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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Différences culturelles entre la Suède et la France concernant les qualités typiques dans la vie professionnelle

Larsson, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Il y a beaucoup de livres qui essayent de décrire les cultures différentes. Ces livres traitent de choses qui sont vraiment typiquement suédoises et qui sont vraiment françaises. Il est difficile de savoir quelles choses sont vraies ou fausses. La culture dans laquelle on passe son enfance joue un assez grand rôle dans la vie future, surtout pour la façon d’agir dans la vie professionnelle. Chaque personne a des qualités différentes et aussi chaque nationalité. Est-ce que les livres diffusent les mêmes idées que les gens sur les caractéristiques de leurs propres pays et de l’autre pays, la Suède ou la France. Qu’est-ce que les Français pensent des Suédois et vice versa ? Un arrière-plan de la notion de « culture » et des chapitres sur la façon dont une organisation fonctionne donneront des idées fondamentales avant d’entreprendre une comparaison entre les deux pays. Mais aujourd’hui il y a beaucoup d’influence de toute l’Europe et le monde rétrécit toujours davantage. Cette petite recherche cherche à donner un aperçu sur la véracité prétendue ou réelle des caractéristiques particulières à chaque pays.

A Woman’s Growth : An essay about Nazneen’s way to independence in Brick Lane

Cai, Wen January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Jönköpingska ä gött! : En studie i jönköpingungdomars kunskap kring den egna dialekten / Jönköpingska ä gött! : A study of youths knowledge about the dialect in Jönköping

Wessman, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
This essay investigates the knowledge about the dialect in Jönköping among youths in the same city. My aim is primarily to focus on their knowledge around words and expressions in the dialect of Jönköping. My method is both qualitative and quantitative and the survey was performed through questionnaires that were sent out to 50 students. In the questionnaires the students were asked to translate words from the dialect in Jönköping but also to freely speculate around the features in the dialect.   My findings indicate that the knowledge around the students own dialect is very poor. Knowledge about the words and expressions that were used in my questionnaire were also poor but among those words that the students actually recognized many originated from the Romany language. Among the answers from the questionnaire there were 17 suggestions for other dialect words, different from the ones that were used in the questionnaire. Consequently the contemporaneity in certain literature that were used is questioned. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker jönköpingungdomars kunskap om den egna dialekten. Syftet är att framförallt fokusera på ungdomarnas kunskaper kring ord och uttryck i Jönköping. Metoden är både av kvalitativ och kvantitativ art och enkätundersökning har använts som undersökningsmetod. 50 enkäter delades ut där eleverna tillfrågades att översätta dialektord samt spekulera fritt kring vad som kännetecknar dialekten i Jönköping.   Resultatet visar att kunskapen om dialektala ord och uttryck är mycket låg bland gymnasieungdomar i Jönköping. De ord som kändes igen av ungdomarna var till stor del romaniglosor. I enkätsvaren fanns 17 förslag på andra dialektord än de som föreslagits i enkäten. Därmed ifrågasätts aktualiteten i viss litteratur som behandlar språket i Jönköping

The Metaphorical and Metonymical Expressions including Face and Eye in Everyday Language

Fangfang, Wang January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

El amor romántico en nuestra cultura : Un estudio sobre las manifestaciones mito del amor romántico en cuentos y canciones / Den romantiska kärleken i vår kultur : En studie över hur den romantiska myten framträder i berättelser och sånger

Öhlin, Ann-Mari Liliana January 2010 (has links)
En el presente estudio se analiza tres canciones y tres cuentos hispánicos (ver página11 bajo el título “Presentación del corpus”) con el propósito de identificar algunas de las manifestaciones del mito del amor romántico como el triángulo amoroso, la idealización del ser humano y el dolor como estímulo amoroso. También se enfoca la visión de la mujer y el papel que ésta ocupa en los diferentes cuentos y canciones, si se adapta o protesta a lo establecido por la sociedad patriarcal. Para conseguir esto hemos utilizado el método semiótico que nos permite instaurar una relación entre el texto y el contexto, también la teoría del sistema binario de Hélène Cixous y la teoría del Mito del amor romántico son elementos esenciales para el análisis.Como resultado concluimos que nuestra literatura está impregnada de las manifestaciones del mito del amor romántico y que éste a su vez es utilizado con distintas finalidades. El triangulo amoroso no está presente en todos los cuentos y canciones, mientras que el dolor y la idealización del ser humano sí. Notamos como en la mayoría de los casos la mujer ocupa su papel tradicional y se adapta a las normas preestablecidas.

History and Fiction in Ragtime

Heyman, David January 2010 (has links)
Det gick ej att fylla i Ämne/kurs.

Invisible Weapons : Hegemony and Binary Relationships in Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God

Rosén, Josefine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Skönlitteraturens plats i undervisningen : Tre klassföreståndares arbete med skönlitteratur i grundskolans yngre åldrar / Using fiction in teaching – three teachers work with young students in public school

Fredriksson, Tove January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Emil à Lonneberg ?  : Une comparaison entre deux traductions françaises d’un livre d’enfant suédois

Hammarstedt, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Literary translations can be done in different ways and from different principles. While some people are advocates of the free translation, others believe that a good translation should always be made as exact and as close to the original as possible. However, due to structural and cultural differences between the source language and the target language, it is not always possible to realize a translation that is altogether faithful to the original.  Changing translation principles can also be a reason to make a new, more exact translation of a novel that has already been translated. This was the case when the Swedish children’s book Pippi Långstrump, written by Astrid Lindgren, was the object of a new French translation. The first translation had been greatly criticised because of the many cuts and additions made by the French translator who had wanted to adapt the text to the presumed moral values of the French readers. This essay is a comparison between the two French translations of another book by Astrid Lindgren: Emil i Lönneberga. The book is somewhat difficult to translate due to, for example, the cultural phenomena mentioned in the text and the dialect spoken by the main character. The comparison revealed several big differences between the two translations, inter alia the handling of the dialect, but also the translation of the proper nouns and the narrative technique. The conclusion of the comparison was that the new translation was more accurate and faithful to the original than the first translation.

Tillgång till framgång : Lärare och studenter om stadieövergången till högre utbildning

Ask, Sofia January 2005 (has links)
This essay discusses the advantages and disadvantages of co-ordinated subjects in Upper Secondary education, with focus on the implication such co-ordination has on writing skills. Through analysis of student essays, some conclusions are made concerning the justification of co-ordination of subjects. The essay describes the writing skills of Upper Secondary students and tries to evaluate if their writing skills in any way benefit from co-ordination of subjects.

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