Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial austainability"" "subject:"cocial asustainability""
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"En kompisteckning. För det är en teckning man gör tillsammans med sina kompisar" : En studie om social hållbarhet i en postmodern förskola / "A friendship-drawing. Because it's a drawing you create with your friends" : A study about social sustainability in a postmodern preschoolCarlbom, Daniel, Carlbom, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar hur barn i en postmodern förskola samspelar och använder sig av olika material för att etablera en social hållbarhet. Vi börjar med att förklara begreppet hållbar utveckling, samt hur den ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala aspekten av hållbar utveckling hör ihop. Två olika teoretiska perspektiv präglar denna studie. Det första är paraplyperspektivet postmodernism och dess syn på meningsskapande, intra-aktion och icke-linjära lärandeprocesser, där en mångfald av material främjar en hundraspråklighet, ett begrepp som frekvent används inom Reggio Emilia-pedagogiken. Det andra valda perspektivet är det sociokulturella, där vi tagit avstamp i synen på dialog, samspel och lärande i grupp. De båda perspektiven har stora skillnader i sitt sätt att se på lärandet, men också många likheter vilka vi anser hjälpa oss att besvara våra forskningsfrågor på ett adekvat sätt, något vi också redogör för. Vår datainsamling skedde med hjälp av fokusgruppsdiskussioner/samtal där vi tillsammans med två olika barngrupper använde kreativa verktyg för att skapa en "tillsammans-/kompisteckning". De båda aktiviteterna videoinspelades. Resultatet visar att barnen använde sig av ett demokratiskt förhållningsätt i sin gemenskap rörande delaktighet, öppenhet och respekt till och om andras tankar, vilket speglar en god grund för en social hållbarhet i förskolans verksamhet. / The aim of this study is to portrait how children in a Swedish, post-modern preschool interplay with each other, and how they use the diversity of materials to communicate as a way of establishing asocial sustainability. Initially, we start with explaining the word “sustainability” and how the different dimensions of sustainable development come together. Our theoretical standpoint is as described, heavily influenced by the postmodern perspective and Reggio Emilia’s preschool practice featuring democracy, diversity, and expressions through a hundred languages. We also take a stand in the sociocultural perspective and its views on communication and actions between humans. We are aware of the imparities between the two theories but chose to combine their individual views on communication and/via material as a bridge upon which we placed this study. The method used for this study is a group dialogue whilst us and the participants, children at the age of 2 to 5, created a “friendship painting”. The material used for the activity was chosen by the participants to encourage their individual ways of expressions. This also helped us to find the agent of the material in the learning situations. The results show that the participants have a democratic approach to each other and to us as students in these activities. The participating children showed a sustainable approach to the social aspect of development through compassion, justice, dialogue, and flexibility to each other and to new people that shows an interest in their community.
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" It Feels Like All One Does is to Work, Eat and Sleep". : A Qualitative Study of Work-Life Balance Conducted in Sweden.Wictorin, Amanda, Vallgren, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Abstract The concept of balancing work and life has been actively discussed for over 150 years. Whereas people today are experiencing difficulties managing their work and life and the time spent on each, something that is causing them feelings of stress, fatigue and conflicts between their job and life sphere appear. This is an indication of a non-working work-life balance. Meanwhile, organizations both globally, and in Sweden, are getting more pressure on how the social environment and social aspects of an organization is doing and being handled, i.e., the employees and their wellbeing. New directives, like the EU's CSRD, are reshaping how organizations approach social sustainability alongside the established CSR framework, prompting a heightened focus on employee wellbeing and work-life balance. The purpose of this research paper was to gain a broader understanding if the concept and implementation of a four-day work week (4DWW) could help improve and affect the work-life balance among Swedish employees. To conduct this study, both a literature review and a theoretical framework were performed. The literature review was conducted to gather information on the concept of a 4DWW, work-life balance, CSRD, CSR and I-CSR. Whereas the theoretical framework presents work-life balance theories. Further, seven in-depth interviews were conducted with people living between the north and south of Sweden and that worked full-time Monday through Friday. The respondents were given the choice to choose between an in-person interview or a video call. The answers were to be analyzed using a thematical analysis method. The results indicated that there is a need for Swedish organizations to improve how they work with providing work-life balance to their employees since the results showed that full-time workers today are experiencing, among other things: lack of time, tiredness and not having time for leisure. However, all respondents expressed that a 4DWW, speculatively thinking, would help them improve their work-life balance and were positive against the idea of working four instead of five days a week. This also had the respondents thinking they would become more excited and productive at work and have more time left for other important areas of life. Finally, what was found was that the 4DWW concept does not solve all the problems faced by employees regarding work-life balance but would, speculatively, solve many of them.
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Socialt hållbarhetsarbete hos fastighetsbolag och dess ekonomiska effekter / Social Sustainability Implementation at Real Estate Companies and their Financial EffectsDrotz, Ida, Pehrson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Hållbarhet blir allt viktigare i dagens samhälle och inte minst social hållbarhet. Denna aspekt är något som fastighetsbolag måste beakta. Inte minst påverkas fastighetsbolagets lönsamhet av social hållbarhet. I socialt utsatta områden uppstår en stor problematik, inte bara för de boende utan även förhyresvärden då det är vanligare att mer underhåll behöver göras. Detta kan exempelvis innebära reparationer vid flytt, klottersanering, renhållning av utemiljö, sabotage, städning, hantering av störningar, obetalda hyror och vakanser. Alla dessa faktorer bidrar till kostnader för fastighetsbolaget, därför blir det allt mer väsentligt att vidta trygghetsskapande åtgärder. Dessutom ur hyresgästernas perspektiv är det viktigt att de känner sig trygga och vill bo kvar. Då social hållbarhet kan anses vara ett relativt nytt ämne finns det inte nog med studier som visar effekterna av dessa åtgärder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utöka kunskapen om sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder och dess ekonomiska effekter. Denna uppsats undersöker vilka åtgärder fastighetsbolag gör samt vilka möjligheter det finns för att skapa trygghet och bidra till social hållbarhet för sina hyresgäster. Utöver detta undersöks om det och i så fall vilka ekonomiska effekter dessa åtgärder leder till. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod, primär datainsamling verkställs genom intervjuer med åtta personer från olika fastighetsbolag. Samtliga respondenter besitter kunskaper om respektive bolags sociala hållbarhetsarbete. En kompletterande litteraturstudie har utförts med resultat från tidigare studier. Resultaten av studien indikerar att de vanligaste sociala hållbarhetsåtgärderna är att ha det helt, rent och snyggt i fastigheterna och runt omkring. Även belyses vikten vid att ha bra, fungerande belysning samt undvika mörka och trånga utrymmen. Att som hyresvärd ha en bra och nära kontakt med sinaboende hyresgäster och hela tiden visa sin närvaro och engagemang ses som ett vinnande koncept i socialt utsatta områden. Dessutom anses det betydelsefullt som fastighetsbolag att vara delaktig i eller skapa sociala projekt för hyresgästerna samt samarbeta med myndigheter och andra fastighetsägare. Resultaten av denna uppsats indikerar att sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder utförda av fastighetsbolag ökar bolagets lönsamhet såväl som välfärden i samhället och bidrar till en ökad samhällsnytta genom exempelvis lägre arbetslöshet och minskad kriminalitet. Utförda sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder bidrar till en ökad upplevd trygghet vilket ökar områdets attraktivitet, minskar antalet vakanser och leder till högre hyror och fastighetsvärden. Åtgärderna kan även minska fastighetsbolags kostnader för reparationer och underhåll, vilket bidrar till ett högre driftnetto. / Today’s society has rendered sustainability more important than ever before, including social sustainability. This aspect of sustainability is something real estate companies must acknowledge. Among other things, social sustainability affects real estate companies profitability. In socially disadvantaged areas, problems arise, not only for the tenants but also for the landlord as it is more common that more maintenance and operations need to be done. This can, for example, involve repairs during relocation, graffiti removal, upholding the outdoor environment, sabotage, cleaning, handling of disturbances, unpaid rents and vacancies. All these factors contribute to costs for the real estate company, hence making it increasingly important to take security-creating measures. In addition, it is essential that tenants feel safe and want to stay. As social sustainability is considered a relatively new topic, there are few studies which show the effects of these measures. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about social sustainability and its economic effects. This essay examines what measures real estate companies take, as well as which measures exist to create security and therefore contribute to social sustainability for tenants. In addition, it is investigated whether and, if so, what economic effects these measures lead to. The study was conducted using a qualitative method, where primary data collection was done through interviews with eight people from different real estate companies. All respondents possess knowledge of theircompany’s social sustainability work. A supplementary literature study has been performed with results from previous studies. The results of this study indicate that the most frequent social sustainability measure taken is to ensure that the property is functional and esthetic. The importance of having good lighting and avoiding cramped dark spaces is also highlighted. As a landlord, having close contact with your tenants and constantly showing one’s presence and commitment is seen as a winning concept in socially disadvantaged areas. In addition, it is considered important to create social projects for the tenants and to collaborate with authorities and other property owners. The results of this thesis indicate that social sustainability measures carried out by real estate companies increase the company's profitability as well as welfare in society and contribute to an increased societal benefit through, for example, lower unemployment and reduced crime. Executed social sustainability measures contribute to an increased experience of security, which increases the area's attractiveness, reduces the number of vacancies and leads to higher rents and property values. The measures can also reduce real estate companies' costs for repairs and maintenance, which contributes to a higher operating net.
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Hållbar renovering : En studie avseende social hållbarhet / Sustainable Renovation – A Study on Social SustainabilityEl-Kazemi, Bashar January 2011 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING I denna uppsats studerar jag social hållbarhet i djupare bemärkelse i syfte att undersöka och definiera åtgärder och arbetssätt som skulle kunna lämpa NCCs byggkoncept - Hållbar renovering. I min studie utgår jag ifrån akademisk forskning och statliga utredningar (som avser bl a miljonprogrammet) samt bostadsområdet Orrholmen som en inspirationskälla. Mitt empiriska material erhålls från intervjuer med NCC, Karlstads Bostads AB och brunnberg & forshed AB. I min analys fokuserar jag på hållbar utveckling, social hållbarhet, brister och potential avseende miljonprogrammet och dess gårdsmiljö, gemensamma och offentliga rum, blandning av bostäder och verksamheter, olika upplåtelseformer, sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder och förslag på fysisk utformning samt analys av bostadsområdet Orrholmen. Sammanfattningsvis visar erhållna slutsatser att social hållbarhet är en dynamiska och komplex dimension och likaså åtgärderna. Kärnan i social hållbarhet är människan och därtill även främjandet av hennes välfärd. De åtgärder som ämnas komplettera Hållbar renovering, bör väljas och bearbetas med omsorg. Brukarnas deltagande före en totalrenovering i kombination med omhändertagande av de faktiska problemen i bostadsområdena skapar positiva och gynnsamma resultat. De allra viktigaste åtgärderna är blandning av såväl bebyggelse och boendegrupper samt låg skala av bebyggelse och blandning av olika upplåtelseformer. Omätbara värden såsom identitet, platskänsla, skönhet och deltagande skapar mervärde och berikar områden. Omätbara värden ska utgöra riktlinjer för förnyelseprocesser och utformning av såväl bostäder som stadsmiljö. Detta är en av de centrala slutsatserna i denna studie. / Abstract In this thesis I focus on social sustainability in the deeper sense in order to examine and define measures and procedures, which aims to be suitable for the construction company NCC and its concept Hållbar renovering (a concept developed by NCC, focus on sustainable solutions). I base my study on previous academic research, government investigations (including investigations on so called the million program), and also highlight residential area – Orrholmen - as a source of inspiration. I obtain my empirical data from interviews with three different companies within construction sector - NCC, Karlstads Bostads AB and brunnberg & forshed AB. In my analysis, I focus on sustainable development, social sustainability, lack of and potential of the million program, garden, common and public spaces, mix of housing and businesses, various forms of tenure, and measures and design from social sustainability point of view. Furthermore, I analyze the most relevant contributions from Orrholmen. In summary; my conclusions show that social sustainability is a dynamic and complex dimension and also its measures. The core of social sustainability is man, and the promotion of her welfare. The measures which are intended to complement Hållbar renovering should be selected and processed with a genuine care. The participation of residents before the refurbishment, in combination with the disposal of the actual problems in the neighborhoods, creates positive and beneficial results. The most important measures are the mixture of both buildings as residents groups, low-scale buildings, and mix of different tenures. Unmeasurable values such as identity, location, feeling, beauty, and participation adds value and enriches areas. Unmeasurable values should be guidelines for the design and renewal processes for both housing and urban environment, which is one of the key findings in this thesis.
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South African press and social sustainability projects : A qualitative study with journalists and people managing projects in the agriculture sectorStorkaas, Adelina January 2015 (has links)
South Africa is a country in transition with struggles and structures in society reflecting a past of colonialism and apartheid. The government has implemented new laws such as the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act to achieve sustainable development and companies and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have started projects to improve living conditions of previously disadvantaged persons. The purpose with the thesis is to bring understanding to how journalists and companies/ NGOs look at their roles in society and understand their relation to sustainable development projects and policies. Qualitative interviews with ten journalists from different newspapers and freelancers were conducted. Also nine representatives of seven companies and NGOs with projects concerning extreme poverty, inequality, social mobility, discrimination and social cohesion on farms were interviewed. Normative theories of the media and social responsibility theory were used to analyze the qualitative interviews. The study showed journalists’ and people working with projects’ views on government’s inability of tackling societies’ struggles alone and the requirement of private initiatives. Furthermore, the study showed the aim of spreading information about social sustainability projects differed among persons on both sides. Journalists highlighted the importance of news value, pleasing their readers and inform the public about good examples. Journalists expressed that companies, NGOs and government have also responsibilities to spread information. Some companies did not feel this responsibility however; they believed in word of mouth and did not approach the press or public about their social work.
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Betydelsen av CSR – Öst möter Väst / The meaning of CSR – East meets WestEmilsson, Annie, Neumann, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
I jakten på lägre kostnader väljer många textilföretag att flytta sin produktion utomlands, där öst med Kina som huvudaktör dominerar. Till följd av den mer globala försörjningskedjan, med stora valmöjligheter vad gäller valet av leverantörer, ställer omvärlden idag allt större krav på att företag verkar mer hållbart. CSR har kommit att bli ett allt mer framväxande koncept inom branschen och något som många företag förväntas arbeta med. I korthet handlar företags CSR arbete om att ta ansvar inom tre hållbara kategorier; socialt, miljö och ekonomisk. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara och bidra till en högre förståelse av betydelsen och attityden till CSR implementering i en textil försörjningskedja med produktion i Kina. Vidare syftar också studien till att illustrera hur uppfattningen om social och kulturell hållbar utveckling inom och mellan olika kulturer ser ut. Denna fallstudie med kvalitativ inriktning, har insamlat data genom såväl semistrukturerade intervjuer som observationer. Via kontakt med ett svenskt företag fick vi tillgång till deras kinesiska leverantörer och därigenom respondenter lämpliga för studiens syfte. Med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen har vi analyserat och diskuterat det empiriska resultat som insamlats och därigenom kommit fram till att förståelsen och medvetenheten kring CSR, bland såväl de svenska som kinesiska aktörerna är låg. Framför allt är medvetenheten låg bland de kinesiska textilaktörerna, där resultatet visar att CSR är ett begrepp som inte används. Resultatet visar en tydlig krock mellan den svenska och kinesiska kulturen, vilket visar sig försvåra implementeringsarbetet. Att försöka applicera en annan kulturs värderingar i en annan är problematiskt och väcker frågor kring vem som äger sanningen kring vad som är att betraktas som rätt och fel. / In the search for lower operating costs many textile companies choose to move their production abroad, with China being the biggest, most dominant player. As a result of this outsourcing, and the choices available in a global economy, society is placing more pressure on companies to establish both social and morally accepted practises across the whole supply chain. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as an increasingly expected practise within the textile industry and something that many companies strive to improve. In short, a company’s CSR activities can be described as taking responsibility within three sustainable areas; social, environmental and economical. The purpose of this study is to provide a greater understanding of the meaning and attitudes towards CSR and its implementation within a textile supply chain with manufacturing in China. Additionally, the study also aims to illustrate the perception of social and cultural sustainable development within and between different cultures. This study has been performed as a case study with a qualitative approach, where data have been conducted and collated through both semi-structured interviews as well as observations. Through contact with a Swedish company we received access to their Chinese suppliers and thereby found respondents who were appropriate for the aim of this study. By using a theoretical framework we were able to analyse and discuss our empirical findings, and could thereby make the conclusion that the awareness of CSR is low, especially amongst Chinese textile operators, where the results show that CSR is a concept which is not widely practised. The results also show a clash between Swedish and Chinese cultures, which indicates that implementing CSR guidelines along the whole supply chain is both complicated and convoluted. The attempt to replicate each other’s values in a completely different culture is also problematic. This complex equation raises questions about whose beliefs are correct and who decides what is right or morally wrong.This thesis will continue in English.
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Jämställhetsperspektivet i den fysiska planeringen : En kvalitativ studieSöderqvist, Julia January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT Söderqvist, J. 2015. Jämställdhetsperspektivet i den fysiska planeringen. Serie Uppsatser: Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur kommuner arbetar med jämställdhetsperspektivet i den fysiska planeringen och även ta reda på vilka hinder som existerar för att implementera perspektivet i planeringen. I denna studie har fem kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med fyra kommuner och en länsstyrelse. De kommuner som har medverkat är Nykvarns kommun, Stockholms kommun, Uppsala kommun och Älvkarleby kommun samt Stockholms länsstyrelse. En kvalitativ undersökning gjordes för att få en djupare bild och helhetsförståelse av hur kommunerna arbetar med den fysiska planeringen. Undersökningen baseras på planerarnas egna erfarenheter och reflektioner. De personer som har deltagit i undersökningen arbetar med fysisk planering på olika nivåer. I undersökningen kom det fram att ingen av kommunerna arbetar aktivt med jämställdhetsperspektivet, förutom Stockholms kommun som nu fått ett explicit uppdrag i deras nya budget för detta. Avsaknaden av jämställdhetsperspektivet i arbetet beror på olika faktorer som resurser och olika attityder i frågan. Det visade sig att det finns ett glapp mellan regeringens mål och utövande av jämställdhetsperspektivet i den fysiska planeringen. Jag vill även tacka min fantastiska handledare Cecilia Fåhraeus som har hjälpt mig med bra vägledning. / This paper seeks to investigate how municipalities work with a gender perspective in spatial planning, and how their municipal circumstances affect their work. In the course of this study, five qualitative interviews have been undertaken with four municipalities and one county. The municipalities that have participated are those of Nykvarn, Stockholm, Uppsala and Älvkarleby, and the county that has participated is that of Stockholm. A qualitative study has been carried out in order to gain a deep image and overall understanding of how the municipalities’ work with physical planning. The survey is based on the planners’ personal experiences and reflections. All individuals that have participated in the study work with spatial planning on different levels. The study’s conclusion is that non of the municipalities are working actively with the government’s gender perspective, with the exception of Stockholm which now has an explicit mandate in their new budget. The lack of genderperspective in their work is a result of various factors such as resources and different attitudes towards the issue. As it turned out, there seems to be a gap between the government’s objectives and the pursuit of gender mainstreaming in physical planning.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning som manipulation? : En studie om legitimitet inom klädbranschen / Sustainability Reporting as manipulation? : A study regarding legitimacy in the garment industryNilsson, Louice, Gunnervald, Felix January 2019 (has links)
Organisationer verkar i en värld med ständig övervakning och kontroll från omgivningens högt ställda normer och förväntningar. Företagens arbete med hållbar utveckling är inte längre en frivillighet om de ska överleva i den konkurrensinriktade och lätt utbytbara affärsmiljön. Det krävs att organisationer uppvisar sitt samhällsansvar där de fokuserar på frågor som berörhållbarhetsarbetets alla funktionsdelar för att bli accepterade av såväl interna som externa intressenter. Som ett resultat av arbetet med samhällsansvar och hållbar utveckling har frågor som berör legitimitet uppkommit. I nutidens allt mer öppna och transparenta samhälle blir det lättare för omvärlden att ta del av organisationernas hållbarhetsarbete. Frågor som berör mänskliga rättigheter haruppmärksammats och klädbranschens smutsiga baksida har fått stora rubriker i media. Sömmerskor och fabriksarbetare i utvecklingsländer är skaparna till många av de plagg vi köper i Sverige men vad får de egentligen utstå för att vi ska kunna köpa stilmedvetna och billiga klädesplagg? Vi har därmed valt att inrikta oss på den sociala hållbarheten för att lyfta frågor som berör mänskliga rättigheter inom klädbranschen med tre svenska modeföretag som utgångspunkt. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur klädjättarna H&M, KappAhl och MQ arbetar medbeprövade legitimitetsstrategier i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar för att kunna svara på om hållbarhetsredovisningen blivit till ett legitimitetsverktyg hos modeföretagen. Vidare kommer fokus även ligga på att diskutera hur företagen återspeglar arbetet med social hållbarhet i sinarapporter för att kunna sätta det i relation till den information media berör gällande socialhållbarhet hos respektive företag. Studiens resultat visar på att samtliga tre företag använder legitimitetsstrategier som är gynnsamma för att kunna vända negativa händelser till att förmedla en positiv bild av verksamheten. Den sociala hållbarheten är framtagen på liknande sätt men företagets storlek spelar en avgörande roll för i vilken utsträckning kategorierna prioriteras hos företagen. Det går dessutom att urskilja en tydlig skillnad mellan företagens hållbarhetsrapporter och den bild media förmedlar om företagens sociala hållbarhetsarbete. / Organizations operate in a world where they are constantly being monitored by the high standards and expectations from their surroundings. Their work with sustainable development is no longer a voluntary activity if they are to survive in the competitive business environment. Organizations are required to show their social responsibility where they focus on issues that affect all parts of sustainability work in order to be accepted by both internal and external stakeholders. Companies are expected not only to take responsibility for environmental, social and economic issues but also to explain how they work with these areas. Today's society is more open and transparent which makes it easier for the outside world to take part in the organizations sustainability work. Issues concerning human rights have received attention and the filthy backside of the garment industry has received major headlines in the media. The factory workers in developing countries are the creators of many of the garments we buy in Sweden but how much do they really have to suffer in order for us to be able to buy style conscious and cheap clothing? We have therefore chosen to focus on social sustainability to raise issues that concern human rights in the garment industry with three Swedish fashion companies as our starting point. The purpose of the study is to examine how the clothing giants H&M, KappAhl and MQ are working with proven legitimacy strategies in their sustainability reports in order to be able to find the answer if the sustainability report has become a tool for legitimacy. Furthermore the focus will also be on discussing how the companies reflect their work with social sustainability in their reports and put it in relation to the information the media publishes regarding social sustainability. The study's results show that all three companies use legitimacy strategies that are advantageous by being able to turn negative events into a positive picture of the business. Social sustainability has been developed in a similar way but the size of the company plays a crucial role in the extent to which the companies prioritize the categories. It is also possible to distinguish a clear difference between the companies sustainability reports and the image that media shows about the companies social sustainability work. This study is written in Swedish.
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Investigating structural obstacles for social sustainability in mining-induced resettlements : The case of Kalumbila in ZambiaSjöberg, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Mining-induced resettlements, and local impacts from mining activities, are often associated with a variety of negative outcomes. At the same time, there is a notable growth of ethical guidelines for businesses and an increasing incorporation of international best practices within corporate operations. A resettlement of displaced villages within the Kalumbila area in Zambia was carried out by a multinational mining corporation, which reportedly invested heavily into the creation of an ethically sound resettlement procedure. Yet, a number of issues connected to this resettlement have been continuously reported after its implementation. This study has aimed to investigate two main themes relating to the resettlement in Kalumbila. First, a comparative examination was done in order to explore differences and similarities in terms of social sustainability between two different resettlement communities in the area. Second, the current status of social sustainability was explored within the two resettlements by applying an analytical framework for strategic social sustainability. The methods consisted mainly of primary research through interviews in the studied area, but was also complemented with qualitative text analysis when suitable. The findings indicated both similarities and differences between the two resettlements in terms of social sustainability-related issues, which were identified through the application of universal social sustainability principles. Policy recommendations were also derived by conducting a backcasting procedure in the analysis of the findings. The study found that there is a presence of the mining company in almost every issue identified within this study. This presence has both positive and negative characteristics. It was concluded that future studies should keep this nuanced view in mind, as well as the complex interrelations in the studied system. As such, it was argued that policy implementors ought to investigate targeted issues with suitable analytical tools before taking any action in order to not create new problems elsewhere within the social system.
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Rättvist trä : Livscykelanalys av träprodukter ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektivErlandsson, Lars-Åke January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the present degree project was to investigate the possibilities of assessing social sustainability and, on this basis, to carry out an equality analysis of wood as a construction material. The latter part of the purpose was met by carrying out social life cycle assessments focusing on gender equality: one for wood as anengineering material and one for house with wooden frame. The result was presented as a gender index which indicated the proportion of the work carried out by women. To gain more knowledge about wood as an engineering material a complete social life cycle assessment is necessary. A complete social life cycle analysis should not be reduced to a single measurement number by merging different effect categories of social sustainability. The conclusion in the report was that such an analysis is better to present in so-called polar diagrams where each individual impact category can be distinguished, but not necessarily all indicators. The method used to assess gender equality can be used to assess other impact categories.
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