Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe big five"" "subject:"hhe big five""
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Personlighetsegenskaper och dess koppling till utbrändhet : En studie om hur Big fives personlighetsegenskaper påverkar utbrändhetssyndrom hos fastighetsmäklare i EuropaHäggström, Hampus, Wiklund, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: “Personlighetsegenskaper och dess koppling till utbrändhet” Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i företagsekonomi C Författare: Hampus Häggström och Cornelia Wiklund Handledare: Dr. Jonas Kågström och biträdande handledare Martin Ahlenius Datum: Juni 2022 Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att kartlägga och analysera utbrändhet hos fastighetsmäklare genom Maslach burnout inventory utifrån Big fives personlighetsegenskaper. Metod: Denna studie är utformad ur en kvantitativ metod med ett deduktivt synsätt. Datainsamlingen utgick från en webbaserad enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 3126 verksamma fastighetsmäklare i Europa. Analysen av datan utfördes i statistikprogrammet “JASP”, där primärt bivariata korrelationsanalyser utfördes för att finna signifikanta samband mellan de olika variablerna. Denna information kunde sedan användas för att redovisa och tolka resultatet. Resultat & slutsats: Utifrån den analyserade datan visade undersökningen att fastighetsmäklarnas personlighetsegenskaper påverkade individens nivå av utbrändhet. Det anträffade positiva signifikanta samband mellan egenskapen neuroticism och utbrändhet. Personlighetsegenskaperna extraversion och conscientiousness visade däremot negativa samband med utbrändhetssyndromen. Undersökningen visade dessutom att det inte endast var personlighetsegenskaperna som påverkade välmående. Trivseln på arbetsplatsen hade även det en stor betydelse för den enskilde individens välmående. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar teoretiskt med en klarare uppfattning kring utbrändhetsdimensionerna utifrån personlighetsegenskaperna inom Big five. Likaså sambandet till välmående, arbetstillfredsställelse och individens tanke om att lämna arbetsplatsen. Detta praktiska bidrag kan hjälpa individen att förstå dess sårbarhet och utmaningar för att i praktiken kunna förebygga utbrändhetssyndrom. Det hjälper dessutom chefer och ledare som bedriver fastighetsmäklarkontor i Europa att få en inblick i vilka anställda som föreligger större risk att utsättas för utbrändhetssyndrom samt är i behov av extra stöttning. Cheferna och ledarna kan därmed anpassa arbetsmiljön och förhållandena efter individens behov för att bidra till ett bättre välmående på arbetsplatsen och minska personalomsättningen. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studies population omfattar fastighetsmäklare i Europa. Ett intressant bidrag till forskningen hade varit att undersöka andra specifika demografiska områden för att sedan jämföra dessa mot varandra för att se om arbetssättet i de olika områdena skulle vara bättre eller sämre ur ett utbrändhetsperspektiv. / Title: “Personality traits and its connection to burnout” Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Hampus Häggström and Cornelia Wiklund Supervisors: Dr. Jonas Kågström and assistant Martin Ahlenius Date: June 2022 Aim: The purpose of this study is to map and analyze burnout among real estate agents through Maslach burnout inventory based on Big fives personality traits. Method: This study is designed from a quantitative method with a deductive approach. The data collection is based on a web-based survey that was sent out to 3126 active real estate agents in Europe. The analysis of the data was performed in a statistics program named “JASP”, where primarily bivariate correlation analysis was performed to find significant correlations between the various variables. This information could then be used to report and interpret the results. Result & Conclusion: Based on the analyzed data, the study showed that the real estate agents personality traits affected how exposed the individual was to burnout. There were strongly positive significant associations between the trait neuroticism and burnout, while the personality traits extraversion and conscientiousness showed negative associations with burnout syndrome. The study also showed that it was not only the personality traits that affected the well-being of the individual. The comfort of the workplace, however, also has agreat importance for well-being. Contribution of the thesis: This study theoretically contributes with a clearer understanding of the dimensions of burnout based on the personality traits through Big five. Likewise, the connection to well-being, job satisfaction and the individual's thoughts of leaving the workplace. This practical contribution can help the individual to understand its vulnerability and challenges in order to be able to prevent burnout syndrome in practice. It can also help leaders and managers who run real estate agencies in Europe, to gain an insight into which employees are at greater risk of being exposed to burnout syndrome and the employees that are in need of extra support. The leaders and managers can thus adapt the work environmentand conditions to the individual's needs in order to contribute to a better workplace and reduce turnover intention. Suggestions for further research: The population of this study includes real estate agents in Europe. An interesting contribution to science would have been to examine other specific demographic areas and then compare these against each other in order to see if the working methods in the different areas would be better or worse from a burnout perspective.
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The longitudinal trajectory and client-therapist agreement of personality traits over the course of therapyMeredith A Bucher (11166732) 28 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Personality traits are important factors of psychotherapy for many reasons, as they relate
to a variety of clinical outcomes, can complicate treatment, and can also be targets of treatment
interventions. Because of its clinical prevalence and impact, it is imperative that therapists are able
to effectively assess and treat personality pathology. Previous research has indicated that both
client and therapist ratings of personality can provide meaningful information, and this varies
across different sessions, but no study to date has examined both client and therapist ratings across
the entire therapeutic intervention. There is also limited information on the agreement of client and
therapist ratings of personality, as the majority of studies only examine the outset, the end, or a
random time point of treatment. Examining only one point in time – or just the beginning and end
– misses valuable information regarding possible changes in personality occurring throughout
treatment. Using a naturalistic dataset of 128 client-therapist dyads (3,440 observations), the
present study examined the longitudinal trajectory of client and therapist ratings of personality
change throughout intervention while also accounting for state-level distress. Additionally, the
agreement between clients and therapists were examined throughout treatment for any potential
patterns of change using rank-order, mean-level, and absolute agreement. Significant patterns of
trait change and change in absolute agreement across treatment were assessed using multilevel
modeling. Last but not least, the agreement among clients and therapists were examined as
potential predictors of therapeutic outcomes, such as engagement and improvement. The results
provided evidence for significant decreases in neuroticism that were reported by the client but not
therapist that suggest clients might be report decreases in state-level distress rather than true trait
change. There were meaningful fluctuations in agreement across treatment, particularly for
openness to experience and neuroticism, but the overall agreement – or lack thereof – did not
significantly predict client engagement or improvement. Results highlight several clinical
implications that are discussed. </p>
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Влияние личностных качеств учителя на отношение к профессиональной деятельности : магистерская диссертация / The influence of personal qualities of a teacher on the attitude to professional activityПерфильев, П. С., Perfilyev, P. S. January 2023 (has links)
Работа включает в себя введение, теоретическую и эмпирическую главы, заключение, а также список использованных источников. В первой главе рассматриваются теоретические аспекты профессии учитель. В первом параграфе главы рассматривается ряд международных и российских нормативно-правовых актов, касающихся учителей, во втором параграфе рассматривается научная литература, которая затрагивает тему личностных особенностей учителей, которые могут положительно или негативно повлиять на их профессиональную деятельность. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирическому исследованию, которое проведено при помощи психологических методик «Большая пятерка» и «Смысложизненные ориентации» для изучения связи личностных особенностей учителей с их отношением к педагогической профессии. / In the first chapter, we consider the theoretical aspects of the teacher profession. In the first paragraph of the first chapter, we consider a number of international and Russian normative legal acts concerning teachers, in the second paragraph of the first chapter, we consider scientific literature that touches on the topic of personal characteristics of teachers. The second chapter is devoted to an empirical study conducted with the help of psychological techniques "Big Five" and "Life-sense orientations".
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Hur påverkar min personlighet mitt returbeteende? : En kvantitativ studie om femfaktorteorin, opportunistiska och legitima returbeteenden / How does my personality affect my return behavior? : Quantitative study about the big-five model, opportunistic and legitimate return behaviorOlsson Dahl, Emma, Ek, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
De senaste åren har den digitala utvecklingen lett till stor utveckling inom konsumenters köpbeteenden online. I takt med att det uppkommit fler aktörer på marknaden har e-handelsföretag konkurrerat inom pris, fraktalternativ och andra kostnader för att underlätta köpupplevelsen för kunder. Det har lett till att kundens köpbeteende förändras och produkt returerna ökat. Studien undersöker konsumenters returbeteende inom e-handel kopplat till konsumentens personlighet för att hitta samband i beteenden som kan bidra till kunskap kring vilka personlighetsdimensioner som är mer benägna att returnera varor. För att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan konsumentens personlighetsdimensioner och returbeteende testar studien hypoteser utformade efter femfaktorsteorins dimensioner och de legitima- samt opportunistiska returbeteendet. Studien kommer att bidra med vidare forskning inom returbeteende genom en enkätundersökning av svenska konsumenter. Slutsatsen som kan dras i studien är att vissa personlighetsdimensioner kan kopplas till opportunistiskt och legitimt returbeteende. Denna studie har kunnat visa att neuroticism, välvillighet och samvetsgrannhet är viktiga faktorer som påverkar en individs returbeteende. Den har även visat att det finns ett stort behov av framtida forskning inom området, eftersom det finns indikationer till fler samband. / This essay is in Swedish. In recent years, digital developments have led to major developments in consumers' purchasing behavior online. As more players emerged in the market, e-commerce companies have competed on price, shipping options and other costs to facilitate the shopping experience for customers. This has led to a change in the customer's buying behavior and an increase in product returns. The study examines the return behavior of artifacts in e-commerce linked to the consumer's personality in order to find connections in behaviors that can contribute to knowledge about which personality dimensions are more likely to return goods. To investigate whether there is a relationship between the consumer's personality dimensions and return behavior, the study tests hypotheses designed according to the dimensions of the five-factor theory and the legitimate and opportunistic return behavior. The study will contribute to further research in return behavior through a survey of Swedish consumers. The conclusion that can be drawn in the study is that certain personality dimensions can be linked to opportunistic and legitimate return behavior. This study has been able to show that neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness are important factors that influence an individual's return behavior. It has also shown that there is a great need for future research in the area, as there are indications of more connections.
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“I should think what politics he has are just a little bit left of center”:An analysis of James Bond’s personal ideologyAlshamani, Afrem January 2020 (has links)
Ian Fleming’s debut novel Casino Royale (2015) introduces the iconic character James Bond. The savvy British spy who must save the world from Soviet villain is a cultural icon the world over. Yet not much is known of his personal political leanings. Fleming once claimed that James Bond’s politics lies just left of center. In this essay I analyze where James Bond lies on the left-right political scale by using Cichoka & Dhont’s (2018) “Big-five personality model”.Research has been made about the contextual, historical and political settings of the Bond novels such as Jeremy Black’s (2001) “The politics of James Bond: from Fleming's novels to the big screen” which serves as a complement to this research. Black’s (2001)claims suggest that Britain struggled for dominance after The Second World War as they were financially in ruin and although Britain lost some of its colonies, they still had many territories under their control. However, with the rising power of the Soviet Union, the nationalistic feeling in Britain grew as their reputation as a powerful empire needed to be upheld. Therefore, a need for a strong British symbol grew, which also acted as a reason for why Fleming created James Bond.The essay concludes that James Bond represents a specific part of Great Britain. The analysis has shown James Bond is a product of his time by symbolizing the longing for the return of the great British empire. This is supported by the fact of him scoring low on categories such as Agreeableness and Openness combined with the fact that he harbors anti-Communist beliefs. The analysis show that he acts in a manner that would highlight the colonial days of Britain where their strength had not yet diminished as opposed to the times after the Second World War. As such, the actions of James Bond, together with his explicit views suggest that he lies slightly more towards the right on the political scale and thus, disputesthe claim of Ian Fleming.
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Examination of the relationship of work values to the “big-five” personality traits and measures of individualism and collectivismRobinson, Carrie Helene 30 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The Big Five Personality Traits and Foreign Language Speaking Confidence among Japanese EFL StudentsApple, Matthew Thomas January 2011 (has links)
This research examined the relationships between the Big Five human personality traits, favorable social conditions, and foreign language classroom speaking confidence. Four research questions were investigated concerning the validity of the Big Five for a Japanese university sample, the composition of Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Confidence, the degree to which the Big Five influenced Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Confidence, and the degree to which perceptions of classroom climate affect Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Confidence. The first stage of the research involved three pilot studies that led to the revision of the Big Five Factor Marker questionnaire and the creation of a new instrument for measuring foreign language classroom speaking confidence that included both cognitive and social factors as theorized in mainstream social anxiety research. The second stage of the research involved the collection and analysis of data from 1,081 participants studying English in 12 universities throughout Japan. Data were analyzed using a triangulation of Rasch analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in order to verify the construct validity of the eleven hypothesized constructs. Following validation of the measurement model, the latent variables were placed into a structural regression model, which was tested by using half of the data set as a calibration sample and confirmed by using the second half of the data set as a validation sample. The results of the study indicated the following: (a) four of the five hypothesized Big Five personality traits were valid for the Japanese sample; (b) Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Confidence comprised three measurement variables, Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Anxiety, Perceived Foreign Language Speaking Self-Competence, and Desire to Speak English; (c) Emotional Stability and Imagination directly influenced Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Confidence, and; (d) Current English Classroom Perception and Perceived Social Value of Speaking English directly influenced Foreign Language Classroom Speaking Confidence. The findings thus demonstrated a link between personality, positive classroom atmosphere, and foreign language classroom speaking confidence. The implications of the findings included the possibility that foreign language anxiety is not situation-specific as theorized, and that improved social relations within the foreign language classroom might help reduce speaking anxiety. / CITE/Language Arts
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Big Five och intentionen att lämna arbetsplatsen: Är personlighetsdrag en betydande faktor? / Big Five and Intention to Leave: Are Personality Traits a Significant Factor?Wistedt, Ida, Södergren, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på om personlighetsdragen enligt Big Five kunde predicera intentionen att avsluta pågående anställning (ITL) när det kontrollerades för arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien besvarade även frågan om vilket av personlighetsdragen som korrelerade starkast med ITL. En tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes med hjälp av en webbenkät där deltagarurvalet bestod av 135 gymnasielärare i Sverige som arbetat minst 12 månader på den nuvarande arbetsplatsen. Analysen genomfördes i form av en hierarkisk regressionsanalys. Resultatet för studien visade på att ingen av prediktorernas regressionskoefficient befann sig under den utsatta signifikansnivån och därmed kunde dessa inte predicera intentionen att avsluta pågående anställning. Vänlighet var det personlighetsdrag som korrelerade starkast med ITL hos urvalsgruppen. / The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the Big Five personality traits could predict the intention to leave (ITL) when controlling for job satisfaction. The study also addressed which of the personality traits correlated most strongly with ITL. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a web survey, with a sample of 135 high school teachers in Sweden who had been employed at their current workplace for at least 12 months. The analysis was conducted using hierarchical regression analysis. Thestudy's results showed that none of the predictors' regression coefficients were below the designated significance level, and therefore, they could not predict the intention to leave. Agreeableness was the personality trait that correlated most strongly with ITL in the sample group.
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Exploring the relationship between personality traits, cyberbullying victimisation and coping styles among adults / Personality and cyberbullying victimisationMuftic-Globisch, Hana-Vahida 01 1900 (has links)
Running title: Personality and cyberbullying victimisation / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-120) / The aim of this study was to gain insight into the relationship between personality and cyberbullying victimisation using a sample of 107 adult participants. The participants were found using the social media site Facebook in particular and assessed by means of the Big Five Inventory and a cyberbullying measure developed by the researcher. The study also explored the relationship between personality and coping behaviours using the COPE Inventory. The study findings indicate that neuroticism and cyberbullying victimisation are
correlated, albeit weakly, with the largest correlation being between neuroticism and online impersonation and harassment. In addition, the study found a weak correlation between openness to experience and online impersonation. Coping and personality were moderately correlated; with neurotic individuals and victims of cyberbullying often resorting to maladaptive coping strategies. These results may suggest that there are other, more significant risk factors in the cyberbullying field that merit further exploration, while the relationships highlighted in the study also require further investigation. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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The role of personality and organisational climate in employee turnoverMasoga, Liziwe 04 April 2013 (has links)
Text in English / Research on employee turnover dates back many decades. However, this research traditionally focused on either understanding turnover intentions or the factors preceding turnover, such as job satisfaction. Despite the challenge in SA being huge and organisations struggling to keep their talent, the research on employee turnover is quite limited. Understanding the different variables that influence employee turnover and providing practical solutions on how to mitigate turnover would be valuable to many organisations. The aim of this research project was to understand the role of personality and organisational climate in employee turnover. In addition, a comprehensive model of employee turnover was developed and tested.
The Five Factor Model was used to conceptualise personality, while (due to the limited nature of existing models) a new model was designed to conceptualise organisational climate. A sample of 1 536 people was drawn from a large retail organisation in SA, with 807 stayers and 729 leavers. Biographical, personality and organisational climate information was collected over a two-year period for both samples.
Results of the study were mixed; there were no significant differences in the two samples regarding the big five personality factors, except when nine bipolar scales were used. On these scales, leavers were found to be more assertive, persuasive and optimistic than stayers. All five personality factors moderated HR policies & procedures in determining turnover. There were differences between the stayers and leavers samples with regard to age, gender, tenure and absenteeism. Organisational climate was a key determinant of whether people left or stayed and organisations had more than one climate. Personality, organisational climate and absenteeism accounted for 29% of turnover. The proposed model of employee turnover met most of the requirements of goof fit measures when using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil.
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