Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aswedish government"" "subject:"eswedish government""
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Enklare redovisning : Granskning av Statens Offentliga Utredning 2008:67 / Simplified Accounting : Review of the Swedish Government Official Report 2008:66Lexell, Anna, Lindstedt, Kristina, Valkonen-Evertsson, Marina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Regeringen gav år 2007 en grupp i uppdrag att leda förenklingen gällande enklare redovisning som en del av det stora förenklingsarbetet i Sverige. Förenklingsarbetet går ut på att sänka de administrativa lagreglerade kostnaderna för svenska företag med 25 procent till 2010. Under 2008 presenterades en av åtgärderna inom förenklingsarbetet; ”Delbetänkandet om Enklare redovisning – SOU 2008:67”.</p><p>Några av de föreslagna förändringarna innebära att normgivande organ och i synnerhet Bokföringsnämnden ges mer ansvar genom utökad normgivning. I och med att förslaget presenterar flera ändringar som kan påverka företag, intressenter och revisorer, var det intressant att undersöka remissinstansernas svar och kommentarer till utredningen. Samtidigt var det intressant och se hur revisorer ser på utredningen, då de ofta har en annan insynsvinkel. Syftet lyder därför som följer:</p><p><p><em>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur revisionsbolag och remissinstanser till SOU:n uppfattar förslaget om Enklare redovisning (SOU 2008:67).</em></p><p>Undersökningen är gjord utifrån en så kallad fenomenografisk metod, vilket innebär att det endast är remissinstansernas och revisorernas uppfattningar som har undersökts – inte hur det faktiskt är. En stor del av arbetetstiden har distribuerats till att läsa, tolka och förstå utredningen samtidigt som mycket av innehållet har fått kompletterats och undersökts i annan litteratur. Intervjuerna har gjorts via personliga möten samt internetbaserade dialoger i form av e-post.</p><p>Resultatet visar att alla välkomnar förenklingsarbetet och anser att det är viktigt, då svenska företag ska ha en jämförlig konkurrensmöjlighet gentemot europeiska företag. Vissa av aspekterna, såsom borttagandet av det vanliga årsbokslutet, har bemötts positivt av remissinstanserna, men inte från revisorerna. Slutsatsen av detta är att från ett bredare intressentperspektiv, spelar inte det vanliga årsbokslutet en avgörande roll. Borttagandet av förvaltningsberättelsen för mindre företag anses som onödigt då den mesta informationen ändå kommer att bibehållas i noterna. Då de flesta mindre företag har mer eller mindre standardiserade förvaltningsberättelser, innebär det ändå ingen förenkling, utan kanske till och med en försvåring.</p></p> / <p>During 2007, the Swedish government issued a group to be in charge of the simplification regarding simpler accounting as a part of the large simplification in Sweden. The goal is to lower the administrative costs that are regulated by law with 25 per cent until 2010. During 2008, one of the Swedish Government Official Reports regarding the simplification was presented named; ”Delbetänkandet om Enklare redovisning – SOU 2008:67”.</p><p>Some of the suggested changes would result in that normative organs, and especially the Swedish Accounting Standard Board, should be given more responsibility through standardsetting. Since the proposal presents several changes that could affect companies, interested parties and auditors, the authors found it interesting to investigate the answers and comments from consultation bodies of the proposal. At the same time, it was interesting to investigate how the auditors perceive the proposal, since they often has another point of view. The purpose is therefore:</p><p><p><em>The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how auditing firms and consultation bodies to the Swedish Government Official Report perceive the proposal regarding simplified accounting. (SOU 2008:67)</em></p><p>The investigation is done from a phenomenographical method, which means that it is only the consultation bodies and the auditors’ perception that is investigated – not how the reality actually is. A large part of the working hours has been distributed to read, interpret and understand the investigation. At the same time, a lot of the content had to be complemented and investigated in literature. The interviews have been done through face-to-face dialogues and via e-mail dialogues.</p><p>The result shows that everyone welcomes the simplification and believes it is important, since Swedish companies should have an even chance towards the rest of Europe when it comes to competition. Some of the aspects, such as the removal of the “ordinary” annual accounts, have been treated positively from the consultation bodies, but not from the auditors. The conclusion from this is that from the interested parties’ point of view, the ordinary annual accounts are not considered to be of great importance. The removal of the management report for smaller companies is perceived as unnecessary, since most of the content will be kept and placed in the notes. Since most of the smaller companies have more or less standardized management reports, will the change not result in a simplification,</p><p>but perhaps instead make it even more difficult.</p></p>
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Det villkorade könet : En tematisk analys av framställningen av transpersoner i statens offentliga utredningar / The conditional gender : A thematic analysis of the portrayal of transgender people in Swedish Government Official ReportsKorajac, Selma, Bayrak, Emelle January 2022 (has links)
Transpersoner är en grupp som i forskning observerats löpa särskild risk för social utsatthet. Transpersoners levnadsvillkor i relation till den egna könsidentiteten i fråga om sådant som juridisk könstillhörighet och könskorrigerande är något som regleras i lag. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur transpersoners attribut och den statliga regleringen av transpersoners kroppar och könsidentitet framställs i statens offentliga utredningar under 1960- och 2010-talet. En tematisk analys av en utredning från respektive tidpunkt har genomförts, och materialet har analyserats med utgångspunkt i Judith Butlers teorier om den heterosexuella matrisen och gender performance theory samt Natacha Kennedys framställning av begreppet cisgenderism. Vi fann att framställningen av transpersoners attribut såväl som regleringen av transpersoners könsidentitet i lag till vissa delar skiljer sig mellan utredningarna, men att vissa aspekter kvarstår. Framställningen av transpersoners psykiska varande har förändrats från en psykiskt sjuk avvikare som behöver diagnostiseras som sådan och behöver anpassas såväl beteendemässigt som fysiskt till rådande könsnormer, till en delvis mer tillåtande syn på transpersoners könsidentitet där den juridiska könstillhörigheten menas kunna tillåtas vara upp till transpersonen själv att besluta om. Dock kvarstår diagnosförfarandet även under 2010-talet i fråga om könsdysforidiagnosen som villkorar transpersoners rätt till könskorrigerande vård av kroppen, något som visar på att aspekten av medikalisering av transpersoners varande såväl som den statliga kontrollen över könsidentiteten har kvarstått över tid. Med utgångspunkt i våra valda teorier har vi även noterat att beskrivningen av könsnormernas samhälleliga roll har förändrats över tid från något samhällsavgörande till något som till viss del betraktas som föränderligt, och att förändringen i framställningen av dessa normers innebörd även tycks inverka på hur transpersoner framställs.
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Från inget arbete till inget hem : En studie av hemlöshet i statens offentliga utredningar / From no work to no home : A study of homelessness in Swedish Government Official ReportsAlwehammar, Carl, Huss, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Hemlöshet är ett mångfacetterat begrepp och socialt problem som funnits i århundraden, trots detta finns ingen samsyn kring fenomenets orsaker eller lösningar. Denna studie har ämnat bredda kunskapen kring konstruktioner av hemlöshet och särskilt inriktat sig på svenska statens syn på, och anspråk om, personer i hemlöshet och hemlöshet som socialt problem. I studien har en dokumentstudie utförts för insamling av empiriskt material och därefter har en kvalitativ textanalys genomförts. Med ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och Losekes teori om anspråk har två utredningar som anses vara representativa för respektive tidsperiod analyserats. Dessa är SOU 1929:9 och SOU 2001:95. I analys av utredningarna framkom att hemlöshet har konstruerats på två olika sätt. I den tidigare utredningen anses personer i hemlöshet ha förorsakat sin egen situation och ses som ett problem som samhället lider av. I den senare utredningen ses personer i hemlöshet som offer för primärt strukturella omständigheter och förtjänta av samhällelig uppslutning för problemets lösning. Analysen resulterade även i att belysa hur anspråk formulerade om problemets orsaker var avgörande vid formuleringen för givna anspråk om problemets lösningar. Denna studie kan ses bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen om hemlöshet genom att belysa vikten av att inte glömma historien för att kunna utveckla det framtida sociala arbetet ytterligare.
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RECONSTRUCTING NATO IN TIMES OF CHANGE : A study of the Swedish government’s discourse on NATO in 2004 and 2015Melander, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
This study sets out to examine the Swedish government´s altered discourse on NATO in the years 2004 and 2015. Given the drastic change in security situation in Europe over the last 20 years, it is logical to assume it has influenced the relation between Sweden and NATO. The study aims to highlight how the Swedish government governs through discourse and its understanding of NATO in different circumstances. When compared, the analyzed defense propositions both describe NATO as important, even crucial, but in vastly different ways. In 2004, NATO acts as an entry point for diplomatic and political influence in international politics as well as a way for Sweden to express its identity as an altruistic country. In contrast, NATO in 2015 is vital to the development of Sweden´s military capability and the ability to provide and receive the help necessary for its solidarity policy.
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Ett gott samarbete resulterar i ett välmående samhälle. : En studie om hur olika samhällssektorer kan påverka landets fysiska hälsa.Saadi, Bader January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad Sveriges partier har för ståndpunkter för att öka denfysiska aktiviteten hos barn och ungdomar samt vilka aktörer i samhället som bidrar till en ökadfysisk aktivitet i samhället, där skolan lyfts upp då det är en av de aktörer som har en storpåverkan. För att uppnå syftet och frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ textanalys gjorts påregeringsskrifter, databaser och litteratur där utgångspunkten har varit att göra eninnehållsanalys, argumentationsanalys samt en politisk diskursanalys. För att kunna analyseraoch bearbeta det insamlade materialet utgår studien från en triangelmodell som ett analytisktverktyg där grunden är staten, marknaden och det civila samhället. Resultatet i studien visar att de flesta politiska partierna i Sverige försöker öka den fysiskaaktiviteten genom skolan, då den fysiska aktiviteten i skolan resulterar ett hälsosammare liv ivuxen ålder. Studiens resultat visar även att infrastrukturen påverkar den fysiska aktivitetensom gör det möjligt för individer att utöva fysisk aktivitet på fritiden.
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A filter in the chain of command : A quantitative study on the extent to which officials in the Swedish Government Offices perceive that they are governed bythe political elite and ministerial advisersFrölander, Njord January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate to what extent the officials within the Swedish Government Offices consider themselves to be governed by the political elite (ministers and state secretaries) and the ministerial advisers (chief of staffs, planning directors, political advisers and press secretaries). In an ideal chain of command, the political elite governs the officials, since the ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister to govern the Government Office’s different policy areas. During recent years, political scientists have started to chart a phenomenon of an increasing number of ministerial advisers within the public administration. The Swedish Parliament has no formal capability to review or dismiss these ministerial advisers. Which is considered to be problematic in terms of democratic legitimacy, since the ministerial advisers are neither recruited through a transparent recruitment process based on their merits, nor are they politically appointed based on election results. Hence, the link between election results and who is given the mandate to take part in the policy process within the Swedish Government Offices can be seen as tenuous. The officials are at the government’s disposal to prepare and implement policies, and to contribute with their expertise in different policy areas, regardless of which political party or political coalition that is governing at the time. Thus, the purpose of this thesis has been to study the government officials’ perspective, and to what extent they consider themselves to be governed by the political elite and ministerial advisers. 91 government officials have answered a survey regarding to what extent they perceive that they are governed by the different roles in the political staff, and to what extent they consider having contact with the different roles in the political staff. The collected material has made it possible to merge the officials’ perspective on the different roles within the political staff into the categories the political elite and the ministerial advisers. This has been done in order to calculate a confidence interval to estimate officials’ perspective on the two categories within the Govern- ment Offices as a whole. The main findings of the study are that officials within the Government Offices consider themselves to be governed to a greater extent by the political elite, compared to the ministerial advisers. Although the officials consider that they are governed by the political elite, they have more contact with the ministerial advisers compared to the political elite. This could indicate that ministerial advisers are to a great extent mediating the contact between the political elite and the officials within the Swedish Government Offices.
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Sverige och Koreakriget : en studie av Sveriges hållning till Koreakonflikten 1947-1953Stridsman, Jacob January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the Swedish policy towards the Korean Conflict 1947–1953. “Swedish policy” means primarily the Swedish Government’s policy, but also the action taken by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Defence Staff. </p><p>When the UN treated the issue of Korea in the years before the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 the Swedish government abstained from voting for reasons of principle or legality, namely that the Korean issue belonged to the peace regulations after the Second World War, in which Sweden, as an ex-neutral state, considered that it should not participate. </p><p>During the Korean War 1950–1953 the Swedish government almost consistently and in many different ways supported the US-led coalition in defence of South Korea. Although never officially mentioned, this support was given with considerable uneasiness. This uneasiness stemmed not only from fears that the neutrality policy would be compromised in the eyes of the Soviet Union but also from fears of what the reaction would be like in Sweden. The fear concerned two things: that the public support for Sweden joining the Western alliance would be strengthened, and that there would be negative reactions among their own crack units, who were regarded as neutrality supporters. Certain elements in the policy adopted by the Government have been judged as attempts to try to counteract this. </p><p>Due to its status as non-aligned country without combat troops in Korea Sweden was given a number of assignments of a mediating and bridging nature during the Korean War. The Swedish government had worries that some of those assignments would be expensive and difficult to carry out. But Sweden had an obvious interest in putting an end to the war and the government also realized that the fact that Sweden was given such missions could be used to justify the Swedish policy of neutrality. </p><p>The Korean War broke out quickly and surprisingly and was initially mobile and fluctuating with several dramatic changes in the successes in the field. Throughout the war, also when the warfare had become more static and the armistice negotiations had started, there was a latent threat of escalation towards a major war between East and West. The Swedish foreign and security policy experts in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Defence Staff could not predict the outbreak of the Korean War and all the dramatic shifts, but they had an accurate basic attitude concerning the two superpowers’ desire to avoid a world war and restrict the Korean War to Korea. </p>
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Sverige och Koreakriget : en studie av Sveriges hållning till Koreakonflikten 1947-1953Stridsman, Jacob January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the Swedish policy towards the Korean Conflict 1947–1953. “Swedish policy” means primarily the Swedish Government’s policy, but also the action taken by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Defence Staff. When the UN treated the issue of Korea in the years before the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 the Swedish government abstained from voting for reasons of principle or legality, namely that the Korean issue belonged to the peace regulations after the Second World War, in which Sweden, as an ex-neutral state, considered that it should not participate. During the Korean War 1950–1953 the Swedish government almost consistently and in many different ways supported the US-led coalition in defence of South Korea. Although never officially mentioned, this support was given with considerable uneasiness. This uneasiness stemmed not only from fears that the neutrality policy would be compromised in the eyes of the Soviet Union but also from fears of what the reaction would be like in Sweden. The fear concerned two things: that the public support for Sweden joining the Western alliance would be strengthened, and that there would be negative reactions among their own crack units, who were regarded as neutrality supporters. Certain elements in the policy adopted by the Government have been judged as attempts to try to counteract this. Due to its status as non-aligned country without combat troops in Korea Sweden was given a number of assignments of a mediating and bridging nature during the Korean War. The Swedish government had worries that some of those assignments would be expensive and difficult to carry out. But Sweden had an obvious interest in putting an end to the war and the government also realized that the fact that Sweden was given such missions could be used to justify the Swedish policy of neutrality. The Korean War broke out quickly and surprisingly and was initially mobile and fluctuating with several dramatic changes in the successes in the field. Throughout the war, also when the warfare had become more static and the armistice negotiations had started, there was a latent threat of escalation towards a major war between East and West. The Swedish foreign and security policy experts in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Defence Staff could not predict the outbreak of the Korean War and all the dramatic shifts, but they had an accurate basic attitude concerning the two superpowers’ desire to avoid a world war and restrict the Korean War to Korea.
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Silenced Detainees in Repressive Hijab : A Marxist Analysis of the Hijab of Afghan women in Sweden, the patriarchal coercion to veil, and the responsibility of the Swedish governmentAsgari, Alireza January 2022 (has links)
This empirical research focuses on the subject of Hijab in Sweden. It demonstrates that Afghan (Muslim) women residing in Sweden do not consider the Hijab as an element of their culture/identity. Additionally, the empirical data gathered through interviews with twenty Afghans residing in Sweden reveals that Hijab is socially imposed on women, particularly by male relatives. Afghan women reveal verbal and physical violations exercised against women by male relatives in order to force them to veil. Therefore, if multiculturalism favors the Hijab as a human right and/or an identity/cultural element of these women, it neglects the violations implied by Hijab on women. By adopting a Marxist feminist lens, the research explains that although veiling and controlling women’s body existed for centuries before the birth of capitalism, controlling women’s body by forcing them to veil serves the capitalist project as well. The veil is one of the diverse ways of controlling women (‘s body) and is one of the ways to help the interests of capitalism since women are the source of reproduction of labor. Rejecting the position of both left-wing and right-wing parties (and specifically racists) in the political sphere in Sweden, it is suggested that the former (no matter intentionally or unintentionally) justifies and serves the preservation of the repressive Hijab and does not protect Muslim women and their human rights. And (far) right-wing actors, by pointing to the repressive Hijab, merely aim to cut the budget that is essential for protecting the fundamental human rights of immigrants and target the existence of immigrants per se to enable (further) development of capitalist (economic) policies. This research argues that discourse cannot make a substantial change in behaviors, and not only men should be considered as the responsible actor to diminish the violations. A third alternative/approach is instead suggested for the change in the material condition of such communities so as to diminish the violations. By reminding the responsibility of the Swedish government, it is suggested that the government should take responsibility for material provision regarding awareness, education, employment, and development of oppressed veiled women. This is how the government can protect human rights and actualize women’s capacity in order to combat the violations.
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”Om man låter det ta tid från början så vinner man på det i slutändan” : Myndigheters arbete med frekventa och återkommande begäranden om utlämnande av allmän handling / "If you allow it to take time, it will serve you better in the end" : Authorities' work with frequent and extensive freedom of information requests.Strandros Berdén, Clara January 2023 (has links)
The study aims to investigate how Swedish governmental agencies deal with persons who make excessively large amounts of freedom of information requests. These persons, who can be said to suffer from justice obsession syndrome, often consume an unproportional amount of government agency resources. More specifically, the study investigates whether Swedish government agencies have created formal rules and guidelines on how to handle these citizens and how employees of these agencies view the handling of these cases. The material consists of interviews conducted with ten employees at nine diffrent Swedish government agencies. In addition 24official guidelines where collected from 22 diffrent Swedish government agencies. Trancripts from the interviews and the official guidelines fomed the data of analysis. The study concludes that the majority of the Swedish governmental agencies have well-established routines when dealing with these persons and their freedom of information requests. This regardless of how often or how rarley they deal with this.
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