Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8trategic bmarketing"" "subject:"8trategic demarketing""
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O processo estratégico de marketing em pequenas e médias empresas de desenvolvimento de software: um estudo de casos múltiplosGomes, Victor Márcio Laus Reis 22 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 22 / Nenhuma / Esta dissertação enfoca o processo estratégico de marketing, ou seja, a formulação e implementação de estratégias de marketing, em pequenas e médias empresas de desenvolvimento de software. Seus objetivos estão centrados na análise do processo, examinando a relação entre a formulação e a implementação e o papel da improvisação e da
adaptação no processo estratégico de marketing. Também é investigada a percepção dos executivos das empresas analisadas sobre a contribuição do processo estratégico de marketing para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva, bem com a representação do conteúdo da estratégia de marketing em materiais de divulgação. A metodologia do trabalho envolveu a realização de um estudo de casos múltiplos em cinco empresas de desenvolvimento de software, sendo
quatro empresas de pequeno porte e uma de médio porte. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os principais executivos e análise de materiais de divulgação. Após a análise individual, foi realizada a análise comparativa dos casos. / This dissertation is focused on the strategic marketing process, which involves the formulation and the implementation of marketing strategies, in small and medium software development companies. Its objectives are to analyze the process, examining the relation between formulation and implementation and the role of improvisation and adaptation on the strategic marketing process. It also investigates the executives of the analyzed companies’
perception of the strategic marketing process contribution to the creation of competitive advantage, as well as the representation of the strategic marketing content in promotional materials. A multiple-case study was conducted in five software development companies, four small companies and one medium. The evidences were collected through semi-structured interviews and promotional materials. The cases were first individually analyzed and then a comparative analysis was conducted. The integration between formulation and implementation was identified, as well as the influe
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O projeto delta sob a perspectiva do marketing estratégico: uma abordagem em ambiente de economia digital / The Delta Project under strategic marketing perspective: an approach on digital economy environmentCozer, Mateus Tavares da Silva 23 June 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é analisar o processo competitivo em ambiente de economia digital sob a ótica do marketing estratégico, fundamentado no Projeto Delta, de Arnoldo C. Hax e Dean L. Wilde II, que examina três posicionamentos estratégicos alternativos. O trabalho focaliza precipuamente um desses processos adaptativos críticos o foco no cliente e se justifica porque amplia a visão do processo estratégico no nível da unidade estratégica de negócios. As duas abordagens exclusivas de conquista de vantagem competitiva propostas por Michael Porter baixo custo ou diferenciação enfatizam, respectivamente, as vertentes rentabilidade do produto e entrega do melhor produto. Nesse sentido, embora relevantes, elas não descrevem todas as situações de competição que caracterizam o ambiente contemporâneo de negócios. Sob o aspecto metodológico, é feita, preliminarmente, uma fundamentação da literatura pertinente ao tema, a partir de uma perspectiva do marketing estratégico, sequencialmente são mostrados os resultados de uma pesquisa empírica sobre o caso de uma empresa de relações públicas. / The most influential contemporary strategic framework, espoused by Michael Porter, is based on two exclusive ways to compete: low cost or differentiation. Although the best-product strategy continues to be relevant, Arnoldo C. Hax and Dean L. Wilde II argues that it does not describe all the ways companies compete in the current environment. In that way, the focus of this work is to analyze the competitive process on the digital economy environment, under strategic marketing optics and based on the Delta Model, which looks to three strategic positioning options. The work focuses on one of those adaptative processes: customer targeting. On the methodological point of view, a literature review is done in the field of strategic marketing; sequentially are shown the results of an empiric research on the case of a public relationship company.
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O governo quer que eu mude: marketing social e comportamento do consumidor na adoção de um programa governamental / The government wants me to change: social marketing and consumer behavior in the adoption of a governamental programCarvalho, Hamilton Coimbra 20 December 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação são investigados fatores que influenciam a adoção pelos consumidores de programas governamentais. O Marketing Social é o ramo do conhecimento que se dedica ao estudo da mudança comportamental dos indivíduos em resposta a intervenções de interesse social. Essas intervenções assumem com freqüência a forma de programas conduzidos por entes governamentais. São programas que geralmente têm sucesso limitado por não adotarem a filosofia de marketing em sua concepção e orientação. No campo tributário, um tipo de comportamento individual que procura ser estimulado pelos três níveis de governo no Brasil é o de pedir nota fiscal nas compras, com o objetivo de combater a sonegação de impostos e aumentar os recursos públicos. Os recursos financeiros são a base para os investimentos públicos e para os gastos sociais. Um dos principais caminhos para aumentar esses recursos é arrecadar tributos com mais eficiência. Nesse contexto, programas como a Nota Fiscal Paulista são lançados com o objetivo de alterar o comportamento individual dos consumidores. Nesta dissertação, esse programa foi analisado sob o enfoque de Marketing Social e de linhas de pesquisa relacionadas ao estudo do comportamento do consumidor. Partindo-se da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado e com a incorporação de conceitos importantes no Marketing, como satisfação, lealdade e boca-a-boca, chegou-se à proposição de um modelo teórico integrativo, que considerou a relação da atitude, de seus antecedentes e dos fatores norma social e auto-eficácia com os efeitos de marketing decorrentes da adoção ou não da Nota Fiscal Paulista pelo consumidor. Adicionalmente, foram identificadas as diferenças entre os grupos de adotantes e não adotantes do programa. O método de pesquisa se baseou em métodos qualitativos e na coleta de dados por meio de questionário disponibilizado pela Internet. A análise dos resultados teve por estratégia principal o emprego da modelagem de equações estruturais. A adoção do programa foi considerada como variável moderadora, possibilitando uma análise multigrupos. Dentre as principais conclusões da pesquisa, pode-se destacar que a atitude é o principal fator explicativo dos efeitos de marketing e o principal fator na previsão da adoção do programa. Adotantes e não-adotantes apresentaram perfis significativamente diferentes na amostra. Para os adotantes, a satisfação foi o antecedente mais importante da atitude. Para os não-adotantes, benefícios líquidos percebidos foi o fator com mais impacto na atitude. Risco de privacidade também foi um fator importante para esse grupo. A principal contribuição da pesquisa é a identificação dos fatores mais relevantes para a adoção da Nota Fiscal Paulista, colaborando para o estudo de uma área pouco explorada no contexto de marketing. Dentre as principais recomendações gerenciais, que podem ser aplicadas a diversos programas governamentais, citam-se a necessidade de intervenção para criar e reforçar atitudes positivas em relação ao programa governamental, a utilização freqüente de pesquisas com os consumidores para a orientação na condução do programa, a segmentação dos consumidores, a necessidade de incremento da auto-eficácia dos consumidores e da simplificação do programa, e a elaboração de estratégias relacionadas ao composto de marketing que decorram de um plano estratégico de marketing. Discutem-se ainda aspectos como os efeitos sobre o comportamento dos consumidores decorrentes do tipo de recompensa a ser oferecido em um programa social, da certeza ou não dessa recompensa e da interpretação que o consumidor faz das regras do programa. Limitações do estudo e sugestões para estudos futuros são também apresentadas. / This thesis analyzes the factors impacting the adoption of governmental programs by consumers. Social Marketing is the field of knowledge that studies the change in individual behavior in response to interventions of social interest. These interventions are often performed through programs conducted by governmental agencies. These programs generally have limited success for not adopting the marketing philosophy in their design and orientation. In the tax area, a type of behavior that is stimulated by the three levels of government in Brazil is the request of tax receipts on purchases, aiming the reduction of tax evasion and increase in public funds. Public funds are the basis for public investment and social spending. One of the main approaches to increase these resources is to collect taxes more efficiently. In this context, programs such as Nota Fiscal Paulista are introduced aiming the change in the behavior of consumers. In this thesis, this program was analyzed under the perspective of Social Marketing and other related studies of consumer behavior. Based initially on the Theory of Planned Behavior and incorporating important concepts of Marketing, such as satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth, an integrative theoretical model was proposed, which considered the relationship between attitude, their antecedents, social norms, self-efficacy and the marketing effects that result from the adoption or not of the Nota Fiscal Paulista. Additionally, the research identified differences between adopters and nonadopters. The methodology was based on qualitative procedures and data collection through a survey made available on the Internet. The main strategy of analysis was based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The adoption of the program was considered a moderating variable, allowing a multi-group analysis. Among the main findings, the research indicated that attitude is the most important factor in explaining marketing effects and in predicting the adoption of the program. The profile of adopters was significantly different from the profile of non-adopters in the sample. In the adopters subsample, satisfaction was the most important antecedent of attitude. In the non-adopters subsample, perceived net benefit was the most important factor that impacted their attitude. Privacy risk was also an important factor in that subsample. The most important managerial recommendations, that can be applied in several government programs, are: the need to create and reinforce positive attitudes towards the program, the frequent employment of consumer research to guide the program, the segmentation of consumers, the need to increase consumers´ self-efficacy and the simplification of the program, and the development of marketing mix strategies resulting from a strategic marketing plan. Other aspects including the effects of rewards on consumer behavior, the certainty of rewards and the mindset activated by the rules of the program are also discussed. Limitations to the study and suggestions for future studies are also presented.
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Gestão do valor para o cliente e posicionamento estratégico: um estudo de caso no mercado empresarial / Customer value management and strategic positioning: a case study in the business to business marketHamza, Kavita Miadaira 17 December 2009 (has links)
A gestão do valor para o cliente é uma estratégia de marketing fundamental para que as empresas em ambientes altamente competitivos obtenham vantagem competitiva e ofereçam valor superior aos clientes, contribuindo assim para suas estratégias de crescimento de forma sustentável. Neste contexto, esta tese teve por objetivo propor um novo esquema integrado para mapeamento e gestão do valor para o cliente, que contribuísse para melhorar as estratégias competitivas das organizações no mercado empresarial, de forma que ofertem e obtenham valor superior. Para atingir tal objetivo, foram analisadas inicialmente a hierarquia das estratégias, iniciando pelo estudo da estratégia de crescimento. Em seguida foram estudadas as estratégias competitivas, onde foram analisados em profundidade os modelos propostos por diferentes autores. Na seqüência, foram analisadas as estratégias funcionais, em específico as de marketing, no que tange à orientação para mercado, segmentação e posicionamento, com foco no mercado empresarial. Por fim, foram estudadas as teorias acerca da gestão de valor para o cliente, com foco no mercado empresarial, identificando suas implicações e impactos para as estratégias corporativas e competitivas das organizações. Ao final da revisão da literatura, foi proposto um esquema integrado para gestão do valor para o cliente, onde se procurou combinar os aspectos que melhoram o valor da oferta de uma organização ao mercado, a análise da mudança dos atributos valorizados ao longo do tempo pelo cliente, a melhor comunicação dos valores oferecidos e a análise da performance de mercado. Para complementar e enriquecer o esquema proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo por meio de um estudo de caso no mercado empresarial. A escolha da EMPRESA K se deu em função de sua relevante participação no segmento de mercado em que atua, e devido às importantes inovações tecnológicas que contribuem para o desenvolvimento do setor. Foram entrevistados dezesseis colaboradores de diferentes níveis hierárquicos, das áreas comercial, de marketing e de serviços. A análise das entrevistas realizadas na EMPRESA K foi importante para melhorar o esquema integrado proposto na revisão da literatura. Assim, foi possível delinear um novo esquema integrado, composto de seis etapas, visando contribuir para a elaboração de modelos de gestão do valor para o cliente e proporcionar às empresas do mercado empresarial uma ferramenta que contribuirá para a obtenção de performance superior. / Customer Value Management is a marketing strategy for companies in highly competitive environments that want to gain competitive advantage and deliver superior value to their customers, and as a consequence, to contribute to their growth strategies in a sustainable way. In this context, this thesis aims to propose a new integrated scheme for mapping and managing customer value, which contributes to improving the companies competitive strategies in the business to business market in order to provide and obtain superior value. To achieve this goal, the concept of strategy hierarchy was firstly analyzed taking into consideration the study of growth strategy. Secondly, the idea of competitive strategies was studied and it was developed an in-depth analysis of the models described by different authors. Then, the concept of functional strategies was analyzed, specially the marketing one, regarding market orientation, segmentation and positioning, focused on business to business market. Finally, the theories about Customer Value Management were researched, focused on business to business market, by identifying its implications and impacts to corporate and competitive strategies in organizations. At the end of the literature review, an integrated scheme was presented for Customer Value Management, which proposed to combine the aspects that improve the delivering value of a company in the market, the analysis of its changing attributes valued over time by the customer, the best communication of these values and the analysis of its market performance. To complement and enrich the proposed scheme, it was made a field research through a case study in the business to business market. COMPANY K was chosen since it has had a considerable market share in the segment in which it operates, and also due to its important technological innovations that have contributed to its sector development. Sixteen business collaborators from different hierarchical levels were interviewed, such as sales, services and marketing departments. The analysis of the interviews in COMPANY K was important to improve the proposed integrated scheme in the literature review. All in all, it was possible to outline a new integrated scheme, composed of six steps in order to contribute for the development of Customer Value Management models and to provide a tool which will help the companies to achieve a top performance in the business to business market.
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Marketing estratégico e competitividade: um estudo de casos em empresas brasileiras que atuam no Mercosul / Strategic marketing and competitiveness: a case study in brazilian companies operating in MercosulRimoli, Celso Augusto 18 September 1996 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, busca-se examinar atividades de marketing estratégico na competitividade de empresas brasileiras que atuam no Mercosul. Em primeiro lugar, é realizada uma discussão envolvendo as últimas tendências mundiais no cenário sócio-político-econômico que motivaram a exploração do tema. Em seguida, constrói-se o referencial teórico para a realização do trabalho, em que se exploram conceitos-chaves relativos à administração e planejamento estratégico, ao marketing estratégico, tático-operacional e global e também à competitividade, procurando-se enfatizar suas interfaces e complementaridades. Nesse ponto, são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória com base em um estudo de casos, envolvendo a atuação de duas empresas industriais brasileiras de diferentes setores nos países do Mercosul, em que se procura investigar o processo de gerenciamento relativo ao corpo teórico constituído. São feitas então as considerações finais e explicitadas as limitações e contribuições do estudo, bem como sugestões para estudos futuros. / This dissertation examines activities of strategic marketing in the competitiveness of brazilian companies that deal with Mercosur. First, there is a discussion involving the major world trends related to the socio-political and economic scenarrio that motivated the adoption of this subject. The theoretical framework on which this study is based is then presented, and some key concepts related to strategic management and planning are explored, along with strategic, operational and global marketing and competitiveness, with a stress on their interfaces and complementarities. Results are presented of an exploratory research based on the Case study method, involving the performance of two industrial brazilian companies operating at Mercosur, belonging to different sectors of the economy. The analysis of these results tries to investigate how the managerial process goes along with the theoretical framework. The final considerations are then presented and the limitations and contributions of the study are stated, as well as some suggestions for future studies.
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觀光事業之策略行銷-以澎湖為例 / Strategic Marketing of the Tourism - the Analysis of Penghu Market胡俊傑, Richard Hu Unknown Date (has links)
一、 就策略行銷以及旅遊業之特質與經營理論之文獻加以探討整理,以做為擬訂管理模式之依據。
二、 就澎湖縣觀光產業之各項資源以加以說明探討。
三、 針對澎湖縣旅遊市場之產業現況以及消費者加以研究分析,整理出可供運用之資料。
四、 依策略行銷之管理模式,為「澎湖文化生態園區」擬訂行銷策略。
一、 澎湖縣的觀光產業及個案「澎湖文化生態園區」在發展上採策略行銷的管理模式是可行的。因為策略行銷管理透過分析、規劃、執行及評估與改善的程序,塑造企業組織能力、文化能力與執行能力,不斷地改造企業的體質以適應新的環境並獲得更好的經營績效。
二、 市場區隔與目標市場的選擇是公司合理配置行銷資源以及制定行銷策略的重要依據。
三、 透過組合分析工具,企業可確實及快速地瞭解各事業單位的競爭情勢,並進一步擬訂競爭策略。相較於以往是憑藉著「老闆的經驗或智慧」來經營企業,有著顯著的良好表現。
四、 在策略管理模式的推展下,行銷組合(4P)能夠獲得較為完整之規劃,並能定出明確的標準加以考核。
五、 策略聯盟或異業的合作是澎湖縣觀光產業以及個案「澎湖文化生態園區」在尋求經營有所突破的重要作為。 / The objective of this thesis is a research approaching to the development of the tourism in the Penghu archipelago. As the thesis focuses on the analysis of the strategic marketing that is the main storyline of the contents, it also covers the true examples of the business of the tourism going on in Penhu. Hopefully, It will provide beneficial information to who is involving in this business, moreover, to deal with the changing of the market of the tourism.
The contents of the thesis are as follow:
Chapter 2. The analysis of strategic marketing, significant character, and theory of management from the past record of the tourism; the future management model will be developed that base on this analysis.
Chapter 3. The description and analysis of the resource of Penghu's tourism business.
Chapter 4. The analysis of the market and tourist in Penghu's tourism in nowadays; extract the beneficial material for the market.
Chapter 5. According to the strategic marketing management model, the marketing strategies for the special case "Penghu's Cultural & Biological Park" are developed.
Chapter 6. The result of this research are developed as follow:
1.Since this strategic marketing theory has not only been analyzed, planed, executed, evaluated and improved, it also has established a model for enterprise's execution in company's system, cultural issue and administration. In order to face the changing market and achieve a better result, once the enterprise uses the theory, the functioning system will be highly improved. As a result, it is truly acceptable by adopting the analyzed management model in Penghu's tourism as well as the special case of "Penghu's Cultural & Biological Park".
2.How the market is segmented and how the target market is chosen have great impact on how the enterprise beautifully distribute the market sources and plan the marketing strategies.
3.Compare to the traditional management method used in the past, the enterprise will have the better performance by adopting the strategic marketing management theory; it will efficiently and rapidly sense the competitive situation in the market.
4.Base on the theory of the strategic management, the "4P" can be done with the complete plan; it also can establish a clear stander for evaluation.
5.The alliance of different strategies and the varied businesses will have significant impact and improvement in Penghu's tourism as well as "Penghu's Cultural & Biological Park", especially the slow business during the winter.
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記憶體模組產業之策略行銷分析—以G公司為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of memory module industry—a case study of G company陳怡鈞, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代,隨著全球PC市場的逐漸發展,記憶體模組產業亦隨之興起。1990年代中期,記憶體模組廠商逐步建立自有品牌,使記憶體模組產品,從電腦主機裡的規格化零組件,搖身成為消費者心目中具有品牌的產品。在這個從「無品牌」至「有品牌」的發展過程中,產業內的品牌商,共同創造了記憶體模組的品牌價值。然而,回溯到十餘年前的PC市場,對於消費者而言,為什麼開始要在乎所買的記憶體模組是什麼品牌?對於任何一家記憶體模組製造商而言,依照JEDEC所制訂的標準製造相關的模組化產品,究竟要如何創造超越競爭對手的價值?在這個記憶體模組廠商與消費者的交換過程當中,消費者用來交換產品的「成本」有哪些?這些既然是消費者的成本,那麼就包含了消費者在交換過程中會考量的因素,因此,廠商應如何降低這些可能存在的成本,進而創造更高的價值?本研究試圖透過策略行銷4C理論,探究記憶體模組產業內所有的交換關係與交換過程,並透過策略分析,歸納在交換關係中創造價值的模式。 / In the 1980’s, memory module industry had been growing up accompanied PC market development. In the middle of 1990’s, memory module manufacturers step by step built up their own brands, meanwhile, standardized memory module products went out from PC cases and have been made with their own name. It was manufacturers who turned “unknown” memory products into “branded” ones and created brand value in this process. However, in the market decades ago, for what reasons consumers started paying attention to what brand the memory module is? To any producer of memory module, the most important is how to create the exceeded value of its competitor under the standard of JEDEC. What “costs” do consumers have in the exchanging process between the producers? As we may see, these costs may be included in the exchanging process for consumers’ concern. So, how should producers do to create higher values by reducing the possible cost? This study is to explore the exchanging relationship and the process of memory module industry through 4C theory, and to generalize the model of creating values in the exchanging relationship.
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從代工至自創品牌之策略行銷分析:以達芙妮為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of transition From OEM to OBM: a case study of DAPHNE謝其宏, Hsieh, Chi Hung Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:代工、自創品牌、策略行銷4C / When viewing industry development history in Taiwan, most companies started from original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and have developed manufacturing capability. When China became world factories because of its low cost competitive advantage, a lot of companies transferred their factories to China. As a result, Taiwan’s companies started to change the business model from OEM to OBM to earn more profit. Many companies in Taiwan’s shoe industry were impacted by low cost competitive advantage in China, and thus they went into bankruptcy or transferred factories to other countries to survive. The case “DAPHNE” in the study was the shoe company pressured by production cost and transferred factories to China at that time.
Literature review in the study has three parts: brand, OEM&OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C theory. Utilizing Chiu’s (2006) Strategic Marketing 4C framework examines China leading female shoe company DAPHNE. The study separates development track of DAPHNE into five stages: OEM, brand introduction, construction of stores, brand penetration, brand expansion. Using Strategic Marketing 4C framework understands strategic meaning in key strategies, summarizes key action in each stage, and examines the difference between reality and theory.
The research shows following conclusions: First, the key success factor in OEM stage is that DAPHNE transferred its factories as soon as possible to decline production cost to get orders; Second, the key success factor in brand introduction stage is that DAPHNE attracted dealer by holding trade fairs to sell products to end users; third, the key success factor in construction of stores is that DAPHNE built direct selling stores to communicate with end users; fourth, the key success factor in brand penetration is that DAPHNE built distributor centers, integrated design teams, and expanded stores intensively to penetrate China market; fifth, the key success factor in brand expansion is that DAPHNE provided various products to fulfill consumers’ diverse demands.
Key Words: OEM, OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C
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Ekologisk konsumtion : Endast för övertygade? / Organic consumption : Only for convinced costumers?Regnér Nordlund, Pernilla, Linde, Joakim January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Med anledning av Sveriges ökade ekologiska konsumtion så kommer denna uppsats vidare undersöka ekologisk konsumtion som fenomen och hur företag bör arbeta för att på bästa sätt lyckas nå långsiktig överlevnad med just ekologi som grund. Problem: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för företags beslut om marknadsföringsstrategier gällande ekologiska varor, för att nå långsiktig överlevnad? Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att analysera och utvärdera konsumentbeteende med avseende på ekologisk konsumtion. Metod: Undersökningen är kvalitativ och kommer att bearbetas utefter en hermeneutisk och systemteoretisk ansats. För att kunna svara till problem och syfte kommer befintliga teorier att användas. Teoretiska perspektiv: Utbytesperspektiv, utvecklingsperspektiv Teorier: Mervärdesteorin, involveringsteorin, marknadsföringsmixen, konsumentbeteende, totalkommunikation, värdekedja och värdestjärna. Empiri: För det empiriska underlaget har sju stycken konsumenter och en branschrepresentant intervjuats. Analys: Empirin har analyserats utefter de faktorer författarna givit som centrala för att svara till problem och syfte. Författarna har efter operationalisering kunnat dela in respondenterna i en matris baserad på involveringsgrad till ekologi. Detta för att göra det enkelt att följa uppsatsens röda tråd. Resultat: Författarna menar att det är involveringsgraden till ekologi, om den är hög, som är avgörande för konsumtion av ekologiska varor. Vid låg grad av involvering är kopplingen till ekologisk övertygelse svår att skönja. Slutsats: De faktorer som är viktiga för företag, om de ska nå långsiktig överlevnad baserad på ekologi, är höginvolverade kunder som passerat den ekologiska tröskeln, företagen skall således arbeta utifrån värdeskapande processer.
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Strateginis marketingo planavimas: Šiaulių miesto įmonių atvejis / Strategic marketing planing: Siauliai business caseBartaševičienė, Renata, Urba, Egidijus 20 June 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas strateginis marketingo planavimas: Šiaulių mieso įmonių atveju, kurio tyrimui buvo nusitaikyta į didžiausias Šiaulių miesto įmones, vertinant pagal metines pardavimo apimtis. Šio darbo tikslas identifikuoti Šiaulių miesto įmonių strateginio marketingo planavimo būklę. Darbo objektu pasirinktas strateginis marketingo planavimas.Teorinėje darbo dalyje atlikta teorinė strateginio marketingo planavimo analizė. Vadovaujantis moksline literatūra, gautos sampratos buvo susistemintos, siekiant pagrįsti jų svarbą strateginio marketingo planavimo procese. / The Bachelor thesis analyzes the strategic marketing planning: Siauliai city enterprises in which the study was tar the largest city of Siauliai companies in terms of annual sales. The aim of this work is to identificate the city of Siauliai corporate strategic marketing planning condition. The object of this work was chosen strategic marketing planning. In theoretical part of the paper made the theoretical analysis of the strategic marketing planning. According to scientific literature, the concept has been codified in order to justify the importance of the strategic marketing planning process. In empirical part of quality testing, data analysis and present their results. Qualitative analysis was used to carry out an expert - customer interviews, expert interviews and focus group methods. Expert - customer define their interviews were taken and tested expert - customer submission of the initial versions and after that it was slightly adjusted. The expert survey were interviewed 36 Siauliai companies, the study helped to identify the key criteria for further investigation. In Focus group was discuss the results, the experts submitted their interpretations and insights. The study helped to identify that the strategic marketing planning condition is moderate.
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