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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mikrotalasno stimulisana sinteza odabranih derivatanaftenskih i žučnih kiselina, ispitivanje njihove biološke aktivnosti kao i termičke i hemijske stabilnosti odabranih lekova / Microwave-assisted synthesis of selected naphthenicand bile acids derivatives, examin their biological activity as well as thermal and chemical stability of selected medicines

Vasiljević Bojana 26 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Predviđena istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji su usmerena u<br />pravcu iznalaženja novih, efikasnijih i bržih mikrotalasno-stimulisanih<br />metoda hemijskih transformacija koje ne uključuju prisustvo<br />katalizatora i/ili organskih rastvarača. Primenom specijalnih silicijum-karbidnih reakcionih sudova, brzina i preciznost izvođenja<br />mikrotalasno-stimulisanih transformacija prikazana&nbsp; je kroz stresne<br />studije aktivnih farmaceutskih ingredijenata u SiC&nbsp; ploči, odnosno<br />HPLC/GC vialima kao reakcionim sudovima. Ispitano je postojanje<br />netermičkih mikrotalasnih efekata i njihov značaj za precizno tumačenje<br />rezultata mikrotalasne sinteze.<br />U drugom delu ove doktorske disertacije izvr&scaron;ena jemikrotalasno-stimulisana sinteza potencijalno biolo&scaron;ki aktivnih&nbsp; supstanci iz prirodnih<br />lako dostupnih materijala kao &scaron;to su naftenske kiseline. Sintetizovani su<br />amidi i estri individualnih i prirodnih naftenskih kiselina Velebit.<br />U radu je takođe ispitana biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost sintetizovanih derivata.<br />Proučavan je uticaj prirodnih naftnih kiselina Velebit injenih derivata<br />na rast pet sojeva&nbsp; Pseudomonassp., kao i uticaj odabranih sintetisanih<br />jedinjenja na proliferaciju pet&nbsp; ćelijskih linija humanih tumora pri&nbsp; čemu<br />je kao kontrola služila jedna zdrava humana ćelijska linija.</p> / <p>Scientific research predicted in this PhD thesis isdirected to ascertainment new, efficient and faster microwave-assisted methods of chemical transformations in the absence of catalysts and/or organic solvents. Applaying special silicon-carbide&nbsp; reaction vessels, speed and accuracy of microwave-assisted transformations are ilustrated within stress testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients in HPLC/GC vials placed in SiC plate. Existence of nonthermal microwave effects and their influence on &nbsp;accurate interpretation of microwave synthesis results are also investigated.&nbsp;<br />In the second part of this thesis microwave-assisted synthesis of potentionally biologically active compounds from readily available natural materials, such as &nbsp;naphthenic acid is accomplished. Amides and esters of individual and natural naphthenic acids Velebitare synthetised. The thesis also examined the biological activity ofthe synthesized products. The effect of natural petroleum acids&nbsp; Velebitand its derivatives are examined on the growth of five strains of Pseudomonas&nbsp;sp., and the impact of selected synthesized compounds on the proliferation of five human tumor cell lines in which a healthy human cell line is tused as the control.</p>

Micro-Raman Spectroskopy Investigation of Hard Coatings

Werninghaus, Thomas 01 July 1997 (has links)
Abstract: Micro­Raman Spectroscopy Investigation of Hard Coatings Diamond, silicon carbide, and boron nitride have attracted great interest in the last years, due to their excellent material properties. Especially the extreme hardness and the high thermal con­ ductivity of these materials favour them as protective layers. The very large hardness gave these materials, deposited as films on various substrates, their name: hard coatings. In contrast to di­ amond, silicon carbide and boron nitride can be n­ as well as p­doped, making them promising candidates for high speed and high temperature electronic applications. Contrarily to the materials mentioned above, carbon nitride was obtained in crystalline form just very recently. Up to now the deposited films mainly consist of amorphous or nanocrystalline, carbon­rich material. For all these material systems inelastic light scattering (Raman spectroscopy) has been already applied for the material properties investigation. However, these investigations usually were restricted to only one of the various Raman spectroscopy tools, described in this work: Incident laser light energy varia­ tion, temperature variation, utilizing the selection rules, measurements at varying sample positions, two­dimensional mappings and one­dimensional scans in the conventional plane­view and the addi­ tional cross­sectional sample geometry. In contrast to this, this work demonstrates the improvement of the information about the investigated material and/or the sample heterostructure obtained by using the combination of all the above mentioned techniques. In the case of the diamond material system, films deposited on silicon substrates were investigated and an interfacial graphitic layer of 2nm thickness was found by scanning across the interface, which was obscured in the conven­ tional plane­view sample geometry. Similar to this an ultra­thin top layer and buried intermixed regions were identified in the silicon carbide material system utilizing the cross­sectional sample geometry. In addition to this, the temperature and the incident laser light energy dependences for 5 SiC polytypes (3C, 4H, 6H, 15R, and 21R) were measured. A resonance enhancement for the 3C and the 21R polytype was found corresponding to their fundamental bandgaps at 2.46eV and ß2.8eV, respectively. For the other polytypes no resonance enhancement was found, due to their larger fundamental bandgap. In the boron nitride material system the spatial correlation model for Raman lineshape analysis was applied for the first time and the values of the asymmetric broad­ ening and the frequency downshift for decreasing crystal sizes were evaluated. This was measured for single crystals of different size and for films deposited on silicon substrates. The correlation lengths in the ten nanometer region found for the deposited films corroborate the nanocrystalline nature of these films. Additionally incident laser light energy was measured, revealing the 488.0nm (Ar + ) and 482.5nm (Kr + ) laser lines as the optimum laser lines for the boron nitride investigation. Furthermore the dependence of the phonon feature parameters was investigated depending on the incident laser light power. A maximum power of 5­10mW for the micro­Raman spectroscopy setup was found to avoid any laser light induced heating of the investigated material. Two­dimensional mappings of the deposited boron nitride films were performed to improve the information about the material system. In the case of carbon nitride for the first time distinct phonon features were measured in a wide spectral range contrarily to most of the other investigations, which usually show only broad bands.

Preparation and application of cellular and nanoporous carbides

Borchardt, Lars, Hoffmann, Claudia, Oschatz, Martin, Mammitzsch, Lars, Petasch, Uwe, Herrmann, Mathias, Kaskel, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
A tutorial review on cellular as well as nanoporous carbides covering their structure, synthesis and potential applications. Especially new carbide materials with a hierarchical pore structure are in focus. As a central theme silicon carbide based materials are picked out, but also titanium, tungsten and boron carbides, as well as carbide-derived carbons, are part of this review. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Characterization and evaluation of a 6.5-kV silicon carbide bipolar diode module

Filsecker, Felipe 07 December 2016 (has links)
This work presents a 6.5-kV 1-kA SiC bipolar diode module for megawatt-range medium voltage converters. The study comprises a review of SiC devices and bipolar diodes, a description of the die and module technology, device characterization and modelling and benchmark of the device at converter level. The effects of current change rate, temperature variation, and different insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules for the switching cell, as well as parasitic oscillations are discussed. A comparison of the results with a commercial Si diode (6.5 kV and 1.2 kA) is included. The benchmark consists of an estimation of maximum converter output power, maximum switching frequency, losses and efficiency in a three level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) voltage-source converter (VSC) operating with SiC and Si diodes. The use of a model predictive control (MPC) algorithm to achieve higher efficiency levels is also discussed. The analysed diode module exhibits a very good performance regarding switching loss reduction, which allows an increase of at least 10 % in the output power of a 6-MVA converter. Alternatively, the switching frequency can be increased by 41 %.:1 Introduction 2 State of the art of SiC devices and medium-voltage diodes 2.1 Silicon carbide diodes and medium-voltage modules 2.2 Medium-voltage power diodes 3 Characterization of the SiC PiN diode module 37 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Experimental setup 3.3 Experimental results: static behaviour 3.4 Experimental results: switching behaviour 3.5 Comparison with 6.5-kV silicon diode 3.6 Oscillations in the SiC diode 3.7 Summary 4 Comparison at converter level 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Power device modelling 4.3 Determination of maximum converter power rating 4.4 Analysis 4.5 Increased efficiency through model predictive control 4.6 Summary 5 Conclusion

Geomechanical aspects of Sintered Silicon Carbide (SSiC) waste canisters for disposal of high level radioactive waste

Zhao, Yanan 16 March 2021 (has links)
High-level radioactive waste (HLW) poses threat to the biosphere. Geological disposal is accepted as a safe way for HLW disposal. Waste canisters made of Sintered Silicon Carbide (SSiC) are proposed and geomechanical safety aspects relating to such SSiC canisters are investigated. First part of the thesis reviews the state-of-the-art and demands for HLW disposal. The reason for considering Silicon Carbide (SiC) as canister material is explained. Especially in terms of corrosion and lifetime, ceramics and especially SiC is superior to metals or concrete. The only concern is its brittle behavior. The second part of the thesis presents results on static and dynamic mechanical properties of SiC in general and in particular for SSiC based on literature review and own lab tests. Although strength values for SiC and especially SSiC are very high, the extreme brittle behavior has to be considered in case of impact or point-like loading. The third and most extensive part of the thesis part contains numerical simulations, which consider most critical potential loading situations during transport and installation of the canisters underground. Both, pure elastic continuum and DEM based models are used considering the following loading situations (critical scenarios): Freefall of canister during transport or installation (FF), Impact by falling rock block at disposal site (RF), Point loading due to accidental insertion of small stone below the canister (PL), Anisotropic earth pressure loading after disposal (EP). Coating to protect the canisters against damage is investigated and preliminary parameters in terms of stiffness and thickness are recommended.

Design of measurement circuits for SiC experiment : KTH student satellite MIST / Konstruktion av mätkretsar för SiC-experimentet

Ericson, Matthias, Silverudd, Johan January 2016 (has links)
SiC in Space is one of the experiments on KTH’s miniature satellite, MIST. The experiment carries out tests on bipolar junction transistors of silicon and silicon carbide. This thesis describes how the characteristics of a transistor can be measured using analog circuits. The presented circuit design will work as a prototype for the SiC in Space experiment. The prototype measures the base current, the collector current, the base-emitter voltage as well as the temperature of the transistor. This thesis describes how a test circuit may be designed. The selected design has been constructed in incremental steps, with each design choice explained. Different designs have been developed. The designs have been verified with simulations. We have also constructed and tested three different prototypes on breadboards and printed circuit boards. / SiC in Space är ett av experimenten på KTHs miniatyrsatellit, MIST. Experimentet utför test på bipolära transistorer av kisel och kiselkarbid. Detta examensarbete förklarar hur transistorns karakteristik kan mätas med analoga kretsar. Den framtagna kretsdesignen kommer att fungera som en prototyp till SiC in Space-experimentet. Prototypen mäter basströmmen, kollektorströmmen, bas-emitter-spänningen samt temperaturen för transistorn. Detta examensarbete förklarar hur en testkrets kan designas. Den valda designen byggs i inkrementella steg, där varje designval förklaras. Olika designer har utvecklats. Designerna har verifierats genom simuleringar. Vi har också konstruerat och testat tre olika prototyper på kopplingsdäck och kretskort.

Experimental and Simulated Analysis of Voltage Stress Within a Bar-Wound Synchronous Machine Excited by a Silicon Carbide Inverter

Kelly, Brennan James 06 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Raman-Spektroskopie an epitaktischem Graphen auf Siliziumkarbid (0001)

Fromm, Felix Jonathan 17 April 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Charakterisierung von epitaktischem Graphen auf Siliziumkarbid (0001) mittels Raman-Spektroskopie. Nach der Einführung theoretischer sowie experimenteller Grundlagen werden das Wachstum von Graphen auf Siliziumkarbid (SiC) behandelt und die untersuchten Materialsysteme vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Raman-Spektrum von epitaktischem Graphen auf SiC (0001) neben den Phononenmoden des Graphens und des Substrats weitere Signale beinhaltet, welche der intrinsischen Grenzflächenschicht, dem Buffer-Layer, zwischen Graphen und SiC zugeordnet werden können. Das Raman-Spektrum dieser Grenzflächenschicht kann als Abbild der phononischen Zustandsdichte interpretiert werden. Fortführend werden verspannungsinduzierte Änderungen der Phononenenergien der G- und 2D-Linie im Raman-Spektrum von Graphen untersucht. Dabei werden starke Variationen des Verspannungszustands beobachtet, welche mit der Topographie der SiC-Oberfläche korreliert werden können und erlauben, Rückschlüsse auf Wachstumsmechanismen zu ziehen. Die Entwicklung einer neuen Messmethode, bei der das Raman-Spektrum von Graphen durch das SiC-Substrat aufgenommen wird, ermöglicht die detektierte Raman-Intensität um über eine Größenordnung zu erhöhen. Damit wird die Raman-spektroskopische Charakterisierung eines Graphen-Feldeffekttransistors mit top gate ermöglicht und ein umfassendes Bild des Einflusses der Ladungsträgerkonzentration und der Verspannung auf die Positionen der G- und 2D-Raman-Linien von quasifreistehendem Graphen auf SiC erarbeitet.

Experimental study of double-pulse laser micro sintering, ultrasound-assisted water-confined laser micromachining and laser-induced plasma

Weidong Liu (15360391) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p>This dissertation presents research work related to laser micro sintering, laser micro machining and laser-induced plasma. Firstly, we present extensive experimental studies of double-pulse laser micro sintering (DP-LMS), which typically utilizes the high pressure generated by laser-induced plasma over the powder bed surface to promote molten flow and enhance densification. Chapter 2 shows a single-track experimental study of the DP-LMS process using cobalt powder. The related fundamental mechanisms and effects of different laser parameters on the sintering results are analyzed with the help of <em>in-situ</em> time-resolved temperature measurements. Chapter 3 shows a multi-track experimental study of the DP-LMS process using iron powder. The sintered materials are characterized via the top surface porosity, elemental composition, grain microstructure, nanohardness and metal phase. Three strategic guidelines for laser parameter selection are summarized in the end. Chapter 4 shows time-resolved imaging and OES measurements for plasma induced during DP-LMS. The plasma temperature and free electron number density are deduced by its optical emission spectra (OES). These three chapters have clearly demonstrated DP-LMS can produce much more continuous and densified materials than LMS only using the sintering or pressing laser pulses.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Then, we present laser micro grooving of silicon carbide (SiC) in Chapter 5 by ultrasound-assisted water-confined laser micromachining (UWLM), in comparison with laser machining in water without ultrasound and laser machining in air. UWLM applies <em>in-situ</em> ultrasound to the water-immersed workpiece surface to improve the machining quality and/or productivity. Time-resolved water pressure measurements are carried out to help analyze relevant mechanisms. It has been demonstrated UWLM can be a competitive approach to produce high-quality micro grooves on SiC. The crack problem appears to be effectively solved using a high pulse repetition rate.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Finally, we report a double-front phenomenon for plasma induced by high-intensity nanosecond laser ablation of aluminum in Chapter 6. An additional plasma front is observed via an intensified CCD (ICCD) camera, which propagates very fast at the beginning but stops propagating soon after the laser pulse mostly ends. Its formation could be caused by the inverse bremsstrahlung absorption of laser energy by the ionized ambient gas. Three possible mechanisms on how the ambient gas breakdown is initiated are proposed. </p>

Design And Characterization Of High Temperature Packaging For Wide-bandgap Semiconductor Devices

Grummel, Brian 01 January 2012 (has links)
Advances in wide-bandgap semiconductor devices have increased the allowable operating temperature of power electronic systems. High-temperature devices can benefit applications such as renewable energy, electric vehicles, and space-based power electronics that currently require bulky cooling systems for silicon power devices. Cooling systems can typically be reduced in size or removed by adopting wide-bandgap semiconductor devices, such as silicon carbide. However, to do this, semiconductor device packaging with high reliability at high temperatures is necessary. Transient liquid phase (TLP) die-attach has shown in literature to be a promising bonding technique for this packaging need. In this work TLP has been comprehensively investigated and characterized to assess its viability for high-temperature power electronics applications. The reliability and durability of TLP die-attach was extensively investigated utilizing electrical resistivity measurement as an indicator of material diffusion in gold-indium TLP samples. Criteria of ensuring diffusive stability were also developed. Samples were fabricated by material deposition on glass substrates with variant Au–In compositions but identical barrier layers. They were stressed with thermal cycling to simulate their operating conditions then characterized and compared. Excess indium content in the die-attach was shown to have poor reliability due to material diffusion through barrier layers while samples containing suitable indium content proved reliable throughout the thermal cycling process. This was confirmed by electrical resistivity measurement, EDS, FIB, and SEM characterization. Thermal and mechanical characterization of TLP die-attached samples was also performed to gain a newfound understanding of the relationship between TLP design parameters and die-attach properties. Samples with a SiC diode chip TLP bonded to a copper metalized silicon nitride iv substrate were made using several different values of fabrication parameters such as gold and indium thickness, Au–In ratio, and bonding pressure. The TLP bonds were then characterized for die-attach voiding, shear strength, and thermal impedance. It was found that TLP die-attach offers high average shear force strength of 22.0 kgf and a low average thermal impedance of 0.35 K/W from the device junction to the substrate. The influence of various fabrication parameters on the bond characteristics were also compared, providing information necessary for implementing TLP die-attach into power electronic modules for high-temperature applications. The outcome of the investigation on TLP bonding techniques was incorporated into a new power module design utilizing TLP bonding. A full half-bridge inverter power module for low-power space applications has been designed and analyzed with extensive finite element thermomechanical modeling. In summary, TLP die-attach has investigated to confirm its reliability and to understand how to design effective TLP bonds, this information has been used to design a new high-temperature power electronic module.

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