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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of hip kinematics in adult sports participants during single leg drop landing with chronic groin pain

Dare, Michael Robert 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction-Groin injuries are among the top six most cited injuries in soccer and account for 10-18 per cent of all injuries reported in contact sport. Groin pain can result from a variety of pathologies, but according to literature, 63 per cent of groin pain is due to adductor pathology. Objective-The objective of this study was to explore if there are kinematic differences in the hip joint in sports participants with groin pain compared to matched healthy controls. Study design A cross sectional, descriptive study was conducted. Study setting-The study was conducted at the FNB -3D motion analysis laboratory at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Outcome variables-The dependent variables included hip kinematics in the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes at foot strike, lowest vertical point of the pelvis and total range of hip motion during a single leg drop landing. Methodology-The study sample comprised 20 male club level soccer-and, rugby players, running and cycling participants between the ages of 18-55 years of age. Ten of the subjects had chronic groin pain and the other ten were healthy matched controls. An eight-camera Vicon system was used to analyse the kinematics of the hip joint during single leg drop landing. For the purpose of comparison, the data was analysed for participants with unilateral groin pain and matched controls (n=14) and participants with bilateral groin pain and controls (n=6). The full set of data was subdivided for analysis into three distinct sub-groups. Unilaterally injured groin cases (n=7) were matched with seven healthy controls for analysis. Bilaterally injured groin cases (n=3) were matched with three healthy controls. Results-Cases with unilateral groin pain at initial contact had significantly more abduction of the hip joint when compared to controls (p<0.05). The effect size of this difference was large (0.94). Cases with unilateral groin pain also demonstrated greater hip internal rotation while the controls had external rotation (p<0.05) during a drop landing activity. Bilaterally injured groin cases landed with significantly (p=?) greater ranges of hip flexion as well as in significantly (p=?) more hip abduction during a drop landing activity. They also demonstrated greater total range of motion in the frontal plan when compared to controls. Groin pain cases overall demonstrated greater ranges of motion and tended to land in more abduction compared to controls. Conclusion-This study found that during a single leg drop landing, sports participants with unilateral chronic groin pain landed with significantly greater hip abduction and exhibited larger total range of motion in the transverse plane, which may indicate impaired stability of the hip complex when compared to controls. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding-Liesbeserings is een van die top ses mees prominente sokker beserings. Dit beloop 10-18 persent van alle beserings wat in kontaksport aangemeld word. Liespyn kan die gevolg wees van ‘n verskeidenheid patologië, maar volgens die literatuur is 63 persent van liespyn as gevolg adduktor patologie. Doelwitte-Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel of daar enige kinematiese veranderinge in die heupgewrig is in spelers met liespyn in vergelyking met dieselfde vergelykbare spelers sonder liespyn. Studie Ontwerp-‘n Deursnit, beskrywende studie was onderneem. Studie Omgewing-Die studie was uitgevoer by die FNB-3D bewegingsanalise laboratorium van die Stellenbosch Universiteit, Suid-Afrika. Uitkomsveranderlikes-Die afhanklike veranderlikes het in gesluit die heup kinematika in die sagitale, frontale en transvers vlakke met voet kontak endie laagste vertikale punt van die pelvis sowel as die totale heup omvang van beweging gedurende een been landing. Metodologie-Die studie populasie het bestaan uit 20 manlike sokker- en, rugbyspelers, hardlopers en fietsryers tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 55 jaar. Tien van die deelnemers het kroniese liespyn gehad en die ander tien in die gelyke gesonde groep was sonder liespyn. Die agt kamera Vicon sisteem was gebruik om die kinematika van die heupgewrig te analseer tydens een been landing. Vir die doel om ‘n vergelyking te kan maak, was die data geanaliseer van deelnemers met unilaterale liespyn en die vergelykende groep sonder liespyn (n=14) en deelnemers met bilaterale liespyn en hulle vergelykende groep sonder liespyn (n=6).. Die volledige stel data was onderverdeel in drie afsonderlike sub groepe. Vir die analiese was unilaterale liesbeserings (n=7) vergelyk met sewe deelnemers sonder liespyn in die kontrolegroep. Deelnemers met bilaterale liesbeserings (n=3) was vergelyk met drie in die kontrolegroep. Resultate-Die deelnemers met unilaterale liespyn het met eerste kontak beduidend meer abduksie van die heupgewrig gehad in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep (p<0.05). Die effek van hierdie verskil was groot (0.94). Die deelnemers met unilaterale liespyn het ook ‘n grooter interne rotasie getoon, terwyl die kontrole groep meer eksterne rotasie gedemonstreer het (p<0.05) met landing. Deelnemers met bilaterale liespyn het beduidend (p=?) meer heup fleksie en abduksie omvang van beweging tydens landing. Hulle het ook ‘n groter totale heup omvang van beweging in die frontale vlak gehad in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep. Deelnemers met liespyn het oor die algemeen ‘n grooter omvang van beweging getoon, en was geneig om met meer abduksie van die heup te land as die kontrolegroep. Gevolgtrekking-Die studie toon dat deelnemers met kroniese unilaterale liespyn, tydens een been landing, beduidende meerheup abduksie toon en dat die heup in die transverse vlak meer totale omvang van beweging gebruik wat kan dui op onstabiliteit in die heupkompleks in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep.

Atrial fibrillation in cardiac surgery

Ahlsson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. In cardiac surgery, one-third of the patients experience episodes of AF during the first postoperative days (postoperative AF), and patients with preoperative AF (concomitant AF) can be offered ablation procedures in conjunction with surgery, in order to restore ordinary sinus rhythm (SR). The aim of this work was to study the relation between postoperative AF and inflammation; the long-term consequences of postoperative AF on mortality and late arrhythmia; and atrial function after concomitant surgical ablation for AF. In 524 open-heart surgery patients, C-reactive protein (CRP) serum concentrations were measured before and on the third day after surgery. There was no correlation between levels of CRP and the development of postoperative AF. All 1,419 patients with no history of AF, undergoing primary aortocoronary bypass surgery (CABG) in the years 1997–2000 were followed up after 8.0 years. The mortality rate was 191 deaths/1,000 patients (19.1%) in patients with no AF and 140 deaths/419 patients (33.4%) in patients with postoperative AF. Postoperative AF was an age-independent risk factor for late mortality, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.56 (95% CI 1.23–1.98). Postoperative AF patients had a more than doubled risk of death due to cerebral ischaemia, myocardial infarction, sudden death, and heart failure compared with patients without AF. All 571 consecutive patients undergoing primary CABG during the years 1999–2000 were followed-up after 6 years. Questionnaires were obtained from 91.6% of surviving patients and an electrocardiogram (ECG) from 88.3% of all patients. In postoperative AF patients, 14.1% had AF at follow-up, compared with 2.8% of patients with no AF at surgery (p&lt;.001). An episode of postoperative AF was found to be an independent risk factor for development of late AF, with an adjusted risk ratio (RR) of 3.11 (95% CI 1.41–6.87). Epicardial microwave ablation was performed in 20 open-heart surgery patients with concomitant AF. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed preoperatively and at 6 months postoperatively. At 12 months postoperatively 14/19 patients (74%) were in SR with no anti-arrhythmic drugs. All patients in SR had preserved left and right atrial filling waves (A-waves) and Tissue velocity echocardiography (TVE) showed preserved atrial wall velocities and atrial strain. In conclusion, postoperative AF is an independent risk factor for late mortality and later development of AF. There is no correlation between the inflammatory marker CRP and postoperative AF. Epicardial microwave ablation of concomitant AF results in SR in the majority of patients and seems to preserve atrial mechanical function.

La désaturation cérébrale lors d’une chirurgie thoracique : son incidence et sa corrélation avec les complications post opératoires

Kazan, Roy 08 1900 (has links)
La ventilation unipulmonaire (SLV; Single Lung Ventilation) pendant les chirurgies thoraciques entraîne des altérations cardio-pulmonaires et hémodynamiques importantes. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consiste à étudier l’impact de la SLV sur l’oxymétrie cérébrale et sa relation avec les complications post opératoires. La première étude inclut vingt patients ayant subi une chirurgie thoracique nécessitant une SLV. L’oxymétrie a été mesurée à l’aide de l’oxymètre cérébral absolu FORESIGHTTM (CASMED, USA) afin d’étudier les changements de la saturation cérébrale absolue (SctO2) tout le long de la chirurgie. La SctO2 ainsi que les paramètres de monitorage standard (BIS, SpO2, pression sanguine, fréquence cardiaque) ont été notés à toutes les cinq minutes à partir de l’induction jusqu’au réveil. Une analyse sanguine (paO2, paCO2, Hb) a été effectuée à toutes les quinze minutes. La deuxième étude effectuée consistait d’étudier la relation entre la désaturation cérébrale en oxygène et les complications post opératoires. Pour cette fin, les scores Clavien et SOFA mesurant l’amplitude des complications, ont été établis pour chaque patient. Les données sont présentées sous forme de moyenne et de la médiane [1er quartile, 3ème quartile; min – max]. Les vingt patients de la première étude ont montré une valeur moyenne absolue de saturation cérébrale absolue (SctO2) de 80% avant l’induction. Durant la SLV, cette valeur a chuté jusqu’à 63% et est remontée à 71% directement après extubation. Tous ces patients ont subi une désaturation durant SLV de plus que 15% comparativement à la valeur de base et 70% ont eu une désaturation de plus de 20%. La désaturation n’a pas été corrélée avec aucun des paramètres de monitorage clinique standard comme la pression artérielle, les analyses des gaz artériels, la saturation périphérique ou la PaO2. La deuxième étude incluant trente autres patients aux vingt premiers, est venue confirmer les résultats de la première étude. De plus, une analyse de corrélation entre les valeurs minimales de SctO2 obtenues durant SLV et les complications post opératoires a été effectuée. Les patients avaient une SctO2 de base de 80%, qui a chuté jusqu’à 64% pendant la SLV pour récupérer à 71% avant la fin de la chirurgie. 82% des patients ont subi des désaturations de plus de 15% des valeurs initiales et 10% ont atteint des valeurs de SctO2 entre 45 et 55%. Les valeurs minimales de SctO2 observées durant la SLV corrélaient avec le score SOFA non respiratoire (R2=0,090, p=0,0287) ainsi qu’avec le score Clavien (R2=0,098, p=0,0201), mais ne corrélait avec aucun des paramètres cliniques standards (ex : SpO¬2, PaO2, PaCO2, Hb). En définissant une valeur seuil de SctO2=65%, le «Odds ratio» d’avoir une défaillance d’organe non respiratoire est de 2.37 (IC 95%=1,18 – 4,39, p=0,043) et d’avoir une complication classifiée supérieure à un score Clavien de 0 est de 3,19 (IC 95%=1,6 – 6,34, p=0,0272). Les chirurgies thoraciques avec une SLV sont associées à des chutes significatives de SctO2, et les valeurs minimales de SctO2 semblent avoir une corrélation positive avec les complications post opératoires. / Single lung ventilation (SLV) during thoracic surgery causes important cardiopulmonary disturbances and numerous hemodynamic changes. The objective of this research project was to study the impact of the SLV on the cerebral oximetry values SctO2 and its relationship with postoperative complications. Twenty patients were included in the first study undergoing thoracic surgeries with SLV. SctO2 was measured using the FORE-SIGHT™ (CASMED, USA) oximeter in order to study SctO2 changes along the surgery. SctO2 values as well as the standard monitoring parameters (BIS, SpO2, BP, HR) were recorded every 5 min starting from the induction until the awake of the patient. A blood gas analysis (paO2, paCO2, Hb) was performed every 15 min during the SLV. The second study consisted of studying the relationship between minimal SctO2 values reached during SLV and the post-operative complications. For this, SOFA and Clavien scores were established for each patient, measuring the severity of early postoperative complications. Data are presented as mean and median [1st quartile, 3rd quartile; min – max]. Twenty patients from the first study showed a mean SctO2 baseline value of 80% before induction. During SLV, this value dropped to 63% and recovered to 71% directly after extubation. All the patients showed cerebral oxygen desaturations of more than 15% from baseline value and 70% of patients had SctO2 desaturations of more than 20%. Those désaturations did not correlate with any of the standard clinical monitoring parameters such as blood pressure, blood gas analysis, peripheral saturation or PaO2. The second study, including thirty additional patients added to the previous twenty, came to confirm the results previously obtained. Furthermore, a correlation analysis was performed between minimal absolute SctO2 values obtained during SLV and postoperative complications. The fifty patients had a mean SctO2 baseline value of 80%, dropped to 64% during SLV and recovered to 71% before the end of the surgery. 82% of the patients had a decrease of SctO2 of more than 15% from baseline values and 10% of patients reached minimal saturation values between 45 and 55%. Minimal absolute values during SLV correlated with non-respiratory SOFA (R2=0.090, p=0.0287) as well as the Clavien score (R2=0.098, p=0.0201), but did not correlate with any of the standard clinical monitoring parameters (SpO2, PaO2, PaCO2, Hb). By defining a threshold value of SctO2=65%, the Odds ratio of having a non-respiratory organ failure is 2.37 (95% CI=1.18 – 4.39, p=0.043) and a complication classified as a Clavien score higher that 0 is 3.19 (95% CI=1.60 – 6.34, p=0.0272). Thoracic surgery necessitating a SLV is associated with a significant decrease of SctO2 and minimal SctO2 values seem to positively correlate with postoperative complications.

Adenoidní vegetace a adenotomie z pohledu respirační fyzioterapie / Adenoid hypertrophy and adenodectomy from the viewpoint of the respirotory physiotherapy

Světlíková, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the examination of respiratory and postural changes on examined group of children after adenoidectomy and evaluation, whether it is recommended in post- operative phase to indicate respiratory physiotherapy for the examined children. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the anatomy, etiology and symptomatology, which accompanies adenoid hypertrophy. Furthermore, there is a description of the kinesiology examination and complete methodology of respiratory physiotherapy and more. In the practical part of the thesis there is a statistic analysis of the examination of 20 children after adenoidectomy and control group investigation. Examination content is the thoracic respiratory excursion (breathing amplitude) and orientational examination of lungs function (PEF, FEV 0,5, FEV 0,75 and FEV1) using digital Peak Flow Meter. The part of the thesis i also kinesiology analysis and questionnaire filled up before adenoidectomy and 3 weeks after operation.

Hypermobility syndrome and its connection with nerve entrapment syndromes, the example of the thoracic outlet syndrome

Jiquelle, Carine January 2013 (has links)
 ABSTRACT  Background: Since its first mention by Kirk et al. in 1967 and its recognition as a full- fledged rheumatologic disorder, the hypermobility syndrome (HMS) has been increasingly investigated and reported in the scientific literature. Expeditiously renamed benign joint hypermobility syndrome in the patent absence of life-threatening complications, its relatively innocuous character has been progressively reconsidered. In fact, the HMS tends to date to be considered analogous to the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome-hypermobility type, a heritable disease of connective tissue, and therefore emerges as a chiefly rheumatologic disorder with possible widespread reverberations in practically all organs and systems. The condition thence goes beyond the sole involvement of the musculoskeletal system and is recurrently associated with seemingly-unrelated and more or less severe conditions (cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastro- intestinal…). However, neurologic implications of the hypermobility syndrome remain poorly documented, particularly those regarding the peripheral nervous system. Ranking amongst the afflictions of the latter, nerve entrapment syndromes (NES) comprehend a multitude of categories, notably the thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). And if their pathological mechanisms are generally apprehended...

Efeito aterogênico da poluição atmosférica: associação aos anticorpos anti LDLox e anti peptídeo D da apoB e aos aspectos morfométricos e inflamatórios / Atherogenic effect of air pollution: association to anti-oxLDL and anti peptide D- ApoB and imorphometric and inflamatory aspects

Soares, Sandra Regina Castro 13 September 2006 (has links)
A poluição atmosférica de grandes centros urbanos é relacionada com o aumento dos índices de mortalidade e morbidade, principalmente em indivíduos com predisposição às doenças cardiovasculares e progressão da aterosclerose. Com o objetivo de verificar o potencial aterogênico da poluição atmosférica da cidade de São Paulo avaliamos o comportamento do estresse oxidativo e produção de auto-anticorpos em modelo murino experimental \"in vivo\". Foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: quantidade de lipídeo e espessura da placa aterosclerótica por analisador de imagens, oxidação da LDL sérica (TBARS) e tecidual e imunohistoquímica (8-isoprostano), ativação macrofágica (imunohistoquímicaMAC2) e produção de anticorpos anti-LDL oxidada (LDLox) e anti-peptídeo D da apoB-100 (ELISA). Os dados foram estudados na emergência, arco e porção descendente da aorta em 40 camundongos LDLR - / - knockout, machos, 30 dias de idade expostos às câmaras de intoxicação seletiva não filtrada e filtrada para material particulado e gases tóxicos, no período de Maio/Setembro de 2004. Nesse período não houve ultrapassagem dos níveis aceitáveis de poluição. Os animais foram divididos em 4 grupos: Filtrada-Padrão (FP), Filtrada-E.Col.(FEcol), Poluída-Padrão (PP) e Poluída-E.Col.(PEcol). Obtivemos os seguintes resultados: maior aumento dos níveis de colesterol total nos grupos FEcol e PEcol (p<0,05); triglicérides séricos menores no grupo PEcol (p<0,05); aceleração de oxidação LDL sanguínea apenas no grupo PEcol; índices aumentados de anticorpos anti-LDLox e anticorpos anti-peptídeo D nos grupos PP e PEcol em relação aos demais (p<0,05); maior quantidade de gordura na raiz da aorta nos grupos com dieta Ecol (p<0,05) porém com espessura da placa superior apenas no grupo PEcol (p<0,05). A região descendente e o arco (núcleo necrótico e placa aterosclerótica) não apresentaram diferenças na análise de estresse oxidativo. A quantificação de macrófagos na aorta descendente foi maior no grupo FEcol em relação aos animais com dieta padrão (p<0,05). O núcleo necrótico e placa aterosclerótica do arco aórtico apresentaram o mesmo comportamento: FEcol maior que PP e FP (p<0,05). Concluímos que a poluição atmosférica urbana, mesmo em níveis considerados aceitáveis, potencializa a progressão da aterosclerose. / Epidemiologic studies have shown important relationship between atherogenic cardiovascular morbid-mortality and acute or chronic exposure to air pollution. We aim to study the atherogenic potential of São Paulo urban air pollution analyzing the plaque formation and its physiopathology through oxidative stress and auto-antibody production in a murine experimental model in vivo. We quantified the lipid deposit in the atherosclerotic plaque and its thickness by Image Analyzer, LDL oxidation in blood by TBARS and tissue by 8-isoprosthane, production of anti oxLDL and anti peptide D of apoB-100 antibodies by ELISA and macrophage activation through MAC2 staining. We analyzed three regions of the aorta: emergency, arch and descendent in 40 LDLR - / - knockout mice, male, 30 days old exposed to selective intoxication chambers with filters or not for particulate matter and toxic gases, during May to September 2004, when pollution did not overpass standard limits of air quality. Mice were divided in four groups: Filtered-Normal diet (FN), Filtered-enriched cholesterol diet (FEchol), Polluted-Normal diet (PN) and Polluted-enriched cholesterol diet (FEchol). Our results were: the highest amount of total cholesterol levels in FEchol and PEchol groups (p<0,05); the lowest triglycerides in PEchol mice (p<0,05); increment of oxLDL in blood only in PEchol animals; higher anti oxLDL and anti-peptide D antibodies in PN and PEchol than other groups (p<0,05); similar amounts of lipids in atherosclerotic plaque in Echol diet groups, but higher than mice submitted to Normal diet (p<0,05); PEchol mice presented the highest aorta thickness (p<0.05); oxidative stress showed similar results in both aortic regions in all groups; macrophage activation in descent region of the aorta showed that FEchol mice presented higher values than animals submitted to normal diet (p<0,05) and PEchol group reached higher values than PN animals (p<0,05); macrophage activation in the atherosclerotic necrotic core and plaque of the aortic arch showed similar pattern: FEchol higher than normal diet mice (p<0,05). We concluded that urban air pollution, even within standard limits of air quality, is able to potentate atherosclerosis progression.

Índice antropométrico para "pectus excavatum" como método diagnóstico e de avaliação pré e pós-operatória: análise comparativa com o índice de Haller e o índice vertebral inferior. / Anthropometric index for "pectus excavatum" as a method of diagnosis and of pre and post-operative assessment : comparative analysis with Haller's index and the lower vertebral index.

Rebeis, Eduardo Baldassari 20 June 2005 (has links)
Estamos propondo um índice antropométrico para pectus excavatum correlacionando-o ao índice de Haller e ao índice vertebral inferior. Estudamos 20 pacientes com deformidade e 30 indivíduos normais. Os pacientes portadores do defeito torácico foram submetidos à correção cirúrgica. A correlação entre os índices foi alta, a acurácia semelhante e houve diferença significante entre o pré e pós-operatório estabelecida pelos índices. / We are proposing an anthropometric index for pectus excavatum correlating it to Haller's index and to the lower vertebral index. We have studied 20 patients with deformity and 30 normal patients. Patients carrying thoracic defect were submitted to surgical correction. The correlation between the indexes was high, the accuracy was similar and there was significant difference between the pre and post-operative established by the indexes.

"Pectus excavatum: avaliação comparativa das técnicas operatórias de Robicsek e Nuss" / Pectus excavatum : comparative evaluation of Robicsek and Nuss surgical techniques

Brigato, Rodrigo Ribeiro 14 June 2006 (has links)
Pectus excavatum (PEX) é uma depressão esternal em relação às cartilagens costais. Problemas psicológicos e intolerância ao exercício são alterações clínicas freqüentemente detectadas. A correão cirúrgica do PEX ganhou um novo momento desde a introdução da nova técnica minimamente invasivade Nuss. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar os resultados das técnicas operatórias de Robicsek (convencional) e minimamente invasiva (Nuss). Dois grupos de pacientes foram estudados em nosso Serviço: a) 40 pacientes com tórax normal; 40 pacientes com PEX. Esse último grupo foi operado pela técnica de Robicsek (20 pacientes) ou de Nuss (20 pacientes). Ambas as técnicas conseguiram resultados pós-operatórios satisfatórios, mas o índice de Haller e medidas clínicas sugerem que resultados são diferentes. Nuss pode obter melhor forma torácica / Pectus excavatum (PEX) is a depression of the sternum in relation to the costal cartilages. Psychological disorders and exercise intolerance are current clinical abnormalities detectables. Surgical correction of PEX has gained a new momentum since the introduction of the new minimally invasive repair by Nuss. The present study aims to compare the results of Robicsek (conventional) versus Nuss (minimally invasive) technique. Two groups of patients were studied at our Service: a) 40 patients with normal thoracic box configuration; b) 40 patients with PEX. The latter were operated according to the Robicsek (20 pacients) or Nuss technique (20 patients). Both techniques manage to successful postoperative results, but Haller index and clinical measures suggest that results are significant differents. Nuss technique may obtain the best thoracic shape

Efeitos da filtragem de leucócitos sobre a resposta inflamatória e a função pulmonar de pacientes submetidos à revascularização miocárdica com circulação extracorpórea / Effects of leukocyte filtering on the inflammatory response and pulmonary function in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with cardiopulmonary bypass

Amorim, Celio Gomes de 09 September 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: A Circulação extracorpórea (CEC) é associada a ativação leucocitária, resposta inflamatória e disfunção pulmonar. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da filtragem leucocitária sobre a resposta inflamatória e a função pulmonar em indivíduos submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio (RM) com CEC. MÉTODO: Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética Institucional e obtenção do consentimento informado dos indivíduos, foi realizado estudo prospectivo randomizado, para comparar indivíduos adultos submetidos à RM com CEC, utilizando-se filtragem leucocitária (n=09) ou filtro standard (n=11) durante a CEC. Tomografia computadorizada (CT) de tórax, espirometria, análise da oxigenação e hemograma foram realizados antes da cirurgia. A anestesia foi induzida por via venosa com etomidato (0,3 mg.kg-1), sufentanil (0,3 ug.kg-1), pancurônio (0,08 mg.kg-1) e mantida com isoflurano (0,5 - 1,0 CAM) e sufentanil (0,5 ug.kg-1.h-1). A ventilação mecânica utilizou volume corrente de 8 mL.kg-1, com FiO2 de 0,6 e PEEP de 5 cm H2O, exceto durante a CEC. No grupo Filtragem, durante a CEC, foi inserido um filtro de leucócitos na linha arterial do circuito (LG-6, Pall Biomedical Products) e, no grupo Controle, foi utilizado o filtro Standard. Contagem leucocitária foi realizada após a indução, aos 5, 25 e 50 min de CEC, ao final da cirurgia, com 12 e 24 h PO. Dados hemodinâmicos, PaO2/FiO2, fração de Shunt, interleucinas, elastase e mieloperoxidase foram colhidos antes e após a CEC, no final da cirurgia, com 6,12 e 24 h PO. Trinta minutos depois da indução, e trinta após a CEC, três amostras sequenciais de ar exalado foram colhidas para análise de óxido nítrico (NO), por quimiluminescência. Espirometria e CT de tórax foram realizadas no primeiro dia pós-operatório. Os dados foram analisados por meio de ANOVA de duplo fator para medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: O tempo de CEC foi similar entre os grupos controle e filtragem (86,78 ± 19,58 versus 104,64 ± 27,76 min, p=0,161). O grupo Filtragem mostrou menor contagem leucocitária que o grupo Controle até 50 min de CEC (3384 ± 2025 versus 6478 ± 3582 U.mm-3 U.mm-3, p=0,036), menor fração de shunt até 6 h PO (10 ± 2% versus 16 ± 5%, p=0,040) e menores níveis de IL-10 até o final da cirurgia (1571 ± 1137 pg.mL-1 versus 3108 ± 1694 pg.mL-1, p=0,031). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos em relação ao restante dos parâmetros avaliados (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A filtragem leucocitária durante a CEC, quando comparada à utilização de filtro convencional, promove diminuição da contagem de neutrófilos até 50 minutos de CEC, menor liberação de IL-10 até o final da cirurgia e menor alteração da fração de shunt intrapulmonar até 6 h PO, protegendo os pulmões apenas temporariamente contra a injúria aguda relacionada / BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is related to leukocyte activation, inflammatory response and lung dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of CPB-leukocyte filtration on the inflammatory response and lung function after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). METHODS: After approval by the institutional ethics committee and informed consent, a prospective randomized study was performed to compare CABG-patients undergoing CPB-leukocyte filtration (n=9) or standard CPB (n=11). Espirometry, chest computed tomography (CT), oxygenation analysis and leukocyte count were performed before surgery. Anesthesia induction was performed intravenously with etomidate (0,3 mg.kg-1), sufentanil (0,3 ug.kg-1), pancuronium bromide (0,08 mg.kg-1) e sustained with isoflurano (0,5 - 1,0 CAM) and sufentanil (0,5 ug.kg-1.h-1). The tidal volume used during mechanical ventilation was 8 mL.kg-1, the FiO2 0.6 and PEEP 5 cm H2O, except during CPB. In Filtered group, during CPB, was inserted a leukocyte filter in the arterial line of CPB circuit (LG-6, Pall Biomedical Products) and, in Control group, the Standard arterial line filter was utilized. Hemodynamic data, PaO2/FiO2, shunt fraction, interleukins, elastase and myeloperoxidase were evaluated before and after CPB, at the end of surgery, and 6, 12 and 24 h PO. Thirty minutes after induction, and Thirty after CPB, three sequential exhaled air samples were collected to perform analysis of nitric oxide (NO), by chemiluminescence technique. Espirometry and chest CT were performed on first PO. Data were analyzed using two-factor ANOVA for repeated measurements. RESULTS: Length of CPB was similar in the filtered and control groups (86.78 ± 19.58 versus 104.64 ± 27.76 min, p = 0.161). The filtered group showed lower neutrophil counts than the control group up to 50 minutes of CPB (3384 ± 2025 versus 6478 ± 3582 U/mm-3, p = 0.036), lower shunt fraction up to 6 hours after surgery (10 ± 2% versus 16 ± 5%, p = 0.040), and lower levels of IL-10 at the end of surgery (1571 ± 1137 pg.ml-1 versus 3108 ± 1694 pg.ml-1, p = 0.031). There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to rest of the parameters evaluated (p >u0,05). CONCLUSIONS: The leukocyte filtration during CPB, when compared to the use of conventional filter, promotes lower neutrophil counts up to 50 minutes of CPB, lower levels of IL-10 at the end of surgery and lower shunt fraction up to 6 hours after surgery, protecting the lungs only temporarily against the acute injury related Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01469676

Estudo randomizado para avaliação da terapia guiada por metas em cirurgia cardíaca de alto risco / A randomized controlled trial to evaluate goal directed therapy in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery

Osawa, Eduardo Atsushi 11 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da terapia guiada por metas (TGM) sobre desfechos em pacientes de alto risco submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo randomizado que avaliou 126 pacientes submetidos às cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio ou valvar internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Cirúrgica (UTI) do Instituto do Coração da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Os pacientes foram randomizados para um algoritmo de terapia guiada por metas (grupo TGM, n=62) ou grupo controle (n=64). No grupo TGM, um índice cardíaco superior a 3 L/min/m2 foi utilizado como alvo através de fluidos, inotrópicos e transfusão de concentrado de hemácias, com início após desmame da circulação extracorpórea e com término após 8 horas de admissão na UTI. Resultados: O desfecho primário foi um composto de mortalidade e complicações maiores em 30 dias. Os pacientes do grupo TGM receberam maior volume (mediana e intervalo interquartílico) de fluidos em relação ao grupo controle [1000 (625 - 1500) vs. 500 (500 - 1000) mL (P < 0,001)], e não houve diferença na administração de inotrópicos ou hemotransfusão. A incidência do desfecho primário foi menor no grupo TGM (27,4 vs. 45,3%, p=0,037). O grupo TGM apresentou menor incidência de infecção (12,9 vs. 29,7%, P=0,002) síndrome do baixo débito cardíaco (6,5 vs. 26,6%, P=0.002). Foram também observados menor dose acumulada de dobutamina (12 vs. 19 mg/Kg, P=0,003), menor tempo de internação na UTI (3 [3-4] vs. 5 [4-7] dias; P < 0,001) e no hospital (9 [8-16] vs. 12 [9-22] dias, P=0,049) no grupo TGM comparado ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença nas taxas de mortalidade em 30 dias. (4,8% vs. 9,4%, respectivamente; P = 0,492). Conclusão: A estratégia de terapia guiada por metas através de fluidos, inotrópicos e transfusão sanguínea reduziu a incidência de complicações maiores em 30 dias em pacientes de alto risco submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca / Introduction: The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of goal-directed therapy on outcomes in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial that evaluated 126 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass or valve repair in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Heart Institute/Faculty of Medicine of University of Sao Paulo. Patients were randomized to a cardiac output-guided hemodynamic therapy algorithm (GDT group, n=62) or to usual care (n=64). In the GDT arm, a cardiac index of greater than 3 L/min/m2 was targeted with intravenous fluids, inotropes and red blood cell transfusion starting from cardiopulmonary bypass and ending eight hours after arrival to the ICU. Results: The primary outcome was a composite endpoint of 30-day mortality and major postoperative complications. Patients from the GDT group received a greater median (interquartile range) volume of intra-venous fluids than the usual care group [1000 (625 - 1500) vs. 500 (500 - 1000) mL (P<0.001)], with no differences in the administration of either inotropes or red blood cell transfusions. The primary outcome was reduced in the GDT group (27.4 vs. 45.3%, p=0.037). The GDT group had a lower incidence of infection (12.9 vs. 29.7%, P=0.002) and low cardiac output syndrome (6.5 vs. 26.6%, P=0.002). We also observed lower ICU cumulative dosage of dobutamine (12 vs. 19 mg/Kg, P=0.003) and a shorter ICU (3 [3-4] vs. 5 [4-7] days; P < 0.001) and hospital length of stay (9 [8-16] vs. 12 [9-22] days, P=0.049) in the GDT compared to the usual care group. There were no differences in 30-day mortality rates (4.8% vs. 9.4%, respectively; P = 0.492). Conclusions: Goal directed therapy using fluids, inotropes and blood transfusion reduced 30-day major complications in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery

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