Spelling suggestions: "subject:"text analysis"" "subject:"next analysis""
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Ulricehamn – Förvuxen byhåla eller vacker sjöstad? : - en studie om Ulricehamns nutida image och framtida profil / Ulricehamn – Overgrown small town or Beautiful lake town? : - a study about Ulricehamn’s image of today and future profileBokedal, Ellinor, Nilsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Ulricehamn – Overgrown small town or Beautiful lake town? - a study about Ulricehamn’s image of today and future profile Branding is increasingly being used as a concept to distinguish places and cities. Cities have long been in need of differentiating themselves from each other (Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2004). Place branding has become a daily occurrence for cities, municipalities and countries. Construction of a city’s brand comes from its structure, communication and care of its image. It concerns visitors as well as the people who live in the city. Place branding can also be seen as place management. It aims to change how the city is being perceived by specific target groups. It may involve creating an identity with a personal, unique and original value, impossible for other cities to copy. It involves combining the activities and characteristics of a city’s image along with the chemistry from the people who live there. The city is a potential destination for visitors. The tourism industry is growing in Sweden (Turismen i Sverige – 2007). Municipalities and regions increasingly invest in their tourism. The city is also a place for living and working. Many cities strive to keep their inhabitants and to not become so called “emigrate cities” (www.scb.se). For cities to communicate a positive profile, it means that all inhabitants must first carry a positive image of their home town and act as local ambassadors. We have chosen a small city in Sweden - Ulricehamn - to see how they work to manage the profile and the image of the city to correspond with the people who live in the city. We have done a qualitative interview and a qualitative text analysis with focus on the planned marketing material for Ulricehamn. Further we have carried out a survey to find out what the image of Ulricehamn is among the inhabitants of the city. How close is the future and preferred profile in comparison to the image of today, seen from the perspective of Ulricehamn’s inhabitants’? Our results show that there is a gap between the future, preferred profile and the image of today having conducted a study of the people who live in Ulricehamn. The visionary profile is modern and offers attractive living, education and job prospects. The people who live in Ulricehamn think that it is a pleasant and beautiful city however the negative aspects are that it is boring with a limited range of jobs and entertaining. The positive attitudes toward Ulricehamn are related to its beautiful surroundings and the many leisure time activities. Negative attitudes are related to the poor offer of entertainment, culture, shopping etc. The management of Ulricehamn, including Näringsliv Ulricehamn AB (a company under development, starting May 1st 2008) is now facing the challenge to get the identity, the position and the image of Ulricehamn to overlap. The people who live in Ulricehamn are an important factor in creating a strong brand for the city. / Ulricehamn – Förvuxen byhåla eller vacker sjöstad? - en studie om Ulricehamns nutida image och framtida profil Varumärkesbyggande blir alltmer vanligt förekommande som koncept för att särskilja platser och städer. Städer har länge haft ett behov av att differentiera sig från varandra (Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2004). Platsmarknadsföring har blivit en vardaglig företeelse för städer, kommuner och länder. Framställningen av en stads marknadsföring beror på uppbyggnaden, kommunikationen och skötseln av stadens image. Det berör både dem som besöker staden och de som bor i den, det vill säga invånarna. Varumärkesbyggande av en stad kan även ses som en strategi för styrning (ibid.). Det handlar mycket enkelt om att förändra hur staden upplevs av specifika målgrupper, till exempel att skapa en identitet med ett eget, unikt värde som är originellt och som inte går att kopiera av någon annan stad. Det innefattar handlande och aktiviteter som karaktäriserar imagen av staden och kemin bland dem som bor där. Staden är en destination för potentiella besökare (ibid.). Turismen i Sverige växer (Turismen i Sverige - 2007) och kommuner och regioner satsar alltmer på sin besöksnäring. Staden är även en plats för boende och arbete. Många kommuner arbetar för att behålla sina invånare och inte bli så kallade utflyttningskommuner (www.scb.se). För att förmedla en framgångsrik profil av en stad krävs det att invånarna i staden har en positiv image av sin egen stad och att de agerar som bra ambassadörer. I vår undersökning har vi valt att se hur en liten kommun i Sverige, Ulricehamns kommun i Västra Götaland, arbetar med att få profil och image att stämma överens bland de befintliga invånarna. Vi har genom en kvalitativ intervju och en kvalitativ textanalys undersökt det material som ligger till grund för kommunens framtida marknadsföringsarbete. Vidare har vi genom enkätintervjuer undersökt Ulricehamns kommuns invånares image av Ulricehamn som stad. Hur väl stämmer den framtida, önskade profilen överens med den nutida imagen, sett från invånarnas perspektiv? Det visade sig att det finns ett visst glapp mellan Ulricehamns önskade, framtida profil och Ulricehamns invånares nutida image av staden. I den framtida profilen är Ulricehamn en modern stad och erbjuder attraktiva boenden, utbildningar och arbeten. Invånarna i Ulricehamn tycker idag att Ulricehamn är en vacker och trevlig, men tråkig stad med begränsat utbud av det mesta, bland annat arbeten och nöjesaktiviteter. Den mest positiva attityden till Ulricehamn är relaterat till den vackra naturen och de många fritidsaktiviteterna. Negativa attityder kommer till uttryck bland annat i avsaknad av nöjen shopping och andra aktiviteter. Kommunledningen och Näringsliv Ulricehamn AB (ett bolag under utveckling med start 1 maj, 2008) måste få identitet, position och image att stämma överens. Stadens egna invånare är en viktig grund till att skapa ett starkt varumärke av Ulricehamn.
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If it bleads, it leads : A study of crimereporting in the South African print mediaNylander, Ewa January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine weather the South African print media do pictures crime reporting objective. The aim is also to bring fourth if crime reporting is visualized differently in regional newspapers compared to newspapers in metropolitan areas. Two different qualitative methods have been used; in-depth interviews with South African journalists and text analyses of some of their published articles. Theories as the social responsibility ideology and ethical codes, along with theories about crime in the media context are used in the study. The interviews show professional journalists struggling with the task to give a truthful picture of the crime situation in the country. However, crime reporting in South Africa is still covering crime committed against white people in the rich areas, even though crimes against black people in the townships are more commonly reported on to the police. The high amount of violent crime makes the approach quite sensationalistic, because of the high level of news value. The interviewed journalists’ narrative style is corresponding their expressed way of mediate crime and some tend to be more sensational in their style than others. The relationship between the media and the South African police is considered as quite bad. Especially journalists are affected a small city, because of personal relationships tend to influence the professional behaviour. This is a serious problem and it does affect how the journalists are reporting on crime.
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El eslogan electoral español (1975-2000). Estructuras fundamentalesCarrillo Navarro, Paz 08 July 2009 (has links)
La presente investigación aborda el estudio de un tipo de texto de la comunicación de masas: el eslogan. La perspectiva adoptada es la lingüística. Concretamente, nos proponemos analizar las estructuras sintácticas fundamentales en la elaboración del eslogan electoral español entre los años 1975 y 2000. Este objetivo general del proyecto de tesis se concreta en tres objetivos particulares:1) Elaboración de un corpus documental de eslóganes políticos electorales representativo de esta etapa de la historia política española.2) Consideraciones teóricas acerca del eslogan y de su contexto. Trataremos de definir y de delimitar nuestro objeto de estudio: el eslogan político electoral. De igual modo, daremos cuenta del contexto histórico, social y político en el que fueron emitidos. 3) Análisis del corpus. Finalmente, afrontaremos el análisis de las principales estructuras sintácticas del eslogan electoral y ofreceremos una interpretación de su rentabilidad en este tipo de texto. / This research raises the study of a type of mass communication text: the slogan. It has been adopted a linguistic perspective. Precisely, we propose to analyze the basic syntactic structures used to write the spanish electoral slogans between the years 1975 and 2000.This general objective of the thesis project is materialized by three particular objectives:1) Preparation of a documentary corpus of electoral political slogans representative of this period of the Spanish political history. 2) Theoretical considerations about the slogan and its context. We will try to define and specify our object of study: the electoral political slogan. In the same way we will provide the historical, social and political context in which they were issued.3) Corpus analysis. Finally, we will face up to the analysis of the main syntactical structures of the electoral slogan and we will offer an interpretation of its profitability in this kind of text.
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Unser Satt Leit: Our Sort of People - Health Understandings in the Old Order Mennonite and Amish CommunityWenger, Lisa M. January 2003 (has links)
Our cultural orientation informs our fundamental understandings of health. It has the potential to guide how we define health, how we understand the determinants of well-being, and how we respond to illness. For researchers, the recognition of this reality is central to not only how we interpret our findings, but also to the ways in which we develop the approach, questions, and methods central to our research.
The Old Order Mennonites and Amish are a culturally, ethnically, and religiously distinct population existing within the North American society. This thesis sought to improve upon previous health-related research on this population by asking several basic questions: Among Old Order Mennonites and Amish, how is health perceived and 'good health' understood? What are the perceptions of the determinants of health? How is illness perceived? What is the response to illness? And how does culture relate to health in the Old Order community?
A hermeneutical approach was adopted to address these questions and a qualitative textual analysis of an Old Order magazine, <i>Family Life</i>, completed. To allow the voices of community members to guide understandings, a broad approach to health was adopted throughout the examination of two years of the publication (2001, 2000).
Findings indicate that in the <i>Family Life</i> writings health is primarily defined by an individual's ability to fulfill his or her role. A focus on nutrition and reproduction dominated discussions of the determinants of physical health and an individual's relationship with God was viewed by many as the central source of mental health or illness. Emotionally, analysis suggests that individuals may have a range of responses to illness including a desire to accept the experience of illness as a part of God's plan, a struggle to find this acceptance, and the incorporation of community and Divine support throughout this pursuit. Behaviourally, health information appears to be transferred through a variety of mediums including health practitioners, community members, and advertisements. Individuals expressed concern with appearing too quick to seek professional medical care and may incorporate a range of considerations into the decision of whether to begin, continue, or end medical treatments.
The textual analysis indicated that a mixture of methods may be adopted for achieving health. Individuals appear to care for themselves through home remedies or non-medical measures (including alternative treatments) for as long as possible. In situations of acute physical illness, however, there appears to be comfort with seeking formal medical care. Amidst limited discussion of a physiological root of mental illness, analysis suggested that the main method of treating mental illness is refocusing concentration toward God rather than the self.
In consideration of the cultural understandings guiding these submissions related to health and illness, there were two primary themes. The first is that God determines life and is an active and present force in the lives of individuals. The second theme is that the community responds to this belief in God's defining role in particular ways. More specifically, the Old Order orientation to life which includes a deferment of individual will to that of the authority of God and Community (<i>Gelassenheit</i>) and appreciation for a set of rules guiding behaviour (<i>Ordnung</i>), directs discussions and understandings of health in culturally-unique ways.
Overall, this study highlighted the distinct ways in which cultural perspective guides understandings of health and illness within the Old Order community.
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Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter / To construct help-seekers : A study of social service documentsHedbom, Sandra, Johansson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents. With our theoretical starting point, which was marginalization and social constructivism we want to illustrate the administrators’ choice of content and language in the social service documents. The main result is that help-seekers in the addiction unit have to give more information about themselves. Addiction is a deviate behavior and therefore more information is needed in order for them to be accepted as opposed to help-seekers in the care unit, where information regarding the help-seeker is in relation to the means of the help-seekers needs.
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Ulricehamn – Förvuxen byhåla eller vacker sjöstad? : - en studie om Ulricehamns nutida image och framtida profil / Ulricehamn – Overgrown small town or Beautiful lake town? : - a study about Ulricehamn’s image of today and future profileBokedal, Ellinor, Nilsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ulricehamn – Overgrown small town or Beautiful lake town?</p><p>- a study about Ulricehamn’s image of today and future profile</p><p>Branding is increasingly being used as a concept to distinguish places and cities. Cities have long been in need of differentiating themselves from each other (Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2004). Place branding has become a daily occurrence for cities, municipalities and countries. Construction of a city’s brand comes from its structure, communication and care of its image. It concerns visitors as well as the people who live in the city. Place branding can also be seen as place management. It aims to change how the city is being perceived by specific target groups. It may involve creating an identity with a personal, unique and original value, impossible for other cities to copy. It involves combining the activities and characteristics of a city’s image along with the chemistry from the people who live there. The city is a potential destination for visitors. The tourism industry is growing in Sweden (Turismen i Sverige – 2007). Municipalities and regions increasingly invest in their tourism. The city is also a place for living and working. Many cities strive to keep their inhabitants and to not become so called “emigrate cities” (www.scb.se). For cities to communicate a positive profile, it means that all inhabitants must first carry a positive image of their home town and act as local ambassadors.</p><p>We have chosen a small city in Sweden - Ulricehamn - to see how they work to manage the profile and the image of the city to correspond with the people who live in the city. We have done a qualitative interview and a qualitative text analysis with focus on the planned marketing material for Ulricehamn. Further we have carried out a survey to find out what the image of Ulricehamn is among the inhabitants of the city. How close is the future and preferred profile in comparison to the image of today, seen from the perspective of Ulricehamn’s inhabitants’?</p><p>Our results show that there is a gap between the future, preferred profile and the image of today having conducted a study of the people who live in Ulricehamn. The visionary profile is modern and offers attractive living, education and job prospects. The people who live in Ulricehamn think that it is a pleasant and beautiful city however the negative aspects are that it is boring with a limited range of jobs and entertaining. The positive attitudes toward Ulricehamn are related to its beautiful surroundings and the many leisure time activities. Negative attitudes are related to the poor offer of entertainment, culture, shopping etc. The management of Ulricehamn, including Näringsliv Ulricehamn AB (a company under development, starting May 1st 2008) is now facing the challenge to get the identity, the position and the image of Ulricehamn to overlap. The people who live in Ulricehamn are an important factor in creating a strong brand for the city.</p> / <p>Ulricehamn – Förvuxen byhåla eller vacker sjöstad?</p><p>- en studie om Ulricehamns nutida image och framtida profil</p><p>Varumärkesbyggande blir alltmer vanligt förekommande som koncept för att särskilja platser och städer. Städer har länge haft ett behov av att differentiera sig från varandra (Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2004). Platsmarknadsföring har blivit en vardaglig företeelse för städer, kommuner och länder. Framställningen av en stads marknadsföring beror på uppbyggnaden, kommunikationen och skötseln av stadens image. Det berör både dem som besöker staden och de som bor i den, det vill säga invånarna. Varumärkesbyggande av en stad kan även ses som en strategi för styrning (ibid.). Det handlar mycket enkelt om att förändra hur staden upplevs av specifika målgrupper, till exempel att skapa en identitet med ett eget, unikt värde som är originellt och som inte går att kopiera av någon annan stad. Det innefattar handlande och aktiviteter som karaktäriserar imagen av staden och kemin bland dem som bor där. Staden är en destination för potentiella besökare (ibid.). Turismen i Sverige växer (Turismen i Sverige - 2007) och kommuner och regioner satsar alltmer på sin besöksnäring. Staden är även en plats för boende och arbete. Många kommuner arbetar för att behålla sina invånare och inte bli så kallade utflyttningskommuner (www.scb.se). För att förmedla en framgångsrik profil av en stad krävs det att invånarna i staden har en positiv image av sin egen stad och att de agerar som bra ambassadörer.</p><p>I vår undersökning har vi valt att se hur en liten kommun i Sverige, Ulricehamns kommun i Västra Götaland, arbetar med att få profil och image att stämma överens bland de befintliga invånarna. Vi har genom en kvalitativ intervju och en kvalitativ textanalys undersökt det material som ligger till grund för kommunens framtida marknadsföringsarbete. Vidare har vi genom enkätintervjuer undersökt Ulricehamns kommuns invånares image av Ulricehamn som stad. Hur väl stämmer den framtida, önskade profilen överens med den nutida imagen, sett från invånarnas perspektiv?</p><p>Det visade sig att det finns ett visst glapp mellan Ulricehamns önskade, framtida profil och Ulricehamns invånares nutida image av staden. I den framtida profilen är Ulricehamn en modern stad och erbjuder attraktiva boenden, utbildningar och arbeten. Invånarna i Ulricehamn tycker idag att Ulricehamn är en vacker och trevlig, men tråkig stad med begränsat utbud av det mesta, bland annat arbeten och nöjesaktiviteter. Den mest positiva attityden till Ulricehamn är relaterat till den vackra naturen och de många fritidsaktiviteterna. Negativa attityder kommer till uttryck bland annat i avsaknad av nöjen shopping och andra aktiviteter. Kommunledningen och Näringsliv Ulricehamn AB (ett bolag under utveckling med start 1 maj, 2008) måste få identitet, position och image att stämma överens. Stadens egna invånare är en viktig grund till att skapa ett starkt varumärke av Ulricehamn.</p>
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Justifying Operation Iraqi Freedom - A Study of Moral Metaphors in Political StatementsBeganovic, Armin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the way George W. Bush used moral metaphors to intensify the language in his statements on Operation Iraqi Freedom. Three moral metaphors are presented within two different models that are applied on the data.</p><p>The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the data is collected from the official White House website. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it.</p><p>The main question: In what way did George W. Bush use moral metaphors in his statements to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom?, resulted in use of moral metaphors that sermons people’s moral values, depict Saddam Hussein’s characteristics as immoral, activate people’s moral priorities to help the Iraqi people, and addresses both conservatives and liberals in America.</p><p>The conclusion of my study is that President Bush deliberately intensified the language in his statements through moral metaphors to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom.</p><p>Keywords: Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor, Figurative Language, Operation Iraqi Freedom, War on Terror, George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, USA, Iraq, Qualitative Text Analysis, Hermeneutics.</p>
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Thinking beyond utility and practicality : art education discussion viewed through the lens of a three-function modelLee, Elizabeth Rachel 28 February 2013 (has links)
This study was about language. Its purpose was to explore how a specific set of material culture ideas is represented in art education discussion through what is termed in this study “the three-function model.” The model states that all human-made objects, including images, perform multiple roles and/or serve multiple purposes, simultaneously, and without limit. These roles and functions of objects fall into three categories: technological (utilitarian); sociological (communicative); ideological (instructive).
Discovering this model inspired two questions: (a) how might the three-function approach to the discussion of objects augment art education’s understanding and practice of Material Culture theory? (b) to what benefit might such an approach be integrated into art education practice?
To answer these questions, I designed a two-stage analysis. First, the examination of literature written toward three audience groups (educator-oriented, practitioner-oriented, general audience) in order to identify three types of information (definitions, statements about objects, and statements about function) for the purpose of forming an overall understanding of how cohesive or disparate discussion appears to be within each audience group. Second, cross-analyzing the three information groups for the purpose of understanding the similarities of and differences between the discussions of the three audience groups.
The results of this study suggest that the problem of multiple and contrary definitions for shared terminology may be restricted to only two important words: craft and art. Conceptual approaches employed by the writers included anthropological, philosophical, concrete, theoretical, advocate, and analytical. Although all 15 writers acknowledge the social nature of objects, and all employ the term function similarly, there are indeed gaps in art education discussion: social and ideological functions of craft and art objects that go unnoticed, and missed opportunities to explore those connections and their cultural relevance. The three-function model can provide names for the ideas we are talking around, but not quite about. / text
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Modiga pojkar och hjälpsamma flickor : En diskursanalys hur manligt och kvinnligt framställs i läseböcker från 1950-talet, 1970-talet och 2000-talet / Brave boys and helpful girls : A discourse analysis of how masculine and feminine are produced in reading books from 1950s, 1970s and 2000sRiedl, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
Societies are surrounded by unaware attitudes and views about what is masculine and what is feminine and this can contribute to people being raced differently. Boys and girls are shaped to think and act in different ways from an early age because of their gender. According to the curriculum in the Swedish school system, the school has an important task to prevent such perceptions young people have about sex and gender. Reading books are still a central source where students gather information in the Swedish school. Therefore, I find it interesting to examine how gender is produced in three Swedish reading books from three different periods (1950s, 1970s and 2000s) to see what similarities and differences there are between the texts and the study has been based on three questions: How are men/boys and women/girls described in the reading books based on their characteristics, interests and pursuits? How much space in the texts are represented by men/boys and by women/girls? What masculinities and femininities can be found in the texts and which ones are the most desirable? I have used a text analysis in my research to analyse the three reading books and based my theory on that gender is a social construction. My results show that the three reading books produce male and female structures based on the fact that men and women, boys and girls are opposites and are kept apart by qualities, pursuits and interests. Notions of what is masculine and feminine are also reflected in the texts by constructions of hegemonic masculinity and emphasized femininity. Further constructions concerning gender in the reading books are that men and boys have more space than women and girls and also that the personalities of men and boys grow at the expense of women and girls.
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Klimatflyktingar, en fråga om samarbete? : En studie om internationellt samarbete i kontexten klimatflyktingarNordenberg, Michael January 2013 (has links)
I takt med att de globala klimatförändringarna fortsätter kommer konsekvenserna bli allt mer ödesdigra. Vissa av dessa konsekvenser förbises ofta i den globala debatten och i världspolitikens inflytelserika kretsar. Uppskattningar gör gällande att så många som 200 miljoner människor blivit förskjutna som en konsekvens av klimatförändringarna. Detta aktualiserar frågan om klimatflyktingar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera varför det internationella samarbetet gällande klimatflyktingar kan betraktas som begränsat. För att närmre studera denna fråga har jag gjort en case study, en tolkande kvalitativ textanalys. Liberalism och realism används som teoretiskt ramverk, som redskap för analysen. De centrala slutsatserna är främst att det för närvarande existerar ett definitionsproblem vad gäller klimatflyktingar, det finns ekonomiska hinder för samarbete och frågan betraktas som ett problem begränsat till låginkomstländer känsliga för klimatförändringar. / As the global climate changes continue the consequences will increase. Some of these consequences are often overlooked in the global debate and influential circles of world politics. Estimations speak of as many as 200 million displaced persons as a consequence of climate change. This brings to the fore the question of climate refugees. The aim of this paper is to study why the international cooperation regarding climate refugees can be seen as limited. To closer look upon this issue I am doing a case study, an interpretative qualitative text analysis. Liberalism and realism are used as theoretical frame, as tools in the analysis. The central conclusions are that it currently exists a problem of definition regarding climate refugees, there are economic obstacles for cooperation and the question is perceived as a problem limited to low income countries fragile for climate change.
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