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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Invalidní a pozůstalostní důchody / Invalidity and survivors pensions

Fait, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
Pension Insurance is one of the main pillars of the Czech social security system. A significant part of this system are also invalidity pension and survivor pension, which serve as financial compensation in case of sudden individual's work ability decrease (invalidity pension), or sudden death (survivors pension). This paper deals with legislation concerning invalidity and survivors pensions and the procedure of calculating those benefits in the Czech Republic. The main analytical part introduces the reader to the amount of expenditures of analyzed pensions, their development in the past and expected future development. This work also introduces the reader to the factors that influence the number of pensions. Attached is the invalidity and survivors pension calculator in MS Excel 2007.

Att tappa fotfästet : en litteraturstudie: Närståendes upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vårda en person som drabbats av stroke

Malmqvist Winge, Moa, Persson, Nova January 2012 (has links)
Stroke är den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken i Sverige och risken för att insjukna ökar med stigande ålder. Vid stroke har personen drabbats antingen av en infarkt eller av en blödning i hjärnan. Restsymtomen efter en stroke kan uttrycka sig på olika vis. Vanligaste symtomen är domningar eller förlamningar i ansikte, armar och ben. Rehabilitering efter en stroke kan ta lång tid och efter sjukhusvistelsen är det ofta närstående som tar det största ansvaret för omvårdnaden av personen som drabbats av stroke. Syfte med studien var att undersöka närståendes upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vårda en person som drabbats av stroke. Litteraturöversikten genomfördes genom kritisk granskning och analys av kvalitativa och kvantitativa vårdvetenskapliga artiklar, enligt analysmodellen av Friberg (2006). Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. I resultatet framträdde två huvudteman : Förändrad livsvärld och Upplevelser och erfarenhet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Resultatet visade att närstående upplevde en stor livsförändring där rutiner och livsmönster ändrades och anpassades efter personen som drabbats av stroke. Det gjorde att närstående upplevde att det inte fanns tid för egna intressen. Närstående upplevde både psykisk- och fysisk ohälsa som stress, depression, ångest, högt blodtryck, magsmärtor och sömnsvårigheter. Många närstående upplevde att informationen från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen var otillräcklig. Det medförde att närstående kände sig osäkra på att vårda den som drabbats av stroke. Sjuksköterskor har möjlighet att påverka närståendes upplevelser genom att bemöta dem på ett respektfullt och lyhört sätt. Det handlar också om att de kan identifiera informationsbehovet för att ge adekvat information som kan stilla närståendes oro. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning

A study of the reality game show concept “Survivor” : how national identities are represented in a transnational reality format

Malko, Anastasia January 2013 (has links)
Since TV became the most influential medium globally, the media content followed and as a result, a variety of programmes became international. When it came to entertainment, reality game show Survivor became a pioneer in crossing national borders when the programme’s format was licensed and sold worldwide. The ability of a single reality TV show format to appeal to different nations is remarkable and noteworthy, which consequently makes it an interesting field of research. Therefore, this essay focuses on analysing the narrative structures of the Survivor format productions in Sweden, the USA and Russia in pursuance of revealing representations and reproductions of the nations. It answers the questions about the narrative structures of the programmes, as well as about their common construction, and describes how the national identities are portrayed in a transnational reality game show format. In order to make the study extensive but at the same time significant, a structural narrative analysis with a comparative approach was chosen as a method. The selection was based on the importance of analysing the content of narratives in order to comprehend their illustrations of reality and, among other things, national identities. Mainly referring to a theory of nations as “imagined communities” and a theory about “banal nationalism”, the essay presents an analysis of the narrative structures. These structures, in their turn, expose the nation-specific elements that represent and reproduce the idea of nation. It is argued that national expressions are in general based on traditions and rituals of the nations. These representations are frequently unnoticed in everyday life; however they become noteworthy in the context of reality TV game shows such as Survivor.

The lived experiences of burn survivors' adaptation post hospital discharge

Lamola, Monyamane Regina 02 1900 (has links)
With the decrease in burn mortality following improved burn care facilities and methods, burn survivors are often left with residual physical and psychosocial consequences that they have to cope with requiring adaptation and modification of lifestyle. Burn survivors habitually receive excellent treatment for their wounds while in hospital but may experience challenges due to disruption of care and rehabilitation after discharge. This aim of the study was to explore and describe the lived experiences of burn survivors’ adaptation post hospital discharge. A qualitative, hermeneutic, phenomenological design using an interpretive framework was used. A purposeful sampling was used in the selection of nine participants who were above 18 years and had been admitted to the Limpopo Burn Unit while still undergoing reviews at the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using unstructured open-ended questions. Data were analysed using the Colaizzi’s strategy. Three main themes emerged from the data, along with sub-themes. (a)The burn survival experience involved the person in totality with reference to their internal and external environment. (b)The process of recovery was lengthy and started in hospital and continued post discharge at home. (c) Reclaiming their life and finding new meaning was a process of adaptation. The core of the participants’ needs included the need for the care and rehabilitation of the whole person in terms of their physical and psychosocial aspects, the importance of the survivor’s involvement in his/her care, and the rehabilitation. Health care personnel and family support during this difficult time should be available in order to enable the survivors to cope and adapt effectively and reclaim their lives. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Suicídio, sobrevivente e aconselhamento pastoral: reflexões no vale da sombra da morte

Giani Mota Brandão Pena 04 October 2012 (has links)
Frente ao seu alto índice verificado na atualidade, o suicídio ainda encontra-se com pouco espaço nas discussões e projetos no meio eclesiástico. Partindo desta perspectiva, o presente trabalho objetivou focar o assunto neste ambiente e, em especial, nas implicações que afetam a prática do Aconselhamento Pastoral. Para tanto, buscou-se primeiramente as narrativas bíblicas de proximidade do assunto, bem como pelos aspectos sociais e psicológicos do fenômeno na sociedade demonstrados pelas estatísticas. Para subsidiar o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Opinião junto a uma comunidade eclesiástica na cidade de Brasília/DF, em que se puderam observar as impressões dos seus congregados frente ao tema suicídio e as expectativas dos mesmos em relação à atuação da igreja no enfrentamento do assunto. Visando humanizar a prática cuidadora comunitária e pastoral, alguns comportamentos foram identificados e trazidos como exemplos de atuações atentas e sensíveis ao luto vivenciado pelas pessoas sobreviventes. A análise descritiva dos dados tabulados da Pesquisa de Opinião e as diversas leituras bibliográficas consultadas confirmaram o grande desafio que é lidar com tema suicídio tanto no compêndio da prática do acompanhamento pastoral, como para o indivíduo sobrevivente, carente desse cuidado. / Despite its current high incidence, the ecclesiastical environment still lacks forums for discussions and projects on the suicide issue. Thus, this work aims at dealing with this subject in this environment and, in particular, with the implications that influence the practice of Pastoral Counseling. Therefore, biblical accounts closely related to suicide were looked into, as well as the social and psychological aspects of this phenomenon in society, through statistics. To support this research, an opinion poll was carried out in the ecclesiastical community of Brasilia, DF, whereby its members suicide perceptions could be analyzed, as well as their expectations concerning the role of the church when dealing with that issue. In order to humanize the community and pastoral practices, some behavior patterns were identified and taken as instances of sensitive and careful performances towards the survivors experience of mourning. Both the descriptive analysis of the opinion poll results and the vast bibliography used could attest the great challenge to tackle the suicide issue, not only in the practice of pastoral counseling but also towards the needy survivor.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta efterlevande vid dödsfall inom slutenvården - en litteraturstudie / Nurse's experience of meeting relatives in the event of death within inpatient care - a literature review

Grönberg, Helena, Palo, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde är stort och slutar inte då en patient avlider utan det inkluderar även omsorg om efterlevande. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta efterlevande vid dödsfall inom slutenvården. Den metod som använts för att nå syftet var kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i två databaser samt kompletterades med manuell sökning. Avgränsningar som tidsbegränsning, språk och ålder gjordes och 14 artiklar, som höll tillräcklig kvalité, inkluderades i analysen. Analys resulterade i fyra kategorier; att bli känslomässigt påverkad, att arbetsmiljön påverkar, att vara oförberedd samt att vara professionell. Sjuksköterskor upplevde att bemöta efterlevande var en av de svåraste uppgifter de mötte i sin profession och olika åsikter om hur man är professionell i mötet framkom. Brist på tid och plats påverkade möjligheten till ett omsorgsfullt bemötande liksom känslan av att vara oförberedd och inte veta vad de skall göra. Slutsatsen var att det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan är påläst om vad som hänt med den avlidne och har tid avsatt för att kunna bemöta efterlevande. Det är även av vikt att närvara och delta i situationen för att kunna bygga upp sin erfarenhet och kunskap om att bemöta efterlevande. För att stärka sjuksköterskan i sin roll i mötet med efterlevande kan handledning och att samtala om det som händer vara bra hjälpmedel. Även att besitta kunskap om vilka reaktioner som kan uppstå vid dödsfall kan inge trygghet hos sjuksköterskan. Vidare forskning inom detta område är nödvändigt för att ytterligare belysa komplexiteten i denna situation och vilka behov som finns hos sjuksköterskorna, för att styrka och stödja dem på bästa sätt. / The nurse's area of ​​responsibility is large and does not end when a patient dies but it also includes care for survivors. The purpose of this literature study was to describe the nurses' experiences of meeting survivors in the event of death in the hospital. The method used to achieve the goal was qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. The literature search was conducted in two databases and was supplemented with manual search. Limitations like time limitation, language and age were made and 14 articles that held sufficient quality were included in the analysis. Analysis resulted in four categories; to be emotionally affected, to the working environment, to be unprepared and to be professional. Nurses experienced responding to survivors as one of the most difficult tasks they encountered in their profession and different opinions about how to be professional in the meeting. Lack of time and place influenced the opportunity for a careful response, as well as the feeling of being unprepared and not knowing what to do. The conclusion was that it is important that the nurse is informed of what has happened to the deceased and has time allocated to respond to survivors. It is also important to attend and participate in the situation in order to build up their experience and knowledge of responding to survivors. In order to strengthen the nurse in his role in the meeting with survivors, supervision and talking about what is happening may be helpful tools. Even having knowledge of the reactions that can occur in the event of death can provide safety in the nurse. Further research in this area is necessary to further highlight the complexity of this situation and the needs of nurses, in order to strengthen and support them in the best possible way.

Focalising trauma narrative : An analysis of Konigsberg’s The Music of What Happens and its pedagogical use

Gunnarsson, Louise January 2021 (has links)
This essay argues that Bill Konigsberg depicts the traumatic experience of being raped and the inner conflict of being a male rape survivor with harsh immediacy by implementing internal focalisation in his young adult novel The Music of What Happens (2019). Additionally, the essay argues that the novel is a useful teaching resource in the Swedish EFL classroom by discussing the pedagogical implementations. This essay conducts an analysis from a trauma theory perspective, allowing a closer scrutiny of how the protagonist is affected by trauma. Lastly, it is concluded that although broaching sexualized trauma in the EFL classroom can be triggering, the novel can in fact vicariously represent students who have undergone traumatic events and therefore validate their feelings.

2012, suivi de l’imaginaire du survivant dans l’œuvre de Christian Guay-Poliquin

Harvey, Simon 04 1900 (has links)
2012 est un roman narré par un survivant à Montréal dans un univers post-apocalyptique de zombies. Les oeuvres littéraires, le cinéma et la télévision l’aideront à rester en vie. Le texte démontre que les connaissances acquises à travers différents biens culturels permettent la survie. L’intertextualité et l’intermédialité deviennent des outils centraux dans l’imaginaire du survivant. L’essai de ce mémoire porte sur les romans Le fil des kilomètres (2013) et Le poids de la neige (2016) de Christian Guay-Poliquin, deux textes qui présentent l’idée que les connaissances issues d’oeuvres permettent la survie du narrateur. Les réflexions de Renée Bourassa sur les fictions hypermédiatiques démontreront que les oeuvres de différentes productions culturelles présentes dans l’imaginaire du narrateur survivant forment un réseau de connaissances. Ce réseau permet à celui-ci de prendre des décisions en dialoguant avec les connaissances acquises dans des oeuvres. Cette remémoration agit à l’image d’un guide Wikipédia et d’un labyrinthe hypertextuel. / 2012 is a novel narrated by a survivor in a post-apocalyptic universe of zombies in Montreal. Books, movies and tv series will help him to stay alive. The text demonstrates that the knowledge acquired through different cultural objects allows survival. Intertextuality and intermediality become central tools in the survivor's imaginary. The essay in this thesis focuses on Christian Guay-Poliquin's Le fil des kilomètres (2013) and Le poids de la neige (2016), two texts which present the idea that cultural knowledge allows the narrator’s survival. Renée Bourassa's reflections on hypermedia fictions will demonstrate that the different cultural productions present in the imaginary of the surviving narrator form a knowledge network. This network enables the narrator to make decisions by interacting with the knowledge acquired in cultural items. This remembrance acts like a Wikipedia guide and a hypertextual labyrinth.

Personers upplevelser av hur det dagliga livet påverkas efter ett hjärtstopp

Forsberg, Emma, Bergvall, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtstopp är något som kan drabba vem som helst, när som helst. Varje år drabbas cirka 10.000 personer av hjärtstopp, av dessa inträffar cirka 4.500 på sjukhus. Två övergripande orsaker till hjärtstopp är hjärtfel samt respiratoriska problem. Vid överlevnad av hjärtstopp påverkas överlevaren både psykiskt samt fysiskt. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte är att beskriva personers upplevelser av hur det dagliga livet påverkas efter ett hjärtstopp. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie där resultatet grundar sig i relevant information som tagits ur tio stycken kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Resultatet har delats upp i tre kategorier vilka är fysisk påverkan i det dagliga livet, psykisk påverkan i det dagliga livet samt existentiella tankar. Under dessa tre kategorier finns det fem underkategorier vilka är fysisk funktion av det dagliga livet samt att återgå till ett aktivt dagligt liv som tillhör kategorin fysisk påverkan. Oro/rädsla/ ångest, behov av samtal för psykisk återhämtning samt kognitiva begränsningar i det dagliga livet tillhör kategorin psykisk påverkan. Konklusion: Den mest förekommande samt återkommande upplevelsen hos de flesta deltagarna var oro, rädsla samt ångest vilket skulle kunna innebära att fler behöver omvårdnad genom stöttning samt samtal av sjuksköterskan. De flesta kände en stor tacksamhet över att ha fått livet tillbaka men samtidigt drogs med en del negativa konsekvenser vilket hade kunnat förbättras genom erbjudan av gruppsamtal för att få möjlighet att dela sina erfarenheter med andra människor. Många kände sig begränsade i sitt dagliga liv, den fysiska förmågan som fanns där innan hjärtstoppet var inte densamma samt att deltagarna hela tiden drogs med tanken om ett nytt hjärtstopp. Genom att arbeta efter kärnkompetensen, samverkan i team hade sjuksköterskan kunnat erbjuda fysioterapi eller kuratorkontakt för att se till att personens behov uppfylls. / Background: Cardiac arrest is something that can affect anyone at any time. Each year, about 10.000 suffer from cardiac arrest and about 4.500 of these occur in hospitals. The two major overall causes of cardiac arrest are heart failure and respiratory problems. Of those who survive a cardiac arrest, the survivor is affected both mentally and physically. Purpose: The purpose of this literature study is to describe people’s experiences of how daily life is affected after a cardiac arrest. Method: The study is a literature study were the result is based on relevant information taken from ten qualitative studies. Result: The result has been divided into three categories which are physical influences in daily life, mental impact in daily life and existential thoughts. Under these three categories there are five subcategories which are physical function in daily life and returning to an active daily life which belongs to the category physical influences. Worry/ fear/ anxiety, the need for conversation for a mental recovery and cognitive limitations in the everyday life belongs to the category mental impact in daily life. Conclusion: The most common and recurring experience in most participants was worry, fear and anxiety which could mean that more people need nursing through support and conversations by the nurse. Most of them felt a great gratitude for having returned to life, but at the same time they were drawn with some negative consequences which could have been improved through the offer of group conversations in order to be able to share their experiences with other people. They felt limited in their daily life, the physical ability they used to have before the cardiac arrest was not the same. The participants were also constantly drawn with the idea of a new cardiac arrest. By working after the core competency, collaboration in teams, the nurse had been able to offer physiotherapy or curatorial contact to ensure that the person's needs were answered.

Utilizing Sonographic Measurements to Assess Abdominal Adiposity

Stigall, A. Nicole, stigall January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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