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Youtubers och Journalister : en kvalitativ studie om hur svenska Youtubers och journalister arbetar med innehåll på YouTube och i webb-TVHammarfeldt, Emma, Nylund, Harald January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur journalister i formatet webb-TV och Youtubers arbetar med innehåll i sina inslag och videor. Det empiriska materialet består av 50 inslag från fem utvalda plattformar för webb-TV respektive 50 videor från fem utvalda YouTube-kanaler som har analyserats utifrån ett kodschema. Det empiriska materialet består även av intervjuer med tre journalister och tre Youtubers. I en kvalitativ innehållsanalys fick två testpersoner, utifrån kodschemat med angivna definitioner, analysera totalt fyra videor, två webb-TV inslag och två YouTube-videor. Forskningsfrågorna till denna studie är ”hur ser innehållet ut på fem, av uppsatsförfattarna, valda YouTube-kanaler respektive fem plattformar för webb-TV?” samt ”vad kan journalister som arbetar i formatet webb-TV lära av Youtubers när det kommer till det innehållsmässiga?” Youtubers, till skillnad från journalister, är inte pålagda att göra en nyhetsvärdering av innehållet. De lyder inte under ett yrkesetiskt regelverk med samstämmiga krav på ett demokratiskt ansvar gentemot sin publik. Youtubers kan anpassa och utforma sitt material och därmed förmedla egna åsikter och värderingar i innehållet. Den här studien har även påvisat att Youtubers har en mer personlig kontakt med sina tittare, till skillnad från journalister, som förväntas producera innehåll som är objektivt, sakligt och informativt. För vidare forskning inom ämnet kan en enkätstudie genomföras i syfte att reda ut och undersöka hur tittarna själva vill involveras och på vilka sätt de föredrar att kommentera innehållet. För vidare forskning är det även av stort värde att lyfta fram fler kvinnliga journalisters och kvinnliga Youtubers röster och åsikter när det kommer till innehållet.
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Sociologický výzkum televizního chování. Faktory ovlivňující dobu strávenou sledováním televize / Sociological research of TV audience behaviour. Factors determining the time spent watichng TVSlavíčková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Sociological Research of TV Audience Behaviour Factors Determining The Time Spent Watching TV ABSTRACT The thesis deals with the phenomenon of TV viewing and with TV audience behaviour research. The theoretical part demarcates watching TV within leisure activities and deals with the question of motivation for watching TV as well. It also mentions the approach of people who intentionally try to exclude TV from their life. The text does not omit even the important contemporary determinants of watching TV - Internet and digitization of TV broadcasting. Subsequently, the main methods of TV audience behaviour research in the Czech Republic are introduced. In the empirical part, the main factors that most affect the time spent watching TV are being identified - first through separate elementary analyses and afterwards through searching for a regression model that would best predict the time spent watching TV for individuals and groups based on their socio-demographic and other characteristics. Keywords: television, time spent watching TV, watching TV, ATS, Peoplemeter, TVmeter, TV viewer, TV audience behaviour research
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A reportKeevers, Mary Liz 01 December 1998 (has links)
This report discusses an internship at WDSU-TV New Orleans. The objective of the internship was to experience the production of a live segment in a daily television news show, and the challenges that go along with it.
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Idag lever Kjell med Britt-Marie : En kritisk diskursanalys av framställningen av homosexualitet i TV-reklam / Today Kjell lives with Britt-Marie : A critical discourse analysis of the portrayal of homosexuality in television commercialsKristensson, Sophia, Olsson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur homosexualitet skildras i svensk TV-reklam. Detta med anledning av mediers möjligheter till att påverka publiken samt utifrån heteronormen i samhället. För att uppfylla målet med studien har ett par frågeställningar formulerats: “Vilka diskursiva teman framkommer i resultatet och vad säger de om framställningen av homosexualitet i TV-reklam?” och “Skiljer sig framställningen av homosexualitet från framställningen av heterosexualitet och i så fall hur?”. Sex olika reklamfilmer som har visats i svensk TV under olika perioder mellan år 2012-2016 har analyserats. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av representationsteori, queerteori samt multimodal kritisk diskursanalys, förkortat MCDA. Analysarbetet grundas på MCDA som metod. Olika analysbegrepp inom metoden har använts för att utforma ett analysschema som möjliggjort analysen av materialet. Studiens resultat har delats upp i fem olika diskursiva teman. De teman som framkommit är heterosexualitet som norm, handling som bygger på homosexualitet, bred representation, homosexualitet lämnas okommenterat och frånvaro av stereotyper. Den främsta slutsatsen i studien är att heteronormen genomsyrar TV-reklam där homosexualitet framställs. Utöver detta visar studiens teman på att det inte finns några specifika stereotyper av homosexuella personer i reklamfilmerna, att homosexualitet i vissa fall används som något centralt i reklamfilmen och något som för handlingen framåt. Det förekommer även reklamfilmer när homosexualitet gestaltas, men lämnas helt okommenterat.
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Att skriva musik till TV : Ett konstnärligt arbete om populärmusik i amerikanska TV-serier / Writing music for television : A bachelor thesis about popular music in american TV-showsKareld, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is about writing and producing music for the specific purpose of being used in American drama television shows. It began with an analysis of a number of different television shows and how they use popular music. Based on that analysis, I then wrote seven songs that were supposed to work in a similar scenario. I also recorded and arranged three of these songs.
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A televisão na era da convergência digital das mídias. Uma reflexão sobre a comunicação comunitária / Television in the era of digital media convergence: a reflection about community communicationFeitosa, Deisy Fernanda 02 July 2015 (has links)
Com o sistema binário e a convergência digital das mídias, dispositivos de comunicação como celulares, computadores e até mesmo aparelhos receptores de televisão deixam de desempenhar apenas a função principal para a qual foram desenvolvidos e passam a se constituir, devido à interoperabilidade de sistemas e à internet, em meios para os quais confluem serviços e linguagens. Se olharmos especialmente para a televisão, notaremos imediatamente que a forma de vê-la ganha novos moldes. O aparelho separa-se do conteúdo. O sinal da TV deixa seu corpo físico e passa a navegar pelo horizonte binário. Ela fica, assim, emancipada do seu corpo material - o aparelho televisor -, e pode ser acompanhada em outras plataformas e dispositivos, aumentando, desse modo, a sua difusão e as possibilidades de canal de retorno para emissores e receptores. Esta pesquisa acompanha o cenário de implantação da TV digital no Brasil e no mundo e reflete acerca das influências e transformações trazidas ao cotidiano da sociedade e aos espaços públicos pelo sistema digital e pela internet. A tese foi estruturada em cinco capítulos, que perpassam diferentes aspectos relacionados à televisão: a sua história e cronologia, os princípios tecnológicos que regem o seu funcionamento, as linguagens que a caracterizam, a sua colocação no cenário convergente e a sua influência no cotidiano das pessoas. No trabalho, trago o resultado de um estudo de caso realizado no ano de 2014, durante um Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior na Universidade Sapienza de Roma e uma visita técnica às universidades de Brighton e Portsmouth. Essa etapa da pesquisa permitiu-me conhecer in loco o panorama atual desses países, dois anos após a conclusão do switch off, analisar a relação dos italianos e ingleses com a mídia televisiva e com as outras mídias de comunicação digital e a relação/abertura das suas emissoras televisivas para com as novas modalidades de transmissão de conteúdos nas plataformas digitais. Para isso, além buscar fontes bibliográficas, entrevistei pesquisadores e profissionais da área de radiodifusão e telecomunicações que participaram diretamente do processo de transição analógico-digital da TV. Na tese, também faço o relato de uma pesquisa de campo realizada na zona leste de São Paulo, desenvolvida em conjunto com educadores e educandos do Intermídia Cidadã, um coletivo pertencente ao Núcleo de Comunicação Comunitária da Fundação Tide Setubal. A experiência, realizada com base na Produção Partilhada do Conhecimento, serviu para divulgar a chegada da televisão digital e do apagão analógico, refletir sobre os conteúdos da TV aberta brasileira e observar as possibilidades trazidas pela TV digital para o exercício da comunicação comunitária. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, empregou os métodos de procedimento experimental e comparativo e levantou dados através de questionário, entrevistas em áudio e vídeo, oficinas, debates e consultas bibliográficas. Dentre os autores citados, posso destacar: Mikhail Bakhtin, Lúcia Santaella, Sérgio Bairon, Arlindo Machado, Jesús Martín-Barbero, Gérman Rey, Nicholas Negroponte, Arlindo Machado, Eugênio Bucci, Manuel Castells, Clay Shriky, Henry Jenkins, Alberto Marinelli, Néstor García Canclini, Almir Almas, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, Walter Benjamin, Rafael Ruiz e Márcia Tiburi. / With the emergence of the binary system and the convergence of digital media, communication devices such as cellular phones, computers and even television receivers have now taken on more than just the main functions for which each was developed. They are now part of, due to the interoperability between systems and the Internet, systems of which services and languages are now integrated to as well. If one was to focus entirely on television, it can be observed that television watching has now received new forms. The device itself is separate from the content. The TV signal moves away from its physical form and begins to navigate on the binary field. Thus, it is emancipated of its material form - the television device - and can now be seen on other platforms and devices, hence raising the signal\'s distribution and the possibilities of return channels to transmitters and receivers. This research has closely followed the digital television implementation scenario in Brazil and in the world, and observes the influences and transformations in introduced to society\'s daily routine and to the public arena by the digital system and the Internet. The thesis is structured in five parts that run through the different aspects related to television: its timeline and history, the technological principles that command its operation, the languages that distinguish it, its placement in the converging scenario, and is influence in society\'s daily routine. This project presents the result of a case study performed in 2014, during my Research Internship at the University of Sapienza, in Rome. It also includes data gathered during technical visits to the universities in Brighton and Portsmouth. This stage of the research allowed me to observe the current panorama of these countries in loco, two years after the switch off. It also gave me the opportunity to analyze the relationship of the Italians and the English with television media, as well as with other digital communications media and the relationship/opening of the television transmitters of each country to new transmission modalities of content on digital platforms. In order to perform this leg of the research, in addition to searching in bibliographical sources, I interviewed researchers and professionals of the radio broadcasting and telecommunications fields, who had directly participated in the analogue-digital TV transition process. In this thesis, I also present a report of a field study done in the East Side of São Paulo city. This study was developed with the help of educators and pupils of Intermídia Cidadã, a collaboration that belongs to the Community Communication Nucleus of the Tide Setubal Foundation. The experience, based on the Shared Production of Information, was helpful to showcase the arrival of digital television and the analogue blackout. It was also useful to consider the content of public TV in Brazil and to analyze the possibilities now available through digital TV for community communication. This research, of qualitative and quantitative intent, applied comparative and experimental methods and collected data through surveys, audio and video interviews, workshops, debates and bibliographic research. Among the authors mentioned, I would like to make special reference to the following: Mikhail Bakhtin, Lúcia Santaella, Sérgio Bairon, Arlindo Machado, Jesús Martín-Barbero, Gérman Rey, Nicholas Negroponte, Arlindo Machado, Eugênio Bucci, Manuel Castells, Clay Shriky, Henry Jenkins, Alberto Marinelli, Néstor García Canclini, Almir Almas, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, Walter Benjamin, Rafael Ruiz and Márcia Tiburi.
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CollaboraTVware: uma infra-estrutura ciente de contexto para suporte a participação colaborativa no cenário da TV Digital Interativa. / CollaboraTVware: a context-aware infrastructure with support for collaborative participation in an Interactive Digital TV environment.Alves, Luiz Gustavo Pacola 13 October 2008 (has links)
O advento da TV Digital Interativa no mundo modifica, em definitivo, a experiência do usuário em assistir a TV, tornando-a mais rica principalmente pelo uso do recurso da interatividade. Os usuários passam a ser pró-ativos e começam a interagir das mais diversas formas: construção de comunidades virtuais, discussão sobre um determinado conteúdo, envio de mensagens e recomendações, dentre outras. Neste cenário a participação dos usuários de forma colaborativa assume um papel importante e essencial. Aliado a isso, a recepção na TV Digital Interativa é feita através de dispositivos computacionais que, devido à convergência digital, estão presentes cada vez mais em meios ubíquos. Um outro fator preponderante a considerar, resultante desta mídia, corresponde ao crescimento da quantidade e diversidade de programas e serviços interativos disponíveis, dificultando, assim, a seleção de conteúdo de maior relevância. Diante dos fatos expostos, esta pesquisa tem como principal objetivo propor e implementar uma infra-estrutura de software no cenário da TV Digital Interativa intitulada CollaboraTVware para orientar, de forma transparente, os usuários na escolha de programas e serviços interativos através da participação colaborativa de outros usuários com perfis e contextos similares. No escopo deste trabalho, a participação colaborativa corresponde às avaliações atribuídas por usuários no sentido de expressar opiniões sobre os conteúdos veiculados. As modelagens de usuário, do dispositivo utilizado e do contexto da interação do usuário, essenciais para o desenvolvimento do CollaboraTVware, são representadas por padrões de metadados flexíveis usados no domínio da TV Digital Interativa (MPEG-7, MPEG-21 e TV-Anytime), e suas devidas extensões. A arquitetura do CollaboraTVware é composta por dois subsistemas: dispositivo do usuário e provedor de serviços. A tarefa de classificação, da teoria de mineração de dados, é a abordagem adotada na concepção da infra-estrutura. O conceito de perfil de uso participativo é apresentado e discutido. Para demonstrar e validar as funcionalidades do CollaboraTVware em um cenário de uso, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação (EPG colaborativo) como estudo de caso. / The advent of the Interactive Digital TV around the world transforms, ultimately, the user experience in watching TV, making it richer mainly by enabling user interactivity. The users become pro-active and begin to interact with very different ways: building virtual communities, discussion about contents, sending messages and recommendations etc. In this scenario the user participation in a collaborative assumes an important and essential role. Additionally, the reception in Interactive Digital TV is done by devices that due to digital convergence are increasingly present in ubiquitous environments. Another preponderant issue to consider, resulting from this media, is the growing of the number and diversity of programs and interactive services available, increasing the difficulty of selecting relevant content. Thus, the main objective of this work is to propose and implement a software infrastructure in an Interactive Digital Television environment entitled CollaboraTVware to guide in a transparent way, users in the choice of programs and interactive services through the collaborative participation of other users with similar profiles and contexts. In the scope of this work, the collaborative participation corresponds to the rating given by users in order to express opinions about the content transmitted. The modeling of user, device used and context of user interaction, essential for the development of CollaboraTVware, are represented by granular metadata standards used in the field of Interactive Digital TV (MPEG-7, MPEG-21 and TV-Anytime), and its extensions needed. The CollaboraTVware architecture is composed of two subsystems: user device and service provider. The classification task, from the theory of data mining, is the approach adopted in the infrastructure design. The concept of participative usage profile is presented and discussed. To demonstrate the functionalities in a use scenario, was developed an application (collaborative EPG) as a case study which uses the CollaboraTVware.
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Dialect representation : Language varieties in The Witcher 3: The Wild HuntMattsson, Emil January 2018 (has links)
This study examines the dialect representation in CD PROJEKT RED's video game The Witcher: Wild Hunt. The study intends to contribute to an already narrow sociolinguistic field of research of how dialects are represented in video games, more precisely role-playing games. The purpose of this study is to find out: 1) What are the pronunciation, word choice and grammar features of the farmer Bruno and the Witcher Geralt in the game, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and 2) What social status, class, traits are the two characters' pronunciation, word choice and grammar features associated with?. The study looked into language varieties, regional dialects and stereotyping with support from sociolinguistic variables to help analysing the dialects. Character 1 was assumed to use West Country English. Character 2 was assumed to have a General American dialect. Each dialect was compared to dialects with similar linguistic features, and the case for each dialect was argued and proved through analysing the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The study had two assumptions, 1) that the dialects used in The Witcher: Wild Hunt were used because of the real-life associations they have. There was no clear answer to this. However, it could be suggested that there indeed was a deliberate choice to assign the characters with their dialects, since many linguistic features correlated to real-life dialects and so did the associations we make with the dialect. The first character of low socioeconomic background and low social status had a dialect often associated with these traits. The second character had a linguistically neutral language, and had a dialect associated with similar traits. The second hypothesis was 2) the dialects in The Witcher: Wild Hunt run a risk of enforcing stereotypes. This was vaguely proven to be true, as it depends on how aware the players are when they play the game, as they might otherwise subconsciously enforce them. Disregarding the stereotypes as humorous representations was argued to be equally dangerous as a simple dismissal might do harm as well.
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Instabilidades recorrentes da TV pública: estudo de caso: Brasil e Colômbia / Recurrent instabilities of public television: case study: Brazil and ColombiaPereira, Liana Maria Milanez 18 October 2017 (has links)
Esta tese procura fazer um breve percurso na história de duas emissoras públicas latinoamericanas a TV Brasil e a Señal Colombia -, com ênfase nas mudanças de gestão, decorrentes de suas vinculações aos governos. Pesquisamos suas trajetórias para demonstrar as descontinuidades nos processos de gestão e buscamos entender, em uma revisão bibliográfica, a noção de televisão pública, um conceito em crise e em disputa. Por se definirem como emissoras educativas e culturais, investigamos o que representa esse binômio e como estas se apresentam institucionalmente, usando esses significados como indispensáveis na formação da cidadania. Optamos por traçar paralelos, apontando diferenças e similaridades entre as duas emissoras, ao invés de um estudo comparativo, respeitando as diferenças socioculturais e históricas de cada país. / This thesis aims to review the history of two Latin American public broadcasters - TV Brasil and Señal Colombia focusing on management changes related to their attachment to governments. We searched its trajectories to demonstrate the discontinuities in themanagement processes, and we tried to understand, in a bibliographical review, the notion of public television, a concept in crisis and indispute. By defining themselves as educational and cultural broadcasters, we investigate what this binomial represents and how they appear institutionally, using those indispensable meanings for the formation of citizenship. We chose to draw parallels, pointing out differences and similarities between the two broadcasters, rather than a comparative study, respecting the socio-cultural and historical differences of each country.
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Examining the consumption of advertising through a female lens : a 3 year study of retailer Christmas TV advertisingCartwright, Joanna January 2018 (has links)
The development of relevant and engaging advertising message appeals is a critical element of retail marketing strategy. Achieving advertising resonance with female consumers is beneficial to brand building, and eliciting positive feelings and emotions lies at the heart of effective advertising development. This is particularly important at Christmas when retailers need to attract attention, engage consumers and encourage women to buy. This thesis addresses the increasingly prevalent phenomenon of retailer Christmas TV advertising in the UK. It seeks to understand women’s perceptions of the Christmas advertisements of four retailers over a three year period 2011-2013 in order to examine the way in which advertising message appeal engages consumers and reflects the retailer. It therefore illuminates the relationship between female consumers, the advert and retailer. Research in the area of advertising relies heavily on quantitative studies that reflect the often normative approach to advertising planning and development. This thesis, through its social constructionist theoretical standpoint, informs the methodological nature of the study. Such an approach offers insight and meaning in connection with the advertising message appeals used by retailers as it seeks to interpret the Christmas advertisement phenomenon from a consumer perspective. The Christmas TV advertisements of four retailers (John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, Matalan, and TK Maxx) are selected as an empirical focus and the study offers a longitudinal approach in its design. Dialogues are subsequently maintained with the primary consumer targets of the retailers’ advertisements over a three year period. The study evidences the most effective advertising appeals and the power of emotional advertising that reflects both consumer and brand. The findings demonstrate the ways in which consumers use Christmas advertising in their festive preparations, how women consume Christmas advertising and its associated images of family and feelings of love and illustrate the relationship between the advert and perceptions of the retailer. This thesis makes contributions in a number of ways. First it is an original qualitative study that examines women’s constructions of retailer Christmas TV advertising message appeals and their effects. Second it extends insight into the field of retailer brand research through its social constructionist approach. Finally the consumer narratives illuminate the ways in which advertising is received by consumers and in doing so addresses a lack of qualitative research in the field. The constructionist approach to investigating this phenomenon has further applications in the field of advertising research which provides a wealth of opportunity in terms of its breadth. In particular the approach has value in the area of retailer advertising.
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