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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace právní úpravy agenturního zaměstnávání v České republice a Polské republice / Comparation of Czech and Polish regulation of temporary agency work

Czeczotka, Andrzej January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is regulation of temporary agency work in the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland. The stress is put mainly on the comparison of individual areas of regulation in both countries and describing the substantial differences. The goal of the paper is to contribute to better understanding of this special issue of the labour law and to introduce foreign incentives to the discussion about the pros and cons of the practice related to using temporary agency work in the Czech Republic. Finally this paper may also serve as a source of reflections de lege ferenda. In the first part this thesis focuses on the description of the basic characteristic of temporary agency work. The different points of view of this issue are introduced gradually, especially in the context of the other labour market services, next a brief description of the sources of international law in this area follows, and finally short historic excursus into the development of the regulation in Poland and the Czech Republic is presented. The second part is devoted to the public law regulation of temporary agency work, especially to acquiring the license for running a work agency and the obligations arising from the public law. Regulations in both states are divided into the separate chapters. The last part involves...

Hur upplever konsulter i bemanningsföretag sin arbetssituation hos kundföretag? / How do consultants from temporary work agencies experience their work situation at client companies?

Honkonen, Jonna, Nielsen, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Intresset för och inhyrning av bemanningskonsulter har ökat som en del av företags försök att bli flexiblare med arbetsstyrkan. Dock är bemanningsbranschen ung och forskning kring konsultyrket utifrån konsultens perspektiv anser vi vara begränsad. Studiens syfte var att bidra till ökad kunskap om konsultyrket genom en empirisk undersökning där intervjuer med bemanningskonsulter utförts. Forskningsfrågan var: Hur upplever konsulter från bemanningsföretag sin arbetssituation hos kundföretag? Studien har inspirerats av ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och empiri samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter som har erfarenheter från konsultyrket. Ansatsen i studien bedrevs deduktivt eftersom vi läst in oss kring ämnesområdet innan empirisk data samlades in. Utifrån tidigare forskning antog vi att konsultens upplevda arbetssituation påverkades antingen positivt eller negativt utifrån tre faktorer: Vilka förväntningar som finns på dem samt hur de behandlas av kundföretaget och kollegorna, vilka är anledningarna till att konsultyrket väljs samt deras arbetstillfredsställelse utifrån känslan av kontroll över arbetssituationen och relationerna inom kundföretaget. För att tolka det empiriska materialet användes tolkningsmodellen från den teoretiska referensramen. Meningar och ord i det transkriberade materialet markerades för att sedan jämföras med tidigare forskning och på så sätt finna samband och motsägelser. Vår slutsats var att konsulterna upplever sin arbetssituation antingen positivt eller negativt först och främst beroende på vilka förväntningar de har på yrket och uppdraget de anlitas för. Dessa förväntningar påverkas sedan av andra faktorer, som kundföretagets avsikt med att använda konsulten, hur mycket de involveras och hur väl de behandlas av både ledning, chefer samt kollegor. Beroende på vilka förväntningar konsulten har, får de andra faktorerna mer eller mindre påverkan på den upplevda arbetssituationen. / The interest for and hiring of consultants from temporary working agencies have increased as a part of companies' attempts to become more flexible with the workforce. The temporary staffing industry is yet young and we consider the research around the consultant profession limited, based on the consultants perspective. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about the consultant profession through an empirical research based on interviews with temporary agency workers. The research question was: How do consultants from temporary work agencies experience their work situation at client companies? This was a qualitative study and empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six respondents who has experience from the consultant profession. The study had a deductive approach as we had read about the subject area before the collection of data. From previous research we assumed that the experienced work situation by the consultants was affected either positive or negative by three factors: Which expectations and how they are treated by the client company and by their colleagues, which are the reasons to choose the consultant profession, and their job satisfaction based on the impression of control over the work situation and the relations within the client company. To translate the empirical material the analysis model from the theoretical framework was used. Sentences and words from the transcribed material were marked and then compared with previous research and thus find connections and contradictions. Our conclusions were that the consultants experience their work situation either positive or negative primarily depending on which expectations they have on the profession and the assignment they are hired for. These expectations then affect the other factors, as the client company’s intention to use the consultant, how involved they are and how well they are treated by executives, managers and colleagues. Depending on which expectations the consultant has, the other factors have more or less impact on the experienced work situation.

Att trivas men inte vilja stanna : Upplevelser av att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd / To thrive but don’t want to stay : Perceptions of being employed in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency, focusing on organizational commitment and social support

Olofsson, Hanna, Johannesson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
En bemanningsanställd har sin dagliga arbetsplats ute hos ett klientföretag, och inte hos sin arbetsgivare. Detta kan göra att kontakten med arbetsgivaren försvagas, vilket kan skapa speciella förutsättningar för organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det upplevs att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av organisationsriktad commitment, samt hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av socialt stöd. För att besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes intervjuer med sju anställda i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag. Resultatet visar att affektiv commitment är en betydande del av förklaringen till varför de för tillfället stannar kvar i bemanningsföretaget. Visst socialt stöd erhålls från bemanningsföretaget, medan annat föredras från arbetsplatserna. Det upplevs vara brist på informativt stöd, i form av information kring vad som gäller på respektive arbetsplats. Vidare visar resultatet att kontakten med samordningsansvarige är avgörande för såväl organisationsriktad commitment som socialt stöd. Upplevelsen av socialt stöd främjar upplevelsen av organisationsriktad commitment. Upplevelsen av socialt stöd påverkas av hur lång erfarenhet de har från arbetet inom kommunens skola och barnomsorg. Det framkommer också att synen på anställningens funktion påverkar upplevelsen av organisationsriktad commitment. / The daily workplace for a temporary agency worker takes place at a client company, and not at the employer. This can weaken the contact with the employer, which can create special conditions for organizational commitment and social support. The purpose of the study is to examine the perception of being employed in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency, focusing on organizational commitment and social support. The issues underlying the study are how the respondents perceive, and what influence their perceptions of organizational commitment to the temporary work agency, and how the respondents perceive and what influence their perceptions of social support from the temporary work agency. To answer the questions, interviews were conducted with seven employees in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency. The results show that affective commitment is a considerable part of the reason why they currently remain in the agency. Some social support is received from the temporary work agency, while other is preferred from the workplaces. A lack of informational support is perceived, regarding information about the routines in each workplace. Furthermore the results show that the contact with the coordinator is essential for organizational commitment as well as for social support. The perception of social support promotes the perception of organizational commitment. The perception of social support is influenced by the length of experience they have from working in the municipal schools and childcare. It also emerges that the view of the function of the employment influences the perception of organizational commitment.

Flexibilitet kontra anställningstrygghet : En studie av svensk rätt vid inhyrning av personal när återanställningsrätt föreligger

Hamark, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Because of the globalization, the labor market has been thru some changes and the need to be flexible has increased. The need of flexibility can be met by using temporary staff that is rent from a temporary-work agency.   In Sweden the regulation in Section 25 of the Swedish Employment Security Act (LAS) give previous employees priority right to re-employment when the employer is hiring new staff.  If the employer hire staff from a temporary-work agency instead of hiring new staff the priority right to re-employment is not applicable. The Swedish court of labor have judged that it is accepted to hire staff when there are former employees that have priority right to re-employment.   In 2010 this was an issue surrounded by discussions from the trade unions. The result of the discussions in 2010 was regulations in collective agreements. This means that each sector has their own regulation. Because of a segregated labor market, the consequence can be unequal protection in this area.   The purpose of this paper was to see if the protection is unequal and it might be. If you interpret the regulations in the collective agreements by just reading what they say the collective agreement that regulate female dominated sectors have a lower, if any special protection.

Teorie a praxe agenturního zaměstnávání / Theory and Practise of Temporary Agency Work

Horáková, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
Temporary agency work - it's legislation as well as its practise is the main topic of this thesis. It aims not only legal, but also economical and some other aspects. The issue is becoming more and more important in relation with unexpected changes at employment market. Number of temporary agency workers is expected to rise in near future. This is resulting from expectations for high-standard legislation providing efficient protection especially for temporary agency workers. The first aim is to summarize contemporary legislation in the Czech Republic, European Union and International Labour Organization. Next purpose is to point out its main problems and interpretation difficulties. Selected chapters illustrate the approach of temporary work agencies to some disputable provisions of a statute. The thesis is composed of fourteen chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of temporary agency work. Chapter One is introductory and defines concept of temporary agency work, focuses on situation on employment market and describes the development of legislation. Chapter Two provides outline of sources of legislation in the area of temporary agency work in the Czech Republic, European Union and International Labour Organization. Chapters Three to Ten deal with basic subjects taking part in...

Konsulters komplexa förhållande till organisationslojalitet mellan konsultföretag och kundföretag / The complexity of organizational commitment in temporary work employment

Masic, Admir, Karlsson Axelsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur heltidsanställda konsulter skattar sin affektiva organisationslojalitet mot konsultföretaget de är anställda av och kundföretaget de arbetar på. Vidare undersöktes om denna lojalitet var konkurrerande eller samverkande mellan företagen. Studien undersökte även hur konsulter skattar den normativa och pågående lojaliteten mellan företagen, samt om aspekter som ålder och uppdragslängd hade någon inverkan på konsulternas organisationslojalitet i de tre dimensionerna. Totalt deltog 114 konsulter från två globala konsultföretag där de fick svara på en webbenkät med två identiska delar, 11 påståenden för varje företag. För att se om presentationsordningen hade någon inverkan fick 46 av respondenterna börja med att fylla i påståenden rörande sitt konsultföretag och 68 fick istället börja med kundföretaget. Resultatet visade att det fanns en skillnad i den affektiva och normativa lojaliteten mellan konsult- och kundföretaget. Konsulterna skattade dessa två lojalitetsdimensioner högre på kundföretaget än konsultföretaget. Vidare visade resultatet att den affektiva lojaliteten samverkade mellan de två aktörerna och att ålder samt uppdragslängd inte hade någon inverkan på konsulternas organisationslojalitet. Resultatet visade även att presentationsordningen hade haft en inverkan på den affektiva lojaliteten. / The purpose of this study was to, examine how full-time temporary workers estimated their affective organizational commitment towards their temporary work agency and their client organizations. The study also examined whether the affective commitment competed or co-operated between the two companies and how temporary workers estimated the normative and continuance commitment. Furthermore, the study also examined if aspects such as age and contract duration had any impact on the temp workers' organizational commitment in the three commitment-scales. A total of 114 temporary workers from two global temporary work agencies participated by answering a web survey with two identical parts with 11 statements for each organization. In order to see if the presentation-order had any impact, 46 of the respondents started by answering the statements concerning their temporary agency organization and 68 started with the client organization. The result showed a difference on the affective and normative commitment between the temporary agency and the client organization. Temporary workers estimated these two commitment-scales higher for the client organization than for the temporary agency organization. The result also showed that the affective commitment co-operated between the temporary agency and the client organization and that the order of presentation had an impact on the affective commitment-scale. Age and contract duration did not have any impact on the temp workers' organizational commitment.

Personlighetsbedömning i samband med rekrytering : En studie om bemanningsbranschens personlighetsbedömning vid en rekrytering

Hannu, Emma, Stålberg, Denise January 2015 (has links)
Att medarbetare är av existentiell betydelse för en organisations överlevnad är sedan länge känt. Därmed är rekrytering en av de viktigaste funktionerna inom HR för att attrahera rätt kompetens till organisationen då en misslyckad rekrytering vanligen leder till bortkastad tid och dyra rekryteringsprocesser. Något som kommit att få allt större betydelse vid urvalet och bedömningen av nya medarbetare är kandidaters personlighet. Forskning visar att personlighetsdrag spelar en stor roll när det kommer till framtida arbetsprestationer och förmågan att göra rätt bedömningar av människor är därför central. Teorier om synen på personlighet, kompetens, kompetensbaserad rekrytering och urval samt bedömningsmetoder och personlighetsbedömning används för att analysera studiens resultat. Denna kvalitativa studies övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur rekryterare bedömer en kandidats personlighet vid en rekryteringsprocess inom bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretag är företag som ständigt arbetar med rekrytering och uthyrning av personal, varför ett proaktivt bemanningsarbete krävs för att skapa en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Inför denna fallstudie kontaktades tre av den svenska bemanningsbranschens största aktörer varav två rekryterare på vardera företag deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Personlighet ansågs generellt som något viktigt som samtliga rekryterare lade stor vikt vid under hela processens gång, från utformandet av kravprofilen till avslutande bedömning. Bedömningen skedde genom såväl test som intervju och referenstagning. Samtliga poängterade vikten av att alltid göra en helhetsbedömning av kandidaten och att det därmed var svårt att vikta exempelvis formella kompetenser mot personliga egenskaper. Resultatet visar att bemanningsbranschens arbete med personlighetsbedömning vid rekrytering utgår ifrån strukturerade bedömningsmetoder. Deras gedigna och proaktiva arbete med rekrytering lever upp till påståendet om att personalen är en organisations viktigaste resurs och vikten av att förstå innebörden av personlighetens betydelse i uttrycket ”rätt person på rätt plats”. / It's been long known that employees are of existential importance to an organization's survival. Thus, recruitment is one of the most important functions within HR to attract the right competence to the organization, as a failed recruitment usually leads to wasted time and expensive recruitment processes. Something that has come to play a growing role in the selection and evaluation of new employees is a candidate's personality. Research shows that personality traits play a big role when it comes to future job performance, and ability to make the right judgements of people are therefore essential. Theories about the perception of personality, competence, competency-based recruitment and selection, assessment methods and personality assessment are reviewed and used to analyze the results of this study. The aim of this qualitative study was to increase understanding of how recruiters assess a candidate's personality in a recruitment process within temporary work agencies. Temporary work agencies are companies which constantly works with recruitment and hiring of personnel, which is why a proactive work with staffing is needed to create a competitive advantage in the market. Prior to this case study three of the largest swedish temporary work agencies were contacted of whom two recruiters on each company participated in semi-structured interviews. Personality was generally considered as something important which all recruiters added great significance during the whole process, from the design of the requirements specification to the final assessment. Both tests, interview and references were a part of the personality assessment. The importance of always making an overall assessment of the candidate was emphasized and therefore difficult to weigh for example formal competences versus personal characteristics. The result shows that the temporary work agencies work with personality assessment when recruiting are based on structured methods of assessment. Their solid and proactive work with recruitment live up to the claim that the staff is an organization's most important resource and the importance of understanding the meaning of the personality significance of the expression ”right person in the right place”.

Essays on temporary work agencies and the economic analysis of law

Westéus, Morgan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four self-contained papers on temporary work agenciesand the economic analysis of law. Paper [I] adds to the theoretical literature on the incentives of Temporary Work Agencies (TWAs). Using aprincipal-agent model with hidden action to model two main types of contracts between a TWA and a ClientFirm (CF), the TWA is shown to potentially act against the best interest of the CF when helping to fill avacant position. The results also suggest that the adverse effect of the incentive misalignment is larger whenthe worker is going to be leased instead of hired by the CF. However, this effect could potentially be offsetby introducing a sufficient level of competition among the TWAs. Paper [II] uses individual-level data on young adults to estimate how the probability of being employed inthe Swedish temporary agency sector is affected by whether a partner or other family member has experienceof temporary agency work. The results show a significant effect from all peer groups of a magnitude thatcorrespond to the other most influential control variables. We also find that this cohort of the agency sectorhas a relatively high education level compared to the regular sector, and that there are predominately menworking in thissector. Paper [III] analyses possible effects on total employment, and the distribution between agency work andregular contracts as a consequence of the implementation of the EU Temporary and Agency Workers Directive in Sweden. The analysis is based on changes in the compensation to agency workers in a calibratedextension of a Mortensen-Pissarides search model. Even though the results suggest a negative net effect ontotal employment, the implementation is shown to increase (utilitarian) welfare, and an increased transitionprobability from the agency sector into regular employment will increase welfare even further. Paper [IV] focuses on settlement probabilities for different types of representation within the Swedish LabourCourt. Empirical estimates on a set of unjust dismissal cases show that private representatives are generallyless likely to reach a settlement than their union counterparts. The settlement probabilities converge following court-mandated information disclosure, which suggests that information asymmetry is an importantfactor in explaining differences in settlement behaviour. Privately instigated negotiations are therefore ingeneral insufficient for making cases with non-union representation reach the same settlement rate as caseswith union representation.

Agenturní zaměstnávání / Agency temporary work

Kutnohorská, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis, called Temporary agency work, is via detailed analysis to provide comprehensive overview of the Institute of agency temporary work in the Czech Republic, to assess the application of the legislation in practice and then compare it with selected EU countries. The main focus of this thesis is on the analysis of current legislation and its history. The diploma thesis is divided into four chapters, further it contains the introduction, the conclusion, the list of abbreviation, the list of pictures/graphs/figures, attachments and the list of literature. The first chapter deals with the legal development of this form of employment assignment not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the EU and international law. The second chapter defines the relationships between parties and describes in detail the process of temporary assignment. The last two chapters are the most important part of this thesis. The third chapter contains description of the application of temporary agency work in selected EU countries - the UK, Germany, France and Sweden. The fourth chapter deals with the practical use of temporary agency work at Vodafone Czech Republic.

Företrädesrätt till återanställning : - En begränsning enligt bemanningsdirektivet mot arbetskraft som hyrs ut av bemanningsföretag?

Nilsson, Mimmi January 2013 (has links)
In the directive 2008/104/EC on Temporary agency work there is a regulation concerning that there shouldn’t be any restrictions or prohibitions in national legislation if it can not be attributed to the public interest. According to that the purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the Swedish law about reemployment in 25 § LAS is a restriction for temporary work agencies, it’s role on the labor market and also to investigate what consequences a restriction can have from a diversity perspective. To fulfill the purpose I have been using a legal dogmatic method based on determination of the current law. I have by the legal research determined that reemployment is not a restriction for temporary work agencies. The Swedish Labor Court has established this through inter alia two judgments about hiring temporary employees while workers still had their rights to reemployment. Both of the judgments indicate that it is today permitted when the purpose not is to circumvent the law. In cases where the employer's purpose is to circumvent the law it can be seen as a limitation of temporary work agencies since the law does not allow this. I note that such procedure can be attributed to the public interest and that the legal regulation in Sweden works. The investigation highlighted 38 § MBL as a form of a limitation on temporary agencies as employers are forced to primary negotiation before they hire agency staff and hence this legal regulation abolished. The industry of temporary work agency is an important part of the Swedish labor market because of its over-representation of young workers and immigrants who contributes with diversity but it is also important because it is considered as promoting flexibility. Restrictions and prohibitions in Swedish law could result in difficulties for the industry of temporary agency work to play a role in the labor market while vulnerable groups could lose its way in to the labor market. Keywords: Temporary work agency, the directive 2008/104/EC on Temporary agency work, restrictions and prohibitions, reemployment. / I direktiv 2008/104/EG, bemanningsdirektivet, finns en reglering angående att det inte får finnas begränsningar eller förbud i nationell lagstiftning om det inte kan hänföras till allmänintresset. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att utreda om Sveriges företrädesrätt till återanställning utgör en begränsning för bemanningsföretagen och deras uthyrning av arbetskraft, deras betydelse på arbetsmarknaden och vidare vad begränsningar kan leda till utifrån ett mångfaldsperspektiv. För att uppfylla syftet har en rättdogmatisk metod använts med utgångspunkt i att fastställa gällande rätt. Genom rättsutredningen har jag kommit fram till att företrädesrätten inte bör anses utgöra en begränsning för bemanningsföretag. AD har fastställt detta i bl.a. två fall angående inhyrning från bemanningsföretag när arbetstagare fortfarande varit företrädesberättigade sombåda indikerar att inhyrning idag är fullt tillåtet när syftet inte är att kringgå lagen. I de fall där arbetsgivarens syfte är att kringgå lagen kan det ses som en begränsning för bemanningsföretag eftersom inhyrningen för att kringgå lagen inte är tillåten. Jag konstaterar dock att sådana förfarande kan hänföras till allmänintresset vilket är tillåtet enligt bemanningsdirektivet och att lagregleringarna i Sverige därmed fungerar. Genom utredningen uppmärksammades 38 § MBL som en form av en begränsning för bemanningsföretagen då arbetsgivare är tvingade till primär förhandling innan de hyr in personal från ett bemanningsföretag och enligt mig kan det inte hänföras till allmänintressetoch därav borde lagregleringen ses över. Bemanningsbranschen är en viktig del av den svenska arbetsmarknaden då den dels genom en överrepresentation av unga och utlandsfödda alternativt inrikesfödda med utlandsfödda föräldrar bidrar med mångfald men även då den anses främja flexibilitet. Begränsningar eller förbud i den svenska rätten skulle således leda till att bemanningsbranschens skulle få svårare för att få en plats på arbetsmarknaden samtidigt som de svaga grupperna med liten förankring till arbetsmarknaden skulle förlora sin väg in till arbetsmarknaden. Nyckelord: Bemanningsföretag, bemanningsdirektiv, direktiv 2008/104/EG om arbetstagare som hyrs ut av bemanningsföretag,begränsningar eller förbud, företrädesrätt till återanställning.

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