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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Vad spelar det för roll om jag städar den här toaletten?” : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter i yrkesvalet

Thorell, Rebecka, Ekman, Katharina January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar att gå igenom lärande på arbetsplatsen och hur det situerade lärandet från en tjänst kan användas i andra tjänster. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur individer som arbetar inom HR, som jobbar med personalrelaterade frågor, upplever att tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter har betydelse för det arbete de har idag. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande, där tänkandet och handlandet hos oss människor betraktas som situerat till sociala sammanhang. För att kunna belysa det lärandet ytterligare används begreppen redskap, mediering och praktikgemenskap för att förstå hur lärandet kan främjas. Studien baseras på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med åtta kvinnor som innehar en HR-tjänst idag. Dessa intervjuer transkriberades och analyserades, ur det kom fyra teman som var centrala för alla utsagor; Utvecklandet av intressen genom tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter, Strävan efter nya utmaningar, Att använda sig av sin kunskap i olika kontexter samt Att tillägna sig ett förhållningssätt. Resultatet visar att intervjupersonerna påverkats av sina tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter till att de blivit uppmärksamma på vilket område de vill jobba inom, och genom alla arbetsplatser de vart på fortsatt sin approprieringsprocess. I sitt nuvarande arbete använder de sen av sina tidigare kunskaper till att kunna bidra till inlärningsprocesser i sin praktikgemenskap. Studiens slutsatser är att en praktikgemenskap är viktig för att upplevelsen av tillhörighet till yrket och för att ens redskap ska kunna utvecklas inom arbetsplatslärandet / This thesis intends to go through workplace learning and how the situated learning from one service can be used in other services. The aim is to find out how individuals working in HR, who deals with questions concerning employees, experience that previous work experience is relevant to the work they have today. The theoretical framework is based on the sociocultural perspective on learning, which states that thinking and acting of human beings is considered situated to social context. In order to illustrate the learning further, the terms gear, mediation and community of practice is used to understand how learning can be promoted. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews that were conducted with eight women who hold an HR service today. These interviews were transcribed and analysed, out from it we found four themes that were central to all statements; Development of interests through previous work experience, The quest for new challenges, To use knowledge from one context in a new one and To acquire an attitude. The results show that the respondents are influenced by their previous work experience which helps them become aware of what area they want to work within, and through all workplaces where they continued their approprieringsprocess. In their current work they use their previous knowledge to be able to contribute to the learning processes in their community of practice. The study's conclusions is that a community of practice is essential to the experience of belonging to the profession and to even utensils shall be developed in workplace learning.

Suicide Girls: Pedagogy and Praxis in the On-Line Writing Workshop

Bolland, Craig January 2005 (has links)
On-line writing workshops provide educational spaces within which aspiring writers can learn their craft. In order to understand the dialogic mechanisms behind that learning, this thesis examines ways in which one workshop, the Internet Writing Workshop (IWW), functions as a Freireian culture circle. The exegesis identifies several key characteristics that defined Paulo Freire's concept of the culture circle. It compares these characteristics with the structure and practice of interaction within the IWW. It unpacks some of Freire's ideas about dialogue as a means of achieving critical consciousness, and compares them to current learning theory and the ways in which dialogue takes place within the IWW community. The exegesis also examines some of the political axioms behind Freire's pedagogy, and examines ways in which the IWW community might be viewed as emancipatory or liberatory. I examine these areas in light of the development of a novel, Suicide Girls. The second draft of this novel was influenced and informed by my participant-observation of the IWW. This working draft of the novel is provided as a process document to demonstrate findings made in the exegesis and is annotated to reflect relevant process and development issues.

Project-Based Learning: Investigating Self-Directed Learning Readiness Skills And Content Knowledge Retention In An Urban Jamaican High School Eighth Grade Integrated Science Cohort

Reid-Brown, Carolyn A. L. 29 June 2017 (has links)
Self-directed learning (SDL) readiness skills and the command and/or retention of content knowledge have been identified as key factors for success in post-secondary settings. The Government of Jamaica (GOJ) has stated that two in three Jamaican secondary school graduates lack the requisite content knowledge and self-directed learning skills needed for advancement in the work space and in postsecondary education (Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan, 2009). This dissertation examined the efficacy of project-based learning (PBL) as a method of instruction for improving SDL readiness skills and content knowledge retention. More specifically, the phenomenon was explored within the context of a developing country – in this case – Jamaica. The difference in SDL readiness skills and content knowledge retention was investigated among 8th grade students in an urban high school under PBL conditions (N = 30) and under Traditional Direct Instruction (N=35) using a quasi-experimental design. Data on students’ SDL readiness skills, knowledge comprehension and content knowledge retention were collected using validated instruments. Scores on all three measures were recorded pre-intervention and post-intervention with a follow-up on content knowledge retention. One way repeated measures mixed ANOVAs were run. Results showed that on SDL readiness skills, the difference over time for the PBL group was significantly different from the difference over time for the TDI/control group (pp

Kvinnans väg till toppen - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor som lyckats nå ett högre chefskap

Ringhov, Sanne, Svensson, Tea January 2018 (has links)
Idag uppmärksammas kvinnors underrepresentation på högre chefspositioner i såväl media som undersökningar och rapporter. I dessa åskådliggörs det att det idag inte finns en logisk förklaring till varför kvinnor är underrepresenterade, vilket bland annat argumenteras utifrån att kvinnor i genomsnitt har en högre utbildningsnivå än män. Forskning förklarar att en bidragande faktor till att kvinnor fortfarande är underrepresenterade grundas i att chefskap enligt traditionen följer en maskulin norm. För att bidra med kunskap kring kvinnors underrepresentation i relation till chefskapet, har vi valt att fokusera på de kvinnor som lyckats nå ett högre chefskap. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att bidra med djupare förståelse för hur kvinnliga högre chefer upplever att de har formats på deras väg till chefskapet. Utifrån syftet har följande frågeställningar preciserats: “Hur upplever kvinnliga högre chefer den utveckling de gjort i karriären?” samt “Vilka faktorer tillskriver kvinnorna som betydande för deras utveckling i karriären?” Studien är en fallstudie med kvalitativ ansats i form av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnliga högre chefer. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats med hjälp av Lave och Wengers teori om situerat lärande samt utifrån ett könsperspektiv som huvudsakligen grundas på West och Zimmermans teori att göra kön. De teoretiska perspektiven har valts med utgångspunkt i forskaren Salminen-Karlssons argumentation om att det saknas forskning där dessa teoretiska utgångspunkter kombineras. Vårt resultat visar bland annat att de kvinnliga högre cheferna påverkats i sin karriärutveckling av att arbetsplatsen har förväntat sig att de ska uppträda på könsspecifika sätt. Således har de kvinnliga högre cheferna anammat olika könsspecifika attribut, såväl “kvinnliga” som “manliga” för att passa in. Vidare visar resultaten att de kvinnliga högre cheferna tillskriver stödet från sin familj som väsentligt, även om de upplevt stödet på olika sätt. Även behovet av en förebild i form av en kvinnlig chef betonas som viktigt under karriärutvecklingen. / Today, media as well as research are paying attention to the underrepresentation of women on top management positions. For example, articles and reports highlight that there are no logical explanations to why women are underrepresented. In contrast, science show that women, in average, have a higher education than men and that a contributive reason to why women still are underrepresented is based on the fact that managers, according to tradition, are associated with masculinity. To contribute with knowledge regarding women’s underrepresentation related to the top management positions, we have decided to focus on women who have reached a top management position. The aim with this study is therefore to contribute with deeper understanding of how women in top management positions experience how they have been “shaped” on their way to the management position. From the selected purpose, two questions were derived: “How do the female top managers experience the development they have had throughout their career?” and “What factors do the women identify as meaningful for their career development?” This study is a case study based on a qualitative method using six semistructured interviews with female top managers. The empirical data has been analysed through Lave and Wenger’s theory about situated learning and from a gender perspective, that is based on West and Zimmerman’s theory about doing gender. The theoretical perspective have been chosen with support from the researcher Salminen-Karlsson’s argumentation, in which the researcher states that there is a lack of research combining these two theoretical perspectives. Our result shows, among other things, that the female top managers during their career have been affected by the workplace’s expectations saying that they should act according to gender standards. Because of the expectations, the female top managers have adopted these gender specific attributes, by acting like a “female” or a “man”, to fit in. Furthermore, the result shows that the female top managers claim that the support from their families is important, even if they have experienced the support in different ways. Also, the result shows that the need of a role model in terms of a female manager has been important during the career.

Jeux pédagogiques collaboratifs situés : conception et mise en oeuvre dirigées par les modèles

Delomier, Florent 10 December 2013 (has links)
Un jeu pédagogique constitue une déclinaison relative à l’apprentissage du concept de jeu sérieux (serious game). Ce type d'outil permet la ludification (gamification) de l'activité afin d'utiliser des éléments de jeu dans un contexte non ludique et conduit à catalyser l’attention, faire accroître l’engagement et augmenter la motivation des joueurs-apprenants dans les situations d’apprentissage. Les jeux pédagogiques reposent sur la mise en situation et l’immersion des apprenants, utilisant les ressorts ludiques dans des simulations axées vers la résolution de problèmes. Parmi des recherches antérieures, certains retours d’expériences font écho d’une trop grande artificialité de l’activité notamment par manque de contextualisation de l’apprentissage dans l’environnement d’utilisation des connaissances apprises. Nous avons proposé la mise en place un environnement mixte (physique et numérique) et l’utilisation de techniques collaboratives pour raffiner l’approche pédagogique. Ces orientations nous ont menés à la mise en place de ce que nous appelons des «Jeux Pédagogiques Collaboratifs Situés » (JPCS). Les deux questions de recherche qui nous ont été posées dans le cadre du projet SEGAREM et qui sont devenues les nôtres sont : 1/ comment accompagner les jeux sérieux par l’approche Réalité Augmentée (RA) et l'approche Interface Tangible (IT)? 2/ comment rendre la conception et la mise en œuvre des JPCS (Jeux Pédagogiques Collaboratifs Situés) plus explicite et plus systématique ? Les réponses que nous présentons dans cette thèse sont les suivantes : 1/ la conception et la mise en œuvre des pupitres interactifs supportant des objets réels augmentés, associés à un protocole de communication existant, proposant un support générique des techniques d’interaction détectée et de prise en compte du contexte physique d’utilisation ; 2/ une approche de production de JPCS se situant après l’étape de scénarisation ludo-pédagogique qui constitue notre cahier des charges. Nous avons basé notre approche sur des modèles pour permettre un support d’expression qui précise les caractéristiques des JPCS. Ces modèles sont soutenus par des éditeurs contextuels et produisent comme résultat des fichiers de descriptions en XML. La projection des descriptions obtenues sur une architecture générique d’exécution du JPCS permet une spécialisation pour obtenir une version exécutable. Dans les six modèles, certains sont adaptés des travaux antérieurs de l’équipe, d'autres issues de la littérature et les derniers sont directement proposés ici. Ces six modèles décrivent l’activité (un modèle d’orchestration de l’activité et un modèle de tâches), la structure de différents environnements, l’état initial de l’environnement et les conditions nécessaires d’un état final et les interactions possibles entre les joueurs et l’environnement. Nos travaux tant sur les pupitres que sur les modèles et le support d’exécution ont été concrétisés dans la mise en place de Lea(r)nIt. Ce JPCS avait pour but de consolider des acquis méthodologiques en Lean Manufacturing par l’utilisation et l’optimisation d’une chaîne de production simulée sur pupitres (supportant interactions tactiles, interactions tangibles et pouvant être assemblés) et sur téléphones mobiles (permettant la mobilité des joueurs-apprenants). / A Learning game is a declension of the serious game concept dedicated to the learning activity. A Learning game is based on a scenario and immersion of the learners with use of game mechanics on problem based simulation. The gamification concept is the use of game elements in a non-playful activity with as impact attention, motivation and engagement. However, some research feedback explains that too much artificiality on learning activity caused by a lack of contextualization of the activity on the professional environment. We propose to use Mixed Reality and Collaborative Supported Computer Work as technological solution to support situated and collaborative situation in aim to enhance pedagogical strategy and allow a better learning. We call it “Situated Collaborative Learning Game” (SCLG) as a concept of pedagogical tools to enhance learning of content with use of collaborative learning (when learners interactions is useful to learn), situated learning (when the environment context is meaningful) and human-physical objet interaction (with use of mixed reality, with kinesthetic and tangible interaction in augmented reality) and game based learning (when learner's motivation is improved by the learning activity). In these contexts, our two research questions are: 1 / How to create a serious games support by use of Augmented Reality (AR) approach and Tangible Interface (IT) approach? 2 / How to make design and development of SCLG (situated collaborative learning game) more explicit and systematic? We propose two solutions: 1/ the design and the production of four interactive desks with support of tangible interaction on and above the table. These devices are linked to a communication protocol which allows a generic support of technical interaction. 2/ A generic way to design the CSLG system, with integration of advanced human computer interaction support (as augmented reality and tangible interaction) and ubiquitous computing in Learning Games. For that, we propose, with a user centered oriented and model oriented design, a way to make a CSLG factory. For that, we propose use of six models to determinate the behavior of the CSLG. These six models describe learners’ activity (with use of three different models to follow the activity theory’s), the mixed game environment, deployment of entities on the environment, and human computer interactions. All of these models are linked by an orchestration model and can be project on a multi-agent multi-layers architecture by use of XML description file. We propose tools to help each step of our design and production process. Our work on interactive desks, on the six models and on the runtime support has been realized in the production of Lea(r)nIT. This SCLG consolidate methodological knowledge of Lean Manufacturing by use and optimization of a simulated chain production on four desks (which support touch and tangible interactions and can be assembled) and on mobile phones (to allow movement of learners).

Försvarsmaktens blivande officerare - den kritiskt granskande praktikern : En fallstudie om lärande vid den grundläggande officersutbildningen vid Militärhögskolan Karlberg / Officers in the making - The critical practitioner

Bernhard, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien har varit att bidra med kunskap om den grundläggande officersutbildningens betydelse för kadetters lärande. Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie där en explorativ ansats med en etnografisk undersökningsdesign har använts. Forskningsprocessen har involverat deltagande observationer och intervjuer i både ett akademiskt och ett militärt sammanhang. Studien har velat besvara frågor om hur utbildningen organiseras, hur aktörer kommunicerar och samspelar, vilka förväntningar de har på utbildningen samt hur de upplever den. I resultaten har det framkommit att den grundläggande officersutbildningen är komplex, genom att den omfattar två sammanhang som skiljer sig så tydligt åt att man kan tala om två olika kontext. Resultaten har visat att utbildningen tycks involvera två dimensioner av lärande: dels kunskapsinhämtning, dels en fostrande socialiseringsprocess in i ett militärt meningssammanhang som kadetterna ska komma att verka i framöver. Ett av huvudfynden har varit att kadetter tycks delta i utbildningen på väldigt olika sätt, varför fokus har varit att studera lärande genom kadetters olika sätt att delta i utbildningens sociala processer. Dessa har visat sig innehålla ett antal motstående förväntningar, som kadetterna verkar förhålla sig till på olika sätt. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att kadetters sätt att delta i utbildningens sociala processer tycks vara av avgörande betydelse för lärandet, samt att lärandet förefaller ske inom ramen för kontinuerligt pågående sociala processer, där villkor, lärprocesser och utfall på olika sätt påverkar, kompletterar och är beroende av varandra. Utbildningens organisering tycks dock innebära en del utmaningar gällande hur de två kontextens sociala praktiker gemensamt ska kunna främja kadetters deltagande och deras upplevelser av autonomi, handlingsutrymme och kontroll, och därmed främja de lärprocesser och dimensioner av lärande som utbildningsanordnaren har tänkt. Den yrkesidentitet och kompetens som officersprofessionen kräver tycks inkludera en analytisk kompetens, som inte ska särskiljas från den militära praktiken utan ses som en del av den. / The intention of this case study has been to increase knowledge of how education can contribute to the learning of cadets. It’s a qualitative study using an exploratory ethnographic design of analysis. The research process has involved participative observations and interviews during a three month period at the Military Academy Karlberg, studying both the academic and the military context. Main focus has been on studying the cadets’ participation in the education, with starting-point in the social processes. Therefore I’ve been seeking to answer questions on how education is organized, how actors communicate and interact, and actors’ experiences compared to their expectations. I have found that the education of cadets seem to involve two dimensions of learning. It’s not all about academic and military knowledge, becoming an officer also involves a socialization process. This includes not only how to act as a military leader, but also who you are and how you behave, always, and therefore includes the fundamental values from which you lead your life as a whole. Hence, the study shows that the cadets need to develop a professional military identity that is also a social one. The results indicate that organizing an education that requires collaboration of two public authorities has proved to involve a number of challenges in combining two separate learning environments into one learning context. As a result, in the making of officers, a number of opposing conditions have been found, within as well as between the educations’ military and academic context, which seem to challenge cadets’ learning processes in various ways and degrees. Main findings of the study indicate that cadets’ access to participation combined with individual differences in contributing in the social processes seem to be crucial to learning. To develop the competence of an officer, the cadets need to develop a military professional identity and expertise, which also includes analytical academic skills.

Att lära sig bli (som) en artist : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga artisters lärande- och identitetsskapande processer.

Ivansson, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Denna rapport har studerat hur lär- och identitetsprocessen att formas till artist har sett ut för några av Sveriges mest aktuella kvinnliga artister. Valet att studera denna yrkesgrupp beror på att formell utbildning genom skolväsendet saknas för att till fullo förbereda individer för yrket. Syftet har varit att genom artisternas beskrivningar av de egna erfarenheterna bidra med kunskap om hur dessa processer kan se ut. Sex stycken semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med hjälp av utformad frågeguide för insamlandet av data. Intervjuerna transkriberades sedan och analyserades därefter med drag av hermeneutisk tolkning. Förförståelsen hos mig som forskare har haft en central roll i rapporten då jag själv är verksam som frilansande trummis inom musikbranschen. Då tidigare forskning rörande lär- och identitetsskapande processer för artister inte hittades baserades litteraturöversikten till stor del av forskning om de lär- och identitetsskapande processer som elitidrottare gjort. Valet av denna yrkesgrupp baserades på att framgång som idrottare ofta leder till medial uppmärksamhet, i likhet med artisternas. Insamlad empiri analyserades sedan genom Lave och Wengers (1991) teorier om hur kunskap uppstår och utvecklas genom sociala interaktioner i olika kontexter, något de kallar för situerat lärande. I analysen användes även Goffmans (2009) rollteoretiska modell som behandlar hur identiteter skapas, upprätthålls och förändras. Slutsatserna i studien visade på att kunskapen till stor del skapats genom observation av de mer erfarna inom musikbranschen samt interaktion med dessa. Artisternas föreställningar om vad det innebär att vara en artist samt till vilken grad de interagerat med olika delar av musikbranschen tycks ha påverkat deras förmåga att själva identifiera sig som artister. Gemensamt för samtliga respondenter var den beskrivna upplevelsen av att kunna påverka rollen som artist till högre grad i och med ökad erfarenhet och framgång som artist. / This report has studied how the processes of learning about the role as an artist and the ability to identify oneself as one has been for some of Sweden’s most popular artists. The choice to study this profession is due to the lack of formal education through the school system to fully prepare individuals for the profession. The purpose has been to provide knowledge about these processes thru the described experiences from the artists. Six semi- structured qualitative interviews were conducted using a designed questionnaire for data collection. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed by means of hermeneutic interpretation. The preconceptions have played a central role in the report, as I myself am a freelance drummer in the music industry. Since earlier research about learning and identity-creating processes among artists was not found, the literature review has been based largely on research about the learning and identity-creating processes that elite athletes have made. The choice to study this profession was based on the similarity between professions in the terms where their success often leads to great media attention. Collected empirical data was then analyzed thru Lave and Wenger’s (1991) theories of how knowledge arises and develops through social interactions in different contexts, something they call situated learning. The analysis was also made thru used Goffman's (2009) role theory model that addresses how identities are created, maintained and changed. The conclusions of this study showed that knowledge about the role as an artist was largely created by observing the more experienced in the music industry as well as thru interaction with these. The artists' perceptions of what it means to be an artist and the extent to which they interacted with different parts of the music industry seem to have influenced their ability to identify themselves with the role. Commonly to all respondents was the described experience that the ability to influence the role of an artist increased with experience and success as an artist.

Learning through collaborative design in a virtual environment : a case study

Viljoen, Johan H. C. January 2001 (has links)
This paper reports on an on-line collaborative design project of which the final outcome was a comprehensive, international World-Wide Web database of experts in the field of Instructional Technology as part of a learning task for post-graduate students in the same field. The main objective of the study was to determine the extent to which computer-supported collaborative design without face-to-face contact could be used to create a useful resource in this field. Sub-questions that arose were: How does a computer-supported collaborative design process evolve in an open-ended learning environment? What support could student designers working on a real-life project expect from their peers and experts in the field? How does one judge the success of such a project? What direct benefits can students derive from computer-supported collaborative design? The iterative design process was explored by means of an action research case study methodology. Three sets of issues fundamental to constructivist learning in an open-ended virtual environment came under scrutiny, viz. collaborative and participatory design, computer-mediated collaboration and collaborative learning. lt was found that computer-supported collaborative design could be a highly effective method both of learning and of producing a valuable artefact. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2001. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Redo för ett liv med kultur : Sex kulturskolelärares perspektiv på sina elevers livslånga lärande genom ideellt kulturutövande / Ready for a life with culture : Six culture school teachers’ perspectives on their students lifelong learning through non-profit cultural practitioning

Nygren, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative study that examines the relationship between the Swedish kulturskola (non-compulsory cultural school for children and young adults), the non-profit cultural life and the phenomenon of lifelong learning. It raises the question wether teachers in the cultural school have a plan for their students lifelong learning or not; what their experience is of collaboration with the non-profit cultural life and if they take any concrete actions to facilitate the students entry into the local cultural life as amateur cultural practitioners. The theoretical framework is the situated learning theory by Lave & Wenger and the context of action theory by Dreier. Six teachers have been interviewed in the study. The result of the study is that the teachers see great values of their students lifelong learning, however, the collaboration with non-profit cultural associations is not always easy because of differences in perspective. It is helpful if the teacher him-/herself has the possibility of being personally engaged in, or at least has experience from, the non-profit cultural life, in order to be able to bridge the gap that arises for students trying to enter the adult cultural world. It is also suggested that teachers need to be given enough resources and support to be able to participate in collaborations with the associations of the local non-profit cultural life. The matter of students’ lifelong learning is urgent not only for the individual student or cultural organizations, but also for the society as a whole.

Computational Thinking in der Musikwissenschaft: Jupyter Notebook als Umgebung für Lehre und Forschung

Seifert, Uwe, Klaßmann, Sebastian, Varelmann, Timo, Dahmen, Nils 29 October 2020 (has links)
We show that in connection with the digitalization of musicology a special kind of mathematical and logical thinking, i. e. computational thinking/literacy, is in need. Computational thinking is characterized by effective procedures whereas computational literacy includes the implementation of these procedures on machines, i.e. programming. Both are the core of formalization, model building and computer simulation. Furthermore, we point out that “computation” as a central concept for the sciences in the 21st century and its use in cognitive science and the computational sciences make it necessary to reassess the basic assumptions underlying musicological research as science of mind (Geisteswissenschaft). We propose a digital habitat to integrate computational thinking/literacy in musicology and to become acquainted with model building and computer simulation. Jupyter Notebook provides a basis for such a digital habitat. We describe our use of Jupyter Notebook as a teaching environment for computational thinking/literacy.

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