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從代工至自創品牌之策略行銷分析:以達芙妮為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of transition From OEM to OBM: a case study of DAPHNE謝其宏, Hsieh, Chi Hung Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:代工、自創品牌、策略行銷4C / When viewing industry development history in Taiwan, most companies started from original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and have developed manufacturing capability. When China became world factories because of its low cost competitive advantage, a lot of companies transferred their factories to China. As a result, Taiwan’s companies started to change the business model from OEM to OBM to earn more profit. Many companies in Taiwan’s shoe industry were impacted by low cost competitive advantage in China, and thus they went into bankruptcy or transferred factories to other countries to survive. The case “DAPHNE” in the study was the shoe company pressured by production cost and transferred factories to China at that time.
Literature review in the study has three parts: brand, OEM&OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C theory. Utilizing Chiu’s (2006) Strategic Marketing 4C framework examines China leading female shoe company DAPHNE. The study separates development track of DAPHNE into five stages: OEM, brand introduction, construction of stores, brand penetration, brand expansion. Using Strategic Marketing 4C framework understands strategic meaning in key strategies, summarizes key action in each stage, and examines the difference between reality and theory.
The research shows following conclusions: First, the key success factor in OEM stage is that DAPHNE transferred its factories as soon as possible to decline production cost to get orders; Second, the key success factor in brand introduction stage is that DAPHNE attracted dealer by holding trade fairs to sell products to end users; third, the key success factor in construction of stores is that DAPHNE built direct selling stores to communicate with end users; fourth, the key success factor in brand penetration is that DAPHNE built distributor centers, integrated design teams, and expanded stores intensively to penetrate China market; fifth, the key success factor in brand expansion is that DAPHNE provided various products to fulfill consumers’ diverse demands.
Key Words: OEM, OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C
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專案管理成功的關鍵因素 -- 以策略行銷4C理論分析 / Success factors of project management - analysis through strategic marketing 4C framework蔡瑞文, Tsai, Ruei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討專案經理管理專案逐步完善的過程 (Progressive Elaboration)中,面對接踵而來的專案變更 (Change) 以及不確定性 (Uncertainty),如何能以客戶觀點來看待專案管理的利害得失 ( Advantage / Disadvantage / Gain / Lost ),滿足客戶需求以創造客戶價值。
本研究認為專案管理的重點在於專案變更管理。藉由策略行銷4C架構的思維,將能有效彌補專案經理在企管知識與經驗上落差,將專案管理的重點聚焦在客戶關心的專案管理重點上,透過行銷交換上四個成本問題的解決,來為客戶與專案創造價值。本研究透過以客戶與專案經理的不同觀點來回顧與檢討兩個實務個案,建議在管理專案時以策略行銷4C架構思維作為和客戶溝通的思考架構,聚焦於如何兼顧三重限制下,把專案管理的價值提升到同時滿足專案與商業的成功。換言之,藉由行銷交換四大成本問題的解決來“作對的事”(Do the right thing)以滿足客戶的期望,而讓專案管理方法論聚焦於專案管理團隊如何管理專案,來解決“把事作對”(Do the thing right) 的問題。
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數位產品的通路服務需求與創新服務模式之研究 / Research for digital product's channel service demand and innovative service model金學宗, Hank Jim Unknown Date (has links)
本研究回顧過去「資訊通路」相關研究發現,主要集中在幾個議題,例如:經營或競爭策略、通路管理、產品訂價模式、顧客忠誠度、通路服務品質、供應商關係管理、或個案公司之研究;而回顧關於「技術採用生命週期」與「跨越鴻溝」相關研究較少且多集中於高科技技術,如LED、IC設計、網站平台..或個案產品之研究,如iPod、筆記型電腦、電子書、網路電視..等。且大部研究的探討範圍較缺乏以產業角度研究數位產品之相關通路服務需求;且並未發現根據Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)跨越鴻溝一書所論述「高科技行銷通路」理論之提出有效履行「完整產品」之實務架構並進行可行性研究。
經過資料分析,本研究的主要研究結果有五點,包括:消費者與品牌原廠之通路服務需求的確存在且被數位產品的演進所影響、不同類型消費者會影響對通路服務需求與通路型態的放心程度、不同類型品牌原廠影響對通路服務需求的程度不大;但會影響推展新產品初期通路選擇之策略、創新通路服務模式(官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨) 符合消費者與品牌原廠需求並提升滿意度、數位產品之採用生命週期曲線之「鴻溝現象」仍然存在,且與Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)之技術採用生命週期曲線之結構有所不同。
一、對數位產品通路服務公司:跳脫「競爭」與「去服務化」思維,以實際市場需求出發以建構企業價值鏈與提升附加價值、 有效整合數量龐大區域加值經銷商的在地力量建構「售後服務」機制、優先建構「導入時效」通路價值鏈。二、對創新數位產品之品牌原廠:運用創新通路服務模式彌補目前面臨通路服務滿意度之落差、以官網發展虛實整合的創新通路服務模式較可滿足消費者需求。 / In this study, we have reviewed the existing thesis and research about keyword of IT channel and found that focused on several issues , such as: business or competitive strategy, channel management, product pricing model, customer loyalty, channel service quality, supplier relationship management, or the case company the study; About the number of existing thesis and research of "technology adoption life cycle" and "Crossing the Chasm" is rare and found that more concentrated in high technology product, such as LED, IC design, web platform .. or some case studies, such as iPod, notebook, e-books, network TV .. and so on. And lack of research to explore the issue of digital products industry ‘s real demand for channel services; and we have not found according to the theory of "high-tech marketing channel" discussed by the book of Geoffrey A. Moore’s "Crossing the Chasm" to proposed the effective implementation architecture of
"whole product" and do some research.
Through the observations of the practical , most innovative digital products is very low probability of success in channel marketing and spread slowly, so the study of divided the success or failure factors of digital products into three parts,including business internal factors, external environmental factors and channel factors, and in this study focus and analysis depthly to the channel factor that the brand company ‘s non-completely control . About research methods, this research study first the impact of channel service demand of the consumers and brand company by evolution of digital products through channel service’s viewpoint. Then we analysis the the satisfaction of consumer and brand company to existing major channels of digital products to identify "market demand gap" and the difference degree between the service needs and satisfaction (comfort level); further validate the applicability and satisfaction improvement degree of the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" . This study further analyzed the various factors that may affect the service needs and satisfaction, including
types of consumers and the types of brand company.
After data analysis, the main findings of this study have five points, including: The demand of consumer and the brand company for channel services are affected by the evolution of digital products; The demand for channel services and comfort level will be affected by the different types of consumers;The demand for channel services won’t be affected by the different types of brand company, but the choice of the initial channel strategy will be affected by the different types of brand company;The innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" can meet the demend and improve satisfaction of the customer and brand company;The " Chasm phenomenon" of " the digital product adoption life cycle curve " still exists, and different with the structure of Geoffrey A. Moore (1991) of
the technology life-cycle curve .
Based on the above findings, this study proposes to practitioners the following recommendations:
First, for channel services company of digital products: Give up "competition" and "off service" thinking t o construct the enterprise value chain and value- up by actual market demand;To integrate the huge forces of local value-added- reseller to construct the "after-sale- service" mechanism;Give the high priority to construct the value chain of "Time to market". Second, for the brand company of digital product : Take advantage with the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" to make up for the satisfaction of the channel service;To create the innovation virtual-physical- channel service model by the official website to meet consumer
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幼兒園經營與策略行銷分析 / The Study of Strategic Marketing Analysis in Preschool Business林倍瑜, Lin, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
育產業中的消費者-學生與其家長可依據其意願和偏好在眾多教育機構中來做 選擇,教育市場勢必逐漸走向「消費者」主導的競爭機制。近年來,全球少子化 議題延燒,台灣更在 2012 年創下全球最低生育率,其中幼托產業首當其衝。不 僅在幼兒就讀人數的逐年下降外,幼兒園的核心資源-幼教師亦因不斷增設的公 立幼兒園,嚴重的流失。
本研究即以幼兒園為研究主題,屬質性之個案研究,以個案公司-A 公司為 研究對象,並選擇同一教學法及規模相近之標竿公司作為比較基準,探討與個案 主體公司之經營現狀比較,並運用策略行銷 4C 模型中四項消費者心中產生之成 本-外顯單位效益成本、資訊蒐集成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本作為架構, 進一步探討兩公司之現行策略中,與消費者心中主觀成本間所產生的落差,並依 據分析結果提出針對 A 公司未來發展策略之建議。
研究中發現私立幼兒園在營運模式上,應著重在服務模式及教學專業的精進, 以提升消費者心中的價值,得以降低其外顯單位效益成本(C1),並對消費者及內 部員工皆維持一致的產品定位,以降低資訊搜集成本(C2)及道德危機成本(C3); 最後因長期耕耘的品牌價值,與消費者建立起專屬資產,得以成為消費者最後的 選擇。最後,需同時洞察市場變化及風險,即時掌握學前教育政策,靈活彈性的 調整企業自身的狀態,達到永續經營的長程目標。 / Since trade liberalization and globalization, the marketization of education in advanced countries has become a trend. At this point in the education industry, consumers - the students and their parents can choose educational institutions in accordance with their wishes and preferences. Therefore, the education market is gradually moving toward the consumers-leading competition. In recent years, as the world's dramatically birthrate declining and continuing as a hot issue, Taiwan even reached a new record of world’s lowest fertility rate in 2012, which directly impacted private child-care industry. Not only declining number of children enrolled, but also increased turnover rate of the teachers due to new-established public preschools and day-care centers.
The theme of this research aims at preschool industry, using the qualitative study on A company and choose a same approach and size as the benchmark company to discuss A company current operation situation. Besides, applying strategy marketing 4C model –Cost of External Unit Effectiveness(C1), Cost of Searching(C2), Cost of Moral Hazard(C3) and Cost of Engagement(C4), to further investigate the gap between corporate strategies and the consumers’ insight needs. Then propose suggestions of future development strategy to A company based on the analysis results.
The study found that the business model of preschool should focus on client service systems and sophisticated teaching development in order to enhance the value of consumer insights, and to significantly reduce the external unit tcost-effectiveness (C1). In additions, given the consistent brand positioning to both consumers and internal teachers could effectively reduce the cost of searching (C2) and the moral cost (C3). In the end, as a result of a long-term cultivation of brand value to establish exclusive assets to clients, it spontaneously becomes the customer first choice with high royalty. Moreover, it is also suggested that people should keep high awareness to industrial changes and challenges, and timely review the government regulations to ensure sustainability of the company.
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台灣資訊服務業之行銷策略探討-以A公司為例郭淑儀, Kuo,Anita Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
朝聚焦策略發展,並做好基礎技術研發和國際品質認證等基本功;對產品有明確之STP(Segmentation, Target, Positioning),並掌握市場動向之洞察力(street-smart insight),以對的產品切入對的市場(do it right),形成有利的4C循環,才能夠維持優於同業之表現。並在穩健創新經營原則下,掌握利基市場,因時因地制宜的運用4C行銷策略,才能確保4C競爭優勢。 / The advancement of Taiwan IT services is derived from the business needs for information service to solve duplicate activities and complicate management problems, and also contributed by the industrial competitions from foreign IT service companies’ entering Taiwan market. In Taiwan IT service industry there widely exist endowment problems like small operation capital, limited resources, vague supply chains, etc., and environmental challenges, such as the small domestic market, low industrial barrier, furious competitions, etc., and furthermore, there are changeable competition factors in exploring international markets.
ICT services are the fundamental national infrastructure, and are accompanied by business application needs. As we know, electronic, information and communication products account for more than 30% of Taiwan exports. After this, with the expectation to create the core competitive strength for Taiwan, IT service industry is one of the key promotion targets chosen by the government, to combine the current hardware industrial strength with the upgrade of software quality and volume. Especially for system integration services, the majority type of IT service industry, it is always worthy to study how to build up its core competence, launch competitive product services, and establish long-term relationship with customers to ensure transaction strength in the niche market, gain profits and sustain for long.
The research is based on the analysis framework of transaction cost theory, and strategic marketing 4C theory. The case study:Company A is the axis. By researching the development of Company A, to find how it can accumulate 4C strength, including how to lower customers’ external cost on utility, cost of information searches, cost of moral hazards, and better use cost of assets specificity to enter positive 4C cycles in the long run. Its marketing strategy can be used as a reference for the similar IT service companies.
The finding of Company A’s 4C cycles is that, build up C1 power to strengthen its competitiveness, by alliance with C3 power enabled partners to lower C2, and establish customers positive C3 and C4. In the meantime, in accordance with the customer’s C1 needs to enforce the utility of C1, there is C3 and C4 competitiveness strengthened furthermore. Above all, it is suggested to focus on C1, and be aware that C1 is the source of competitiveness, and the leverage of other 3Cs.
Deploy focus strategy, and elaborate the basic techniques of fundamental technology research and international quality assurance, with specific product STP(Segmentation, Target, Positioning), street-smart insight and do-it-right, will form positive 4C cycles, which can result in better performance in the industry. Under the stable, innovative operation principles, catch niche markets and use strategic marketing 4C deliberately to ensure 4C competitive strength.
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