Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cub saharan africa"" "subject:"cub saharan affrica""
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Culture and leadership in KenyaAnaya, Ella Ruth 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates managerial leadership and its cultural foundations in Kenya.
It discusses the theoretical underpinnings of culturally contingent leadership theories, and
examines Sub-Saharan African leadership through existing literature, cultural metaphors,
and qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The study replicates the Global
Leadership and Organisational Behaviour Effectiveness (GLOBE) methodologies with
267 respondents – managers in the finance and food processing sectors, and the civic
sector (education and health). The literature review focuses on leadership issues
impeding socio-economic development, complexities such as ethnic heterogeneity,
colonial history, customary practices, instability in governance, conflict, corruption, and
poverty. The cultural domain is also examined in terms of ethno-linguistic groups and
major historical and geo-political influences on these groups. Additional aspects of
culture that pose persistent problems to Kenyan leadership are explored: paternalism and
patronage, and the legacy of entitlement and bureaucracy –– negative influences on workrelated
relations, and managerial and political leadership. Findings on organisational
culture and societal culture indicate that Kenyan values and practices are not congruent,
thereby creating a unique profile of Kenyan leader attributes and leadership styles. The
study identifies Bwana Kubwa (Big Boss) managerial leadership as a norm, political
leadership as “a dirty game,” and an “inspirational idealist” as the preferred leader.
Lastly, survey results for Kenya are compared against GLOBE dimensions of culture and
leadership for Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as against West Africa. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication Science)
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Women's decision-making autonomy and experience of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa : the role of partner's educational attainmentSvenkeson, Allyx 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Agricultural trade under the multilateral trade system in Sub-saharan Africa: a South African perspective with lessons from BrazilFru, Runick Alah January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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Questions d'alphabétisation dans le contexte africain / Literacy issues in the African contextSeurat, Adeline 16 October 2012 (has links)
Si la proportion d'adultes analphabètes dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne a décliné entre 1985 et 2008, le nombre d’individus analphabètes a en réalité augmenté au cours de cette période. C'est dans ce contexte que depuis avril 2000, la communauté internationale poursuit les objectifs du processus Education Pour Tous, dont l’un vise, d’ici à 2015, à améliorer de 50 % les niveaux d'alphabétisation des adultes. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser dans quelle mesure la scolarisation primaire et les programmes d’alphabétisation, deux processus sur lesquels la politique éducative peut intervenir, permettent aux individus des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne d’acquérir des compétences de base en lecture. Dans la grande majorité des pays africains, les analyses, menées sur la base d’enquêtes de ménages, montrent qu’il ne suffit pas d’être allé à l’école jusqu’à la fin du cycle primaire pour savoir lire une fois adulte et qu’il est primordial d’avoir bénéficié d’une certaine qualité de l’éducation. De plus, pour un même temps d’enseignement, le degré d’alphabétisme des individus est très différent selon les pays, indiquant donc de fortes disparités en termes de qualité de l’éducation. Ces disparités ne s’expliquent pas par des niveaux différents de ressources allouées aux systèmes éducatifs, mais paraissent plutôt liées à des différences liées d’une part, au temps d’enseignement dont ont bénéficié les individus, et d’autre part, à l’organisation du contexte scolaire à l’intérieur de ce temps. Si la scolarisation primaire ne suffit pas, dans son fonctionnement actuel, à assurer un savoir lire durable aux individus, cela implique un rôle significatif des activités d’alphabétisation. Il ressort des analyses des enquêtes de ménages que la participation à des programmes d’alphabétisation reste en moyenne assez limitée en Afrique subsaharienne. De plus, il existe une très forte variabilité entre les pays, des impacts des activités d’alphabétisation sur le savoir lire des individus. Ceci s’explique sans doute par la grande diversité des programmes d’alphabétisation mis en œuvre. Cette diversité, à laquelle s’ajoute la quasi-absence de véritable politique nationale de développement de l’alphabétisation, rend très difficile l’identification des modalités efficientes d’organisation des activités d’alphabétisation. / Despite the proportion of illiterate people in sub-Saharan Africa having declined between 1985 and 2008, the number of illiterates has actually increased during the period. It is within this context, that since April 2000, the international community has been committed to six Education for All goals. One of these goals is to achieve a 50 per cent improvement in adult literacy levels by 2015. This thesis aims to analyse how primary education and literacy programs (two processes on which educational policy can intervene) enable the populations of sub-Saharan Africa to acquire basic reading skills. In the vast majority of African countries, the analysis based on household surveys shows that schooling to the end of the primary cycle is not sufficient to enable literacy as an adult, and the former also show that it is critical to have had education of some quality. Furthermore, the individual literacy levels can be very different from one country to another, even with the same teaching time. This shows significant disparities in terms of educational quality. These disparities cannot be explained by differences in the levels of resources allocated to educational systems. The former would rather appear to be related to differences on the one hand, in the teaching time received by individuals, and on the other, to how the school is organized within this time. If primary education, as it currently operates, is not enough to ensure sustainable literacy for individuals, thus this implies that literacy activities play a significant role. The analysis of household surveys shows that participation in literacy programs is, on average, quite limited in SSA. In addition, there is high variability between countries in terms of the impacts of literacy activities on reading skills. This is probably due to the wide variety of the literacy programs that are implemented. This diversity, combined with no real national policy on the development of literacy, makes it very difficult to identify possible efficient ways of organizing literacy activities.
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Petróleo e segurança internacional : aspectos globais e regionais das disputas por petróleo na África SubsaarianaOliveira, Lucas Kerr de January 2007 (has links)
A importância do petróleo tem sido revisada nos últimos anos, principalmente pelo reconhecimento de sua função estratégico-militar, tanto no século XX, onde o controle sobre este recurso permitiu a ascensão de grandes potências, como em alguns dos conflitos atuais. Estes passaram a incluir a África nas disputas globais por petróleo. O contexto mundial se torna complexo com o aprofundamento da crise petrolífera mundial, em meio a crise de acumulação de capitais e hegemonia, ambas iniciadas nos anos 1970. O aumento dos conflitos regionais e a intensa competição entre as grandes potências por recursos energéticos cada vez mais escassos, passam a ser variáveis essenciais para a análise dos problemas de Segurança Internacional. Neste contexto o continente africano, responsável por 12% da produção petrolífera mundial, ganha ainda maior relevância global por ter dobrado o volume de suas reservas, que na porção subsaariana aumentou quase três vezes desde os anos 1980. As disputas por petróleo se misturam em meio a conflitos históricos ampliando-os e gerando novos ciclos de violência. Nos maiores produtores subsaarianos como Angola, Nigéria e Sudão, ampliam e criam novas disputas entre governo e províncias produtoras. No nível global, corporações estadunidenses e chinesas passam a disputar diretamente o acesso ao petróleo africano, apoiados pelos respectivos governos que intensificam sua presença regional na forma de investimentos, acordos comerciais, diplomáticos e militares, de treinamento e defesa, transferência de armas e instalação de bases militares. Assim, o petróleo se torna central, tanto para entender a atual dinâmica destes conflitos subsaarianos, no nível regional, como nas disputas por influência no subcontinente envolvendo China e Estados Unidos. / The importance of oil has been revised in the latest years, mainly due to its strategic-military function, not only in the twentieth century, when control over this resource allowed the rise of great powers, but also in current conflicts. The latest included Africa in the global disputes over oil. Global context becomes complex as the world-wide oil crisis gets deeper, during the crisis of capital accumulation and hegemony, both having started in the 1970s. The intensification of regional conflicts and intense competition among great powers over increasingly scarce energetic resources are essential variables to the analysis of International Security problems. In this context, the African continent, responsible for 12% of world oil production, becomes globally more relevant for having doubled its reserves volume. In the subsaharan portion it has almost tripled since the 1980s. Disputes over oil make historical conflicts greater and create new cycles of violence. In the greatest sub-shaharan oil producers, such as Angola, Nigeria and Sudan these conflicts create new disputes between government and producing provinces. In a global level, North-American and Chinese corporations compete directly for access to African oil, supported by the respective governments that intensify their regional presence in the form of investments, commercial, diplomatic and military agreements, training and defense agreements, transference of weapons and installation of military bases. Thus, oil becomes central to understand the current dynamics of these sub-saharian conflicts in the regional level as well as the disputes for influence on the subcontinent involving China and United States of America.
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Institutions, Technology Adoption and Agricultural Development in Burkina Faso / Institutions, Adoption de la technologie et développement agricole au Burkina FasoKoussoubé, Estelle Mousson 29 June 2015 (has links)
Accroître la productivité agricole et favoriser le développement agricole sont nécessaires pour atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire et réduire la pauvreté dans les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. La littérature a identifié plusieurs obstacles au développement agricole, notamment des contraintes environnementales etinstitutionnelles, ainsi que des contraintes d’accès aux ressources agricoles et non-agricoles. Une question demeure cependant, celle des politiques à mener pour promouvoir le développement agricole dans cette région du monde. Cette thèse aborde trois questions importantes relatives au développement agricole en Afrique subsaharienne, et au Burkina Faso en particulier. Elle étudie l’impact des institutions et des politiques sur les contraintes rencontrées par les agriculteurs et les ménages, ainsi que les outils capables de favoriser l’émergence d’institutions qui participeront au développement agricole. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse étudie le rôle des normes et des institutions dans la formation des organisations paysannes, et la participation des femmes dans ces organisations. Je montre que les femmes sont moins susceptibles de participer aux organisations d’agriculteurs. Le niveau relativement faible de la participation des femmes dans les organisations d’agriculteurs s’expliquerait par leur manque d’accès aux ressources, y compris aux informations, ainsi qu’au manque d’incitations reçues par les femmes. Le deuxième chapitre étudie les conditions d’émergence des marchés fonciers agricoles dans la région des Hauts-Bassins dans la zone cotonnière du Burkina Faso. Je mets en évidence le rle joué par les marchés fonciers dans l’égalisation des dotations foncières dans la région Les marchés fonciers permettent aux migrants d’avoir accès à la terre dans cette région du Burkina Faso. Enfin, le troisième chapitre de cette thèse cherche à comprendre la faible utilisation d’engrais chimiques par les agriculteurs. La faible utilisation d’engrais chimiques s’expliquerait par des facteurs autres que la rentabilité, notamment le manque d’accès des agriculteurs aux engrais et au crédit. S’appuyant sur la littérature théorique en économie et dans les autres sciences sociales, ainsi que sur plusieurs bases de données, cette thèse contribue à la compréhension des contraintes et opportunités pour le développement agricole en Afrique subsaharienne. / Increasing agricultural productivity and fostering agricultural development are necessary for agriculture to play an effective role in food security and poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa. The literature has identified several barriers to agricultural development, including environmental constraints, institutional constraints, as well as resource constraints. However, how to promote agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa remains a challenging issue. This dissertation addresses three important issues relating to agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa, and particularly in Burkina Faso. The dissertation considers how institutions and policies can have an impact on the constraints faced by individual farmers and households, and how to foster the emergence of institutions that will work for agricultural development. The first chapter of this dissertation investigates the role of norms and institutions in the formation of farmer organizations, and women’s participation in farmer organizations. The findings indicate that female farmers are less likely to participate in farmer organizations. The results suggest that the relatively low level of female participation in farmer organizations is explained by women’s lack of resources including information as well as a lack of incentives to participate. The second chapter studies the emergence conditions of land markets in the Hauts-Bassins region Burkina’s cotton zone. The chapter’s findings highlight the equalizing role of land markets in this region. Land markets enable migrants to gain access to land in this region. Last, the third chapter of this dissertation seeks to understand the relative, apparent low use of chemical fertilizers by farmers. The low uptake of chemical fertilizers might have been driven by factors other than profitability, including a lack of access to fertilizers and credit. Building on the theoretical literature in economics as well as the literature in other social sciences, and on various datasets, this dissertation contributes to enhancing the overall understanding of the issues faced by farmers in Sub-Saharan African countries and points towards further research in the economics of agricultural development as well as in the general economic literature.
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La contribution de la Chine au développement économique des pays d' Afrique Sub Saharienne / China's contribution to the economic development countries of Sub Saharan AfricaEka, Fred 13 July 2018 (has links)
Au cours des 15 dernières années, la relation sino-africaine a profondément modifié le continent africain que de nombreux gouvernements occidentaux avaient abandonné. L'Afrique centrale possède de nombreuses matières premières notamment du pétrole, du cuivre, du cobalt et du minerai de fer. Beaucoup, y compris certains africains, soupçonnent ce qu'ils considèrent comme une prise de terre néocoloniale, dans laquelle l’état chinois illustré à travers ses 2200 entreprises, extraient des minéraux en contrepartie d'infrastructures. Néanmoins, il y a un consensus que la présence chinoise a surtout bénéficié à l'Afrique. Quelques chiffres illustrent le changement. En 2000, le commerce entre la Chine et l'Afrique était de seulement 10 milliards de dollars. En 2014, cela a augmenté de plus de 20 fois à 220 milliards de dollars, selon l'Initiative de recherche en Afrique de la Chine à l'École d'études internationales. Un intérêt qui se traduit par la présence d’acteurs chinois, publics et privés, de plus en plus nombreux, précisément dans les investissements directs (stocks de 10 à 45 milliards de dollars), selon les sources.Pourtant, il y a une inquiétude quant à la montée de l'influence chinoise. Plusieurs dirigeants politiques sont préoccupés par le fait que l'Afrique est passée récemment au déficit commercial avec la Chine. Les gouvernements africains contractent tellement de dette envers la Chine qu’ils pourraient occasionner une dépendance économique conditionnant l’avenir de leurs pays. Ma recherche explore l’incidence de la Chine sur le développement économique des pays d’ASS. Il s’agit de montrer comment les pays d’Afrique centrale notamment de la CEMAC qui accusent un retard comparé à d’autres régions d’ASS doivent se servir des changements complexes de l'économie chinoise pour doper leur croissance économique, dynamiser leur développement et attirer les investisseurs étrangers, créateurs d’emploi et acteur majeur de la dynamisation et de l’industrialisation des territoires. Nous avons analysé et comparé le choix du mode de localisation des IDE greenfield chinois et français en Afrique centrale. Nos résultats montrent le rôle décisif du potentiel marchand principal moteur des stratégies d’internationalisation des firmes chinoises en Afrique centrale. / Over the past 15 years, the Sino-African relationship has profoundly changed the African continent, which many Western governments have abandoned. Central Africa has many commodities including oil, copper, cobalt and iron ore. Many, including some African, suspect what they consider to be a neo-colonial landholding, in which the Chinese state illustrated through its 2,200 companies, extract minerals in return for infrastructure.Nevertheless, there is a consensus that the Chinese presence has mainly benefited Africa. A few figures illustrate the change. In 2000, trade between China and Africa was only $ 10 billion. By 2014, this has increased more than 20 times to $ 220 billion, according to the China Africa Research Initiative at the School of International Studies. An interest that is reflected by the presence of Chinese actors, public and private, more and more numerous, precisely in the direct investments (stocks of 10 to 45 billion dollars), according to the sources.Yet there is anxiety about the rise of Chinese influence. Several political leaders are concerned that Africa has recently shifted to the trade deficit with China. African governments are so indebted to China that they could cause economic dependence on the future of their countries.My research explores the impact of China on the economic development of SSA countries. The aim is to show how the countries of Central Africa, notably CEMAC, which lag behind other regions of SSA must use the complex changes in the Chinese economy to boost their economic growth and boost their development and attract foreign investors, job creators and a major player in the dynamization and industrialization of territories. We analyzed and compared the choice of the mode of location of Chinese and French greenfield IDEs in Central Africa. Our results show the decisive role of the main trading potential driving the strategies of internationalization of Chinese firms in Central Africa.
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Divulgation du statut VIH et comportements sexuels à risque chez les migrants originaires d'Afrique Subsaharienne traités par antirétroviraux en France / HIV status disclosure and risky sexual behavior among migrants from sub-Saharan Africa treated with antiretrovirals in FranceKankou, Jean-Médard 06 July 2018 (has links)
Contexte : Les migrants d'Afrique subsaharienne (ASS) sont particulièrement touchés par l'épidémie de VIH/SIDA en France. Malgré une baisse du nombre de nouveaux diagnostics observés dans la dernière décennie en France, en 2016, les hétérosexuels originaires d'ASS comptent pour trois quarts de nouveaux diagnostics VIH versus un quart seulement pour les migrants hétérosexuels nés dans d'autres pays. Bien que la plupart de personnes concernées soient contaminées dans leurs pays d'origine où la situation épidémiologique de l'infection par le VIH reste préoccupante, des données virologiques et d'enquêtes transversales suggèrent qu'une partie des contaminations a lieu après la migration en France. Ces contaminations post migration peuvent être attribuées à des comportements sexuels à risque dans les réseaux sexuels intra-africains où la prévalence du VIH est élevée. Objectifs : il s'agit ici d'étudier à la fois, les déterminants de la divulgation du statut VIH, les facteurs prédictifs du rebond virologique à l'occasion d'un séjour transitoire en ASS et les facteurs associés aux comportements sexuels à risque. Méthodes : nous avons utilisé les données de l'enquête ANRS-VIHVO réalisée entre 2007- 2009 auprès des migrants d'ASS vivant en France avec une infection par le VIH contrôlée par le traitement antirétroviral, et ayant planifié un séjour transitoire dans leurs pays d'origine pour une durée de 15 jours à 6 mois. Résultats : nous avons trouvé un taux global important de divulgation du statut VIH, 86 % (IC à 95% : 82- 90%). La fréquence de la divulgation du statut VIH au partenaire, composante principale de la stratégie de réduction de risque de transmission du VIH dans les couples est relativement faible, 79% (IC à 95% : 73– 85%) globalement dont 88 % (IC 95% : 82- 94%) en France vs 53% (IC à 95% : 38- 69%)dans le pays d'origine où certaines personnes ont des partenaires sexuels réguliers. Au décours du voyage en ASS, 11,4% (IC à 95% : 7,3- 15,5%)de personnes ont développé un rebond virologique, principalement à cause de la perte d'adhérence à leur traitement antirétroviral pendant le voyage. L'utilisation non systématique du préservatif au cours du dernier mois avec le partenaire est observée chez plus d'un tiers de personnes, soit 38,4%(IC à 95% : 30,0- 46,7%) avec le partenaire régulier et 34,5%(IC à 95% : 21,8- 56,7%) avec le partenaire occasionnel. Plusieurs prédicteurs de la divulgation du statut VIH, de la survenue de rebond virologique au décours du voyage en ASS et de l'utilisation non systématique du préservatif au cours du dernier mois, ont ainsi été identifiés. Conclusion : Une charge virale indétectable tout au long du suivi permet de prévenir la transmission sexuelle du VIH au partenaire. Cette réduction de risque passe à la fois par la divulgation de la séropositivité au partenaire, l'usage du préservatif en cas de charge virale détectable ou de partenaires multiples, et l'adhérence soutenue au traitement antirétroviral / Background: Migrants from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are particularly affected by the HIV/ AIDS epidemic in France. Despite a fall in the number of new diagnoses observed in the last decade in France, in 2016 migrants from SSA accounted for 39% of the 6,003 people who discovered their HIV positive status in France. Although the majority of these people are infected in their country of origin because of the epidemiological situation, virological data and cross-sectional surveys suggest that some of the infections occur after migration to France. These post-migration infections can be attributed to risky sexual behavior in intra-African sexual networks where HIV prevalence is high. Objectives: to study at once the determinants of HIV status disclosure, predictive factors of virological rebound during a transitional stay in the country of origin and factors associated with risky sexual behavior. Methods: we used the ANRS-VIHVO survey data set up between 2007- 2009. This cohort studied migrants from SSA living in France with HIV infection managed with antiretroviral therapy, and who had planned a transitional stay in their countries of origin for a period of 15 days to 6 months. Results: Our work highlighted a significant overall rate of HIV status disclosure, 86 % [CI 95%: 82- 90%]. Disclosure to the partner, an important component of the risk reduction strategy of HIV transmission in couples, is relatively low, 79% (95% CI: 73-85%) overall, whose 88% (95% CI: 82-94%) in France vs 53% (95% CI: 38-69%) in the country of origin where some people have regular sex partners. After the trip in ASS, 11.4% (95% CI: 7.3- 15.5%) of people developed a virological rebound mainly due to lack of adherence to treatment during the trip. Non-systematic use of condoms is observed in more than a third of the study subjects, ie, 38.4 % (95% CI: 30.0- 46.7%) with the regular partner and 34.5% (95% CI: 21.8-56.7%) with casual partners. Several predictors of HIV status disclosure, the unsystematic use of condoms and the occurrence of virological rebound after the trip to SSA, were identified in our work. Conclusion: undetectable viral load throughout the follow-up prevents the sexual transmission of HIV to the partner. This risk reduction goes through by the disclosing the HIV status to the partner, condom use in case of detectable viral load or multiple partners, and sustained adherence to antiretroviral therapy
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Petróleo e segurança internacional : aspectos globais e regionais das disputas por petróleo na África SubsaarianaOliveira, Lucas Kerr de January 2007 (has links)
A importância do petróleo tem sido revisada nos últimos anos, principalmente pelo reconhecimento de sua função estratégico-militar, tanto no século XX, onde o controle sobre este recurso permitiu a ascensão de grandes potências, como em alguns dos conflitos atuais. Estes passaram a incluir a África nas disputas globais por petróleo. O contexto mundial se torna complexo com o aprofundamento da crise petrolífera mundial, em meio a crise de acumulação de capitais e hegemonia, ambas iniciadas nos anos 1970. O aumento dos conflitos regionais e a intensa competição entre as grandes potências por recursos energéticos cada vez mais escassos, passam a ser variáveis essenciais para a análise dos problemas de Segurança Internacional. Neste contexto o continente africano, responsável por 12% da produção petrolífera mundial, ganha ainda maior relevância global por ter dobrado o volume de suas reservas, que na porção subsaariana aumentou quase três vezes desde os anos 1980. As disputas por petróleo se misturam em meio a conflitos históricos ampliando-os e gerando novos ciclos de violência. Nos maiores produtores subsaarianos como Angola, Nigéria e Sudão, ampliam e criam novas disputas entre governo e províncias produtoras. No nível global, corporações estadunidenses e chinesas passam a disputar diretamente o acesso ao petróleo africano, apoiados pelos respectivos governos que intensificam sua presença regional na forma de investimentos, acordos comerciais, diplomáticos e militares, de treinamento e defesa, transferência de armas e instalação de bases militares. Assim, o petróleo se torna central, tanto para entender a atual dinâmica destes conflitos subsaarianos, no nível regional, como nas disputas por influência no subcontinente envolvendo China e Estados Unidos. / The importance of oil has been revised in the latest years, mainly due to its strategic-military function, not only in the twentieth century, when control over this resource allowed the rise of great powers, but also in current conflicts. The latest included Africa in the global disputes over oil. Global context becomes complex as the world-wide oil crisis gets deeper, during the crisis of capital accumulation and hegemony, both having started in the 1970s. The intensification of regional conflicts and intense competition among great powers over increasingly scarce energetic resources are essential variables to the analysis of International Security problems. In this context, the African continent, responsible for 12% of world oil production, becomes globally more relevant for having doubled its reserves volume. In the subsaharan portion it has almost tripled since the 1980s. Disputes over oil make historical conflicts greater and create new cycles of violence. In the greatest sub-shaharan oil producers, such as Angola, Nigeria and Sudan these conflicts create new disputes between government and producing provinces. In a global level, North-American and Chinese corporations compete directly for access to African oil, supported by the respective governments that intensify their regional presence in the form of investments, commercial, diplomatic and military agreements, training and defense agreements, transference of weapons and installation of military bases. Thus, oil becomes central to understand the current dynamics of these sub-saharian conflicts in the regional level as well as the disputes for influence on the subcontinent involving China and United States of America.
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Lékařská péče a nemoci v rozvojových zemích / Medical care and diseases in the developing countriesKRČMÁRIKOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on HIV/AIDS problematics in Africa. Africa is a continent most affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Two thirds of all HIV positive individuals (25,8 milion)live in sub-Saharan Africa. Among others, spreading the HIV virus is also the result of some traditions and social and cultural custome. The extent of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa is also connected with the deterioration in the epidemiologic situation of other serious infections, tuberculosis and malaria in particular. Uganda is country that has manager to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The WHO{\crq}s estimations show that 10-12% of HIV positive individuals live in Uganda. Another problem faced by Uganda is a high perinatal and maternal death rate, whose decrease is one of the Uganda goverment{\crq}s priorities.
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