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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Estudo de iniciativas em desenvolvimento sustentável de produtos em empresas calçadistas a partir do conceito berço ao berço

De Jacques, Jocelise Jacques January 2011 (has links)
O impacto ambiental relacionado à exploração de recursos naturais, às emissões de carbono, mudanças climáticas, pegada ecológica e nível de desenvolvimento humano pode ser considerado um problema decorrente do fluxo linear de produção-consumo. Reconhecer a necessidade de mudança é importante, e investigar formas de viabilizá-la deve ser o objetivo dentro da Engenharia de Produção. Por isto esta pesquisa tem foco no estudo de iniciativas reais de desenvolvimento de produtos ambientalmente amigáveis e de seus resultados frente ao conceito cíclico berço ao berço (Cradle to Cradle - C2C)1, tratado como estratégia e/ou meta no desenvolvimento de produtos e processos produtivos. O conceito berço ao berço postula que produtos e seus componentes devem ser criados para, ao final de seu uso, serem reutilizados com suas propriedades não desgastadas, como nutrientes tecnológicos no chamado metabolismo tecnológico, ou então voltarem à natureza como nutrientes biológicos e não como poluentes, através do metabolismo biológico. Adota-se o conceito berço ao berço como aglutinador de vários outros conceitos discutidos dentro de diversas áreas do conhecimento, como engenharia, desenho industrial e arquitetura. O trabalho aplicado foi realizado por meio da análise da cadeia calçadista, visando estudar as iniciativas ambientais atuais. Este setor tem características similares a vários outros, tais como alcance global, considerável impacto ambiental e economico, centralização da manufatura e complexa cadeia produtiva e de distribuição. São apresentados estudos de casos em empresas no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, dois países em que as empresas têm modelos de negócios distintos em relação ao desenvolvimento e produção do calçado. As iniciativas ambientais estudadas mostram que há ênfase principalmente no projeto do produto, para enfrentar os problemas ambientais mais proeminentes da insdústria calçadista, os quais se enquadram dentro das cinco principais áreas envolvidas no conceito e avaliadas na certificação berço ao berço, como toxicidade de materiais e processos produtivos, fim de ciclo de vida, consumo de água e energia e responsabilidade social. As metas e os resultados alcançados variam de acordo com as particularidades associadas ao modelo de negócio, público alvo e nicho de mercado de cada empresa. / Environmental issues related to the exploitation of natural resources, carbon emissions, climate change, ecological footprint and human development can be considered problems originated by the current linear production-consumption structure. Recognizing the need for change is essential, and investigating ways to make such transformations possible is a key objective in Industrial Engineering. The present work focuses on the study of relevant sustainable product development initiatives and of their results from a perspective based on the cyclic cradle to cradle (C2C) concept, used as a strategy and/or goal in product development and production processes. The cradle to cradle concept postulates that products and their components must be created so that, at the end of the service life, they can be reused without loss of quality as technological nutrients, in a process referred to as technological metabolism, or instead returned to the environment as biological nutrients and not as pollutants, in a process known as biological metabolism. The cradle to cradle concept is adopted as an umbrella under which a number of other related concepts discussed in several fields, such as engineering, industrial design and architecture, can be found. The applied work has been conducted in the footwear industry, in order to study current environmental initiatives. This industry has characteristics that are similar to many other sectors (e.g., global reach, large economic and environmental impact, centralized manufacturing, complex supply chain and distribution networks), and a few companies have developed pioneering efforts to transform their production processes, focusing mainly on product design and starting with the evaluation of the more prominent problems facing their products, each dealing with the particularities associated with individual business models, target audience and market share. Case studies have been performed on footwear companies located both in Brazil and in the United States, two countries with markedly different business models regarding the development and production of this kind of product. Most initiatives do involve the main areas highlighted in the cradle to cradle approach – namely materials use and reutilization, water use, energy consumption and social responsibility – even though companies may follow different strategies to tackle the problems, with varying levels of implementation and results obtained.

Análise econômica de sistemas agroflorestais como alternativa para ovinocultores no sudoeste paulista / Economic analysis of agroforestry systems like alternative for the sheep beef cattle farming in the Southwest of São Paulo State

Luciana Ruggiero González 21 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou realizar a avaliação econômica comparativa entre as seguintes atividades na região sudoeste paulista: ovinocultura de corte, monocultura de eucalipto visando produção de madeira para celulose e dois modelos de sistema silvipastoril (SSP) composto por clones de eucalipto, pastagem pré-existente e ovinos para o módulo de 30 ha e horizonte de sete anos. Os SSP avaliados possuíam espaçamento 12 x 1 m (SSP I) e 2 x 2 x 12 m (SSP II). Os critérios econômicos utilizados foram o Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) à taxa de desconto de 8 % a.a. e a Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR). As avaliações econômicas foram realizadas sob condições de risco utilizando-se a simulação Monte Carlo para as variáveis aleatórias consideradas mais relevantes do fluxo de caixa de cada atividade. Para realizar a avaliação econômica da ovinocultura foi necessário primeiramente caracterizar o sistema de produção ovina para a região de estudo mediante visitas técnicas às propriedades pertencentes ao Núcleo Sul Paulista de ovinocultores utilizando-se um questionário semi-estruturado. Na atividade ovina foram consideradas variáveis aleatórias a \"taxa de concepção das ovelhas, taxa de mortalidade dos cordeiros com até 60 dias de idade e taxa de reposição do rebanho\". Admitiu-se para as variáveis mencionadas a distribuição triangular. Na atividade florestal foram consideradas variáveis aleatórias as operações mecanizadas e manuais necessárias para a implantação e manutenção da cultura do eucalipto em espaçamento 3 x 2 m, coletadas da base de dados de uma empresa prestadora de serviços florestais da região. Foi analisado um total de 8.225 informações de implantação e tratos culturais (manutenções) permitindo constituir dois cenários: mecanizado e manual. Dezessete operações foram utilizadas e o rendimento operacional, suas distribuições de probabilidade e parâmetros foram determinados. Para as avaliações dos SSP foram utilizadas as variáveis aleatórias mencionadas de cada atividade, porém, no caso das variáveis aleatórias da atividade florestal, os rendimentos operacionais foram calculados proporcionalmente aos espaçamentos praticados. A análise Monte Carlo considerou 10.000 simulações e foi desenvolvida com o apoio do software @risk. O VPL médio da ovinocultura foi de R$ 2.618,35 para o módulo de 30 hectares e tem elevado desvio padrão, R$ 41.061,86. A TIR dessa atividade apresentou valor de 29,31 % a.a, porém também com desvio padrão elevado (27,70 %). A monocultura de eucalipto apresentou valores médios de VPL positivos para o cenário mecanizado e manual, correspondendo a R$ 71.963,42/30 ha e R$ 73.123,66/30 ha, respectivamente e TIR média superiores à taxa de desconto praticada nesse estudo, 15,58 % a.a. e 15,97 % a.a., respectivamente. O SSP I e o SSP II são economicamente viáveis, apresentando VPL médios de R$ 85.032,45 e R$ 69.521,20 e TIR média de 21,03 e 19,18 %, respectivamente. De acordo com o critério do VPL a atividade mais rentável é o SSP I, seguido pela monocultura de eucalipto (cenário manual e mecanizado, respectivamente), SSP II e ovinocultura. Segundo o critério da TIR a ovinocultura apresenta-se como a atividade mais viável, seguido pelo SSP I, SSP II e a monocultura de eucalipto (cenário manual e mecanizado, respectivamente). / This study aimed to perform an economic evaluation comparing the following activities in the southwestern region of São Paulo state: beef cattle sheep, eucalypt monoculture for pulpwood production and two models of silvopastoral system (SSP) composed of eucalypt clones, natural pasture and sheep to a module of 30 ha and a seven-year cycle. The SSP assessed had a 12 x 1 m spacing (SSP I) and 2 x 2 x 12 m (SSP II). The economic criteria used were the Net Present Value (NPV) at 8% interest rate and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The economic evaluations were performed under risk conditions using Monte Carlo simulation for the random variables considered most relevant for each activity´s cash flow. In order to perform an economic evaluation of cattle production it was first necessary to characterize the sheep production system for the study area through technical visits to properties belonging to the \"Núcleo Sul Paulista\" of sheep breeders using a semi-structured questionnaire. In the ovine activity variables random to \"conception rate of ewes, lambs mortality rate of up to 60 days of age and replacement rate of flock\" were considered. Triangular distribution was admitted to the mentioned variables. In forestry, mechanized and manual operations necessary for the implementation and maintenance of eucalypt plantation of 3 x 2 m spacing were considered random variables, collected from the data base of a forestry services company from the region. A total of 8,225 field information data on implantation and cultivation (maintenance) were analyzed, allowing the constitution of a mechanized and a manual scenario. Seventeen operations were used and the operational income, its probability distributions and parameters were determined. Random variables listed for each activity were used for the evaluation of SSP, however, in random variables of forestry activity, the operational earnings were calculated in proportion to the spacing practiced. The Monte Carlo analysis considered 10,000 simulations and was developed with the support of @ risk software. The average NPV of ovine culture was R$ 2,618.35 for the 30-hectare modulus and has a high standard deviation, R$ 41,061.86. IRR for this activity showed a value of 29.31%, but also with a high standard deviation (27.70%). The eucalypt monoculture showed average values of NPV, positive for both mechanized and manual scenarios, corresponding to R$ 71,963.42 / 30 ha and R$ 73,123.66 / 30 ha, respectively, and average IRR superior to the interest rate practiced in this study, 15.58% and 15.97% respectively. SSP I and SSP II are economically viable, with average NPV of R$ 85,032.45 and R$ 69,521.20 and average IRR of 21.03 and 19.18%, respectively. According to the NPV criteria, SSPI proved to be the most profitable activity, followed by eucalypt monoculture (manual and mechanized scenarios, respectively), SSP II and ovine culture. As determined by IRR criteria, cattle production presents itself as the most viable activity, followed by SSP I, SSP II and eucalypt monoculture (manual and mechanized scenarios, respectively).

Produ??o de alimentos e mudan?as clim?ticas: a import?ncia da agroecologia e da apicultura como alternativas para mitiga??o de impactos / Food production and climate change: the importance of agroecology and beekeeping as impact mitigation alternatives

Azevedo, Adriano Rodrigues de 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-18T12:33:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Adriano Rodrigues de Azevedo.pdf: 1397023 bytes, checksum: 91ed43d77bb2f1de942c29be437aa359 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-18T12:33:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Adriano Rodrigues de Azevedo.pdf: 1397023 bytes, checksum: 91ed43d77bb2f1de942c29be437aa359 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / This study is the analysis of data from the Fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, which presents scientifically the implications that global warming will have on terrestrial ecosystems and human society. From these data, in two chapters, the pros and cons of large Brazilian conventional farming on the need to adapt to the current scenario of climate change were analyzed. The fact that Brazil is one of the largest food producers in the world raises its level of importance in global discussions. The analyzes indicate that while agriculture and livestock contributes to economic stability and the country's food, is a powerful delay in the actions of environmental conservation, reduced emissions, agroecological transition and biodiversity conservation. Through official data and theoretical review also found themselves a serious decline of pollinators in the world and the considerable degree of dependence of these by Brazilian cultures. Among the pollinators, Apis mellifera honeybee is the one that stands out and brings more benefits to the human species, is necessary for maintaining global food production and human and animal well-being, through various types of ecosystem services. Because the high level of involvement of Brazil with conventional agriculture and livestock, it was concluded that hardly occur a significant agroecological transition in the short or medium term, which strengthens the need to improve apiculture and national agroecology - still insufficient - as a way of minimize the impacts of global warming and generate more conditions to adaptation / Este estudo parte da an?lise de dados do Quinto Relat?rio do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudan?as Clim?ticas ? IPCC, que apresenta de forma cient?fica as implica??es que o aquecimento global ter? sobre os ecossistemas terrestres e a sociedade humana. A partir destes dados, em dois cap?tulos, foram analisados os pr?s e os contras da grande agropecu?ria convencional brasileira em rela??o ? necessidade de adapta??o ao atual cen?rio de mudan?as clim?ticas. O fato do Brasil ser um dos maiores produtores aliment?cios do planeta eleva o seu n?vel de import?ncia nas discuss?es globais. As an?lises indicam que ao mesmo tempo em que a agropecu?ria contribui para a estabilidade econ?mica e alimentar do pa?s, representa um poderoso atraso nas a??es de preserva??o ambiental, diminui??o de emiss?es, transi??o agroecol?gica e conserva??o da biodiversidade. Por meio de dados oficiais e revis?o te?rica, constatou-se tamb?m um grave decl?nio de polinizadores no mundo e o grau consider?vel de depend?ncia destes pelas culturas brasileiras. Dentre os polinizadores, a abelha Apis mellifera ? a que mais se destaca e traz mais benef?cios para a esp?cie humana, sendo necess?ria para a manuten??o da produ??o aliment?cia mundial e para o bem estar humano e animal, atrav?s de diversos tipos de servi?os ecossist?micos. Pelo alto n?vel de envolvimento do Brasil com a agropecu?ria convencional, concluiu-se que dificilmente ocorrer? uma transi??o agroecol?gica significativa no curto ou m?dio prazo, o que fortalece a necessidade de se incrementar a apicultura e a agroecologia nacionais ? ainda insuficientes ? como forma de se minimizar os impactos do aquecimento global e gerar mais condi??es de adapta??o.

Aplicação de métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério para gestão do ciclo de vida: sustentabilidade na cadeia produtiva da carne bovina brasileira

Florindo, Thiago José January 2018 (has links)
Sistemas de produção agrícola, como os destinados à bovinocultura de corte, são reconhecidos mundialmente como importantes contribuintes de impactos ambientais, principalmente para o potencial de mudanças climáticas. O aumento da demanda de carne bovina nas últimas décadas tem gerado mais atenção sobre o tema, que se reflete na preocupação do consumidor em obter informações sobre os impactos associados ao produto. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a sustentabilidade de possíveis ações de melhoria para minimizar a pegada de carbono da cadeia produtiva de carne bovina brasileira para exportação, utilizando abordagens estruturadas sobre o pensamento do ciclo de vida, combinadas com métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério e ponderação probabilística. A pegada de carbono das exportações de carne bovina brasileira foi mensurada utilizando Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida e a partir disso identificou-se a etapa da cadeia mais representativa em termos de contribuição para o impacto. As emissões por quilo de carne bovina desossada variaram entre 33,35 a 33,58 kg de CO2-Eq. Os portos de destino influenciaram em menos de 1% nos resultados, pois a fase de produção animal é a mais impactante, contribuindo com 98% dos impactos associados ao produto. Por meio de uma abordagem combinada dos métodos multicritérios TOPSIS e lógica fuzzy foram identificadas possíveis ações de melhoria no desempenho ambiental da fase de produção animal, a partir da ótica dos stakeholders: fertilização das pastagens, suplementação proteinada e integração lavoura-pecuária. Utilizou-se uma combinação da abordagem de Avaliação Sustentável do Ciclo de Vida com modelos multicritério VIKOR e lógica fuzzy para, além de avaliar a eficácia das alternativas na redução dos impactos associados a mudanças climáticas, analisa-las em relação a outros indicadores de critérios ambiental, econômico e social. Comparando com o sistema referência, a rotação de lavoura-pecuária obteve a melhor posição na hierarquização do desempenho entre todos os critérios avaliados. Especificamente para a pegada de carbono, a substituição do sistema de referência pela rotação lavoura-pecuária possibilitaria reduzir aproximadamente 7,7 kg de CO2-Eq., ou seja, 23% do total da pegada de carbono atribuída ao produto, além de combinar a melhor oportunidade de melhoria no desempenho dos demais indicadores avaliados. Visando facilitar o processo de ponderação e integração de indicadores de diferentes critérios para geração de uma pontuação única de sustentabilidade, neste estudo propôs-se um modelo matemático de ponderação a partir da teoria da probabilidade. O modelo proposto demostrou-se uma alternativa viável para a redução da incerteza e risco relatados por pesquisadores sobre a integração de métodos multicritérios com a Avaliação Sustentável do Ciclo de Vida, isentando o julgamento humano do processo de ponderação e possibilitando mensurar a probabilidade de determinada hierarquização de alternativas ocorrer. Além disso, combinado com o método VIKOR e seus critérios de desvios para determinação da melhor alternativa, a ponderação probabilística permitiu classificar se a melhor alternativa possibilitava uma solução ideal ou uma solução estável para o problema. Com base nos resultados desta pesquisa, demonstrou-se que existem ações que, além de minimizar os impactos ambientais associados às exportações de carne bovina brasileira em termos de pegada de carbono, também contribuem significativamente para o aumento da sustentabilidade da produção animal nos aspectos econômico e social. / Agricultural systems like beef cattle production are recognized worldwide as important cause of many environmental impacts, especially for the potential of climate change. The increase in beef demand in the last decades has generated even more attention on the subject, which is reflected in the consumer's concern to obtain information on the impacts associated with the product. In this study, it was evaluated the sustainability of possible improvement actions to minimize the carbon footprint of the export chain of Brazilian beef, using structured approaches to life-cycle thinking, combined with multicriteria decision-making methods and weighting probabilistic analysis. The carbon footprint of Brazilian beef exports was measured using the environmental Life Cycle Assessment and the most representative chain stage was identified in terms of contribution to the impact. Emissions per kilogram of product ranged from 33.35 to 33.58 kg of CO2-Eq. The variation of destination ports influenced less than 1% of the results, since the animal production phase is the most impacting, contributing in more than 98% of the impacts associated to the product. Through a combined approach of the TOPSIS multi-criteria methods and fuzzy logic, it was possible to identify possible actions to improve the environmental performance of the animal production phase, from the perspective of the stakeholders: pasture fertilization, protein supplementation and crop-livestock integration. A combination of the Sustainable Life Cycle Assessment approach with VIKOR multicriteria model and fuzzy logic was applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the alternatives in reducing the impacts associated with climate change and to analyze them in comparison to other environmental criteria indicators, besides economic and social ones. Comparing with the reference system, the crop-livestock rotation obtained the best position in the hierarchy of performance among all evaluated criteria. Specifically for the carbon footprint, the replacement of the reference system by crop-livestock rotation would make it possible to reduce approximately 7.7 kg of CO2-Eq., or 23% of the total carbon footprint attributed to the product, in addition to combining opportunity to improve the performance of the other indicators evaluated. Aiming to facilitate the process of weighting and integration of indicators of different criteria to generate a single sustainability score, in this study it was proposed a mathematical model of weighting from the theory of probability. The proposed model demonstrated a viable alternative for the reduction of uncertainty and risk reported by researchers on the integration of multicriteria methods with the Sustainable Life Cycle Assessment, exempting human judgment from the weighting process and making it possible to measure the probability of a certain hierarchy of alternatives occur. In addition, combined with the VIKOR method and its deviation criteria to determine the best alternative, probabilistic weighting allowed to classify whether the best alternative provided an optimal solution or a stable solution to the problem. Based on the results of this research, it has been demonstrated that there are actions that, in addition to minimizing the impacts associated with Brazilian beef exports in terms of carbon footprint, also contribute significantly to increasing the sustainability of animal production in economic and social aspects.

Making high-value, long-lived isotopes to balance a sustainable radiotracer production facility

Engle, J. W., Barnhart, T. E., Valdovinos, H. F., Graves, S., Ellison, P. A., Nickles, R. J. January 2015 (has links)
Introduction The embrace of PET by medical clinicians has been reluctant (ΔT ≈ 20 yr) primarily due to the scale of the infrastructure that is needed. The capital cost of a cyclotron (≈ 106 USD) is now dwarfed by the demand for compliance to recent regulatory standards. This is a recurring expense, not only imposing an order-of-magnitude increase in staffing and operating costs, but damping the enthusiasm of researchers recalling the brisk pace of research in earlier days. Now an academic site, with little interest or opportunity to scale up production for wider distribution, is burdened by the new regulatory terrain of good manufacturing practice (GMP), mandated for translational studies that will reach only a few subjects. With our production resources held within a basic science department, the Medical Physics cyclotron facility at the University of Wisconsin has sought a sustainable pathway. We now anchor the operating budget by providing high-value, long-lived radionuclides to off-site users, to buffer the fluctuations of local demand for conventional PET synthons. Material and Methods: The tools of the trade The radioisotopes discussed here belong to the 3-d and 4-d sub shell, but are now moving into the rare-earths, with applications ranging from - targeted molecular imaging agents, - internal radionuclide therapy using to Auger electron-emitters, - to basic physics experiments using 163Ho (t1/2 ≈ 4500 yr) to determine the mass of the neutrino. Rather than focusing on the dozens of radionuclides produced, a number of tools deserve mention, as they support a variety of targets, reactions and products. These will be listed in order (A-G) from cyclotron to extraction to analysis. A. Two cyclotrons are used, a legacy RDS 112 (#1; 1985) and a GE PETtrace (2009). Neutron and gamma detectors are monitored during the long irradia-tions, signaling any subtle changes in the running conditions. (1). The PET-trace is fitted with a quick-change variable degrader target (2), as well as a beam-line with a 5-port (0 o, ±15 o, ±30 o) vertical switching magnet (3). The downward directed beam ports provide support for solid targets (e.g. Ga, S, Se, Te) that melt at low temperature. The irradiation of gas targets employs a generalized manifold to handle inert gases such as 36Ar for the production of 34mCl, as well as natural Kr and Xe for making Rb and Cs isotopes to act as fission product surrogates. These products are captured on a stainless steel target chamber liner, and rinsed off with warm water. The alkali metals are convenient tracers to study the ion exchange trapping process, pivotal in future 99Mo production from solution reactors (4). B. The preparation of malleable solid targets employs a 10-ton hydraulic bench press, and a jeweler’s mill to roll out foils from pellets, pressed between Nb foils to avoid contamination. C. Binary alloys are smelted in a programmable 1600o tube furnace under argon flow (eg. NiGa4). Alternatively, an induction furnace now permits highly localized heating of the binary metal charge, while allowing mechanical agitation during the smelting process. D. Electroplating onto gold discs is used for various enriched target material or the alloys above where quantitative recovery is essential, or where heat transfer from high beam current is demanding. E. The separation chemistry, prior to che-lation to targeted molecular imaging agents, is performed in LabView-driven, home-built “black boxes” resident in mini-cells (Radiation Shielding Inc.). F. Analysis of the targets after irradiation makes use of HPGe spectroscopy for gammas and characteristic X-rays of decay (e.g. rare earths). The elemental constitution of target alloys is deter-mined prior to irradiation by X-ray fluorescence analysis, excited by 109Cd and 241Am sources. G. Finally, broad-band elemental analysis at the ppb level now makes use of a microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometer (Agilent 4200), to be de-scribed elsewhere in this meeting. Results and Conclusions The tools above (A-G) are employed in the pro-duction of the expanded list of radionuclides offered by our cyclotron group to both local and off-site colleagues. The list below is ordered in terms of decreasing use, from regular production for national distribution (64Cu, 89Zr), to weekly inhouse use (44Sc, 66,68Ga, 68,69,71Ge, 72As, 61Cu, 86Y), to infrequent production for multi-site collaborations (163Ho, 95mTc, 206Bi): Radionuclide Target Employs 64Cu 64Ni/Au A, D, G 89Zr natY A, E, G 44Sc natCa A, B, E, F, G 66, 68Ga Zn/Ag A, B, D, E, F, G 68, 69, 71Ge Ga, GaO2 A, B, C, E,F 72As GeO2 A, B, E, F 52Mn natCr A, E, F, G 76, 81mBr SeO A, E, F 34mCl, Rb, Cs noble gas A, E, F 95mTc,163Ho Mo, Dy A, E, F TABLE 1. Target materials and processes. The production of long-lived radionuclides lends itself to crowd-sourcing, with distributed irradia-tion at virtually any site with a suitable accelera-tor and a relaxed beam schedule. A number of unique challenges do arise that don’t appear in the usual production of conventional cyclotron products such as 11C or 18F. Contamination by stable metals, inadvertently introduced by target pressing or beam-induced sputtering from degraders, can cause serious interference downstream limiting effective specific activity. Long-lived manganese isotopes are ubiquitous. And some very high value products are simply not within the reach of small cyclotrons, such as 52Fe and 67Cu, being too far off the line of beta stability. In conclusion, the research leading to a doctoral degree necessarily must focus on the physics and chemistry of novel radionuclides and tracers. On the other hand, clinical and translational research needs established imaging agents, with little room for innovation within the regulatory constraints. Our experience at Wisconsin has led us to a balancing act, with our routine production of clinical doses countered with our research program to provide high-value radionu-clides for our collaborative work with our basic science colleagues.

Méthodologie d'éco-conception orientée utilisation / Use oriented ecodesign method

Domingo, Lucie 20 November 2013 (has links)
En intégrant le cycle de vie d'un bien dans son processus de développement, l'éco-conception permet d'améliorer la performance environnementale de ce futur produit. La combinaison, dans cette thèse, des notions de la conception centrée utilisateur et de la pensée cycle de vie, permet de proposer une méthode pour l'intégration de la phase d'utilisation en éco-conception. La méthode repose sur la proposition de nouveaux modèles pour représenter l'utilisation adaptés aux spécificités de l'éco-conception. A partir du modèle de produit, un modèle de la phase d'utilisation, connectée aux phases de distribution et de fin de vie, permet d'associer l'utilisation du produit à son cycle de vie complet. Le modèle de contexte permet de positionner la performance environnementale du produit en utilisation par rapport à des paramètres associés à l'utilisateur et à l'environnement d'utilisation. L'évaluation environnementale du scénario d'utilisation regroupant tous ces modèles permet d'adapter les stratégies d'amélioration de la méthode à l'utilisation d'un produit en conception. Une application de la démarche à la re-conception d'un réfrigérateur pour la France et le Brésil permet d'illustrer le fonctionnement de la méthode. / By integrating product life cycle into the developement process, ecodesign enables the environnemental improvement of the product to be. The combination of user centred design proposition and life cycle thinking allows us to propose a method for use phase integration in ecodesign. This method is built on new models to represent product use that are compatible with ecodesign specificity. Based on the product model, the use phase model, which is connected to the distribution and end-of-life phases, facilitates the attachment of product use to the complete life cycle. Context model aims at possitionning the product use environmental performance according to influencing parameters related to the user and it environment. Environmental assessment is made based on the use scenario, a combination of the three previous models. This assessment enables to adapt the improvements strategies to the specificity of a product use phase. A case study has been perform to illustrate the capability of the new proposal to ecodesign a refrigerator for Brazil and for France.

Uso de boro e palhada no manejo sustentável e produção de citrus [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck / The use of boron and straw for sustainable management and production of citrus [C. sinensis) (L.) Osbeck]

Cabrera, Ronaldo Alberto Duenhas 08 October 2007 (has links)
A citricultura paulista está estabelecida, em sua maioria, em solos com baixos teores de matéria orgânica e, em decorrência deste fato, diversos aspectos associados à carência de nutrientes têm sido atribuídos à baixa disponibilidade da matéria orgânica. Para otimização de sistemas agrícolas que priorizem a sustentabilidade recomenda-se, por exemplo, o uso de cobertura morta (palhada), o incremento de matéria orgânica e a melhoria da fertilidade química física e biológica do solo, resultando em aumento de produtividade, maior estabilidade das produções e melhor disponibilidade de água para as plantas. O presente trabalho estudou em condições de campo, durante quatro safras, os efeitos da adição de cobertura morta ("mulch") - 0, 15 e 30 t.ha-1.ano-1 usando a palhada de gramínea Tifton como fonte de cobertura morta e ácido bórico aplicado via solo, nas doses de 0, 6 e 12 kg.ha-1 como fonte de boro. Foram avaliados, além da produtividade (t.ha-1 e número de frutos.ha-1), os aspectos associados à fertilidade de solo, aspectos físicos e nutricionais associados às variações dos tratamentos nos atributos hídricos do solo, a detecção da presença de carbono da palha no solo por metodologia isotópica do δ13c e δ15N, a atividade da biomassa microbiana, a influência dos tratamentos na qualidade do suco e aspectos econômicos quanto ao uso de palhada e boro no sistema produtivo. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Araras-SP, em pomar de laranja 'Pêra', com 9 tratamentos – 3 doses de palhada e 3 doses de boro, 4 repetições e 4 plantas por parcela, totalizando 144 plantas em um pomar comercial de 8 anos. A aplicação de 15 t.ha-1 e 30 t.ha-1 de palhada proporcionaram um aumento de 3,38 t.ha-1 (15,6%) e 8,89 t.ha-1 (41,1%) respectivamente. Em ambos os casos, a aplicação foi inviável economicamente, pois o custo da aplicação da cobertura morta foi maior que a receita do incremento de produtividade. Para o número de frutos.ha-1 a aplicação de palhada incrementou 9,3% e 24,4% para os tratamentos de 15 t.ha-1 e 30 t.ha-1 respectivamente. Na camada de 0 a 20 cm de profundidade, a biomassa microbiana foi ativada na dose de 30 t.ha-1 de palhada, sendo 64,7% superior à testemunha e 46,9% superior à dose de 15 t.ha-1. A aplicação de palhada de gramínea aumentou a participação de carbono de planta C4 na matéria orgânica do solo, sendo que a participação foi de 44%, 54,8% e 60,9%, para as doses de 0, 15 e 30 t.ha-1 respectivamente, mas a aplicação de palhada não afetou as características hídricas do solo nas profundidades de 20 e 40 cm. O efeito da aplicação de boro foi observado somente em ano de alta produtividade, acima de 40 t.ha-1, com a dose de 12 kg.ha-1 produzindo 5,8 t.ha-1 (16,7%) a mais que a testemunha. A relação foliar K/Ca e o teor de foliar de enxofre afetaram negativamente a produtividade, pois para cada unidade que aumenta na relação K/Ca houve diminuição de 30 t. 30 t-1 e para cada unidade de aumento do teor foliar de enxofre ocorreu redução de 4 t.ha-1. Recomenda-se que a relação K/Ca deve estar em torno de 0,4 e o teor foliar de enxofre em torno de 3 g.kg-1, já a relação P/S afetou positivamente a produtividade, para cada unidade que aumenta nesta relação, ocorreu um aumento de 17 t.ha-1. O aspecto ano é um fator importante, onde o efeito da alternância bienal de alta/baixa safra ficou evidente. / The citrus production in the state of São Paulo has been established in its majority, on soils with low organic matter and due to this fact, several aspects related to the lack of nutrients have been attributed to the low availability of organic matter. To introduce a sustainable management for the citrus production system, the producers have been adopted the use of mulch to cover the plants. This practice has proved to increase the soil organic matter content and has been recommended for mid- and long-term improvement of the physical and chemical and biological parameters of the soil, resulting in higher productivity, a better stability in crop production and higher water availability to the citrus plants. This work studied for 4 citrus growing seasons at field conditions the effects of the addition of mulch at rates of 0, 15 and 30 t.ha-1 added every year, using Tifton as source of mulch and boric acidic added to the soil at rates of 0, 6 and 12 kg.ha-1. Measures included yield (t.ha-1 and fruit number.ha-1), the soil nutrient composition, nutritional parameters associated to the physical and chemical variations in the soil due to the treatments, the isotopic δ13c carbon and δ15N nitrogen variation in the soil due to straw addition, the soil microbial biomass, the fruit (juice) quality and the economic aspects involving the use of these two practices – mulch and boron, in the citrus production system. The experiment was set up in Araras, São Paulo State, in a 8-year old commercial orchard of sweet orange var. Pêra, with 9 treatments – 3 rates of mulch and 3 rates of boron, 4 replicates with 4 plants for plot, in a total of 144 plants. The application of 15 t.ha-1 and 30 t.ha-1 of mulch increased 3,38 t.ha-1 (15,6%) and 8,89 t.ha-1 (41.1%) respectively, in both cases the use of mulch showed not to be economically viable, due to its high cost in the market. The fruit productivity from the mulch treatments increased 9.3% and 24.4%, in treatments with mulch added at the rates 15 t.ha-1 and 30 t.ha-1, respectively. At 0-20 cm soil depth, the microbial biomass increased when 30 t.ha-1 mulch was added, with 64.7% and 46.9%, corresponding to 0 t/ha and 15 t.ha-1 mulch, respectively. The use of Tifton grass as mulch was positively related to increases of carbon from C4-plants in the soil organic matter content, with increases after 4 years of growth as high as 44.4%, 54.8% and 60.9%, corresponding to the rates of 0, 15 and 30 t.ha-1 of mulch. Nevertheless, the addition of mulch has not affected the water content of the soil at 20 and 40 cm depth. The effect of boron was observed only at the high productivity season (more 40 t.ha-1), with the treatment of 12 kg t.ha-1 yielding 5.8 t.ha-1 (16.7%), when compared to the control (0 kg/ha B) treatment. The K/Ca ratio and the S-leaf concentration were negatively correlated with yield, when increases of one unit in K/Ca ratio corresponded to a decrease of 30 t.ha-1 and one unit of S-leaf concentration to minus 4 t.ha-1. It is recommended that K/Ca ratio should be around 0.4 and the S-leaf concentration around 3 g/kg. The leaf ratio P/S affected positively the yield, when increases of one unit in this ratio, corresponded to increases of 17 t.ha-1 in yield increases. The season (year) was an important factor, showing an alternate variation of high/low yield in every two years.

Produção e consumo à luz do desenvolvimento de práticas sustentáveis na cadeia de fornecimento varejista

Vargas, Andrea 10 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-05-04T16:27:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea Vargas_.pdf: 742993 bytes, checksum: 3594ce6fcca938a80f741a5eb1861a61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-04T16:27:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea Vargas_.pdf: 742993 bytes, checksum: 3594ce6fcca938a80f741a5eb1861a61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-10 / Nenhuma / Produção e consumo sustentável são práticas que levam ao desenvolvimento sustentável e os varejistas possuem um papel crucial neste processo devido à sua posição privilegiada entre oferta e demanda. Haja vista a importância da produção sustentável em termos econômicos, ambientais e sociais, esta pesquisa analisou o desenvolvimento de práticas sustentáveis na cadeia de fornecimento varejista, em sete empresas fabricantes no Brasil nos segmentos de higiene, limpeza, papéis descartáveis, alimentos e linha branca. O estudo de caso múltiplo e de abordagem qualitativa explorou informações sobre produção e consumo sustentável desde a extração dos recursos naturais até o pós-consumo. Entre os resultados observou-se que, visando mitigar os efeitos de materiais desnecessários na produção e no transporte, as sete empresas e uma rede de hipermercado multinacional em codesign com consumidores através de informações de pesquisa de mercado, desenvolveram produtos e embalagens ambientalmente amigáveis, reduziram insumos de produção e aperfeiçoaram as operações de logística, por consequência, diminuíram as quantidades de resíduos de seus produtos e amenizaram emissões de CO² na atmosfera. Desta forma, estas grandes empresas alcançaram ganhos econômicos e ecológicos, enquanto que, no prisma social, em um dos casos foi possível erradicar o trabalho escravo em alguns subfornecedores, durante o processo de certificação ecológica. O projeto estudado restringe-se às empresas com grande capacidade de produção; altos investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de redesign de produtos e embalagens; e instrumentos para análise das implicações deste redesign em todo o ciclo de vida do produto. O cenário de negociações ganha-ganha oportunizou atendimento das demandas dos consumidores com produtos sustentáveis consumíveis à preços menores que os similares “não sustentáveis” da concorrência e da linha branca com aumento das parcelas de pagamento, entretanto a comunicação ambiental não visou atingir mais consumidores além do público fiel. Concluiu-se que práticas sustentáveis não são executadas nestas organizações sem ganhos econômicos, pressão de normas legais ou restrição ao acesso de matérias-primas. Neste contexto, tornam-se relevantes pesquisas em projetos sustentáveis para pequenas e médias empresas; integração do tema ambiental para crianças no ensino fundamental, bem como, incentivos e benefícios do governo em apoio a estas causas. A pesquisa fornece informações estruturantes para entendimento da importância do tema e sua efetiva utilização junto às empresas, consumidores, governos e sociedades. / Sustainable production and consumption are practices that lead to sustainable development and retailers have a crucial role in this process because of its prime position between supply and demand. Given the importance of sustainable production in economic, environmental and social terms, this research analyzed the development of sustainable practices in the retail supply chain. The analysis included case studies applied in Brazil in seven manufacturers in the hygiene segment, cleaning, tissue paper, white goods and food. The research was developed through a qualitative approach, multiple study case, exploring information on sustainable production and consumption from the extraction of natural resources to post-consumption. Among the results it was observed that, in order to mitigate the effects of unnecessary materials in the production and transportation, the seven companies and a network of multinational hypermarket in codesign with consumers through market research information, developed products and packaging environmentally friendly, reduced raw materials production and improved logistics operations therefore decreased the amounts of waste from their products and eased CO² emissions in the atmosphere. Therefore, these large companies have achieved economic and ecological gains, while in the social prism, in one case it was possible to eradicate slave labor in some subsuppliers during the ecological certification process. The studied project is restricted to companies with large production capacity; high investments in research and development to redesign products and packaging; and instruments for analysis of the implications of this redesign throughout the product life-cycle management. The negotiating win-win scenario provided an opportunity to meet the demands of consumers with sustainable consumable products to lower prices than similar "unsustainable" of the competition and white line with increased of the payment parcels, however the environmental communication is not aimed to reach more consumers beyond loyal following. The conclusion is that sustainable practices are not performed in these organizations without economic gains, pressure law or restriction on raw materials access. In this context, it becomes relevant research on sustainable projects for small and medium companies; integration of environmental issues for children in elementary school, as well as, government incentives and benefits to support these causes. The research provides structural information for understanding the importance of the theme and its effective use at the companies, consumers, governments and societies.

Ansvarsfull produktion : vägen till kundens hjärta? / Responsible production : the way into the heart of the customer?

Floss, Tove, Bergfeldt, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Responsible production is a subject of increasing importance for companies toadopt and communicate to their environment and many companies choose to implementenvironmental – and ethic considerations into their brand strategy. There is, however, adividing line between companies according to what extent they choose to implementresponsible production into their brand strategy and to which extent they choose tocommunicate it to their stakeholders and surroundings. It is the hypothesis about a dividingline that is the foundation for this essay and something we believed could be interesting forfurther analysis.The purpose of our essay is to find out how the brand strategy of a company is affected by theresponsible production and in what extent they communicate it to their environment. Byanswering those questions we hope to find out why some companies communicateresponsible production more actively than others.We have conducted in-depth interviews with the Swedish clothing companies; MariaWesterlind, Zion and Dem Collective and we have through our analysis reached interestingconclusions. It is evident that the more distinct the company positions itself regarding theenvironment, the more important the responsible production seems to be to the brand strategy.This affects in what way and to what extent the company chooses to communicate with thecustomers. In other words, the bigger environmental exposure and the bigger environmentalmarket possibilities the more important and more active the communication gets.Those companies that have responsible production as a primary brand value also tend tocommunicate this in greater extent than other companies although there is not always aconnection. The greater control the company has over the supply chain, the more distinct thecommunication becomes. The majority of the companies use external certifications as a formof sponsorship to get certain benefits. We also have noticed that the more distinct thecompany communicate their responsible production, the more important the extent of theinformation to the customer gets. / <p>Program: Textilekonomutbildningen</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

Global Sustainable Production : A case study of manufacturing units in differently industrialized countries

Eibich, Wiebke, Hein, Marten January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Producing on a global scale is attractive for multinational corporations (MNCs) due to production cost savings and the proximity as well as simplified access to new high growth markets. In order to be successful in foreign markets it is vital for MNCs to understand the local market conditions. In particular stakeholders, also referred to institutions, and their diverse demands are likely to vary among differently industrialized country markets. Additionally, sustainability has emerged as an inevitable topic for businesses and countries alike. Purpose: Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze different institutions and their demands in differently industrialized countries. Moreover, the aim is to describe and analyze capabilities that manufacturing companies can use to respond to these institutional demands in order to achieve a more sustainable production. Methodology: The research method employed is a single embedded case study consisting of one Scandinavian multinational machinery and construction equipment manufacturer with three production units located in Sweden, Bulgaria and China. Semi-structured interviews with managers, a supplementary questionnaire and a literature review on institutional and capability theory serve as sources for primary and secondary data collection. Findings: There are differences between institutional demands among differently industrialized countries. The research found that manufacturing units in developed and ECMs can respond to these institutional demands through different capabilities. Next to institutional demands there are certain institutional influences that are beyond the control of the MNC and can only be absorbed. By having a diverse set of economic-, natural- and social capabilities which are difficult to copy and that are corresponding to various institutional efficiency and legitimacy demands as well as influences manufacturing companies can create a more sustainable business. Research and practical implications: Future qualitative research could seek to explore whether the results of this study are congruent for companies operating in other industries and other countries. Next, future research could seek to explore whether there are more evident natural and social based capabilities existing in the field.Within praxis, it is critical for managers to be aware that each country has its distinctive context and that it is necessary to locally adapt in order to satisfy the prevailing market conditions. Besides it is essential not only to satisfy the customer demands but also to identify and respond to other institutional demands to create a more sustainable production. Keywords: Capabilities, institutions, efficiency and legitimacy demands as well as influences, differently industrialized country markets, sustainability, economic-, social- and natural value, imitability, manufacturing, MNC, global sustainable production

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