Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sleep - coequality"" "subject:"sleep - c.equality""
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Elitidrott och sömn : En kvantitativ studie om elitidrottande ungdomars sömnhygien och skärmanvändande / Elite sports and sleep : A quantitative study of high school athlete’s sleep hygiene and screen timePettersson, Jasmine, Holmström, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Sömn är grundläggande för elitidrottares återhämtning och uppbyggnad. För ungdomar som elitidrottar kan upprätthållande av en god sömnkvalitet, sömnkvantitet och sömnhygien vara utmanande. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien var att studera skillnader i sömnvanor mellan elitidrottande ungdomar och ungdomar som inte elitidrottar. Undersökningen riktades mot elevers sömnhygien med ett specifikt fokus på skärmanvändande. 504 elever deltog i enkätstudien varav 256 studerade på riksidrottsgymnasium och 248 på vanligt gymnasium. Signifikanta skillnader observerades där elitidrottande ungdomar hade bättre sömnkvalitet och sömnkvantitet, men sämre sömnhygien än jämförelseelever. Skärmanvändande skiljde sig inte mellan grupperna. Resultatet pekade på att elitidrottande ungdomar hade sämre sovmiljö, men bättre sömnhygien när det gällde substansintag och insomningsfördröjande beteenden än jämförelseelever. Ett signifikant samband mellan sömnhygien och sömnkvalitet observerades. Specifika faktorer som predicerade sömnkvalitet hos RIG-elever var skärmanvändande efter sovförsök och uppvaknanden av aviseringar under natten. Slutsatser från studien är att även om elitidrottssatsande elever har bättre sömnkvalitet och sömnkvantitet än elever på jämförelsegymnasium, finns det fortfarande stort utrymme för förbättring. Då elevernas sömnhygien kan anses vara bristfällig, pekar resultatet på att större fokus bör läggas på att ge eleverna optimala förutsättningar för bättre sömn. / Sleep is fundamental for an athlete’s recovery and adaptation. It can be hard for high school athletes to maintain good sleep quality, quantity and hygiene. The main purpose of this study was to examine differences in sleep habits between high school athletes and non-athlete high school adolescents. The students’ sleep hygiene was studied, and specific focus was drawn to screen time. 504 students participated in the survey whereas 256 studied at National Sports High Schools and 248 at a reference high school. Significant differences were observed suggesting that high school athletes had superior sleep quality and sleep quantity, but inferior sleep hygiene compared to the reference group. Screen time did not differ between the groups. The result showed that high school athletes had inferior sleep environment, but superior sleep hygiene regarding substance use and sleep delaying behaviors compared to the reference group. A significant correlation between sleep hygiene and sleep quality was observed. Specific factors predicting sleep quality for high school athletes were screen time after sleep attempt and awakenings due to notifications. The study’s conclusion is that there is still room for improvement even though high school athletes shows superior sleep quality and sleep quantity compared to the reference group. Since the students’ sleep hygiene can be seen as inadequate, the study suggests that interventions to support high school athletes’ optimal sleep should be considered.
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Comparaison des mesures auto-recensées et objectives de sommeil chez la population âgée souffrant d'apnée du sommeilGomes, Teresa 08 1900 (has links)
Une mauvaise qualité de sommeil est souvent observée chez les personnes âgées. Diverses méthodes sont alors utilisées afin d’en évaluer les caractéristiques, notamment les questionnaires auto-recensés et la polysomnographie (PSG). Cependant, l’utilisation de la PSG étant dispendieuse et chronophage, le recours aux analyses par questionnaires auto-recensés en milieu clinique pourrait être privilégié et faciliterait grandement l’évaluation de la qualité du sommeil. Cette étude vise à valider la méthode par questionnaires auto-recensés lors de l’évaluation de la qualité de sommeil chez les personnes âgées et à comparer ces différents questionnaires aux mesures obtenues par une PSG. Le devis de l'étude est une une sous-analyse d’une étude d’essais cliniques randomisés. L’étude a été menée auprès de patients édentés de 65 ans et plus, recrutés entre décembre 2013 et août 2018. Les données ont été collectées à domicile avec une PSG et jumelées à divers questionnaires sur le sommeil : le questionnaire de Berlin (QB, plage de scores comprise entre 0 et 3), l’échelle de somnolence Karolinska (ESK, plage de scores 1-9), l’indice de qualité du sommeil de Pittsburgh (IQSP, plage de scores de 0 à 21), l’échelle de somnolence d’Epworth (ESE, plage de scores de 0 à 24). Les données obtenues par la PSG incluent : l'indice d'apnée-hypopnée (IAH), l'indice de désaturation en oxygène (IDO) et le pourcentage d'efficacité du sommeil. L’analyse des données a été effectuée par statistiques descriptives et tests statistiques bivariés. Chez les 130 patients ayant participé à l’acquisition de données de base (51 hommes et 79 femmes, âge moyen 75 ± 6 ans), il n'y a pas de forte corrélation entre les scores totaux de qualité du sommeil mesurés par les questionnaires et le pourcentage d'IAH, d'ODI et d'efficacité du sommeil obtenus par la PSG. Seuls deux des questionnaires utilisés ont eu une sensibilité distinctive, comportant toutefois des valeurs de seuil différentes de la norme utilisée chez les adultes : le QB et l’ESK. Nos résultats démontrent que les questionnaires auto-recensés disponibles s’avèrent limités pour le dépistage clinique chez les personnes âgées. Afin de développer un nouvel instrument de mesure fiable permettant le diagnostic d’AOS et l’évaluation de la qualité de sommeil chez cette population, il est nécessaire d’effectuer des études sur un plus grand échantillon et de créer un questionnaire spécifique destiné à la population âgée. / Poor sleep quality is often seen in the elderly. Various methods are then used to evaluate their characteristics, including self-reported questionnaires and polysomnography (PSG). However, since the use of PSG is expensive and time-consuming, the use of self-reported questionnaires in a clinical setting could be preferred and would greatly facilitate the assessment of sleep quality. This study aims to validate the self-reported questionnaire method used in the evaluation of sleep quality in the elderly and compare these different questionnaires to the measures obtained by a PSG. The study design is a sub-analysis of a randomized clinical trial study. The study was conducted in edentulous patients aged 65 years and older, recruited between December 2013 and August 2018. The data were collected at home with a PSG and combined with various sleep questionnaires: the Berlin questionnaire (BQ, range of scores from 0 to 3), the Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS, range of scores from 1-9), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI, range of scores from 0 to 21), the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS, range of scores from 0 to 24). Data obtained by PSG include: apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation index (ODI), and sleep efficiency percentage. Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics and bivariate statistical tests. Of the 130 patients who participated in baseline data acquisition (51 males and 79 females, mean age 75 ± 6 years), there was no strong correlation between the total sleep quality scores measured by the questionnaires and the IAH, ODI and sleep efficiency percentage achieved by PSG. Only two of the questionnaires used had a distinctive sensitivity, but with threshold values different from the norm used in adults: QB and ESK. Our results demonstrate that self-reported questionnaires available are limited for clinical screening for the elderly. In order to develop a new reliable measuring instrument for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the evaluation of sleep quality in this population, it is necessary to carry out studies on a larger sample and to create a specific questionnaire intended for the elderly population.
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Promenera för hälsan : en kvantitativ studie på sambandet mellan vardagsmotion, stress och sömnkvalitetRosenkrantz, Sara, Weberg, Linn January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om vardagsmotion i form av promenader är relaterat till lägre självupplevd stress och högre självupplevd sömnkvalitet hos kvinnor och män i åldrarna 18-45. Metod: I en tvärsnittsstudie deltog 89 kvinnor och män i Sverige. Vid analysarbetet delades deltagarna även in i grupper för att studeras separat, där 44 klassificerades som fysiskt inaktiva och 45 som fysiskt aktiva. Den digitala enkäten innehöll två frågor om fysisk aktivitet och vardagsmotion, 10 frågor om självupplevd stress och åtta frågor om självupplevd sömnkvalitet. Resultat: Inget signifikant samband mellan vardagsmotion och självupplevd stress hos samtliga deltagare (p =,389). Hos de fysiskt inaktiva individerna fanns ett signifikant samband mellan vardagsmotion och självupplevd stress (p =,033). Inget signifikant samband mellan vardagsmotion och självupplevd stress hos de fysiskt aktiva individerna (p=,320). Resultatet visade på att vardagsmotion i form av promenader är relaterat till lägre självupplevd stress hos fysiskt inaktiva individer. Ett signifikant samband mellan vardagsmotion och självupplevd sömnkvalitet sågs hos samtliga deltagare (p =,045). Det fanns ett signifikant samband mellan vardagsmotion och självupplevd sömnkvalitet hos de fysiskt inaktiva individerna. (p = ,033). Inget signifikant samband mellan vardagsmotion och självupplevd sömnkvalitet hos de fysiskt aktiva individerna (p =,440). Resultatet visar på att vardagsmotion i form av promenader är relaterat till högre självupplevd sömnkvalitet hos samtliga deltagare samt hos fysiskt inaktiva individer. Slutsats: Med bakgrund i studiens resultat kan vardagsmotion i form av promenader vara en aktivitet som genererar lägre självupplevd stress och högre självupplevd sömnkvalitet. Fysiskt inaktiva individer skulle eventuellt kunna få en större hälsovinst av promenader än fysiskt aktiva individer. Promenader som lättillgänglig och enkel aktivitet skulle trots studieresultaten kunna vara en betydande del i vardagen för gemene man, då det kan bidra till en upplevelse av lägre stress och högre sömnkvalitet. / Aim: The purpose with the study was to investigate if everyday exercise aimed at walking is related to lower self-perceived stress and higher self-perceived quality of sleep in women and men aged 18-45. Method: In a cross-sectional study 89 women and men in Sweden participated. In the analysis work the participants were also divided into groups to be studied separately, of which 44 was classified as physically inactive and 45 as physically active. The digital questionnaire contained two questions about physical activity and everyday exercise aimed at walking, 10 questions about self-perceived stress and eight questions about self-perceived sleep quality. Results: No significant association between everyday exercise aimed at walking and self-perceived stress in all participants (p =,389) In the physically inactive participants, there was a significant association between everyday exercise aimed at walking and self-perceived stress (p =,033). No significant association between everyday exercise aimed at walking and self-perceived stress in the physically active participants (p = ,320). The result shows that everyday exercise aimed at walking is related to lower self-perceived stress among the physically inactive individuals. A significant association between everyday exercise aimed at walking and self-perceived sleep quality was seen in all participants (p =,045). A significant association between everyday exercise aimed at walking and self-perceived quality of sleep among the physically inactive participants (p =,033). No significant association between everyday exercise aimed at walking and self-perceived sleep quality in the physically active participants (p =,440). The result shows that everyday exercise aimed at walking is related to higher self-perceived sleep quality among all participants and also among the physically inactive individuals. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study everyday exercise aimed walking can be an activity that generates lower self-perceived stress and higher self-perceived quality of sleep. Physically inactive individuals could possibly get a greater health benefit from walking than physically active individuals. Walking as an easily accessible and simple activity could, despite the study results, be a considerable part of everyday life for the average person, as it can contribute to an experience of lower stress and higher quality of sleep
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Proyecto SomnusAtaupillco Flores , Angie Tatiana, ELera Rubio, Cristhian Alberto, Huaringa Herrera, Alexander Daniel, Leon Huayanay, Laura Alexandra, Morales Rojas, Maria Cristina 02 December 2021 (has links)
En los últimos tiempos los jóvenes universitarios presentaron problemas relacionados a la mala calidad del sueño. Los problemas se originan por la sobrecarga de actividades académicas y extraacadémicas, poca o nula actividad física, la procrastinación y reducidas horas de descanso. El Perú tiene diversos tipos de hierbas naturales que ayudan a resolver problemas relacionados a la salud, por lo que los jóvenes confían en sus resultados para mejorar su calidad de sueño. A raíz de esta oportunidad, nace la marca Somnus, la cual es especialista en ofrecer infusiones elaboradas a base de hierbas 100% naturales que ayudan a mejorar la calidad del sueño.
Realizamos este trabajo de investigación con la finalidad de evaluar el impacto de la idea de negocio; para ello, se recolectó datos directamente del público objetivo empleando diversas herramientas. Estos datos ayudaron a definir las redes sociales a usar, el contenido, las mejoras del producto, métodos de pago y entre otros. En el trabajo se detallan 4 tipos de estrategias usadas para aumentar las ventas e intenciones de compra, las cuales fueron validadas por el público objetivo. A Partir de ellas, se proyectaron las ventas para los 3 primeros años del proyecto dando como resultado s/.55,280.85, s/.63,627.12 y S/.73,288.14 respectivamente. Estas proyecciones permitieron obtener un FCL y utilidades netas positivas desde su primer año. Así como los indicadores financieros como el VAN, TIR, PDR y el punto de equilibrio que demuestran la rentabilidad del proyecto. / In recent times, young university students have presented problems related to poor sleep quality. The problems are caused by the overload of academic and extracurricular activities, little or no physical activity, procrastination and reduced hours of rest. Peru has several types of natural herbs that help solve health-related problems, so young people rely on their results to improve their sleep quality. As a result of this opportunity, the Somnus brand was born, which specializes in offering infusions made from 100% natural herbs that help improve the quality of sleep.
We conducted this research work in order to evaluate the impact of the business idea; to do so, we collected data directly from the target audience using various tools. This data helped to define the social networks to use, the content, product improvements, payment methods and others. The work details 4 types of strategies used to increase sales and purchase intentions, which were validated by the target audience. Based on these strategies, sales were projected for the first 3 years of the project, resulting in s/. 55,280.85, s/. 63,627.12 and s/. 73,288.14 respectively. These projections allowed to obtain a positive FCL and net profits from the first year. As well as the financial indicators such as NPV, IRR, PDR and break-even point that demonstrate the profitability of the project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Smart BlanketGaray Delgado, Miguel Jiancarlo, Flores Rodriguez, Julio Cesar, Parias Chuquihuaccha, Oscar, Molina Nuñez, Esteicy Nathalie, Ochoa Pretel, Piero Antonio 15 July 2020 (has links)
En el Perú y el mundo hay tendencias importantes en crecimiento, por un lado tenemos los cambios sociales respecto al bienestar de la salud física y mental donde jóvenes y mayores buscan alimentarse saludablemente reduciendo el azúcar, harinas o grasas, bebiendo más agua o practicando actividades relacionadas al deporte. Negocios cómo los gimnasios, spa, sauna, etc. vienen creciendo anualmente, así mismo, la importancia de un buen descanso para las personas está ganando un lugar importante en esta tendencia y es que la llamada “calidad de sueño” es más que solo dormir, es el momento donde el cuerpo recupera y se prepara física y mentalmente para afrontar las actividades diarias de las personas. Por otro lado, la evolución de la tecnología es parte de nuestras vidas, desde muy pequeños convivimos con productos inteligentes y contar con uno no es solo estar actualizado sino ganar un status en la sociedad actual. Debido a esto, es una gran oportunidad para Smart Blanket lanzar un producto inteligente que cubra esta necesidad contribuyendo a la salud y a través de la tecnología. Existen aplicaciones exitosas dedicadas a mejorar la calidad de sueño a través de melodías relajantes, por lo que ya hay intención de cubrir esta necesidad y nuestro producto lo hace de la misma forma y mejor teniendo otras consideraciones importantes que se detallan a la largo del proyecto donde demostraremos también, que con una inversión inicial de S/. 81,145.00 podemos generar importantes ingresos, una rentabilidad que nos permita recuperar la inversión dentro del primer año y una escalabilidad a otros sectores del país o incluso con otros productos relacionados. / In Peru and the world there are important trends in growth, on the one hand we have social changes regarding the well-being of physical and mental health where young and old seek to eat healthy by reducing sugar, flour or fat, drinking more water or practicing related activities to sport. Business like gyms, spa, sauna, etc. They have been growing annually, likewise, the importance of a good rest for people is gaining an important place in this trend and is that the so-called "quality of sleep" is more than just sleeping, it is the time when the body recovers and prepares physically and mentally to deal with people's daily activities. On the other hand, the evolution of technology is part of our lives, from a very young age we coexisted with smart products and having one is not only up-to-date but also gaining a status in today's society. Because of this, it is a great opportunity for Smart blanked to launch a smart product that meets this need by contributing to health and through technology. There are successful applications dedicated to improving sleep quality through relaxing melodies, so there is already an intention to cover this need and our product does it in the same way and better having other important considerations that are detailed throughout the project where We will also demonstrate that with an initial investment of S /. 81,145.00 we can generate significant income, a return that allows us to recover the investment within the first year and scalability to other sectors of the country or even with other related products. / Trabajo de investigación
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Relación entre el consumo de una dieta mediterránea y la calidad de sueño en adultos de Lima, Perú - 2020 / Relationship between the consumption of a mediterranean diet and the quality of sleep in adults from Lima, PeruBernal Zárate, Diego David 15 August 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar si existe una relación entre el consumo de una dieta mediterránea y la calidad de sueño en adultos de Lima, Perú - 2020. Método: Estudio transversal analítico con una muestra de 313 adultos entre las edades de 18 a 64 años invitados a participar por medio de las plataformas virtuales Facebook e Instagram. Se evaluó la prevalencia de consumo de una dieta mediterránea por medio de la encuesta “Cálculo del Índice Chileno de la Dieta Mediterránea” y la calidad de sueño por la encuesta “Índice de Calidad de Sueño de Pittsburgh”, la cual fue validada en una población peruana. Se calcularon razones de prevalencia crudas (RPc) y ajustadas (RPa) mediante regresión de Poisson. Resultados: No se encontró una asociación significativa entre la calidad de sueño y la adherencia regular (RPa = 0.99; IC 95%: 0.96 – 1.02) o buena (RPa = 0.93; IC 95%: 0.86-1.01) a una dieta mediterránea. Además, se determinó que las personas de sexo masculino tienden a tener una mejor calidad de sueño a comparación del sexo femenino (RPa = 0.94; IC 95%: 0.90 -0.97). De igual manera, se pudo apreciar que las personas que cursaban entre las edades de 51 a 64 años tenían una mejor calidad de sueño a comparación de las personas que cursaban entre las edades de 18 a 20 años (RPa = 0.92; IC 95%: 0.87-0.98). Asimismo, se pudo estimar una asociación significativa entre el sobrepeso/obesidad con una mejor calidad de sueño; sin embargo, al realizar el análisis crudo y ajustado este pierde su significancia. Conclusiones: No se logró determinar una asociación entre el consumo de una dieta mediterránea y la calidad de sueño en adultos de Lima – Perú - 2020, esto se pudo deber a que no se midió las variables de confinamiento social, el cual aumenta los niveles de ansiedad y depresión que son un factor determinante en la calidad de sueño. / Objective: To determine if there is a relationship between the consumption of a mediterranean diet and the quality of sleep in adults from Lima, Peru - 2020. Method: Analytical cross-sectional study with a sample of 313 adults between the ages of 18 to 64 years, who were invited to participate through the virtual platforms Facebook and Instagram. The prevalence of consumption of a mediterranean diet was evaluated through the survey "Calculation of the Chilean Mediterranean Diet Index”; and the quality of sleep, by the survey “Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index”, which was validated in peruvian population. To perform statistical analysis, crude prevalence ratios (cRP) and adjusted prevalence ratios (aRP) were calculated using Poisson regression. Results: No significant association was found between quality of sleep and regular (aPR = 0.99; 95% CI:0.96 - 1.02) or good (aPR = 0.93; 95% CI:0.86-1.01) adherence to a mediterranean diet. In addition, it was determined that male persons tend to have a better quality of sleep compared to female with a (aPR = 0.94; 95% CI 0.90 -0.97). Likewise, it could be seen that people who were between the ages from 51 to 64 years had a better quality of sleep compared to people who were between the ages of 18 to 20 years (aPR = 0.92; 95% CI 0.87-0.98). As well, it was possible to estimate a significant association between being overweight/obese with a better quality of sleep; however, when performing the crude and adjusted analysis, it loses its significance. Conclusions: It was not possible to determine an association between the consumption of a Mediterranean diet and the quality of sleep in adults from Lima – Peru - 2020, this could be due to the fact that the variables of social confinement were not measured, which increases the levels of anxiety and depression that are a determining factor in the quality of sleep. / Tesis
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Associations Between Sleep Quality and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Body Composition, and Physical Activity in Older AdultsHopun, Alexandra Isabel 27 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Le rôle modificateur de la qualité du sommeil dans l’association entre la génétique de la pression artérielleNaja, Mounia 09 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’hypertension est une condition complexe multifactorielle pouvant être influencée par des facteurs de risque génétiques et du mode de vie, tel le sommeil. En effet, une qualité et une durée du sommeil inadéquate sont liées à un risque accru d’hypertension. Peu d’études investiguent la modification du sommeil sur l’association entre la génétique et la pression artérielle.
Objectif : Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont d’étudier, chez les jeunes adultes : i) la modification d’effet de la génétique sur la pression artérielle par la qualité du sommeil; et ii) la modification d’effet de la génétique sur la pression artérielle par la durée du sommeil.
Méthodes : Ce mémoire est une étude transversale répétée utilisant les données de deux cycles de l’étude longitudinale Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT), soit les cycles 22 (2011-2012 ; 24 ans, n = 529) et 23 (2017-2018 ; 30 ans, n = 395). Au sein de ces deux cycles, la pression artérielle a été mesuré et la qualité et la durée du sommeil ont été évaluées à l'aide de l'échelle validée Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Le score de risque génétique pour la pression artérielle élevée a été basé sur 29 variants génétiques de risque. La modification d’effet du sommeil sur l’association entre la génétique et la pression artérielle a été estimée par des modèles de régression linéaire. De plus, une analyse combinant les données des cycles 22 et 23 a été effectuée à l'aide d'un modèle des moindres carrés généralisés.
Résultats : Le score de risque génétique est significativement associé à la pression artérielle (Cycle combiné : β = 0.50; IC95% : 0.18, 0.81). Cependant, ni la qualité du sommeil (Cycle combiné : β = 0.02; IC95% : -0.19, 0.24) ni la durée du sommeil (Cycle combiné : β = -0.70; IC95% : -1.50, 0.10) ne sont associés significativement à la pression artérielle. De plus, aucune modification significative d’effet de la qualité et de la durée du sommeil sur l’association entre susceptibilité génétique à la haute pression et la pression artérielle n’a été observée.
Conclusion : Chez les jeunes adultes, le sommeil n’atténue possiblement pas l’effet de la prédisposition génétique à la haute pression artérielle. / Introduction: Hypertension is a complex, multifactorial condition that can be influenced by genetic and lifestyle risk factors such as sleep. Inadequate quality and duration of sleep are linked to an increased risk of hypertension. However, few studies investigate the effect modification of sleep in the association between genetics and blood pressure.
Objective: The objectives are to study in young adults i) the effect modification of genetics on blood pressure by sleep quality in young adults; and ii) the effect modification of genetics on blood pressure by sleep duration.
Methods: This thesis examines the study objectives in a repeated cross-sectional study design using data from two cycles of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) longitudinal study separately - cycles 22 (2011-2012; age 24, n = 529), and 23 (2017-2018; age 30, n = 395). In both cycles, blood pressure was measured, and sleep quality and duration were assessed using the validated Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scale. The genetic risk score for high blood pressure is based on 29 risk variants. The effect modification of sleep on the association between genetics and blood pressure was assessed using linear regression models. Additionally, an analysis pooling data across cycles 22 and 23 was performed using a Generalized Least Square model.
Results: Genetic risk score (GRS) is significantly associated with blood pressure (Pooled cycles: β = 0.50; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.81). However, neither sleep quality (Pooled cycles: β = 0.02; 95% CI: -0.19, 0.24) nor sleep duration (Pooled cycles: β = -0.70; 95% CI: -1.50, 0.10) are significantly associated with blood pressure. Furthermore, no effect modification of sleep quality and duration on the association between genetic susceptibility to high blood pressure and blood pressure were observed.
Conclusion: In young adults, sleep may not attenuate the effect of genetic predisposition to high blood pressure.
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Insomnia, cognitive impairment, and decision-making among patients with heart failure: A randomized study of brief behavioral treatment for insomniaHarris, Kristie M. 18 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Ventilation och luftkvalitet i studentlägenheter : Luftomsättning, luftkvalitet och upplevd inomhusmiljö vid varierade ventilationsflöden / Ventilation and indoor air quality in student apartmentsPetersson, Alice, Loneberg, Klara, Trygg, Tyra January 2024 (has links)
EU har enats om att minska energianvändningen med minst 11,7 % jämfört med prognosen för den förväntade energianvändningen till 2030. Nära hälften av Sveriges energianvändning går bland annat till uppvärmning i bostads- och servicesektorn. I Sverige kan energieffektivisering, genom ventilation, vara lönsamt ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv men även för att nå klimat- och energimål. Genom att använda behovsstyrd ventilation och från- och tilluftssystem med värmeväxling kan energiförbrukningen minska betydligt. Att använda behovsstyrd ventilation går bara att göra om inte människans hälsa påverkas eller den upplevda luftkvaliteten försämras. Studien fokuserar på hur olika ventilationsflöden nattetid i studentlägenheter påverkar både energiförbrukningen och luftkvalitén under vinterhalvåret. Målet är att minska ventilationsflödet utan att påverka luftkvalitet, upplevd luftkvalitet och sömnkvalitet negativt samtidigt som energi kan sparas. Studien genomfördes i studentboendet Bifrost som är en fastighet i Borås som Bostäder i Borås AB förvaltar. Fastigheten består av fem våningar med totalt 40 studentlägenheter. Genom att mäta koldioxid, temperatur och relativa fuktighet samt att de boende får svara på morgonenkäter om den upplevda luftkvaliteten. Vilket gör att luftkvaliteten och sömnkvaliteten kan analyseras. En utförlig arbetsgång inkluderade förberedelser, kalibrering av mätare, installation av mätarna och enkätutskick. Mätperioden pågick under två veckor med fyra olika ventilationsflöden som reglerades klockan 22:00 på kvällen och sedan tillbaka igen till det normala flödet klockan 10:00 på morgonen. Den långa mätperioden gjorde att alla ventilationsflöden kunde prövas två gånger var och jämföras. Flödena som testades utgick från fastigheten Bifrosts normala flöde (1200 l/s) som är fördelat på de 40 lägenheterna. Förutom det normala flödet testades även mycket lågt flöde (360 l/s), lågt flöde (700 l/s) och ett mycket högt flöde (1350 l/s). Energibesparingen utvärderades efter mätperioden genom beräkningar i jämförelse med det normala flödet. Beräkningarna visade att genom att göra nattsänkning av ventilationsflödet blev det en energibesparing jämfört med normala flödet. Vid det mycket låga flödet sänktes energiförbrukningen 22 474 kWh/år, vid det låga flödet sänktes energiförbrukningen 13 377 kWh/år medan det höga flödet ökar energiförbrukningen med 4013 kWh/år. Sammanfattningsvis påverkade inte de olika flödena signifikant de boendes upplevelse av luftkvalitet eller deras sömn. Detta även om det vid det mycket låga ventilationsflödet visade sig ha en koldioxidhalt över 1000 ppm, vilket kan vara en indikation på att ventilationen inte är tillräcklig för att ventilera ut föroreningar. De tre andra ventilationsflödena har koldioxidhalter under 1000 ppm vilket tyder på att ventilationen är tillräcklig. Även om ett lägre ventilationsflöde under myndighetskraven inte påverkar människans hälsa negativt eller försämrar luftkvaliteten är det inte aktuellt att sänka till. Temperaturen påverkades inte märkbart vid något av ventilationsflödena. Den relativa fuktigheten visade inte heller på någon större märkbar förändring. / The EU has agreed to reduce energy use by at least 11.7% compared to the forecasted energy use by 2030. Nearly half of Sweden's energy use goes to heating in the residential and service sectors. In Sweden, energy efficiency through ventilation can be economically beneficial and help achieve climate and energy goals. By using demand-controlled ventilation and supply and exhaust systems with heat exchange, energy consumption can be significantly reduced. Demand-controlled ventilation can only be used if it does not affect human health or reduce perceived air quality. The study focuses on how different ventilation flows at night in student apartments affect both energy consumption and air quality during the winter months. The goal is to reduce ventilation flow without negatively impacting air quality, perceived air quality, or sleep quality, while saving energy. The study was conducted in the Bifrost student housing, a building in Borås managed by Bostäder i Borås AB. The building has five floors with a total of 40 student apartments. CO2, temperature, and relative humidity were measured, and residents answered morning surveys about perceived air quality. This allowed for the analysis of air quality and sleep quality. The detailed process included preparations, calibration of meters, installation of meters, and distribution of surveys. The measurement period lasted two weeks with four different ventilation flows regulated from 10:00 PM to 10:00 AM. The long measurement period allowed each flow to be tested twice and compared. The tested flows were based on Bifrost's normal flow (1200 l/s) which is distributed among the 40 apartments. Besides the normal flow, very low flow (360 l/s), low flow (700 l/s), and very high flow (1350 l/s) were tested. Energy savings were evaluated after the measurement period by comparing calculations to the normal flow. Calculations showed that reducing the nighttime ventilation flow resulted in energy savings compared to the normal flow. The very low flow reduced energy consumption by 22,474 kWh/year, the low flow reduced it by 13,377 kWh/year, while the high flow increased energy consumption by 4013 kWh/year. In summary, the different ventilation flows did not significantly affect the residents' perception of air quality or their sleep. However, at the very low ventilation flow, the CO2 level was over 1000 ppm, which can indicate that the ventilation is not enough to remove pollutants. The other three ventilation flows had CO2 levels below 1000 ppm, indicating that the ventilation is sufficient. Even though a lower ventilation flow below regulatory standards does not negatively impact human health or air quality, it is not recommended to lower it further. Temperature was not noticeably affected by any of the ventilation flows. Relative humidity also did not show any significant changes.
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