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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O tiering de informações e decisões ambientais e a estrutura de planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo / The tiering of environmental information and decisions, and the land-use planning structure

Bircol, Guilherme Augusto Carminato 05 March 2018 (has links)
A criação de políticas públicas possui papel estratégico principalmente em relação aos problemas ambientais de ordem global. No entanto, é preciso que exista a compatibilização entre as políticas locais e nacionais, e destes com os tratados internacionais. Em se tratando das avaliações de impacto, o encadeamento das considerações ambientais de diferentes políticas, planos, em diferentes níveis político-administrativos, é chamado de tiering. Procurando esclarecer quais as condições e fatores que determinam um sistema de tiering efetivo, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar e analisar as variáveis que potencialmente influenciam o encadeamento de informações e decisões ambientais entre os diferentes níveis de planejamento. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Em seguida, com a ajuda metodológica da análise de conteúdo, a informação bruta foi sistematizada e agrupada em diferentes tópicos, levando à criação de uma lista de critérios avaliativos e seus respectivos indicadores de performance. Então, com a finalidade de ilustrar a aplicabilidade, essa lista foi utilizada em dois casos do setor de expansão urbana, sendo um deles no Brasil (cidade de Ribeirão Preto) e o outro na Escócia (cidade de Glasgow). Desse modo, foi possível analisar ambos os sistemas de tiering, apontando similaridades, limitações e especificidades para cada caso. Dentre estas foi possível apontar a fragmentação institucional brasileira em relação ao planejamento sobre o uso do solo, a falta de um planejamento em escala regional e a inclusão apenas residual das considerações ambientais nas políticas, planos e programas (PPPs). Além disso, em relação ao modelo de análise proposto, muito mais do que classificar os estudos de caso e atribuir superioridade ou inferioridade, este serviu de guia dirigido para investigação das diferenças estruturais entre os casos estudados. Mais estudos são necessários para se aumentar o entendimento acerca das diferenças entre sistemas de tiering e para propor novas maneiras de analisar tais sistemas / The creation of public policies has a strategic role in tackling global environmental problems. However, there is a need to reconcile and make compatible local and national policies, and these with international treaties. Regarding, environmental impact assessments, the linking of environmental considerations of different policies, plans, and programs at different political-administrative levels is called tiering. Intending to unravel the conditions and factors that determine an effective tiering system, this research aimed to identify and analyze the variables that potentially influence the flow of environmental information and decisions among the various levels across the planning hierarchy. To achieve this goal, first a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out. Then, with the methodological help of the content analysis, the raw information was systematized and grouped into different topics, leading to the creation of a list of evaluative criteria and their respective performance indicators. In order to demonstrate applicability, this list was used in two cases of the housing and urban expansion sector, one of which in Brazil (city of Ribeirão Preto) and the other in Scotland (city of Glasgow). In this way, it was possible to analyze both tiering systems, pointing out similarities, limitations and specificities for each case. Among these are the Brazilian institutional fragmentation in terms of land-use planning , the lack of the regional tier, and the lack of systematic inclusion of environmental considerations in policies, plans and programs (PPPs) development. Regarding the analysis framework proposed, it served more guidance to unravel the structural differences between the two contexts, than as a way to rank and classify them in terms of superior and inferior. More studies are needed to improve the understanding the differences in tiering systems and to propose new ways of analyzing them

O tiering de informações e decisões ambientais e a estrutura de planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo / The tiering of environmental information and decisions, and the land-use planning structure

Guilherme Augusto Carminato Bircol 05 March 2018 (has links)
A criação de políticas públicas possui papel estratégico principalmente em relação aos problemas ambientais de ordem global. No entanto, é preciso que exista a compatibilização entre as políticas locais e nacionais, e destes com os tratados internacionais. Em se tratando das avaliações de impacto, o encadeamento das considerações ambientais de diferentes políticas, planos, em diferentes níveis político-administrativos, é chamado de tiering. Procurando esclarecer quais as condições e fatores que determinam um sistema de tiering efetivo, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar e analisar as variáveis que potencialmente influenciam o encadeamento de informações e decisões ambientais entre os diferentes níveis de planejamento. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Em seguida, com a ajuda metodológica da análise de conteúdo, a informação bruta foi sistematizada e agrupada em diferentes tópicos, levando à criação de uma lista de critérios avaliativos e seus respectivos indicadores de performance. Então, com a finalidade de ilustrar a aplicabilidade, essa lista foi utilizada em dois casos do setor de expansão urbana, sendo um deles no Brasil (cidade de Ribeirão Preto) e o outro na Escócia (cidade de Glasgow). Desse modo, foi possível analisar ambos os sistemas de tiering, apontando similaridades, limitações e especificidades para cada caso. Dentre estas foi possível apontar a fragmentação institucional brasileira em relação ao planejamento sobre o uso do solo, a falta de um planejamento em escala regional e a inclusão apenas residual das considerações ambientais nas políticas, planos e programas (PPPs). Além disso, em relação ao modelo de análise proposto, muito mais do que classificar os estudos de caso e atribuir superioridade ou inferioridade, este serviu de guia dirigido para investigação das diferenças estruturais entre os casos estudados. Mais estudos são necessários para se aumentar o entendimento acerca das diferenças entre sistemas de tiering e para propor novas maneiras de analisar tais sistemas / The creation of public policies has a strategic role in tackling global environmental problems. However, there is a need to reconcile and make compatible local and national policies, and these with international treaties. Regarding, environmental impact assessments, the linking of environmental considerations of different policies, plans, and programs at different political-administrative levels is called tiering. Intending to unravel the conditions and factors that determine an effective tiering system, this research aimed to identify and analyze the variables that potentially influence the flow of environmental information and decisions among the various levels across the planning hierarchy. To achieve this goal, first a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out. Then, with the methodological help of the content analysis, the raw information was systematized and grouped into different topics, leading to the creation of a list of evaluative criteria and their respective performance indicators. In order to demonstrate applicability, this list was used in two cases of the housing and urban expansion sector, one of which in Brazil (city of Ribeirão Preto) and the other in Scotland (city of Glasgow). In this way, it was possible to analyze both tiering systems, pointing out similarities, limitations and specificities for each case. Among these are the Brazilian institutional fragmentation in terms of land-use planning , the lack of the regional tier, and the lack of systematic inclusion of environmental considerations in policies, plans and programs (PPPs) development. Regarding the analysis framework proposed, it served more guidance to unravel the structural differences between the two contexts, than as a way to rank and classify them in terms of superior and inferior. More studies are needed to improve the understanding the differences in tiering systems and to propose new ways of analyzing them

Empowering Wind Power Development Through Tiering : Investigating the Role of Regional Governance in Värmland / Tiering som en möjliggörande faktor för vindkraftsutbyggnad : En analys av regional styrning vid vindkraftplanering i Värmland

Lundmarck, Patrick January 2023 (has links)
In the light of the on-going climate emergency and energy crisis, wind power has been described as a rapid pathway towards increasing the share of renewable energy as well as electricity production. However, time consuming and complex permitting processes has been a central obstacle for the transition to take place. Municipalities have a strong influence over land use planning in Sweden and despite the urgent need to increase renewable energy production, few wind power projects are permitted.  Previous research has underlined capacity building between local and regional levels as a pathway to strengthen local institutions and stimulate wind power developments. Following Arts et al. definition of ‘tiering’ as the deliberate, organized transfer of information and issues from one level of planning to another, collaboration between different tiers is described as fundamental for successful projects. By analysing data from interviews, documents, and observations, this study has investigated what role collaboration between tiers plays in the Regional Wind Power Analysis in Värmland, and how the project could lead to more effective planning processes for wind power. The results indicate that the Regional Wind Power Analysis can strengthen the planning process for wind power by raising awareness and stimulating knowledge building between important stakeholders, which consequently can make it easier to understand how and potentially where to engage in wind power planning. In line with previous research, the study also illustrates the potential governing role the County Administration Board can play for coordinating projects and building institutional capacity for inter-municipal and inter-regional issues, including wind power. Even though the project has been appreciated, if financial incentives remain scarce, there will not be enough reason to engage in wind power planning locally. / I ljuset av den pågående klimat- och energikrisen har vindkraft lyfts fram som en möjlig väg framåt för att snabbt kunna öka elproduktionen och ställa om till en förnybar energisektor. Trots det så har osäkra tillståndsprocesser blivit ett allt större problem för vindkraftsaktörer, vilket utgör ett tydligt hinder för att bygga fler vindkraftsparker. Kommunerna har med sitt planeringsmonopol ett stort inflytande över markanvändningen i Sverige, och trots behovet av en snabb och grön energiomställning så säger kommunerna allt oftare nej till vindkraft. Tidigare forskning har pekat ut kapacitetsstödjande åtgärder mellan lokal och regional nivå som en möjlig lösning för att bistå kommunerna i vindkraftsärenden och således öka vindkraftsproduktionen.  Med avstamp i Arts et al. definition av tiering som en medveten, organiserad överföring av information och frågor från en planeringsnivå till en annan har samverkan mellan olika nivåer beskrivits som en stöttepelare för lyckade planeringsprojekt. Genom intervju-, dokument och observationsstudier har denna studie undersökt vilken roll samverkan mellan olika planeringsnivåer spelar i den regionala vindkraftsanalysen i Värmland och vidare hur projektet kan främja vindkraftsplanering. Resultatet visar att den regionala vindkraftsanalysen kan stärka planeringen för vindkraft genom att öka medvetenheten och bygga upp en förståelse hos olika aktörer, vilket kan göra det lättare att förstå hur och potentiellt var det är lämpligt att utveckla vindkraft. I linje med tidigare forskning pekar denna studie också ut Länsstyrelsen som en viktig aktör för att leda projekt och bygga institutionell kapacitet där olika aktörer kan samverka för att hantera mellankommunala och regionala frågor, så som vindkraftsärenden. Trots att vindkraftsanalysen kan leda till ökad samverkan och är ett uppskattat projekt, så visar studien att bristen på ekonomiska incitament lokalt leder till få anledningar för kommunerna att vilja engagera sig i vindkraftsutbyggnad.

台灣有線電視收視戶對分級付費制度接受意願之探討 / A study of Taiwan cable TV viewers' willingness to accept the tiering system

傅俊貿, Fu, Chun Mao Unknown Date (has links)
為探討台灣有線電視收視戶對「分級付費制度」之接受意願,本文參考相關文獻,建立台灣有線電視收視戶對「分級付費制度」接受意願的邏輯式模型(logit model),並採用中央通訊社於2000年8月針對台灣有線電視收視戶進行電話訪查之調查資料進行實證分析,先以圖表進行交叉分析,再進行邏輯式迴歸分析,探討消費者人口統計變數(如性別、教育程度等)、收視行為資料(如每日收看有線電視時數、最常收看頻道數等)對「分級付費制度」接受意願之影響程度。依實證結果,男性、教育程度較高、年齡較大、每日收看有線電視時數較低、收看頻道數目較少及目前繳交有線電視費用較高之收視戶,較有意願接受「分級付費制度」。 / To analyze Taiwan cable TV viewers’ willingness to accept the tiering system, this study first attempts to build a theoretical model of cable TV viewers’ willingness to accept the tiering system based on prior related researches. Secondly, this study applies the logit model to estimate cable TV viewers’ willingness to accept the tiering system based on Central News Agency (CNA) 2000 survey data of cable TV viewers. The empirical results show that male viewers are more willing to accept the tiering system than female. Besides, age, education and current monthly cable TV fee have significantly positive impact on cable TV viewers’ willingness to accept the tiering system while daily watching hours and the number of channels viewed have significantly negative impacts.

A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica como ferramenta promotora do encadeamento na Política Estadual de Mudanças Climáticas do Estado de São Paulo - PEMC / The Strategic Environmental Assessment as a promoter of tiering in the São Paulo State Policy on Climate Change - PEMC

Oppermann, Priscila de Almeida 04 September 2017 (has links)
A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) pode ser descrita como um instrumento de caráter pró-ativo que objetiva inserir a variável ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão com enfoque estratégico. No Brasil, a implantação da AAE tem acontecido, principalmente, por motivação das agências multilaterais de desenvolvimento e sem a requerimentos legais em âmbito nacional. Por sua vez, o estado de São Paulo experimenta um contexto inédito para a AAE no Brasil, por meio da Política Estadual de Mudanças Climáticas (PEMC) regulamentada pelo Decreto nº 55.947/2010, que oferece a oportunidade do instrumento ser aplicado em consonância com os aspectos considerados relevantes no campo da Avaliação de Impacto. Dentre as suas premissas está a articulação entre as esferas estratégicas de decisão e de projetos, compatibilizando objetivos de finalidade climática através da AAE (artigo 15, Lei nº 13.798/ 2009). Nesse sentido, o conceito de encadeamento (tiering) ampara a presente investigação no contexto do planejamento estabelecido pela PEMC. Portanto, partindo da premissa de aplicação da AAE na PEMC, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os pontos fortes e fracos do encadeamento de diretrizes da PEMC e da consideração das mudanças climáticas, através dos instrumentos de planejamento do setor de transportes do estado de São Paulo (planos e programas). Os resultados alcançados permitiram apontar que a consideração das mudanças climáticas na PEMC para o setor de transportes ocorre de modo limitado, carecendo, principalmente, de elementos que promovam a adaptação às mudanças climáticas e a conservação da biodiversidade. Verificou-se ainda uma fraca ocorrência do tiering no sistema de planejamento dos transportes, sugerindo que a AAE pode ser utilizada nesse contexto para potencializar a promoção do encadeamento a fim de suprir algumas das lacunas encontradas, como por exemplo através do fortalecimento de mecanismos para o desenvolvimento do monitoramento dos planos e programas, proporcionando o encadeamento das questões chave e o acompanhamento dos indicadores pré-definidos. O trabalho conclui pela necessidade da utilização da AAE como promotora do tiering de ações estratégicas a partir dos objetivos estabelecidos pelas políticas de mudanças climáticas no Brasil e no estado de São Paulo. / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) can be described as a proactive instrument that aims to insert the environmental variable in the strategic decision-making process. In Brazil, SEA implementation has been driven mainly by motivation of the multilateral development agencies and without legal requirements at national level. The State of São Paulo, for its part, experiences an unprecedented context for SEA in Brazil, through the State Policy on Climate Change (PEMC), regulated by Decree 55.947/ 2010, which offers the opportunity of applying the instrument in line with the aspects considered relevant in Impact Assessment field. In this sense, the concept of tiering, in which strategic actions connect between spheres of planning through a cascade effect, supports the present investigation in the context of the planning established by the PEMC. Among its premises, is the articulation between the strategic decision and project areas, making compatible with climatic objectives through SEA (article 15, Law 13788/2009). Therefore, based on the premise of SEA application in PEMC, this research aims to identify and analyze strengths and weaknesses of tiering on PEMC guidelines and consideration of climate change, through transportation planning instruments of the state of São Paulo (plans and programs). The results showed that consideration of climate change in PEMC for the transport sector occurs in a limited way, lacking, mainly, elements that promote adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity. There was also a weak occurrence of tiering in transport planning system, suggesting that SEA can be used in this context to enhance the promotion of linkage in order to fill some of gaps found, for example by strengthening mechanisms for development plans and programs monitoring, providing key issues linkage and pre-defined indicators monitoring. The paper concludes by the need to use SEA as a promoter of strategic actions tiering based on objectives established by climate change policies in Brazil and in state of São Paulo.

A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica como ferramenta promotora do encadeamento na Política Estadual de Mudanças Climáticas do Estado de São Paulo - PEMC / The Strategic Environmental Assessment as a promoter of tiering in the São Paulo State Policy on Climate Change - PEMC

Priscila de Almeida Oppermann 04 September 2017 (has links)
A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) pode ser descrita como um instrumento de caráter pró-ativo que objetiva inserir a variável ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão com enfoque estratégico. No Brasil, a implantação da AAE tem acontecido, principalmente, por motivação das agências multilaterais de desenvolvimento e sem a requerimentos legais em âmbito nacional. Por sua vez, o estado de São Paulo experimenta um contexto inédito para a AAE no Brasil, por meio da Política Estadual de Mudanças Climáticas (PEMC) regulamentada pelo Decreto nº 55.947/2010, que oferece a oportunidade do instrumento ser aplicado em consonância com os aspectos considerados relevantes no campo da Avaliação de Impacto. Dentre as suas premissas está a articulação entre as esferas estratégicas de decisão e de projetos, compatibilizando objetivos de finalidade climática através da AAE (artigo 15, Lei nº 13.798/ 2009). Nesse sentido, o conceito de encadeamento (tiering) ampara a presente investigação no contexto do planejamento estabelecido pela PEMC. Portanto, partindo da premissa de aplicação da AAE na PEMC, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os pontos fortes e fracos do encadeamento de diretrizes da PEMC e da consideração das mudanças climáticas, através dos instrumentos de planejamento do setor de transportes do estado de São Paulo (planos e programas). Os resultados alcançados permitiram apontar que a consideração das mudanças climáticas na PEMC para o setor de transportes ocorre de modo limitado, carecendo, principalmente, de elementos que promovam a adaptação às mudanças climáticas e a conservação da biodiversidade. Verificou-se ainda uma fraca ocorrência do tiering no sistema de planejamento dos transportes, sugerindo que a AAE pode ser utilizada nesse contexto para potencializar a promoção do encadeamento a fim de suprir algumas das lacunas encontradas, como por exemplo através do fortalecimento de mecanismos para o desenvolvimento do monitoramento dos planos e programas, proporcionando o encadeamento das questões chave e o acompanhamento dos indicadores pré-definidos. O trabalho conclui pela necessidade da utilização da AAE como promotora do tiering de ações estratégicas a partir dos objetivos estabelecidos pelas políticas de mudanças climáticas no Brasil e no estado de São Paulo. / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) can be described as a proactive instrument that aims to insert the environmental variable in the strategic decision-making process. In Brazil, SEA implementation has been driven mainly by motivation of the multilateral development agencies and without legal requirements at national level. The State of São Paulo, for its part, experiences an unprecedented context for SEA in Brazil, through the State Policy on Climate Change (PEMC), regulated by Decree 55.947/ 2010, which offers the opportunity of applying the instrument in line with the aspects considered relevant in Impact Assessment field. In this sense, the concept of tiering, in which strategic actions connect between spheres of planning through a cascade effect, supports the present investigation in the context of the planning established by the PEMC. Among its premises, is the articulation between the strategic decision and project areas, making compatible with climatic objectives through SEA (article 15, Law 13788/2009). Therefore, based on the premise of SEA application in PEMC, this research aims to identify and analyze strengths and weaknesses of tiering on PEMC guidelines and consideration of climate change, through transportation planning instruments of the state of São Paulo (plans and programs). The results showed that consideration of climate change in PEMC for the transport sector occurs in a limited way, lacking, mainly, elements that promote adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity. There was also a weak occurrence of tiering in transport planning system, suggesting that SEA can be used in this context to enhance the promotion of linkage in order to fill some of gaps found, for example by strengthening mechanisms for development plans and programs monitoring, providing key issues linkage and pre-defined indicators monitoring. The paper concludes by the need to use SEA as a promoter of strategic actions tiering based on objectives established by climate change policies in Brazil and in state of São Paulo.

Is high-frequency trading a threat to financial stability?

Virgilio, Gianluca January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is: (i) to produce an in-depth data analysis and computer-based simulations of the market environment to investigate whether financial stability is affected by the presence of High-Frequency investors; (ii) to verify how High-Frequency Trading and financial stability interact with each other under non-linear conditions; (iii) whether non-illicit behaviours can still lead to potentially destabilising effects; (iv) to provide quantitative support to the theses, either from the audit trail data or resulting from simulations. Simulations are provided to test whether High-Frequency Trading: (a) has an impact on market volatility, (b) leads to market splitting into two tiers; (c) takes the lion's share of arbitrage opportunities. Audit trail data is analysed to verify some hypotheses on the dynamics of the Flash Crash. The simulation on the impact of High-Frequency Trading on market volatility confirms that when markets are under stress, High-Frequency Trading may cause volatility to significantly increase. However, as the number of ultra-fast participants increases, this phenomenon tends to disappear and volatility realigns to its standard values. The market tiering simulation suggests that High-Frequency traders have some tendency to deal with each other, and that causes Low-Frequency traders also to deal with other slow traders, albeit at a lesser extent. This is also a kind of market instability. High-Frequency Trading potentially allows a few fast traders to grab all the arbitrage-led profits, so falsifying the Efficient Market Hypothesis. This phenomenon may disappear as more High-Frequency traders enter the competition, leading to declining profits. Yet, the whole matter seems a dispute for abnormal gains only between few sub-second traders. All simulations have been carefully designed to provide robust results: the behaviours simulated have been drawn from existing literature and the simplifying assumptions have been kept to a minimum. This maximises the reliability of the results and minimizes the potential of bias. Finally, from the data analysis, the impact of High-Frequency Trading on the Flash Crash seems significant; other sudden crashes occurred since, and more can be expected over the next future. Overall, it can be concluded that High-Frequency Trading shows some controversial aspects impacting on financial stability. The results are at a certain extent confirmed by the audit trail data analysis, although only indirectly, since the details allowing the match between High-Frequency traders and their behaviour are confidential and not publicly available Nevertheless, the findings about HFT-induced volatility, market segmentation and sub-optimal market efficiency, albeit not definitive, suggest that careful monitoring by regulators and policy-makers might be required.

Optimizing Main Memory Usage in Modern Computing Systems to Improve Overall System Performance

Campello, Daniel Jose 20 June 2016 (has links)
Operating Systems use fast, CPU-addressable main memory to maintain an application’s temporary data as anonymous data and to cache copies of persistent data stored in slower block-based storage devices. However, the use of this faster memory comes at a high cost. Therefore, several techniques have been implemented to use main memory more efficiently in the literature. In this dissertation we introduce three distinct approaches to improve overall system performance by optimizing main memory usage. First, DRAM and host-side caching of file system data are used for speeding up virtual machine performance in today’s virtualized data centers. The clustering of VM images that share identical pages, coupled with data deduplication, has the potential to optimize main memory usage, since it provides more opportunity for sharing resources across processes and across different VMs. In our first approach, we study the use of content and semantic similarity metrics and a new algorithm to cluster VM images and place them in hosts where through deduplication we improve main memory usage. Second, while careful VM placement can improve memory usage by eliminating duplicate data, caches in current systems employ complex machinery to manage the cached data. Writing data to a page not present in the file system page cache causes the operating system to synchronously fetch the page into memory, blocking the writing process. In this thesis, we address this limitation with a new approach to managing page writes involving buffering the written data elsewhere in memory and unblocking the writing process immediately. This buffering allows the system to service file writes faster and with less memory resources. In our last approach, we investigate the use of emerging byte-addressable persistent memory technology to extend main memory as a less costly alternative to exclusively using expensive DRAM. We motivate and build a tiered memory system wherein persistent memory and DRAM co-exist and provide improved application performance at lower cost and power consumption with the goal of placing the right data in the right memory tier at the right time. The proposed approach seamlessly performs page migration across memory tiers as access patterns change and/or to handle tier memory pressure.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade : A qualitative case study of the impact of Covid-19 in international supplier selection amongst Swedish companies

Djerf, Emelie, Hoxha, Leonita January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19 has impacted the international business environment on a large scale. Nonetheless, the pandemic has brought shutdowns and lockdowns, which has caused disruption and a decline in supplies. Implementing risk management in supplier selection strategy has been argued to be critical in managing disruption during Covid-19. Henceforth, the research purpose is to explore In order to provide a profound foundation for the topic, the thesis will be utilised with a qualitative approach. The data collection is derived from semi- structured interviews, which enables comprehensive data and is further used based on the literature review. The analysis of the thesis presents the vital changes necessary in the supplier selection strategy derived from the disruption caused by Covid-19. Conclusively, the thesis finalises how a risk- oriented supplier selection strategy has emerged for the company to meet future challenges. Thus, the authors interpreted it to align with the statement, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade".

有線電視分組付費可能實施方式之研究 / The Research of Possible Executive Ways of CATV Channel Tiering

林軒如, Lin, Hsuan-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有線電視早期因業者惡性競爭,採大量增加頻道、降價促銷方式爭取訂戶,形成獨特的「大碗公」收視文化,民眾支付六百元月租費,即可收看約一百個基本頻道。有線電視頻道雖多,但消費者事實上無力收視,卻仍需為其付費,同時無法選擇符合個人需求的頻道內容。在「大碗公」收視文化下,消費者收視權益難以保障,頻譜無法有效利用則造成社會資源浪費。 近年來消費者意識抬頭,反應希望收看較少的頻道並支付較少費用;為回應消費者擇其所好之收視需求,政府方面提倡實施「分組付費制度」。分組付費制度可落實使用者付費觀念,有助於業者提高市場運作績效、杜絕私接戶,並可保護青少兒收視環境。 過去業者曾經實施分級付費,然而並不成功;其後,政府方面亦提出數種分組付費模式,但截至目前各界仍未達成共識。分組付費立意良善,未能推動實為可惜,因此研究者針對產、官、學進行深度訪談,探討分組付費過去失敗因素、目前面臨問題、各界對分組付費之態度,試圖匯整不同意見,探討分組付費未來可能實施之方式。 研究結果發現,現階段分組付費面臨諸多問題。「大碗公」收視文化使消費者欠缺「使用者付費」精神;加上消費者對於目前有線電視滿意度頗高,推動新制動力不足。此外數位機上盒裝機意願低,亦影響分組付費之推動。業者方面,分組付費將使系統業者收視費之收益降低、購片成本提高;頻道業者廣告收益大幅減少,宣傳行銷成本上升,因此業者反對實施。政府方面認為現階段推動分組付費確有一定困難,但為維護消費者收視權益,未來仍應繼續推動。學者專家則呈現市場開放與加強管制的兩極意見。 雖然分組付費議題目前仍然缺乏共識,但研究者由研究過程中釐清現階段分組付費面臨問題,可供未來研究者針對問題擬定解決方案。研究者亦發現,分組付費並非孤立之政策,其與產業結構、數位化…等議題息息相關,建議未來可由結構面進行探討,同時思考有線電視數位化、相關法規之研議修訂…等議題。此外,為促使有線電視費率合理化,建議相關單位積極輔導其他媒體平台,促成市場公平競爭機制,並擬定具體之數位化政策,提供有線電視業者誘因與獎勵,以較有彈性的角度來思考分組付費問題。 / Because of the serious competition, during early developing time, Taiwan’s CATV system operators provided lots of channels and greatly lowered the CATV price to promote channel services. This promotion strategy has run for years and formed a very unique CATV environment in Taiwan. CATV consumers only have to pay NTD. 600 per month, then they can watch about 100 basic channels nowadays. Although CATV consumers can watch so many channels, they don’t really have so much time watching them all but still have to pay for them. Besides, the CATV bundling price doesn’t allow consumers to choose the channels they really need and want. On the social resource perspective, the CATV bundling pricing strategy keeps CATV channels from being used effectively and brings a waste. In recent years, consumers’ awareness of their rights is getting stronger. Consumers begin to find out the possibilities of paying fewer CATV price and watch fewer channels. In order to respond to the need of consumers, the government advocated CATV channel tiering policy. Channel tiering brings several advantages: consumers can be more active and own more choices; the CATV industry can work more effectively and system operators can prevent those who access CATV services illegally. Also, the advanced technology and hardware of channel tiering can prevent juveniles from watching inappropriate CATV programs. In the past, some CATV system operators tried to implement channel tiering, but it was not successful. The government also advocated several kinds of channel tiering models, but until now, there is still no consensus. CATV channel tiering is basically a good policy for consumers, and it’s a pity that this policy can’t be successfully execute. Therefore, by in-depth interview, the researcher of this study collects opinions from managers of CATV industry, government members and professors to discuss the failure reasons of channel tiering, the problems of execute channel tiering nowadays and different attitude toward this issue. Furthermore, the researcher tries to integrate different opinions to find out possible executive ways of channel tiering in the future. According to the research findings, CATV channel tiering faces many complicated problems now. First, because of the “bowling CATV culture”, Taiwan’s CATV consumers lack for the spirit of “user-payer” principle. Besides, they are pretty satisfied with the CATV services now and have no intention to push a new policy. Furthermore, consumers’ intentions to order digital CATV services and the distribution of DSTB are pretty low, and this situation barriers to the implementation of channel tiering, too. As to the CATV industry, the implementation will affect both CATV systems and channels, so the CATV industry objects to this policy. In order to preserve the rights of consumers, the government members hold that CATV channel tiering policy should execute in the future although it faces many difficulties now. They suggest the government should find an appropriate way and keep pushing this policy. The opinions from professors are very divergent. Some consider that the government should open the CATV market and give the industry more freedom, but some consider that the government should regulate more strictly. Although there is still no consensus on CATV channel tiering, the researcher has some findings during the research process. CATV channel tiering is a very complicated policy which relates to lots of other policies, laws and issues. Therefore, the researcher advices that the channel tiering issue should be considered together with other issues like digital policies, the problems of CATV industry structure and so on. Furthermore, in order to make the CATV service price more reasonable, the government should encourage more medium to provide services equivalent to CATV channel services, give consumers more choices, and build an equally competitive market. To summarize, the research advices that channel tiering issue is not a single policy and we should rethink it in a more flexible way.

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