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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Voluntários: um estudo sobre a motivação de pessoas e cultura em uma organização do terceiro setor / Volunteers: a study of people motivation and culture from a third sector organization.

Sampaio, Jáder dos Reis 14 April 2004 (has links)
Para este trabalho realizou-se um estudo de caso em uma creche visando a identificar novas categorias de análise de cultura organizacional e motivação de voluntários em organizações de Terceiro Setor. O Terceiro Setor é concebido como o conjunto de organizações sem fins lucrativos, autogerenciadas, integrantes da sociedade civil, com finalidade pública ou coletiva. Foram revistas as teorias de motivação de Abraham Maslow, David McClelland e Joseph Nuttin, a partir das quais se desenvolveu um modelo complexo para o estudo deste fenômeno, que contempla necessidades fisiológicas, tendências e schematas, além dos próprios motivos. Os motivos são concebidos como projetos de ação baseados em relações exigidas entre indivíduo e ambiente. Após a revisão das teorias de cultura organizacional de Hofstede, Schein e Fleury, adotou-se o modelo de cultura organizacional de Fleury, acrescido da análise de ethos e visão de mundo (oriundas dos trabalhos de Clifford Geertz) de movimentos políticos, religiosos ou sociais subjacentes à organização. O estudo de caso contou com o recurso de triangulação de dados, a partir de múltiplas técnicas de pesquisa: observação participante, análise de documentos, história de vida e descrição de atividades. Na análise do movimento religioso subjacente à creche, encontra-se uma proposta de ethos e visão de mundo do Espiritismo depreendidos da leitura da obra de Allan Kardec e da revisão bibliográfica de estudos antropológicos em organizações espíritas brasileiras. A análise da história da organização mostrou existir um conflito entre um projeto de promoção social, idealizado pelo fundador, e uma obra social preocupada com o desenvolvimento pessoal e a oportunidade de realização de atividades humanitárias pelo voluntário, própria do movimento espírita, assim como convênio com o poder público municipal, que descaracterizou as atividades de creche como espaço de ação voluntária. Observou-se que os voluntários de um dos territórios da creche associam seus motivos não apenas às tendências a estabelecer contatos interpessoais afetuosos como também à consistência interna, com a construção de uma auto-imagem mais valorizada, e justificada por muitos dos schematas estudados. Observou-se também que o trabalho voluntário é, paradoxalmente, fonte de prazer, de desligamento de problemas oriundos de outros espaços de experiência e de sofrimento. Há, ainda, o desenvolvimento de alguns mecanismos de defesa individuais e coletivos para atenuar os efeitos desses aspectos negativos. O estudo corrobora a tese que advoga a necessidade de conhecimento mais substancial da cultura das organizações de Terceiro Setor, antes de se propor a adoção de técnicas de gestão oriundas do meio empresarial. / A kindergarten case study was done in order to identify new analysis categories from organizational culture and volunteer motivation for ?third sector? organizations. Third sector is defined as the cluster of non-profitable, self governed, civil society organizations, with public or collective goals. Abraham Maslow, David McClelland and Joseph Nuttin?s theories of motivation were revised. They were the base for a complex theoretical model that comprehends physiological necessities, tendencies and schemata, besides the motives, for the motivation study. Motives are action projects based upon required relationship between the individual and the environment. Hofstede, Schein and Fleury?s theories of organizational culture were reviewed. This study adopted Fleury?s model of organizational culture increased with the analysis of ethos and world-view (from Clifford Geertz studies), from political, religious or social movements subjacent to the organization. Case study was done using data triangulation techniques dealing with information obtained by participant observation, document analysis, life history and activities description. Allan Kardec?s books and articles were used to build the ethos and world view of Brazilian Spiritism, besides the review of anthropological studies of spirit Brazilian organizations. Spiritism is the religious movement related to the kindergarten?s volunteers. Organization?s history analysis revealed a conflict between the founder?s social promotion project and the conception beheld by the spiritist volunteers that is worried with the personal development and generating opportunities of humanitarian service. It showed an alliance with municipal public power that putted away the volunteer workforce from the kindergarten?s activities. The volunteers from one of the influence territories of the organization affirmed the association between gratification and the tendency to realize interpersonal affective contacts and the tendency to internal consistency, with a valorized self-image. There is a connection between the schemata identified and this internal consistency. Volunteer work is paradoxically a source of pleasure, distance from outsider problems and pain. It was observed some individual and collective defense mechanisms to protect volunteers from pain effects. This study corroborates the thesis that defends the necessity of third sector organization?s substantive cultural knowledge before the proposal of management techniques from enterprises.

Les relations professionnelles dans le milieu associatif. Analyse comparative entre la France, l'Espagne et le Royaume-Uni. Le cas des communautés du mouvement associatif "EMMAUS" / Industrial Relations in the Third Sector. A comparative analysis between France, Spain and the United-Kingdom. The Case of the Community of Emmaus Charity Movement

Ambroisine, Joel 09 July 2012 (has links)
Les structures de l’Economie sociale et solidaire ont développé des relations professionnelles au fil de l’histoire sociale, de l’évolution des différentes formes de regroupements, et adaptées au cours des cycles économiques. Ces relations se sont transformées afin de satisfaire différents besoins et de couvrir différents risques. L’Abbé Pierre, fondateur du Mouvement Emmaüs a créé une structure permettant la protection sociale et l’emploi des populations exclues. Cette structure s’inspire d’anciennes formes de structures solidaires, les communautés ; et d’anciennes pratiques économiques, celles des chiffonniers. Les Communautés pratiquent une politique de "flexicurité" au niveau des conditions de travail. En effet, elles emploient des salariés, des bénévoles, mais aussi un troisième acteur : le Compagnon. Celui-ci est à la fois bénéficiaire d’une aide solidaire, et travailleur dans la structure qui lui fournit cette aide. Les Communautés sont des structures productives et solidaires, soumises à des obligations de rentabilité économique et de protection sociale. La comparaison entre la France, l’Espagne et le Royaume-Uni permet de voir l’évolution des relations de travail dans ces structures, selon des contextes économiques différents. La rationalité des communautés évolue selon leurs positions au coeur des différents marchés. Plus une Communauté s’éloigne de l’idéologie solidaire du mouvement, plus elle adopte des principes marchands. Cette flexibilité détermine la trajectoire professionnelle des Compagnons et les régimes communautaires de protection solidaire, créées par Emmaüs. / The Third Sector Structures have developed a form of Industrial Relations, linked to the Social Movement History; based on the evolution of different Cooperative groups; and adapted over the business cycle. This Relation System improves the well-being of individuals and Groups, it has evolved to suit social needs and to cover various risks. Abbé Pierre, founder of the Emmaus Movement has created a Structure providing supportive environment, social benefits and work for homeless people. This structure is similar to old forms of Charity and Cooperative structure, "Communities". It deals with old economic activities, those of "Ragpickers". Emmaüs Communities practice "Flexicurity" working policies. Indeed, they have staffs, volunteers, but also a third type of worker: the Companion. The Companion is both Social beneficiary and Worker in the structure that provides him Social benefits. Communities are both supportive and productive structures, dealing with Industrial and Welfare requirements. The comparison between France, Spain and the UK shows the evolution of Industrial Relations into the Communities, within different economical contexts. The Community’ Strategy evolves according to their positions on the Market. "The far, a Community is from Emmaus Movement’s Ideology, the more it adopts market principles". This flexibility determines the Career path of Companions. It conditions the Communities Welfare and Solidarity System.

Samhällsarbete i Norden : Diskurser och praktiker i omvandling

Turunen, Päivi January 2004 (has links)
The dissertation deals with an inquiry concerning how the transformation of community work can be understood from a comparative perspective within the framework of social work in Scandinavia. Community work is examined by means of two main studies: an international literature review and an empirical study in four Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden). The transformation is discussed in the light of theories of modernisation and discourse analysis. The results propose that the transformation is characterised by differentiation, both divergence and convergence. The discourses are far from constant, while the practices seem to remain the same. There are surprisingly many similarities between settlement work and contemporary community strategies across the globe. Since the 1980´s, they have expanded rapidly because of the political and ideological changes within welfare states – towards decentralisation and devolution. The concept of community work has been replaced by a plurality of community-orientated concepts. Within social work, it has converged into community social work. The transformation of Nordic community work has also moved towards a national and local diversity. The Nordic countries share similar phases of transformation of community work, but also have traits of their own. In general, community work has been carried out as projects. Denmark is characterised as the promised land of projects, Finland as the community land of minimal number of projects, Norway as the land of co-ordinated projects, and Sweden as the land of structural project-ideology. The transformation has also resulted in a polarisation – an increased professionalisation in academic communities and deprofessionalisation in practice. A constant problem with community work is its temporary nature, due to dependence upon recurring projects. There is a great need for sector transcending and integrating research, knowledge and practice development within the area of community policy and practice, including community work.

Skattefinansierad äldreomsorg i förvandling : Vill och kan idéburna organisationer medverka? / The changing face of tax-funded care for the elderly : Are non-government organisations willing and able to contribute?

Falk, Rolf, Wallén, Lotta January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att förstå hur företrädare för idéburna organisationer med social inriktning inom äldreomsorg ser på sin egen, organisationens och civilsamhällets roll som serviceproducent av offentligt finansierad välfärd. För att uppnå syftet har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sex företrädare på ledande nivå inom idéburna organisationer med skiftande storlek och geografisk spridning. Lundquists förbindelseteori har delvis använts som en teoretisk utgångspunkt i analysen. De har i Lundquists termer gett uttryck för ett aktörskap som vi har försökt förstå genom att sätta det i relation till de strukturer företrädarna verkar inom och är beroende av. Resultatet från intervjuerna visar generellt på att de två lagrum som styr villkoren för driften av äldreomsorg på entreprenad och i egen regi, lagen om valfrihetsysten respektive lagen om offentlig upphandling ger kommunerna stora friheter i tillämpningen. Det gör att förutsättningar att bedriva äldreomsorg varierar stort vilket skapar osäkerhet och kan hämma de idéburna att ta en större roll. Organisationerna anpassar sig på olika sätt till förutsättningarna. De större aktörerna använder sina resurser för att skapa sig ett handlingsutrymme. Det görs genom att eftersträva en större kontroll av hela vård- och omsorgskedjan tack vare en mer omfattande administration och fler servicefunktioner inom den egna verksamheten. Möjligheten att involvera frivilliga inom äldreomsorgen ger dock i det närmaste ett obefintligt tillskott, speciellt i termer av någon ekonomisk vinning. Riksorganisationen för idéburen vård och omsorg, Famna, har en central roll och är en samlande kraft för de flesta av de intervjuade organisationerna när det gäller påverkan och opinionsbildning på nationell nivå, inte minst genom sina remissvar till olika departement. De har även en viktig uppgift i att ta fram utbildningar till medlemmarna och driva gemensamma nationella utvecklingsprojekt. En sammanfattande slutsats är att villkoren för organisationerna är komplex och beror främst på de lokala förutsättningarna där de ekonomiska ramarna sätter tydliga gränser för möjligheten att ta en större roll som utförare av äldreomsorg. / The purpose of this study has been to understand how representatives of non-government organisations active in the care for the elderly view their own, the organisation’s and civil society’s role as service providers of publicly funded care. To achieve this objective, semi-structured interviews have been performed with six representatives in leading roles within non-government organisations of varying size and locations. Lundquist’s theory of stakeholders and structures have in part been used as a starting point for the analysis. This has, in Lundquist’s terms, given voice to a stakeholdership which we have tried to understand by relating it to the structures within which the representatives work and are dependent on. The result of the interviews give a general picture of one of the two laws that control the conditions for the management of municipal as well as outsourced care for the elderly; the law of freedom of choice and the law of public procurement, which give the councils great scope for adaptation. This means the prerequisites for managing care for the elderly vary greatly which creates uncertainty and may hamper the non-government organisations to take on a bigger role. Organisations adapt in different ways to these prerequisites. The bigger stakeholders use their resources to create space to work. This is done by striving for a stronger control of the entire chain of care thanks to a more extensive administration and more service functions without their own management. The possibility of involving volunteers in the care for the elderly, however, gives a practically non-existent addition, especially in terms of financial gain. The national organisation for non-government care, Famna, holds a central role and is a uniting force for most of the organisations interviewed when it comes to advocacy and opinion forming on the national level, not least through its comment letters to different departments. They also have an important role in creating training programmes for their members and run joint national development projects. To summarise, our conclusion is that the conditions for the organisations are complex and depend primarily on the local prerequities where the financial framework sets clear boundaries to the possibility of taking on a more extensive role as providers of care for the elderly.

Religião, juventude e trabalho social: processos identitários na agência missionária evangélica Jocum

Goulart, Denise Alessandra [UNESP] 15 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-04-15Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:50:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 goulart_da_me_mar.pdf: 2493319 bytes, checksum: a24e5383ab0345b5347b34e3434cb241 (MD5) / A presente dissertação baseia-se em discutir o desenvolvimento – e aprimoramento – dos evangélicos no Brasil e sua inserção na cultura brasileira, “fragilizando” o poderio católico e dessa forma se fazendo presente na vida da juventude, tal qual à população de modo geral. O terceiro setor se aplica devido a ser uma das formas utilizadas por tais evangélicos para se posicionar no cenário brasileiro de forma a estar presente no cotidiano dos potenciais fiéis e assim, fazer uma manutenção proselitista eficaz. A JOCUM está posta como estudo de caso, demonstrando esta dinâmica. No caso específico da JOCUM, o terceiro setor está em forma de agência missionária, porém, nas igrejas locais (em bairros), o terceiro setor se demonstra em ações locais. Ao utilizá-la como ilustração, cabe buscar nos jovens membros suas percepções e trajetórias. / This study is based on arguing the development - and improvement - of the evangelicals in Brazil and their insertion at Brazilian culture, turning frangile the catholic power. The youth is affected and the general people as well. The third sector study is important due to be one of the ways used for such evangelicals to locate themselves at the Brazilian scene intending to be daily present in the life style of the potentials new evangelical. The JOCUM is introduced as a case study, Particularly at JOCUM, the third sector is demonstrated in missionary agency form, however, in the local churches (in quarters), the third sector is demonstrated in local actions. When using it as an illustration, it fits to look after in the young members their perceptions and trajectories.


Kaminski, Mauricio Tessele 25 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The third sector in Brazil is an industry with great growth potential, but due tomismanagement performed, the non-governmental organizations end up using the funds raised only for their survival. Thus, the investment made to develop the industry it is used for maintenance of Non-Governmental Organizations. Even with the support of the first sector, the state and the second sector, private companies, organizations belonging to the third sector is not structured and automatically lose credibility with the community and society, as are the image of amateur organizations, thus losing a potential allied toinvest in the sector, the individual in society. The Network Marketing is a marketing strategy from selling direct, differing only in the form of compensation of its independent distributors. This strategy when applied ethically and efficiently, resulting in a boomingmarket companies, as well as a large growth in financial matters of the organization.Through theory, more specifically in the chain of social value, we found that this marketing strategy applied in the nonprofit sector may be a way of promoting sustainable development. So the research question we sought to apply the marketingnetwork in Action Network of Social Organizations of Santa Maria / RS, through acompany to be registered, the Network Marketing Action (MRA). During the creation and implementation of the project was carried out market research, included in the marketing plan prepared, which identified ways to sensitize the local community in relation to the third sector, thus creating action strategies for project / O terceiro setor do Brasil é um setor com grande potencial de crescimento, porém devido à má gestão realizada, as Organizações Não-Governamentais acabam utilizando os recursos arrecadados apenas para sua sobrevivência. Desta forma, o investimento realizado para desenvolver o setor acaba sendo usado para manutenção das Organizações Não-Governamentais. Mesmo com o apoio do primeiro setor, Estado e do segundo setor, empresas privadas, as organizações pertencentes ao terceiro setor não se estruturam e automaticamente perdem credibilidade perante a comunidade e sociedade, pois passam a imagem de organizações amadoras, desta forma, perdendo um potencial aliado a investir no setor, o individuo da sociedade. O Marketing de rede é uma estratégia de marketing derivada da venda direta, diferenciando-se apenas na forma de compensação de seus distribuidores independentes. Esta estratégia quando aplicada de forma ética e eficiente, resulta em uma grande expansão de mercado das empresas, bem como um grande crescimento nas questões financeiras da organização. Através da teoria, mais especificamente da cadeia de valor social, identificou-se que esta estratégia de marketing aplicada no terceiro setor, poderá ser uma forma de promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Então, nesta pesquisa buscou-se analisar se o marketing de rede pode tornar-se uma estratégia para o aumento de arrecadação das Organizações Não-Governamentais pertencentes à Rede Ação das Organizações Sociais de Santa Maria/RS. Todo este processo através de uma empresa a ser registrada, a Marketing de Rede Ação (MRA). Durante o período de criação e busca da implementação do projeto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de mercado, inclusa no plano de marketing elaborado, onde identificou os caminhos para sensibilizar a comunidade local em relação ao terceiro setor, assim criando estratégias de ação para o sucesso do projeto.

Viabilidade e sobrevivência da Fundação Pró-Rim: um estudo de caso

Barros, Iton da Cunha 30 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:32:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ITON.pdf: 2118919 bytes, checksum: 7264c0b0ae1e178173224f1ed325d785 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of the present paper is to identify the current life cycle of the Foundation for Research in Renal and Metabolic Diseases, called Pro Kidney Foundation, searching to guarantee its permanency in the national market. The Pro Kidney Foundation is a philanthropic, non profit organization, privately managed, its headquarters located in Joinville, SC, recognized by Brazilian Federal Government, Municipal and State public utility. We are trying to identify in the specialized literature the context of the Brazilian Health System and to elucidate what is the role of the Foundations. The present research is qualitative and longitudinal in character. The interpretative case was the method used to study direct intensive and extensive observation. The data was collected by interviews of semi structured analysis and observation. The treatment of the data are predominant qualitative. After analyzing its life cycle the conclusion suggests that it s life is a professional posture fundraising for its continuous existence / Objetiva-se, no presente trabalho, buscar alternativas que viabilizem a sobrevivência da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa em Enfermidades Renais e Metabólicas, denominada de Fundação Pró-Rim, levando em consideração seu atual estágio do ciclo de vida, buscando garantir sua permanência no mercado nacional. A Fundação Pró-Rim é uma entidade de administração privada, sem fins lucrativos, portadora do Certificado de Entidade Beneficente de Assistência Social e reconhecida como de utilidade pública no Município de Joinville, no Estado de Santa Catarina e pelo Governo Federal do Brasil. Na revisão bibliográfica, procurase: descrever quais os ciclos de vida de uma empresa, segundo a literatura especializada; contextualizar o sistema de saúde brasileiro e, por fim, elucidar o papel das fundações. A pesquisa em pauta caracteriza-se como qualitativa, de caráter longitudinal. O método utilizado é o estudo de caso descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas do tipo semiestruturadas, análise documental e observação. O tratamento dos dados é predominantemente descritivo. Após a análise do ciclo de vida da organização, é proposto uma sistemática para a captação de recursos visando à sua sobrevivência, baseado nos estudos realizados e levandose em conta o estágio atual da organização e levantamentos estratégicos propõe-se alternativas para a sobrevivência da organização estudada

Servi?o Social e terceiro setor: considera??es sobre as atuais rela??es e condi??es de trabalho para o Assistente Social em Natal

Carneiro, Elizangela dos Santos 17 October 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElizangelaSC.pdf: 714012 bytes, checksum: 4ae835c6d0586b3fe8c179aaefcd548e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-10-17 / The present study analyses the actual relations and work conditions found in the third sector in Natal city, in the context of productive restoration and increasingly retraction from the State in providing Social Service before the new approach that has been destined to the social issue. The study talks about the work of the social worker when fighting the different expressions the social issue has, such as social service provision as a way of teamwork associated to work relations and conditions, to accessible resources and quality control management. These are elements that affect and interfere in the accomplishment and in the work of the social worker itself. The State s improvement, according to neoliberal-political precepts and increasingly retraction from the public investment in the areas of social concern (health, social welfare, assistance) and in the wage and employment policy, besides expanding the partnership with the public and private areas, in search for social services with quality, it has diversified the structures of the professional work with the growth of the so called third sector institutions. However, the absorption of the social workers by the third sector groups in general, has as major features the impoverishment of work relations, the maintenance of an unequal salary model, pointing out the deadline contracts and/or single tasks that generate work instability. The research debates, with a critical view and full perspective, over the conception of the third sector, interpreted as an action that expresses functions and values, treated as a real phenomenon generated from the restoration of the capital based on neoliberal principles. This study aims for responding what the established work relations are and under what work conditions the social worker has been fitting in the third sector and how such a reality echoes in the current work conditions for a social work in the city of Natal, before this new model of state intervention that transfers part of the social service provision to distinctive divisions of society, among them the so called third sector. The research results have shown that like the other workers the social worker passes through the same crises, dilemmas, advances and challenges that occur in the world of employment and which are expressed in the drop of salary average in the growth of contemporary contracts, unemployment, and in the ever more selective requirements to one be included in the social spaces, where the professional work is done, having as a result a greater impoverishment of work relations and conditions as well as more vulnerability as a salaried occupation / O presente estudo analisa as atuais rela??es e condi??es de trabalho que se estabelecem nas institui??es do chamado terceiro setor, na cidade do Natal, no contexto da reestrutura??o produtiva e da crescente retra??o do Estado na presta??o de servi?os sociais, diante do novo trato dado ? diferentes express?es da quest?o social. Aborda o trabalho do assistente social no enfrentamento das diferentes express?es da quest?o social nesses espa?os, mediante a presta??o de servi?os s?cio-assistenciais, como uma forma de trabalho coletivo, associada ?s condi??es e rela??es de trabalho, aos recursos dispon?veis, as formas de organiza??o e gest?o da for?a de trabalho. S?o elementos que atingem e interferem no conte?do, nas possibilidades de execu??o e no pr?prio resultado do trabalho do assistente social. A reforma do Estado, segundo preceitos da pol?tica neoliberal e a crescente retra??o dos investimentos p?blicos nas ?reas de seguridade social (sa?de, previd?ncia e assist?ncia), nas pol?ticas de sal?rio e emprego, al?m de expandir as parcerias entre as esferas p?blicas e privadas, na busca de servi?os sociais de qualidade, diversificou as organiza??es demandantes do trabalho profissional, com o crescimento das organiza??es ditas do terceiro setor. Entretanto, a absor??o dos assistentes sociais pelas institui??es do terceiro setor em geral, tem como caracter?stica principal a precariza??o de suas rela??es de trabalho, a manuten??o de um padr?o salarial n?o un?voco, com destaque para os contratos com tempo determinado e/ou por tarefa, sujeitos ? inseguran?a do trabalho. A pesquisa discute a partir de uma leitura cr?tica, numa perspectiva de totalidade o conceito de terceiro setor, interpretado como uma a??o que expressam fun??es e valores, tratado como fen?meno real imerso e produto da reestrutura??o do capital pautado nos princ?pios neoliberais. Busca-se responder quais as rela??es de trabalho que nelas se estabelecem e sob que condi??es de trabalho o assistente social vem se inserindo neste espa?o s?cio-institucional no chamado terceiro setor e como tal realidade repercute nas atuais condi??es de emprego para o assistente social na cidade do Natal, diante deste novo modelo de interven??o estatal que transfere significativa parcela da presta??o de servi?os sociais para distintos segmentos da sociedade, entre os quais o chamado terceiro setor. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que assim como os demais trabalhadores, o assistente social atravessa, igualmente, as crises, os dilemas, os avan?os e os desafios presentes no mundo do trabalho, expressas na queda do padr?o salarial, na amplia??o dos contratos tempor?rios, no desemprego, e nos requisitos cada vez mais seletivos para sua inser??o nos espa?os s?cio-ocupacionais, em que se concretiza seu trabalho profissional, resultando numa maior precariza??o de suas rela??es e condi??es de trabalho e maior vulnerabilidade na sua condi??o de emprego enquanto for?a de trabalho assalariada

Housing Cooperatives and Social Capital: The Case of Vienna

Lang, Richard, Novy, Andreas January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Drawing on the case of Vienna, the article examines the role of third sector housing for social cohesion in the city. With the joint examination of an organisational and an institutional level of housing governance, the authors apply an interdisciplinary, multi-level research approach which aims at contributing to a comprehensive understanding of social cohesion as a contextualised phenomenon which requires place-based as well as structural (multi-level) solutions. Using a large-scale household survey and interviews with key informants, the analysis shows an ambiguous role housing cooperatives play for social cohesion: With the practice of "heme-oriented housing estates", non-profit housing returns to the traditional cooperative principle of Gemeinschaft. However, community cooperatives rather promote homogenous membership and thus, encompass the danger to establish cohesive islands that are cut off from the rest of the city. Furthermore, given the solidarity-based housing regime of Vienna, fostering bonding social capital on the neighbourhood level, might anyway just be an additional safeguarding mechanism for social cohesion. More important is the direct link between the micro-level of residents and the macro-level of urban housing policy. In this respect, cooperative housing represents a crucial intermediate level that strengthens the linking social capital of residents and provides opportunity structures for citizen participation. However, the increasing adoption of a corporate management orientation leads to a hollowing out of the cooperative principle of democratic member participation, reducing it to an informal and non-binding substitute. Thus, it is in the responsibility of both managements and residents to revitalise the existing democratic governance structures of cooperative housing before they will be completely dismantled by market liberalization and privatization. In contrast to other European cities, third sector housing in Vienna has the potential to give residents a voice beyond the neighbourhood and the field of housing. / Series: SRE - Discussion Papers

A configuração jurídica e normativa da relação público-privada no Brasil na promoção do direito à educação

Pires, Daniela de Oliveira January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa os aspectos jurídicos da parceria entre a Rede Municipal de Ensino de Sapiranga e o Instituto Ayrton Senna, discutindo a relação do público e do privado na educação. O marco teórico é a crise do capital, que, entre suas estratégias de superação apresenta o Neoliberalismo e a Terceira Via, ambos propondo a reforma do Estado para a solução de uma crise centrada no Estado. Em 1995, no Brasil, tem-se o Ministério de Administração e Reforma do Estado, que cria o Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, o qual propunha a descentralização de serviços, até então de exclusividade do Estado, incluindo a sociedade civil organizada, o terceiro setor ou público não-estatal. Em 1998, foi promulgada a Emenda Constitucional n°19, que irá promover a reforma na Administração Pública brasileira. Dentre outras alterações, tem-se a inserção do princípio da eficiência como um dos princípios da Administração pública. A Emenda Constitucional n°19 irá fazer com que prevaleça a lógica da iniciativa privada agindo no setor público, através das entidades do Terceiro Setor. Diante disso, é apresentada a configuração jurídica dessas entidades, suas especificidades e as formas de controle social que podem ser exercidas sobre elas.Este trabalho apresenta a parceria entre o Município de Sapiranga e o Instituto Ayrton Senna, a partir da análise da legislação municipal como forma de materialização da relação públicoprivada, e as implicações da parceria para a educação municipal. / This study examines the legal aspects of the partnership between the Municipal Network for Teaching Sapiranga and the Ayrton Senna Institute, discussing the relationship of public and private education. The theoretical framework is the crisis of capital, which, among their strategies for overcoming the present Neoliberalism and the Third Way, both proposing a reform of the state to solve a crisis centered in the state. In 1995, in Brazil, it established the Ministry of Administration and State Reform of establishing a Master Plan for Reform of the state apparatus, which proposed the decentralization of services, then the exclusivity of the state, including civil society, the third sector or public non-state. In 1998, was enacted Constitutional Amendment No. 19, which will promote the reform in the Brazilian government. Among other changes, has been the inclusion of the principle of efficiency as one of the principles of government. The Constitutional Amendment No 19 will prevail to make the logic of private enterprise acting in the public sector, through the entities of the Third Sector. Thus, the configuration is displayed such legal entities, and their specific forms of social control can be exerted on them. This paper describes the partnership between the City of Sapiranga and the Ayrton Senna Institute, from the analysis of municipal law as a materialization of the public-private partnership and the implications for local education.

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