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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A privatização do setor elétrico paulista: suicídio de um grupo.

Pedroso Neto, Antonio José 28 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:24:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseAJPN.pdf: 2509577 bytes, checksum: 3ebae905d76ff30402e60d2058a3bfcd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-28 / As from 1995, the companies of the electric sector in São Paulo underwent organizational changes that both preceded and made privatization viable. They were carried out by their own workers under the label modernization . The problem to be studied in this research was to understand how they unleashed the dynamics of change, since they were aware that the changes would lead to the dismantle of their own body. In the changing process, the guidelines they adopted depended on the external demands. However, under bourdieusian sociology perspective, we consider that they also depended on the measures adopted in each company, that is, they resulted from the interpretation and redefinitions of these demands by the agents interacting under the constraints of company s field of the power. The empirical research was centered in one of the companies: in its unions and professionals, fundamentally, in the modernization agents, which was led by a limited group of workers in higher ranks. The main sources of data were interviews, questionnaires, documents, and newspapers. In this research we verified that the cardinals from the higher clergy decided for the possibility of carrying out a downsizing conducted by themselves before they were exposed to a takeover in near future. We tried to present the constraints and the instigating perspectives that touched them, and also, how some of their actions concerted with some demands from union entities and professionals. We also verified that, in the presentation and justification of modernization, the cardinals from the higher clergy spread principles of reclassification and ranking of the company and of workers, as well as the idea of rescuing and transferring part of them to a new company . Modernizing would be the bridge. In this context of speech, they called upon the workers who would work on the modernization and selected those who would take part in a training program. In both of them, the offer of posts, beneath the demand, pointed to the establishment of a frontier between those who would be participants and those who would not, a symbolic line which separated those who had the ticket to join in the new company and those with an uncertain future. This border implied in the division and ranking of the whole of the workers, with consequences such as increasing differentiation, of individualization and internal competition crowned by a realignment with the cardinals from the higher clergy. Finally, it created social conditions of reception of speech and became a mechanism that allowed them to impose their prescriptions by means of symbolic violence. Yet, we verified that with modernization, the cardinals from the higher clergy had something to demonstrate to the possible buyers: a reengineering under study and implementation. With it, they had diagnoses and bases to give continuity to potential achievements: redesign of processes, gains in productivity and efficiency, redimensioning of staff, formalization of activities and know-how of the workers. In conclusion, the cardinals from the higher clergy initiated a changing process which involved the workers and acquired its own dynamic. Further to that, everybody realized that the studies and the implementations carried out had produced and would produce unpredictable and undesired consequences: The reengineering and the lack of definition as to the future, as a matter if fact, apply to all. / A partir de 1995, as empresas do setor elétrico paulista passaram por mudanças organizacionais que precederam e viabilizaram a privatização. Elas foram realizadas por seus funcionários sob o rótulo de modernização. O problema de pesquisa para o presente estudo era compreender como eles desencadearam a dinâmica das mudanças, dado que estavam cientes de que elas resultariam no desmantelamento do seu próprio corpo. No processo de mudanças, as diretrizes que adotaram dependeram de demandas externas. Entretanto, sob a perspectiva da sociologia bourdieusiana, consideramos que dependeram também das providências tomadas em cada empresa, isto é, que elas foram resultantes das interpretações e redefinições dessas demandas pelos agentes em interação sob os constrangimentos de um campo do poder na empresa. A pesquisa empírica centrou-se em uma empresa: em suas entidades sindicais e profissionais e, fundamentalmente, nos agentes da modernização, que foi capitaneado por um conjunto restrito de funcionários do alto escalão. As principais fontes de dados foram entrevistas, questionários, documentos e jornais. Nesta pesquisa verificamos que os cardeais do alto clero decidiram pela possibilidade de realizar um downsizing conduzido por eles próprios antes de ficarem expostos a um takeover no futuro próximo. Procuramos apresentar os constrangimentos e as perspectivas instigantes que os tocavam e, também, como algumas de suas ações concertavam com algumas demandas das entidades sindicais e profissionais. Verificamos também que, na apresentação e justificação da modernização, os cardeais do alto clero veicularam princípios de reclassificação e hierarquização da empresa e dos funcionários, juntamente com a idéia de resgatar e transferir parte deles para uma nova empresa . O a modernização seria a ponte. Neste contexto discursivo, eles convocaram os funcionários que iriam trabalhar na modernização e selecionaram os que iriam participar de um programa de treinamento. Em ambos, a oferta de lugares, aquém da demanda, implicou na firmação de uma fronteira entre os participantes e os não participantes, uma linha simbólica que separava os que tinham o bilhete para entrar na nova empresa e os que tinham um futuro indefinido. Essa fronteira implicou em divisão e hierarquização do conjunto dos funcionários, com desdobramentos como o aumento da diferenciação, da individualização e da competição internas coroadas com um realinhamento com os cardeais do alto clero. Enfim, criou as condições sociais de recepção do discurso e tornou-se um mecanismo que lhes permitiu imporem suas prescrições por meio da violência simbólica. Verificamos, ainda, que com a modernização os cardeais do alto clero tinham algo para demonstrar aos possíveis compradores: uma reengenharia em estudo e implantação. Com ela tinham diagnósticos e bases para dar continuidade a potenciais realizações: redesenho dos processos, ganhos de produtividade e eficiência, redimensionamento do quadro, formalização das atividades e do savoir-faire dos funcionários. Em conclusão, os cardeais do alto clero iniciaram um processo de mudança que envolveu os funcionários e adquiriu dinâmica própria. Posteriormente, todos perceberam que os estudos e as implantações realizadas produziram e ainda produziriam conseqüências imprevistas e não-desejadas: a reengenharia e a indefinição em relação ao futuro, de fato, se aplicavam a todos.


Carvalho, Luciana Carrion 13 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper presents the search results of Master in Education linked to research LP1-Line "Training, Knowledge and Professional Development" of PPGE / UFSM. This research is about the methodology of life stories and narratives (auto) biographical and continuing training devices to the Rural Education teachers. Thus, it aims to reflect on the continuing education of teachers, in order to not erase its characteristics due to the urban center model institution in Rural Schools, in a capitalist neoliberal context. We listed the life story and professional trajectories of the teachers, in order to understand this phenomenon and the willingness to create mechanisms through continuing education, in order to promote critical reflection spaces faculty, rethinking concepts hitherto thought and / or lived. As theoretical support, we use studies of Abrahão (2006), Antunes (2011, 2012), Bolzan (2009), Bourdieu (2011), Caldart (2012), Charlot (2000), Dufor (2005), Freire (1987, 1997, 2009), Henz (2014), Imbernón (2010), Isaia (2009), Josso (2006), Júnior (2008), Martins (2008), Medonça (2008), Nóvoa (2009), Passeggi, Abrahão e Delory-Momberger (2012), Rocha e Martins (2011), Souza (2006, 2012), Souza e Meireles (2014), among others. The research found the following results as points: a) the existence of symbolic violence in Rural Schools by silencing the practical and collective rural teachers; b) the lack of sensibility of educators and the community at large with the matter of the field; c) the possibility of overcoming this reality using the methodology of the Dialogical Circles Investigative-training and (auto) biographical write, which announce overcoming this set scenario because the same shape in dialogue space and strengthening of the autonomy, hope and establishment of collaborative and collective practices, recognizing the school as a transforming force. / Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de pesquisa do Mestrado em Educação vinculada à Linha de pesquisa-LP1 Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional do PPGE/UFSM. Tal pesquisa versa sobre a metodologia de histórias de vida e narrativas (auto)biográficas como dispositivos de formação continuada aos docentes da Educação do Campo. Dessa forma, tem por objetivo refletir acerca da formação continuada de professores, visando ao não apagamento de suas características devido à instituição do modelo urbanocêntrico nas Escolas Rurais, em um contexto neoliberal capitalista. Elencamos a história de vida das trajetórias pessoal e profissional dos docentes, a fim de compreender tal fenômeno e com a disposição de criar mecanismos por meio da formação continuada, visando promover espaços de reflexão crítica do corpo docente, repensando conceitos até aqui pensados e/ou vividos. Como amparo teórico, utilizamos estudos de Abrahão (2006), Antunes (2011, 2012), Bolzan (2009), Bourdieu (2011), Caldart (2012), Charlot (2000), Dufor (2005), Freire (1987, 1997, 2009), Henz (2014), Imbernón (2010), Isaia (2009), Josso (2006), Júnior (2008), Martins (2008), Medonça (2008), Nóvoa (2009), Passeggi, Abrahão e Delory-Momberger (2012), Rocha e Martins (2011), Souza (2006, 2012), Souza e Meireles (2014), entre outros. A pesquisa encontrou como resultados os seguintes pontos: a) a existência de violência simbólica nas Escolas do Campo através do silenciamento das práticas docentes camponesas e coletivas; b) a falta de sensibilidade dos educadores e da comunidade em geral com a questão do campo; c) a possibilidade de superação desta realidade por meio da metodologia dos Círculos Dialógicos Investigativo-formativos e das escritas (auto)biográficas, as quais anunciam a superação deste cenário instituído, pois as mesmas configuram-se em espaço de diálogo e de fortalecimento da autonomia, esperança e instituição de práticas colaborativas e coletivas, reconhecendo a escola como força transformadora.

"Är Björk en man eller kvinna?" : Androcentrism i studenters uppfattning av forskares kön

Hagren Idevall, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats belyser könsstrukturer på universitetsfältet, med syfte att undersöka om och varför detspråkliga begreppet forskare tillskrivs manligt kön av studenter som läser forskningsreferat i kurslitteraturen.Metoden som använts är experimentell och består av en könsneutral provtext, där en refererad forskare enbartnämns vid efternamnet Björk, och ett frågeformulär där 92 studenter har fått tillskriva denna forskare ett kön.Resultatet visar att 71 procent av de studenter som besvarat frågan tror att den refererade forskaren är enman. Det finns även en tendens till att de äldre studenterna har en större benägenhet att tillskriva forskarenmanligt kön än vad de yngre studenterna har. Resultatet har utifrån Simone de Beauvoir tolkats som att kvinnan fortfarande betraktas som det Andra iförhållande till mannen, som utgör normen inom akademien. Att begreppet forskare tillskrivs ett visst könhar, utifrån Pierre Bourdieu, tolkats som att studenterna besvarat frågan utifrån föreställningar som finnsinternaliserade i deras habitus, som i sin tur står under stark påverkan från de inre strukturer påuniversitetsfältet som framhäver mannen som det dominerande könet. / This bachelor thesis examines gender structures in the university field. The aim is to study whether, and if sowhy, students attribute male gender to a researcher referred to in the course literature. The researcher is onlymentioned by the last name Björk, in order to be regarded as gender neutral. An experimental method was used to test the hypothesis that the conception of “researcher” is male-biased. A gender neutral sample text and a survey were handed out to 92 university students. Therespondents were asked to attribute gender to the researcher Björk. The results confirmed the hypothesis andshowed that 71 percent of the students attributed male gender to the researcher. There was also a tendencythat the older students attributed male gender more often than the younger students did. The analysis of the results shows that male gender is viewed as normative in the academy. Thisinterpretation is based on Simone de Beauvoir's theory about women as the Other in relation to men. Thegender specific attribution to a researcher is interpreted, in the words of Pierre Bourdieu, as internalizedconceptions in the student's habitus. The students answer the question about Björk's gender according to theirhabitus, which is based on the internal structures of the university field, where the male gender is seen as thedominant sex.

O subcampo brasileiro de pesquisa em ensino de ciências CTS (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade): um espaço em construção / The subfield brazilian research in science education STS (Science Techonology- Society): a construction space

Ribeiro, Thiago Vasconcelos 30 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2016-05-19T12:13:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thiago Vasconcelos Ribeiro - 2015.pdf: 6650465 bytes, checksum: fff568c1c2d14350be65c2a484d804fb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-05-19T13:05:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thiago Vasconcelos Ribeiro - 2015.pdf: 6650465 bytes, checksum: fff568c1c2d14350be65c2a484d804fb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-19T13:05:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thiago Vasconcelos Ribeiro - 2015.pdf: 6650465 bytes, checksum: fff568c1c2d14350be65c2a484d804fb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-30 / The dissertation “The Subfield Brazilian Research in Science Education STS (SCIENCETECHNOLOGY- SOCIETY): a construction space” presents the results of an investigation that aimed to characterize the social space formed by researchers and institutions responsible for production and reproduction of research in science education STS in Brazil. To build the object of research, we used the theoretical framework involving the notion of field, developed by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, synthesized in central concepts such as field, symbolic capital, habitus, illusio, symbolic violence, etc. In the construction of the methodology and analysis used was the Bardin’s Analysis of Content, updated to the way of thinking relational characteristic of implicit praxiological knowledge the notion of field in the form of a Relational Content Analysis. Data were built with originating from the information provided by the agents involved in the research in science education STS in Lattes Platform, through the Curriculum Lattes of each. The analyzes produced allowed signal to the existence of a form of symbolic market of cultural production, a scientific field involving the dispute of symbolic capital, about a hierarchy of positions that characterize and differentiate the dominant researchers and researchers dominated in the structure of symbolic struggles of research in science education STS. The analyzes allowed, yet, show some effects of symbolic violence by ruling on the Subfield Brazilian Research in Science Education STS. / A dissertação “O Subcampo Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências CTS (CIÊNCIATECNOLOGIA- SOCIEDADE): um espaço em construção” apresenta os resultados de uma investigação que teve como objetivo caracterizar o espaço social formado pelos pesquisadores e instituições responsáveis pela produção e reprodução das pesquisas em ensino de ciências CTS no Brasil. Para a construção do objeto de pesquisa, foi empregado o aporte teórico envolvendo a noção de campo, desenvolvido pelo sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu, sintetizado em conceitos centrais como campo, capitais simbólicos, habitus, illusio, violência simbólica, etc. Na construção da metodologia e das análises foi empregada a Analise de Conteúdo de Bardin, atualizada para o modo de pensar relacional característico do conhecimento praxiológico implícita na noção de campo, na forma de uma Análise de Conteúdo Relacional. Os dados analisados foram construídos tendo por fonte as informações disponibilizadas pelos agentes envolvidos na pesquisa em ensino de ciências CTS na Plataforma Lattes, por meio do Currículo Lattes de cada um deles. As análises produzidas permitiram sinalizar para a existência de uma forma de mercado simbólico de produção cultural, um campo científico, envolvendo a disputa de capitais simbólicos, em torno de uma hierarquia de posições que caracterizam e diferenciam os pesquisadores dominantes e os pesquisadores dominados na estrutura das lutas simbólicas das pesquisas em ensino de ciências CTS. As análises permitiram, ainda, evidenciar alguns efeitos de violência simbólica exercida pelos dominantes sobre o Subcampo Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências CTS.

A cultura da escola inclusiva na perspectiva dos alunos surdos / The inclusive school culture fron the perspective of deaf students / La cultura de la escuela inclusiva en la perspectiva de los alumnos sordos

Morás, Nadjanara Ana Basso 16 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Miriam Lucas (miriam.lucas@unioeste.br) on 2018-04-05T14:01:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Nadjanara_Ana_Basso_Morás_2018.pdf: 1248789 bytes, checksum: adc209c3f3f953df6a79f385981c1666 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T14:01:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Nadjanara_Ana_Basso_Morás_2018.pdf: 1248789 bytes, checksum: adc209c3f3f953df6a79f385981c1666 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-16 / The inclusive education has been a theme of global discussion since the 1990s, causing the beginning of perspectives and confrontations of obstacles in its concretization process. The general objective of this study was to investigate the inclusive school culture from the perspective of deaf students who study in the context of regular education. Aside from the bibliographic sources recompiled and read, covered with importance by being able to provide actual and relevant informations, also was held semistructured interviews, with theoretical benchmark in Pierre Bourdieu (2013). The interviews happened in one of the classrooms of the school that has as proposal the bilingual education for deaf. The questions were made in Brazilian signals language (Libras) by the researcher – who has a degree in Mathematics as well as of Translator and Interpreter of Libras/Portuguese -.The interviews were made at the end of June, during July and beginning of August 2016. It is emphasized that in the moment of the interview only the researcher and the interviewed person remained in the room, in order to preserve the anonymity. The participants of this research were deaf students who studied from kindergarten until the elementary school in a school with a proposal of bilingual education for the deaf and that nowadays attend to an inclusive regular school. The participants of this research were deaf students who studied from kindergarten until the elementary school in a school with a proposal of bilingual education for the deaf and that nowadays attend to an inclusive regular school. Therefore, the results obtained along the research presented difficulty in the participants’ inclusion development based on the respect for their cultural and linguistic differences, in the inclusive state school, since the school did not reach to overcome the tendency of a homogenization culture present in the “school culture”. Thus, for inclusion of deaf students in the school environment, it is fundamental to adapt this environment so that the individuals in question feel part of a whole. It is necessary to elaborate the inclusion as a broad process, with ideological, social, cultural, political and economic dimensions, involving all the interpersonal relationship existing in the school and outside it. It is considered necessary to be cautious so that school inclusion is not caught in the trap of standardization, or rather, in the deaf student’s inclusion in the mainstream education being the sign language seen as a set of facilitating codes of communication, as teaching instrument, disregarding the cultural nature present in Libras / La educación inclusiva ha sido tema de discusión mundial desde la década de 1990, provocando el inicio de perspectivas y enfrentamientos de obstáculos en su proceso de concreción. El objetivo general de este estudio fue investigar la cultura de la escuela inclusiva en la perspectiva de alumnos sordos que estudian en el ámbito de la enseñanza regular. Además de las fuentes bibliográficas recopiladas y leídas, revestidas de importancia por ser capaces de proporcionar informaciones actuales y relevantes, también se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, con referencial teórico en Pierre Bourdieu (2013). Las entrevistas se realizaron en una de las aulas de la escuela de educación bilingüe para sordos. Las preguntas fueron hechas en Lengua Brasileña de Señales (Libras) por el investigador - que tiene un fondo en el grado en Matemáticas, así como traductor e intérprete de Libras / portugués. Las entrevistas se realizaron a finales del mes de junio, durante el mes de julio y principios del mes de agosto de 2016. Se subraya, aún, que en el momento de la entrevista sólo permanecieron en la sala la investigadora y la persona entrevistada, a modo de preservar el anonimato. Los participantes de esta investigación fueron alumnos sordos que estudiaron desde la Educación Infantil hasta la Enseñanza Fundamental I en una escuela de educación bilingüe para sordos y que actualmente frecuentan una escuela inclusiva. Los resultados obtenidos en el curso del estudio presentaron dificultad en el desarrollo de la inclusión de los involucrados con base en el respeto a su diferencia cultural y lingüística en la escuela inclusiva ya que la escuela aún no logró superar la tendencia de una cultura de homogeneización presente en la "cultura escolar ". De esta forma, para que la inclusión de los alumnos sordos ocurra en el ambiente escolar, es fundamental adecuar este ambiente para que los individuos en cuestión se sientan parte de un todo. Se hace necesario elaborar la inclusión como un proceso amplio, con dimensiones ideológicas, sociales, culturales, políticas y económicas, involucrando toda relación interpersonal existente en la escuela y fuera de ella. Se considera necesario tener cautela para que la inclusión escolar no esté presa en las trampas de la normatización, o mejor, en la inclusión de alumnos sordos en la enseñanza regular, siendo la lengua de signos vista como un conjunto de códigos facilitadores de la comunicación e instrumento de enseñanza, desconsiderando la naturaleza cultural presente en la Libras. / A educação inclusiva tem sido tema de discussão mundial desde a década de 1990, provocando o início de perspectivas e enfrentamentos de obstáculos no seu processo de concretização. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi investigar a cultura da escola inclusiva na perspectiva de alunos surdos que estudam no âmbito do ensino regular. Além das fontes bibliográficas recopiladas e lidas, revestidas de importância por serem capazes de fornecer informações atuais e relevantes, também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com referencial teórico em Pierre Bourdieu (2013). As entrevistas aconteceram em uma das salas de aula da escola de educação bilíngue para surdos. As perguntas foram efetuadas em Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) pela pesquisadora – que tem formação em licenciatura em Matemática assim como de Tradutora e Intérprete de Libras/ Português. As entrevistas foram empreendidas no final do mês de Junho, durante o mês de Julho e início do mês de Agosto de 2016. Salienta-se, ainda, que no momento da entrevista só permaneceram na sala a pesquisadora e a pessoa entrevistada, a modo de preservar o anonimato. Os participantes desta pesquisa foram alunos surdos que estudaram desde a Educação Infantil até o Ensino Fundamental I em uma escola de educação bilíngue para surdos e que atualmente frequentam uma escola inclusiva. Os resultados obtidos no decorrer do estudo apresentaram dificuldade no desenvolvimento da inclusão dos envolvidos com base no respeito à sua diferença cultural e linguística, na escola inclusiva uma vez que a escola ainda não conseguiu superar a tendência de uma cultura de homogeneização presente na “cultura escolar”. Dessa forma, para que a inclusão dos alunos surdos aconteça no ambiente escolar, é fundamental adequar este ambiente para que os indivíduos em questão se sintam parte de um todo. Faz-se necessário elaborar a inclusão como um processo amplo, com dimensões ideológicas, sociais, culturais, políticas e econômicas, envolvendo toda relação interpessoal existente na escola e fora dela. Considera-se necessário ter cautela para que a inclusão escolar não esteja presa nas armadilhas da normatização, ou melhor, na inclusão de alunos surdos no ensino regular, sendo a língua de sinais vista como um conjunto de códigos facilitares da comunicação e instrumento de ensino, desconsiderando a natureza cultural presente na Libras.

Att (för)hålla sig till oskrivna regler : Kvinnliga militärers erfarenheter kring en mansdominerad organisation / To keep yourself to unwritten rules : Military womens experiences in an organization of male domination

Linehagen, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Title: To keep yourself to unwritten rules: Military womens experiences in an organization of male dominationAuthor: Frida Linehagen The Swedish Armed Forces have traditionally been exclusively male, and risking life defending the country against the military attack by a foreign power has always been a privilege of a man. Over the last thirty-seven years the defence of our nation has become a shared responsibility between men and women. The Swedish Armed Forces has failed to fully integrate women into the organization. This is the reason why it is interesting to look into the issue taking into consideration the fact that there is still a significant gender imbalance today and plenty of room for progress remains. The purpose of the study is first and foremost to create the understanding of the experience the female military personnel bring to the organisation, their abilities and how they perform in the realm dominated by men. Interviews have been chosen as a method for the study. Nine women of the Swedish Armed Forces were interviewed. The data was analyzed in light of Pierre Bourdieus theoretical concepts Cultural capital, Field, Habitus, Masculine domination and the related Symbolic violence. The result of the study shows that the society puts demands to increase the equality between men and women in organizations where men dominate. At the same time the Armed Forces show inability and reluctance to address to the issue and create opportunities in order to bridge the gender gap. Women develop strategies not only to be able to contribute to the organisation they work for but also to advance in their military profession, to fit and rise to the top. For women in service it is a delicate balancing act between remaining a female and being fully accepted as a professional partner in the manly military culture.

O Supremo Tribunal Federal e o controle de constitucionalidade na ADPF 54: elementos de violência simbólica a partir da experiência brasileira

Alves, Ana Virgínia Cartaxo 25 November 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ana_virginia_cartaxo_alves.pdf: 1213061 bytes, checksum: 9b842f50c89fb4a8c86415f69109e147 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-25 / The law has an intrinsic relationship with the concept of power and authority, which, in most cases, is perceived as authorized, coercive and irresistible physical force. However, this work had the aim to demonstrate the symbolic aspect of the power coming from the law, as developed by the Pierre Bourdieu s symbolic power theory. Indeed, according to Bourdieu's theory, the symbolic power is disputed at the legal field as the power to establish an authoritatively conception of law, from certain domination strategies in order to maintain the monopoly over the legitimate interpretation of law. rom this perspective, this paper analyzed the possible strategies used by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) as the most powerful court at the judicial review of laws. In developing this theme, we sought to investigate the potential exercise of symbolic violence by the STF ministers, using as a case in point, the judgment of ADPF 54. Then, from research conducted on the website of the Supreme Court, did a qualitative analysis of the votes cast by the STF ministers in that case, comparing the arguments brought by them; as well as established whether the participation of other social actors involved in the fight for authorized interpretation of law, as AGU, PGR and third dmitted as amicus curiae . The research included a literature review of the major works of Pierre Bourdieu, as primary sources, and a review of other works of scholars on the topics covered in this dissertation. / O direito possui uma relação intrínseca com o conceito de poder e autoridade, que, no mais das vezes, é percebido como poder ungente, autorizado, uma força física coercitiva e irresistível. No entanto, objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, desnudar o aspecto simbólico do poder proveniente do direito, consoante desenvolvido pela teoria do poder simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu. Com efeito, segundo a teoria de Bourdieu, o poder simbólico em disputa no campo jurídico consiste no poder de enunciar autorizadamente o que é direito, a partir de certas estratégias de dominação com vistas à manutenção do monopólio sobre a interpretação legitima do direito. A partir dessa perspectiva, o trabalho analisou as possíveis estratégias de poder utilizadas pelos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), na condição de corte hierarquicamente superior, no controle de constitucionalidade abstrato das leis. Ao desenvolver este tema, buscou-se investigar o potencial exercício da violência simbólica por parte dos ministros do STF, tomando-se como caso paradigmático, o julgamento da ADPF 54. Então, a partir de pesquisa realizada no sítio eletrônico do STF, fez-se uma análise qualitativa dos votos proferidos pelos ministros do STF no referido caso, comparando as argumentações trazidas pelos mesmos; bem como, averiguou-se a participação de outros atores sociais envolvidos na disputa pelo direito, como AGU, PGR e os terceiros admitidos na condição de amicus curiae. A pesquisa compreendeu a revisão bibliográfica das principais obras de Pierre Bourdieu, como fontes primárias, bem como a revisão de outras obras de estudiosos sobre os temas abordados na presente dissertação.

Stranger compliment jako forma symbolického násilí na ženách v kontextu České republiky / Stranger compliment as a form of symbolic violence on women in Czech Republic

Švarcová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis introduces sociolinguistic phenomenon called street compliment, that has not been studied much in Czech Republic. It is a form of a comment given in public places by unacquainted persons, most commonly by men to women but not exclusively. Based in the feminist tradition the research was realized as a set of semi-structured interviews with eight female participants. The research revealed how the participants understand the phenomenon and how the heteronormative configuration of society is being perpetuated. The interpretation of street compliment as a form of a compliment is based on the discourse of female atractiveness and a strong sexual drive at males. The street compliment can be used to express sexual interest, to perform masculinity or to perform identity overall. The street compliment as a display of masculine behaviour towards a legitimate target, that is to say attractive woman, refers to the use of street compliment as a mean of disciplination of female subjects. The participants agreed that they do not utter street compliments because of its convenience. Instead they would express their interest in a group of friends without exteriorizing it. On one side the participants create subversive discourses, however it is common to observe symbolic violence done to them, amongs other...

Urban and rural students : A qualitative study of the urban-rural divide among graduates from a “super high school” in China

Ying, Huang January 2020 (has links)
Derived from the education division of China, this study emphasizes the urban-rural divide in students’ results of the NCEE (National College Entrance Examination). The NCEE is the official selection examination for higher education and the final examination of high school in Mainland China. As the major criterion in higher education selection, the divide can be found in the NCEE results of urban and rural students in which urban students are able to get higher grades than rural students. Aiming to discover the urban-rural divide in the NCEE results from how students prepare the NCEE in their high schools, this study uses a case of graduates of a “super high school” as an example. A “super high school” is a type of high school where achieving top performances of the NCEE is the goal of all pedagogic activities. Both urban and rural students can be enrolled in a “super high school”. The “super high schools” are common in overpopulated areas of China. In one way, the differences of urban and rural students in their high school studies can be perceived within a “super high school”; furthermore, the certain pedagogical activities of a “super high school” may influence students’ behaviours and trigger the urban-rural divide. Based on the theoretical frameworks of Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of capital, his theory of symbolic violence, and Erving Goffman’s theory of total institution, ten high school graduates as well as three of their high school teachers are interviewed in this study. The analysis focuses on three aspects, the differences between urban and rural students in terms of their educational resources and practices in high school, their behaviours in a “super high school”, and their attitudes towards the NCEE system. In summary, this study finds out that firstly, urban parents have more economic capital, social capital, and cultural capital than rural parents and they can offer more educational resources to their children in high school. Secondly, urban students are not very supportive of the “super high school” model but they can get more help from their teachers, while rural students strongly follow the “super high school” model but they don’t often get more help from their teachers. Last but not least, rural students attach great importance to the NCEE and their NCEE results, but urban students do not always think so.

Harmony or Hegemony? Chinese Citizen Perceptions of the Tiananmen Square Demonstrations of 1989, Taiwan Independence, and Tibetan Soveireignty

Bardo, Nicholas William 14 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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