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Integração do tratamento microbiológico com células imobilizadas e tecnologias emergentes (Processos Oxidativos Avançados) para o tratamento de efluentes gerados na indústria têxtil. / Integration of microbiological treatment with immobilized cells and emerging (Advanced Oxidation Process) technologies for wastewater treatment generated in the textile industry.Ivy dos Santos Oliveira 13 November 2009 (has links)
A integração de diferentes processos de tratamento na degradação de efluente têxtil foi avaliada utilizando-se a técnica de precipitação, processos oxidativos avançados (POA) e tratamento biológico aeróbio. Os POAs (Ozônio/UV e reagente de Fenton/UV) foram avaliados com experimentos em bateladas de acordo com um planejamento fatorial L18 (Método Tagushi) em função da vazão de ozônio, concentração de reagente Fenton, radiação UV, pH e temperatura. No tratamento microbiológico por processo contínuo, foi utilizado um reator de leito fluidizado com células imobilizadas de zeólitas e avaliados parâmetros como pré-tratamento com POAs, vazão de aeração, taxa de diluição. Concluiu-se que com o pré-tratamento físico-químico obteve-se resultados bastante satisfatórios na redução da DQO e COT, porém gerou uma quantidade desnecessária de lodo. A integração lodo ativado/Reagente Fenton mostrou-se bastante adequada, principalmente na remoção da cor e turbidez; a variedade e freqüência dos microrganismos observados durante o monitoramento biológico foram condizentes com os sistemas de lodo ativado operando eficientemente e o emprego de zeólitas como suporte mostrou-se significativo, alcançando 63,3 % de imobilização do microrganismo no suporte. / The integration of different treatment processes in the degradation of textile wastewater was evaluated using precipitation technique, advanced oxidation processes (AOP) and aerobic biological treatment. AOPs (Ozone/UV and reagent of Fenton/UV) were evaluated in batch experiments according to a factorial planning L18 (Tagushi Method) in function of the flow of ozone, concentration of reagent Fenton, UV radiation, pH and temperature. In the microbiological treatment for continuous process, a reactor of bed fluidized was used with immobilized cells of zeolites some parameters were evaluated such as pre-treatment with AOPs, aeration flow, diluition rate. Satisfactory results were obtained with the physical-chemistry pre-treatment in the reduction of COD and TOC, however it generated an unnecessary amount of sludge. The integration activated sludge/Reagent Fenton was shown quite appropriate, mainly in the removal of the color and turbidity; the variety and frequency of the microorganisms observed during the biological monitorament were suitable with the systems of activated sludge operating efficiently and the use of zeolites as support was shown significant, reaching 63,3 % of immobilization of the microorganism in the support.
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Hållbara produktegenskapers påverkan på köpintentionen hos konsumenter : i den svenska fast fashion-industrin / Sustainable product characteristics’ impact on consumers’ purchase intention : in the Swedish fast fashion industryHaglund, Emma, Ullbrandt, Matilda, Jonasson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Textilindustrin en av nutidens smutsigaste industrier och inte minst fast fashion-industrin haren väldigt stor negativ påverkan på miljön. Trots det framhäver marknadsföringen hos många av de största fast fashion-företagen idag hållbara produkter. Till följd av den rådandeklimatkrisen har detta uppmärksammats och bidragit till en hållbar utveckling av samhället. Hållbar utveckling är en utveckling som tillgodoser dagens behov utan att äventyra kommandegenerationers möjlighet att tillgodose sina behov. När då fast fashion-industrin revolutionerade textilindustrin på bekostnad av miljön, är det rimligt att ifrågasätta denna påstådda hållbarhethos deras produkter. Tidigare forskning har visat att hållbarhet har en positiv påverkan på konsumenters köpintention och även till viss mån specifika attribut som bidrar till detta samband. Därmed undersöks detta samband vidare med förhoppningen att det blir tydligare vilka attribut som har en inverkan på konsumenten vid önskan om att vilja köpa fast fashionplaggmed hållbara egenskaper. Genom en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkätundersökning samt hypotesprövningar undersöker denna uppsats fast fashionkonsumenters inställning till följande attribut: återvunna material, biologisk nedbrytbarhet, återanvändbarhet/återvinningsbarhet, miljömärkningar, socialt hållbara märkningar, ekologiska material och närliggande produktion. Resultaten visades genom flertal regressionsanalyser som samtliga påvisade ett negativt samband mellan hållbarhetsattributen och köpintention. Varavfyra av dessa var signifikanta: återvunna material, biologisk nedbrytbarhet, miljömärkningar och ekologiska material. Detta betyder att en ökning av konsumentens köpintention mot fastfashion-plagg leder till att inställningen gentemot plagg med hållbarhetsattribut minskar. Slutsatsen som dras utifrån detta är att de konsumenter som har en låg intention att konsumerafast fashion-produkter värderar hållbarhet högt. / The textile industry is one of the present day’s dirtiest industries and not least the fast fashion industry has a very large negative impact on the environment. Despite this, the marketing of many of the largest fast fashion companies today highlights sustainable products. This has been observed as a result of the current climate crisis and contributed to the sustainable development of today’s society. Sustainable development is a development that meets today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. So, when the fast fashion industry revolutionized the textile industry at the expense of the environment, it is reasonable to question this alleged sustainability of their products. Previous research has shown that sustainability has a positive impact on consumers' purchase intention, and further, to some extent, specific attributes that contribute to this relationship. Thus, this connection is further studied with the hope that it will become clearer which attributes have an impact on the consumer's desire to buy fast fashion garments with sustainable characteristics. By using a quantitative study in the form of a survey, and implementation of hypothesis tests this essay examines fast fashion consumers' attitudes towards the following attributes: recycled materials, biodegradability, reusability/recyclability, eco-labels, socially sustainable labels, organic materials, and production nearby. The results were shown through several regression analyzes, all of which showed a negative relationship between the sustainability attributes and purchase intention. Four of which were significant: recycled materials, biodegradability, eco-label, and organic material. This means that an increase in the consumer's purchase intention towards fast fashion-products leads to a reduction in attitudes towards garments with sustainable attributes. The conclusion drawn from this is that consumers who have a low intention to consume fast fashion products value sustainability highly. The thesis is written in Swedish.
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Calidad, Capacitación y Tecnología y su relación con el desempeño exportador de las MIPYMES de los demás t- shirts de algodón para hombres o mujeres de Lima Metropolitana periodo 2017-2020Gutiérrez Rojas, Mayra Alexandra, Peralta Guillermo, Mishell Mercedes 24 March 2022 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal determinar de qué manera la calidad, capacitación y tecnología se relacionan con el desempeño exportador de las MIPYMES de las demás T- shirts de algodón para hombres o mujeres de Lima Metropolitana periodo 2017-2020.
Este estudio se enfoca en las MIPYMES exportadoras de la partida 6109.10.00.39 (Los demás T-shirts de algodón para hombres o mujeres), debido a que en los últimos cuatro años se ha mostrado con un crecimiento positivo.
Presenta un enfoque de estudio mixto de tipo descriptiva-correlacional y con diseño no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por treinta y cinco MIPYMES ubicadas en Lima Metropolitana. Como parte de la investigación, se emplearon encuestas con doce enunciados elaborados por las autoras y se entrevistó a once expertos del sector. Asimismo, para la referencia se consideraron tesis y papers publicados en repositorios y revistas académicas.
Los resultados que se obtuvieron de los análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos mostraron que la calidad, capacitación, tecnología y el desempeño exportador presentaron una correlación positiva con un valor de R=0.468 y valor p=0,005; R=0.370 y el valor de p=0.029; y R=0.423 y el valor de p =0.011 correspondientemente. Con base en el análisis cualitativo los expertos entrevistados dieron paso en función a sus argumentos a confirmar las hipótesis planteadas.
Por ende, existe relación positiva entre la calidad, capacitación y tecnología con el desempeño exportador de las MIPYMES de las demás T- shirts de algodón para hombres o mujeres de Lima Metropolitana periodo 2017-2020. / The objective of this thesis is to determine to what extent the quality, training and technology are related to the export performance of the MSMEs of the other cotton t-shirts for men or women in Metropolitan Lima for the 2017-2020 period.
This study focuses on exporting MSMEs of the tariff item number 6109.10.00.39 (other cotton t-shirts for men or women), because in the last four years analyzed it has presented positive growth as a sector.
The research presents a mixed descriptive-correlational study approach with a non-experimental design. The sample consisted of thirty-five MSMEs located in Metropolitan Lima. As part of the research, surveys with twelve statements made by the authors were used and eleven experts from the sector were interviewed. Also, for reference, papers published in repositories and academic journals were considered.
The results obtained from the quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that quality, training, technology and export performance presented a positive correlation with a value of R=0.468 and a value of p=0.005; R=0.370 and the value of p=0.029; and R=0.423 and the value of p=0.011 correspondingly. Based on the qualitative analysis, the interviewed experts gave way based on their arguments to confirm the hypotheses proposed.
Therefore, there is a positive relationship between quality, training and technology with the export performance of the MSMEs of the other cotton T-shirts for men or women in Metropolitan Lima for the 2017-2020 period. / Tesis
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Diseño Interior de Escuela de Moda en La Victoria / Interiors design of Fashion School located in La VictoriaVelarde Huanay, Fiorella Francesca 18 October 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una propuesta de diseño interior de una Escuela de Moda ubicada en el distrito de La Victoria - Lima. El contenedor donde se propo- ne la intervención es una pre existencia de tres niveles situada a pocos metros del emporio textil y comercial de Gamarra, el cual actualmente representa el eje de la industria de la moda en el país.
La importancia de este proyecto radica en el creciente desarro- llo de la industria de la moda nacional y la escasez de centros educativos especializados. Asimismo, busca profesionalizar a aquellos trabajadores empíricos y ofrece diversos espacios orientados a la ejecución y comercio de emprendimientos re- lacionados al rubro, tales como un laboratorio para creación de materiales, área de coworking, zona de venta y área de muestras y exhibición de diseños. Además, la propuesta incluye colores y elementos que estimulan la creatividad mediante las sensaciones que generan.
Para llevar a cabo esta propuesta se realizó el levantamiento de la pre existencia, análisis del entorno, análisis de edificación, análisis de usuario, análisis de función y el diagnóstico que condujeron al planteamiento de las estrategias de diseño para el desarrollo integral del proyecto. La ejecución de esta tesis gene- raría un impacto positivo en los índices de calidad educativa y desarrollo profesional de la industria de la moda en Perú. / This project’s object is to develop a Fashion School inte- riors design proposal. This school will be located in La Vic- toria - Lima. The property where the project will be deve- loped is a three levels pre-existing property located near to comercial and textile emporium Gamarra, which is considered the priority axis of fashion national industry.
Risingfashionindustryandlackofspecializedschoolsarethemain reason of importance of this project. It also achieves to set profes- sional standards to empiric workers and offers diverse execution and commercial oriented areas, such as materials lab, co-wor- king space, sample and sale area and designs exhibition area. Elements and colors are carefully chosen to stimulate creativity.
In order to achieve this project, it was necessary to do space shots and to set measurements of the specific area. It also required to do an extensive analysis of the edification and it’s environment. Also, a diagnosis that conducted to the design strategy’s was made. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Desarrollo de un sistema de degradación de aguas residuales de la industria textil de pantalones de vaquero utilizando la técnica de Foto-FentonChico Pachas, Hugo Gian Pool, López Vera, Jorge André 24 July 2021 (has links)
El trabajo propuesto consiste en el tratamiento de las aguas residuales que se generan en la industria textil, sobre todo en las pequeñas y medianas empresas de dicho rubro, ya que muchas de ellas no cuentan con un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales y las que sí, no realizan un sistema adecuado para dicha labor. Actualmente existen máquinas capaces de realizar un tratamiento de aguas residuales adecuado, pero no son del todo automatizadas y el precio de éstas son considerablemente altos. En base a esta problemática, se buscó una solución con que no cuente con un número excesivo de etapas, que no genere residuos durante el tratamiento, que sea un proceso automatizado y con un tiempo óptimo de proceso. Por estos motivos, se optó por el método del Foto-Fenton como la solución idónea para realizar el tratamiento de aguas residuales, el cual necesita que el efluente tenga un pH igual a 3 para lo cual que realizará un lazo de control. Adicionalmente, requiere dos soluciones químicas y una luz UV. Los resultados obtenidos de este proyecto fueron satisfactorios ya que se llegó a cumplir los estándares ambientales de NTU (Unidad de Turbidez Nefelométrica), los cuales indican que para poder botar el agua al alcantarillado, debe tener un máximo valor de 100NTU. Cabe resaltar que este proyecto realizará todo el proceso de forma automatizada y sólo se va a centrar en las aguas residuales provenientes del proceso de los pantalones de vaqueros de color azul. / The proposed work consists of the treatment of wastewater generated in the textile industry, especially in small and medium-sized companies in this area, since many of them do not have a wastewater treatment system and those that do , not making an adequate system for such work. Currently there are machines capable of carrying out an adequate wastewater treatment, but they are not fully automated and the price of them is considerably high. Based on this problem, a solution was sought that does not have an excessive number of stages, that does not generate waste during the treatment, that is an automated process and with an optimal process time. For these reasons, the Foto-Fenton method was chosen as the ideal solution for treating wastewater, which requires the effluent to have a pH equal to 3 for a control loop to be performed. Also, two chemical solutions and one UV light are required. The results obtained from this project were satisfactory since the environmental standards of NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) were met, which indicate that in order to discharge the water to the sewer, it must have a maximum value of 100NTU. It should be noted that this project will execute the entire process in an automated way and will only focus on the wastewater from the blue jeans process. / Tesis
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Muzeum průmyslového dědictví v areálu bývalé textilní továrny v Prostějově / Museum of Industrial Heritage in the Site of Old Textil FactoryHoráková, Terezie January 2014 (has links)
The factory premises of the former factory OP Prostějov is the challenge for the future generations how to appraise today unused buildings which were build in 1950's. My design is counting with formation of new part of town, which disposes with centralizing the town-hall administration in one place allowing simple moving between individual authorities. Next there is designed the habitation as the small flats for old people and also big flats with interesting view. In some buildings there is designed the business incubator and in other building there is even the school. There are all facilities, services and leisure activities provided in the area. The Museum of Industrial Heritage is located in the middle of all events. It has three parts - exhibition, auditorium and deposit with administration. The old heating plant nearby is used as library and médiatheque with archives in connection with the museum. Shops, restaurants and other services are placed around.
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För Wanja – i tiden : En studie av Wanja Djanaieffs klädkollektion till den svenska olympiatruppen i München 1972 och i Innsbruck 1976Nord Olsson, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis traces the life and career of textile designer Wanja Djanaieff, in particu- lar the collections she designed for the Swedish Olympic team for the games in Munich 1972 and Innsbruck 1976, in order to investigate the hypothesis that the social and political climate in Sweden shaped and constrained the stylistic choices available to textile designers at the time. Through the use of a biographical method, including an interview with Wanja, her works are placed within a broader cultural and political context, and the ways in which her art was influenced by historical developments, such as the decline of the Swedish textile industry from the 50’s onwards, are highlighted. Additionally, it is investigated which constraints were imposed on her designs by her clients, and how Wanja faced these constraints. It is argued that presence of irony and androgynous designs in Wanja’s work mirrors contemporary social developments, lending support to the notion that art reflects broader societal trends.
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Agenda 2030 & Svenska Textilföretag : I relation till triple bottom line & regenerativ hållbarhet / Agenda 2030 & Swedish Textile Companies : in relation to triple bottom line & regenerative sustainabilityLind, Alma, Darakhshan, Liza, Romero, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Det är centralt för textilföretag idag att implementera hållbarhet i deras strategier och affärsmodell, ett organisatoriskt dokument som syftar till att redovisa ett företags hållbarhetsarbete gentemot deras intressenter är hållbarhetsredovisningar. FNs 17 globala mål (Agenda 2030) tillgodoser företag världen över med riktlinjer och fokusområden inom hållbar utveckling. Agenda 2030 har blivit ett verktyg som används i samband med hållbarhetsredovisning. Studien syftar till att undersöka svenska textilföretags hållbarhetsarbete kopplat till Agenda 2030 för att ge en ökad förståelse för hur textilföretag arbetar med Agenda 2030 målen med utgångspunkt i det traditionella ramverket triple bottom line i relation till det moderna ramverket regenerativ hållbarhet. Studien ligger till grund för vidare forskning kring huruvida FNs globala mål behöver uppdateras för att bli ett verktyg för att uppnå regenerativ hållbarhet. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod baserad på dokumentstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett målstyrt urval. Urvalsprocessen har utgångspunkt i att kartlägga svenska företag som är verksamma inom textilbranschen och arbetar med hållbarhet. I samband med att det empiriska materialet samlades in pågick analysarbete kontinuerligt där det identifierades fem kategorier som syftar till att kartlägga empirin och ligga till grund för en djupgående analys. Teoretiskt Perspektiv: Studien utgår från två teoretiska ramverk, triple bottom line vilket bygger på de tre tre dimensionerna av hållbarhet social, miljömässig och ekonomisk. Följt av regenerativ hållbarhet vilket adderar ett nytt synsätt på hållbarhetsarbetet baserat på återställa, bevara och förbättra. En kort presentation av hur de teoretiska ramverken relaterar till varandra presenteras initialt. Resultat/Analys & Slutsatser: Studien baseras på 12 svenska textilföretag, där majoriteten arbetar med Agenda 2030 samt hållbarhetsredovisar. Fem kategorier identifierades; samarbeten, transparens, produkt, cirkularitet och prioriteringar i empiri och analys. Dessa användes för att kartlägga vilka av Agenda 2030 målen som prioriteras inom textilbranschen och hur det avspeglar sig i textilföretags hållbarhetsarbete, samt om det finns ett samband mellan textilföretags hållbarhetsarbete med Agenda 2030 och regenerativ hållbarhet. Baserat på studien prioriteras främst mål 8, 12, 13 och 17 inom textilbranschen. I slutsats skiljer sig hållbarhetsarbetet med målen åt på olika textilföretag beroende på hur dem prioriterar målen samt arbetar med hållbarhet och huruvida företaget kopplar Agenda 2030 till sina interna mål. Det finns både ett indirekt och direkt samband med regenerativ hållbarhet kopplat till Agenda 2030 beroende på hur textilföretagens hållbarhetsarbete och hållbarhetsredovisningar är utformade. / Today it is crucial for textile companies to implement sustainability in their strategies and overall business model, sustainability reports are an organizational document that aims to mediate a company's sustainability work to its different stakeholders. The UN's 17 Global Goals (Agenda 2030) provide companies worldwide with guidelines and focus areas on sustainable development. Agenda 2030 has become a tool used in connection with sustainability reporting. The study examines Swedish textile companies' sustainability work linked to Agenda 2030 to provide an increased understanding of how textile companies implement the UN’s 17 Global Goals. Based on the traditional triple bottom line framework in relation to the modern regenerative sustainability framework. The study forms the basis for further research on whether Agenda 2030 needs to be updated to become a tool for achieving regenerative sustainability. Methodology: The study applies a qualitative research method with a document study and semi-structured interviews based on a goal-oriented sampling. The sampling process is based on Swedish companies within the textile industry that prioritize sustainability. The empirical material was collected and analyzed continuously, five categories were identified which aim to form the base for an in-depth analysis, discussion, and lastly conclusion. Theoretical Perspective: The study is based on two theoretical frameworks, triple bottom line which includes the three dimensions of sustainability; social, environmental, and economic. Followed by regenerative sustainability, which provides a new perspective on sustainability based on restoring, preserving, and improving. A short presentation on how the two frameworks relate to each other is presented. Empirical analysis and Conclusion: The study is based on 12 Swedish textile companies, where the majority work with Agenda 2030 and sustainability reporting. Five categories were identified during the empirical analysis; collaborations, transparency, product, circularity, and priorities. The five categories were used in order to conclude which of the UN’s 17 Global Goals are prioritized within the textile industry and how it is implemented in companies' sustainability work. Also regarding whether there is a linkage between textile companies' sustainability work, implementation of Agenda 2030, and regenerative sustainability. In conclusion, the most prioritized of the UN’s Global Goals within the textile industry are; 8, 12, 13, and 17. Sustainability work in linkage with Agenda 2030 differs depending on how the specific textile company chooses to prioritize the goals, on their sustainability strategies, and whether they connect Agenda 2030 directly to their internal objectives. There is both a direct and indirect correlation between regenerative sustainability and Agenda 2030, depending on the specific textile companies' sustainability work and reporting structure, strategy, and objectives.
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Upphandlingar och affärsmodeller för ökad textilåtervinning : En studie om svenska regioner / Procurement and business models for increased textile recycling : A study of Swedish regionsVirgin, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Givet det ohållbara resursuttag som idag krävs för att tillgodose samhällets konsumtion, föreligger ett stort behov att övergå till en mer cirkulär ekonomi. En nyckelkomponent i denna övergång är att utifrån avfallshierarkin förbättra vår avfallshantering, exempelvis genom att se till att öka andelen som går till materialåtervinning och minska den som går till energiåtervinning. En strategi som föreslagits för detta är Product Service Systems (PSS), som till stor del går ut på att övergå till affärsmodeller med en högre grad av tjänstefiering, vilket innebär att en större del av värdeskapandet utgår från tjänster iställer för produkter. Med hänseende på behovet av cirkularitet är detta synnerligen aktuellt för textilier. Till skillnad från många andra material som glas och papper, återvinns textilier nästan inte alls i Sverige. Däremot har vissa pilotprojekt etablerats på senare år, framförallt för att ta hand om svenska regioners sjukvårdstextilier då dessa flöden har en högre grad av homogenitet än konsumenttextilier. Med offentliga upphandlingsprocessens potential till förändring som utgångspunkt, genomfördes intervjuer med relevanta aktörer inom värdekedjan för textilåtervinning i tre regioner. Dessa intervjuer utgjorde ett underlag för att utreda huruvida en högre grad av tjänstefiering bör influera regionerna i deras upphandlingsprocess samt vilken roll övriga aktörer kan spela i skiftet mot en högre grad av textilåtervinning. Trots en varierande grad av tjänstefiering i de tre regionerna fanns ett stort överlapp i vilka hinder och möjligheter till en ökad grad av textilåtervinning som identifierades, inte bara av representanterna för regionen utan även övriga aktörer. Ett brett konsensus fanns om att en informationsasymmetri mellan region och leverantör existerade, även om de föreslagna lösningarna på detta varierade. Många av de lösningar som föreslogs som svar på de identifierade hindren hade kommunikation som ett centralt tema. Trots att PSS ofta lyfts som ett sätt att facilitera kommunikation mellan aktörerna, tycks de varierande graderna av tjänstefiering i fallstudierna inte vara den avgörande faktorn för huruvida värdekedjan präglas av bättre förutsättningar för ökad textilåtervinning. Den kommunikation som värdekedjans aktörer efterfrågar, föreslås istället faciliteras av horisontell kommunikation mellan regionerna, där erfarenheter och insikter från innovativa upphandlingsprocesser kan dissemineras till andra regioner, samt genom vertikala kommunikationsplattformar där värdekedjans aktörer kan erbjudas insikt i varandras problemformuleringar och behov. Vidare valde många aktörer att belysa värdet av långsiktighet i relationerna, något som Lagen om Offentlig Upphandling (LOU) i viss mån tycks utgöra ett hinder för, delvis på grund av de tidsmässiga avtalsbegränsningar som finns idag. Relaterat till detta ansågs även avfallstaxonomin utgöra ett hinder för etablerandet av cirkulära textillösningar. Dessa slutsatser påkallar behovet av att se över dessa lagar, framförallt utifrån ett cirkulärt perspektiv, till skillnad från det linjära perspektiv som präglade tiden då dessa utformades. / Given the unsustainable extraction of resources required today to meet society's current levels of consumption, the urgency to move towards a more circular economy is acute. A key component in this transition is to improve our waste management in accordance with the waste hierarchy, for example by ensuring an increase in the share of material recycling. One strategy that has been proposed for this is Product Service Systems (PSS), which largely involves moving to business models with a higher degree of servicification, meaning that a larger part of the value creation is based on services instead of products. With regards to this need for circularity, textiles are a particularly relevant topic. As opposed to other materials such as glass and paper, textile recycling is practically non-existent in Sweden today. However, some pilot projects have been established in recent years, primarily to handle the waste streams of healthcare textiles stemming from Swedish regions, as these flows have a higher degree of homogeneity than consumer textiles. With the capacity for change inherent in the public procurement framework used as a starting point, interviews were conducted with relevant actors in the textile recycling value chain for three regions. These interviews formed a basis for investigating whether a higher degree of servicification should influence the regions in their procurement process and what role other actors can play in the transition towards a value chain with a higher degree of textile recycling. Despite a varying degree of servicification in the three regions, there was a considerable overlap in the obstacles and opportunities identified by the actors as important in the work towards an increased degree of textile recycling, not only by representatives of the regions themselves but also by other actors. There was a broad consensus that an information asymmetry between region and supplier existed, although the solutions proposed to this end varied. Many of the solutions that surfaced in response to the identified obstacles had communication as a central theme. Although PSS is often highlighted as a way of facilitating communication between actors, the varying degree of servicification in the case studies do not seem to be the decisive factor as to whether the value chain is conducive to an increased textile recycling or not. Rather, the type of communication that the actors in the value chain favored, were suggested to be facilitated by both horizontal communication between regions, where insights gained through the deployment of innovative procurement processes could be disseminated to other regions, as well as through vertical communication platforms where the actors in the value chain can acquire insight into each other's respective view of what difficulties and needs exist in the value chain. Furthermore, many actors chose to highlight the value of long-term relationships in the value chain, which the Public Procurement Act (LOU) to a certain extent seems to discourage today, partly because of the constraints on the duration of the contracts between the supplier and the region. Additionally, the waste taxonomy was also considered to be an obstacle to the establishment of circular textile solutions. These conclusions call for a review of these laws, primarily from a circular perspective, as opposed to the linear perspective that characterized the time when they were drafted.
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Evolution, Not Revolution: The Effect of New Deal Legislation on Industrial Growth and Union Development in Dallas, TexasWelch, M. Courtney 08 1900 (has links)
The New Deal legislation of the 1930s would threaten Dallas' peaceful industrial appearance. In fact, New Deal programs and legislation did have an effect on the city, albeit an unbalanced mixture of positive and negative outcomes characterized by frustrated workers and industrial intimidation. To summarize, the New Deal did not bring a revolution, but it did continue an evolutionary change for reform. This dissertation investigated several issues pertaining to the development of the textile industry, cement industry, and the Ford automobile factory in Dallas and its labor history before, during, and after the New Deal. New Deal legislation not only created an avenue for industrial workers to achieve better representation but also improved their working conditions. Specifically focusing on the textile, cement, and automobile industries illustrates that the development of union representation is a spectrum, with one end being the passive but successful cement industry experience and the other end being the automobile industry union efforts, which were characterized by violence and intimidation. These case studies illustrate the changing relationship between Dallas labor and the federal government as well as their local management. Challenges to the open shop movement in Dallas occurred before the creation of the New Deal, but it was New Deal legislation that encouraged union developers to recruit workers actively in Dallas. Workers' demands, New Deal industrial regulations, and union activism created a more urban, modern Dallas that would be solidified through the industrial demands for World War II.
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