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Pastoracinės pagalbos nevaisingoms šeimoms teorinis modelis / The theoretical pastoral help model for infertile familiesTekorius, Povilas 31 May 2013 (has links)
Statistikos duomenimis, 15-20 proc. Lietuvos šeimų negali susilaukti vaikų. Vis daugiau žmonių nevaisingumą laiko liga ir siekia jį „išgydyti“ šiuolaikinėmis technologijomis, kurių dažna prieštarauja Bažnyčios mokymui.
Krikščioniškosios antropologijos požiūriu, naujos gyvybės sukūrimas yra prokreacijos aktas, kai lytiniu aktu, kylančiu iš meilės santuokoje, pradedamas ir pagimdomas kitas asmuo, orumu ir verte prilygstantis savo tėvams. Negali būti meilės be vaikų (dirbtinai užkertant kelią naujos gyvybės atsiradimui) ir vaikų be meilės (kai santuokinį lytinį aktą atstoja technologijos). Žmogaus gyvybė yra šventa iš prigimties, todėl Bažnyčios mokymas, siekdamas pagelbėti nevaisingoms šeimoms, visų pirma siekia apsaugoti žmogaus, kaip unikalaus individo orumą, kilnumą bei vertingumą.
Nevaisingumas – būklė, kai pora nepastoja arba moteris nesugeba išnešioti ir pagimdyti sveiko vaiko – kelia daug emocinių ir psichologinių problemų. Nevaisingumą dažnai lemia psichosomatinės priežastys, jam turi įtakos aplinkos veiksniai ir gyvenimo būdas. Aiškintis nevaisingumą sukeliančias priežastis svarbu dėl nevaisingumo prevencijos.
Bažnyčios mokymui neprieštaraujantis etiškas vaisingumo gydymas – Naprotechnologija, kuri remiasi Kreitono vaisingumo pažinimo modeliu. Šeimai, trokštančiai susilaukti palikuonių, kartais pakanka pažinti savo vaisingumą.
Nevaisinga Katalikų šeima patiria dvasinę krizę, įtampą, jai kartais sunku surasti savo vietą bendruomenėje. Labai dažnai stinga reikalingos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Statistics show that 15-20 % of Lithuanian families are unable to bear children. More and more people think about infertility as a condition and seek to “cure” it with the help from modern medical technologies, which are often in conflict with the Church's teaching.
From Christian anthropologic point of view, the creation of new life is the act of procreation: when during sexual act caused by love in marriage another person who equals in dignity and merit to his or her parents is conceived and given birth. There can’t be love without children (artificially preventing the emergence of new life), and children without love (technological intervention which replaces the conjugal sexual act). Human life is sacred by nature. Therefore, the Church’s teaching in order to help infertile families especially strives to protect the human being as a unique individual with dignity and merit.
Infertility is biological inability of a person to contribute to conception and also state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. It causes a lot of emotional and psychological problems. Psychosomatic reasons of infertility are often influenced by environmental factors and lifestyle. To understand infertility causes is important for the prevention of infertility.
NPT (Natural Procreative Technology), ethical infertility treatment based on Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System, does not contradict with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Sometimes the fertility awareness is... [to full text]
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Kūno kultūros ir sveikos gyvensenos žinių įtaka moksleivių fizinės saviugdos formavimuisi / Physical fitness and healthy lifestyle knowledge influence on schoolchildren physical self – help formationMasalskytė, Raminta 25 May 2005 (has links)
One of the most approachable means of the pedagogical effect while stimulating the
physical training of the pupils at school is rendering of the integral theoretical knowledge.
In this paper the analysis of the village and city pupil approach to the regulations of physical
training, physical activity and values were made. The training experiment was made also and results
were given while the pupils were fostered to get into training.
The object of the thesis was to analyse the effect of the physical training and healthy manner
of living on the fostering of the pupils’ physical self-command formation. In order to realise the
object the following tasks were made: 1) to analyse the point of view of the pupils about the
physical training and physical activity; 2) analyse the pupil approach to the healthy way of living;
3) analyse the place of self-command in the pupil’s value scale; 4) in this pedagogical experiment to
estimate the impact of the physical training and healthy way of living onto the formation of the
physical self-command among the pupils.
The research was made among the pupils of kaunas Simonas Daukantas secondary school
and Jurbarkas region secondary schools, between the seventh, nineth and eleventh forms (No of
pupils –230). All the pupils were distributed according to the age, gender and living place. They
were given a 29 points questionarry. In... [to full text]
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Nedarni šeima bendruomenėje: statusas ir socialinės pagalbos organizavimas / Disharmony‘s familys in a community: status and social help organizationMorkvėnienė, Violeta 07 June 2005 (has links)
From 1990 m. realsed some seesows executyd social structure in Lithuania. The sodality non existent without family. The family is the base of a societal. The familys are on the increase, wherein of sorts function, because are pervasive unemployment, alcohol dependence and other things. Therefece rising social guestions and status. Into reseach wonder to sum up familys‘s status in yuors sodality, o dig effectively possibilitys social main tenance. In reaseach work was set a tasks: to analyse analitic reveew of reaseach literature; to descry fundamental nation, and theoretic attitudes of reaseach work; to find on disharmony family,s status in sodality; to class a good rapport contitioning; to schedule a good things for family‘s to better level of life for social workers. This moment have been work with disharmony‘s familys the first attitude to oppugn or not to help. For this family‘s need not a material but more to unbutton bore on‘s soul to display warm heart and heartiness. The familys which more splendour, a good position are not harmony too. Wherefore don‘t make disharmony‘s familys of register. This research work deduction, that familys not a good to store for materially and psichology. This opinion poured a caseworker, so we need to pay regard to planning asocial service and involvement voluntary.
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Socialinis pedagogas - pagalbos šeimai koordinatorius / Social pedagogue – coordinator of a help to a familyKregždienė, Irena 08 June 2005 (has links)
A concluding thesis by Irena Kregždienė, postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogių University, Institute of Social Communication, Department of Social Pedagogy, named „Social pedagogue – coordinator of a help to a family“, supervisor prof. dr. Juozas Vytautas Uzdila, is written after a thorough analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, legal documents and strategy of rendering social help to pupils and their families. A survey of legal documents, concerning social help of a family, is made and the works of social workers and psychologists concerning social and psychological help to a family is made.
The aim of this work was to reveal, how social pedagogue in schools coordinates help for the families of pupils. It was assumed, that it is posible to provide help for families in the frame of school, coordinating common work of specialists, specifying their functions and responsibilities. Analysis of literature, interview with social pedagogues and inquiry of class tutors were made. Investigatives were selected from 2 professional groups. 7 social pedagogues and 107 class tutors were selected. Statistical data has been analised with Statistical Pacage for Social Sciences (SPSS 10.0). Both qualitative and quantitative analysis‘ were made. Three statistical procedures to analise statistical data - computation of percental frequency of the answers, mean of estimations and analysis of variance - were made. The results have revealed, that class tutors and social pedagogs both tend... [to full text]
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Actions and Outcomes: The Evaluative Function of Moral EmotionsTscharaktschiew, Nadine 25 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Results from 10 empirical studies and 1 review article are described and can be summarized as follows: Only moral emotions represent an evaluation of person's behavior, whereas non-moral emotion provide information about outcomes. Positive moral emotions (e.g. pride, respect) signal that a person's (self or other) behavior was right, whereas negative moral emotions (e.g., guilt, indignation) signal that a person's behavior was wrong. These evaluations and signals are elicited by judgments of ought, goal attainment and effort (see Heider, 1958). Some moral emotions (e.g., shame or admiration) are also elicited by judgments on a person's ability. A person's responsibility (Weiner, 1995, 2006) and the perceived morality of a person's behavior (i.e., with regard to rightness and wrongness) represent further cognitive antecedents of moral emotions. Some moral emotions (e.g., regret, sympathy) are also influenced by a person's empathy (see Paulus, 2009) towards others. There are specific moral emotions that are closely connected to help-giving (e.g., sympathy), whereas other moral emotions are more closely related to reward (e.g., admiration) or punishment (e.g., anger). With regard to the cognitive effort underlying emotions, moral emotions require more cognitive effort (i.e., longer reaction times) than non-moral emotions.
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Psychosocial factors and antiretroviral medication adherence among people living with HIV who attend support groupsSchoor, Rachel A. 15 December 2012 (has links)
The relationships between post-traumatic growth (PTG), benefit finding, happiness, pessimism and antiretroviral (ART) medication adherence were examined among 10 people living with HIV or AIDS who attended HIV support groups, and were currently prescribed ART medications. Analyses indicated that none of these psychosocial factors were significantly correlated with ART adherence, that the relationships continued to be non-significant after pessimism was partialled out of the analysis, and that participants who reported achieving optimal ART adherence did not significantly differ from participants who reported taking less than optimal ART adherence in regards to PTG, benefit finding, subjective happiness, or pessimism. The results suggest that interventions designed to change these psychosocial factors may not be effective means of improving ART adherence. / Department of Psychological Science
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Tell us how you really feel : using the Implicit Association Test to measure attitudes towards seeking psychological help / Title on signature form: Tell us how you really feel : using the IAT to measure attitudes towards seeking psychological helpWalrath, Taylor R. 04 May 2013 (has links)
In this study, an Implicit Association Test (IAT) was created to measure individuals attitudes towards seeking psychological help. The IAT was administered prior to the Beliefs About Psychological Services scale (BAPS; Ægisdóttir & Gerstein, 2009) to examine the relationship between the implicit and explicit measures of attitudes toward seeking psychological help. It was theorized that the implicit measure would be less affected by social desirability and unconscious attitudes than the explicit measure.
Standardizing revealed that IAT scores reflected less belief in the expertness of psychology professionals than did BAPS scores. However, participants reported greater intent to seek psychological help on the BAPS compared to the IAT. BAPS scores reflected higher stigma towards psychological services compared to the IAT. Correlations between the implicit and explicit measure were moderate for stigma and perceived
expertness of psychology professionals but low for intent to seek psychological help. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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Savanoriška veikla kaip pagalbos būdas paauglių psichosocialinėms problemoms spręsti / Voluntary Works as a Way of Solving Adolescent Psychosocial ProblemsMusejukas, Rimantas 17 July 2014 (has links)
Ugdymo funkcijų siejimas su nevyriausybinėmis organizacijomis ir konkrečiai su savanoriška veikla pasitaiko retai. Šio darbo idėja yra aktualizuoti savanorystę kaip pagalbos priemonę sprendžiant paauglių psichosocialines problemas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad savanoriška veikla užsiimantys ir ją organizuojantys asmenys paauglių psichosocialinių problemų atsiradimo priežastis įvardina kaip dvasinius išgyvenimus, nepatenkintą bendravimo poreikį, aplinkos ir žalingų įpročių veiksnius, neatitinkantį socialinių normų elgesį, savo tapatumo nebuvimą, užimtumo stoką ir socialinių įgūdžių stoką. Paauglių psichosocialinių problemų sprendimui didelės įtakos turi palanki socialinė aplinka, kurioje jaunas žmogus viliasi jaustis gerai, kuri jam padeda pasijusti reikšmingu, reikalingu ir t.t. Taip pat, įtakos turi savanorio asmeninės savybės, vertybinė orientacija, gebėjimai ir charakterio bruožai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad savanoriams, sprendžiant paauglių psichosocialines problemas labiausiai reikalinga įstaigų/organizacijų ir bendruomenių pagalba, taip pat reikalinga kvalifikuotų specialistų pagalba. Savanorių organizacija per vykdomas programas ir edukacinės pagalbos teikimą padeda paaugliams spręsti psichosocialines problemas. / Linking educational functions with non-governmental organizations, especially volunteering, is rare. The idea of this work is to actualize volunteering as a way of help, while solving psychosocial problems of adolescents. Results of the study show that people who organize and participate in volunteering distinguish several reasons for psychosocial problem that the adolescents have, i.e. emotional experiences, lack of communication, environmental factors and bad habits, behavior that does not meet social norms, lack of understanding its identity, lack of activities and also lack of social skills. Adolescent psychosocial problem solving is strongly influenced by a favorable social environment in which a young person hopes to feel well, which makes him feel significant, necessary, etc. Personal qualities, values, skills and characteristics of a volunteer are also important. The research shows that while solving psychosocial problems of adolescents’ volunteers need help from organizations, communities and also qualified specialists. Volunteer organizations through programs and educational assistance help adolescents to solve their psychosocial problems.
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Pedagogų teikiama pagalba mokiniams, turintiems kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų / Pedagogue‘s Aid for Pupils with Language and Speech ImpedimentSaročkienė, Aurelija 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama pedagogų teikiama pagalba mokiniams, turintiems kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų.
Darbe atlikta teorinė pedagoginės pagalbos teikimo, mokiniams, turintiems, kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų, analizė. Teorinė darbo analizė atskleidė, kad ugdant kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų turinčius mokinius, pedagogams labai svarbus yra profesinis pasirengimas, nuostatos ir asmeninės savybės, tenkinant mokinių bendruosius ir specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius, o plėtodami bendradarbiavimą su logopedais, koordinuodami ugdymo procesą ir kartu dalindamiesi atsakomybe už konkretaus vaiko ugdymo rezultatus gali pasiekti geresnių kalbos ugdymo rezultatų
Tyrime dalyvavo 61 pradinių klasių pedagogas ir 18 logopedų, dirbantys Telšių rajono mokyklose su vaikais, turinčiais kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, kaip pedagogai ir logopedai vertina pedagogų pagalbą pradinių klasių mokiniams, turintiems kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų.
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad pedagogų pasiruošimą tinkamai dirbti su kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų turinčiais mokiniais nulemia turimos žinios ir įgūdžiai, gebėjimas planuoti ugdymo procesą, atsižvelgiant į kiekvieno vaiko individualius specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius. Pagrindinės kliūtys tobulinant logopedinę pagalbą mokiniams - laiko stoka, didelis darbo krūvis, dideli dokumentacijos kiekiai.
Išsiaiškinta, kad logopedai teigiamai vertina pradinių klasių pedagogų teikiamą pagalbą mokiniams, įveikiant kalbėjimo ir kalbos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The bachelor study focuses on the analysis of pedagogues help to students having speech and speaking disorders.
The theoretic analysis was applied in this work. On the basis of the results of this theoretic research, it can be concluded that cultivating students, having speech and speaking disorders, the main issues becomes pedagogues’ competence. Key factors such as occupational caliber, provisions and personal properties emerge. Moreover, it could be claimed that better results are reached by developing cooperation with speech-language pathologists, coordinating education process and at the same time sharing responsibilities concerning particular students’ achievements.
61 primary classes’ pedagogues and 18 speech-language pathologists from Telsiai region schools, working with students having speech and speaking disorders, took part in the investigation. Using questionnaire method it was trying to understand the attitudes towards pedagogues and speech-language pathologists, who are trying to help students having speech and speaking disorders.
The results revealed that success working with students having speech and speaking disorders depends on pedagogues’ competence, knowledge, capacity to plan work considering individual students’ needs. It was claimed that main obstacles, preventing sophisticated help, is the lack of time, big workload as well as big amounts of documentation needed to be filled.
It is concluded that speech-language pathologists regard positively to... [to full text]
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A fantasy of insanity : a fantasy theme analysis of Susan Powter's Stop the insanity!Chesebro, Joseph Lee January 1995 (has links)
Since 1993, diet and fitness promoter Susan Powter has gained significant prominence with her passionate message of health and wellness. This study used fantasy theme analysis to examine Powter's view of reality and her ability to persuade her audience. The analysis revealed a coherent vision, "Stop the Insanity!," within which Powter and other dieters are viewed as heroes. Additionally, the diet and fitness industries are viewed as conspiring villains who starve dieters and exclude the unfit from exercise programs. Powter differentiates herself from these villains by promoting herself as an uneducated but sincere speaker who does not starve or exclude people. Rather, she can identify with dieters because she has experienced their pain and frustration. Because anything is better than the "starvation" and "exclusion" promoted by the diet and fitness experts, Powter's program cannot help but succeed in the eyes of those who share her vision of reality. / Department of Speech Communication
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