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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, vykdančių moksleivių sveikatos priežiūrą Kauno mieste, kompetencijos vertinimas / Competence self-assessment of school health care specialists in Kaunas

Mingailienė, Rūta 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to evaluate competence of school health care specialists in Kaunas. Objectives: 1. to evaluate professional competence; 2. to evaluate personal and social competence; 3. to determine the factors related to competence evaluation. Methods: The object of the research – competence of school health care specialists. Three levels of competence – professional, personal and social – are evaluated. Methods – 1. review of scientific literature; 2. juridical paper analysis; 3. questionnaire survey; 4. statistical data analysis (Spearman correlation coefficient, t – test, descriptive statistics. Results: The analysis of professional knowledge self-assessment of separate functions showed that 10 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of knowledge of all 17 functions was 67,9±8,8 points out of 85 points possible. The analysis of professional skills self-assessment showed that skills of 9 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of professional skills was 64,6±10,2 points out of 85 points possible. The evaluation of personal competence showed that respondents gave 4 points and over to 3 personal features out of 8 features possible. Total evaluation of personal competence was 31,7±4,3 points out of 40 points possible. The analysis of social competence evaluation showed that 2 out of 5 social features were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of social competence reached 19,5±2,7... [to full text]

Ambulatorinių pacientų depresijos simptomų sąsaja su pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos apkrova / Association between the symptoms of depression of ambulatory patients and the workload of primary health care centre

Urbonavičiūtė, Eglė 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe išanalizuota iki šiol Lietuvoje netyrinėta sąsaja tarp depresija sergančių pacientų ambulatorinių apsilankymų ir pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos apkrovos. Šis tyrimas moksline ir praktine prasme yra vertingas tolesniems depresijos simptomų patiriančių asmenų pirminės sveikatos priežiūros organizavimo bei vystymo tyrinėjimams. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti depresijos simptomų sąsają su ambulatorinių pacientų apsilankymų kiekiu ir pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos apkrova. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti depresijos simptomus patiriančių pacientų ambulatorinių apsilankymų per pusmetį pas bendrosios praktikos (šeimos) gydytojus dažnį ir palyginti su depresijos simptomų nepatiriančių pacientų apsilankymų dažniu. 2. Nustatyti depresijos simptomus patiriantiems pacientams per pusmetį suteiktų gydytojų specialistų konsultacijų dažnį ir palyginti su depresijos simptomų nepatiriančių pacientų konsultacijų dažniu. 3. Nustatyti depresijos simptomus patiriantiems pacientams per pusmetį atliktų laboratorinių tyrimų kiekį bei struktūrą ir palyginti su pacientų, nepatiriančių depresijos simptomų, laboratorinių tyrimų dažniu. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimui atlikti naudoti penki tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė ir apibendrinimas, anketinė apklausa, testavimas HADS skale, laiko biudžeto analizė ir matematinė statistika. Pagal HADS-D rezultatus, visi tyrimo dalyviai buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmą (HADS-D>=8) sudarė 24 tiriamieji, kuriems... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this study we investigated the association between the symptoms of depression of ambulatory patients and the rate of outpatient visits and workload of primary health care centre. This problem was investigated for the first time in Lithuania. The results of this study are of great scientific and practical value for further investigations, cocerning the organization and development of the primary health care for patients with symptoms of depression. Aim of the study. To identify the association between the symptoms of depression of ambulatory patients and the rate of outpatient visits and the workload of the primary health care centre. Objectives: 1. To evaluate the rate of outpatient visits that patients with symptoms of depression make to the general practioner during the past six months and to compare with the patients having no symptoms of depression. 2. To evaluate the rate of consultations of specialists for patients with symptoms of depression during the past six months and to compare it with the patients having no symptoms of depression. 3. To evaluate the amount and structure of laboratory tests done for the patients with symptoms of depression during the past six months and to compare it with the patients having no symptoms of depression. Methods. Data was collected using questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), time budget analysis. According to the scores of HADS, 24 participants were assigned to the group of great or undeterminated risk... [to full text]

Correlations between the implementation of system of strategic human resource management functions and practice characteristic of specialists implementing them: the case of municipal administrations / Strateginio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimo ir jas įgyvendinančių specialistų veiklos charakteristikų sąsajos: savivaldybių administracijų atvejis

Pikturnaitė, Ilvija 29 July 2011 (has links)
The improvement of human resources management is of crucial importance in assuring successful implementation of public sector reforms. Different aspects and factors of strategic human resource management (hereinafter – SHRM) are analyzed in foreign scientific literature. However personnel specialists receive poor attention in this context. Therefore the scientific problem analyzed in this thesis is composed of two main questions: what functions form the system of SHRM in public organization, and is the implementation of the system of SHRM functions related to practice characteristics of personnel specialists? While analyzing scientific literature, the main attitudes of SHRM concept were formulated, systems of functions relevant to SHRM was composed. Also there were distinguished practice characteristics of personnel specialists, which might be related to implementation of system of SHRM functions. The peculiarities of implementation of SHRM functions and significant practice characteristic of personnel specialists were revealed while analyzing the finding of empirical research accomplished in municipalities’ administrations. In order to implement the system of SHRM functions in Lithuanian municipal administrations, recommendations for improvement of functions implemented by personnel specialists and formation of their practice characteristic are given in the end of dissertation. / Užtikrinant sėkmingą viešojo sektoriaus reformų įgyvendinimą, ypatingai svarbus yra žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tobulinimas. Užsienio literatūroje nagrinėjami strateginio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo (toliau – SŽIV) veiksniai ir aspektai, tačiau personalo specialistams šiame kontekste dėmesys neskiriamas. Todėl darbe nagrinėjamą mokslinę problemą sudaro du pagrindiniai klausimai: kokios funkcijos turi sudaryti SŽIV sistemą viešojoje organizacijoje; kaip SŽIV funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimas yra susijęs su personalo specialistų veiklos charakteristikomis. Analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą suformuluotos pagrindinės SŽIV nuostatos, sudaryta šią koncepciją atitinkančių funkcijų sistema bei išskirtos personalo specialistų veiklos charakteristikos, galinčios turėti sąsajų su SŽIV funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimu. Savivaldybių administracijose įvykdyto empirinio tyrimo duomenys atskleidė SŽIV funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimo šiose institucijose ypatumus bei reikšmingas personalo specialistų veiklos charakteristikas. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos personalo specialistų įgyvendinamų funkcijų tobulinimo bei veiklos charakteristikų formavimo rekomendacijos, siekiant savivaldybių administracijose įgyvendinti strateginį žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą.

Mokinių pasiruošimo studijuoti informatiką tyrimas / Investigation of pupils’ preparation to study computer science

Kukštys, Vaidas 22 July 2014 (has links)
Sparčiai vystantis informacinėms technologijoms auga šios srities specialistų poreikis. Specialistų paklausa stipriai viršija pasiūlą. Rengiant šį darbą buvo iškelti 5 uždaviniai. Vienas iš jų buvo išanalizuoti vidurinio ugdymo informacinių technologijų bendrąją programą. Buvo atlikta informacinių technologijų vidurinio ugdymo programos bendrojo ir išplėstinio kursų analizė. Šiame darbe taip pat buvo analizuojami ir lyginami 2012-ų ir 2013-ų metų informacinių technologijų valstybiniai brandos egzaminai. Taip pat buvo atlikta informacinių technologijų krypties studijų programų analizė. Pateiktas Lietuvos universitetų ir kolegijų, turinčių informacinių technologijų krypties studijų programas, pasiskirstymas pagal miestus, šių programų apžvalga, studijuojami specialybės dalykai. Išanalizuota IRT specialistų Lietuvoje pasiūlos – paklausos 2014 – 2016 metų prognozė. Magistrinio darbo metu atliktas mokinių anketinis tyrimas, kurio tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti mokinių profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus ir požiūrį į informacinių technologijų krypties specialybes. Tyrimui atlikti buvo sudarytos elektroninės apklausos anketos, apklausti 195 mokiniai iš 9-ių Šilutės rajono mokyklų, padaryta analizė bei suformuluotos išvados. / As the information technologies develop rapidly a need for the specialists in the field is increasing. The demand for specialists exceeds the supply. There were 5 problems raised during preparation of this thesis. One of them was to analyse the curriculum of the secondary education IT subject. The analysis of curriculum of the secondary education IT subject’s general and extended courses was performed. In this thesis, national school leaving IT exams of 2012 and 2013 were analysed and compared, and examples of problems were given. Also, IT studying programmes were analysed. Distribution of towns and cities of Lithuanian universities and colleges offering IT studying programmes, overview of these programmes and subjects studied were listed. Prognosis for the supply-demand of IT specialists in Lithuania for 2014-2016 was analysed. During the process of writing this Master’s thesis, pupils’ questionnaire survey was performed. The aim of this survey was to establish the motives behind pupils’ choice of profession and their views on professions relating to IT. Online questionnaire was created for performing this survey, and 195 pupils from 9 Šilutė district’s schools were questioned. The results were analysed and findings were concluded.

Foraging Ecology of Parrotfishes in the Greater Caribbean: Impacts of Specialization and Dietary Preferences on Marine Benthic Communities

Roycroft, Madelyn V. 01 June 2018 (has links)
Coral reefs are one of the world’s most diverse yet heavily impacted marine ecosystems. As a result of many direct and indirect stressors, coral reefs have experienced major degradation over the last several decades. Declines in coral reefs in the Caribbean have been particularly acute and generally associated with the loss of key herbivores and an increase in algae. Herbivorous fishes such as parrotfishes can positively impact coral reefs by removing algae that compete with corals for light and space. However, many parrotfishes are also important coral predators. Predation on corals, known as corallivory, can adversely affect coral growth, reproduction and survivorship. In this time of changing environments and coral reef decline, understanding the context-dependent nature of parrotfish foraging behavior is of critical importance to scientists and managers. Knowledge of the responses of parrotfishes across a range of resource abundance will help scientists and managers better predict the impacts that these herbivores have on benthic communities as both herbivores and corallivores. In Chapter 1, we examined how six different species of coral reef herbivores (i.e. parrotfishes), all of which belong to a single feeding guild but represent a range of dietary specialization, respond to changes in the abundance of preferred food items. We conducted behavioral observations of parrotfishes in two regions of the Greater Caribbean, and compared consumption rates, diet preferences, and foraging territory size in relation to natural variation across sites in preferred resource abundance. We found that the more-specialized parrotfishes increased their dietary specialization, had smaller foraging territories, and increased their feeding rate with increased preferred resource abundance. In contrast, less-specialized species exhibited constant foraging traits regardless of the abundance of their preferred resources. This study suggests that differences in dietary preference, specialization, and subsequent nutritional demand may drive a differential response in foraging behavior by generalists and specialist herbivores to changes in resource abundance. Recognizing that generalists and specialists differ in the degree to which their foraging behaviors are context-dependent can allow researchers to better predict how herbivores shape the structure and function of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In Chapter 2, we determined if and how corallivory rates and intensity by parrotfishes differ between two regions of the Greater Caribbean that vary in coral and parrotfish community composition and abundance. We found that more species of parrotfishes than previous studies suggest contribute to corallivory. However, corallivory rates and selectivity for coral species by parrotfishes were largely context-dependent, particularly with regards to the relative abundance of preferred corals and diversity of corallivores at a given site. Although we found that corallivory rates decrease with coral cover, it appears that areas of low coral cover may have high corallivory intensity and coral tissue loss, in part due to the relatively high abundance of corallivores in these areas. The impact of high corallivory intensity and tissue loss requires further knowledge regarding the fate of bite scars on corals.This information will help predict the positive and negative consequences of parrotfishes on coral persistence in the Caribbean. Evidence provided in this thesis furthers our understanding of the dual role of parrotfishes as herbivores and corallivores. Additionally, it reveals the implications of changing coral reef habitats on parrotfish behavior and subsequent coral reef health and resilience.

Proyecto de creación de aplicación Pet & Care

Barzola Hidalgo, Danilo Antonio, Chochoca Villegas, Hugo Félix, Flores Pacheco, Fernando Paulo, Taipe Arenaza, Arturo Junior, Torres Lizarme, Oscar Benjamin 07 December 2020 (has links)
Nuestro emprendimiento presenta la elaboración de una aplicación que une a las grandes veterinarias de Lima con las personas que necesiten de información y atención de los expertos en animales. A partir de los análisis realizados en entrevistas y conversaciones situacionales, aplicadas a personas que tienen una mascota en casa, hemos detectado factores que determinan el uso de la tecnología para encontrar lo que se requiere, en ese momento por lo que llegamos a definir lo siguiente: La principal ventaja es contar con la comunicación necesaria para poder atender las necesidades y emergencias que ocurren en todo momento. Los dueños de los animales necesitan de especialistas para poder atender las necesidades y emergencias que ocurren todos los días. Hoy en día, recurren a la tecnología para poder encontrar una solución, es por ello, que las redes sociales y los aplicativos se hayan convertido en un medio indispensable para poder encontrar servicios y productos que requieren sus mascotas. Lograr el desarrollar el aplicativo es un objetivo importante para el equipo ya que somos conscientes que es un mercado que aún tiene grandes necesidades. Por otro lado, el equipo también constató, mediante entrevistas a profundidad, que resultaría cómodo e interesante encontrar en un programa información de diferentes especialidades y Petshop para mascotas. / Our venture presents the development of an application that unites people with experts that can offer exceptional quality of attention from the analyzes carried out in interviews and situational conversations, applied to people who have a pet at home, we have detected factors that determine the use of technology to find what is required, meanwhile, for which we came to define the following: The main advantage is having the necessary communication to provide the needs and emergencies for pets that occur at all times. Most veterinarians treat illnesses and injuries in veterinary clinics. Nowdays, owners are able to use technology to find a solution, which is why social networks and applications have become an indispensable means to find services and products that their pets require. Achieving the development of that application is an important objective for the team since we are aware that it is a market that still has great needs. On the other hand, the team also found, through in-depth interviews, that it would be convenient and interesting to find information on different specialties and Pet shop for pets in a program. / Trabajo de investigación

Role of IT Specialists in the Information System Integration Process : The Case of Mergers and Acquisitions

Ahmadzai, Mohammad Sangar January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the role of IT specialists in systems integration during M&A processes including the issues faced during the process and provide suggestions based on experience from top management staff and IT specialists about improving the merger-IT integration process. Methods: In-depth interviews with open-ended questions were conducted on ten individuals belonging to the senior management of the companies under the study. The collected data were transcribed and analyzed and coded using qualitative thematic analysis to derive categories and themes. Results: The analysis resulted in 5 themes and 14 categories from a total of 39 codes. The analysis revealed the implications of "Underestimating the importance of IT" and analyzed the "Preferred IT integration approach" methods followed by the participants. The coded data also revealed the "Perception of management toward including IT and IT experts" and the “Issues faced in the M&A process due to the delay/non-involvement of IT experts". The results of the analysis conclude with the "Perceptions of managers toward the timing of IT integration" and suggestions from the participants based on their experiences. Conclusion: The five themes obtained from the qualitative thematic analysis from the interviews of ten participants suggest that IT and IT specialists were a necessary and core function of the M&A process. The analysis also recommends senior management responsible for the merger or acquisition engage IT, specialists, during the early stages of the process to enable better IT integration and follow a centralized approach towards merging the IT systems.

Haves, Halves, and Have-Nots: School Libraries and Student Achievement in California

Achterman, Douglas L. 12 1900 (has links)
This descriptive, non-experimental study examines the strength of the relationship between California school library media programs and student achievement, using data from California criterion-referenced state-wide tests, publically available school and community demographic data, and a state survey of school library programs. Results indicate a substantial discrepancy in library staffing levels from the elementary grades through the high schools. Nevertheless, statistically significant correlations were found between certificated staffing levels and student achievement at each grade. Significant correlations persisted at the elementary and middle school when controlling for five of six school and community variables, and at the high school when controlling for all six of those variables. Bivariate correlations between total staffing and student achievement were significant at both the middle school and high school level when controlling for all school and community variables. Generally, the strength of the correlations between both certificated and total staffing tended to increase with grade level; at the high school level, correlations were among the strongest reported in any statewide study to date. There was a significant positive relationship between a majority of the 21 library services regularly provided and student achievement at all levels. Total library services were significantly related to student achievement at all levels when controlling for all school and community variables. In multiple regression analyses, there was an increasingly stronger relationship between total library programs and student achievement by grade level when controlling for all school and community variables. At every level, certificated and total staffing levels were associated with the strength of library program elements. The findings from this study confirm a host of prior research on the relationship between school libraries and student achievement and point to inequitable access to school library services in California. Results from this study might also provide a baseline of data for qualitative research that more deeply explores ways school library programs contribute to student achievement beyond ways measured by current standardized tests.

Att vara novis - upplevelser från nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor / Att vara nybörjare - erfarenheter från nyutexaminerade operationssalar sjuksköterskor

Westman, Ida, Sonnesjö, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Operationssjukvård är en av de äldsta specialistutbildningarna i Sverige. I operationsteamet besitter operationssjuksköterskan unik kompetens och är relativt ensam i sin roll. Att gå från grundutbildad sjuksköterska till specialistsjuksköterska i operationssjukvård är ett stort steg och kan bidra till stress.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva den nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vara novis.  Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats användes. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor från tre olika sjukhus i Mellansverige. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades genom konventionell innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier och sju underkategorier identifierades under innehållsanalysen. Huvudkategorierna var Emotionell stress, Samverkan och Utveckling. Egna prestationskrav och Rädsla för misstag presenteras som underkategorier till Emotionell stress. Teamarbete, Ledarskap och Stödjande kollegor presenteras som underkategorier till Samverkan. Slutligen presenteras Introduktion & handledning och Självständighet som underkategorier till Utveckling. Resultatet visar att operationssjuksköterskorna beskriver att rollen som novis är utmanande och svår, men även spännande och rolig. Introduktionens upplägg, teamarbete och kollegor är betydande för hur operationssjuksköterskor upplever sin nya roll.  Slutsats: Studien kan bidra till större förståelse för nya kollegor och även ligga till grund för förbättringsarbete avseende struktur och upplägg av introduktionsperioden på operationsenheter. Trygga operationssjuksköterskor i en tillåtande arbetsmiljö kan bidra till bättre omvårdnad och ökad patientsäkerhet. / Bakgrund: Kirurgisk vård är en av sveriges äldsta specialistutbildningar. I operationsteamet besitter operationssalens sjuksköterska unik kompetens och är relativt ensam i sin roll. Att gå från sjuksköterska till specialistsjuksköterska inom kirurgisk vård är ett stort steg och kan bidra till stress. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva den nyutexaminerade operationssalens sjuksköterskas erfarenheter av att vara nybörjare. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktivt tillvägagångssätt användes. Tio halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nyutexaminerade operationssalar från tre olika sjukhus i mellansverige. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades av konventionell innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier och sju underkategorier identifierades under innehållsanalysen. Huvudkategorierna var Emotionell stress, samarbete och utveckling. Egna prestationskrav och rädsla för misstag presenteras som underkategorier till emotionell stress. Teamwork, Leadership och Stödjande kollegor presenteras som underkategorier till Samarbete. Slutligen presenteras Introduktion & Handledning och oberoende som underkategorier till Utveckling. Resultaten visar att operationssalarna beskriver att rollen som nybörjare är utmanande och svår, men också spännande och rolig. Introduktionen, lagarbetet och kollegorna är viktiga för hur operationssalar upplever sin nya roll. Slutsats: Studien kan bidra till en större förståelse för nya kollegor och ligga till grund för förbättringsarbetet kring strukturen i introduktionsperioden vid operativa enheter. Trygga operationssalar sjuksköterskor i en tillåtande arbetsmiljö kan bidra till bättre omvårdnad och ökad patientsäkerhet.

En begreppsanalys av professionell identitet : För specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvården

Appring, Sofi, Nilsson, Vera January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Professionell identitet tolkas utifrån tidigare studier som ett relativt inkonsekvent begrepp, vilket leder till att begreppet är svårt att konkret använda och tillämpa inom sjuksköterskeprofessionen. Det förefaller även finnas en kunskapslucka vad gäller professionell identitet i relation till specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård samt hur professionell identitet kan ses ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv. Syfte: Belysa professionell identitet som begrepp för specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård i kontext till deras livsvärld. Metod: En begreppsanalys enligt Walker och Avant med avsikt att finna betydelsen av professionell identitet som begrepp. Resultat: Utifrån ett livsvärldsperspektiv består professionell identitet av specialistsjuksköterskans upplevelse av sig själv, i en omgivning eller situation, via mötet med andra livsvärldar. Professionell identitet formas utifrån specialistsjuksköterskans egna levda erfarenheter och har starkt samband till den personliga livsvärlden. Professionell identitet karaktäriseras utifrån fyra attribut. Dessa innebär att (1) specialistsjuksköterskan inom intensivvård har den kunskap som krävs för att vårda kritiskt sjuka, samt värnar om professionens kärnvärderingar i sitt arbete. Att (2) specialistsjuksköterskan identifierar sig personligen med rollen som specialistsjuksköterska och utifrån en god självbild agerar med självförtroende. Vidare innebär det att (3) specialistsjuksköterskan agerar autonomt och utför sina arbetsuppgifter på ett yrkesskickligt vis som inger förtroende i arbetsgruppen. Detta för att (4) till sist urskilja sig från andra professioner dock med intentionen att vara en god samarbetspartner i teamet kring patienten. Positiva konsekvenser efterföljer in i verkligheten om förutsättningarna för professionell identitet som begrepp existerar. Slutsats: Fördjupad insikt i vad professionell identitet innebär som begrepp kan bidra positivt till att specialistsjuksköterskan inom intensivvård upplever starkare känsla av professionell identitet.

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