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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Instructional Practices of English as Second Language Teachers

Wallis, Karen Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
The past decade has seen a significant increase in the emergence of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the United States. Nationally, a disparity in achievement exists between ELLs and non-ELLs. Relatedly, this problem was evident in a northeastern school district, where ELLs had not made Adequate Yearly Progress 2 years in a row. The purpose of this study was to examine how much time English as Second Language (ESL) teachers spend on a variety of best instructional practices. Constructivism, Vygotsky's zone of proximal development, and Tomilinson's differentiated instruction were the frameworks used to guide this research. A within-group design was utilized to identify how much time 25 ESL educators spent on 5 types of instructional practices. The Survey of Instructional Practices for ESL/ELD Teachers for Grades K-12 was used to collect data. A 1-way analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences between the amounts of time ESL teachers spent on the 5 instructional practices. The greatest time was spent on individualized instructional activities and a variety of educational tasks. Less time was spent on small group activities, and the least amount of time was spent on inquiry-based activities and technology activities. Findings supported the creation of a professional development for ESL teachers at the local site focusing on (a) best instructional practices for teaching ESL students, (b) professional learning community network of support, and (c) resources to support educators in their lesson planning of instructional activities. The study findings and culminating project may positively affect social change by improving ESL instruction at the local site and ultimately decreasing the disparity in achievement between ELL and non-ELL students.

A socio-cultural case study of a primary school system in Venda, South Africa.

Muthivhi, Azwihangwisi Edward 22 December 2008 (has links)
The present study examines the relationship between the practices of schooling and classroom teaching and learning on the one hand and learners’ cognitive development and functioning on the other. The study uses innovative system of ideas in developmental and educational psychology, originally formulated by Lev Vygotsky to investigate the interrelations between learning, instruction and development. Carried out in a rapidly changing socio-cultural context of Venda, South Africa, the study examines the realities of schooling practices that exhibit both continuity with the past practices of society and some profound transformations that together lead to a multi-dimensional and a complex picture of cognitive development in learners. By examining the relations between the cultural practices of schooling and its socio-historical context on the one hand, and the consequent psychological process on the other hand, the present study offers an opportunity for exploring processes that may be more opaque in relatively stable socio-cultural contexts of schooling. The observations on the history of schooling in South Africa in general, and in Venda in particular, support the theoretical formulation that particular practices of schooling, themselves originating from and continuing larger social-historical processes, represent contexts in which learning and development take place and are shaped. The empirical investigations revealed that even the socio-cultural contexts of schooling characterized by strong ruptures, such as in South Africa, nonetheless carry on some vestiges of their past practices that affect today’s learning and development of learners. The study concludes, extending the prevailing theoretical formulation, that the social and cultural setting of schooling in Venda is multifaceted; manifesting xvi. instances of indigenous practices, the traditions of past missionary practices, as well as the traditions of the past, apartheid schooling. By taking into account these socio-cultural influences, the study provides crucial insights into the regularities of cognitive and conceptual developmental processes taking place in conditions of rapid social change in the course of the schooling of today’s children in Venda. The study furthers our understanding about the regularities of the socio-cultural and historical processes of schooling in conditions of rapid social change, and concludes by proposing ways of improving contemporary educational practice in South Africa, grounded in sound psychological knowledge and research about school transformation and classroom teaching and learning improvement.

Instructional Practices of English as Second Language Teachers

Wallis, Karen Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
The past decade has seen a significant increase in the emergence of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the United States. Nationally, a disparity in achievement exists between ELLs and non-ELLs. Relatedly, this problem was evident in a northeastern school district, where ELLs had not made Adequate Yearly Progress 2 years in a row. The purpose of this study was to examine how much time English as Second Language (ESL) teachers spend on a variety of best instructional practices. Constructivism, Vygotsky's zone of proximal development, and Tomilinson's differentiated instruction were the frameworks used to guide this research. A within-group design was utilized to identify how much time 25 ESL educators spent on 5 types of instructional practices. The Survey of Instructional Practices for ESL/ELD Teachers for Grades K-12 was used to collect data. A 1-way analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences between the amounts of time ESL teachers spent on the 5 instructional practices. The greatest time was spent on individualized instructional activities and a variety of educational tasks. Less time was spent on small group activities, and the least amount of time was spent on inquiry-based activities and technology activities. Findings supported the creation of a professional development for ESL teachers at the local site focusing on (a) best instructional practices for teaching ESL students, (b) professional learning community network of support, and (c) resources to support educators in their lesson planning of instructional activities. The study findings and culminating project may positively affect social change by improving ESL instruction at the local site and ultimately decreasing the disparity in achievement between ELL and non-ELL students.

Tonårsflickor berättar om att vara eller inte vara i behov av särskilt stöd : En longitudinell fallstudie / Teenage girls’ narratives regarding to be or not to be in need of special educational support

Johansson, Barbro January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to describe teenage girls’ experiences and perceptions of participation and influence during learning processes. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the view that children are social actors with their own agency were central to the study. The girls, who were 13 years old when the study began, and 16 when it ended, were interviewed once per semester for three years. Classroom observations formed the basis of the interviews, which provided insight into the learning environment and its working methods. These, in turn, were discussed during the interviews. Nine girls were selected through the IEPs that the school had established for them. They attended regular classes for most of the school day, but received at least one session of special education in smaller groups each week. Their special needs were due to reading and writing difficulties. All of them received special support in English, while seven of the girls also received special support in mathematics. The girls described current events in their life, regarding both school and their spare time, as well as their thoughts about the future, and how efforts to accommodate their special educational needs have affected their schooling. In addition to the girls’ narratives, the IEPs and grades provided the school’s narrative about the girls. The theoretical basis of the thesis comprises cultural-historical ideas of teaching and learning, and the importance of relationships to group-based learning. Descriptive qualitative analyses were based on the teenage girls’ narratives and resulted in five themes; a sixth theme discussed the school’s assessment of the girls through the IEPs and their grades from lower secondary school. Feeling included or not in the group was the overarching theme of all the stories, which involved the girls’ perceptions of how they were treated by the people around them. The results indicate that the girls needed to have instructions repeated to them. There was also a need for continuous encouragement and affirmation in order for them to dare to take on assignments. When it came to collaborative learning together with classmates, the girls preferred to hide their perceived weaknesses, which only made them more dependent on the teacher’s aid. In addition, the girls felt that the teachers were unhappy with the way they handled their school work, and felt overlooked rather than “seen”. In both the stories and the IEPs, concentration difficulties were highlighted as a consistent problem. The analyses show that it is not possible to speak of concentration difficulties without further specification. Since the girls also explained that they were able to maintain concentration, it is necessary to identify which conditions allow pupils to maintain their skills, and when these skills are lost. One finding was that experiences of playing sports created unexpected development opportunities for performing under pressure, even in test situations. According to the girls, visual strengths could compensate for difficulties remembering comprehensive information. The teaching provided opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of facts through visual expression, but creative elements were not included in graded assessments. The study shows that the girls’ leisure-time experiences created opportunities for generalisation regarding learning strategies in school situations.

"Jag lär mig men det är barnsligt" : Perspektiv på möjligheter och hinder för skrivlärande

Sandström, Anna-Karin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how four third grade pupils, who are in need of extra support in their development in writing, and their teacher describe the conditions of the teaching organization when writing factual text. The empirical material consisted of transcripts of interviews with teacher and students, supported by field notes of observations and video observations. Constructively oriented interviews were conducted with an interview guide as support. The choice to carry out observations and video observation also gave an opportunity to study the teaching from different perspectives, and contributed to broader empirical material.   The results of the study show that the scaffolding that existed in the organization in various ways created opportunities for the pupils to write factual texts. Different examples of a varied and successful scaffolding in teaching are presented in the results section. The current teacher used several different artefacts in her teaching as well as collaborative activities like dialogues in full class, or between students, to support knowledge, acquisition on the subject, on subject specific concepts and on factual writing. One obstacle that emerged was that a pupil had difficulty writing the factual text despite the support that existed in the organization of the teaching.   The pupils also describe a varied support in teaching. They used different artefacts as support when they learned the facts on the subject and when writing the factual texts. According to the pupils’ statements more obstacles existed. One pupil had difficulties to write despite the support, one pupil felt that writing by hand was an obstacle, one pupil stressed that the weak interest for the subject as well as the “childish” material (the film) reduced the motivation to learn and two pupils also claimed external influences, like a noisy classroom, to be an obstacle to focusing on the writing task. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur fyra elever som är i behov av extra stöd i sin skrivutveckling och en lärare i årskurs 3 beskriver vilka förutsättningar som finns i undervisningen för att skriva en faktatext. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av utskrifter från lärar- och elevintervjuer med stöd av fältanteckningar från observation och videoobservation. Konstruktivistiskt orienterade intervjuer utfördes med en intervjuguide som stöd. Valet att även genomföra observation och videoobservation gav en möjlighet att studera undervisningen utifrån olika perspektiv och bidrog till ett bredare empiriskt material.   Resultaten från studien visade att den stöttning som fanns i undervisningens organisation på många olika sätt skapade förutsättningar för eleverna att skriva en faktatext. Olika exempel på en varierad framgångsrik stöttning presenteras i resultatet. Läraren i studien använde flera olika artefakter som stöd i undervisningen och kollaborativa aktiviteter som samtal i helklass och mellan elever för att stötta kunskapsinhämtning om ämnet, ämnesbegrepp och skrivande av en faktatext. Ett hinder som framkom var att en elev hade svårt att skriva faktatexten trots stödet som fanns i undervisningens organisation.   Eleverna beskrev också ett varierat stöd i undervisningen. De använde olika artefakter som stöd när de skulle lära sig fakta om ämnet och när de skulle skriva faktatexten. Utifrån elevernas beskrivningar framkom fler hinder. En elev hade svårt att skriva trots stödet, en elev ansåg att skrivandet för hand hindrade honom, en elev tar upp att intresset för ämnet är lågt och densamme menar att materialet (filmen) är för ”barnsligt” vilka båda är faktorer som påverkar motivationen att lära och två elever lyfter även yttre påverkansfaktorer, som prat i klassrummet som ett hinder för att kunna koncentrera sig på skrivuppgiften.

O uso de jogos na resolução de problemas de contagem : um estudo de caso em uma turma do 8º ano do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre

Carvalho, Gustavo Quevedo January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de sequência didática em problemas de contagem, a partir de situações de jogos. Foi feito um Estudo de Caso numa turma de 8º ano do ensino fundamental do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre e, ao longo do segundo semestre de 2008, quando da aplicação desses jogos, fizemos observações em relação às estratégias de contagem, às relações sociais, às distintas formas de organizar a resolução dos problemas que surgiam nas atividades e aos esquemas produzidos pelos alunos. Fundamentados na Teoria dos Campos Conceituais (Vergnaud) e na Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal (Vygotsky), fazemos uma análise de como esses sujeitos se comportaram em diferentes contextos que abordavam o mesmo campo conceitual multiplicativo. Ao término dessa pesquisa, concluímos que o conjunto das diversas situações dos jogos ampliou o leque de representações de contagem e que o ambiente de sala de aula se tornou mais sociável, à medida que os alunos se integravam para um objetivo comum. / This work proposes a teaching sequence in counting problems, from situations of games. Was made a case study in a class of 8th grade of elementary school of the Military School of Porto Alegre and, during the second half of 2008, when following these games, we made observations on the counting strategies, social interaction, different ways of organizing the problems that arose in the activities and the schemes produced by the students. Based on the Theory of Conceptual Fields (Vergnaud) and Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky), we made an analysis of how these individuals behave in different contexts that were on the same multiplicative conceptual field. At the end of this research, we conclude that all the different situations of the game expanded the range of representations of counting and that the environment of the classroom has become more sociable, as the students were integrated into a common goal.

A construção do conceito de número racional no sexto ano do ensino fundamental / The construction of the concept of rational number in the sixth year of elementary school

Alves, Vanessa da Silva 10 April 2014 (has links)
This work was developed from the preparation, implementation and analysis of a didactical sequence aimed to promoting the learning of concept of rational number by students in the sixth year of elementary school. We used the concept of zone of proximal development by Vygotsky and the treatment and conversion concepts developed by Duval. It is believed, in accordance with Duval, that the concept can only occur when the student is able do the treatments and the conversions of mathematical objects and, in accordance to Vygotsky, that the process of teaching and learning should be geared to the needs of individuals. This research is theoretically and methodologically basad the Didactic Engineering, methodology aimed to studying the work in the classroom by internal validation, that is, comparing what the student knew before having contact with an educational tool to learn what he achieved after the completion of the work. The didactical sequence proposed could provide students with the appropriation of the concept of rational number, that is, they managed to make the treatments and conversions with the following forms of representation of rational numbers: natural language, decimal, fractional and figural. This form, assisting them in performing daily activities that involve on mathematical object. / Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento, na aplicação e na análise de uma sequência didática destinada à promoção da apropriação do conceito de número racional por alunos do sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental. Foram utilizados o conceito de zona de desenvolvimento proximal de Vygotsky e os conceitos de tratamento e conversão desenvolvidos por Duval. Acredita-se, conforme Duval, que a conceituação só pode ocorrer quando o aluno é capaz de realizar os tratamentos e as conversões dos objetos matemáticos e, segundo Vygotsky, que o processo de ensino e aprendizagem deve ser voltado para as necessidades dos sujeitos. Essa pesquisa tem como fundamento teórico-metodológico a Engenharia Didática, uma metodologia que busca estudar os trabalhos desenvolvidos em sala de aula por meio de um processo de validação interno, isto é, confrontando aquilo que o aluno sabia antes de ter contato com o instrumento didático com aquilo que ele conseguiu compreender após a realização do trabalho. A sequência didática proposta pode propiciar aos alunos a apropriação do conceito de número racional, isto é, eles foram capazes de realizar os tratamentos e as conversões com as seguintes formas de representação do número racional: em língua natural, decimal, figural e fracionária. Fato que pode auxiliar os alunos na realização de atividades cotidianas que envolvam este objeto matemático.

O uso de jogos na resolução de problemas de contagem : um estudo de caso em uma turma do 8º ano do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre

Carvalho, Gustavo Quevedo January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de sequência didática em problemas de contagem, a partir de situações de jogos. Foi feito um Estudo de Caso numa turma de 8º ano do ensino fundamental do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre e, ao longo do segundo semestre de 2008, quando da aplicação desses jogos, fizemos observações em relação às estratégias de contagem, às relações sociais, às distintas formas de organizar a resolução dos problemas que surgiam nas atividades e aos esquemas produzidos pelos alunos. Fundamentados na Teoria dos Campos Conceituais (Vergnaud) e na Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal (Vygotsky), fazemos uma análise de como esses sujeitos se comportaram em diferentes contextos que abordavam o mesmo campo conceitual multiplicativo. Ao término dessa pesquisa, concluímos que o conjunto das diversas situações dos jogos ampliou o leque de representações de contagem e que o ambiente de sala de aula se tornou mais sociável, à medida que os alunos se integravam para um objetivo comum. / This work proposes a teaching sequence in counting problems, from situations of games. Was made a case study in a class of 8th grade of elementary school of the Military School of Porto Alegre and, during the second half of 2008, when following these games, we made observations on the counting strategies, social interaction, different ways of organizing the problems that arose in the activities and the schemes produced by the students. Based on the Theory of Conceptual Fields (Vergnaud) and Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky), we made an analysis of how these individuals behave in different contexts that were on the same multiplicative conceptual field. At the end of this research, we conclude that all the different situations of the game expanded the range of representations of counting and that the environment of the classroom has become more sociable, as the students were integrated into a common goal.

Fonemisk medvetenhet i förskolan. : En studie om hur pedagoger i förskolan arbetar med fonemisk medvetenhet. / Phonemic awareness in pre-school. : A study about how pre-schoolteachers teach phonemic awareness in pre-school.

Hallberg Österberg, Anna-Carin January 2018 (has links)
Language development is a part of what pre-school teachers are supposed to teach children in pre-school and reading books, singing songs and rhyming is something that goes on although it isn’t always thought of how or why it is done. Phonological awareness, as just mentioned, is something that pre-school teachers work with on an everyday basis. The purpose of this study is to see how pre-school teachers work with the part of the phonological awareness that is called phonemic awareness. This study aims to see how pre-school teachers teach how the letters of the alphabet sounds and what words sounds like in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words and how the children in pre-school get to learn how to use these sounds in their language development. The methodology used in this study is semistructured interviews with pre-school teachers. The results of the interviews conducted in this study show that pre-school teachers have several different ways to teach young children in the preschool about phonemic awareness. / Språkutveckling är en del av vad förskollärare ska undervisa barn i förskolan och att läsa böcker, sjunga sånger och rimma är något som hela tiden pågår, men det är inte alltid att det tänks till på hur eller varför det görs. Fonologisk medvetenhet, som just nämnts, är något som förskollärare arbetar med på vardaglig basis. Syftet med denna studie är att se hur förskollärare arbetar med den del av den fonologiska medvetenheten som kallas fonemisk medvetenhet. Denna studie syftar till att se hur förskollärare lär ut hur bokstäverna i alfabetet låter och hur ord låter i början, i mitten och i slutet av orden och hur barnen i förskolan lär sig att använda dessa ljud i sin språkutveckling. Den metod som använts i studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer med förskollärare. Resultaten av de intervjuer som genomfördes i denna studie visar att förskollärare har flera olika sätt att lära unga barn i förskolan om fonemisk medvetenhet.


Jacques, Siméia Tussi 25 November 2015 (has links)
This paper views technologies as human constructs, becoming as such in the objectification process, having a specific function when shared within the social practice. Among the technologies, it is possible to highlight the media inventions for having multiple utilities alongside the accumulated human intelligence in producing and reproducing its material life, modifying the human relationships and nature. The school, considered as a privileged place where knowledge is shared, faces the paradigm to follow the path done by the intellectual human development, besides ensuring the re-flexibility on the actions as we establish in the world. It is pictured, in school, the singular role of teacher and students, in mediated relationships aiming at achieving the human culture. It is important to focus attention on that issue, in order to reflect on the purpose of teaching geometrical concepts, using the mediating software called GeoGebra. Nevertheless, it is not any type of teaching that accepts the majority of formation concepts, as well as by the fact that it is not any mediation that qualifies for such process, under the zone of proximal development (ZPD) perspective, based on the cultural-historical theory. It was performed a qualitative field research focused on the cultural historical perspective among 5th graders of Elementary School attending a private school in Santa Maria/RS. As for the methodological procedures, it was selected the participant-observation, semi-structured interview followed by an opened questionnaire and field journal, besides the elaboration of activities created in the GeoGebra software and digital records. The analysis of content was used for data analysis, therefore being characterized by the different methodological resources. As for the results, it is possible to conclude that the digital tools are an indirect means for human action around him, alongside his presence in the educational context as changing the teaching perspectives. On the other hand, in order to transformations of spontaneous knowledge into scientific knowledge occur, the child needs, undoubtedly, the teacher to act as the organizer of activities to foster learning, promoting collaborative actions to reach their goals. / Este trabalho compreende as tecnologias como construtos humanos, constituindo-se como tal no processo de objetivação, que quando compartilhados, passam a ter uma função específica no interior da prática social. Dentre as tecnologias, as invenções midiáticas se destacam pelas múltiplas utilidades que assumem, e pela história acumulada de inteligência humana em produzir e reproduzir sua vida material, modificando as relações humanas e a própria natureza. A escola, locus privilegiado em transmitir os conhecimentos acumulados historicamente, insere-se, portanto, no paradigma de acompanhar o transcurso do desenvolvimento intelectual humano, e ainda garantir a reflexibilidade sobre as ações que estabelecemos no mundo. No espaço escolar, tem-se a imagem ímpar do professor e estudantes, em relações mediadas no objetivo de apropriação da cultura humana. A este aspecto direcionamos nossos olhares, para a reflexão do processo educativo intencional de formação de conceitos geométricos, utilizando o instrumento mediador software GeoGebra. Haja vista, que não é qualquer ensino que concebe a máxima formação de conceitos, e pela compreensão de que não é qualquer mediação que o qualificam, é que assumimos neste trabalho a zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP), com base na teoria histórico-cultural. A pesquisa é de campo-qualitativa com enfoque sócio-histórico e contou com a participação ativa de estudantes do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental I, de um colégio privado do município de Santa Maria/RS. Como procedimentos metodológicos, aderimos à observação participante, entrevista semiestrutura com aplicação de questionário aberto e diário de campo, além da elaboração de atividades produzidas com o software GeoGebra e de registros digitais. Como técnica para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo que pelos diferentes recursos metodológicos foram categorizados. Como resultados, destacamos que as ferramentas digitais se constituem um meio indireto de ação do homem com o seu entorno e sua presença no contexto educativo modifica as relações didáticas. Mas que para ocorrer a transformação de conhecimentos espontâneos por parte da criança em conhecimento científico, necessita da presença incontestável do educador com a organização de atividades intencionais de ensino, promovendo ações colaborativas para atingir seus objetivos.

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