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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiences of unaccompanied minors : an exploratory study conducted with refugee children

Magqibelo, Lungile. January 2010 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this study was to explore lived experiences of unaccompanied foreign minors in South Africa from a social work perspective. An important goal was to also explore the lack of guidelines on how to assist these young people. This study was conducted in a Children&rsquo / s Shelter, which is situated in the North-Eastern outskirts of Polokwane, where a group of unaccompanied refugee children from Zimbabwe were living. This study was qualitative and explorative in nature. Non-probability sampling was used to select participants for the study. Ten children were selected, ranging from age 14 to 18 years. Semi-structured interviews with the children and a focus group discussion with five care workers were held. Thematic analysis was used. The findings of this study revealed that services by government social workers are limited compared to those from social workers employed with nongovernmental organisations. It is hoped that this study will assist government and other role players in planning, advocacy and policy development related to the issues affecting unaccompanied refugee children.</p>

Kenya’s Implementation of the Smuggling Protocol in Response to the Irregular Movement of Migrants from Ethiopia and Somalia

Barasa, Noela N. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Att stå i hallen och vilja vara med : Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras behov

Nilsson, Lotta January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Att stå i hallen och vilja vara med: Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras behov. En kvalitativ studie om behoven bland dessa barn och ungdomar. Författare: Lotta Nilsson   Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka behov som finns bland ensamkommande flyktingbarn som kommer till Sverige både som nyanlända och efter utflytt från HVB-hem. Det har också varit att jämföra deras behov med de tänkta behov som formar mottagandet i Sverige. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med semistrukturerade intervjuer av fem stycken unga män från Afghanistan, Somalia och Ryssland samt integrationsutvecklare på Länsstyrelsen och lärare vid integrationsprogrammet. Resultaten visar på att behoven varierar mellan informanterna men att behovet av tillhörighet och längtan efter familjen i hemlandet är något som förenar samtliga. Vad som också blir tydligt är hur olika behov påverkar individens val och förmåga till koncentration och fokus. Mottagandet av nyanlända å andra sidan har formats efter den svenska mallen där utbildning och språk ses som en förutsättning för en lyckad integration och tillhörighet. Något som visat sig inte helt stämmer överens. Teorierna som denna studie bygger på är bland annat Maslows ”A theory of human motivation” och van Genneps ”passageriter”. / Titel: To stand in the hallway and wishing to join in: Unaccompanied minor refugees and their needs. A qualitative study about the needs among these children and youths. Author: Lotta Nilsson   The purpose of this study has been to investigate what needs unaccompanied minor refugees have, both as newly arrived and after leaving a HVB-home. The purpose has also been to compare their needs with the perceived needs that form the basis for the reception process in Sweden. The study is qualitative with semi-structured interviews with five young men from Afghanistan, Somalia and Russia, as well as with an integration officer at the county administration and teachers working with the integration program. The results show that the needs vary between the informants, but that the needs for belonging and longing for the homeland are needs that they all have in common. What also becomes apparent is how different needs affect the individual choices and the ability to concentrate and focus. The reception of newly arrived on the other hand has been formed after a Swedish model where education and language are seen as preconditions for successful integration and belonging. This connection is not entirely correct. The theories used in this thesis are, among others, Maslow’s ”A theory of human motivation” and van Gennep’s ”rites of passage”.

Inuti "den svarta lådan" : En kvalitativstudie om beslutsfattares sociala interaktionsmönster i beslutsprocessen på Migrationsverkets asylprövning

Vieliute, Roberta January 2014 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studies syfte är att undersöka, kartlägga och analysera sociala interaktionsmönster kring beslutsprocessen på Migrationsverkets asylprövning utifrån asylbeslutsfattares perspektiv. Genom att luta sig mot teori om beslut inom ramen för administrativt beteende samt teori om ansvarfördelning analyseras empirisk data insamlat med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med beslutsfattare från olika asylprövningsenheter.Studiens resultat visar att det finns invecklade sociala interaktionsmönster i asylbeslutsfattandet samt att tre kommunikationstyper kunde identifieras; informella, formella och semiformella. Beslutsfattare växlar mellan dessa typer i beslutsprocessens olika steg. Med hjälp av utvecklade sociala kommunikationsmönster, omsätts en tidspressad beslutsplan i handling. Sammantaget påvisar studien den administrativa människans begränsade rationalitet. På grund av ringa sociologiska forskning inom området är studien ett bidrag till disciplinen. / This qualitative study aims to investigate, identify and analyze social interaction patterns regarding the decision-making process at the Migration board’s asylum processing unit from the perspective of the asylum officer. Empirical data, which is collected through semi-structured interviews with asylum officers from different Migration board entities, is analyzed by employing different theories on decision-making in the context of administrative behavior and diffusion of responsibility. The outcome of the study shows that there is an intricate social interaction pattern in the asylum decision process and three communication types have been identified: informal, formal and semi-formal. The asylum officer switches between these types in the various stages of the decision-making process. Through developed social communication patterns, a time-pressured decision-making plan is put in action. Generally, the study demonstrates the bounded rationality of the administrative person. Due to lack of sociological research in this area, this study is a contribution to the field.

Fantastiskt, omväxlande, berikande! Ingen dag är den andra lik ! : "Arbete med ensamkommande barn" / Fantastic, alternate, enriching! No day is ever the same ! : "Work with unaccompanied minors"

Pavlov, Tatjana, Nordling, Kerstin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utveckla kunskap om hur personalen på boenden för ensamkommande barn utifrån empowerment arbetar med att möjliggöra de ensamkommande barnens delaktighet, inklusion och integration i samhället. Vidare syftar studien även till att belysa hur personalen på boenden själva ser på detta arbete. De frågeställningarna som belyses i studien är: Vad i arbetet med förhållningsätt skapar möjlighet till ensamkommande barns delaktighet i samhället, enligt personal på boenden för ensamkommande barn? Finns det skillnader mellan personal på HVB- boenden om vad man anser om att arbeta med delaktighetsfrämjande arbete? Om ja, kan dessa skillnader då förklaras med kön, ålder, utbildning, erfarenhet etc. av att arbeta med ensamkommande barn? Metoder som används i studien har en kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats och innehåller en enkätundersökning och tre intervjuer gjorda med boendepersonalen i Kalmar län. Resultatet tolkas utifrån teorin empowerment och förklaras med hjälp av begreppen delaktighet, inklusion och integration. Analysen av studien utgår från dessa begrepp, tidigare forskning och teorin samt förklaras med hjälp av grafer och tabeller konstruerade i SPSS- dataprogram och tolkning av tre intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att boendepersonal har ett respekterande förhållningssätt i mötet med de ensamkommande barnen. Studien belyser betydelsen av boendepersonalens lyhördhet inför barnens synpunkter, vikten av att vara konsekvent, bekräftande samt besitta förmågan att kunna se helheten. Resultatet visar även att trygghet och tillit är viktiga egenskaper i boendepersonalens förhållningssätt som skapar möjligheter för ensamkommande barnens delaktighet i olika sammanhang, vilket bidrar till social inklusion och samtidigt ökad acceptans och integrering i samhället. Resultatet åskådliggör att det inte finns några signifikanta skillnader mellan personalen i vad man anser om att arbeta med delaktighetsfrämjande arbete. Vår slutsats är att boendepersonalen i Kalmar län har ett positivt förhållningssätt som skapar möjligheter för ensamkommande barnens delaktighet och inkludering i gemenskaper som vidare leder till integration i samhället. / The purpose of this study is to develop knowledge of how the professional staff works with unaccompanied asylum seeking children and by the empowerment perspective work to allow the children's participation, inclusion and integration into society. Furthermore, the study aims also to highlight how the residential staff at HVB-homes themselves regards this work. The issues highlighted are: What in the work approach creates opportunities for unaccompanied children's participation in society, according to residential staff at HVB-homes? Is there differences between residential staff at HVB-homes on what one thinks about working with participative work? If so, can these differences be explained by gender, age, education, experience, etc. in working with unaccompanied minors? Methods used in the study have a quantitative and a qualitative approach and includes a survey and three interviews conducted with residential staff at HVB-homes in Kalmar County. The result is interpreted by the empowerment perspective and explained by means of the concepts of participation, inclusion and integration. The analysis of the study is based on our concepts, previous research and theory and are interpreted using graphs constructed in SPSS software and interpretation of the three interviews. The result of the studie show us that residential staff have a respectful attitude in their approach to the unaccompanied children. The study illustrates the residential staffs sensitivity to children's views, the importance of being consistent, affirmative and to possess the ability to see in a comprehensive view. The results also show that security and trust are important features of the residential staff attitudes that creates potential for the children participate in different contexts, which contributes to social inclusion and simultaneously increased acceptance and integration into society. The result of the study illustrates that there are no significant differences between staff in what one believes about working with participative work. Our conclusion is that residential staff in Kalmar County has a positive approach that creates opportunities for the unaccompanied children's participation and inclusion in communities that lead to integration into society.

Integration or exclusion? : the resettlement experiences of refugees in Australia.

Hinsliff, Julia January 2007 (has links)
Recent policy changes have created a new era of refugee resettlement in Australia. As a result of the introduction of the onshore refugee program, a two-tier resettlement assistance system has developed. This system differentiates between refugees who have been issued protection visas offshore and onshore, and provides considerably less resettlement assistance to onshore-visaed refugees with Temporary Protection Visa (TPVs). The exclusion of TPV holders from resettlement assistance programs and the temporary nature of the visa has prompted this comparative study of the resettlement experiences of two groups of recently arrived refugees. This thesis considers the experiences of recently arrived refugees within the economic, social, cultural and political spheres of resettlement, in order to develop a deeper understanding of the inter-related nature of the resettlement process and the impact of visa category on the integration of refugees in contemporary Australia. Kuhlman’s (1991) model of refugee resettlement, and definition of integration form the basis of the theoretical framework of the thesis. A multiple method approach has been applied to the study and data from the second cohort of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA) was analysed to present a macro level understanding of the resettlement experiences of recent arrivals in Australia. In Adelaide, interviews with key informants and service providers were undertaken in conjunction with a series of in-depth interviews with 10 Sudanese offshore-visaed Humanitarian entrants and 9 Iraqi onshore-visaed refugees, to provide detailed descriptions of the resettlement experience. While the resettlement process is found to be difficult for all refugees, the TPV policy acts to compound the problems and disadvantages refugees face in resettlement. Under these circumstances it is found that TPV holders experience social exclusion during their early resettlement in Australia. The importance of host-related factors on the resettlement experience are therefore found to be extremely relevant in contemporary Australian refugee resettlement. Policies regarding visa conditions, and refugees’ eligibility for resettlement assistance have a significant impact in all spheres of the resettlement process. These findings suggest that the influence of host society policies must be accorded more weight in theories of resettlement, given their ability to extensively influence the resettlement process. Further this thesis presents substantial evidence against the TPV policy and recommends that temporary protection in Australia be reviewed, in order to ensure the social inclusion and successful integration of future refugee arrivals. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1277761 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2007

"Madwomen in Quebec: An Analysis of the Recurring Themes in the Reasons for Women's Commital to Beauport, 1894-1940

Okin, Mary Glennon January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Professionalitet eller föräldrarskap? : Hur gode män till ensamkommande barn konstruerar innebörden av godmanskapet / Professionalism or parenthood? : How guardians to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children construct the meaning of the assignment.

Hanna, Hellman, Julia, Andersson January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine constructions of the guardianship to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. More specifically its aim was to, through the guardians’ perspective, understand and analyze how they construct the guardianship. The study was based on individual semi-structured interviews with questions concerning the guardianship and the role as a guardian. Seven interview-participants, who are active as guardians in diverse municipalities in southern Sweden, are included in this study. The analysis was based on how the guardians describe the assignments in the guardianship, the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and their needs and how they describe the relationship to them. As a conclusion we found two different constructions of the guardianship; one characterized by a guardianship based on limits, distance, clarity of role and assignments and a guardian similar to a tutor. The other perspective is characterized by a guardianship based on no limits for assignments, a close and familiar relationship to the children and a guardian similar to a parent or a friend. We found that the guardians are dominated by different types of social actions that affect the guardianship based on how they constructed the guardianship, the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and the relationship.

Lieu de liens, lieu de vie : oser le réseau comme alternative à la vulnérabilité : le cas des demandeurs d’asile à Projet Refuge (Montréal)

Trosseille, Noémie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Legální a nelegální migrace cizinců na území České republiky / Legal and illegal migration foreigners on territory the Czech Republik

HAIS, Lukáš January 2007 (has links)
The paper I put forward is supposed to inform reader with problems of legal and illegal stay of foreigners in Czech Republic with regard to European union. First we will deal with a law about stay of foreigners on the land of Czech Republic and a law about asylum. This norms are thanks to our subject one of the most important and it{\crq}s necessary to have a good orientation in it. All stays of foreigners in our country is being governed by these laws. Fundamental part of this paper will deal with secondary analysis of data of legal and illegal migration on soil of Czech Republic with regard to EU. A part of this paper dealing with the law about stay of foreigners on the land of Czech Republic will structure for us a different kinds of stays of foreigners in Czech, that will be later splitted up and individually described. In that description we will find information who and under what conditions and from whom one can obtain the permit, what is it{\crq}s purpose, on the other hand also when, why and who can the permit cancel. In this part you can also find repressive steps in case of breaking this law. Also we mention asylum which is often being used to {\clqq}legalize`` the stay. With regard to the title of this paper you can also find here a part about European Union that describes and explains some of the basic, historical, functional and other information about EU. Basic information disclose for example the size, number of inhabitants, national anthem and other. Historical information describe the origin and development of EU. Functional information describe basic principles of functionality of different departments of EU. Secondary data analysis of legal and illegal migration of foreigners in Czech with regard to EU is the core of this paper. This part intends to inform the reader in whole about numbers, nationalities and other data about legal and illegal stay of foreigners in Czech Republic with regard to EU. Also here you can find all the data of all categories of foreigners in Czech in the year of entry to EU compared to the numbers of foreigners in Czech in the previous year. Data are analyzed from the ground, documentations and researches of Ministry of the Interior, Head Department of Police and Foreign Police. Precedence describe some cases of legal and illegal stays in Czech Republic. Some of the cases are very typical, other unique. Thanks to them you can get a concrete idea about real legal and illegal stays of foreigners in Czech Republic.

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