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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TT-FLASH: Explosion i Oslo : En undersökning om SVT:s, TV4:s och SR:s bevakning av terrordåden i Norge 2011

Berg, Alexander, von Schoenberg, Nichol January 2011 (has links)
Den 22 juli 2011 utförde Anders Behring Breivik det värsta terrorattentatet i Norge i modern tid. Svenska medier valde att lägga alla sina resurser på att bevaka katastrofen i grannlandet. I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur SVT, SR och TV4 arbetade med bevakningen. Studien som behandlar nyhetsbevakningens första dygn, går in på vilka etiska, praktiska och källkritiska problem som respektive kanals nyhetsredaktioner ställdes inför (inklusive webben). Vi tar även upp hur arbetet och bemanningen organiserades. Det empiriska materialet bygger på forskningsintervjuer med nyhetschefer, reportrar och webbredaktörer. Studien bygger på Lee B. Beckers och Tudor Vlads översikt om organisering och rutiner på nyhetsorganisationer. Fungerande nyhetsrutiner är ett krav i dagens medielandskap. Nyhetsrutiner används av journalister för att kunna producera nyheter under tidspressade förhållanden. Att dåden skedde en fredagseftermiddag under semestertider försvårade arbetet för redaktionerna. Framför allt SVT och TV4 var underbemannade. Vårt resultat visar också att nyhetsredaktionerna slet med tekniska problem. Framför allt handlar det om reportrar på plats i Norge som hade svårt att få hem sitt material till Sverige. I de fall obekräftade uppgifter publicerades uppgavs alltid uppgiftens källa. Etiska problem som redaktörer och reportrar fick ta ställning till handlade främst om bildmaterial som ansågs för obehagliga eller innehöll bilder på offer som var identifierbara. Även intervjuer med chockade anhöriga diskuterades. Samtliga beslut togs från fall till fall. Studien visar att de undersökta medierna var flexibla i sitt arbete. Den visar också hur beroende webbdeskarna är av tv- och radioredaktionernas arbete. Erfarenhet och flexibilitet hos journalister, nyhetschefer och övrig redaktionell personal gjorde att samtliga redaktioner trots tekniska problem och personalbrist klarade av nyhetsbevakningen. Det visar att redaktionernas nyhetsrutiner i grunden fungerade väl.

En rättvisande representation? : En undersökning av morgonprogrammens gäster och i vilken kontext de medverkar

Söderblom, Adam, Brandt Parkvall, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Title: A fair representation? A comparative study of the morning program guests and the context in which they are involved. Author: Hanna Brandt Parkvall & Adam Söderblom Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Purpose: This study aimed to investigate and compare the guests and the context in which they are involved, in the morning programs Gomorron Sverige on SVT1 and Nyhetsmorgon on TV4. The thesis is based on three questions that examine how representative the invited guests are in proportion to the country’s population, the subjects that occupy the most space and the types of guests that discuss these topics in the programs. Finally, it is investigated whether there are differences in the questions above between the two programs. Method/Material: The survey is based on a quantitative content analysis where 10 programs of each morning programs was studied and interpreted. Any guest who visited these programs were categorized into the variables gender, age, context (which identifies the context the guest is in) and space (which is measured in minutes and seconds) Main results: The survey 's key findings showed that both morning programs had a relatively good spread of their guests when it came to gender. When one takes the space in time into account, measured in minutes and seconds, as the male and female guests got on the shows, the result was different. The male guest had generally 1.25 minutes more time in both programs. The variables of age, ethnicity and context showed significant differences between the two programs. The program Nyhetsmorgon had greater variation in all the above categories. Common in both programs is that the older age groups (35-49 and 50-64) appeared the most. The two programs had no guest under 20. Ethnicity measured as minority or majority population, had low numbers in both channels in comparison with the fifth of the population that is foreign born or have two parents born abroad. That women and minorities have less space in the programs conform to the social theories, which describe a separation between “us and them”. Number of pages: 65 Course: Media and Communication studies C University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Period: Fall 2013 Keywords: Representation, gender, etnicity, TV

Damidrotten och den onda cirkeln : En jämförelse av public service och kommersiella etermediers sportrapportering

Lindqvist, Rebecka, Nathanson, Simone January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker kommersialiseringens påverkan på sportrapportering ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. TV-kanalerna SVT och TV4 ligger till grund för undersökningen och deras största sportprogram Sporten och Sportnytt jämförs. Frågeställningarna som besvaras i undersökningen handlar om hur könsfördelningen ser ut i kanalernas TV-sändningar, vilka idrotter som prioriteras samt hur kanalernas jämställdhetsarbete ser ut och motiveras. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är kommersialiseringsteori, genusteori och tokenism. Undersökningen består av en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen består av 51 sportsändningar från respektive kanal varav 460 inslag från TV4 och 549 inslag från SVT. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med kanalernas sportchefer.  Resultatet visar att SVT rapporterar om damidrott i högre utsträckning än TV4. Resultatet visar också att SVT har en tydligare utarbetad jämställdhetsplan än TV4 men att båda kanalerna strävar mot att bevaka damidrott i större utsträckning än vad de enligt våra mätningar gör i dagsläget. Undersökningen kommer fram till att orsakerna till varför damidrott är mindre bevakat än herridrott huvudsakligen beror på kommersialisering av sport och genusstrukturer.

Control room design for live televisednews casting / Kontrollrumdesign för direktsända nyheter

Weinl, Johan January 2015 (has links)
The progress of digital technologies within the television industry has led to moreadvanced equipment, both for private and professional use. One specific area wherethis development has been noticed is in control rooms used to conduct live or tapedtelevision broadcasts. To conduct "traditional" live broadcasted programs, a variety ofoperators in the control room works and each operator is responsible for one specificequipment, such as a sound engineers and vision engineer.The digitization of technical equipment has also meant that all equipment used duringa newscast can be controlled from other devices, for example an external computer.This concept is known as centralization. The centralization has made possible thatonly one or two operators can be in charge of conducting an entire broadcast. The aimof this investigation has been to investigate how the production has been affected bycentralization, not only from a technical point of view but also how all those involvedto create a newscast has been affected.The apparent result has been that the amount of staff in the control room has beenreduced and this has led to further consequences for the remaining staff in production.The centralization has resulted in a less costly production for the production companyin the long run, because of the decreasing in staff. It has also resulted in additionalwork task for all staff involved in creating and broadcasting the news.The extended technical task for the operators in a centralized control room has meantthat the priority of focusing on the visual parts of the broadcast have decreased andtherefore, the visual aspects have been neglected. This factor was confirmed both bythe television viewers and editorial staff during different focus groups.Wider technical knowledge as well as greater dedication towards the overallresponsibility to carry out a broadcast is required from the operators operating in acentralized control room. The editorial staffs extending tasks in the form of keepingtrack of time and writing different headlines hasn’t directly affected the work tasks inthe sense of news gathering and filtering, only that additional responsibility has beenadded to them.The general mistake that occurs when the broadcasting is conducted in centralizedcontrol rooms, for all involving in the production, are preparation mistakes. It can forexample be incorrect programming from the operators or misspellings conducted bythe editorial staff, which in a traditional control rooms isn’t as common. However,centralized control rooms have reduced the mistakes during an actual broadcast,contrary to traditional control rooms. This is because the centralization andcomputerization generally has removed vast mistakes caused out the human factor.

Röst och representation på TV : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av vems röst som representeras när och hur länge, kopplat till vilket inslag, i TV4s Nyhetsmorgon

Hahrs, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Is there a difference between whose voice is represented in individual elements in TV4’s morning show Nyhetsmorgon? This study aims to map out whose voice is represented in what segment of the show. To have a voice is an important building block in a modern democratic society. Additionally, the voices that are actually heard also need to originate from different people as the difference is important in the process of producing meaning. Nyhetsmorgon could operate as a platform for all voices to be heard, but instead of using the power they possess, they allocate the space unequally. Based on a quantitative content analysis, with a theoretical groundwork derived from Nick Couldry’s voice theory and Stuart Hall’s theory of representation, this study indicates under-representation of different voices and that certain qualifications are considered advantageous in how much someone is allowed to have their voice heard. The most common voice represented in Nyhetsmorgon is an adult female who is invited to function as a professional. She has a common Swedish first name, not necessarily a common Swedish surname, and gets to speak for about 3–4 minutes without any interruptions. She is not perceived to have a non-Nordic background. This invited guest appears, as such, most often in the culture and entertainment category.

”Ska du vara med i Spårlöst?” : en studie om hur Spårlöst framställer internationell adoption och internationellt adopterade / “Do you want to participate in Spårlöst?” : a study about how Spårlöst portrays international adoption and international adoptees

Carlström, Sunanda, Larsson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Vi har en uppfattning om att internationell adoption och internationellt adopterade ofta associeras med TV4:s tv-program Spårlöst. Det gör att programmet har stort inflytande över vilken bild av adoption och adopterade som sänds ut i media. Vi har därför valt att göra en kvalitativ textanalys som undersöker hur Spårlöst framställer internationell adoption och internationellt adopterade. Syftet med studien är att synliggöra och kritiskt granska framställningarna. Vi hoppas att studien ska bidra till ett mediesamhälle som inkluderar adoption och adopterade mer. Studien bygger på konstruktivism och dess inriktning socialkonstruktionism. Studiens analysmaterial är valt utifrån avsnitten som visades under säsongen hösten 2016 med hjälp av den dramaturgiska kurvan. Genom att använda oss av hermeneutiken kan vi tolka textens innehåll och urskilja framställningarna i programmet. Tolkningarna stöds även av barmhärtighetsprincipen. Studiens slutsatser är att internationell adoption främst framställs som en väg till bättre förutsättningar, men också som en vinstdrivande verksamhet och som osäkert. Ytterligare slutsatser är att adopterade ofta framställs som positiva till sin adoption. Adopterade framställs även som identitetssökande och nyfikna personer, men också som personer som värdesätter familjerelationer. / Our perception is that international adoption and international adoptees often are associated with the tv-program Spårlöst shown on TV4. This could mean that the program may have a great influence over the images of adoption and adoptees shown in media. Therefore, we have chosen to do a qualitative text analysis which examines how Spårlöst portrays international adoption and international adoptees. The purpose of the study is to highlight and critically view the portrayals. We hope our study will contribute to a more including media society concerning adoption and adoptees. The study is based on constructivism and its orientation on social constructionism. The study’s analytical material is chosen from the episodes that were shown in the fall season of 2016 by using the dramaturgical curve. We can interpret the content of the text and distinguish the portrayals in the program by using the hermeneutics. The interpretations are also supported by the principle of charity. The study’s conclusions are that international adoption mainly is portrayed as a way to better conditions, but also as a profit organization and as unsafe. Further conclusions are that adoptees often are portrayed as positive towards their adoption. The adoptees are also portrayed as identity seeking and curious people. The study also shows that adoptees value relationships within the family.

Fråga en man istället : En kvantitativ studie om hur könsfördelningen ser ut i SVT 1 Rapport och TV4-Nyheterna. / Ask a man instead : A quantitative study of the gender distribution in SVT 1 Rapport and TV4-Nyheterna

Johnsson, Hanna, Pfäffli, Zandra January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate if female and male reporters and interviewees get the same amount of time in the news feature in the Swedish news programs TV4-Nyheterna and SVT 1 Rapport. The aim of this study was also to investigate if there is a breakdown of the reporting lines between male and female reporters, that is, if they are reporting on various topics. In our study we also determined if the two television channels in any way are different when it comes to gender. Our main theory was that men are overrepresented both among reporters and interviewees and that they are dominant in both hard and soft news. We thought that SVT 1Rapport would have a better gender balance than TV4-Nyheterna because SVT 1 has been working on gender issues for a long time. We were using a quantitative content analysis to examine the 19:30 news on SVT 1 Rapport and 22:00 news on TV4-Nyheterna for two weeks in November 2010. We examined domestic and foreign news and determined how much time each sex got. Then we calculated the number of seconds and converted it into percent. The reason for this was because we wanted to compare the two television channels. Our study showed that men are overrepresented in both channels when it comes to reporters and interviewees in the news. Men are also the dominant sex in the provision of hard and soft news. TV4-Nyheterna, however, had a better gender balance than SVT 1 Rapport.

Tv:n, konkurrensen och behoven. : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om motivationen till användning av SVT1, TV4, SVT Play och TV4 Play. / The television, the competition andthe needs. : A quantitative survey study on the motivation touse of SVT1, TV4, SVT Play and TV4 Play.

Andersson, Julia, Ekros, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
This study aimed to find out the primary need of individuals ages 25-39 have, when it comes to using SVT1, TV4, SVT Play and TV4 Play and to assess how easy and useful the tv-channels are for them. The target group was individuals between ages25-39 who lives in Sweden. 139 individuals replied to the online form. Out of the 139 individuals 110 identified as women and 29 as male. The respondents werecategorized in residential demographics and education level. The study collected data from the target group by sending out an online form. The study used Excel to generate clear tables illustrating the results from the form. The study used a quantitative method with a convenience sampling technique. Uses & gratification and Technology acceptance model where the theories used in this study. The result shows that the primary need of the target group was entertainment and that they preferred online streaming services, and in particular SVT Play, rather than liner television. 2 of 5 people does not have linear television and the results shows a trend of using streaming services as the primary sours of television. Amongst the target group, exceptionally few did not have the streaming services SVT Play and TV4 Play.It was primarily male, individuals with high school education and individuals that lives in a sparsely populated rural areas that do not have linear television. Onefinding was that the target group tend to use SVT1 and SVT Play to satisfy the needs of information and new knowledge, in contrast to TV4 and TV4 Play. Themajority of respondents expressed that SVT1 and TV4 was easy to use, yet the results shows that just because something is easy, does not mean that its useful. Is also shows that something can be slightly difficult to use, but it is useful and therefore individual tend to use it any way.

Underhållning eller reklam? : En studie av produktplaceringar i "Finaste familjen".

Forsberg, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Every day people get in contact with thousands of messages. On the radio, on the train, on the street and through the television. Not too infrequently messages in the form of advertising for products and services from businesses companies. The need for product placement partnerships are increasing as the traditional advertising decreases in efficiency in parallel with the film productions that require increasingly large budgets. More products and services on the market is leading to bigger competition between companies about the consumers interest. It is increasingly important to be creative and to find modern strategies for successful marketing. A way to market a product or service is through product placement, a phenomenon in which a brand, service or product occurs in a context that is not really the intended. The main purpose of the study was to investegate the extent of product placements appearing in the swidish comedy series "My perfect family" and how product placements are used and what signification product placements have for both brands and identity. The analysis is based on scenes from the series' first episode where brand products appear (Samsung, Volkswagen, Tsarine, Porsche, Ferrari and Instagram). The selection is based on how eye-catching the products are. The clearer product placement the bigger opportunity to influence the film's character. To answer the first question a compilation of the clearest and most abundant investments during the first episode of "My perfect family" was made. The selected brands formed the basis for the semiotic analysis used to answer question nubmer two and three (how product placements are used and what significance they have for both brand and identity). One or two different scenes belonging to each brand were selected and analyzed. The analysis shows different types of product placement and product placement methods, based on Lehus (2007) and Russells (2002) different categorizations. The study of "My Perfect family" shows that both brands and brand identity are important for the character and identity. Characteristics that are associated with the brand strengthens the character's identity. Product placements provide the ability to define characters and enrich, clarify and illustrate the series based on a cultural context. Ill-conceived product placements can have an adverse effect if the placed brand product not fill a natural feature.

Kvällspressens bevakning av Paradise Hotel - då och nu.

Gabrielsson, Andreas, Haugen, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
I vår uppsats har vi undersökt hur medierapporteringen av dokusåpan Paradise Hotel har förändrats under tidsperioden 2005 till 2014. Vi har gjort detta genom att undersöka medierapporteringen över tid och jämfört Aftonbladets och Expressens pappersartiklar från de valda åren med varandra. De konkreta frågor som ställts till artiklarna är "hur har rubrikerna förändrats?", "vilken vinkling har artiklarna?", "hur beskrivs deltagarna?" samt "vilken sorts personer rapporteras det om mest?". Eftersom vår studie handlar om en förändrad medierapportering av en dokusåpa så kan den ses som ett fall av kvällspressens nöjesrapportering. Det vi har kommit fram till genom att studera de valda artiklarna är att de artiklar som publiceras i Aftonbladets och Expressens pappersupplagor som uppmärksammar Paradise Hotel i dag inte vinklas hårdare nu. Samtidigt har vi sett en förändring där media har gått från att beskriva programmet som något skandalomsusat till en mjukare beskrivning där negativa epitet som "sexsåpa" i lika hög grad som tidigare inte används i tidningsartiklar om programmet . Rapporteringens fokus har också flyttat från konflikter och bråk deltagarna emellan till sex, relationer och deltagarnas privatliv. Således gestaltas såväl programmet som dess deltagare på ett annorlunda sätt idag än vad de gjordes år 2005, dock nödvändigtvis inte hårdare

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