íons. Em alguns casos, a caracterização elétrica também foi realizada. A investigação da incorporação e distribuição em profundidade de hidrogênio e oxigênio após tratamentos de SiO2/SiC e SiO2/Si em vapor d’água mostrou que há diferenças marcantes na interação da água com as duas estruturas. Observou-se maior incorporação de oxigênio no filme pré-existente de SiO2 sobre o SiC do que em SiO2/Si, evidenciando uma maior concentração de defeitos nos filmes sobre SiC. A incorporação de hidrogênio também foi maior nas estruturas SiO2/SiC, sendo observada em todas as regiões do filme de SiO2 crescido sobre SiC. Nos filmes crescidos sobre Si, no entanto, a incorporação deuse, principalmente, na região da superfície do filme de óxido. A interação do vapor d’água com estruturas SiO2/SiC e SiO2/Si com filmes depositados por sputtering também foi investigada. Foi constatada uma incorporação distinta da observada para essas estruturas quando seus óxidos foram crescidos termicamente. A incorporação de hidrogênio do vapor d’água em estruturas com filmes de SiO2 depositados por sputtering sobre SiC e sobre Si ocorre, principalmente, na interface SiO2/substrato. A distribuição em profundidade de oxigênio após a exposição a vapor d'água a 800°C revelou que ele é incorporado em toda a espessura dos óxidos depositados sobre ambos os substratos, evidenciando a alta mobilidade dos átomos de oxigênio nesses filmes de óxido. O crescimento térmico antes da deposição de SiO2 sobre o SiC levou à incorporação de menores quantidades de hidrogênio, quando comparadas com as estruturas relativas a filmes apenas depositados. No entanto, à medida que o tempo de oxidação térmica foi aumentado, observou-se maior incorporação de hidrogênio, o que foi atribuído à formação de defeitos no filme de óxido susceptíveis à interação com o mesmo. O crescimento térmico por um tempo curto seguido pela deposição de SiO2 e o crescimento térmico não seguido de outro tratamento levaram a menores incorporações de D do que a deposição não seguida de outro tratamento, o que pode ser correlacionado com as melhores características elétricas observadas nessas estruturas. Outro tema abordado foi a incorporação de hidrogênio através de tratamento térmico em 2H2, com e sem a presença de um eletrodo de platina, em filmes dielétricos crescidos em atmosfera de O2, NO e via tratamento térmico sequencial nesses dois gases. Quando o crescimento térmico em O2 foi seguido de tratamento em NO, foi observada uma forte troca isotópica entre o oxigênio da fase gasosa e o oxigênio do filme de SiO2, evidenciando a alta mobilidade dos átomos de oxigênio nesses filmes. A incorporação de hidrogênio mostrou-se fortemente dependente da rota utilizada no crescimento do filme dielétrico. Sem a presença do eletrodo de platina, o crescimento do filme dielétrico direto em NO foi a rota que apresentou a maior incorporação de hidrogênio. A presença de platina, por sua vez, promoveu um aumento na incorporação de hidrogênio nos filmes dielétricos obtidos através das três rotas de crescimento. Em todos os casos, observou-se que a incorporação de hidrogênio ocorre, principalmente, na região da interface entre o filme dielétrico e o SiC. A incorporação de maiores quantidades de hidrogênio foi associada com a presença de N previamente incorporado. A atmosfera reativa utilizada no crescimento térmico dos filmes dielétricos também mostrou influência nas características elétricas das estruturas analisadas. A caracterização por curvas C-V mostrou um aumento no deslocamento da tensão de banda plana após tratamentos térmicos em 2H2, indicando o aumento e/ou formação de carga positiva. Por fim, a interação de vapor d'água em estruturas de SiO2/SiC e de SiO2/Si com filmes crescidos termicamente e tratadas em NO foi investigada. Observou-se que as estruturas SiO2/SiC que foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em NO apresentaram menor incorporação de hidrogênio, devido à exposição a vapor d'água. Esse efeito também foi observado em estruturas SiO2/SiC quando o pós-tratamento em NO foi substituído por um póstratamento em argônio na mesma temperatura e tempo, indicando que a temperatura de tratamento é a responsável pelas menores incorporações de hidrogênio, não a reatividade do gás empregado. / In the present work, effects of thermal treatments in water vapor, in nitric oxide, and in hydrogen in the physicochemical and in the electrical properties of dielectric films thermally grown and/or deposited by sputtering on silicon carbide were investigated. The characterization was performed using ion beam analyses before and after thermal treatments in these atmospheres. In some cases, the electrical characterization was also performed. The investigation of the incorporation and depth distribution of hydrogen and oxygen after annealing of SiO2/SiC and SiO2/Si in water vapor evidenced that there are striking differences regarding water interaction with these two structures. It was observed larger oxygen incorporation in the pre-existent SiO2 film on SiC than in the SiO2/Si, which evidences higher concentration of defects in oxide films on SiC. The incorporation of hydrogen was also larger in SiO2/SiC structures, being observed in all regions of the dielectric film. In oxide films grown on Si, however, the incorporation occurred mainly in the surface region of the oxide. The interaction of water vapor with SiO2/SiC and SiO2/Si structures, whose films were deposited by sputtering, was also investigated. A distinct incorporation was observed when comparing results from structures whose oxides were thermally grown. The incorporation of hydrogen from water vapor in structures in which SiO2 films were deposited by sputtering on SiC and on Si, occurred mainly in the SiO2/substrate interface. The oxygen depth distribution after exposure to water vapor at 800°C revealed that it was incorporated in all depths of the oxides that were deposited on both substrates, evidencing the high mobility of oxygen atoms in these oxide films. The thermal growth prior to SiO2 deposition on SiC led to the incorporation of smaller amounts of hydrogen, compared with structures with films that were only deposited. Nevertheless, as the thermal oxidation time increases, a larger incorporation of hydrogen was observed, which was attributed to the formation of defects in the oxide film that are more likely to interact with hydrogen. The thermal growth for short time followed by the deposition of SiO2 and the thermal growth not followed by any other treatment led to lower amounts of hydrogen, when compared with the deposition not followed by another treatment, which can be correlated with the improvement in the electrical characteristics observed in these structures. Another subject investigated was the incorporation of hydrogen by 2H2 anneal, with and without the presence of platinum, in dielectric films thermally grown in O2, NO, and in sequential thermal treatments in these two atmospheres. In the case of thermal growth in O2 followed by NO anneal, it was observed a notable isotopic exchange between oxygen from the gas phase and oxygen from the SiO2 film, evidencing that oxygen atoms are highly mobile in these films. The incorporation of hydrogen was showed to be highly dependent on the route employed in the dielectric film growth, being the direct growth of dielectric films in NO the one that presented larger incorporation without the presence of Pt electrode. The presence of this metal increases the incorporation of hydrogen in all dielectric films. In all cases, it was observed that the incorporation of hydrogen occurred mainly in the interface region between the dielectric film and the SiC. The incorporation of larger amounts of hydrogen was associated with the presence of N that was previously incorporated. The reactive atmosphere employed in the thermal growth of dielectric films also was observed to affect electrical characteristics in analyzed structures. The characterization by C-V measurements evidenced an increase in the flatband voltage shift after annealing in 2H2, indicating the increase and/or the formation of positive charge. Finally, the interaction of water vapor in SiO2/SiC and SiO2/Si structures with dielectric films thermally grown and annealed in NO was investigated. It was observed that SiO2/SiC structures that were submitted to NO anneal presented less hydrogen incorporation due to exposure to water vapor. This behavior was also observed in SiO2/SiC structures when the NO anneal was replaced by an annealing in Ar at the same temperature and time, indicating that the temperature of the annealing was responsible by the less incorporation of hydrogen instead of the reactivity of the gas employed.

Investigação de defeitos e de métodos passivadores da região interfacial SiO2/SiC / Investigation of defects and passivation methods for the SiO2/SiC interfacial region

Pitthan Filho, Eduardo January 2017 (has links)
O carbeto de silício (SiC) é um semicondutor com propriedades adequadas para substituir o silício em dispositivos eletrônicos em aplicações que exijam alta potência, alta frequência e/ou alta temperatura. Além disso, é possível crescer termicamente um filme de dióxido de silício (SiO2) sobre o SiC de maneira análoga ao silício. Porém, esses filmes apresentam maior densidade de defeitos eletricamente ativos na região interfacial SiO2/SiC que no caso do SiO2/Si, o que limita a qualidade dos dispositivos formados. Assim, compreender a origem da degradação elétrica e desenvolver métodos para passivar os defeitos na região interfacial SiO2/SiC são importantes passos para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia do SiC. Buscando uma melhor compreensão da natureza dos defeitos presentes na região interfacial SiO2/SiC, a interação de estruturas SiO2/SiC com vapor d’água enriquecido isotopicamente (D2 18O) e a interação com monóxido de carbono (CO), um dos subprodutos da oxidação térmica do SiC, foram investigadas. Observou-se que a interação com CO gera cargas positivas na estrutura e que a incorporação de deutério proveniente da água é fortemente dependente da rota de formação do filme de SiO2. Sabendo que a incorporação de nitrogênio e de fósforo na região interfacial SiO2/SiC são eficientes métodos para reduzir o número de defeitos eletricamente ativos nessa região, investigou-se a incorporação de nitrogênio em estruturas de SiC através de tratamentos térmicos em amônia enriquecida isotopicamente (15NH3) e desenvolveu-se um novo método de incorporação de fósforo, fazendo sua deposição por pulverização catódica (sputtering) Os métodos de incorporação propostos resultaram em maiores quantidades de nitrogênio e de fósforo na região interfacial SiO2/SiC do que os encontrados na literatura, tornando-os promissores candidatos na passivação elétrica do SiC. Além da caracterização físico-química utilizando diferentes técnicas, também foi feita a caracterização elétrica de capacitores Metal-Óxido-Semicondutor (MOS) testando filmes de SiO2 obtidos por sputtering ou por crescimento térmico. Adicionalmente, desenvolveu-se uma rota de síntese de padrões de 18O mais estáveis ao longo do tempo para serem utilizados em análises por reação nuclear. Também foi proposta uma metodologia de quantificação de fósforo via análise por reação nuclear. Dos resultados obtidos neste doutorado, uma melhor compreensão da natureza e da origem dos defeitos presentes na região interfacial SiO2/SiC foi alcançada. Também obteve-se uma melhor compreensão de como os elementos passivadores nitrogênio e fósforo interagem nessa região. / Silicon carbide (SiC) is a semiconductor with adequate properties to substitute silicon in electronic devices in applications that require high power, high frequency, and/or high temperature. Besides, a silicon dioxide (SiO2) film can be thermally grown on SiC in a similar way to that on Si. However, these films present higher density of electrical defects in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region when compared to the SiO2/Si interface, which limits the quality of the fabricated devices. Thus, it is important to understand the origin of the electrical degradation and to develop methods to passivate the defects in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region in order to develop the SiC technology. Aiming at a better understanding of the nature of defects at the SiO2/SiC interfacial region, the interaction of SiO2/SiC structures with water vapor isotopically enriched (D2 18O) and the interaction with carbon monoxide (CO), one of the SiC thermal oxidation by-products, were investigated. It was observed that the interaction with CO generates positive charges in the structure and that the deuterium incorporation from the water vapor is strongly dependent on the formation route of the SiO2 film. Knowing that nitrogen and phosphorous incorporation in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region are efficient methods to reduce the number of electrical defects in this region, the nitrogen incorporation in SiC structures by isotopically enriched ammonia (15NH3) annealings was investigated and a new method to incorporate phosphorous, by sputtering deposition was developed The proposed incorporation methods resulted in higher amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous then those found in literature, making them promising candidates to the electrical passivation of SiC. Besides the physico-chemical characterization using different techniques, the electrical characterization of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capacitors was also performed, testing SiO2 films obtained by sputtering deposition or thermally grown. Additionally, a route to synthesize 18O standards for nuclear reaction analyses that are more stable over time was developed. Besides, a methodology to quantify phosphorous by nuclear reaction analysis was proposed. From the results obtained in this PhD thesis, a better understanding of the nature and the origin of defects present in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region was obtained, as well as a better understanding on how the passivating elements nitrogen and phosphorous interact in this region.

Caractérisation des processus élémentaires de croissance des cristaux de carbure de silicium non désorienté / Characterization of structural defects in wide band gap semiconductors

Seiss, Martin 03 December 2013 (has links)
Le carbure de silicium est un semiconducteur prometteur pour les applications en électronique de température et de haute puissance. La croissance de SiC a été améliorée continuellement pendant les derniers années mais la connaissance des processus à la surface pendant la croissance est encore faible. Dans cette thèse ces processus sont étudiés par l’analyse de la croissance initiale de cristaux non désorientés. Le processus qui limite la vitesse de croissance est déterminé. L’étude des germes observés occasionnellement permet d’avoir un aperçu des barrières Ehrlich-Schwoebel existantes et, de plus, d’estimer l’ordre de grandeur de la longueur de diffusion à la surface. Pour la première fois les lois de croissance de spirales sont systématiquement analysées sur la face silicium et la face carbone du SiC. L’influence d’un domaine limité et du chevauchement de champs de diffusion sur la forme des spirales et les lois de croissance sont analysées par des simulations. Sur les spirales de la face carbone, une nouvelle structure de marches est observée. La bicouche supérieure se dissocie à certaines conditions définies et reproductibles. Les conditions expérimentales sont clairement identifiées et une analyse de cette nouvelle structure est effectuée. / Silicon carbide is a promising semiconductor for high temperature and power electronics. Its growth process has been refined continuously in the last years but there is still little knowledge on the surface processes taking place during growth. This thesis is dealing with these processes by analysing the initial growth of on-axis crystals. The growth rate limiting step of the physical vapour transport technique is determined. The study of nuclei occasionally observed gives insight on the present Ehrlich-Schwoebel barriers and allows furthermore to estimate the order of magnitude of the surface diffusion length. For the first time the growth laws of spirals on both Si- and C- face SiC surfaces are systematically analysed. Simulations are performed in order to check the influence of a limited domain size and overlapping diffusion fields on the spiral shapes and growth laws. A novel spiral step structure is observed on C-face spirals. The top bilayer dissociates under certain and reproducible conditions. The experimental parameters are reported and further analysis of this new step structure is performed.

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