Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe aneutral"" "subject:"ehe kneutral""
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Om ingenting : Att skriva det oskrivbara genom Maurice Blanchot / Thesis on Nothing : The Writing of the Unwritable Through Maurice BlanchotSedell, Néa January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis I attempt to outline the unwritable foundation of the writing of Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003), through the notion of the disaster. By tracing the writing of the unwritable in L’Écriture du désastre [1980] I argue for the need to return to the late work of Blanchot which has often been left aside, due to its inability to coincide with a fixed position within a theoretical field. This mobility, which situates Blanchot in the gap between philosophy and literature, is traced through an approaching reading that intends to examine how the unwritable unfolds as an understanding that differs from the established narrative of the absolute negativity which is deemed to determine Blanchot’s thinking. Rather my reading emphasizes on the affirmative aspects of writing that emerge in the literary composition of the disaster, through Blanchot’s attempt to write the event that has always already happened and thus exists on the outside of writing. By examining the manner in which this unwritability overlap with the non-diachronic dimensions of the fragmentary writing of Blanchot, I suggest that his notion of writing is constituted by that which cannot be written. This, in turn, eventuates in an affirmation of the very withdrawal which makes writing unwritable. Through Roland Barthes’ idea of the pleasure of the text this affirmative aspect is further demonstrated in order to realize a greater understanding of the relation between writing and the other, philosophy and literature.
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Testování admitanční funkce indikátoru poruch / Testing of the admitance principle of the fault indicatorMusil, Milan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the proposal, implementation and evaluation of test for fault condition indicators. Thesis focusing on earth fault indicators based on admittance principles. These indicators must be able to evaluate earth faults in compensated, compensated with auxiliary resistor, unearthed and high-resistance earthed networks. The proposed tests verify the current and voltage measurement errors in inputs including monitored characteristic variables such as conductance and susceptance. The proposed test are applied to a selected ample of the fault indicator. As part of the tests, the indicator is subjected to secondary test using the Omicron CMC256plus tester as well as test on fault records that have been converted to COMTRADE for this purpose. The last series of tests carried out uses the physical model of the medium voltage system, where the tested equipment is subjected to fault states in the compensated whit auxiliary resistor system and isolated system. Furthermore, part of the thesis is research of new methods of earth fault detection, including their principles and function description. Also included in the thesis is an overview of manufacturers of indicators, or protection, who are involved in the production of earth fault protection.
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Proudy ve středních vodičích napájecích sítí a jejich důsledky / Neutral conductor loading in distribution systems. Origin and effect.Valkoun, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with an origin of the harmonic currents, their classification into symmetrical components and their influence on neutral conductor in distribution systems. It analyses the heat strain increase in distribution cables and distortion of supply tension in consequence of harmonic zero component flows in distribution system and it provides possibilities of neutral conductor overload and break-in protection.
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Système radio-fréquences sans contact pour la caractérisation diélectrique de tissus biologiques / Dielectric characterization of biological tissues using a non contact radio-frequency systemWang, Mengze 11 January 2017 (has links)
La connaissance des propriétés diélectriques des tissus biologiques constitue un enjeu majeur pour la santé. Ces propriétés traduisent la manière dont un tissu stocke ou dissipe l’énergie électromagnétique transmise par un champ extérieur ; étant liées à la composition et à la structure du milieu organique, elles traduisent également la nature et l’état physiologique d’un tissu. Leur estimation fine permet donc, le cas échéant, de détecter et/ou de suivre l’évolution d’une pathologie. Parmi les méthodes de caractérisation diélectrique des tissus possibles, nous nous sommes concentrés sur une technique de caractérisation électromagnétique par antenne inductive exploitée en émission/réception, qui permet une mise en œuvre sans contact entre le système de mesure et le tissu. Celle-ci opère dans la gamme des radiofréquences (RF) ce qui présente l’avantage de rendre le dispositif sensible à la fois à la conductivité électrique et à la permittivité diélectrique du tissu. Cette technique travaillant en champ proche nécessite l’utilisation d’un modèle électromagnétique 3D des interactions sonde / tissu pour être mise en œuvre de manière pertinente. Dans ces travaux, nous nous sommes donc intéressés au problème de la modélisation des interactions, ainsi qu’à la résolution du problème inverse qui consiste à estimer les paramètres diélectriques recherchés à partir des données de mesure fournies par l’antenne et du modèle élaboré. Pour cela, nous nous sommes concentrés sur une configuration canonique, constituée d’une antenne RF filiforme circulaire, interagissant avec un milieu diélectrique homogène « sain » dont les paramètres diélectriques macroscopiques sont représentatifs d’un tissu organique (conductivité de 0.6 S/m et permittivité relative de 80), et d’une inclusion sphérique représentative d’une lésion présentant un contraste de 10% à 50% avec les paramètres du milieu « sain ». Nous avons établi un modèle d’interactions électromagnétiques 3D reposant sur une formulation semi – analytique à sources distribuées (DPSM) adaptée à cette configuration. Une étude paramétrique de la mise en œuvre du modèle, validée dans des configurations simples par rapport à des modèles analytiques et des expérimentations, a permis de construire un modèle qui montre des écarts inférieurs à 5 % par rapport à l’expérimentation, et qui établit un compromis acceptable entre exactitude et ressources informatiques nécessaires pour calculer la solution. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à la résolution du problème inverse, consistant à retrouver les paramètres géométriques et diélectriques d’une lésion enfouie dans un milieu diélectrique « sain », à partir des variations d’impédances de l’antenne RF. Pour cela, nous avons construit un modèle inverse à réseaux de neurones artificiels (RNA) à partir de banque de données produites par le modèle DPSM. Une étude paramétrique a permis d’identifier les configurations de mise œuvre (fréquences, positions des antennes) les plus pertinentes permettant d’estimer les propriétés diélectrique, la taille et la position de l’inclusion dans le tissu, avec des erreurs d’estimation de l’ordre de 7% avec une antenne unique monofréquence, pour la caractérisation d’une inclusion de 3 cm de rayon enfouie jusqu’à 6 cm de profondeur. Ces travaux ouvrent la voix à des techniques de diagnostics de dans des milieux plus complexes (tissus stratifiés…) avec des techniques d’investigation multi-antennes et/ou multifréquences particulièrement prometteuses. / The characterization of the dielectric properties of organic tissues is a major issue in health diagnosis. These properties reflect the way organic material stores or dissipates the electromagnetic energy transmitted by an external field. They are related to the composition and the structure of the organic medium. Furthermore, they are also related to the nature and the physiological state of a tissue. For that reason the estimation of these properties is very valuable for detecting and/or monitoring the evolution of tissue pathology.Among the existing dielectric characterization methods, we focused on a characterization technique using an inductive antenna, which acts as a transmitter/receiver sensor and allows a contactless implementation between the measuring system and investigated tissue to be carried out. This system is operated in the radio-frequency (RF) band. Indeed, in the RF the device is equally sensitive to both the electrical conductivity and the dielectric permittivity of the tissue. This technique operates in a near-field and therefore a 3D electromagnetic modeling technique is required to accurately model the interactions between the sensor and the investigated tissue.This work deals with the 3D modeling and with the resolution of the inverse problem required to estimate the dielectric parameters of tissues starting from the data provided by the antenna and the outputs of the model. For this purpose, a canonical configuration featuring a filiform circular antenna is considered. This antenna interacts with a “healthy” homogeneous dielectric medium, which possess the macroscopic dielectric parameters of a typical organic tissue (i.e. conductivity 0.6S/m and relative permittivity of 80 at 100 MHz). Meanwhile, a spherical inclusion buried within the tissue is considered to simulate a tissue lesion. This inclusion features a dielectric contrast of 10% up to 50% by reference to the parameters of the “healthy” medium. A 3D modeling of the sensor/tissue interactions is established, which is based on the distributed point source method (DPSM), a versatile semi-analytical modeling technique. The model is adjusted using a parametric study and validated against analytical models (in simplified configurations) and experiments. The implemented DPSM modeling was found to feature a 5% accuracy error, compared to the experimentations, together with offering an acceptable trade-off between accuracy and the computation cost. Finally, we focused on the solving of the inverse problem which consists in estimating the geometric and dielectric parameters of a buried lesion in the “healthy” dielectric medium, starting from the variations of the impedance of the RF antenna. To do so, a behavioral model build up using an artificial neural network (ANN) was established. The model is build using a data base elaborated using the DPSM model. The parameters of the ANN is discussed in order to identify the relevant configuration (frequency, position of the antenna) to estimate the dielectric properties, the size and the position of the inclusion in the tissue. For a single antenna operated at a single frequency, an inclusion of 3cm radius buried as deep at 6 cm within the tissue was located and characterized with estimation errors of the order of 7%.The methodologies developed in these works open the way to the diagnosis of more complex material (such as layered tissues), using promising techniques such as multi-frequency non contact RF antenna arrays.
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”Vi bidrar till en hållbar utveckling” : En studie över medias framställning av flygverksamheters klimatkompensation / “We contribute to a sustainable development” : A research of medias presentation of aviation ́s climate compensationMalmgren, Vilma January 2020 (has links)
På grund av klimatförändringar och global uppvärmning skapas effekter vilka påverkar både människa och miljö negativt. Att minska mängden genererade växthusutsläpp är en grundläggande åtgärd för att hantera miljöeffekterna. Samtidigt har konsumtionen av utrikes flygresor från Sverige fördubblats sedan 1990-talet vilket är en stor faktor för utsläpp av växthusgaser vilka bidrar till problematiken. Därmed används klimatkompensation som åtgärd för att ersätta de miljövärden som förlorats på grund av flygens utsläpp. Syftet med studien är undersöka de diskurser som finns kring flygets klimatkompensation. Materialet som analyseras består av dagspress insamlat från svenska nationella dagsmedier och analyseras med hjälp av metoden diskursanalys. Studien har resulterat i tre olika diskurser kring klimatkompensation. Inom de olika diskurserna används begreppet klimatkompensation varierande beroende på sammanhang. Resultatet visar att klimatkompensation används för att lindra människors oro för klimatförändringar och även för att en klimatbelastande verksamhet ska framställas som mer hållbar. Klimatkompensation används även som styrmedel för att hantera den mängd utsläpp som överskrider den bestämda mängd utsläpp som får genereras av flygverksamheter. Inom diskurserna riktas även kritik mot verktygets trovärdighet, transparens och socioekonomiska effekter. / Due climate change and global warming, effects are created which create negative impacts at humans as well the environment. Reducing the amount of generated greenhouse gas emissions is a fundamental measure for managing environmental impacts. At the same time, consumption of foreign air travel from Sweden has increased and doubled since the 1990s, which is a major factor contributing to the problem. Thus, climate compensation is used as a tool to replace the environmental values lost due to emissions created by aviation. The purpose of the study is to investigate the existing discourses around aviation climate compensation. The analyzed material consists of daily press collected from Swedish national medias and analyzed using the method of discourse analysis. The study resulted in three different discourses on climate compensation. In the different discourses, the concept of climate compensation varies depending on the context. The result shows that climate compensation is used to alleviate people's concerns about climate change and also to depict a climate-impacting business as sustainable. Climate compensation is also used in case of managing the amount of emissions exceeding the maximum allowed amount of emissions generated by aviation operations. In the discourses, criticism is also directed at the tool's credibility, transparency and socio-economic impacts.
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Den fysiska förskolemiljön ur ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ observations- och intervjustudie om genus i förhållande till den fysiska miljön i några förskolor / The physical preschool environment from a gender perspective : A qualitative observational and interview study on gender in relation to the physical environment in some preschoolsNilsson, Fanny, Johansson, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida den fysiska miljön i utvalda förskolor var könsneutral eller ej, samt om det fanns en genusmedveten planering, eller en eventuell önskan om en könsneutral miljö, vad gäller lekmaterial, inredning och möblering. Kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med fem förskollärare samt observationer av respektive förskollärares fysiska förskolemiljö. Insamlade data från intervjuer och observationer analyserades med hjälp av Sandra Hardings teori om genus. Resultatet visade på att förskollärarna ej medvetet anlagt ett genusperspektiv vad gäller planeringen och utformningen av deras fysiska miljöer, samt att det förekommer visst könskodat material i majoriteten av de observerade förskolorna. Trots detta påvisade resultatet också att de observerade miljöerna var relativt könsneutrala, då majoriteten av det könskodade materialen var utspridda över förskoleavdelningarnas alla rum. Vidare tycktes det finnas en vilja hos de intervjuade förskollärarna att arbeta med könsneutrala miljöer då samtliga ansåg att detta var viktigt. Resultatet visade vidare att det rådde vissa oklarheter över vilka material och miljöer som egentligen kunde klassas som könskodade och könsneutrala eller ej.
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Studium variability ionosféry / Study of ionospheric variabilityMošna, Zbyšek January 2014 (has links)
High variability of the ionosphere is connected to geomagnetic, solar, and neutral atmosphere wave activity. Results of scaling analysis of solar data (F10.7, SSN), geomagnetic indices (Dst, Kp, AE), and ionospheric critical frequencies (foF2) show similar structure of Kp, AE and foF2 at periods in the range from 4 to 32 days. Data structure depends on the location of ionospheric stations. Correlation coefficients between foF2 and geomagnetic and solar indices depend on length of time scale. We show that vertical coupling exists between neutral atmosphere activity and sporadic E layer area. This connection is located predominantly on periods corresponding to internal modes of planetary waves. Interplanetary magnetic field discontinuities (Coronal mass ejections, Magnetic clouds, Hight speed solar streams) affect strongly the ionosphere. Analysed events lead to lowering of foF2, increase in heights of the layer F2 and oscillations of hmF2 and foF2 on periods in the order of hours. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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The Topology of Evolutionary BiologyStadler, Bärbel M.R., Stadler, Peter F. 17 October 2018 (has links)
Central notions in evolutionary biology are intrinsically topological.
This claim is maybe most obvious for the discontinuities associated with punctuated
equilibria. Recently, a mathematical framework has been developed that derives the
concepts of phenotypic characters and homology from the topological structure of
the phenotype space. This structure in turn is determined by the genetic operators
and their interplay with the properties of the genotype-phenotype map.
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Performance of alternative option pricing models during spikes in the FTSE 100 volatility index : Empirical evidence from FTSE100 index optionsRehnby, Nicklas January 2017 (has links)
Derivatives have a large and significant role on the financial markets today and the popularity of options has increased. This has also increased the demand of finding a suitable option pricing model, since the ground-breaking model developed by Black & Scholes (1973) have poor pricing performance. Practitioners and academics have over the years developed different models with the assumption of non-constant volatility, without reaching any conclusions regarding which model is more suitable to use. This thesis examines four different models, the first model is the Practitioners Black & Scholes model proposed by Christoffersen & Jacobs (2004b). The second model is the Heston´s (1993) continuous time stochastic volatility model, a modification of the model is also included, which is called the Strike Vector Computation suggested by Kilin (2011). The last model is the Heston & Nandi (2000) Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity type discrete model. From a practical point of view the models are evaluated, with the goal of finding the model with the best pricing performance and the most practical usage. The model´s robustness is also tested to see how the models perform in out-of-sample during a high respectively low implied volatility market. All the models are effected in the robustness test, the out-sample ability is negatively affected by a high implied volatility market. The results show that both of the stochastic volatility models have superior performances in the in-sample and out-sample analysis. The Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity type discrete model shows surprisingly poor results both in the in-sample and out-sample analysis. The results indicate that option data should be used instead of historical return data to estimate the model’s parameters. This thesis also provides an insight on why overnight-index-swap (OIS) rates should be used instead of LIBOR rates as a proxy for the risk-free rate.
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Bortom ‘den stora mannen’ : En studie om kvinnors föreställning om ledarskapetHenriksson, David, Kumar, Jasmin January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is based on the idea of masculine and feminine leadership. As well as the criticism of postheroic leadership as gender neutral, and the conflict in whether men's and women's conceptions of leadership differ. This is determined on the basis of the research questions "Do women have a notion of leadership that can be defined as postheroic", "Do women's notion of leadership differentiate from men's notion" and "Do women experience obstacles in their leadership from stereotypical notions of woman". The method used in the essay is a qualitative and quantitative approach. The collection of empirical data was conducted using six semi-structured interviews with respondents who have a managerial role in the private sector. Four of the respondents are women and two are men. In addition, a survey was conducted against the subordinates of the four female respondents to triangulate the leadership of the interviewed women. The thesis theoretical reference frame consists of ‘Heroic leadership’, ‘Postheroic leadership’, ‘Identity and culture’ and ‘Femininity and masculinity’. The result shows that all women in this study seem to have a postheroic notion of leadership in their way to lead. The result also shows that there do not appear to be any differences between men and women's notion of leadership. Instead, it suggests that the context in which leadership is located has a greater impact on the concept of leadership, than gender. The women in this survey do not state any direct obstacles in their leadership from stereotypical notions of the woman. Instead, it appears that it can be an advantage to be a woman in a relationship-oriented leadership.
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