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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contraception d'urgence. Analyse sociologique des pratiques contraceptives de jeunes femmes

Amsellem-Mainguy, Yaëlle 11 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Trente ans après la légalisation de la contraception en France (Loi Neuwirth du 28 décembre 1967), la " pilule du lendemain " était autorisée à la vente (1998). La loi relative à l'interruption de grossesse et à la contraception promulguée en 2001 permet, notamment, que la contraception d'urgence soit vendue sans ordonnance, en pharmacie. Elle autorise en outre les mineures à accéder gratuitement et sans autorisation parentale à cette méthode. En tant que contraception post-coïtale, la " pilule du lendemain " permet aux femmes d'éviter la survenue d'une grossesse en cas de rapport non ou mal protégé. À partir du récit de 64 jeunes femmes âgées de 15 à 25 ans (entretiens compréhensifs), cette thèse de sociologie appréhende les enjeux sanitaires, relationnels et identitaires liés à l'utilisation des méthodes contraceptives. Elle questionne l'existence de domaines de compétences distincts en matière de gestion de la sexualité : la protection pour les hommes et la contraception pour les femmes. À travers les recours à la contraception d'urgence nous étudions les formes d'investissement du partenaire et saisissons combien son implication peut être révélatrice de l'intensité du lien amoureux. À partir des pratiques et des stratégies de protections (imaginaires et identitaires) mises en œuvre par les jeunes femmes, l'intention de cette recherche est de mettre en évidence l'imbrication des biographies affectives et sexuelles pour comprendre les pratiques contraceptives.

Parcours scolaire des élèves de Section d'Enseignement Général et Professionnel Adapté à l'île de La Réunion : analyse et processus

Carron, Alexandre 07 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Basée sur une approche sociologique, cette recherche a pour objet l'analyse et la compréhension du parcours scolaire des élèves de Section d'Enseignement Général et Professionnel Adapté (SEGPA) à l'île de La Réunion. Nous nous sommes principalement intéressé aux élèves en fin de scolarité dans douze SEGPA. Notre approche en termes de processus nous permet de montrer que l'histoire et le parcours scolaires des élèves rencontrés ne se réduisent pas à une aventure individuelle, mais sont le résultat d'un processus global construit dont les dynamiques sont à chercher dans la combinaison et l'interaction complexes d'un grand nombre d'éléments, de phénomènes, d'événements. Ainsi, même s'il apparaît que le fonctionnement institutionnel de l'orientation influence fortement les destins scolaires, il ressort de cette recherche que ce qui rend possibles le parcours scolaire et les sorties sans qualification des élèves de SEGPA, n'est pas réductible aux seules caractéristiques personnelles des élèves, ni à celles de leur cadre familial de socialisation, et encore moins à ce qui se joue dans l'espace scolaire ; nous y voyons plutôt le produit d'un processus global dont les dynamiques interdépendantes se conjuguent, s'imbriquent, se cumulent et s'influencent.

Bildning i skuggan av läroverket : Bildningsaktivitet och kollektivt identitetsskapande i svenska gymnasistföreningar 1850-1914

Norlin, Björn January 2010 (has links)
The present dissertation investigates pupil fraternities in the Swedish state grammar school system from 1850 to 1914, in an effort to contribute to the understanding of peer group socialisation as part of the overall pedagogical process. Focus is trained on the practice of liberal education (Sw. bildning ) and the construction of collective identity. Modern pupil associations emerged in the mid-nineteenth century from the ruins of outdated educational traditions. Due to sharpened discipline, institutional changes and external societal pressure, previously existing corporative modes of organisation successively disappeared. To fill the void, pupils began founding fraternities, thereby introducing a new organisational form and a new set of activities based on an ideological foundation more in sync with the ideals of the emerging industrial society. Infused with the liberal, neo-Romantic ideals of the day, the introduction of fraternal life laid out new tools for selfadministered socialisation. After analysing the growth of pupil associations in the mid- nineteenth century, the thesis concentrates on fraternal practice at one particular institution, Umeå State Grammar School. This case study shows that fraternal activity revolved around creating lending libraries and reading circles, assemblies, school magazines and aesthetic pursuits including musicmaking, singing, acting and dancing. The thesis suggests that the fraternity had a structuring impact on the student body as a whole, serving to homogenise the school experience and provide a viable alternative to the allurements of town life. Subjects favoured by the fraternity included philosophy and ethics, literature and history and, to a lesser extent, current events. A slight shift in interest toward the natural sciences can be detected at the end of the period under investigation. Furthermore, it is revealed that peer socialisation encouraged identification with the school. It transmitted a set of values stressing idealism and anti-materialism, patriotism and regionalism, intellectualism (as opposed to athleticism), religious and/or secular piety, historism, cultural and political traditionalism, an acknowledgement of the powers – and limitations – of youth and an idealisation of friendship and camraderie. Insofar as social mores and relationships between the sexes was concerned, peer socialisation also provided pupils with practical instruction on proper conduct, and laid the foundation for an ambiguous understanding of the opposite sex. It promoted an ideal of masculinity closely associated with what may be characterised as the civil servant ideal. The thesis finally reveals that strong links were forged between fraternities on a regional, nationwide and Nordic level, bearing strong resemblance to contemporary social youth movements regarding attitudes toward society, culture and knowledge. Upper secondary school fraternities considered themselves guardians of the nation and its culture and became a conformist force in late nineteenth-century Sweden. On the other hand, pupils also constituted an active force in the modernisation of Swedish institutional practice, in the vitalisation of the state grammar schools, and as forerunners in the conceptualisation of a new cult of youth.

Socialisations de genre, identité sexuée et expérience scolaire : dynamiques d'acculturation et de personnalisation chez le jeune enfant scolarisé en grande section de maternelle

Mieyaa, Yoan 19 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le principal objectif de notre recherche est de rendre compte des mécanismes psycho-sociaux par lesquels les enfants, âgés de 5-6 ans et scolarisés en grande section de maternelle, se différencient progressivement en tant qu'individus sexués et s'inscrivent dans des parcours scolaires genrés. En référence à une conception de la socialisation qui distingue un versant de l'acculturation et un versant de la personnalisation (Malrieu & Malrieu, 1973), nous formulons l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'identité sexuée médiatise et personnalise l'influence de la socialisation de genre familiale et scolaire sur l'élaboration de l'expérience scolaire des jeunes enfants, en raison du degré de stéréotypie et du niveau d'hétérogénéité de ces milieux de socialisation et de la période de développement des jeunes enfants.Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons privilégié une méthodologie centrée sur le point de vue de l'ensemble des sujets concernés (adultes et enfants). Nous avons interrogé, à l'aide d'un questionnaire d'enquête, les parents (pères et mères) de 61 enfants scolarisés en grande section d'école maternelle, leurs enseignants et A.T.S.E.M. sur plusieurs dimensions de la socialisation de genre. L'identité sexuée de l'enfant a été appréhendée à l'aide du P.S.A.I. (Golombok & Rust, 1993), du B.S.R.I. adapté par Tostain (1993) et du test de la constance de genre (Dafflon Novelle, 2010). Enfin, l'expérience scolaire a été étudiée sur la base d'un entretien semi-directif réalisé auprès des enfants.Les principaux résultats mettent en évidence trois types d'expérience scolaire : " conforme ", " agonistique " et " épistémique ". Si la socialisation de genre scolaire, via la transmission de valeurs éducatives, oriente principalement l'expérience scolaire des enfants, la socialisation de genre familiale, quant à elle, influence plus particulièrement la construction de l'identité sexuée. En outre, quelques liens apparaissent entre l'identité sexuée et l'expérience scolaire des jeunes enfants. Bien que les analyses réalisées ne permettent pas d'établir le rôle médiateur de l'identité sexuée, l'ensemble de ces résultats confirme la pertinence d'adopter un modèle théorique de la socialisation plurielle et conflictuelle qui examine les liens entre les processus d'acculturation et de personnalisation dans l'étude de la construction des trajectoires scolaires différenciées des filles et des garçons, et ce dès le plus jeune âge. Sous ce modèle, la prise en compte de la construction de l'identité sexuée permet de mieux saisir la part active de l'enfant dans l'élaboration de son expérience scolaire.

Political culture and socialisation responses to integrated water resources management (IWRM) : the case of Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality / Sysman Motloung

Motloung, Sysman January 2010 (has links)
This study looks at political culture and socialisation responses to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). It identifies political culture and socialisation as part of a process, the development of a political culture with specific attitudes, cognitions, and feelings towards the political system. Political culture and socialisation impart the knowledge of how to act politically, i.e. how to apply values in formulating demands and making claims on the political system. They form a connecting link between micro- and macro-politics. The study maintains that political orientations are handed down from one generation to another, through the process of political socialisation. Top-down and bottom-up influences come into play to augment a discourse on the global nature of political socialisation and the political culture of international societies with regard to IWRM and governance ideologies. It is argued that these international ideas become relevant in the national political agenda, civil society organisations and trans-national networks. The IWRM aspects of water as an economic good and a basic human right have become a two-edged sword in the South African context. The study reveals that politics stand at the epicentre of water problems, and that IWRM is a political-ethical issue which challenges power bases in many communities. The IWRM global norms of equitable, efficient and sustainable use of water resources have become a major problem in a water-scarce country burdened with economic inequalities and abject poverty. This is a pressing issue because there is an increasing demand for water to sustain the development necessary to redress the draconian ills of the apartheid past. This becomes evident in the fundamental legislative overhaul that has taken place since 1994, embracing a transformation culture that glorifies the norm of water not only as a fundamental human right, but also as a commodity that is necessary to sustain human dignity. It is here that water is politicised. Violent protests have erupted in reaction to perceived neo-liberal attempts to deny the poor their access to this resource. The political culture and socialisation responses as far as IWRM is concerned appear within fragmented lines, i.e. mainly black and poor communities embrace a culture of non-payment for services and resort to violent protests as a viable method to raise their concerns. In contrast, the white and middle-class communities manifest a tendency to form parallel local government structures; they then withhold rate payments and provide services for themselves through ratepayer associations. Finally, the study considers the South African context with regard to the manifestations of political culture, and how this influences water resources. It is evident that there is too much emphasis on politics at the expense of discussions on IWRM. Civil society organisations make very little attempt to encourage public participation in water management structures. It also appears that political elites who are disillusioned with civil society organisations tend to derail their efforts to educate the public on water management structures. / MA, Political Studies, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

Kulturell fostran : En didaktisk studie av talet om kulturella relationer i texter om skola och utbildning / Cultural Education : On Cultural Relations in Texts about School and Education

Brantefors, Lotta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify different ideas about cultural relations expressed in the Swedish curriculum, and the potential consequences they may have for children and young people to participate as peers in social and public life. Located at the intersection of a (neo)pragmatic curriculum theory tradition and cultural studies/critical pedagogy, the ambition with the study is two-folded: (1) to clarify the theoretical conditions for cultural relations from an ethnocentric, global, and multicultural perspective and (2) to elucidate and describe the curriculum historical preconditions for cultural relations. In relation to perspectives and analytical tools developed in paper I-III, the investigations show that the cultural thinking in education rests on a liberal and humanistic view with a polite response and a neutral approach that never seems to exceed the comfort zone. A central finding is that there is a need to examine the priviliged position further. The study also demonstrates how the nature of cultural thinking has changed over time. Based on the dominant conceptions four discourses during 1962-2008 are distinguished: A National Discourse in the 60's, a Rational Discourse in the 70's, a Cultural Discourse in the 80-90's and a Pluralistic Neo-national Discourse in the 90-00's. The main conclusion is that despite different rationality the thinking never goes beyond a non-defined and unarticulated "we" and a designated, labelled and well-defined "them". The Swedish curriculum is a curriculum of othering that hardly provides the basis for relations where children and young people can participate as peers. To achieve a more reciprocal relationship, over-recognition of "the others" needs to be toned down, and the special status of the privileged position has to be analyzed in greater extent.

Group Mentoring And The Professional Socialisation Of Graduate Librarians: A Programme Evaluation

Ritchie, Ann January 1999 (has links)
The Group Mentoring Programme which is the subject of this evaluative research was developed and implemented under the auspices of the Australian Library and Information Association by the author and a colleague. The main aim of the Programme was to facilitate the transition of new graduates in librarianship into the profession. The objectives of the research were: (1) to conduct an impact evaluation of the Programme; (2) to explore and develop the conceptual and theoretical bases of mentoring; and (3) to identify sources of stress anticipated and experienced by new graduates in their transition into the profession. This evaluative research represents the first report in the research literature to date in which a group mentoring programme of this kind has been evaluated using a quasi-experimental research design. The population comprised all graduates in librarianship from the two Western Australian universities offering these courses in 1996. Subjects in the experimental group were self-selected, and the remainder of the population made up the comparison group. (This was divided into two groups - those who did not have a current mentor, and those who had a current mentor.) Data were collected by means of pre- and post-test questionnaires, and analysed by multiple regression analysis. The main outcome variable was measured by Hall's Professionalism Scale, a validated measuring instrument. Results indicated that the Group Mentoring Programme was effective in only one of the five domains of professionalism as measured by this scale (that is, in having a sense of 'calling' to the field). This suggested that a group mentoring programme, by itself, is not a sufficient strategy for new graduates to attain a professional identity. A four-stage model of mentoring as continuing professional development is suggested as a strategy for teaching professionalism in a more formal, ++ / structured way. Results also showed that career-development outcomes were significantly higher in the Group Mentoring participants than in the two comparison groups, indicating that group mentoring is an effective career development strategy in the first year of such a programme. The concept of mentoring is extended to include group mentoring, which incorporates the essential characteristics of mentoring; it is also suggested that group mentoring includes the potential for practising three forms of mentoring relationships: individual, peer and co-mentoring. Two broad areas for future research are suggested: longitudinal studies examining the outcomes of group mentoring, and studies extending the theoretical and conceptual bases of group mentoring.

Kan det vara för evigt? : En kvalitativ studie av det ökade skilsmässotalets upplevda påverkan på individers attityd till långa parrelationer

Åberg, Josefine, Åberg, Pernilla January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur individer upplever att det ökade skilsmässotalet i samhället påverkar deras attityd till långa parrelationer. Empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra unga vuxna kvinnor som delat med sig av tankar och känslor kring äktenskap, parrelationer och separationer. Studien tar avstamp i teorier kring modernitet och individualism i dagens samhälle, författade av Beck, Beck-Gernsheim och Giddens. Vidare analyseras det empiriska materialet även med hjälp av Giddens teori om det rena förhållandet och hans teori om ontologisk trygghet. Socialisationsteorin används också tillsammans med Bourdieus begrepp habitus. Studiens resultat visar att individer med skilda föräldrar är medvetna om skilsmässans utbredning i samhället och att det påverkar deras attityd till långa parrelationer. Detta kan förklaras av framförallt socialisationsteorin och habitusbegreppet. Den respondent i studien vars föräldrar fortfarande lever ihop ansåg sig skyddad från det ökade skilsmässotalet och upplevde därför inte att attityden till långa parrelationer påverkas av detta. Den mer djupgående analysen visar dock att samtliga respondenter påverkas av det ökade skilsmässotalet i samhället, även om respondenten med icke-skilda föräldrar inte själv var medveten om det. Detta genom den ökade individualismen och det moderna samhällets reflexiva natur. Resultatet utkristalliserade sig trots att studien på förhand inte avsåg göra skillnad på individer med eller utan separerade föräldrar. / This study aims to examine if individuals feel that increased divorce rates impact their attitude towards long-term relationships. The empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with four young women who shared their thoughts and feelings about marriage, relationships and divorces. The study is based on theories about reflexive modernity and individualization (see Beck, Beck-Gernsheim and Giddens). The empirical data is also analyzed by Giddens’ theory of the pure relationship and his theory about the ontological security. The theory of socialization is also used along with Bourdieu’s concept of habitus. The result of the study shows that individuals with divorced parents are aware of the increased divorce rates in society and that it affects their attitude to long-term relationships. This can be explained primarily by using the theory of socialization and the concept of habitus. The respondent in the study whose parents still lived together considered herself protected from the increased divorce rates and experienced therefore that this did not affect her attitude to long-term relationships. The more thorough analysis nevertheless shows that all respondents are affected by the increased divorce rates in society, even if the respondent with non-divorced parents was not aware of it herself. The increased individualism and modern societies reflexive nature can explain this. This result appeared even though the study in advance did not intend to distinguish between individuals who have been through a parental divorce and individuals who have not.

Developing a professional identity : a grounded theory study of the experiences of pharmacy students undertaking an early period of pre-registration training

Quinn, Gemma L. January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Trainee pharmacists are required to undertake a work-based pre-registration training placement (PRTP) in order to qualify. Literature exploring how this placement influences the development of students’ professionalism is sparse, however it is acknowledged that placements offer learning that can not be replicated in an academic environment. Following recent recommendations for the PRTP to be split into two six-month placements, the “sandwich” Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programme at the University of Bradford offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of an early PRTP. This project aimed to understand the experiences of “sandwich” students during their early PRTP and generate a theory explaining how professionalism develops during this time. Methods: A constructivist grounded theory approach was taken. Fourteen students who had recently completed their early PRTP were interviewed using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews. A constant comparative approach to analysis was taken. Findings: The process developing a professional identity emerged as the core category. This consisted of four interlinking stages; reflection, selection of attributes, professional socialisation and perception of role. Developing a professional identity occurred under the conditions of realising the reality of the profession, developing practical knowledge and skills and learning from mentors. The consequence of developing a professional identity was that participants felt they were now a trainee professional. Discussion and conclusion: The theory demonstrates that developing a professional identity was the main process that occurred whilst MPharm students were on their early PRTP. Regulatory, funding and educational organisations should consider this when reviewing pharmacists’ training and students’ approach on return to university.

Vers une adaptation socio-didactique du curriculum gabonais au second cycle / Some leads for a contextualized curriculum of teaching in the Gabonese High School

Al Hassane, Hawa Eva 15 December 2014 (has links)
Ƥlus d'un demi-siècle après les indépendances, l'école gabonaise en général, et secondaire en l'occurrence, a encore du mal à produire un curriculum d'enseignement contextualisé, en dépit des nombreuses réformes pédagogiques et structurelles effectuées à ce jour par les autorités gabonaises. On note une fracture entre l'enseignement/apprentissage du/et en français et l'ensemble des paramètres socioculturels et linguistiques qui caractérisent le contexte culturel local. Or, comment parvenir à une scolarisation efficiente, sans prendre en compte le potentiel d'apprentissage des élèves, dans le cadre englobant de leur socialisation au sein du milieu scolaire et familial ? Soulignant le poids des valeurs sociétales dans l'élaboration d'une politique linguistique éducative, élément clé dont se nourrit le curriculum d'enseignement, afin de permettre à une communauté donnée de faire des choix cohérents en matière d'éducation et de formation, cette thèse tente de proposer des pistes pour une didactique constructive du français. Plus largement, en prenant appui sur les facteurs scolaires et extra-scolaires, elle montre tout l'intérêt de promouvoir une scolarisation en français au second cycle gabonais, qui tienne compte du point de vue anthropologique, culturel et, partant, sociétal. / Ąlthough so many pedagogic and structural reforms carried out of so far by the Gabonese authorities, more than a half-century after the independences, the school of Gabon generally, and the High School in this instance, still has some difficulties to produce a contextualized curriculum of teaching. We notice a breaking-off betwen the teaching/learning of the French and the whole social, cultural and linguistic parameters that are characteristic of the local cultural context. And yet, how can we achieve an efficient schooling without bearing in mind the pupils' capacity of learning in the including surroudings of their socialization within the educaional and family environment ?By stressing on the weight of the social values in development of an educational linguistic policy, element key that the curriculum of teaching feeds on, in order to enable a given community to make a consistent choice as far as education and training are concerned, this thesis tries to suggest some leads for a constructive didactic of French. More widely, leaning on educational and extra-educational factors, it reveals all the interest to promote in the Gabonese High School, a schooling in French which bears in mind the anthropological, cultural and consequently, social viewpoint.

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