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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genre, sexe du chef de ménage et scolarisation des enfants à Ouagadougou / Gender, sex of household head and child education in Ouagadougou

Wayack Pambè, Madeleine 11 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse examine le poids du genre dans la structuration de la demande scolaire à Ouagadougou. Elle traite particulièrement du rôle des femmes dans la modulation des inégalités scolaires au sein des ménages. La recherche mobilise les données du recensement de 2006, celles d’une enquête quantitative sur l’implication des pères et des mères dans la scolarisation et des entretiens semi-structurés avec des femmes chefs de ménage réalisés en 2009, afin de revisiter de façon approfondie le résultat souvent observé en Afrique subsaharienne d’une meilleure scolarisation des enfants dans les ménages féminins. L’analyse porte d’abord sur les propriétés sociologiques du statut de « femme chef de ménage » et regarde l’élément qui le légitime comme une catégorie distincte de celle des hommes chef d’un ménage et lui confère une cohésion de groupe. Elle s’intéresse ensuite à la variation de la demande scolaire selon le sexe du chef de ménage et celui des enfants en lien avec leur statut familial. Il ressort des résultats que moins que le statut de chef de ménage, les configurations familiales particulières des structures dirigées par une femme en font des environnements favorables à la scolarisation des enfants, surtout des garçons. Il apparaît également une complexité et une ambiguïté du rapport à l’école de ces ménages, qui sont plus néfastes pour la scolarisation de certaines filles, conséquence des rapports sociaux de sexe inégaux dans la société exacerbés par le besoin en main-d’œuvre domestique des familles urbaines. La thèse met ainsi en lumière les potentialités des données du recensement pour une approche sexuée des stratégies scolaires familiales en milieu urbain burkinabè. / This thesis examines the mediating role of gender in the demand for child education in Ouagadougou. It specifically addresses the influence of women in the modification of educational inequalities within households. The research utilizes census data from 2006, data from a quantitative study on the involvement of fathers and mothers in education, and semi-structures interviews with female heads of household conducted in 2009, to elaborate on results often observed in sub-Saharan Africa that children are often better educated in female-headed households. The analysis deals primarily with sociological priorities of the status of the “female head of household” and examines the element that legitimizes them as a distinct category from male heads of household, creating a cohesive group. The study focuses then on the relationship between demand for schooling and the sex of the head of household as well as, the sex of children in relation to family status. The results demonstrate that regardless the status of the head of household, particular family configurations with structures headed by women provide a conducive environment for the education of children, especially for boys. A complex and ambiguous finding also emerged in regards to the schools of these households, which proved to be more harmful to the education of some girls as a result of unequal gender relations in society exacerbated by the need for domestic labor in urban families. This thesis sheds light on the potential for census data to provide a gender-based approach to family education strategies in urban Burkina Faso.

Trois essais sur le commerce Chine - Afrique : impacts sur la croissance et le secteur manufacturier en Afrique subsaharienne / Three essays on trade relations between China and Africa : consequences on economic growth and the manufacturing sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

Dao, Seydou 06 September 2016 (has links)
L’intensification des relations commerciales entre la Chine et l’Afrique Sub-Saharienne (ASS) observée ces dernières décennies à des implications complexes et diversifiées sur l’économie du continent africain. Cette thèse a examiné trois questions majeures relevant de l’impact des relations commerciales sino-africaines sur les économies d’ASS : la croissance, la production et l’emploi manufacturier, et enfin les exportations intra-africaines. Après avoir analysé les différentes dimensions de la présence chinoise en Afrique (Chapitre 1), la thèse met en évidence un ensemble de résultats. Premièrement, le commerce et les IDE entre la Chine et l’Afrique ont un impact positif sur la croissance en Afrique à travers un accroissement de l’efficience technique des facteurs de production (Chapitre 2). Deuxièmement, la concurrence des produits manufacturiers chinois a eu un impact limité sur la production et l’emploi manufacturier en ASS (Chapitre 3). Troisièmement, l’effet d’éviction des exportations chinoises sur le commerce intra-africain reste limité à quelques pays et à certaines branches manufacturières (Chapitre 4). / The intensification of trade relations between China and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in recent decades lead to a complex and diverse implications on the economy of the African continent. This thesis examined three major issues relating to the impact of China-Africa trade relations on SSA economies: growth, production and manufacturing employment, and finally intra-African exports. After analyzing the different dimensions of the Chinese presence in Africa (Chapter 1), the thesis highlights a set of results. First, trade and FDI between China and Africa have a positive impact on African growth through increased technical efficiency of production factors (Chapter 2). Second, competition from Chinese manufactured goods has had a limited impact on production and manufacturing employment in SSA (Chapter 3). Third, the crowding-out effect of Chinese exports on intra-African trade remains limited to a few countries and few manufacturing sectors (Chapter 4).

Hit men inte längre? : En studie av Mocambiques demokratisering

Frederiksen, Malin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Biståndets baksida – problematik och risker associerade med bistånd / Misappropriating Aid - tracing, analysing and predicting problems and risks associated with aid

Carlsson Hansén, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>FN påbörjade sina första biståndsprojekt för drygt 60 år sedan och i Sverige började man arbeta med organiserat bistånd under 60-talet. Det är alltså under relativt lång tid som världens rikare länder har försökt hjälpa de mindre rika länderna att utvecklas. Arbetet kring bistånd är dock mycket komplext och en hel del problem har uppstått under den här perioden.</p><p>Den här uppsatsen syftar till att belysa några av de risker som kan uppstå i samband med biståndsarbetet. Att risker uppstår är inte speciellt konstigt då två (eller flera) länder med ofta mycket olika politiska system ska samarbeta, eftersom värdegrunderna kan skilja sig avsevärt.</p><p>Resultatet har visat att dessa risker är svåra att hantera, vilket kan bero på olika faktorer som projektens omfattande storlek samt att givare och mottagare av bistånd inte alltid har samma uppfattning om hur biståndet bör användas. Resultatet har också visat att trots att man under en så pass lång period har arbetat aktivt med att utveckla och förbättra biståndsarbetet inte lyckats komma tillrätta med risker och problem som exempelvis korruption, ett problem som snarare tycks växa. Slutligen tyder resultatet också på att bistånd i vissa fall riskerar att göra mer skada än nytta, vilket visar på att arbetet kring bistånd måste förbättras avsevärt för att biståndet verkligen ska få de positiva följder som biståndsgivarna säger sig sträva efter.</p>

The EMU, the euro, the bipolar international monetary system and the Sub-saharan Africa economies : a primer/L'UME, l'euro, le système monétaire international bipolaire et les économies de l'Afrique sub-saharienne : amorce de littérature

Nyembwe Musungaïe, André 27 June 2005 (has links)
Our dissertation tried to gain insight on the possible implications of the euro behavior and the EMU economic activity on the economies of typical Sub-Saharan African countries in a bipolar international monetary system. Chapter 1 has built a three country model in which an interdependent monetary policy game between two big economies, especially that of the United States and the EMU, has an impact on outcomes of a small country monetary policy. It was found that cooperation between big country monetary policymakers is beneficial for the small country whenever the shocks affecting big country economies imply changes in the euro-dollar exchange rate. Chapter 2 has dealt with the issue of the sustainability of pegging an African currency to the euro as EMU monetary authorities pursue a ``low inflation' policy and asymmetric shocks affect the anchor and the pegging country. Our model indicated that the key factor of this longevity is the virtual convertibility granted by the French Treasury to the CFA franc. Moreover, it appears that structural asymmetries are likely to make the currency peg to the euro more restraining. In Chapter 3, the relationships between EMU and Sub-Saharan Africa's countries are empirically investigated. This chapter showed that despite the appealing theoretical relations suggested by trade flows, the EMU business cycle and the European product prices have a limited impact on African country economies. But in the monetary area, the European Central Bank monetary policy leads significantly that of African countries according to the available data. African inflation performances follow that of EMU after some lags. This result confirms the ``operation account' mechanism effect which allows African countries to momentarily have a worse inflation performance without any devaluation. Chapter 4 empirically tackles the possible impact of euro-dollar exchange rate variations on Sub-Saharan Africa's country trade balances. After providing a theoretical model of a typical Sub-Saharan African country trade balance that suggests an inverted J-curve--like effect, it is found that only the trade balance of Benin among ten countries is affected by the movements of the euro-dollar exchange rate. The result also suggests that the inverted J-curve effect works at least partially for this country. / Notre recherche a essayé d'appréhender les possibles implications des variations de la valeur de l'euro et de l'activité économique au sein de la zone euro pour les pays de l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne. Ces implications sont considérées dans le contexte d'un système monétaire international bipolaire. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons construit un modèle à trois pays dans lequel l'interdépendance des politiques monétaires des deux grandes économies, désignant celle de l'Union Monétaire Européenne (UME) et celle des Etats-Unis, a un impact sur la mise en œuvre de la politique monétaire d'un petit pays. Nous avons montré que la coopération entre les deux grandes économies est bénéfique pour le petit pays si les chocs auxquels les grandes économies sont confrontées entraînent des variations du taux de change de l'euro par rapport au dollar. Le deuxième chapitre a traité du caractère soutenable de l'ancrage d'une monnaie africaine à l'euro dans la mesure où, d'une part les autorités monétaires de l'UME poursuivent une politique très restrictive et, d'autre part, des asymétries structurelles affectent le pays ancre et les pays africains. Notre modèle a expliqué la longévité de la zone CFA essentiellement par la convertibilité virtuelle du franc CFA que confère le Trésor Français. Par ailleurs, il en est ressorti que sans le mécanisme du « compte d'opérations », le processus de désinflation qui a accompagné la formation de l'UME est susceptible d'avoir accru le niveau des contraintes de l'ancrage d'une monnaie à l'euro. Il est également apparu que l'environnement politique et économique défavorable en Afrique est un facteur de renforcement des contraintes liées à l'ancrage à l'euro. Une étude empirique des relations économiques entre l'UME et les pays de l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne a été menée dans le troisième chapitre. On y a découvert que, malgré les substantielles relations commerciales qui existent, le cycle économique de l'UME et les prix de gros européens n'ont qu'un impact limité sur les économies africaines. Néanmoins, sur le plan monétaire, la politique de la Banque Centrale Européenne influence significativement les politiques monétaires africaines. Le temps d'adaptation qui est constaté, avant que les performances en matière d'inflation ne se mettent au niveau des performances européennes, suggère que l'effet du compte des opérations est bien réel pour les pays de la zone CFA. Le quatrième chapitre a étudié l'éventuel impact des variations du taux de change de l'euro par rapport au dollar sur les balances commerciales des pays de l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne. Après avoir mis en exergue le cadre théorique suggérant un mécanisme similaire à celui d'une courbe en J inversée, l'étude trouve que seul la balance commerciale du Benin, parmi les dix pays de l'échantillon, est affectée par les mouvements du taux de change de l'euro par rapport au dollar. Selon ces résultats, l'effet de la courbe en J inversée fonctionne au moins partiellement pour ce pays.

In search of an appropriate leadership ethos : a survey of selected publications that shaped the Black Theology movement

Ndalamba, Ken Kalala January 2010 (has links)
<p>The understanding and practice of leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa, in all spheres, is at the heart beat of this work. Questions and concerns over the quality of leadership in most countries in this particular region are reasons which have led to revisit and investigate the formative training of the current cohort of African leadership with a special focus on the ethical aspect of leadership. It is an assumption, in this thesis, that the contemporary cohort of African leadership received their formative training especially in the 1960s and 1970s and that they were deeply influenced by the black consciousness movement and, in association with that, by the emergence of black theology. In this respect, this research project explores the notions of ethics and leadership with a view to determine ways in which an appropriate leadership ethos was portrayed and articulated in the writings of selected exponents of the black theology movement, namely ML King (Jr), Desmond Tutu and Allan Boesak. The purpose of this work is therefore mainly descriptive: to map discourse on a leadership ethos in the context especially of black theology.</p>

A Theoretical Model for Telemedicine : Social and Value Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Kifle Gelan, Mengistu January 2006 (has links)
The Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region is faced with limited medical personnel and healthcare services to address the many healthcare problems of the region. Poor health indicators reflect the overall decline in socio-economic development. Shortages of access to health services in the region is further complicated by the concentration of health services in urban areas, the region’s multiple medical problems (over 70% of HIV/AIDS cases in the world); and the brain drain phenomenon – it is estimated one-third of African physicians emigrate to North America and Europe. The result is that the SSA region is left with about 10 physicians, and 20 beds, per 100,000 patients. Telemedicine has been found to offer socio-economic benefits, reduce costs, and improve access to healthcare service providers by patients, but previous attempts to move various information technologies from developers in the industrial world to the developing world have failed because of a clear neglect of infrastructural and cultural factors that influence such transfers. The objective of this study is to address key factors that challenge the introduction of telemedicine technology into the health sector in SSA in particular, and by extension, other developing countries with similar socio-economic structures. This research offers a distinctive perspective, focusing on visually-based clinical applications in the SSA region, and considerable attention to the national infrastructure and cultural impact of telemedicine transfer (social and value) outcomes. Two research models and its associated hypotheses are proposed and empirically tested using quantitative data collected from SSA physicians and other health professionals. The study also contributes to the ongoing debate on the potential of telemedicine in improving access and reducing costs. This research can help to understand the socio-economic impact of telemedicine outcomes in a comprehensive way. The finding from the survey shows the rapid advances in telemedicine technology specifically, visual clinical applications may become an essential healthcare tool in the near future within SSA countries.

Informed Consent in Sub-Saharan African Communal Culture: The

Agulanna, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
Some scholars argue that the principle of voluntary informed consent is rooted in the Western ethos of liberal individualism; that it would be difficult to implement this requirement in societies where the norms of decision-making emphasize collective rather than individual decision-making (for example, Sub-Saharan Africa); that it would amount to “cultural imperialism” to seek to implement the principle of voluntary informed consent in non-Western societies. This thesis rejects this skepticism about the possibility of implementing the informed consent requirement in non-Western environments and argues that applying the principle of voluntary informed consent in human subjects’ research in Sub-Saharan African communal culture could serve as an effective measure to protect vulnerable subjects from possible abuses or exploitations. The thesis proposes the “multi-step” approach to informed consent as the best approach to the implementation of the principle in the African communal setting. The thesis argues that the importance of the “multi-step” approach lies in the fact that it is one that is sensitive to local culture and customs. On the question of whether the principle of voluntary informed consent should be made compulsory in research, the thesis answers that we have no choice in the matter.

Electronic Voting; A Possible Solution for Sub-Saharan Africa? : <em>A focus on the Ghanaian Electoral System</em>

Gyimah, Nana Afua Boamah, Tita, Bertrand Asongwe January 2010 (has links)
<p>One of the major reasons for political instability in Sub-Saharan Africa originates from the way elections are conducted. Most African countries have quite a handful of electoral malpractices which lead to political instability, civil wars and low economic growth.  Electronic voting might be a solution to the election problems and thus bring in a stable political atmosphere which attracts investors.</p><p>This thesis looks at the prospects and challenges of implementing e-voting in Ghana and Sub-Saharan Africa as a solution to the current manual paper-based system and proposes a framework and requirements which can be used as guidelines for its adoption and implementation.</p><p>The thesis has been conducted by studying literature on electronic voting and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Furthermore, a case study has been conducted on the Ghanaian electoral process, by conducting interviews with the Danquah Institute of Ghana and through questionnaires to some Ghanaian citizens in both the rural and urban areas of Ghana.</p><p>The main results from the thesis show that the adoption and subsequent implementation of e-voting in SSA countries, can only be possible if the governments show strong committment and support by securing funds through donor organizations, and providing the necessary IT infrastructure and other resources needed to support the project. Voter education too is an absolute necessity. The adoption of e-voting is mainly based on how the innovation will be diffused and the perceived benefits that will be derived from the investment. Hence, particular attention should be paid to the various communication channels, especially the media, through which messages are passed across to the citizens.</p>

Informed Consent in Sub-Saharan African Communal Culture: The

Agulanna, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
<p>Some scholars argue that the principle of voluntary informed consent is rooted in the Western ethos of liberal individualism; that it would be difficult to implement this requirement in societies where the norms of decision-making emphasize collective rather than individual decision-making (for example, Sub-Saharan Africa); that it would amount to “cultural imperialism” to seek to implement the principle of voluntary informed consent in non-Western societies. This thesis rejects this skepticism about the possibility of implementing the informed consent requirement in non-Western environments and argues that applying the principle of voluntary informed consent in human subjects’ research in Sub-Saharan African communal culture could serve as an effective measure to protect vulnerable subjects from possible abuses or exploitations. The thesis proposes the “multi-step” approach to informed consent as the best approach to the implementation of the principle in the African communal setting. The thesis argues that the importance of the “multi-step” approach lies in the fact that it is one that is sensitive to local culture and customs. On the question of whether the principle of voluntary informed consent should be made compulsory in research, the thesis answers that we have no choice in the matter.</p>

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