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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Price adjustment and vacancies on theStockholm market – Estimation of rent levelsdue to office-allocations / Prisjustering och vakanser påStockholmsmarknaden – Estimering avhyresnivåer mot bakgrund avkontorsallokeringar I CBD

Jonsson, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
The Stockholm office market segment have for a long time been considered a safe haven when it comes to withstand negative turmoil in the form of rental compression due to economic fluctuation, especially in the CBD demographic. Recently however, a large number of banks and institutions, amounting to some 200000 square meters, have decided to relocate to more peripheral locations with the aim of cost reductions on rent. This mass exodus is studied with focus on rental dynamics as the result of increased vacancies. Other variables are stock changes and employment. The method is econometric combined with an interview series. The data is a panel dataset containing 900 observations. The different models that are being used is the vacancy gap model, an Error Correction Model and a dynamic lag model in the form of a first difference model. Due to non-stationary variables, some models were rejected. A prognosis model has been created for the economic calculations. The results are displayed in a number of scenarios ranging from unchanged rents to severe rental drops. As a comprehensive result this study concludes that a rental drop in the range of 10-20 percent is to be expected. A number of positive side effects are expected to unfold as a result of the relocations. / Stockholmsmarknadens kontorssegment har länge setts på som säker vad gäller att kunna motstå negativ turbulens i form av hyres press på grund av ekonomiska svängningar, och då speciellt marknaden för City eller CBD. Nyligen har dock en stor mängd banker och institutioner om cirka 200000 kvadratmeter bestämt sig för att lokalisera sig i mer perifera lokaler med kostnads reduceringar i form av lägre hyror som mål. Den här massutflyttningen har studerats med fokus på hyresdynamik som ett resultat av ökade vakanser. Andra variabler är ändringar i stocken och sysselsättning. Metoden är ekonometrisk och kombineras med en intervjuserie. Data består av ett paneldatasett innehållande 900 observationer. De olika modellerna som används är en vakansgapsmodell, en Error Correction modell (ECM) och en första differens modell. På grund av icke stationära variabler har vissa modeller förkastats. En prognostiseringsmodell har skapats för de ekonomiska beräkningarna. Resultaten redovisas i olika scenarion som består i allt från att hyrorna inte ändras alls till svåra hyresfall. Ett samlat resultat av studien föreslår ett hyresfall på 10-20 procent. En mängd positiva bieffekter förväntas uppstå som ett resultat av om lokalisationerna.

Demand for office space in the vicinity of a newly established commercial space / Efterfrågan på kontorslokaler i närområdet av en nyetablerad handelsplats

Ljungberg, Charlotte, Jeng, Michelle January 2016 (has links)
The locations surrounding is a primary factor for office tenants when chosing space. What makes the location attractive, however, depends on a number of factors for instance the  office tenants' individual preferences. This thesis aims to Explain  how an area and it’s surrounding office buildings are affected by the establishment of a new commercial space. Futhermore, we have more closely studied Mood Stockholm which is one of the newest and most exciting commercial spaces in Stockholm. The area around Mood Stockholm was previously forgotten and lacked movement of people. Even though the property is located in Stockholm CBD which generally has a high demand and market rents, the property’s vicinity was not that attractive. The results of this study shows that the commercial space has brought life into the area by bringing an increase of people  and in turn a higher number of urban activities and services. The general street environment has also been improved. It can therefore be concluded that the commercial space has increased the  area's attractiveness.   The results also showed that the establishment of Mood Stockholm has increased the activity and movement in the area. This in turn has created a safer environment in the neighborhood. The establishment of the commercial space has Also  led to a higher demand for office premises in the neighborhood and increased rent levels. It has also been found that the area has gone from a level –B area to a level--‐A area which indicates an increased willingness to pay a higher price for the rented space. The attractiveness of the area, however, has also been affected by other factors where cooperation between property owners in the area have been shown to have a significant impact on the area's development.

Avstånd till kollektivtrafik och dess påverkan på bostadspriser / Distance to public transport and its influence on housing prices

Carlbom, Isabella, Paulsson, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Läget anses vara den enskilt viktigaste faktorn som förklarar fastighetsvärden och bostadspriser, dock är begreppet väldigt brett. ​Inget läge är det andra likt och det är ofta det som gör bostäder speciella. Det är också detta som gör det problematiskt att värdera en bostad. Det råder en stor variation i bostadspriserna och hur de varierar är svårt att kartlägga på grund av mängden faktorer som spelar in.  Arbetet har som utgångspunkt att studera hur bostadspriserna beror av lägesvariabeln avstånd och hur det ser ut för småhus respektive lägenheter. Avståndsvariabeln innefattar avstånd till centrum samt avstånd till närmaste kollektivtrafik. Undersökningen kommer appliceras på en lokal nivå i Sundbybergs kommun och relaterar till en eventuell monocentrisk stadsmodell, då avstånd till stor del är temporalt och inte enbart geografiskt.  Den monocentriska stadsmodellen är en av de modeller som försöker förklara variationen utifrån bostadens läge. Enligt teorin bakom modellen ökar bostadspriserna desto närmre kärnan bostaden är belägen och på så sätt beror bostadspriserna av ett lägespris. Anledningen till varför priserna ökar närmre kärnan beror på att man är villig att betala mindre för transportkostnader till ett centrum dit stadens invånare antas transportera sig till dagligen för att nå arbete och önskad service. I denna rapport vill vi testa om den monocentriska stadsmodellen går att applicera på lokal nivå i Sundbybergs kommun genom att studera om det finns ett samband mellan bostadspriserna och avståndet till centrum.  För att kunna testa hur olika lägesfaktorer påverkar bostadspriserna används hedoniska prismodeller. Med en hedonisk prismodell kan man bryta ner ett observerat pris från sin helhet till implicita priser för varje attribut. Generellt är det en modell som kan tillämpas för att förstå bostadspriset. Arbetets syfte är att studera om det förekommer något samband mellan ett bostadspris och avståndet till ett lokalt centrum. Om bostadsprisstrukturerna kan kartläggas med modellerna skulle det kunna underlätta planeringen av nya områden och infrastruktur samt belysa de attribut som bör värdesättas högt i ett område. Syftet är också att undersöka hur bostadsprisstrukturen ser ut i ett område beroende på hur priserna influeras av avstånd till kollektivtrafik samt hur det skiljer sig mellan olika lokala områden. Enligt teorin från den monocentriska stadsmodellen bör bostadspriserna öka när avståndet till ett centrum minskar och med liknande resonemang borde bostadsprisena öka när avståndet till närmaste kollektivtrafik minskar.  För att uppnå syftet genomförs en litteraturstudie för att få bättre förståelse för teorin bakom den monocentriska stadsmodellen, den hedoniska prismodellen samt för att klargöra olika prispåverkande faktorer på bostadspriser. Utifrån teorin ställs hedoniska prismodeller upp där olika lägesvariabler analyseras.  Resultaten från de olika modellerna visar att för småhus är en monocentrisk stadsmodell applicerbar på Sundbybergs kommun. Däremot kan det inte dras någon slutsats om en monocentrisk stadsmodell för lägenheter. ​Principerna i den monocentriska modellen är svårapplicerade på området, främst för att Sundbyberg påverkas mycket av närheten till Stockholms innerstad men också för att kommunen är liten och inte homogen. Avståndet till närmaste kollektivtrafik visar sig ha motsatt effekt på bostadspriserna från hypotesen. Ägare till både småhus och lägenheter är inte villiga att betala mer för en bostad placerad nära kollektivtrafik. Däremot ​har närhet till kollektivtrafik en påverkan på slutpriset som överensstämmer med hypotesen i vissa områden i kommunen.  I rapporten är den insamlade datan begränsad vilket påverkar resultatet. ​För att ta fram en bättre värderingsmodell och kartläggning av faktorn avstånd måste därför fler lägesfaktorer samt andra prispåverkande faktorer inkluderas i modellen. / The location of a residence is considered to be the most important element when illuminate real estate values and housing prices, but the element is problematically due to its amplitude. The element, location, is unique and no housing is another comparable which implicates the difficulty to value a residence. There is a great variety in housing prices and how they varies is hard to identify due to the large amount of affecting elements.  The basis of this work is the study of how the housing prices depends on the location element and how it differs between houses and apartments. The location element implicate ​distance to a city center​ and ​distance to the closest public transport​ . The research will be applied at a local level in Sundbyberg and relate to a possible monocentric city model, where distance substantially is temporal and not only geografic.  One of the models that attempt to explain the location elements variety is the monocentric city model. According to the theory, housing prices increases the closer the object is situated to a city. The reason why the prices increases closer to the city is because citizens will be prepared to pay more for housing when the transportation cost decreases. This study examine inter alia if the monocentric city model can be applied on a local level in Sundbyberg by checking a potential relation between housing prices and the distance to city. To be able to try out the influence of various location elements on housing prices, hedonic price models are applied. A hedonic price model breaks down an ensembled observed price to implicit prices for each attribute. Generally, the model is carried out to understand the housing price. The intention of the work is to study if a relation between housing prices and the distance to a local city center anticipates. If the structure of housing prices can be charted with the models it would facilitate the planning of new domains and infrastructure, as well as illuminate attributes valuable in a region. This work also aim to examine how housing prices are influenced by distance to public transports and how that differs between various local areas. According to the monocentric theory, housing prices ought to increase when the distance to the city center decreases, with similar reasoning housing prices ought to increase when the distance to closest public transport decreases. To achieve the purpose a literature study is implemented to obtain immerse understanding of the theory behind the monocentric city model, the hedonic price model but also to clarify various elements that affect housing prices. Based on the theory, location elements are, in this report, analyzed in hedonic price models.  The result from the different models implicates that for houses in Sundbyberg a monocentric city model is applicable. However, no conclusion can be made for apartments in Sundbyberg. The principles of the model are hard to applicate on the area, mostly because Sundbyberg is affected by the vicinity to the inner city of Stockholm but also because of the small area and the lack of homogeneity. The distance to the closest public transport shows an opposite effect on the housing prices than the hypothesis. Both house and apartment owners are not prepared to pay more for a residence closer to a public transport. However, corresponding to the hypothesis, vincinity to public transport has in some local areas in Sundbyberg an impact on housing prices. The collected data in the report is limited which affect the result. To be able to receive a better valuation and clarification of the distance element, the model need to include more location elements and other elements that affect housing prices

How to identify downturns within an office submarke : A quantitative time series analysis of Stockholm CBD / Hur man identifierar nedgångar inom en kontorsmarknad

Palmquist, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
The last couple of years there has been a significant increase in demand of attractive office locations in Stockholm consequently leading to all-time low office prime yields within the Central Business District (CBD), indicating warning signals regarding an overheated submarket. As the real estate market is crucial for the economy as a whole, it is essential to improve the understanding and predictability of future real estate cycles. This study produced three different logistic regression models with the purpose of identifying downturns in the office market of Stockholm CBD. The most successful model were able to predict 74 % of the actual downturns occurring throughout 114 observed quarters between Q3 1989 and Q4 2017. The dependent downturn variable consist of prime yield explained by variables on a national basis combined with submarket specific variables. Another produced model contained variables regarding confidence and expectations of tenants in Stockholm. However that model was unsatisfactory, leading to this study’s suggestion of further research on fluctuations of demand related to the current characteristics of Stockholm CBD. / Under de senaste åren har det skett en betydande ökning av efterfrågan på attraktiva kontorslokaler i Stockholm vilket resulterat i rekordlåga direktavkastningskrav inom Stockholm Central Business District (CBD), vilket indikerar på varningssignaler avseende en överhettad delmarknad. Eftersom fastighetsmarknaden är avgörande för ekonomin som helhet är det viktigt att förbättra förståelsen och förutsägbarheten för framtida fastighetscykler. Denna studie producerade tre olika logistiska regressionsmodeller med syfte att identifiera nedgångar i kontorsmarknaden inom Stockholm CBD. Den mest framgångsrika modellen kunde förutse 74 % av de faktiska nedgångarna som inträffade under 114 observerade kvartal mellan Q3 1989 och Q4 2017. Den beroende nedgångsvariabeln består av prime yield som förklaras av variabler på nationell basis i kombination med delmarknadsspecifika variabler. En annan producerad modell innehöll variabler avseende förtroende och förväntningar hos hyresgäster i Stockholm. Denna modell var dock otillfredsställande, vilket ledde till att denna studie föreslog ytterligare forskning om fluktuationer i efterfrågan relaterade till de nuvarande egenskaperna hos Stockholms centralbank

Modelling and Optimization of Conventional and Unconventional Batch Reactive Distillation Processes. Investigation of Different Types Batch Reactive Distillation Columns for the Production of a Number of Esters such as Methyl Lactate, Methyl Decanoate, Ethyl Benzoate, and Benzyl Acetate using gPROMS

Aqar, Dhia Y. January 2018 (has links)
The synthesis of a number of alkyl esters such as methyl lactate, methyl decanoate, and ethyl benzoate via esterification in a reactive distillation is quite challenging. It is due to the complexity in the thermodynamic behaviour of the chemical species in the reaction mixture in addition to the difficulty of keeping the reactants together in the reaction section. One of the reactants (in these esterification reactions) having the lowest boiling point can separate from the other reactant as the distillation continues. This can result in a significant drop in the reaction conversion in a conventional reactive distillation whether it is a batch or a continuous column. To overcome this challenge, new different types of batch reactive distillation column configurations: (1) integrated conventional (2) semi-batch (3) integrated semi-batch (4) integrated dividing-wall batch distillation columns have been proposed here. Four esterification reaction schemes such as (a) esterification of lactic acid (b) esterification of decanoic acid (c) esterification of benzoic acid (d) esterification of acetic acid are investigated here. A detailed dynamic model based on mass, energy balances, chemical reaction, and rigorous thermodynamic (chemical and physical) properties is considered and incorporated in the optimisation framework within gPROMS (general PROcess Modelling System) software. It is found that for the methyl lactate system, the i-SBD operation outperforms the classical batch operations (CBD or SBD columns) to satisfy the product constraints. While, for the methyl decanoate system, the i-DWCBD operation outperforms all CBD, DWBD and sr-DWBD configurations by achieving the higher reaction conversion and the maximum product purity. For the ethyl benzoate system, the performance of i-CBD column is superior to the CBD process in terms of product quality, and conversion rate of acid. The CBD process is found to be a more attractive in terms of operating time saving, and annual profit improvement compared to the IBD, and MVD processes for the benzyl acetate system. / The Higher Committee for Education Development in Iraq (HCED)

Le centre ville du Caire : émergence d'un centre d'affaires dans un cadre hérité

Rohard, Dominique 29 September 1995 (has links) (PDF)
Durant la deuxième moitié du XIXème siècle, la ville du Caire se dédouble sous l'impulsion urbanistique du Khédive Ismaïl. Ce cadre haussmannien a pu accueillir l'essentiel des fonctions du tertiaire supérieur jusqu'à la veille de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Depuis, il est devenu trop étroit pour répondre aux besoins d'espace sans cesse accrus de ces fonctions. La ville s'est très vite développée horizontalement d'une manière tentaculaire. La multiplicité des sites tertiaires a abouti à un polycentrisme. Le centre ville ne perd cependant pas sa primauté à l'échelle du Grand Caire. La dualité entre les deux rives du Nil se retrouve, à l'intérieur du Centre ville, entre les pôles financiers et touristiques des secteurs situés soit en contact avec la vieille ville soit sur la Corniche. Même si le Caire ne fait pas partie des grandes places financières internationales, le secteur financier reste très attaché à ce coeur urbain dont l'architecture ne correspond plus aux normes contemporaines des activités de bureau. Plutôt qu'une destruction systématique, une tendance se dégage pour conserver ce site en l'état. Plusieurs sièges sociaux sont maintenant reconstruits à la périphérie immédiate du centre ville. Celui-ci peut retrouver une vocation touristique en reliant la Corniche à la vieille ville.

Fabrication et étude du comportement électrochimique en atmosphère réductrice de couches minces à base de cérine en vue de leur interaction dans des dispositifs électrochimiques à oxyde solide

Medina-Lott, Bianca 27 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'abaissement de la température de fonctionnement des SOFC vers 600-750°C est un impératif incontournable pour en augmenter la durée de vie et permettre l'utilisation d'interconnecteurs moins onéreux. Cependant, ceci s'accompagne d'une incrémentation de la chute ohmique de l'électrolyte et des surtensions aux électrodes et, par conséquent, la diminution des performances électrochimiques de la pile. Différentes solutions sont à explorer : substituer l'électrolyte, diminuer la résistance de l'électrolyte usuel en réduisant son épaisseur (<5 µm) et, de toute façon, en améliorant les réactions aux interfaces par adjonction de couches minces fonctionnelles. D'une part, cette étude analyse différentes approches d'élaboration de couches minces de CeO2 et de cérine dopée, dont le rôle est avéré, notamment au niveau de l'oxydation à l'anode : le dépôt par couches atomiques, ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition), et le dépôt chimique en solution CBD (Chemical Bath Deposition) ont été explorés. D'autre part, l'exploitation d'un nouveau matériau composite (cérine dopée au gadolinium et Li2CO3-K2CO3 à l'état fondu) est analysée en tant que matériau d'électrolyte pour les SOFC. Finalement, les propriétés électrochimiques de ces électrolytes, combinés à des couches minces de cérine et de cérine dopée préparées par ALD, sont étudiées en particulier en conditions anodiques. Le but global est d'explorer le rôle des couches minces et de nouveaux électrolytes prometteurs, essentiellement dans les conditions anodiques des SOFC.

Community Control and Compensation: An Analysis for Successful Intellectual Property Right Legislation for Access and Benefit Sharing in Latin American Nations

Egan, Laurie K. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Abstract: Indigenous communities have worked for centuries to develop systems of knowledge pertaining to their local environments. Much of the knowledge that has been directly acquired or passed down over generations is of marketable use to corporations, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Upon gaining the necessary information to convert traditional knowledge into a marketable entity, the corporation will place a patent on the product of their research and development and reap the monetary benefits under the protection of intellectual property legislation. Without appropriate benefit sharing, indigenous communities are robbed of their cumulative innovation and development and denied access to the very medicines that they assisted in development. This study will examine the efforts made by indigenous communities to develop benefit-sharing agreements under national ‘sui generis’ legislation and the international legislation of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

An embedded software component quality evaluation methodology

CARVALHO, Fernando Ferreira de 31 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:57:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo3240_1.pdf: 2429983 bytes, checksum: 9b9eff719ea26a708f6868c5df873358 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Universidade de Pernambuco / Um dos maiores desafios para a indústria de embarcados é fornecer produtos com alto nível de qualidade e funcionalidade, a um baixo custo e curto tempo de desenvolvimento, disponibilizando-o rapidamente ao mercado, aumentando assim, o retorno dos investimentos. Os requisitos de custo e tempo de desenvolvimento têm sido abordados com bastante êxito pela engenharia de software baseada em componentes (CBSE) aliada à técnica de reuso de componentes. No entanto, a utilização da abordagem CBSE sem as devidas verificações da qualidade dos componentes utilizados, pode trazer conseqüências catastróficas (Jezequel et al., 1997). A utilização de mecanismos apropriados de pesquisa, seleção e avaliação da qualidade de componentes são considerados pontos chave na adoção da abordagem CBSE. Diante do exposto, esta tese propõe uma Metodologia para Avaliação da Qualidade de Componentes de Software Embarcados sob diferentes aspectos. A idéia é solucionar a falta de consistência entre as normas ISO/IEC 9126, 14598 e 2500, incluindo o contexto de componente de software e estendendo-o ao domínio de sistemas embarcados. Estas normas provêem definições de alto nível para características e métricas para produtos de software, mas não provêem formas de usá-las efetivamente, tornando muito difícil aplicá-las sem adquirir mais informações de outras fontes. A Metodologia é composta de quatro módulos que se complementam em busca da qualidade, através de um processo de avaliação, um modelo de qualidade, técnicas de avaliação agrupadas por níveis de qualidade e uma abordagem de métricas. Desta forma, ela auxilia o desenvolvedor de sistemas embarcado no processo de seleção de componentes, avaliando qual componente melhor se enquadra nos requisitos do sistema. É utilizada por avaliadores terceirizados quando contratados por fornecedores a fim de obter credibilidade em seus componentes. A metodologia possibilita avaliar a qualidade do componente embarcado antes do mesmo ser armazenado em um sistema de repositório, especialmente no contexto do framework robusto para reuso de software, proposto por Almeida (Almeida, 2004)

Inner City Police Retreat

Viljoen, Yolandi January 2014 (has links)
Man’s relationship with architecture is not intellectual, but associated with our emotive subconscious. The quality of space, as defined by architecture, is personified and evaluated through the experience it orchestrates. The investigation aims to uncover the process of choreographing emotive experiences through design. These pertain to the writings of renowned Swiss architect, Peter Zumthor, who manages to design evocative spaces, architecture that embodies definite atmospheres. Zumthor explains in his manifesto Thinking Architecture, that atmosphere is measured through man’s emotional sensibility, rendering experience and emotion as tools for designing spatial quality. Architecture is not abstract, but concrete matter, an assemblage of quantifiable substance, and thus, the architectural palette exists within emotion. Beyond its physicality, architectural elements embody sensory potential in its application, arrangements and composition. The architect orchestrates the infinite architectural palette to provoke the senses, which defines experience. Finnish architect, Juhani Pallasmaa, better known for his writings on architecture and the senses, writes extensively on the non-cognitive realm of architecture as experienced, not only through the traditional senses measured by sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, but includes the human body in its dimensionality as it relates to its surroundings, ergonomically and spatially. The architectural premise lead to an investigation into the lost landscape of Pretoria’s Central Business district, where spatial and material degradation have abandoned various sites in hostility. The forsaken lot on the corner of Pretorius and Sophie de Bruyn Streets, currently offers its users, the South African National Police Service (SAPS), nothing more than a parking space. The vastness of emotion in which the architectural palette exists, focused the exploration on a specific emotion as derived from the users of the identified, abandoned lot. As a result of a media-generated perception, members of the SAPS have been alienated by society. Alienation, translated into architectural terms, means ‘to be outside’. The architecture is informed by the contrasting experiential conditions of alienation and belonging, outside and inside, danger and safety, chaos and cosmos. The architecture becomes the transitional medium. The Inner City Police Retreat fills the empirical void in a series of orchestrated experiences, in an attempt to inspire and transform the day to day existence of its users. / Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / Unrestricted

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