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Kauza, její protějšek v anglo-americkém právu a smysl smluvního práva / Cause, consideration and the purpose of contract lawŠebeková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
of the Master thesis This Master thesis deals with an institute of the Czech contract law - kauza (causa). The example of kauza (and consideration) illustrate the tendency of legal systems to keep institutes once they have been created, even at the cost of inconsistent changes in their definition, purpose or function. The original meaning of the institutes is continuously blurred which makes it difficult to assess whether their use in the current legal system is substantiated. The main purpose of the thesis is to contribute to a clarification of the real function of kauza in the Czech contract law. Unlike in foreign legal publications, kauza is rather marginalized in Czech legal writings. Authors that deal with the problems of kauza (at least to some extend) often come to mutually exclusive/ inconsistent conclusions. The classical doctrine of causa makes little sense in the consensual concept of contract that seems to be favored in the Czech legal theory. Namely, the requirement of kauza appears to be additional to a requirement of consensus of the parties. Such theoretical discrepancy may be one of the reasons why the meaning of kauza in the Czech law is still unclear. Contract theories facilitate a deeper understanding of contracts, contract law and its particular institutes. However, the Czech...
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O pensamento político monarcômaco: da limitação do poder real ao contratualismo / The \"monarcomachs\" political thought:: from the limitation of real power to the theory of contractCarvalho, Frank Viana 14 March 2008 (has links)
No amplo contexto social, político e religioso da França quinhentista, as \"Guerras de Religião\", sobretudo a Saint-Barthélemy, motivarão a produção de textos revolucionários pelos huguenotes. Surgem ali os grandes escritos monarcômacos franceses. Dentre todos estes, três se destacam justamente porque conseguirão transcender as questões político-religiosas e realizar uma abordagem sistematizada de temas mais universais da manifestação política do poder. Dessa forma, conseguirão superar em muito o âmbito da controvérsia então desenvolvida e lançar uma renovada visão em aspectos estruturais do regime de governo, sendo até chamados de \'triunvirato monarcômaco\' por um dos especialistas no assunto. São eles a Franco-Gallia, da autoria de François Hotman, Du Droit des Magistrats, de Théodore de Bèze, e as Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, de Philippe Du Plessis-Mornay. Eles abordarão de maneira significativa os temas da limitação dos poderes reais, o direito de resistência à tirania e a teoria contratual nas relações entre governantes e súditos. As numerosas edições e publicações destes trabalhos e os comentários de influentes pesquisadores transmitem o valor destas obras. Dessa forma, torna-se um imprescindível desafio ampliar os estudos desses livros e realizar uma análise do seu conteúdo para se ter uma clara noção do desenvolvimento do pensamento político monarcômaco. / In the broad context social, political and religious of the renaissancist century (XVI) in France, the \"Wars of Religion,\" especially the Saint-Barthélemy, motivated the production of texts by the revolutionary Huguenots. There arose the great writings French \"monarcomachs\". Among all these, three stand out precisely because they will achieve the issues transcend political and religious and conduct a systematic approach to more universal themes of the demonstration of political power. Thus, succeed in overcoming the very scope of the controversy developed and then launch a renewed vision in structural aspects of the system of government, and even called \"monarcomach triumvirs\" by one of the experts on the subject. They are the Franco-Gallia, by Francois Hotman, Du Droit des Magistrats, by Théodore de Bèze, and the Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, by Philippe Du Plessis-Mornay. They address in a meaningful way the issues limitation of real powers, the right of resistance against tyranny and the theory of contract in relations between rulers and subjects. The numerous editions and publications of these works and the comments of influential researchers transmit the value of these books. Thus, it becomes a crucial challenge expand the studies of these books and do an analysis of their content to have a clear concept of the development of political monarchomach thought.
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O pensamento político monarcômaco: da limitação do poder real ao contratualismo / The \"monarcomachs\" political thought:: from the limitation of real power to the theory of contractFrank Viana Carvalho 14 March 2008 (has links)
No amplo contexto social, político e religioso da França quinhentista, as \"Guerras de Religião\", sobretudo a Saint-Barthélemy, motivarão a produção de textos revolucionários pelos huguenotes. Surgem ali os grandes escritos monarcômacos franceses. Dentre todos estes, três se destacam justamente porque conseguirão transcender as questões político-religiosas e realizar uma abordagem sistematizada de temas mais universais da manifestação política do poder. Dessa forma, conseguirão superar em muito o âmbito da controvérsia então desenvolvida e lançar uma renovada visão em aspectos estruturais do regime de governo, sendo até chamados de \'triunvirato monarcômaco\' por um dos especialistas no assunto. São eles a Franco-Gallia, da autoria de François Hotman, Du Droit des Magistrats, de Théodore de Bèze, e as Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, de Philippe Du Plessis-Mornay. Eles abordarão de maneira significativa os temas da limitação dos poderes reais, o direito de resistência à tirania e a teoria contratual nas relações entre governantes e súditos. As numerosas edições e publicações destes trabalhos e os comentários de influentes pesquisadores transmitem o valor destas obras. Dessa forma, torna-se um imprescindível desafio ampliar os estudos desses livros e realizar uma análise do seu conteúdo para se ter uma clara noção do desenvolvimento do pensamento político monarcômaco. / In the broad context social, political and religious of the renaissancist century (XVI) in France, the \"Wars of Religion,\" especially the Saint-Barthélemy, motivated the production of texts by the revolutionary Huguenots. There arose the great writings French \"monarcomachs\". Among all these, three stand out precisely because they will achieve the issues transcend political and religious and conduct a systematic approach to more universal themes of the demonstration of political power. Thus, succeed in overcoming the very scope of the controversy developed and then launch a renewed vision in structural aspects of the system of government, and even called \"monarcomach triumvirs\" by one of the experts on the subject. They are the Franco-Gallia, by Francois Hotman, Du Droit des Magistrats, by Théodore de Bèze, and the Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, by Philippe Du Plessis-Mornay. They address in a meaningful way the issues limitation of real powers, the right of resistance against tyranny and the theory of contract in relations between rulers and subjects. The numerous editions and publications of these works and the comments of influential researchers transmit the value of these books. Thus, it becomes a crucial challenge expand the studies of these books and do an analysis of their content to have a clear concept of the development of political monarchomach thought.
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Relational Theory of Contract och företagsförsäkringsavtalBergstedt, Levi January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Corporate social responsibility, multinational oil companies and local communities in the Niger Delta : exploring relations, contracts and responsibilitiesEnuoh, Rebecca O. January 2016 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a subject of increasing interest among academics and business practitioners globally. This thesis contributes to the discourse on CSR in the context of the Nigerian oil industry with regard to corporate-community relations. Specifically, the thesis constitutes a critique of CSR initiatives by multinational oil companies (MOC) operating in the Niger Delta region and their impact on the traditional livelihoods of local communities. The research attempts to understand the link between CSR and Psychological contract from the perspective of both the host communities and the MOCs. This thesis examines community perceptions, expectations and seeks to interpret the relationship between the host communities and the MOCs. The study provides empirical data through the use of twenty-eight semi-structured interviews and three focus groups. This is significant given that most of the research conducted into CSR in this region has been limited to descriptive and extensive theoretical explanations. Findings from the research suggest that the relationship between the host communities and the MOC is a very complex one and that the impact of the MOCs activities can be interpreted from the host communities’ negative actions. The thesis makes an important contribution to the emerging literature on social license to operate (SLO) and in what manner the local communities seek to enforce it. It also offers an alternative approach to CSR based on need assessment and stakeholder involvement rather than corporate obligations and expectations from society in general.
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Réflexions sur les contrats d'affaires : plaidoyer pour une théorie réaliste du contrat / About business contracts : a defence of a realist theory of contractCadoret, Vincent 30 January 2012 (has links)
Le concept de contrats d'affaires semble ignoré de la théorie générale du contrat. Une recherche juridique sur les contrats d'affaires traduit par conséquent une perception critique de cette théorie générale. A travers l'identification des contrats d'affaires par la construction d'une notion d'intérêt économique, puis leur réalisation grâce à une approche réaliste du droit des contrats, les recherches sur les contrats d'affaires visent à construire une méthode qui permet de saisir les réalités économiques dans le raisonnement juridique. Au moyen pris d'une analyse économique du contrat d'une part et d'une analyse économique du droit des contrats d'autre part, l'étude exprime ainsi une théorie réaliste du contrat qui vient discuter en opportunité des principes et de la méthode de la théorie générale du contrat, analysée comme une approche normativiste du droit des contrats. Cette théorie propose alors d'expliquer pourquoi et comment un juge choisirait de s'affranchir des prescriptions de la théorie générale du contrat pour trancher un litige qui le nécessiterait. / Business is not inclued as well in french general theory of contract. Legal research on business contracts seems therefore to be a critical view on that general theory. Throuhg the identification of a notion of business contract, then through its materialization thanks to a realist approach to Contracts Law, legal research on business contracts aim at a method which could get economic reality in legal reasoning. An economic analysis of contract on the one hand and an economic analysis of Contract Law on the other hand express a realist theory of contract, which discuss equity about principles and method of the french general theory of contract and the normative approach of Law. This realist theory introduce a method to explain why and how a judge would choose to throw off general theory's rules to decide on a case, when it would have seemed necessary.
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Le contrat de franchise : contribution à une analyse relationnelle / Franchise agreement : a relational analysisBianco, Alessandro 13 December 2014 (has links)
Le contrat de franchise organise la transmission d'un savoir-faire et prépare la réitération d'un succès commercial. Compte tenu de la nature complexe de la prestation caractéristique, les parties au contrat deviennent au fil du temps des véritables partenaires, si bien que le contrat de franchise acquiert une dimension relationnelle. Malgré cette spécificité, le droit français appréhende encore le contrat de franchise en utilisant le modèle cognitif classique offert par la théorie générale du contrat. Une telle démarche risque d'ignorer la réalité des problèmes que les partenaires peuvent rencontrer, ce qui peut conduire à l'application de solutions inadaptées. La proposition d'une analyse relationnelle vise à réduire un tel risque. En se fondant principalement sur les travaux de la doctrine nord-américaine, l'analyse relationnelle séduit de plus en plus les juristes français notamment parce que les raisonnements proposés sont souvent compatibles avec le droit positif. En envisageant le contrat de franchise grâce à la grille de lecture fournie par l'analyse relationnelle, il devient possible d'appréhender l'intégralité du contexte dans lequel ce contrat s'insère et de proposer des règles de droit en harmonie avec les besoins et préoccupations des partenaires contractuels. / The franchise agreement organizes the transmission of trade secrets and business plans. Given the complex nature of this performance , the contracting parties over time become true partners , so that the franchise agreement acquires a relational dimension. Despite the existence of a relational dimension, French contract law still rule the franchise agreement using the standard cognitive model offered by classic contract theory. Such an approach risks ignoring the real problems that partners can meet , which may lead to the application of inappropriate solutions. The proposal for a relational analysis aims to reduce such a risk. Based largely on the work of the North American contract law doctrine , the relational analysis is attracting more and more French scholars especially because the proposed arguments follow the French legal system's evolution. The relational analysis allows us to understand the franchise agreement's context and propose solutions in harmony with the needs and concerns of contractual partners.
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L'unité des contrats privés et des contrats publics / Unity of private contracts and public contractsGrach, Gaëtan 11 December 2014 (has links)
La recherche d'une unité entre les contrats privés et les publics revient à vouloir démontrer l'existence d'un socle, d'un droit commun aux contrats privés et aux contrats publics au stade de leur formation. Cependant, si l'unité des éléments essentiels du contrat peut se révéler imparfaite entre le droit privé et le public, deux notions peuvent apporter une cohérence au phénomène juridique d'unité des contrats : la notion générale de contrat en sa qualité de principe fondateur du phénomène d'unité permet la recherche d'une définition unitaire du contrat dont l'expression est la notion de consentement ; alors que les notions d'objet et de cause se révèlent être des instruments d'identification principal et accessoire du phénomène d'unité des contrats. Ainsi, s'il existe une multitude de contrats, il n'existe qu'une notion de contrat. S'il existe une infinité d'objet, de cause et de moyen de consentir, il n'existe qu'une notion d'objet, de cause et de consentement. L'unité des contrats privés et des contrats publics est cela : la réduction d'une pluralité de notions à une notion-cadre fondamentale, la notion de contrat. / Seeking unity between private and public contracts is ultimately intended to demonstrate the existence of a base, a law common to private and public contracts, at the stage of their conclusion. However, if the unity, in terms of private and public law, of the basic elements of the contract may prove to be imperfect, two concepts may bring cohesiveness to the legal phenomenon of the unity of contracts: the general concept of contract in its role as a founding principle of the phenomenon of unity enables a uniform definition for the contract to be sought, the expression of which is the concept of consent whereas the notions of object and cause reveal themselves to be main instruments of identification, ancillary to the phenomenon of the unity of contracts. Thus, if multiple contracts exist, there only exists one concept of the contract. If there are an infinite number of objects, causes and means of consent, there is only one concept of object, cause and consent. The unity of private contracts and public contracts is this: the reduction of a multiplicity of notions into one basic framework, the concept of the contract.
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La préférence en droit des sociétés : contribution à l'étude de la liberté statutaire / Preference in company law : contribution to the study of statutory freedomSaint Genis, Solène 29 November 2018 (has links)
La portée de la liberté contractuelle dans les relations entre associés est régulièrement relativisée, voire anéantie, à l’aune des règles impératives qui régissent les personnes morales. L’hypertrophie de ces dernières est parfois décriée. La liberté serait d’autant plus bridée qu’elle subirait le joug d’un principe d’égalité, lequel s’oppose à ce qu’une différenciation de traitement soit permise, si ce n’est à titre expressément exceptionnel. Pour autant, à l’analyse des textes, la préférence se révèle n’être que l’expression de la liberté contractuelle dans les relations entre associés. Elle en adopte un régime similaire : en dehors des prohibitions expresses – issues tant de la théorie générale du contrat que du droit des sociétés –, et de l’excès d’inégalité – dont l’intérêt social se fait garant spécial en la matière –, dès lors que le consentement des associés aux aménagements est libre et éclairé, le principe est la liberté de stipuler une altérité de traitement. Quelle que soit la forme sociale considérée, les associés bénéficient d’une grande liberté pour aménager l’ensemble de leurs prérogatives à l’image de leurs besoins. Inégalité constructive et dynamique au service de l’intérêt social, la préférence doit être promue : le souhait est alors renouvelé d’une clarification et d’une simplification du cadre normatif offert aux statuts des sociétés françaises. / The impact of contractual freedom in associates’ relations is often contextualized, if not annihilated, with regard to the mandatory rules governing legal entities. The hypertrophy of those rules is sometimes criticized. Not only is freedom limited, it also suffers from a principle of equality, which prohibit unequal treatment, unless it is on exceptional occasions. However, upon a thorough text analysis, the preference turns out to be the expression of contractual freedom in the relations between associates. It adopts a similar system: apart from intentional prohibitions – originating both from the general theory of contract and corporate laws -, and from excessive inequality –to which social interest acts as a protector in that area-, as soon as the consent of the associates to the organization is free and enlightened, the principle is the freedom to stipulate an alterity of processing. Whichever social form is considered, the associates receive an important freedom to build all their prerogatives reflecting their needs. With constructive and dynamic inequality in social interest’s service, preference must be promoted: the wish must be expressed again with a clarification and a simplification of the standard framework offered to French companies statuses.
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Reconceptualizing the implications of Eurocentric discourse vis-á-vis the educational realities of African American students with some implications for special educationRobinson, Carl L. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Miami University, Dept. of Educational Leadership, 2004. / Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 168-208).
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